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Max and Marie Kenton

0 · 317 views · located in Milwaukee, WI

a character in “The Broadcast”, as played by The_Fallen_Ones


Full Name: Max Josh Kenton
Nickname: Just Max...
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Role: Max is a Immune Carrier, but his twin, she's Immune
Personality: Max is super caring. He is like a tiny little teddy bear. He has a strong over powering attitude for such a small kid, but he is able to die it down when he first meets people. Kindness is something he was born using, but he has times where he is terribly rude. He always makes sure that he gets his opinion out, and listens to other peoples too. He understands that everyone has their own opinion, and makes sure not to judge before finding them out. Everyone has their story for why they think what they think, and that's what he's interested in. Everyone can be who they are as long as they aren't rude about it.


Max may seem relaxed and lazy, but it would also be obvious to a perceptive person that he’s alert and ready to act. He likes to pretend that he’s rude and sarcastic at times, but then he’ll readily do things for you if you ask. He moves like he has all day to do something, seeming lazy and unmotivated but when it really counts, he’s frighteningly fast. No warning, no hesitation, when action needs to be taken, he goes for it. His humor is dry and sarcastic in such a subtle way that it’s hard to pick up on unless you’ve been exposed to it a couple of times. His humorous comments come with a completely straight face, and no matter how absurd some of them may seem, it’s hard to discern if he’s really joking, unless you’re just good at that kind of thing. He’s confident, even arrogant sometimes, but doesn’t have much pride, though he likes to pretend he does.
But Max would give his life for his twin.

Weapon: He found a gun in their fathers room before they left, he and his sister have matching guns, and enough ammo to last them a week if they stay away from the big monsters..

Inventory: Max carries a spider man back pack with food,water and their ammo, his sister carries a mini pink back pack with a change of clothes for each of them, and a small first aid kit they have no idea how to use.


Skills: Max's dad was a boxer, so he taught Max everything he knew. Max can fight when it comes down to it, and him and his sister are very fast.
History: Max and Marie's mother left them when they were only four, Marie looked so much like her mother it was painful for their father, but he loved the twins fully and loved to show them how to fight.


Theme Song(s):



Theme Songs: Your gonna go far kid

Show me how to lie
You're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one
Is an art that's hard to teach
Another clever word
Sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back into line
A mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance
Man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Slowly out of line
And drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I'm wide awake
It's a scene about me
There's something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can't get what you want
Well it's all because of me
Now dance, fucker, dance
Man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you'll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid
Trust, deceived!

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Now dance, fucker, dance
He never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

So dance, fucker, dance
I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Clever alibis
Lord of the flies
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives



Full Name: Marie Jane Kenton
Nickname: Sometimes her brother calls her Mar and her father used to call her Janie.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Role: Immune, unlike her twin..

Personality: Marie is one of the bubbliest, craziest kind of person you will ever meet. She loves laughing and smiling, or making others do it too. She can't help but be crazy and goofy almost all the time, being light on her toes and bouncy. Despite her age through, sometimes she can act like a teenager and be so harsh she cusses. She is almost always happy through, and it is hard to find her at a time where she isn't bouncing around. But even though she is so happy and hyper, she understands serious conversations and can become serious and commanding instantly, helping her brother when needed. She is good at calming situations and making new friends. She keeps a positive attitude and is helps people feel better about any situation or problem.
Even through of all that's going on, Marie acts like she doesn't care her brother and her might die, or that her father had turned into one of those think saving them and was now walking around wanting to eat them. She act's like she dosn't care, but really at night she cry's and has nightmares and is just plain sad.

Weapon: Her and her brother have matching guns from their fathers room...


Inventory: Marie carries a mini pink back pack with a change of clothes for each of them, and a small first aid kit they have no idea how to use.


Skills: Marie cant Box like her brother Max, but she is very flexible and can do flips and run very fast. She also is like a little monkey, she can climb.
History: Ask her brother...Marie doesn't like the past..


Other: [ Did I miss anything? ]


Theme Songs: Nobody's home

Well I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.

What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.

She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah

So begins...

Max and Marie Kenton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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☤ Violet Fairbanks ☤
Location: Small town motel | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

Several things happened at once. First, Penfold pulled a small Asian girl into the van and had her climb in back. She looked at the girl with mild shock and watched her try to catch her breath. Then, Penfold pulled himself out on top of the moving van and started hacking infected as they drove. Violet sighed and silently prayed that he didn't get hurt. What was wrong with her? First, she'd volunteered to form this little group, then, she'd allowed herself to trust them, mostly anyway, and now she was both praying and hoping for them not to get hurt? She'd never cared for anyone but herself and Heather and she definitely not religious.

A moment later, Wayne radioed them that he'd found a motel on the edge of town and Violet nearly shrieked with happiness, though she managed to control herself. She waited as Jenn pulled off and found the motel before climbing out and stretching out her body deliciously. It was wonderful to be out of that crowded van. More than wonderful. Perfect.

After a quick search for potential danger, Wayne came back and announced that there were two beds in every room and they could either bunk with someone or go solo. Vi clasped Heather on the shoulder. "We'll share a bed if someone wants to bunk with us." She said. She really didn't like the idea, but she would love to have someone other than her and Heather in the room. If something went down, it would only mean more protection for Heather. Quite frankly, she didn't give a shit about herself. As long as Bee made it out of this alright. If her little sister made it to Dellwood, maybe Vi could try and salvage what was left of the girls childhood.

At her words, Bee immedietly pulled away from her and went to Blair. "Can you bunk with us? Pleeeeeeeease." She heard her sister beg, almost whine, and Vi looked at the beautiful brunette. How could someone manage to look like a supermodel in all this mess? Nonetheless, Violet was happy that Bee had picked Blair to befriend. The girl seemed to be around the same age as her and, maybe a bit softer, but capable of handling herself. If Violet had been a normal girl, she suspected the two of them would have probably been friends at one point. She smiled at Blair the best she could. "I'm down with that if you are." She said simply.

Then, Wayne came over and handed Heather a couple pieces of candy, making Violet smile. The fastest way to earn her trust and loyalty was to be nice to Heather first. You could sweet talk Violet all you wanted, she didn't give a damn, but when it came to her sister, if you were kind to her, you were bound to earn her trust. It was the fastest way to get to her. "Once you get settled, come see me please. I have plenty of food for everyone." He said directly to her and she nodded, hefting her bag on her shoulder.

Then Blair walked up to her just as a big commotion over Penfold's wound kicked up. Violet figured she could have helped, but she'd never really been good with medical. The most she could have done was hand Wayne supplies or get in the way. So she just hung back and looked at Blair as she talked."Um..hey, I'm Blair..I was wondering if you wanted to come with her to see if they have any other means of..well driving in this town, I don't know about you, but I don't like small spaces and that van makes me queasy." That made Violet smile. For real.

"Hell yeah." She laughed lightly. "I was thinking the same exact thing."

Just then, Wayne came running out of the room looking exhausted. "I'll help you find bikes. I saw a place on my way in." He said and Vi started to nod in thanks before he hit the ground, out cold.

Seconds later, Jenn was screaming for all of them to help carry him to a room and Vi looked at Blair. "Rain check on those bikes for a minute." She said and helped Jenn carry Wayne to safety. Somewhere, in all the commotion, Heather got lost, but Vi spotted her heading out to the parking lot. Probably checking cars for supplies and gas. That's my girl. S

When everything had settled a bit more, Violet came back out to Blair. "Ready to go find something to ride?" She asked with a smile.

☣ Heather Fairbanks ☣
Location: Small town motel | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

Heather smiled at Wayne when he handed her the M&M's and Hershey's bar. "It's not much dear, but I was hoping you would like it." He said to her with a smile. She took them gratefully and watched as a sad expression came over his face and her started to pull away.

But Heather didn't let him. Instead, she ran up to him and squeezed him tightly around the waist. "I do like it!" She said cheerfully and looked up at him. "Thank you." Candy was like gold in this new apocalyptic world, and the fact that he'd chosen to give it to her, made her practically giddy. They like me. She thought to herself. She was worried that they'd all think she was nothing but dead weight. That they'd have to baby her and she would slow them down.

Instead, they gave her candy. Sadly, she realized that this rag tag group of suvivors that she'd known for less than a full day was the closest thing to a full family she'd ever had. She chuckled to herself. When you start to think of strangers as family, you know your life is shitty. She thought with a smirk as she pulled away from Wayne and turned back towards Vi.

But suddenly, there was commotion. Medical stuff that Heather would only get in the way of. So, instead, she cracked open her M&M's and leaned back on one hip, popping a few in her mouth, looking around the hotel. Checking the cars for gas would probably be a good idea, but she really didn't feel like good ideas right now.

Movement caught her eye and Heather froze, watching a couple of- wait, were those... kids?- scale the side of the building and climb down. They couldn't have been much older than her. Shaking her head, shocked, Heather looked at the others. No one seemed to notice. They were all too busy working on Penfold and Wayne.

With a sigh, she decided to take matters into her own hands and headed straight for the car she'd seen them duck behind. She decided not to take out her gun, but kept it in easy reach just in case. They were just kids, like her, but that didn't mean they wouldn't kill her. In fact, they'd probably be more likely to kill her than one of the adults. There's no way two little kids like that had lived this long and not killed anyone or anything.

Rounding the car, she stopped, finding the two crouched there. They looked to be the same age, and had the same features, but it was tough to tell from behind. Siblings. She thought, and then they turned towards her and she dropped that thought immedietly. No, more than that. Twins.

"I'm Heather." She said, attempting a cheerful tone. "You can call me Bee." She saw the two of them starring at her M&M's. "M&M's?" She offered, holding out the bag with as pleasant a smile she could manage without being downright creepy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton
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#, as written by Beaux
Wayne looked down at the little man and gave his best smile. Pleasure to meet you both, i'm seargeant Wayne. He said in a plain voice. He looked down at the bright little girl and knelt down, Well hi to you to. He said smiling. Looks like you could use a little candy also. He stood up and grinned. He looked down at little bit and gently ruffled her hair, I know we've been travleing together for a bit, but I missed your name. She told him her name and the reason why she didn't like it. He just smiled and shook his head. I'll just call you little bit then. He turned with around and walked back to the other's with the kids. He layed his hands on their shoulder's and introduced them. This is Max and Marie everyone. He left them with Little bit and walked over to Hayley while she barked out orders. He leaned up against the wall and smiled as he watched her.I'll take shift also. Wayne looked around for Blair and Violet, but couldn't spot them. He stood up off the wall and walked out into the parking lot. He saw the two girls walking down the road. Wayne shook his head and walked over to his bike. He straddled the bike and pulled the gauze off of his head. Sorry Jen, but I need both eyes. He mumbled and started the Ducati. He pulled out of the parking lot and caught up with the two girls. Excuse me Miss's but I believe your walking in the wrong direction. He motorcycle shop it that way. He said and pointed to left grinning. If you don't mind though, I could give ya both a ride. He said and waited while the mounted the bike. He turned the bike around and started towards the shop. He didn't speed, but he didn't drive slow either. It was hard to ride a bike with three people. He made a right down the next street and then another left and came up on the shop. He pulled up in the front and left the bike running. They all piled off and walked in the shop. Wayne pulled a pistol off his hip and entered first. We have to hurry. It'll be dark soon. He warned and started to check the shop. They had some pretty sweet bikes in the shop, but they were all bulky. He walked through the double doors to the back garage and found two sweet bikes. He whistled for Blaire and Violet to come check them out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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☤ Violet Fairbanks ☤
Location: Motorcycle Shop | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

Violet was only half paying attention to Blair, the other half of her attention was on Heather, off talking to a couple of little kids. More survivors. Silently, she wondered how little kids had survived on their own. Heather would have never made it without her. "I guess..we should walk." Blair said, snapping her back to reality and Violet nodded.

"Oh, what? Yeah." She smiled and looked at the road. "If we took the van, there'd be no way for us to get the van and the bikes back." She shrugged and looked at Hayley. She seemed like a nice girl. "Alright." Violet said, pulling up her long blonde hair into a loose ponytail and tying it off. "Hayley, I'm leaving you in charge of Heather while I'm gone. She should be fine, but if she's trouble, go ahead and kick her ass." Violet gave her a slight laugh and sighed. "And if anything happens to her, I'm going to have to kick your ass."

And with that, she dropped her hands from her hair, grabbed her gun, and started walking down the road with Blair at her side. "I'm not very people friendly, if you haven't noticed." She said as they walked with a smirk in her voice.

Behind them, Vi could hear Hayley shouting and Jenn talking, though they were a bit far to hear exactly what was going on. Silently, she wondered if they'd missed anything important, but shrugged it off. If they had, they would tell them when they got back. "Bee likes you." She said, and was about to continue when a loud rumbling came from behind them and a cloud of dust blew up around them.

When the dirt settled, Violet was covered in it and she grimaced. "Suddenly, I'm really happy we stopped. I'm going to need that shower." She grumbled and looked up to see Wayne there, on his bike. "Excuse me Miss's but I believe your walking in the wrong direction. He motorcycle shop it that way." He said and pointed to left grinning. "If you don't mind though, I could give ya both a ride."

Violet shrugged. "Mr. Hero to the rescue again." She laughed rather sarcastically. "Is there anything you don't do? Save kittens from trees maybe?" Despite the joke, Violet nodded and slid on the bike behind him, Blair behind her. She doubted there were supposed to be three on the thing, but they were really only going a short distance so it didn't matter.

Once there, Wayne cut the engine and she hopped off, grasping her pistol in both hands, out in front of her. "We have to hurry. It'll be dark soon." She nodded once in agreement. He was right, it would be dark soon, and she didn't like the idea of Heather alone. Even if she really wasn't alone, this was the first time since the outbreak that Vi had been separated from her for more than a minute.

"Right. I want to get back ASAP anyway." She whispered lightly and made her way slowly forward into the shop, flashlight fastened to the top of her gun grazing over the bikes. "Too big and bulky. All that chrome and shit really isn't necessary." She stated.

Wayne had moved up ahead of them, and a moment later, Violet heard his whistle. She followed him and found that he'd spotted a couple of great motorcycles. Not too big, and not too small. They were sleek and looked like they'd move fast. Violet litterally knew nothing about motorcycles besides how to ride them, so she just nodded and checked the label. She whistled at the price and laughed lightly. "And this is why I've never had one of these things." She said with a smirk and nodded to Wayne. "They're great. Let me go get the keys."

Violet made her way back to the counter and found where she shop owner kept the keys to the bikes. Most were missing, but the ones to the two Wayne had found were hanging right where they should be. Violet smiled and snatched them up, heading back to Blair and Wayne.

She tossed one set of keys to Blair and jingled the other set in her hand, making her way towards the black one. She shined her light on it and found that the black color seemed to shimmer iridescent in the light. Again, she whistled as she slid onto it, straddling the bike. "Sweet." She said with a genuine mischievous grin. "I had a boyfriend once who had one of these babies. Gave me a few driving lessons." She started it up. "Let's see if what he taught me stuck." She said with a smirk.

☣ Heather Fairbanks ☣
Location: Small town motel | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

"I'm Marie, and that's Max, the over protective goof that's still kneeling beside a old car." Heather nodded, looking towards the boy. They looked older than her, but not by too much. Two or three years maybe. "I am not a goof." The boy protested and Heather smiled in amusement. "Nice to meet ya, err...that group your with....are they" He asked and she glanced at the group before back at them.

"What them? Naw, they may look tough and all that shit, but they're really a bunch of kid-lovers." She laughed lightly and held up the M&M's, the Hershey's bar, and patted her pocket where there was another bag of M&M's from Blair. "They gave me a ton of candy." She glanced at the group again, realizing her sister was missing. "My sister's not in there, but really, I'd say she'd the only one you'd have to watch out for. She's kinda...." Heather looked for the right word. "Snappy sometimes." She smiled at the two.

A hand came down on her shoulder and she grinned up at Wayne. She listened to him introduce himself, then he steered them over to the group, who was now sitting around a bag of canned foods eating and talking, and introduced them to them. Heather looked at the two, then at Jenny, who was starting to talk. "New girl and kids, as an official american police sergeant, I name myself your legal guardian until we reach Dellwood. I swear to protect you with all means possible." Heather caught her smile, but crossed her arms over her chest and knit her brow. "It just means you ride in the car with me, and tell me where you go, and if anything is bothering you."

"No offence officer," Heather said. "But, my sister is my legal guardian" She grinned and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, sitting down next to her and grabbing a can. "Thank you so much for all of you help though. Without you, we'd still be stuck in that bar." She gave the woman a tiny kiss on the cheek and used her knife to cut open a can of corn casserole. Finally, things were starting to look up. Hayley was right. She was sick and tired of everyone looking miserable. Even herself. She glanced at the others while she ate.

Maybe things would be okay. The thought lifted her spirits a little as she ran her fingers through dirty blonde hair and leaned back on one arm to sip her casserole like it was a delicacy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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Hayley sat against the wall. She as well was tired of running around all day especially since she has basically had a nonstop adrenaline rush with Wayne the whole time. She was tired and a wee bit hungry since the only thing she had had was a two slices of her jerky this morning about an hour before she got rescued by Wayne. She watched as Wayne brought the two new youngsters with the little girl Heather. He introduced the two children as Max and Marie and they were just about the two cutest kids she'd seen besides Heather. She stood up slowly and and leaned against the wall. She grinned at them and waved at him. "Hello I'm Hayley. Would any of you like some food? There's plenty for everyone." She smiled pointed to the bag full of cans of food. She smiled and picked up a can of beans. She walked over and handed one to the small children. She sat back against the wall and Wayne joined her and smiled down at her leaning against the wall. He said he would take the same shift as her. She grinned happily up at him. She was happy that he was willing to stay be her side and help her. "Awh thank you Wayne." She didn't want him helping her though. Hayley thought that he needed his own sleep and not to be staying up potentially getting even more hurt by more infected souls. She watched as Wayne got on his motorcycle and drove away with Vi and Blair to somewhere else. Hayley watched a bit worried about Wayne and them. She didn't like not being there with them, she didn't like not being able to know if they were in trouble or safe. Hayley just waited tiredly outside for them all to return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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#, as written by Beaux
He smiled as she devoured the food and laughed when she fed him. He grinned while he chewed his food and nudged her with his hips. He smiled as she spoke and nodded his head in agreement. That would be very nice. He said and led her over to the moltel. They sat up against a pillar and he wrapped his arm around her and let her finish her meal. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. She laid her head on his shoulder and he listened until he heard her breathing slow. He looked over at her and saw that she was fast asleep. He smiled and shook his head. He gently lifted her up and carried him into their room. He layed her in the bed and slipped her boots off. He pulled the sheets up to her neck and quitely walked back outside. He looked back in and smiled as he shut the door. He leaned against a pillar and pulled a cigarette from behind his ear. He puffed on the cigarette and played with the holster on his hip. He pushed himself off the pillar are started to walk around the moltel. He thought to himself and enjoyed the break from all the action. Wayne took up guard duty for the rest of the night and let everyone sleep.

Wayne walked around to every one's room and woke them when the sun came up. Wakey, Wakey everyone! Rise and shine! He hollered and knocked on their doors. He unloaded the metal sheets he had found and hoisted them on top of the van. He pulled himself up top of the van and went to work hammering the sheets on. He whistled a classical tune to him self and wiped his forehead of sweat. Finally satisfied of the outcome, Wayne hopped off the van and quietly slipped inside his room. He looked at Jen and Penfold fast asleep and glanced over at Hayley. It looked as if she was sound asleep, but he couldn't quite tell. He turned his back to her a unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it to the floor. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it down as well. He walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. He hung his belt and pistols on the door and stripped the rest of the way. He climbed in the shower.and sighed as the hot water hit his back. He scrubbed the grime and filth off of him and reached for a towel on the back of the toilet. He wrapped it around his waist and stepped out. He stood in the mirror and looked at himself. He had many scars and the stood out against his tan skin. He grabbed his BDU's and tossed his white shirt in the trash. He fished a clean one out of his pack and gother dressed. He tucked his shirt & jacket in as he strapped his pistols back on and snapped his belt around his waist. He walked back outside, leaving the door open and straddled his bike backwards. He leaned back against the handle bars and lit another smoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton
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As Hayley finished her meal, she felt the sensation of sleepiness creep up on her. She was suddenly asleep and then got half awake and got the odd feeling she was being carried somewhere. The next thing she knew was she woke up to Wayne saying softly, "Wakey, wakey. Time to get up." She smiled and opened an eye looking up at him. He smiled at her and left to wake everyone else.

Hayley decided that she really needed a shower. Besides when was she going to get the opportunity to get a real peaceful shower in the future from now. Hayley slid her jeans off and unbuttoned her red plaid shirt. She saw her boots were already off and she figured that Wayne had brought her to bed and tucked her in. 'Ok I honestly have to thank this guy somehow.' She thought to herself. She took off her tank top and put it in the pile with her pants and shirt. And walked into the bathroom. It was already wet and she chuckled quietly to herself as she remembered hearing the faint sound of water running and thought that it was rain. She took of her bra and panties and stepped into the cold yet refreshing water. She looked at the motel complimentary soups and washed her hair thoroughly through. She then washed her face and her whole body letting the suds of soup cleanse her filthy and tattered exhausted body.

When she was finished she towel dried her hair and that made it curlier than it would have been. But anyways she dried off her skin and put her bra and panties back on. She walked over to her bed and heard Wayne doing something outside. She took a new tank top on and her second pair of pants on. She decided to wash her pants in the shower and then let them dry in the sun. She had also rubbed them down as best she could with her dampish towel to help speed up the process. She buttoned up her shirt and brushed her hair with her fingers making it presentable enough.

She grabbed her baggy of jerky and went out to Wayne. She saw him taking a smoke on his motorcycle and went over to him. She smiled and got on his bike with him. She straddled the bike sitting on it and facing forward right in front of Wayne. She grinned and laughed a little. "Hey Wayne guess what. I have some dried venison if anyone would like some fresh real meat? It's pretty good, and I should know I hunted and made it myself. And there's enough for everyone to have a strip of the stuff. Ya know a somewhat normal breakfast." She smiled and handed him the bag. "Ya know it's the least I can do since you've been taking such good care of me. And you may deal it out to everyone too." She smiled happily and looked at Wayne.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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0.00 INK

Jen blinked a couple of times in confusion as Heather kissed her cheek "Oh, I didn't mean you sweetie, I know your sister is with us" she scratched her forehead "I meant the one Pen pulled into the car" she had decided to call him Pen, he called her Jenni. She realized she was probably a little confused, she hadn't slept for several days, just popped Ritalins to stay awake. She had to find the little Asian girl later on.

She managed a smile, but released Pens arm when he pointed it out, watching concerned as he struggled with his arm, she felt terrible for him. She got a soft smile on her face at Max who told her he had a dad "As long as Wayne is okay with it, we are equally ranked, and so I have no say in that" she smiled and held out her hand to salute the young boy. She then smiled at the Maria "and as your temporary legal guardian, I command you to get some food, water and sleep" she smiled.

As people started clearing out of the room and Penfold threw the blanked over them, and offered to stay, she pulled him down next to her on the bed, snuggling close to him "You're welcome to be the big spoon if you like" she muttered, already drifting off into sleep.

It seemed like she had just drifted of as she heard Wayne go wake up rounds. Had the idiot actually been up all night? She moaned in discomfort, rubbing her face and blinking at the sharp daylight. She could have slept for a week! She sat up in the bed, blushing horrendously as she realized she had cuddled herself up to Penfold, poor guy. He didn't seem to mind though, and she assumed he was pretty laid back as he started changing clothes in front of her. She went over and helped him as much as he let her, and couldn't but smile, men should be like him, big and strong.

As he left her, blushing red at the compliment, she checked her face in the mirror. She desperately wanted to shower, but that would be an easy way to get infected. She brushed her fingers through her hair, and splashed some air freshener on herself in lack of clean clothes, and went over to the kitchen where she found Penfold and the girl she needed to talk to. She couldn't help but let a hand stroke over her stomach. Her own daughter would have been seven that year, maybe standing next to her father and making breakfast... Looking back, she was glad that wasn't how it was, she was glad for every kid that didn't have to experience the shit going on in the world now. She walked over to Dani, and held out her hand to great "Hi! I'm sergeant Jenifer Aileen Johnson. I assume you are under age, and by the federal law in emergencies, that makes me, or if you prefer any other equally military or officially ranked personnel, your legal guardian. You will rapport to me about any needs or trouble you have, and will swear to protect you to the extent of my abilities until we reached our destination" she eventually cracked up in a smile "also, good morning"

She let an arm brush over Penfolds back as she passed him, starting to raid the cupboards and cabinets for food, and sat in a scream of instant, total, and utter glee "COFFEEEE!" she guessed everyone at the motel could hear her, she didn't care, not one bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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#, as written by Beaux
Wayne smiled as Hayley straddled his legs and he crushed the cigarette out beside him. He could tell she had just taken a shower by her damp her so he cracked on her. It's about time you showered. He chuckled and winked at her. He took the bag of jerky when she handed it to him and looked at it and smiled. I told you Hay. You owe me nothing and I'm sure everyone would love a piece. He leaned up and kissed her forehead and picked her up so he could slide off the bike. He set her back on it and gave her a little hug. He gently crinkled her hair and smiled, you do smell good. He walked back into the holtel room and left his pack by the motorcycle. He gently clapped Jenn on her arm and handed her a piece of the fresh deer meat. He looked over at Penfold and a uncertain look crossed his face. I'm sorry about you hand mate. It's just what I was taught. He handed him a long piece of the meat and left the room. He walked down to Blarie and Violet's room, Good morning ladies. He handed them each a piece of the meat. He crinkled little bits hair. He gently nudged her face and went down to the other kids room. He handed each of the a piece and pulled a hershey's out of his jacket pocket. He handed it to the little girl and rubbed her hair. He walked back out to his motorcycle and handed the bag to Hayley when the little boy Max came running out. He ran up to Wayne and grabbed his sleeve. I don't want to ride in the van, he quitley hollered, I want to ride with you! Wayne looked at Hayley and knelt down beside the boy. Wayne put his hand on the boys shoulder and looked at him with a sincere look on his face. I would love to let you ride with me. He started to say and glanced up at Hayley. He looked down at Max, But I need your help.We have three little girls with us now and I need a big, strong young man to help protect them. He drug his pack over to him and started to dig in it. He pulled out a belt and snapped it around the boys waist. He tightened it up and set two knives in the front of it. He took his Marine Corps ring off his hand and found a string and made a necklace; He slipped it over the boys head. These are for you soldier. I want you to protect those girls no matter what. He said and stood up. I promise I'll let you ride with me sometime soon, untill then soldier. He looked down at Max and snapped him a salute. He smiled and let his hand fall and ruffled the boys hair. I expect great things from you, son.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton Character Portrait: Dani Kim Character Portrait: Peter "Penfold" Berry
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Penfold
penfold flinched at the scream and raised a brow to jenni then chuckled "i take it you like coffee then?" he then looked to the small asian girl and patted her shoulder "its fine chances are there is no electricty so the fridges probably have been off a while, ive had rubbish warm bacon....its not nice"he smiled to the kid and offered the child a biscuit giving jenni a smile he flexed his arm looking at the healing marks made by wayne, they were going to scar but he didnt care, his arm worked and that was all that mattered, he grasped his katana hilt getting a feel for it, it didnt hurt too much so he would be able to use it, but not for heavy hits, if he had to it woudl be to slash at the legs to debilitate infected.

as wayne entered and apologised he released his hilt and gave him a wave
"it'll be fiiiine, ill get you back for it when your not looking" he grinned at the man and watched as wayne gave him some food "i could hug you man" as everyone came out of their rooms he gnawed on the deer meat and devoured it, as he finished his stomach growled and wne into a side pocket of his bag and pulled out some ham which he proceeded to eat. snacking was fine but he had to eat alot to keep his weight the same, he found it very difficult gaining weight and he lost it very easily getting a hit flask from his pocket he took a drink of the juice he kept stashed and put it back, it was very strong juice to make sure he didnt drink it all, he laughed as wayne made a soldier out of the little boy and saluted him "your doing it wrong. -this- is how you salute" he then did the british salute to him and smirked "maybe if you could spell correctly you could figure out how to do things properly there is only one U in nuclear" he chuckled knowing that for the most part he was surrounded by americans and he gave a wink to jenni remembering their argument about how to spell colour while in the van, he scanned the hall way and then looked up for a moment stretching he cracked his neck and then his back looking back to the group he groaned "ahhhhhh thats better, so whats the plan. are we staying here to recover and repair for a day or so or are we hitting the road now? oh if youve not fixed the van yet i have a favour to ask, chances are we will get more infected onto the van and we cant afford to keep breaking it, so could you fix some bars to it and ill hold onto them outside the van and fight off infected as we drive....or put some on top and ill stay ontop of the van. dont want hunters tearing at the thing again"

he knew what he asked was crazy but it would work, sitting on the van would be better with bars to hold onto to keep him there, and when he needs to fight he could slide his feet under bar so he can stand and fight. "nothing could go wrong" he thought, he was too stubborn to fall off he waited assuming jenni could call him crazy or an idiot, and expected wayne to do the same and both would probably decline if so fine he will just have to lean out the window to protect everyone again


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton
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0.00 INK

Hayley straddled his lap. "It's about time you showered." Wayne said jokingly. She gave him a dramatic gasp and laughed at his comment. "I told you Hay. You owe me nothing and I'm sure everyone would love a piece." She smiled and blushed the slightest bit. She owed him her life, for saving hers twice. She giggled as he picked her up in his arms and got up, placing her back on the bike. "you do smell good." He said with a smile. "And so do you. Good thing too, I don't wanna ride on the bike with someone who smells." She winked and laughed jokingly. She grinned up at him and sat on the bike gnawing on her piece of meat. It was gone in about two minutes but she savored each bite afraid that it was going to be one of the few chances to actually have fresh meat for a while. Or at least until they get to the country side. Maybe she can find some coyotes or other game. "Man some wild dog would be a nice picking for everyone." She said to herself getting lost in her day dream of hunting in the forest in the wide open wilderness without any infects to worry about.

After about 15 minutes Wayne came back and was about to resume their chat from before when the new kid came running up asking for a ride. Wayne said in a polite tone of voice,"I would love to let you ride with me. But I need your help.We have three little girls with us now and I need a big, strong young man to help." She smiled as Wayne looked back at Hayley. She thought how nice and great he was with kids. She knew about his family but only the part that he used to have kids and a wife and they died. No important details but really what other things does one need to know about some of the worst things to have a person experience in their past...? Anyway, Wayne tied a belt with a couple small hunting knives around the boys waist. She grinned and giggled quietly to herself as she watched Wayne say. "These are for you soldier. I want you to protect those girls no matter what." He said and stood up. "I promise I'll let you ride with me sometime soon, untill then soldier." He looked down at Max and snapped him a salute. He smiled and let his hand fall as he then ruffled the boys hair up good naturedly. "I expect great things from you, son." Hayley watched as the boy grinned up and Wayne. Hayley stood up and stood next to Wayne pretty close. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "That was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. And again thank you for letting me ride with you. I love motorcycles especially yours." She smiled and kissed his cheek and stepped back and straddled the bike again looking up at Wayne as he laughed and looked back down at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne smiled and twirled Hayley around when she jumped on him. He laughed as she jumped off and playing nidged her with his hips. They walked back over to the others and he listened to Jennifer talk. Wayne nodded in agreement, but he knew they could make it to Dellwood by the middle of the night because he could make it from Tennessee to Texas in one day. He just planned on it being longer because they would be needing to stop at night. Everyone couldn't stay cramped in that van for that long. As he walked into the bathrooms and unscrewed the handles from the showers, he handed two to Penfold and had two himself. They climbed on top of the van and screwed the bars down. After about 30 minutes of that, Wayne whiped the sweat from his forehead and jumped down. He inspected their work from the inside and nodded in satisfaction. He strolled over to his motorcycle and started to tie his and Hayley's packs down. He walked back into the room and pulled his rife from under the bed. He twirled it around onto his back and sighed. He sat down on the bed and rested his head on his hands. He closed his eyes as his breathing started to slow, but was soon pulled out of it as he heard a low buzzing noise.

Wayne looked up with a confused look on his face. He heard the low drone start to get closer. He stood up and tried to think of what it could possibly be. He paced on the floor the his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. No. It can't be. Wayne ran outside and looked up in the sky. He called Penfold over and pointed to the sky. Do you see what I see. Those are C-17's; bombing ships! Wayne said with slight anger in his voice. He loooked at Penfolds wide eyes and nodded they both turned around and started hollering. Let's go everyone, if the van now! He cried out. Hayley, start the bike! He hollered as he ran to Blaire and Violet's room. He threw the door open, Let's go ladies. Right now. We've got five bombing ships coming in an their getting close. He said as they grabbe their stuff. He helped little bit in the van and got Max, Marie and Dani loaded up to. He jumped on his bike and waited until he was sure everyone was in. He told Jennifer to go as she peeled out and and watched as Blair and Violet left to. Wayne helped Hayley on and peeled out; pulling up the rear. They were about 100 feet down the freeway when he heard the bombs drop. He looked in his mirrors as he watched the explosions.