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Jade Cassidy

"I'll do as I please" - Valar Commandant's Daughter

0 · 255 views · located in Darkfell

a character in “The Children in the Craters”, as played by S1mon



Name: Jadeen (Jade) Cassidy
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Side: Valar

Description: The most notable feature of her appearance is that of her height, standing at 5'7, inheriting such from her father who stood slightly over 6'0, towering over his minions. Due to her height, as well as her training, her exercises and her swimming, she is pretty slim and slender. This is not to say that she is simply a moving rake which makes her vulnerable, for on the contrary, she is pretty strong and her reflexes are pretty good also. With her father as the commander of the Valar Brigade, she is as a result a target and as such, she has been trained to defend herself, wearing dark clothes to help her camouflage herself in certain situation which is usually in the form of the standard black trousers, black top and black hat to hide her beach-blonde hair.

Personality: If she had been any other person's daughter, living on any other island, Jade would be a free spirit and doing what other girls' do. However, when her father is a leader of a resistance movement, when her father did not get the son to follow his footsteps as he wanted and being a target for the enemy forces, Jade's life hasn't exactly been normal. As a result of this, she has quite a dominating personality where she takes charges and throws her orders about to use her authority. She wishes to make her father proud, but at the same time, she wishes to do what is right, and most importantly, she wants this war to end. For her fathers' sake and her friends, preferably with the independence they are fighting for to be granted.

She is a determined young lady, and as a result of her training, she takes on a tom-boy personality since there is little time to act as a sweet and innocent girl which she can't even remembering being anymore for how long it has been. Though she can play hard-ball, she does care for and protect those who care and protect her. If one person shows her kindness, then she would feel obligated to return such a kindness as such is the honorable and respectable thing to do. Jade is easy to get along with and potentially a friend for life, as long as you don't get on her bad side, with the biggest crime being that of going against her father and causing all her people pain and suffering.

History: There is little to be said about the daughter of James Cassidy, Commandant of the Valar Brigade, except that her life would not be safe until the war in Darkfell was over. She grew up with her father like any other daughter, but she also grew up with war. As soon as she was of age to practice fighting, she would do, starting with simple wooden swords. As she grew older and older, she ended up learning more, including survival skills and what to do if her father persished in battle. It was all not very heart-warming but Jade understood the situation and fought for her father. Of course, her father would not allow her to do so, but when danger came to her doorstep, she jumps into action. Such was the case as she watched the meteors fly across the sky, only to hear one impact which potentially could be enemy fire. The soldiers warned her of the dangers but she would not take no for an answer. Would this be a decision she would regret....?

Weapon/Method of Defense: Her main weapon that she carries all the time is her gun (viewable in picture provided), while a smaller gun is attached to her thigh for emergencies. Being defenceless and being a girl, wasn't exactly the best situation to be in, especially in war time.
Other: None

So begins...

Jade Cassidy's Story


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Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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#, as written by S1mon

Life has never been easy since the war began. Those fighting for the government would blame her fathers' resistance for causing the war in the first place, but if the law wasn't such an ass, then there would be no need for her father to resist against it. The Government acted in contradiction to itself, proclaiming that all have rights, yet when the Valar Brigade utilised their rights, they now come down on the Brigade with all guns blazing, while promoting peace and making it seem that their resistance was causing it all and that her father was the bad guy here when he really wasn't. All her father wanted was a better land to live in, hence the need to be independent from the Government who are now aiming for conquest and not allowing the people to have what they deserve, They argue that it is the people's interest, but right now, the people's interest is for independence, yet it continues to get knocked down at every turn.

With a ceasefire in progress for the Night of the Falling Sky, all fighting forces withdrew to be able to enjoy the meteors that flew above across the sky. The Government may have the numbers but the more they fought against change, lives continued to be lost. It was sad that those who had perished would be unable to see the sights that Jade was seeing tonight, but her father could not rest as he remained in Headquarters, just incase. Unlike the Government, the Brigade didn't have an endless supply of soldiers, but they did put their heart and soul into what they were fighting for. Why couldn't those boneheads simply see this and end all this conflict, but no, they temporarily stop the war to watch some lights in the sky, before they fire their own lights and bring destruction. It was so annoying.

It was supposed to be a quiet night as a result, a peaceful evening, but suddenly as Jade enjoyed her peaceful night in, she heard a loud bang which immediately stimulated her senses as she pulled her gun from her dresser, rushed downstairs, opened wide the door and yelled, "Halt!", before looking around and only seeing soldiers, before she recovered herself with a cough, before speaking up again after making herself look stupid, "Someone tell me where that bang came", moving her gun from one soldier to the other. They both knew that she wouldn't pull the trigger, as such was simply her method of giving them permission to speak, as one then proceeded to do so, "We are unsure what it is, but we believe it came from north-east from here, up-stream. Our men can deal with this, you must rest".

Jade merely smirked as they tried to dismiss her, "Not getting rid of me that easily. You!" pointing at one guard, "Go prepare the boats, and You!", pointing to the other, "Go get some medical supplies as people could be hurt", and then finally pointing to herself as the two soldiers left her, "Me! Put something decent on....", as she turned round and re-entered the house and charging upstairs to get her covert uniform on, so that she blended in with the darkness, except for her face with her piercing jade-green eyes and a few strands of her hair that fell from her hat.

Once she was ready, she entered the boat where one soldier was with her, while the other soldier was in the one behind her carrying the supplies. She wasn't quite sure what caused the fuss but if it was an enemy attack, then there could be wounded, and if enemies were present, then they could sail straight to her father. It did not take long on the boat compared to swimming, as she would of opted to do that, but there would be no way to carry any wounded, but it did help speed up the journey and within minutes they had arrived. There was no sound of any fighting going on, but there was smoke, which Jade and her soldiers upon landing, were approaching at a fast pace, as Jade then noticed that the bang was not an impact from an enemy weapon, but a meteor, but what surprised her more, was finding a young man badly injured. "Quick! Fetch the medical supplies. We have a casualty!....Both of you!", glaring at them to make sure the two hurried with the stuff. Besides, she could well take care of herself, but seeing as no enemies were in sight, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Reaching the site, she noticed the young man lying there. She immediately then put on some gloves so no burns spread to her own skin, before weaving her own arms under his and then lifting up and reversing away from the scene. She glanced towards the boats to see where her men were, but as she did so, she fell back herself. In order to break her floor, she spared on arm and one leg, before slowly sitting herself down to catch her breath and make sure the boy was ok, as she muttered, "If your awake, and your making me do all this work, you've got hell to pay", before seeing her soldiers run as she rolled her eyes, "You took your time....Enough about you, carry him to the boats, he'll come with me since you don't have protective clothing as I do".

Jade could be quite the bossy-boots when she wished to me, but she meant well, as the soldiers with her picked him up and carried him, as Jade got up herself and made her way to her boat before they arrived, so that she could get the engine running and get ready to take off as soon as they got him in with her, to use one hand to guide the boat, while the other held the boy to stop him from falling since she needed to act immediately or his burns would damage his skin, hence the need to 'step on it'.....

(OOC: Will stop here. Michaert can wake up during the journey or when they arrive on shore, so if you can mention where the burns are, since clothing need to be removed where the burns are unless they are stuck - as a heads up for how Jade will treat him)


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Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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A meteor is a great thing to watch in the sky, so graceful, beautiful, and rare. They seem to travel very without a single missed beat, leaving behind great colors and lines in the sky. However, the truth is that these are flaming balls of death, which is best observed when they travel to hit the ground. These things are incredibly fast and white hot burning. To survive one of these things crashing into the ground is a statistical impossibility. However, these proved to break all odds when a young man sat in the crater left by one of these meteor's, passed out and burned. He was on his back, and most of the damage done was over his back, shoulders, and arm areas, although some minor burning presented on his cheeks. Whatever he was wearing was obviously not made to withstand that type of impact. It was a jumpsuit of a silver verity that was completely off from the waist up, with the pants portion being in better condition.

The man seemed to be asleep, not noticing the burns that would cause pain upon any person. He was trying to wake up, open his eyes, but this proved to be slightly worthless. He heard the sound of something loud and traveling near him. He couldn't tell, and was passing out from exhaustion. He heard someone come up to him, and yell in a language that sounded familiar, but somehow different. He felt the person weave under him and lift him up, causing the burns on his back to burn slightly harder. She said something else, 'No harm.' He found himself thinking as the female passed him to another person, who them placed him on what could be assumed to be a seat of some kind, and they began to move, with the sound once again present, but closer.

He began to struggle to open his eyes, but managed to crack them open, and saw a dark sky with stars lightening up the sky, and then he saw a girl. He tried to say something, a thanks or something, but found he was restricted to a throaty call of some kind as his arm reached in her direction, his mind working a bit faster and trying to figure out where he was. The pain on his back was horrid, and he didn't have the strength to move himself, he found, so he just laid there, looking at the girl with blonde hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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#, as written by S1mon

As Jade steered the boat with one hand and held the young man by the other, she began to think about all she had witnessed. When she had approached the scene, her instant thoughts were about the young man who she spotted in the crater. She did not even contemplate how the man survived the impact of the meteor when such a feat was impossible. However, now having time to her thoughts to stir up with her main priority of getting him away from the scene completed, she began to wonder how on earth he had survived. Sure she was relieved that he hadn't sustained too much damage and that he hadn't died on her, but shouldn't he be with such a hit. It really was odd, but nevertheless, what he needed right now was looking after and most importantly, getting better.

Being a target of her fathers' enemies, Jade was required to undergo survival training and this included first aid, so she knew exactly what she needed to do to get him back on his feet. However, speaking of feet, it seemed that from his waist down, he had been unaffected. It was one thing to come out of a meteor attack alive, but it was another to only be half affected by it. It really was odd and she couldn't quite get her head round it, nor was the clothes he was wearing. No one who she could recall wore that sort of clothing, unless he was a covert agent from the Government perhaps, but enemy or not an enemy, she would give her all to make sure that he got better and once he had, she would ask. One at a time of course since she didn't want to overwhelm him.

Drawing near to her home and no movement from her patient, it was a worrying sign but she finally smiled when she saw his arm raise up towards him as they landed and now just needed to wait for her men to land also to help carry him in. Growing up in hard times had made her a hard person, but she was capable of showing compassion and despite the mysteries surrounding the man, he would get the best of care, as the hand that was once controlling the boat, now held his hand from the arm he had raised up, before her jade-green eyes looked towards his, "It's okay now, your in safe hands", giving a warm smile, "You've suffered...quite a few I'm going to tend to them first...ok", as her eyes glanced up and saw the men ready, before looking down to him again and spoke slowly to tell him what was going on, "I'm going to have these men take you in my home....and I'm going to run some water for you to get rid of these burns....they will....hurt, but I'll be with you every step of the way...ok", looking away since she was getting emotional. Sure it wasn't affecting her, but it did empathetically, since she could only imagine what pain he was going through, and how much more he would endure, but once it was done, he'd be alot better.

Jade only needed to give a simple nod to the men, before they took the young man from where he was positioned and held by Jade, and then carried him steadily away, while Jade left her boat, grabbed the supplies from the other boat after wiping her eyes and rushing inside with the door open for them and immediately rushing to the bathroom where she turned the hot and cold water types. If the water was boiling hot or hot, it would burn him even more and most likely scar him. If the water was ice cold then likely the same effect, as well as freeze his system, so it was important to get the water just right, luke-warm.

By the time the men arrived with the boy, the water was ready. Jade was well accustomed to dealing with the dead and the wounded and though she was pretty tough, most the injuries were loss of blood so it was a simple case of patching it up, but it was the severe injuries like loss of limbs and being burnt that made it harder to keep a straight face, and right now, she tried to remain as calm as she could for him. "Wait!", she said to stop them from lowering him down as she took his hand and looked to him, "I really wish there was another way, but please bare with it. It will hurt at the start, but it will gradually wear off. Just trust me okay. I won't leave you", and nodding a final time as he was lowered into the water, starting with his feet and legs which were unharmed and then to his waist and then the part that she worried about the most since his back was the worst as it now touched with the water, as she squeezed his hand a little to strengthen him and remind him that she was there, as well as bring more strength to herself to keep a brave face on for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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Being carried by people, while also in a semi-conscious state made the boy feel very odd. These men who were holding him, while the girl made took them to a place, it caused his head to have an overload, and he couldn't even process what was going on around him. She had grabbed his hand, and said, in the still odd way but understandable, that she would heal him. She said something about pain and water, which at the water made his eyes open a bit more. 'Water...', something about that word stuck with him, although he couldn't fully understand it.

The girl had left, which caused a feeling of emptiness while the men took him to a new place, a home if he remembered correctly. It was large, much bigger than himself or any of the people who had taken him in. They took him to a room that seemed different. It had a tub in it that was filled with a swaying substance, and the girl was there again. She took his hand and looked at him. "I really wish there was another way, but please bare with it. It will hurt at the start, but it will gradually wear off. Just trust me okay. I won't leave you.' She had said to him. Again the word pain made him groan a little bit, as if some type of resistance.

When his feet entered the water, he gasped, the feeling was familiar, but he couldn't place it. It made him feel large and small at the same time, although he was too tired to really move his feet or legs any. When his waist hit the water, she grabbed his hand and squeezed, wanting to convey some message. And then he felt his back begin to in the substance, and at that moment, he felt his entire body become wrathful. It stung everywhere, and the feeling caused his voice to finally come out, in a resounding scream that came natural to him. This was pain the girl spoke of, and it was all covering. He held her hand for dear life, and the more he got in it, the more he held on. He began to thrash a bit, out of inability to go anywhere.

Just then, a bracelet that had been on his arm, a simple thing made out of a clear stone, began to glow. He felt something in his body begin to form, and before he knew it, he saw the substance that was flying out of the tub begin to get cold. He felt it's cold, and when he let out one last scream as the pain began to get better, the water turned into ice, simple and in the shape it had been in before freezing. it hit the floor, and cracked a little bit, and the boy held the girl's hand, just wanting some connection, although unsure why.

He looked at the girl, and weakly his mouth began to form words, "W-W-where..... W-Who.....?" He felt his body get warm in the aftermath of the cold, and felt a little lightheaded, but for dear life, refused to give up her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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#, as written by S1mon

It was one thing to help a stranger, but it was another to let them into their homes. However, this stranger needed help, no matter how strange the stranger seemed, if he needed help then Jade would provide such. Even though they were enemies with the Navy, if any Navy personnel were injured, she would not hesitate to help them, but if they intended to harm her or her father, then she would not hesitate to defend herself either, or pull the trigger if necessary. Having such ideals were only the beginning, as she hoped that with such actions that it could help bring an end to the war, and even moreso if there were those with similar ideals to her on the opposing side too.

Sure there were strange things about this guy, having survived an attack from a meteor and the strange clothing he had, but he needed help nonetheless. Being badly burnt from the attack, it was important to cool him down. The burns had removed his clothing where the burns were, and now with his cooling in the bath, the healing process could now begin but it would not be easy. She had squeezed his hand lightly when he was just going in, but then he started screaming the place down as the water met with the burns and held onto her hand, harder and harder as he was lowered and began to move around as water went everywhere, but she wasn't concerned about that.

"It'll get better, trust me", she said as confidently as possible, her eyes ignoring everything else and watching him, closing her eyes when he screamed but she remained there nonetheless as she had promised. However, her head turned when she heard something shatter, glancing to the floor and seeing ice. Things were getting weirder and weirder for some change reason as her free hand reached for a brush and pushed the ice away, before it melted and pulling the rug to the foot of the bath so that she had the rug to lean on.

"W-W-where..... W-Who.....?", he then asked as the young man spoke, clearly getting better since he could not speak before which was good. Such caused Jade to smile though thinly due to the circumstances, "I am Jadeen Cassidy, daughter of James Cassidy, Commander of the Valar Brigade", she explained in a much softer tone than she would normally, again due to the circumstances. "You are in my home, about five minutes by boat away from where I found you", she then explained to an extent, opting not to say where he found him as he probably was referring to where he is now, but if he did not know where he was, then there was a problem.

Despite the pain being easier to deal with now, it seemed he was still holding her hand and she to his as she treated her patient. With her free hand, she reached to the end of the bath where she pulled out a cloth and then a second cloth before dipping both in the luke-warm water, "Now you need to stay in here for ten minutes for the burns to heal. You have burns on your cheek also, I'll take one and you take the other", she instructed as she placed one cloth on his right cheek with his eyes telling her to hold that, before she took the second cloth and held it against his other side, again this would be for ten minutes so plenty of time to get to know who this guy was.

"I don't recognise your face from around these parts, what's your name?", she then asked, so she could at least speak to him properly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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Having gone through most of the pain of being placed into a bath with burns on most of his body, the boy began to look around slightly, but his eye always came back to the girl. She had rescued him from something, and when she said his name, his heart lifted a bit, as he said it to himself quietly. The lightheadedness had faded by this point, so he was fully attached to everything she was saying, no matter how little sense it made to him.

When she said he had to spent more time in the tub, he felt a twinge of pain not from the burns, but something told him to trust that this girl wouldn't hurt him. She held a cloth in her hand and put in to his cheek. He could almost feel her fingers through the fabric, and he felt peaceful. He took the other one that she offered and held it to his cheek, so that it would get better.

"I don't recognize your face from around these parts, what's your name?" She said to him. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came from his lips. He paused for a moment, his eyes looking furiously around for something not present. "My name?" He thought to himself, and he began to dig into his mind deeper, but all he found was a black hole of nothingness. Then it hit him, he had no name he could remember, no nothing, his memories were gone. This made him close his eyes tightly as he tried to remember, but again nothing happened.

He began to beat himself internally, but nothing came of it. He felt cold against his skin, and then noticed that the water he found himself in was slushing a bit, as if ice water. This made him hurt more, but couldn't bother him. His eyes were red, about to cry, as he help onto Jade.

"N-N-No..... N-name, n-no name." He said/cried. How could he forget everything about himself? If he wasn't holding on by pain, he would explore this scientifically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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#, as written by S1mon

The war had cost many lives. It was bound to happen. All that the Valar Brigade fought for, was that they were independant and not serving the Government that they did not believe in. Of course, where the Government were more influential by being more wealthier, the Darkfell Navy decided to join to 'keep the peace', yet they were so blinded by it all. Afterall, both sides of the war were from Darkfell, yet no doubt because of greed rather than standing up for what is right, the Navy insisted on stopping her fathers' work, waving around their big guns. The flying meteors were pleasant enough to watch, but canon fire and the impact of such was not as pleasant. When would the war end?

Jade was certainly used to treating the injured though, despite getting into some scraps herself when trespassers decided to tread on their soil, so the boy was lucky that it was she who found him. No, what was even more lucky, was how he survived the impact of a falling meteor, raising questions of who he was, but he certainly was out of the ordinary, but least he was getting better and once he had, maybe Jade could enquire more. Though it seemed that obtaining such information was going to be difficult as she read his body movements after asking what is name was, before he then looked as he was about to cry, "N-N-No..... N-name, n-no name".

It seemed he certainly had a problem, as he must of banged or damaged his head really hard to forget who he was, so it seemed this was a case of amnesia. Jade could not imagine how it felt to not remember who she was, so he felt his pain, as she got up from her kneeling position on the rug and instead sat on the edge of the bath. She could hardly comfort him from his current position, but least he knew she was there for him as he still held his hand, making her wonder if she would ever get her hand back. However, that did not matter right now, as she used the hand that he was still holding, to lift his chin up with the back of her head before saying calmly, "You seem to have hit your head hard then it seems, but don't cry.....I'll tell you what, how about I give you a new name until you remember your real one, how about that?".

She could hardly move her other hand since she had to keep the cloth against his cheek so that his cheek remained in the water as the rest of his body did, so she had no choice but to still use her other hand that the boy held on to. She lifted her fingers from her hand and parted the boy's hair, as she thought about what to call him, and then it hit her as she saw his beautiful blue eyes. "I know exactly what to call you. My father called me Jadeen, Jade for short, for my green eyes, and you have a lovely set of blue eyes. How does...Cyan...sound to you?", she said with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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The boy in the tub was only in half hysterics thanks to Jade, to whom he felt a strong connection, despite having no knowledge of her, only that she was the daughter of someone important. When she suggested that she give him a name, he felt a little better, and no only due to the fact that most of the pain was away.

The name she came up with, Cyan, stuck with the boy. He had no other sense of identity, so this one was as good as it was going to get. He put the cloth down, himself feeling very tired all of a sudden, most likely due to the circumstance of his arrival. So he looked into her eyes and said, "Sounds... Good." And with that, he felt himself start to sink into darkness, his body unable to keep himself awake any longer. He slide partly into the tub, the large top of hair getting wet, and shards of slushed water in it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaert Limamil Serida Character Portrait: Jade Cassidy
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#, as written by S1mon

Jade was glad that the boy was more at ease, as her eyes checked the boy over to make sure that he was getting better and nothing else was wrong with this strange boy. She still couldn't quite put her finger where he was from and how he got to where she found him and how on earth he survived, but the good news was that he was very much alive and he was getting better which was always pleasing. Questions could come later, as the important thing was getting him back on his feet, making sure he was well cared for, and of course he had problems with his memory so it was a case of getting that memory back and if he was not as sweet and innocent as he seemed, then Jade can change that. If only the leaders of the war could get along in the same way.

"Sounds... Good", he answered as his pair of lovely blue eyes looking into her jade-green pair and causing her to smile, pleased that he felt better as he was close to tears before for not remembering. She truly did feel sorry for him, but when she turned back to him, his eyes were closed and he had begun to slide into the tub. That was all she needed. The boy needed his time to heal, so perhaps he was already sorted since the initial pain had gone and he had the strength enough to sleep without pain. Then Jade decided, she'd take him out and if he needed to go back, she would do so, if not, then she can let him rest.

With Cyan descending into tiredness, the grip on her hand wasn't so hard so she used freed her hand, and along with her other hand (disgarding the cloth), she then lifted him up so that he too was on the side of the tub and holding him close to her for support so she could free up her hand and use the back of her freed hand to check the burns on his chest and back that seemed to of healed well. It was nice when things worked the way they should. Usually she'd just administer treatments and assist the doctors' but this was the first time she applied her training and especially to do solo, and with a boy that was around her age since the fighters tend to be older. She didn't mind it though.

However, now that he was feeling tired, it meant that she'd be the one to dry him, as she then lifted him to the floor, grabbed the towel and wrapped it round him and begun drying him so that she could moved him to a bed and let him have the sleep he deserves, as he would be comfortable to sleep when you were wet and no doubt would cause a cold. On the good side, least it was a young boy rather than an old man that she was looking after, because if such were so, then she would have left it to the guards, especially to be this close for comfort.....

(OOC: If timeskipping to the next day, I'm good with that. For Cyan, he'd be in a bed and would see Jade sitting in a chair beside him with her head on the bed, clearly falling sleep on the job XD)