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Jordan Black/Harbinger/

"Never run back to what broke you, looking for a fix. Won't work"

0 · 124 views · located in Earth

a character in “The Conclave of the Marked”, originally authored by ZeroTolerance, as played by RolePlayGateway



[Hero Name]: Harbinger
[Cover Name]: Jordan Black, Jordan also assumes a stage name for his musical career, known otherwise as Frank Ocean.
[Occupation]: Womens Clothing Salesperson/Aspiring Singer-Actor.
[Mentor]: Preferably Skybolt

[Appearance]: Jordan plateau's at a height of 6'2" weighs around 200lbs. Giving him a noticeable stature compared to most. His physique is well defined from his years spent conditioning in football, wrestling and amateur boxing. All of which he excelled due to his natural athletic potential. He has medium chocolate complexion, deep hazel eyes as well as Symmetrical facial structure with a sharp "leading actor" jawline. His eyes are a bit droopy making him look "sleepy" in appearance. Most would describe him as physically attractive.


[Personality]: Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things. Enjoy debating issues, and may be into "one-up-manship". They get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of life. Generally outspoken and assertive. They enjoy people and are stimulating company. Excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions.

E – Extraversion preferred to introversion: ENTPs gain energy through interactions with people or objects in the outside world. They tend to enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances.
N – Intuition preferred to sensing: ENTPs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details, and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities.
T – Thinking preferred to feeling: ENTPs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference. When making decisions, they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.
P – Perception preferred to judgment: ENTPs tend to withhold judgment and delay important decisions, preferring to "keep their options open" should circumstances change.

ENTPs are idea people. Their perceptive abilities cause them to see possibilities everywhere. They get excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and are able to spread their enthusiasm to others. In this way, they get the support that they need to fulfill their visions.

ENTPs are less interested in developing plans of actions or making decisions than they are in generating possibilities and ideas. Following through on the implementation of an idea is usually a chore to the ENTP. For some ENTPs, this results in the habit of never finishing what they start.

The ENTP has been described variously as the innovator, the originator, the lawyer,the inventor, the explorer, and the visionary. ENTPs also fall into the general categories of thinkers, rationals, and engineers.

Notable ENTPS

Alexander the Great
Sir Walter Raleigh
Nicola Tesla
Walt Disney
John Adams

+Art of Conversation
+Song and Dance
+Alcohol- He consider himself somewhat a wine expert , although he is not yet of the proper age to consume.
+Physical Activities
+Finer Things

-Abusers of all kind
-People without style


  • Growing Old
  • Not living up to his ambitions
  • Marriage

Dreams: Becoming the next international triple threat sensation. He liken himself to a Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown minus the woman beating.

Quirks: He has a tendency to strip without realizing it which leads to some amusement or discomfort for those who are around. He is also prone to imitate the mannerisms of famous hollywood actors.


Powers: Ever hear someone say that music has the power of influencing peoples thoughts or actions? Well, Jordan is capable of doing such things with his voice. You see, his voice has a latent hypnotic quality that brings out the traits of a particular person or group of people. He can use his voice to either enhance, neutralize or induce
a status upon a person. I guess you can see he is a sort of "piedpiper" so to speak. His power are not without limitations however, the effectiveness of his songs are so that they're only temporary for a brief period of time(usually 5 minutes in duration) Those who are deaf are also immune to the range of his ability.

  • Unnatural Charm
  • Music-based Hypnosis
  • Musical Prodigy
  • Peak Athletic Conditioning from years spent as an amateur boxer, wrestler and football player

The following are the songs in which Jordan is known to perform

Song of the Warrior-Under the influence of this song, Jordan or whomever he sings to is granted a boost to their physical abilities such as speed, power, durability and or fighting ability.

Song of the Scholar-Under the influence of this song, Jordan or whomever gains temporary enhancement in intellect, he's used this plenty of times in standardized environments.

Song of the Slave- Under the influence of this song, Jordan can compel you to do just about anything he pleases.

Song of Life- Perhaps Jordan's most powerful and underutilized song, Under the influence of this song Jordan is able to save a life at the expense of his own.

[Weapons]: His Voice, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, I-phone.

[Uniform]: Jordan tends to wear business casual blazer jackets, biker jackets or simple zip hoodies for most settings. His favorite clothing lines are mighty healthy, brooks brothers and Uniqlo. Being a retail salesman, he seems well informed on fashion trends and what clothes personally suit him.


[History]:Jordan is a model of charisma and charm (and not just because he actually has "hypnotic charm" as an ability). From the moment he could form words, he could talk himself right out of trouble. Women in particular are very taken by his magnetic sort of personality. Men either wanna be his friend or smash his face in, and it's been that way for as long as he can remember. Being raised in the tough neighborhood, he always felt pressured to be successful so that he could support his sickly mother and younger siblings. However when he turned 17, his mother who had been the primary breadwinner became bedridden by her lifelong illness, unable to support the costs of her medicine and the mortgage, he was left to make a painful decision . He threw away his future, dropped out of school and used his talents to aid a local gang. Under the provision of the gang, he could make enough to provide treatment for his mother and maintain the house. He was indebted to the gang, they would own him forever as a personal money making tool. It seemed like Jordan's life was set to go down a dimly light path for which there was no return.

However this all change when the super hero known as Skybolt entered his life, initially they started out as fierce enemies. Sometime after the dismantling of the gang Jordan had belonged, Skybolt came to learn Jordan's motives for joining up with the gang. He was so moved by his story that he decided to take Jordan in as a personal apprentice, in exchange for providing aid to his family and offering Jordan the opportunity to pursue his dream as an aspiring singer-actor, Jordan would have to devote his life toward helping people as a hero-in-training. All of this proved to be bittersweet, his mother dying sometime after the revelation that her son was involved with the local gang. Left with the guilt of bringing about his mothers death, he's set to live a life of penitence. This left a pretty heavy toll on Jordan that he hasn't quite gotten over, since then he's been trying to fill the void with drink and women. Particularly older women.

So begins...

Jordan Black/Harbinger/'s Story