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Mavin Kyran


0 · 511 views · located in Gaia

a character in “The Darkest Time”, as played by H3R0


"I think it's great you want to get to know me. I want that, too. For me, not you."

"Let me enamor you with my face."

What do you expect when you hear about a warlock? A warlock can be anything, right? That's what makes them so dangerous. They can be anything or anyone at any time, but really, that's only if they're a certain kind of warlock. If they're the kind that favor shapeshifting and all that, then those you might have to be wary of. Mavin isn't that kind of warlock, though. He doesn't care about that kind of magic because it's too annoying. The only time he messes with it is when he's using it on someone else. Mavin looks like any normal walking, talking human being--but your biggest mistake would be calling him one. That's one of the biggest insults to magical creatures. He may look human, but he's anything but.

Any magic using creature should automatically see the difference. It's an invisible difference and one that's hard to explain to a non-magic user, but there's just something about a witch or a warlock that's distinctive. Maybe it's the vibe they give off, or maybe it's the way they carry themselves, or something else entirely, but something, somehow, gives it off that they are certainly not human, and whatever it is, Mavin has it just the same as any other of his kind. It may be the spark of magic to his red-tinted eyes, or a certain shine to his otherwise lightly tanned skin. Whatever it is, it's there, and it's very distinct.

Aside from that, Mavin looks very average. He has a certain sort of swagger about him that shows off his confidence and that cocky little smirk rarely leaves his face. It might be nice to look at, but once you get to know him, it starts to get annoying and all you can think about are ways to smack it off his face. His back is usually kept straight and, while he may not be too tall, he doesn't let that hinder him around those who're taller. He still treats them as if they were shorter. His figure is lanky and nearly unimpressive with little muscle tone. He doesn't exactly go around lifting heavy objects and he's definitely the type to use magic to help his laziness.

Most would probably consider him to have childish good looks. He's not very manly looking, but he's not girly in any sense. He doesn't have facial hair and isn't really prone to growing any, so his looks are generally smooth. He's a lot older than he looks, but acts more like the age he looks than the age he should be since he was raised as if his age were normal, so he's considered only nineteen to make things easier. Since his mother fled the village, whatever aging spell that was on him was taken off and he never cared enough to bother putting it back on.

Clothing Style:
Mavin isn't exactly the most stylish type of guy. When it comes to clothing, he finds it easier to wear what's practical and comfortable rather than what happens to make him look good. In fact, most of the time he just rewears the same general outfit over and over again. He doesn't like wasting his time on cleaning his dumb clothes, so he put a spell on his three favorite outfits that keeps them fresh and clean for each time he wears them, so he can literally wear the same thing every day and never have an issue with it. The most common one consists of a boring red undershirt and a plain brown, short-sleeved button down over it. It used to have sleeves, anyway, but he thought it'd be a little cooler to cut those off and use them for something else. The pants are simple and black, sometimes shorts. When he feels like wearing shoes, they're just these dusty, worn-out brown things. Sometimes, he might go around wearing bandages on his arms or wrists, but that's only when he accidentally hurts himself with a spell or a potion.

Height and Weight:

"Call me something else, I dare you."

Mavin Kyran
(Kyran means "little dark one")

Mad Mav
It was a name some girl gave him when he was younger because of how often he'd throw temper tantrums all the time. At first, it was just something she came up with because she thought it was cute and funny, but then it caught on with the other little kids and sort of stuck as he got older. It's not really used that often anymore, it's not a name that's used in place of his actual name, but people use it whenever he's having one of his tantrums or gets aggravated at someone just to get on his nerves even more. He doesn't appreciate it.





Love Interest:
None at the moment

"I'm living the good life."

[color=HEX CODE]Personality:[/color]
-Easily aggravated/annoyed/angered
-Bad sense of humor
-Good with complex spells/ingredients
-Compulsive/acts without thinking
-Gets really into everything
-Loves a challenge
-Tends to be annoying

+Magic. This should be obvious. Of course a magic-user would love magic. It's probably his favorite thing in the entire world. It makes him feel powerful, in control of his life and his surroundings. He tries not to use it too negatively, but the urges to do so tend to get the best of him sometime, to most peoples' annoyance.

+Pranks. This is probably one of the worst combinations to have with someone who can make things appear and disappear at whim. He has quite the reputation for being quite a prankster. They usually aren't too bad and most of the time, they're harmless, little immature things like putting an inivisbility spell on someone and making them freak other people out the entire day without them having a clue otherwise. However, sometimes his pranks can get a little out of hand, like that time he put water inside someone's house, making sure it didn't spill out until they opened the door. All their stuff was ruined. He's done things like that a few times.

+Laughter. Who doesn't like laughter, right? Despite popular belief, another one of his favorite things is laughter. He loves to laugh, but sometimes he'll even go out of his way to make someone else laugh. It's a bit of a weak spot for him. If someone has a good laugh or laughs at the same things he laughs at, he'll probably instantly like them.

+Large animals. They're so much better than those annoying little small ones. His favorite animal is a bear. He can't say why, really, just that he thinks they're super cool. Seriously, name one weakness a bear has. You can't because they're awesome, and if you think you can, well you're wrong. Nope, no arguments.

+Breaking the rules. People who follow the rules are just so god-awful boring. People who make the rules are even worse than the people who follow them! Rules were made for breaking, right? So that's what Mavin does. If someone gives him a list of rules that he's expected to follow, then they're basically setting themselves up for disappointment because he's going to find every crack and crevice to break them, and sometimes even completely oppose them if he's feeling extra adventurous.

+Weapons. Although he's primarily a magic user, he still can't help but being drawn to those epic, dangerous devices. His favorites are swords, but pickaxes seem to pique his interest too, oddly enough. Bows are arrows are another top favorite. Things like daggers, knives, and various other small devices don't seem to really interest him as much as the three previously listed. He's not very good at wielding weapons, though, so don't ever trust him with one. He's likely to cut some heads off.

+Fire. Fire is quite possibly one of his favorite tools of magic. It's mostly because it's the most dangerous, the most destructive. Unfortunately, he was banned from ever using fire magic a long time ago because of a few "innocent" pranks that kind of got way out of hand. Instead of filling a house with water, he thought it'd be funny to pour lava on the roof and watch them scream as it leaked through the ceiling and set the house on fire. In another incident, he followed this lovey dovey couple out into the forest and set the land around them on fire. They were lucky they even got out alive. He just thinks it's funny, though.

+Gold. It's attractive to him. It's hard to find, but he likes looking for his own and using it for gems and stuff. He even carries around a small hexagon-shaped piece of gold on a leather strap around his neck at all times. He calls it his good luck charm, but there's no spell on it and there's nothing magical about it at all. It's just a plain piece of gold.

-Rules. Another obvious one. If he loves to break the rules, why would he love them in the first place? He doesn't. He thinks they're stupid and restrictive.

-Small animals. The majority of them are just small, lame, and in the way. The only good he can see in them is using them on a potion or making them into nice little coin purses, or to use in a more grotesque prank. Otherwise, alive, he doesn't care for them in the least. Although, he does enjoy eating them, but he usually just buys the already dead ones so he doesn't have to do the work himself.

-Stupidity. This is probably the most hypocritical thing with all things considered. He can't stand idiots or people who don't think things through before doing them, or especially people who can't accomplish simple tasks or listen to simple directions. They get on his nerves so much. Those poor people get yelled at up and down by him.

-Gross things. It might not seem like it, but he can actually be kind of a girl when it comes to totally gross things. He can deal with seeing stuff, like maybe dead animals, and his potions can get pretty gross sometimes too, but he'd rather not deal with it. Slimy things are the worst, especially.

-Joykillers. If you can't take a joke, he doesn't want anything to do with you. He doesn't care if it's not the right time to screw around, if he wants to screw around, someone telling him not to will only make him want to do it even more. Those kind of stuffy people just get on his nerves and they're usually the butt of his pranks.

=Maniaphobia: Fear of insanity. This is one of the main reasons he wants the book brought back to where it belongs. He's afraid of seeing it or getting near it, but he's also drawn to it by curiosity. He knows that simple book holds plenty of power and he wants to return it so those powers can't be released to the world again. He couldn't imagine losing his mind, quickly and painfully and confusingly. He couldn't imagine falling into madness. The very idea scares him. He's seen it happen before. He's seen it in his father and he even saw a bit of it in his mother. He can't handle the idea of insanity.

=Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors/reflective surfaces. It's not that he doesn't like the way he looks, because he does, he's perfectly fine with his appearance. The reason he doesn't like things that reflect is because he doesn't trust the reflection inside of them. When he was younger, he made a spell without completely understanding what it'd do, and that spell was basically something to turn someone's reflection against them, as if the reflection was an alter ego from an opposing world. Every time he'd pass by a reflective surface, he felt like he was being drawn in or like someone was trying to pull him inside the reflection. It made him paranoid to look himself in the eyes because he suddenly felt like it was someone else looking back. He didn't recognize it. And that frightened him. The spell supposedly wore off years ago, but he still can't bring himself to trust it.

=Fear of beautiful women. This one isn't so much as a fear or an outright phobia as it is a sense of overwhelming intimidation. Mavin might parade around like he's all that. He's pretty confident in his looks, but when it comes to people, usually women, who are just outright gorgeous, he doesn't know what to do with himself. They unnerve him. It's probably a childish feeling, but he tends to go out of his way to avoid those types. He feels like a face that pretty must be hiding something malicious underneath. Those with beauty have power. He just doesn't want to have to deal with that.

Mavin doesn't hate the crime, he hates the cause. In this case, the crime is the war and the cause is that stupid chaos-creating book. Or, that's what they say about it anyway. They say it's the very source of insanity and all the negativity in the world and in the people that roam it, but he doesn't necessarily believe that. He knows magic and he believes that, while it can be powerful, there's no way it could do all that. Right? Anyway, when it comes to the war, Mavin is indifferent one way or the other towards it. He doesn't think it's necessary or unnecessary. He just doesn't care about its existence. If anything, he thinks it gives some spice to their otherwise boring lives. What's more boring than peace and simplicity? Bluh.

Anyway, to start at the beginning, Mavin was born with a mother and father just like anyone else. His parents were both magic users that dealt, especially, with the sort of old-timey, untapped kind of magic, the kind that works in immortality. They both were much older than they ever looked or ever told. Their ageless magic transferred over to Mavin when he was born, their second-born son, as well as the son they had before him. It was around this time that the insanity started, literally. Although their parents were strong and wise, even they were unable to escape the grasp of the illness. Mavin's watched his father's mind deteriorate right before his young, innocent eyes. His father thought he could stop it with magic, or put it off at least, postpone it until they could find a cure, but he was wrong and all he managed to do was keep himself alive long enough to kill Mavin's older brother, Jeffrey. At that point, Mavin's mother gave up all hope on her husband and fled before the illness could infect her or her remaining son.

The book was made and the illness was concealed and years went by before it was stolen again. Mavin grew at a greatly slowed rate because at a certain age, his mother saw too much of Jeffrey in him and wanted to keep him there for as long as she could, just to play pretend. Mavin was old enough to understand the world and his surroundings and he knew his mother wasn't right in the head. She wasn't infected, but there were demons in her mind that magic could not cure. Eventually, shortly after the book was stolen and the land fell into war, his mother broke. She left Mavin to the care of the village elders and vanished without a note or a trinket or anything to remember her by, and Mavin was left to his own devices. That's how it is to this day.

So begins...

Mavin Kyran's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raza Hakimi Character Portrait: Mavin Kyran Character Portrait: Ariel Wylde Character Portrait: Bailiona Krysanthe Character Portrait: Jacquette Beauson Character Portrait: Serafina Calidus
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#, as written by H3R0

This was gonna be great.

Mavin was excited. He was the most excited he'd ever been in a long time. He had his stuff packed all nice and neat in what he liked to refer to as his "gag bag," which was really just a bag he used to keep all his junk in, sacred or not. He had it opened up in the middle of the floor as he carelessly tossed things over his shoulder, not even bothering to check and make sure that any of it made it inside, or made it inside in one piece for that matter. Just because the bag was magically convenient didn't mean it kept everything from breaking. If he tossed a glass vial of that lizard's acid in there and it smashed open, it'd go all over his things and then, well, there'd simply be no more things. But he wasn't really worried about that. The thought didn't even cross his mind. He was just way too excited.

He was told by his own village leaders that the Elders, the Elders, called him for some sort of great mission thing to find that...what was it again? It was some sort of magical object. He knew it wasn't an orb or anything easily breakable. It wasn't anything typical, well, not too typical anyway, or else he would've remembered what it was. Ugh, that was going to bug him big time until he remembered what it was. It probably wasn't even that cool. It was probably something super lame, like a bo--oh duh. Yeah, it was super lame. It was a book. A lame, boring, dusty, old book.

It was still daylight outside with hours to spare of it when Mavin finally decided to leave his home. He hadn't been given much of a warning to this new, sudden situation, but the fact that he'd been given one at all instead of someone telling him that hey, you have to be there like, uh, now, made him feel a little better about things. That's what those stuffy old village leaders usually tried to pull on him anyway. They assumed he'd have plenty of time, but really, Mavin knew they probably just forgot. They were old and senile and--oh, god, he was going to miss them a lot. He was going to miss one of them in particular a lot more than the others.

"What's taking you so long? Are you still in here? Some warlock you are." Mavin felt a grin pull at his lips at the voice from behind him. He hadn't even seen the oldie wander around behind him. Maybe that's because the old geezer didn't even walk, he probably just showed up. Even of the leaders had a way of doing that, just showing up without notice, but this one especially was known for his tendency to pop up whenever and be either completely careless or indifferent towards the situation he just so happened to pop up into. Mavin shuddered at the memories of just stepping out of the tub and letting this old guy sneak a peek at his manhood. Ugh.

As soon as Mavin turned to face the sound of the voice, the leader was gone. "Huh?" And just the same, when he turned around again, there he was, Mr. Leader himself, standing way too close for comfort. Mavin let out an animated yell and stepped back a few feet, hand placed over his chest. His poor bag dropped to the ground with a distinct clink and clatter, and he was convinced more than just a couple of things broke. He groaned. "What."

The old man, clad in robes way too dramatic to serve any practical purposes, simply smiled; it was a big smile, a grin that stretched from ear to ear and showed each and every one of the gross, rotted teeth that shouldn't be in his mouth anymore. Mavin wrinkled his nose. He was a hundred percent sure they were only still there with the help of magic. "You take too long. You are always taking too long."

Mavin rolled his eyes and turned away to lift his bag, only to find it already being handed to him. It seemed like he'd snatch it rudely back, but he took it carefully and nodded a silent thanks despite the scowl on his face. It was a game to them, this small-talk banter. Mavin was annoyed, sure, but he definitely wasn't mad, and somewhere in there he and the old man both knew he was just itching to laugh. And just as soon as he thought of it, it happened, and a short chuckle escaped despite his attempts to look angry. He opened his mouth to say something back, but the bag in his hand singed his palms and he found himself dropping it again, wincing at the more distinctive crash of glass vials cracking against each other. His gaze instantly turned to the old man in accusation, who put his hands up in a childish "I didn't do it" manner. "That was you, Mavin. Are you sure your heat serums are not overflowing? I am sure you've added them all, as many as you could fit, despite the ban." They shared knowing looks as Mavin simply blew on the rope that held the bag closed and picked it up again, slinging it over his shoulder.

He wasn't ready to leave yet. "I'm so ready to get out of this place."

"I am sure you will miss me."

"--The least," Mavin added matter-of-factly with that smug little smirk on his face. To most, he might of stuck out his tongue for emphasis, but not towards this leader, not towards this person. They could play and they could banter, but Mavin still had more respect for the guy than he had for anyone else. He wasn't tip-toeing his way around, but he still managed to watch himself, tried to keep himself moderately in-line. It's the only time he bothered.

With a cane he didn't have when he first arrived, the elderly man jabbed him in the side with more force than a man that age should be allowed to have. "Watch it. I will have you fired."

He was always saying that. It never made any sense. Fired from what? Fired from knowing each other? Fired from magic? Fired from life? Who could know--the guy was going a little nuts in his old age. Mavin always just laughed along. "It's not like you're paying me."

"I guess we will see." See what? Mavin thought. They fell into silence as they wandered away from his small home, secluded from the others in the far corner of the village, closer to the exit near the woods than the entrance towards the trail to the next town, which is where they were headed now.

The old guy's name was Jeffrey, just like the name of the brother he didn't remember. Mavin knew he had a brother, an older one, and he knew his father killed him, but he didn't remember anything about him specifically. He didn't remember if they looked anything alike, or if he looked more like their dad (while Mavin tended more towards his mother, the last he checked), or if he liked card games or liked gems and runes more than potions and herbs, or any of that. He just knew that once a time he had an older brother named Jeffrey and, then he didn't anymore. He knew his mother called him Jeffrey a lot.

But he didn't want to think about that.

They passed a home that wasn't really enough to be considered a home anymore, not since a few hours before, but Mavin didn't pay any attention to it. Jeffrey shot a side glance at him, but looked away. Mavin heard he was leaving and he suddenly decided he wanted to know if that old tale about the Big, Bad Wolf was true, the one with the pig's in each house, and the house became hay, and the wind blew it away, and the items inside were lost to liquid, and--Mavin doesn't know what happened to the house. He really doesn't. And that concerns Jeffrey, but the elder remains silent as they walk.

Jeffrey was the man chosen by Mavin's mother to take care of him. They were close friends and, at the time, Jeffrey considered himself a bit of a brother to the slowly deteriorating woman and it was a sad sight to him to watch her go. It was a sad thing to a lot of people. Although she was never really right in the head, she was a kind person who cared for others. She often went out of her way to help even if she didn't really have the time to. That's why Mavin was such a disappointment to them all. It was almost as if he had a point to act anything but like his mother, completely bratty, crude, obnoxious, and more trouble than he is helpful.

But he wasn't a shame. Jeffrey enjoyed Mavin, and Mavin respected him like an uncle, or a dad, but the latter was more silent. "Are you gonna miss me?"

The question was sudden, especially for someone as dodgy as Mavin, but Jeffrey maintained his composure. He shrugged. "I try not to stray into pointless things." What did that even mean? Jeffrey was good about that. Or bad, depending how you looked at it. Some people said he could see the future, but there was no definite proof of it, and he'd never admitted to it one way or the other. He was a good warlock, but even Mavin didn't believe he could see the future. That'd be impossible.

It made him nervous. "Sure," he replied. He glanced behind him and frowned as something occurred to him. "I did that." He nodded to himself, but he didn't smile. He just watched the poor homeowner pick up the pieces of the items in their nonexistent house. The person, whose name he couldn't quite put a finger on at the moment, caught them staring and didn't even have the energy to shoot them a glare. Mavin didn't like that. He didn't like feeling guilty. He didn't like doing things like that. It wasn't funny. It hadn't been a prank--not one he remembered. It hadn't been planned out or laughable. It'd been cruel and pointless and nobody had even been around to find it funny with him, not that he even did.

"I did that," Jeffrey chimed from his side. They turned to look at each other and Jeffrey nodded his balding head to affirm his words. "I did that," he repeated, and gave a shrug as he turned away. And for a second, Mavin was inclined to believe him. Jeffrey walked on ahead of him with that cane that returned yet again from nowhere, the cane that could be made of anything he wanted, but instead was constructed of rickety wood, occasionally infested with termites. It was natural and there wasn't a single magical thing about it, and yet Mavin had always found it neat. Maybe because Jeffrey had it for seemingly no particular reason, and that piqued his interest.

Who did that? Mavin followed in silence a few paces behind. The guilt was real, but now he wasn't so sure if it was justified or not.

They reached the end of the village and Jeffrey stopped and turned to Mavin with a cheeky grin, rotted teeth and all. "It was nice knowing you."

"Oh now I know you're just screwing with me." Mavin rolled his eyes because he saw that Jeffrey was still grinning, but he had to look away because--what if he wasn't? What if he could see into the future? What if he was just--...Who cared anyway? Ugh, he was getting way too serious about this. He was totally excited. This was going to be way fun. He was getting out of this stuffy village full of rotten, stuffy people, and finally going on an exciting adventure. He wasn't going to die. That was just bad thinking! He was perfectly fine, and he was going to stay perfectly fine.

The good-byes were short and shallow and Mavin was gone before he could tell Jeffrey he was going senile.

He's going to have dementia. But that wasn't something that was his responsibility to think or worry about, so he simply didn't.

So let's see what we've got to work with here. Oh, yeah, there was definitely no way Mavin was just going to bust in on this whole operation without a plan at hand. He had a scope with him and, from a distance, he could see a total of...count 'em: eight suckers. One from each race, but he already expected that. Ugh, what was that? Why did those chicks have to be so... Whatever. It was cool, he was cool, the situation was cool. Oh man, he wasn't just last, he was dead last. Well, who cared, right? At least he was here at all. And he knew just the perfect thing to show these speed-demons just what coming in first did!

All it did was slow them down.

Mavin circled the area, getting a little closer to get a better look with his own eyes rather than the manufactured one in the scope. He was just about to do it--he really was too--when he caught sight of one of those suped-up lookin' girls and he seriously almost blew a fuse and whatever he had out of the spell rebounded and shot him right in the forehead--it hurt, too--and it definitely wasn't the slow-down spell he'd been aiming for. It ended up being some sort of weird glowy spell and now he looked like a stupid, embarrassing walking lightning bug in the middle of the night for no good reason and he literally had no excuse to explain it, or any way of getting rid of it until it wore off. Whenever that would be. Ugh. Ughughugh. Screw this day, seriously.

Since he was a hundred percent sure that if he hadn't been spotted before, he definitely had been now, so Mavin picked up his bearings and strolled towards the group of people like he was prepping for a party, as if there was nothing weird or wrong or different about his natural appearance at all, as if it were totally normal for him to be glowing a dull, ugly yellow-green color. "So what's everybody up to? If you were waiting for me, I already went on ahead and checked everything out. Seriously, you guys are way too slow." Ugh, this was a little embarrassing, but he still couldn't help but laugh incredulously to himself about his own idiocy. It was a little funny. "So, yeah, stop being lazy and get your bums moving. Mommy Mavin's here to guide the way." Literally, like this.

He laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raza Hakimi Character Portrait: Mavin Kyran Character Portrait: Ariel Wylde Character Portrait: Bailiona Krysanthe Character Portrait: Jacquette Beauson Character Portrait: Serafina Calidus
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[size=DF-KaiSB]Ariel Wylde[/size]

“Hey~” he jumped. He should have heard the fluttering of wings, but he didn’t. He was too caught up in his thoughts. Sindri. He missed him already. Ariel wondered if he had fallen back asleep like he always did when Ariel had to leave for something, or if he watched him leave the village. By now he had ran his hands through his hair enough times to pull all the soot away, leaving his white blonde hair shimmering in the moonlight. It was annoying, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. But anyways, back to the Fae would scared him. Letting a small sigh part his chapped lips, he tilted his head up ever so slightly to acknowledge the other, a thin yet polite smile playing on his lips.

“Oh? Hello there,” Lifting his gaze up, Ariel was met with blue eyes and blue hair, almost the same shade of color. He was pretty. Not like the Unseelie, but beautiful in his own way. Though that smirk on his face reminded him of Sindri and that made his heart give a painful thud, “It is nice to meet your acquaintance. I am Ariel Wylde of the Unseelie Court. Of course, you could have guessed that, seeing as I am a Fae as well as you.” He inclined his head and shifted his body a bit. He opened his mouth to speak but the perfect tune of a flute cuts him off. Not that he minded all that much. Small talk was never something he was good at. Instead, he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes, letting the notes flow over his skin like freshly woven silk. It wasn’t something he heard from his own Court, where the music was dramatic and loud, then soft and beautiful. It was different, and Ariel didn’t know how to describe it in any other way other than amazing.

Like all things in the world, the song ended in time, and blinking his eyes open, Ariel smiled into the direction of the trees that he heard the flute. “Well, hello, then-are you all that has arrived as of yet?” Even her voice was different. Nothing like the sweet melodic tune of the Unseelie female Fae. It was rougher, a little deeper. But for some reason, Ariel wasn’t repulsed by it. Honestly he thought he should have been, being that it was nothing like what he was used to. Maybe it was just his curiosity kicking in, or something along those lines.

Focusing his eyes on her, he gave a much nicer smile to her, and bowed his head politely, “Ah, my apologies, it seems that we are the only two here.” He gave her a light laugh, a sound that was normal to him but in the back of his mind he wondered how it sounded to her, “Though I do wish the other’s would hurry up. I don’t want to be waiting all night.” That that he gave a yawn, and looking surprised, his cheeks colored a light pink, something the light of the moon easily shone its light upon, to his chagrin.

“OI!” It was booming and loud, but Ariel could say he saw this one coming. He heard him stumbling about through the forest like some intoxicated being, or a wounded animal. He was clumsy really. Flicking his gaze away from the only girl with a polite nod, he looked the new comer up and down as he came toward their little pod of three. He was tall, much taller than Ariel could ever hope for. Maybe, he guessed, six feet, if not taller. He was a dragonkin, which much was obvious, unlike the very uniquely pretty girl in the group. His hair was the color of a new fire, and two horns came from his head, curling back, much like his long horned cattle. Upon reaching the other three, the tall, no giant, dragonkin sat down next to Ariel. He grinned tightly, not quite sure how he felt about that, but he left it alone, finding on a different level, he didn’t care.

Next came another girl, much shorter than the dragonkin. Her hair was a curly mess, and Ariel found it really cute. He wanted to touch it, honestly. He was about to greet her when her whole body just stopped. At first he was worried that something attacked her from behind, ready to do some hand to hand combat or something, but when he noticed the minimal change of color to her cheeks with a tiny blush, Ariel turned to follow her line of gaze, only to stare at the massive boy next to him. He didn’t smile, only snicker in his head and pressed a pale hand to his lips, smothering the smile that was growing there. It was too early for relationships like what the girl wanted, though there was nothing wrong with finding him attractive. He just hoped that if anyone decieded to be with another, and things ended for some reason, they wouldn’t become hurt or annoyed and effect the who groups journey. They were going into a life or death quest.

“Ariel, I want you to remember something?” The small boy froze and slowly brought his legs to his chest. No. No he didn’t want to do this. Not now, not ever. Especially not now though.
“Ariel, are you listening to me, I know I didn’t tire you out that much.” A light caress made his body tingle all over again, and he nuzzled closer to his lover, a soft moan escaping his lips.

“Yeah, ‘M listening Sin.” His voice was muffled, and the words slurred, his body getting warmer as the other trailed his hands over the places he knew would get a reaction from him. Fleeting touches to his sides, nails scraping against his bare chest, lazy circles on his hips bones, scratches alone his inner thigh, it was driving him crazy. “Sin, just
tell me, will you?” it broke off as a mewl, his back arching, “Dammit. I hate you.”

A soft chuckle, “I love you too, Ariel. But, Shortie, listen to me.” All touches stopped and Ariel wanted to groan, though he held that in, “I want you to remember me. I know you want to say ‘yeah, yeah of course I will, I love you’ or something along those lines, but I don’t want you to remember just
this. I want you to think about me.” A pause, “I want your quest to be in the name of saving me.”

“Sindri, that’s dumb of course I will never forget you. When I come back, you will be right here, still stuck here with my greedy parents,” the look on his lover’s face halted him, “Sin? Sindri? Is there something you’re not telling me?” all his good mood was gone and he sat up quickly, tears springing to his eyes, “You aren’t leaving me are you?”

“God, fuck. No.” the older sat up with him and grabbed his hands, “No. But Ariel, I am 22 years old, how have I not gone to war yet? I am able to. Honestly, I think it is your parents doing, for you. And with you gone, I think I will be sent to fight. I am not needed here if you aren’t here. Your parents have their own maids. So I want you to remember me, for me. I want you to finish your quest with me in mind. Because Ariel, if I go, I’m positive I won’t be coming back.”

Another maid knocked on the door and Ariel understood that he was being summoned by his parents.

Flicking his eyes to gaze among the trees, Ariel tried to calm his quick beating heart. It was a horrible conversation, with a horrible ending, yet neither of them talked about it again. It was too heavy. Just like they never talked about when Ariel’s parents would give him the option to marry the princess, what would he do? Or what he would do if they got caught? It was selfish of both of them, living in a fantasy world with only each other, ignoring all else. But now
now it was time to face reality. It was time to grow up, after so many years of trying his hardest to not take responsibility, the music was going to be hard to face. He imagined that Sindri was going to go through the same thing.

It was a while before the next one came. Ariel counted the group again; along with himself there was a Seelie Fae and a Dragonkin. He looked at the two females for a while, trying to pick apart what they would be. The shorter looked too fragile to be anything but a Fae or a witch, and considering she didn’t have wings, he went with the witch. He let a small frown mar his face. He want overly fond of witches and warlocks. Their magic interested him, but he knew that some were downright nasty and used their magic for evil. And he wasn’t talking about the war. However the other female was hard to figure out. She was tall, so not a Fae. They had a dragonkin, so she wasn’t that either. He could say centaur, but he didn’t think her to be one. Not quite sure what she was, he gave a short sniff and leaned his head back against the tree, giving complete guess and saying she was a either a centaur or a nymph.

Not too much time had passed when a pale skinned and pale haired boy came out from the trees and Ariel without a second thought figured out he was a centaur. He carried himself much like one. He had seen them before, though he had to hide in order to not be killed, and the regal way they held themselves, and even the way they fought, was beautiful. Breath-taking even. “Miss Naga
” What? A Naga was here too? “It isn’t polite to hide up there, please come down. Everyone is waiting.” Ariel looked up and let out a whine, seeing a very large thing in the trees. He figured it was the Naga and looked back down, another yawn parting his lips. Maybe he should have taken a nap with Sindri while he had the chance. Oh well, too late now. Directing his gaze over to the centaur, he found that he was on the short side for someone of his race, or at least the men he saw fighting were huge, though he figured that since they were all still kids, they had the possibility of growing a few more inches. Except him. He was stuck. Forever at 5 feet. It was a horrible thing.

Smiling, Ariel looked up at the Naga in the trees, “Yes, please, I would love to meet you Miss. I’m sure none of us bite, you are safe here.” He didn’t move from his sitting position so craning his head up was a bit awkward and painful, but he made do so he could address her, “So please, Miss, come join us. You are among friends.”

Soon an Elf arrived and Ariel fought the urge to hug her. He loved Elves. They were an amazing race. Not true to their name, they could be any shape or size, and they were great at wood-work and had top-notch blacksmiths. Or they did, back before the war. He wasn’t quite sure how every race lived with the war raging on. She stood tall, and didn’t talk, which made Ariel a little put out because he didn’t want a moody Elf. Or in general, a moody anyone. They were going to have to get along, why try and fight it. The Elder told him that they were going to have to earn each other’s trust, and watch each other’s backs during fights. And that there would be many battles. He wasn’t sure if that meant external battles or internal. He just said it was going to be a bit of both.

About to say something to the Elf, a bright light shone through the trees and Ariel tensed up. They were safe here, or they should have been. After it faded into a dimmer glow, a young man walked out of the trees, shimmering in light. It seemed to originate from his forehead. Knowing no race that shimmered, he guessed a magicuser, specifically a Warlock. “So, what’s everybody up to? If you were waiting for me, I already went on ahead and checked everything out. Seriously you guys are way too slow.” Ariel raised a single eyebrow and quirked his lips, “So, yeah, stop being lazy and get your bums moving. Mommy Mavin is here to guide the way.” Ariel giggled a bit at that, his eyes closing for a second as the sound carried and brought a hush to the group.

He blushed. “My apologies. Anyway, Warlock.” He stood up and internally sighed at his height. Damn this. It was going to take a while to get them to take him seriously in his height, “In case your Elder didn’t tell you,” he pointed a finger at him with a huff, “though why he would tell you anything is beyond me. Why did that pick such an incompetent Warlock is beyond me,” he added under his breath, “We were to meet under the oak tree at midnight. Judging by the position of the moon, it is well past midnight. I’m quite sure the Elders did not say ‘go galloping into the forest and find a way to get through everything and show off your manliness’ or did yours specifically say that?” his hands ended up on his hips and a smile played at his lips. He normally wasn’t so informal, but the boy didn’t seem the type to care for formalness. And besides, Ariel was irked that they, he, had to wait for so long. Honestly, he could have been sleeping. But he wasn’t mad. Not really. “Anyways, I’m sure the other Elder’s told you this but we are granted safe passage through the lands that the races inhabit. After that, we are on our own for food, water, medicine, whatever.” He frowned and ran a hand through his hair. “You were right about one thing, Warlock. We need to get moving. So come on.” By this time he was sort of standing next to the magicuser, but a bit in front of him at the same time. As everyone started to shuffle around and get up, chatter also started to be heard, instead of the stiff silence. Smiling, Ariel tossed back a grin at the Warlock and moved aside to let him through, “Show us the way, or Great Warlock.”

As they began to gather their things and set off, Ariel cast one glance back to where he knew his land resided. Back to where Sindri was. His heart felt heavy, and all he wanted to do was run back into his arms and never leave them. I love you, Sin. he thought, turning back to face the front and smiling bitterly. If he thought about it hard enough, he could still feel the tingling of his touches along his body. The perfect hands, caressing his sides, running through his hair

They laughed and kissed again. Then again, the giggling quieter. The next time their lips pulled apart, Ariel had the perfect shade of blush on his cheeks and Sindri was smirking. Bringing up his hands, Sin cupped the other’s face and pulled him into a deeper kiss, gently parting his lips with his tongue and starting a battle that happened each and every time. It was slow at first, slow and sweet and gentle, but when Ariel bit Sindri’s bottom lip in a challenge, everything turned on his head.

After being pushed down into the bed, Ariel looped his arms around the older’s neck and yanked him down for a much deeper and more heated kiss. Quiet moans were swallowed by the other, and their bodies began to rock slowly against each other. Pulling away to bite his neck, Sindri trailed his hands up and down Ariel’s body and then quickly rid him of his clothes. Next came the nips and the hot laps of his tongue. The warm heat that enveloped him, the areas that made his back arch off the bed and clasp his hands over his mouth to muffle the moans or screams. A dull pain, and then pleasure. And more pleasure. It built up, their bodies now rocking without a rhythm. His vision went white and then black. Perfection.


“Ow, dammit.” Blinking away the memories, Ariel rubbed his forehead with his hand, tears springing into his eyes and a pout formed on his lips, glaring at the tree that did him no wrong. He was so caught up in his memories, the memory that would be one of many to keep him going through this quest, that he had not been paying attention to where he was placing his feet, resulting in him running head first into an oncoming tree. Placing his other hand on the tree, he pushed off of it and tried to blink quickly, willing the black spots in his vision to go away. But it was to no avail, and for a long while, Ariel spent his time tripping over roots and rocks and other plants while he was trying to make his vision clear. There were a few snickers here and there, but he couldn’t tell who was who and in the end he just didn’t care. Or really, he cared a lot, but he wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it because there was no point.

He remembered a time, when he was much younger, when a few kids were bulling him for his hair, pulling locks of it out and pushing him around, making him bleed. He was crying, sobbing really, trying to fight back. He was smaller than the other boys, though he was the exact same age as them. It really made him angry. He wasn’t even sure why they wanted to pick on him. To him, his hair was his hair. He was special. His mommy told him he was special and that no one could take that away from him. A rather loud wail escaped him and the two boys were picked up by the collar of their shirts
“What are you boys doing to my son?” his mother’s soft yet commanding voice pierced through his sobs and he opened his eyes to see his mom glaring at the two kids, “Don’t touch him again.” She put them down and they took off running, terrified of someone from the Royal Court. Especially the Queen’s advisor. Once they were gone, Ariel was picked up and cradled in his mom’s chest, and he started to cry all over again.

“Mommy, I don’t like my hair, I don’t like my eyes. I don’t like being short. Mommy I don’t like it. I hate it. I just wanna
I wanna be normal. Why am I not normal. I’m
I am
ugly. They told me I was ugly.” He sniffled a few times, but because he was his mother he stayed strong. She called him her brave little warrior.

She cooed and pet his hair, carrying him all the way back home. “Remember that you are special, Ariel. People are going to make fun of you your whole life, okay? But I want to you kill them with your kindness. Be polite to them, smile at them. Don’t be rude back, stay calm at all times.”

“Kindness is the best form of manipulation.” was what she told him. He took it to heart as a child, and kept it with him, using it with his father. He doesn’t remember his father every being a kind man, but apparently he loved him and his mother very much before being sent to war. War changed a man. It changed him forever. He hoped that Sindri wouldn’t end up the same way.

Glancing over at the Warlock, he frowned and stepped over a protruding root, “Pardon me Mister, but do you actually know where we are going? Do you have a plan in mind, or is mindless walking your plan?” Pale eyes rolled and a faint smile touched his lips, “Oh, I forgot. I am Ariel, a Fae from the Unseelie Court. As if you couldn’t tell already. But who exactly are you?” he shrugged his backpack to the other shoulder, “I mean, your sort of a powerful Warlock, judging by the magic you tried to use back there, but I see you can’t control it. Why did the Elders chose you?”He didn’t mean for it to be rude, and so he forced his tone to drop into a sort of mild curious one, instead of a flat, monotonous tone he normally used. A small tilt of his head also gave way to the fact that he wasn’t trying to offend, just merely asking. He wanted to know, honestly. What made this guy special. Ariel figured he was a wild card to the group, with his powers and all that. But what about the others?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raza Hakimi Character Portrait: Mavin Kyran Character Portrait: Ariel Wylde Character Portrait: Bailiona Krysanthe Character Portrait: Jacquette Beauson Character Portrait: Serafina Calidus
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0.00 INK

Micha felt a little bad for startling the young Fae, but he was quickly pulled away from the feeling as a short conversation started. “Oh? Hello there, It is nice to meet your acquaintance. I am Ariel Wylde of the Unseelie Court. Of course, you could have guessed that, seeing as I am a Fae as well as you.”

Ariel Wylde. The name brought out a familiarity, or at least the last part did, but he wasn't quiet sure where he had heard it before. He couldn't quite figure out why, but the tone was polished enough he was willing to be royalty. He nodded a bit at having guessed that much, Fae's weren't hard to tell apart from others. “Figured, you're too pretty to be a Seelie,” he muttered, then added in a louder tone. “Micha, by the way.”

Not to say that Micha wasn't entranced by his own court, but there was something about the Unseelie that was almost majestic. They were all beautiful for the most part. Especially this one with his fair skin and bright hair. Micha'd always had a weakness for those traits himself.

Ariel was going to say something again, but the sound of a flute cut him off. Micha fell quiet, not because he was particularly fond of the music himself but because it seemed rude otherwise. It was a fine tune, though it was over soon.

Micha twisted his head around at the sound of a voice, distinctly female, it was of a deeper variation. Definitely not Fae, at least. She was beautiful, though in a simpler way than his own race. He'd seen enough Nymphs in his lifestyle to recognize one when he saw it. They all held a certain visual aspect, like a flower in bloom. She had a darker skin tone that he rarely ever got to see, and some bushy hair that brought a smile to his face.

He nodded along with what Ariel was saying, it did seem as if the two were the only ones there. “Though I do wish the others would hurry up. I don’t want to be waiting all night.” “Agreed,” he muttered. “Though if they're going to be slow I wouldn't mind a nap...” Though just as he said it, a new voice joined the group. Loud and booming.

To be honest, Micha had an issue with paying attention to his surroundings. He knew it was dangerous, but he was tired and a little stressed. He hadn't heard the sounds, but as he raised his eyes he quickly became aware of the newest member to their group.

He was a very tall man, with flaming orange hair, strong, prominent features, and a very impressive pair of curling horns. Dressed in very little...and Micha thought he was being a rebel. This boy plopped down right by the young Fae, and Micha could only snicker softly at the expression that crossed Ariel's face—he was slightly uncomfortable about the situation. And the new comer looked a little too happy with his.

Another girl appeared way too soon and he sighed deeply at the fact that he was going to have to let go of the prospect of a nap. He should have slept before leaving, and he was regretting it now, but at least he'd had a relatively good night.

She was a tiny girl, definitely human, but very beautiful. Even in his lazy state, Micha lifted up on his elbow to look the girl over. She was very small, very fair, and very demanding of attention. While not necessarily his type, there was no doubt she was hard to look away from.

After a moment, he followed her own expression to where her gaze was locked and chuckled under his breath. Guess I'm not her type either... he thought to himself. Oh it was definitely going to be interesting with girls around...this journey was beginning to have a bright side.

Silence fell around the small group and after awhile Micha lost interest in looking at the others and laid back down again. He wasn't feeling like himself at all, normally he would have been down on the ground messing with the others and making jokes but...he was too tired.

Or at least that was what he was telling himself. Honestly, his heart felt heavy. He was thinking about her. After all these years, after moving on and having a life, she was back on his mind still hurt. Like it'd all happened yesterday. He figured a piece of himself would always lay with her.

He actually closed his eyes for awhile before anyone else came. He'd unfolded his wings, let them lazily glide in the air for a moment before dropping them at his sides. He normally didn't flaunt them so much—and that wasn't what he was doing, he was just tired and keeping them pinned was a lot of energy too.

He'd just thought about that nap again when a noise caught his ears, and he moved enough to see another male enter the group. This ones race Micha couldn't pin, but he carried himself with a certain type of...pride? He wasn't sure what it was. “Miss Naga it isn’t polite to hide up there, please come down. Everyone is waiting.”

His brow furrowed in confusion, when the hell had a Naga joined them? His eyes searched the branches and after he focused long enough he saw her. She was huge, but he figured a life-sized snake would be anyway. He didn't have a problem with them at all, and actually found her to be very cute the longer he looked.

“---I’m sure none of us bite, you are safe here.” Micha scoffed under his breath as he turned his head to the opposite side. “Not unless you're into that kind of thing...” he trailed off as his eyes landed on an Elf who had apparently just joined their group.

She raised an unamused eyebrow at him while he only grinned in response. She rolled her eyes slightly before they went around the rest of the group. Before anything else could be said, or anyone else introduced, a bright light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Well hell, that caught Micha's attention, and he lifted up on his elbow again to look off in the distance.

Amarie, who could see exceptionally well, was already shaking her head. As to why the male was glowing, she had no idea, but she was sure there was an amusing story to the reasoning.

“So, what’s everybody up to? If you were waiting for me, I already went on ahead and checked everything out. Seriously you guys are way too slow. So, yeah, stop being lazy and get your bums moving. Mommy Mavin is here to guide the way.”

Micha felt confused, surely his attention wasn't that bad that he hadn't noticed someone else had arrived before him. Definitely not from a sky view, certainly he would have noticed a glowing dude. You're goin to get yourself killed...

The sound of a Fae giggle stole his attention once more, an he found himself looking down at the Unseelie, who blushed as soon as he realized everyone had gone quiet.

Amarie leaned against a tree just opposite them, enough to keep an eye on the group but not say anything. She raised an eyebrow slowly as the boy with hair almost as bright as hers stood. Fae, she noticed.

“Who put this kid in charge?” she asked under her breath.

Micha flipped out of the tree easily, lading just in front of her with his wings snapping into place. “You wanna lead the way, Princess?”

She gave him a look that probably could have sent anyone else running. “Bite me.”

“Where?” he retorted. It was just too easy. She stepped up to him as if she was about to retort something--and how he hoped it was going to be fun--but then a sound interrupted them.

“Ow, dammit.”

Micha looked behind him and Amarie over his shoulder at the Fae that had just run smack into a tree. He shook his head with a light snicker and fell into walking with the group, but Amarie held back a couple of paces behind everyone else.

She looked off towards the southeast for the longest moment, hoping her baby sister was having some good dreams, and blew off a kiss in the direction. She couldn't see anything, of course, but it gave her a little peace. Then she turned around and started walking again.

From her spot in the very back she could see all the others, smiling and making introductions as they walked. The blue Fae was by far the tallest, which was amusing because in counterpart the other Fae was the shortest.

She wondered for a moment why there was two of them when it occurred to her that they had different subraces as well. Something about being one thing and un-another. She knew she remembered in the back of her mind, but she couldn't pull the information forward.

Even from her spot in the back, she could hear them talking up front. Her ears were pretty amazing that way. Actually, the more he talked the more amusing she was finding the tiny fairy, who seemed to have a bit of a smart mouth on him.

A smile actually tugged on her lips as she shifted the straps on her back. The group that was in front of her seemed like a pretty able group. The guys appeared to be strong—except maybe the Fae's less so in physicality. However, they were powerful creatures and she wasn't worried.

The girls...the only one who stuck out to her like a sore thumb was the smallest. She looked like something that needed to be sitting at one of those shops that sold rare, priceless items. Not someone who should be on a mission such as their own. However, if there was anything Amarie had learned in her short life it was never to judge by appearances, which could be so deceiving.

Perhaps the young woman was a magicurser, who had powers no one could even dream of.

She sighed, deciding she was already done with people watching, and instead turned her attention to the trees around them. She loved the forest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Raza Hakimi Character Portrait: Mavin Kyran Character Portrait: Ariel Wylde Character Portrait: Bailiona Krysanthe Character Portrait: Jacquette Beauson
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0.00 INK

Serafina Calidus

One of the first things that Serafina notices about the shorter of the two brilliantly-haired boys, both of whom are quite obviously representatives of the faerie courts, other than their appearances, is that he carries a bag made of familiar looking scales. Not familiar as in she knows the person they were taken from, but in the fact that she can recognize where they have come from to begin with. She easily ignores the unsettled feeling this gives her, just as she easily ignores most tension, because it is unlikely that the faerie folk would have easy access to any already dead water nymphs, unless said nymphs died in battle. Were she not so in control of her emotions, Fina may have been a bit angry at the sight of the bag. Had she not spent half of her life outside of nymph territory, she certainly would have been. Most fire nymphs are not known for their self restraint, after all, a slightly bitter stereotype that does stem from a little seedling of truth, unfortunately.

"Well, I'm certain that they will arrive soon enough, then," Fina responds amicably, visibly amused by something, though it is unlikely that one would guess it to be the high pitch of his voice, not his rose blush, that prompts this little smirk. Most of the men she's known have had huskier voices, and the faeries she has traveled with have only ever been female- if there is a reason for this trend, she is ignorant to it. He sounds like a girl, or a small child. And rather looks like one too- I wonder if that's a trigger for him? Shorty? she muses, the smirk still present on her face. "I wouldn't suggest falling asleep though- all manner of things in these woods, inclined towards all sorts of snacks, I'm sure," the nymph warns jokingly, her eyes dancing. So far, the group seem interesting enough- two rather pretty faerie boys, though distinctly from different courts, even to the eyes of an outsider like herself. There isn't really time for a response to her comment, as a booming voice resonates through the area, powerful in its single syllable: "Oi!" It is a small task to identify the speaker, as a large -as in tall and muscular, not portly- man saunters towards them with a smile and a rather casual air about him. He arrives with a wink towards the group, before quickly glancing over each member. Within seconds, he is own the ground, mouth nearly stretching into a grin as he finally says hello. Serafina looks him over in turn, easily identifying him, with his vivid hair and large horns, as a dragonkin. Did I not get the hair memo? I'd have colored mine. As it is, he looks more like fire than I, her mouth quirks into what nearly turns her smirk into a smile, but does not quite make it there.

"Salutations," is her distracted greeting- distracted because yet another person arrives. This one is a girl with a tiny frame, almost like a porcelain doll, and eyes that seem to freeze over the dragonkin's body. Any chance of the smirk fading is immediately reduced to zero, because the petite young woman's distraction proves to be quite funny. "And hello to you- sorry, I would have worn less clothing as well, if I'd thought it could grab a bit more of your attention," she teases the girl, clearly referring to her having been staring at the man with the flaming hair.

At the sound of footsteps, Fina turns her attention towards the tree, where she sees a young man extending his hand up into the branches. She hadn't caught what he had said, but certainly remembers his features. At this point, the smirk does do the unlikely, evolving into a grin at the familiar face. "Oi! It's you! Mr. Knight-In-Shining-Armor," she acknowledges him in this manner, unsure whether to be pleased -because he had been rather easily messed with- or irritated--as he had been a bit annoying, with his nosiness and such.

When another person, this time an elf by the look of it, joins the group and looks up the tree with some recognition, Fina is curious. She steps over the dragonkin to get a better view, and finds herself staring up at a Naga girl with glittering scales and a rather pretty face. As the moonbeam boy promises that the group on the ground do not bite, Fina opens her mouth to retort, her words coming perhaps a few seconds after the other faerie boy's, and therefore becoming lost behind them, for the most part. "Unless you ask nicely," she had said with the same grin she had possessed before. One that vanishes for a fleeting second when something bright shines in the corner of her eye. Fina turns to witness, and is very pleased to do so, a young man with dark hair and skin that glows a greenish hue speaking to them in a rather haughty manner.

He'll be fun, Fina decides, because the proud sorts of people are usually the best when it comes to getting interesting reactions out of them. "Be our guiding light then, won't you? On the bright side, none of us will get lost- how extraordinarily clever of you," she praises him sarcastically, the corners of her mouth dancing slightly. After this, however, she turns her attention away from the others in order to focus on the Naga girl, waiting until she has gotten down and introduced herself. This leaves the two at the back of the group, of course, but Fina finds that to be better- you can see a lot more funny things from behind, because people tend to forget about the eyes in the back.

"I'm Serafina, and I rather agree with you on that mark," Fina remarks brightly as they move, guessing that the warlock is not the best bet to be guiding the group. If anyone, it should be the Elf who leads them through the forest. Serafina has always envied elves their beautiful forests, and their aptitude for nature. She is, of course, an embodiment of fire, to some extent, but Serafina had always preferred trees to flames as a child. This only made it all the more unfortunate when she burned down a portion of the nymph forests as a child.

"But who am I to deny them the right to lead? Always been a sucker for a guy who glows like a toad," Serafina jokes, clearly not quite as concerned about wandering as Bailey, regardless of what she might have said. She is ever the fan of adventures and journeys, after all, regardless of their length.