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Ariel Lee

'The pleasure's all yours, I'm sure.'

0 · 1,027 views · located in The Academy

a character in “The Demi-God Academy”, originally authored by Cloud, as played by RolePlayGateway



“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
― Coco Chanel



Full Name:
Ariel Mercy Lee

"If you can't handle Ariel then Miss Lee is fine."


Birth Date:
13 February
"The day before Valentines day. Rather symbolic don't you think?"

Home Town:
Los Angeles, California
"The land of the Stars."

"Girls don't float my boat, as simple as that."

"College? No thanks. Once I've finished high school I'm out of here."

Being Demi-Gods


Godly Parent:
"Isn't it obvious?"
Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and pleasure.

While Ariel was never gifted with charmspeak, she has always been a strong empath. In particular her skills lie in replicating and manipulating other people's emotions. She can sense emotions, but only when they are very strong. A raging anger is easy enough to pick out, but someone with a quiet sadness she might not be able to sense. Not that she's ever been too concerned about how other people are feeling when it doesn't concern her. Ariel uses her powers to make people feel what she wants them to feel. She can push any emotion on a person at a range of levels. She could, if she desired, replicate immense sadness in someone or push so much happiness that a person will laugh and smile endlessly without a proper reason. However Ariel's favourite way of using her power is in subtle bursts. That way a person might not even know that they're being manipulated, but with each emotion she feeds them they will be more likely to succumb to her wishes. The emotions of lust, love and desire seem to be particularly easy for Ariel to replicate. Ariel has also found that when she is emotionally upset, her powers are that much harder to control.

Of course, being the daughter of Aphrodite Ariel also has powers over clothes and make-up. With a wave of her hand she can apply make up to her face, changing eye shadow or lip stick colour is only a blink away. Her clothes, while unable to change in the blink of an eye, never crease or stain. She is also fluent in French, the language of love.

Dancing \\ Acting \\ Singing "Triple threat" \\ Clever \\ Patient
Natural Feelings of Love Strengthen Her \\ Weak Minds Are The Easiest to Control

Weaknesses and Flaws:
Physical Fighting \\ Vain \\ Spoiled
Her Own Emotions \\ Strong Wills Might Resist Her Emotion Manipulating

Sharing Our Desires


Acting \\ Parties \\ Being The Centre of Attention \\ Speaking French
Secrets \\ Order \\ Clothes \\ Make-up \\ Publicity
Flirting \\ Boys \\ Getting Her Way \\ Drinking
Masked Balls \\ Clubbing \\ Fast Cars

Being Denied Something \\ Sneakers and Jeans
Terrible Fashion Sense \\ Bad Hair Days
Dogs \\ Snakes \\ Spiders \\ Horses \\ Snails
Heights \\ Old People \\ Paparazzi \\ Nannies
Physical Fighting \\ Swords \\ Archery

Acting \\ Given the influence of her father it was only natural that Ariel take a shine to acting. She's passionate about it and plans on making it her career once she's finished with school.
Clothes \\ "I'm definitely counting this." Ariel has a keen eye for fashion. She loves to shop and will spend countless hours making sure she has the perfect outfit. Considering how much time it takes up, there's no wonder she counts it as a hobby.

Growing Old \\ Becoming wrinkly and grey is the stuff of nightmares to Ariel.
Heights \\ Ariel has never been much of a fan of heights.

Her Fears \\ No one needs to know what Ariel fears, after all the knowledge would only make her look weak in their eyes.


[Calculating \\ Manipulative \\ Spoiled \\ Patient \\ Protective \\ Confident]
Calculating and manipulative, Ariel isn't used to being denied anything for long. She has always known what she likes and is usually able to get it, even if it requires slightly tampering with someone's emotions to do so. She has no problems using people to get what she wants, often stepping over those she deems unimportant to reach her goal. Ariel views manipulating people to do her will as a game. She likes to see how quickly she can subtly manoeuvre someone to do what she wants, without them knowing that she's playing with their emotions.

While many might describe these actions as those of a ruthless bitch, it's important to remember that Ariel will act the friend until she has no further use for you. Two faced, back stabbing, whatever you want to call her, most people don't realise they're being played until it's too late (if indeed they ever realise). When Ariel turns on her charm it's hard to ever imagine that she could be capable of deliberately hurting someone. She knows how to act innocent and only shows her true face to those who have truly displeased her or she doesn't give a damn about. Not that Ariel sets out to hurt people. She would never purposefully ruin someone's life just for the sake of it. Usually they will have wronged her first, or be in the way of her goal.

Ariel is surprisingly smart, not that she's ever applied herself. Given a chance she could excel in several subjects, but often she won't put in the time or effort. This isn't from a lack of concentration or patience, for she has patience in abundance. No, her disinclination to apply herself to most studies is because she doesn't think it important. She knows where she wants her life to go and anything that isn't related naturally takes a back seat.

To those who Ariel calls a true friend (and they are rare), Ariel will frequently drop the façade. Around them and her father she is a much more genuine person. She will laugh and joke (not always at the expense of others) with her friends and generally be a fun teenager. To her true friends and her family Ariel is also fiercely protective. Insult or hurt anyone she deeply cares about and you will find yourself relentlessly hounded until Ariel believes that you have been punished enough.

Ariel likes everything, from her clothes to her bedroom, to be just so. She will never leave her room without looking perfect and if she feels a hair out of place she will find the closest mirror and fix it. Vanity is a common trait in Aphrodite's children, but with their looks it's not hard to see why. Ariel knows that she looks good. She knows what colours best suit her, what light makes her the most attractive and how to play off her assets. Flirting is naturally something she enjoys, especially when flirting with someone who can handle her attention.

The Past Defines Us


Ariel Mercy Lee was born the day before valentines day to actor turned director Nicholas Lee and the Greek Goddess of Love Aphrodite. Really, looking back on it Ariel is only surprised that the union didn't happen sooner. Her father, Nicholas Lee, moved from China with his parents at the tender age of six months. They settled in Chicago and Nick spent the next eighteen years in relative obscurity until a final growth spurt pushed him over six foot. He was spotted in a market, signed a week later and so began a highly successful modelling career. When he turned his sights to acting he moved to Hollywood. While many find the transition hard, Nicholas found his entrance onto the silver screen relatively smooth. By the time he was twenty-five, Nicholas Lee was a household name. Eventually he decided to try his hand at directing and it was then, in the prime of his career, that Aphrodite noticed him. He found himself flattered by the attention of the Goddess, who was open about her divinity. Their relationship was not anchored in love, as one might imagine, but lust and pleasure. Nicholas knew that Aphrodite would not stay with him forever, she was a god after all and he a mere mortal. He expected to wake up every morning and find her gone, and was surprised each time she was still there. When she eventually did leave Nicholas had to content himself with the time they'd had together. However a few months later a baby girl appeared in his L.A mansion, wrapped in a soft blanket with an attached locket in the shape of a heart.

Ariel grew up in the eye of the public, her famous father taking her to many red carpet events. As a child of Aphrodite she thrived off the attention. Her father never failed to give her what she asked for and when he went away for week (which was a frequent event) her sitters learnt never to deny the young girl either. Those that did refuse her often found that rather than throw a tantrum like most little children, Ariel would remain eerily calm until some emotion settled over the nannies that made them question their choice. Ariel's power over emotions was always present. Even when she didn't fully understand her powers she knew that if she concentrated just right she could make someone feel what she wanted. It wasn't until her father actually explained who her mother was that Ariel's really began to get a grip on her powers. It became to a game to her, pushing people into doing what she wanted by tweaking their emotions. She enjoyed the subtlety in it. It wasn't simply making someone angry or sad, you had to leak an emotion with your words so that they associated something what you were saying with the emotion.

In this way she was able to cruise through school and much of her early life. She maintained a straight A+ average at school, not that she ever did much work. Rather she manipulated other students to do her work for her. They were all too happy to help, eager even, especially after she made them feel grateful for asking them. It was the same at work. Given her father's profession it was no surprise that Ariel go into acting. Unfortunately she was too short to model, the tall genes had apparently skipped her generation, but she had a natural talent for acting. To her co-workers she was a dream to work with, even when she stole their lines. She used her power to push herself forward, rarely caring for the consequences.

It wasn't until her dad sat her down and mentioned his concern in her behaviour that things changed. While he wasn't immune from Ariel's power, she rarely used it on him out of love and respect. Besides after his brief affair with Aphrodite he knew what powers looked like and he had seen the way Ariel manipulated those around her. He could see her spiralling out of control and his answer was the Demi-God Academy. Despite her protests Ariel was sent to the demi-god school at the age of 14. Her acting was put on hold, her father saying she had to finish school before he would allow her to return. He believed that by surrounding herself with other demi-gods it would help her to better understand the correct way to use her powers. Things didn't exactly work out as he planned, rather it's taught her to be less obvious with her manipulation. She has found using her powers here to be much more of a challenge, but one that she is fully capable of facing head on. Much to her surprise Ariel has enjoyed her years at the Academy. However, as much as she likes it she also cannot wait to get out. She wants to show the world what she can do and isn't about to let her father's rule about not using her powers stop her from anything.

Theme Song:
Primadonna || Marina and the Diamonds
Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave

Primadonna girl

Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question right now, baby

Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal though

And I'm sad to the core, core, core
Everyday is a chore, chore, chore
When you give, I want more more more
I wanna be adored

'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave

Primadonna girl

Fill the void up with Celluloid
Take a picture, I'm with the boys
Get what I want 'cause I asked for it
Not because I'm really that deserving of it
Living life like I'm in a play
In the limelight I want to stay
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal though

Going up, going down, down, down
Anything for the crown, crown, crown
When the light's dimming down, down, down
I spin around

'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave

Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave

Primadonna girl

So begins...

Ariel Lee's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Florence Bradshaw
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#, as written by Cloud
Time: 9.45am

Classes have started for the students.
The University students are currently in Power Control situated in the training courts.
The high school students are in either English or Maths class.


The class had started 15 minutes ago. The teacher, one Mr Frank Solomon, had first greeted the returning students warmly, obviously pleased to find the majority alive and relatively sane. His instructions had then been to enjoy the first day of classes. He had given them several options, each designed to help them get out of their holiday funk and get back into the swing of things. Set up at the further end of the training courts was a collection of targets and dummies, ranging in shapes and sizes. Some were stationary and some would move when in play. All offered a good place for students who wished to exercise control and train their precision with their powers. Closer to him, where he could watch and make sure that nobody went overboard, were the sparring areas. These were places where students could have mock fights against each other, using their powers to defeat their opponents. Of course, actually hurting anyone was against the rules, hence why Mr Solomon was hovering nearby. As usual for those not inclined to fighting, tables had been erected to the side to allow students, usually Athena and Hephaestus' children, to but their brains to the test. In between each area other students had come up with their own lesson plan, each stretching out their powers in their own way.

Amelia had been inclined to head down to the set up of dummies. There she, and the other students who had picked the moving targets, were busy decimating the Academy's population of stuffed targets. With a grin Amelia sent another sizzling bolt of lightning flying towards the dummy, reducing it to a smouldering heap of ash in seconds. Her hands were buzzing with miniature lightning bolts, the air around her seemed to be giving off a slightly static vibe and she couldn't help but smile. She sighted down the range again, threw her hands up in front of her and sent a flurry of lightning bolts flying towards a target set up halfway down the range. It exploded in an eruption of smoke and Amelia turned her attention to the next target. This one popped out of the ground on her left side, moving forward on it's mechanism. It was shaped like a mythical hall hound and ran low to the ground. Even so it didn't stand a chance as Amelia sent another bolt of lightning flying at it.

She took a step back from the moving targets, both to let her peers have a go and to catch her breath. Power control was undoubtedly one of Amelia's favourite classes. Where else was she able to use her gift without the fear of hurting another person? After all, lightning wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing to be hit with. She loved the feeling of it's power racing through her and had to resist going overboard. As she caught her breath, Amelia glanced around the courts. She spotted Eddie lounging on the sidelines and couldn't help but shake her head. She knew that his powers weren't really the active, fighting type. They were dangerous in their own way, or they could be if he trained them, but she understood his fear about losing control of them. Insanity wasn't something easy to control. But, he'd never learn how to if he simply sat and did nothing. With a shrug Amelia turned her attention back to the targets.


Ariel sat at the back of the Maths class, choosing to block out most of what Miss Francis, the teacher, was saying. Class was really not her thing. She would much rather be out socialising, or attending VIP events. Sitting here was not her idea of a good time. So instead of tuning into the lesson Ariel was staring at her nails, tapping each finger nail with her opposite hand and changing the colour with her powers. She had always been glad that her power over make-up extended to her nails. It meant that she always had the perfect nail colour and didn't have to spend money on the actual polish, not that money had ever been a problem for her. Ariel had just settled on a pastel green for one hand when she was jolted from her thoughts.

"Miss Lee, are you paying attention?" The teacher, Miss Francis asked across the silent room. Ariel glanced up from her hands to find Miss Francis staring at her, her arms folded across her chest and her own unpainted nails tapping quietly against her opposite arm. Ariel felt no fear towards the teacher. How could she when the woman was wearing a hideous floral dress matched with a pair of last seasons sandals? "No Miss. I was doing my nails." Ariel replied, smiling serenely at the woman. Miss Francis stared at Ariel, not quite sure how to react to the girl. It was obvious that she had never had Ariel as a student, or she would have let the comment go. As it was Miss Francis was willing to give Ariel a chance. She cleared her throat and pointed to a particular problem on the board, "Please Miss Lee, what is the answer to this problem?" Ariel cast a lazy look at the board. There was no way she could answer that. So instead she called on her favourite weapon, her powers. Subtly was the answer and Ariel had mastered that long ago. It was slightly harder at the Academy given that here powers were common place, but that didn't make it impossible. "I don't know Miss." Ariel replied clearly, giving Miss Francis her best smile. Then, with a mental push she thrust a collection of emotions at Miss Francis. Miss Francis, about to frown at Ariel and no doubt tell her off, suddenly paused. Her face took on a content expression as she turned her gaze from the question to Ariel. Miss Francis gave Ariel a kind smile and shook her head. "Well then. That's alright. We'll move along." She said before rubbing the problem off and turning to the next one.

Ariel rolled her eyes at Miss Francis' back. She hadn't been much of a challenge. It had only taken a small amount of happiness, contentment and acceptance to make her change her tune. Really, Ariel would never be able to grow her power if she was forced to solely manipulate people as weak minded as Miss Francis. However, she had another year before she could legally leave the Academy, so it would be another year until she was able to step out into the world and put her considerable talents to good use.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Orpheus Dwight Dunstan
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Orpheus had lost sight of the ghost. It wasn’t the first time, and the Hades child knew that it wasn’t the last. They were extremely elusive- and his powers were rather under developed. Sighing, he shrugged slightly before turning back and walking towards the dorms once more- though he knew he was going to be late to class. He was far away from the High School buildings and the dorms as well, hidden in a shadowy, dark abandoned corridor in one of the older buildings within the Academy. Should not have followed that ghost. I knew I shouldn’t have. Grumbling slightly, Orpheus picked up his pace as he quickly dashed down a flight of squeaky old floorboards and through a corridor, dark due to the haphazardly bolted windows. Nothing scared Orpheus much though, not anymore. His position as a child of Hades gave him a sort of assurance that nothing ‘supernatural’ would happen to him, or so he hoped. What’s next class again? God, should have brought that schedule of mine. What was it
math? Math. I think it was math- I guess it was, at least. Taking a turn, he ran down another flight of run-down stairs, and then came to a stop in front of a short fence. Gasping for breath, Orpheus stopped for a while, leaning over as he placed his hands against his knees and breathed in and out.

“Horrible idea to run. Absolutely horrible. God the sun is bright today.” Orpheus squinted through the door right in front of the fence to the Sun that hung brightly in the air. He really did hate the outdoors- and if Orpheus could have, he would have stayed indoors for his whole life. Alas, life is never what one wants. Throwing his books gently onto the dusty floor on the other side of the fence, Orpheus placed his hands heavily on the bar and forcibly heaved himself over the short fence, grunting and panting as he finally was able to swing both of his legs down and onto the floor. “Never again.”[/b] Orpheus gave a resolute nod towards the staircase he had come down from then turned to pick up and dust off his books before turning around and jogging out of the building. The sun hit him full-force, causing Orpheus’s steps to falter as his hand shot up immediately to block the sun. This increased Orpheus’s already growing irritation as he slowly marched towards the dorms, his hair messy and his clothes dusty. Orpheus’s clothes also smelled of the mold that festered within the old building, and his hands were covered with dirt from the railings in the building he had accidentally touched. His adventure had left him filthy, and Orpheus’s mind was once again occupied with taking a bath.

That is, until he walked past the school buildings. The first bell rang loudly, peeling across from within the classrooms, to the hallways, to the grass fields around the building. Orpheus came to an abrupt stop, his eyes narrowing, before he started running as fast as possible back to the dorm. He quickly ran to his second floor room- panting and heaving- and shoved his keys in the keyhole before turning it quick and dashing into his room. “No, no, no, no-,” he muttered, running to the toilet and washing his hands, before dashing back and grabbing his already packed bag. “Why, why, why- no, where’s my- what in the- where-,” Orpheus whirled around, his eyes flicking left and right before he finally saw a clean jacket. Quickly pulling off the one he was wearing, Orpheus pulled the jacket on and put his backpack on before running out of his room, slamming his door- and forgetting to lock it- and out of the dormitory. His face was sweaty and grimy with dust, and his legs ached as Orpheus tried to run as fast as he could back to the school buildings- not that he was very fast. However, though Orpheus was slow, he arrived on time, just before the second bell.

Plopping himself down in one of the corner, vacant seats, Orpheus looked up at the arriving teacher before looking down again. He was tired; his legs ached and his back was sweaty. This really hasn’t been a very good start to a new year, has it? Looks were shot his way as others perceived the state Orpheus was in: dirty and sweaty. Ignoring the increased palpitation of his heart, Orpheus harshly grabbed his bag and pulled out his pencil case and his notebook and placed them on the table in front of him with shaky hands. He was saved when the teacher started introducing herself and the class, while also handing out the syllabus- written fully in ancient Greek- to all the demigods seated within the room. Miss. Francis hadn’t spoken for long before her attention was dragged away from her own lecture. “Miss Lee, are you paying attention?” Orpheus turned his head slightly to glance at the Aphrodite child who sat a ways away. Not another antic by one of those Aphrodite children
 He shook his head slightly before turning back to stare at the open, blank notebook page on his desk. “No Miss. I was doing my nails.” A silent, derisive snort left Orpheus when he heard the words. What else could you expect out of an Aphrodite child? But Miss Francis didn’t seem to want to give up; she promptly pointed at a problem on the board and asked Ariel Lee to solve it on the board. “I don’t know Miss.” Strike two for the Aprhodite child!

Orpheus knew that Miss. Francis tended to have a bad temper- especially from taking her class last year. However, the mean-tempered woman suddenly smiled as a content look spread across her face. “Well then. That’s alright. We’ll move along.” His eyes narrowed as he watched the teacher’s back as the thought suddenly clicked in his mind. She had used her powers on the teacher. Not that it’s my problem, anyways. What, really, can one do about those children of Aphrodite? Nothing. They’re lost cases.

Right in front of Orpheus, in long since dried ink, was the answer to the question on the board written in horrible handwriting on his notebook.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Camden Van Trap Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks Character Portrait: Jordan Brooks
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Casey watched with surprise as the teacher of her math class asked one of the girls if she was listening. Casey hadn't been which wasn't good, but she hadn't expected someone else would be called out on it which brought her attention back to the rather boring discussion. This material wasn't easy and thanks to Casey being a natural terrible math person, things were really bad.

Her eyes watched as the teacher seemed to just accept that the girl who was called 'Mrs. Lee' answered she didn't know. Great a teacher who seemed to be rather forgiving even when she just stated that someone wasn't paying attention... It was strange to see the change in attitude. Could this be the girl that she had been told about? Ariel? The one who could make people feel the way she wanted them to feel? Well. that's rather strange, and somewhat stupid. How would anyone want to hang out with her when they may not know if they're feeling what they want to feel or if they're feeling what Ariel wants them to feel? It was getting rather confusing for Casey now too, so she gave up in trying to figure out the puzzle.

A fellow beside her took had taken out his notebook and been the last one to show up. He looked somewhat dirty and rather sweaty, as if he had been running maybe. Wasn't he a child of Hades? One of the guys that the twins avoided? Maybe, maybe not. Oh well. Casey knew she shouldn't stare so she looked back at the board. Greek... great. How could Casey read ancient Greek when Latin was supposed to be a dead language, and was younger than Greek? How wonderful.

Casey sighed as she sank back down, hoping that something good would come into her situation. She stared at the varying letters, some looking similar to the English alphabet while some looked like scribbles from the Apollo kids' sketchbooks when they displayed them, or Casey caught sight of them. The letters seemed to change, or maybe it was Casey's eyes, or her head, but a second later Casey was able to understand some of the Greek. It was weird, as if magic... never mind it being weird.

Casey looked back over at the fellow beside her, wondering his name before looking down at her notebook and trying to draw something that didn't look like scribbles.


Jason smiled as he sat back in English. It was his favorite class considering it allowed him to practice poetry without getting in trouble. It also helped him when he was working on his songs with Jordan, or when he just wanted to work on songs. The classroom seemed somewhat dull with it's occupants seemingly bored out of their mind. Why were demigods with super unnatural parents and powers learning English? it didn't make much sense to Jason though he was not complaining about the class like Jordan did sometimes.

Jason's eyes wandered to his brother sitting behind Camden where he was seeing how long he could hold his breath. It was quite annoying to watch as Jordan kept cheating though he gave up a minute or so later as he then took up his pencil and began writing something down. Jason wasn't sure what Jordan was writing down or what language he was writing it down in. They both knew Ancient Greek and could speak it well enough though they both preferred to stick with English majority of the time.

Jason's thoughts flitted to Amelia as he sat there, daydreaming and not bothering to look at the board, but out the window right beside his desk. It was always much better to sit in the sun than where Jordan was, stuck in the back to avoid being the one that caught everyone's eyes. The two had been split up politely by their teacher though the teacher didn't know it wouldn't do a single thing in the twins situation. They had been in two different states at one point in their life, yet their teacher in elementary school had received their prank with specific clarity, ensured by Jordan.

Jordan sat writing down whatever came to mind. There had been a tune in his head that morning and that was already scribbled at the top of the notebook paper in a simple melodic way that only he and Jason understood. To any other person, it would look like a simple boring song, but when the twins saw it, they knew how to decipher the music to keep others from stealing the song.

Jordan sat up as he heard his name being mentioned. It was only there for a moment before he went back down. The teacher must have been explaining something to a first year. Probably not what to do in class. It was a lot easier to find examples when it involved two twins who were often in trouble and more often than not, the ones to blame. Jordan moved his bow a bit under his desk, annoyed that it was in the way of someone beside him. Don't people know that you don't touch another persons weapon?

His English teacher didn't seem too surprised to see it though she did ask that Jordan didn't actually load it in class ever... When Jordan had asked about a highly unlikely scenario involving a hydra and a few hellhounds, she told him he could use it, but only in that specific situation. So should a hydra and eight hellhounds show up, Jordan was to use his bow to kill them then sit down and pay attention again. Other than that... no bow... oh well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee
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#, as written by Cloud

Eddie Greer had been enjoying a pleasant nap on the Training Field stands when the angry voice of the professor broke through his day dreams, "Greer!" Professor Solomon exclaimed as he leaned over him, his hands on his hips and eyes partially closed in a glare, "Why aren't you doing something useful? Even the Aphrodite girl is training her powers, and you're here snoozing."
Eddie followed Solomon's hand towards where Alana was just finishing her training. Returning his attention to Prof. Frank Solomon, Eddie gave him the best shrug he could give while still lying down, "What do you want me to do, coach?" Eddie asked, "I'm already an expert at changing liquids. Do you want me to practise making people insane? Who'd wanna volunteer for that?" The pair had had this argument before, in fact it seemed to repeat every week or so.
"Insanity is no joke, which is exactly why you need to control it." Professor Solomon persisted, "I'm sure we have something constructed that will allow you to practise your abilities without harming anyone. I hate to think what you could do if you lost control." The last part of Professor Solomon's little talk was more of a reflection than a comment aimed directly at Eddie. Even so, it hit a cord and Eddie's light, careless attitude suddenly became remarkably chillier. "Fine. Whatever." He said as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. In a swift motion he stood up, almost knocking Professor Solomon off balance as he did. Without a backward glance Eddie turned and walked off the bleachers, leaving the professor to wonder if he had convinced Eddie to practise or simply angered him.

In fact Eddie was neither more inclined to practice, nor angry. The comment about him losing control had simply brought on a more serious Eddie, one that didn't come out very often. He hadn't told anybody about the one and only time he lost complete control of his power and accidentally made his neighbour insane. It isn't something that he likes to think about, much less share. Even the idea of training such a power has always frightened him. Who could say if he could even control it? Eddie glanced around the training arena, seeking anything to take his mind off the thought of insanity. He saw various people chatting, practising and so forth, but eventually his eyes lit upon Alana. Plastering a smile on his face he jogged up behind her and slung an arm around her shoulders.
"You were actually doing work, and on the first day." He teased, "What happened to wanting to do something 'naughty'?" He continued, removing his arm in order to make bunny ears with his fingers as he said 'naughty'.


Amelia smiled and nodded at Cyrus' advice, making a mental note to look into his suggestions. It always paid to listen to ideas made by Athena's kids since they usually proved most helpful. In response to Amelia's question regarding the game of Capture the Flag, Cyrus frowned before replying. His answer was, as always, comprehensive, although she would have to correct him in his belief that Ariel possessed Charm speak. While the daughter of Aphrodite was very gifted in persuading people to follow her orders, this was thanks to a talent with manipulating people and knowing how to push and pull on emotions to get what she wanted.

Amelia also couldn't help but grin as Cryus admitted to not finding her pretty, nor Alana. Amelia glanced across at the blonde girl, who had just been approached by Eddie Greer. It would definitely be a bad idea to let either daughter of Aphrodite hear anyone questing their beauty. "That's a very brave stance to take." Amelia replied, smiling. Amelia had always thought it was more than just looks that made a person attractive or not, and while Ariel might have been pretty on the outside, inside she was as ugly as they come.

"Do you think they watch? I'm sure you've made your father proud. I'm sure he's visited you to tell you this. Sometimes, I think I have my mother's favour in "Capture the Flag", but then I realize I was just imagining it." Cyrus said a moment later, to which Amelia could only shake her head.
"The first and last time Zeus came to see me was when I was one." She admitted with a shrug, "I suppose they've got more important things to do than constantly watch us." She had always known that her father, as King of the Gods, had to set an example. If he was down here every other day visiting his children, than all the Gods and Goddesses would be. She liked to think that was the reason why he didn't visit. Sometimes a student would receive a sign from their godly parent, but more often than not the kids were left to their own devices.

The whoosh of a spear as it flew above Amelia and Cyrus' heads brought Amelia out of her thoughts. She glanced around and realised that chatting in the middle of the training grounds was probably not the best place. "Maybe we should move to the sidelines." Amelia said to Cyrus, she glanced towards the sidelines and quickly spotted a place free of flying weapons. Said spot was also directly beside Rick, so the move would also allow her to solve the mystery of what he had been doing watching her so intently. She also couldn't help but notice that Elinor Mansell was standing with Rick. She frowned slightly as she watched the pair. Elinor should have been in her own class, but Amelia had to remind herself that she wasn't the teacher. While she might disapprove of Elinor's actions, as long as it wasn't harming anyone else she could let it slide.
Amelia walked a few paces, then stopped and glanced back at Cyrus to see if he was joining her.


Ariel would have gone to sleep at her desk if she hadn't been concious of the possibility of snoring in class. Maths was the furthest thing from interesting and right now the teacher was doing her best to make it even worse. Didn't the teacher know that it was the first day of school. You weren't meant to do any actual work. She glanced across at the various students in the class. The Hades' kid needed a shower and a change of clothes, beside him sat the blonde girl who Ariel was sure she hadn't seen before. Either because she was new, or else because Ariel hadn't bothered to learn who she was. A few other students caught her attention, but not long enough to distract her from the dull lesson.

With a sigh of exasperation Ariel picked up her bag and pulled the strap over her shoulder. As she pushed her chair back it made a loud screeching sound, drawing the attention of most of the class and the teacher too.
"Miss Lee?" She asked, frowning slightly as Ariel walked swiftly to the head of the room, "Can I help you with anything?"
"I was just wondering if I could go? I think I need to lie down for a while." Ariel lied sweetly, giving the teacher her best innocent smile. Her words were laced with concern, caring and contentment and aimed directly at Miss Francis. Miss Francis looked momentarily angry before a concerned smile appeared on her face. The teacher's hand grabbed Ariel's arm, clutching tightly, "Of course you can. Take as much time off as you need." Miss Francis said, her words almost shaking with emotion. Ariel watched as Miss Francis' face quickly changed from slightly concerned to bordering on manic. Tears welled up in Miss Francis' eyes and the thought crossed Ariel's mind that perhaps she had overdone it slightly this time. Miss Francis seemed to have gone from mildly caring, as Ariel had intended it, to caring too much.

"Get off." Ariel urged, somewhat rudely as she tried to shake Miss Francis' hand off. The situation had quickly gotten out of hand and Ariel was trying not to show any outward signs of worry for the sake of her reputation. Even so, she couldn't help but flinch slightly as Miss Francis' grip increased. In an attempt to make the teacher unhand her, Ariel pushed several more emotions onto her. It was a rather hasty job and might just as easily have backfired on Ariel. Luckily though, the emotions seemed to have worked and with a start Miss Francis let go of Ariel. The teacher took a step back, her hand flew to her mouth and the slightly manic expression was replaced with a sad one. Ariel stayed just long enough to see Miss Francis burst into tears (no doubt the effect of the sadness she had given her), before turning on her heel and quickly making her exit.

She stopped just down the corridor, far enough that she could ignore Miss Francis' echoing sobs. With a frown she pulled the sleeve of her shirt back so that she could see the slowly forming bruise left by Miss Francis' fingers. Ariel quietly cursed herself for losing control of the situation. It wasn't something she did often and she hated to think what the other students would think of her now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee
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Casey watches Ariel with wide eyes, amazed that she would just leave the class. The teacher was a nervous wreck for the remaining ten minutes of the class, sobbing into her arms on her desk. Eventually, some kids got up and left, then a couple others, then Casey. It was too weird, and just downright strange that something like that had happened. With a shake of her head, Casey moves to go down the hall, following her memory in hopes that she'd remember where to go for the next class.

She walked to her room to drop off her stuff from the math class before moving to walk somewhat awkwardly outside to see power training still seemed to be going on. Curious, Casey moved to watch, keeping out of the way as she watched, though some people looked more like they were socializing than anything. Curiously, she watched as Eddie seemed to talk to Alana about something, then Amelia was talking to... wasn't his name Cyrus? Something like that...

Casey gave a small smile and wave as she looked to Amelia, hoping to find someone who knew more of what was going on. "Hey," She says as she walks forward a bit towards before seeing what direction she was going towards and moving to go there too. She didn't know what else to do or where else to go to considering she knew only a few people.

Jason pauses, his eyes going over what he had just written before relaxing again. His unease of being in the class somewhat present though it wasn't extremely terrible, more so just boredom. He looks down as the teacher asks a question, working to make it look as if he was rather busy though in reality he was just scribbling a random line on his notebook's paper.

Jason was relieved and somewhat horrified to hear Jordan's name getting called out. When he looked up, he saw Jordan lowering his hand which really surprised Jason. He never raised his hand, thought participating in stupid things like class were stupid, hence his vocabulary when it comes to descriptions.

Jordan looked as if he was really going to give a legitimate answer, looking as if he actually cared, before saying, "Is class almost over yet?" Jason let out a sigh as he heard his brother's rather idiotic comment. Class would be over when it was time to be over and when the teacher let them out... not when Jordan asked if class could be over. "I mean, if it isn't... can it be considering it is the first day of classes again and we have capture the flag tonight?" Jordan asks as if thinking his idea to be the best there is around.

The teacher considers Jordan's words, actually considers them. "If you answer my question I will let you go Jordan," The teacher says emitting a groan from Jason. Jordan smiled over at his brother rather smugly before looking to the teacher again. "The answer is simple. The wonderful fellow by the name of Jason was the leader of the Argonauts. Can I go now? Jordan asks with the same smile on his face. The teacher furrows her brow at him momentarily, confused as to how Jordan answered the question. "We aren't even talking about that subject Jordan... What have you been doing the entire time?" The teacher asks, truly amazed at Jordan's guess as the group had been talking about getting back into the roll of English class.

Jordan shrugs and sits back rather bored all over again leaving Jason just amazed even more. His brother wasn't stupid... just idiotic sometimes.

When class let out, Jason grabbed his belongings from Jordan before moving to take his stuff he didn't need back to the dorm. They had weapons class next, which was rather fun considering the two could compete for smaller and further targets.

Jordan moved to go outside, looking around for the teacher and wondering when they would show up out of pure curiousity.