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The Devil's Requiem

Vampire Knight


a part of The Devil's Requiem, by Lady Ethereal.


Lady Ethereal holds sovereignty over Vampire Knight, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

720 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Default Location for Vampire Knight : Ichor's Fetters
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Vampire Knight is a part of The Devil's Requiem.

4 Characters Here

Ichimaru Kuragari [6] "You will find no honeyed words from me - these lips drip poison."
Ryoka Kuragari [6] "Turn your light away from me, for I will only bring you darkness."
Yume Vlad [5] "We're not that different from each other. We're all here trying to exist."
Sayge Blake [5] "There is only one thing I want in this world and I'll take it even if the world and everyone else in it needs to die."

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sheik



The perfume in the air was pleasant. The aroma was pleasing, like a field of freshly bloomed flowers, and rightly so. The room was filled with various plants, mostly flowers, however; there was one that stood out amongst its brethren. It was a beautiful shade of pale white, some petals lingering a shade of pink, however; it paled in comparison to the person standing next to it. It was almost as if the person and flower were one and the same, blending together in a harmonious balance—they both shared in the rarity of what they were, though. The Kadapul Flower was not an easily accessible flower, and was considered one of the rarest in the world. A pale finger hooked around one of the petals, sakura colored irises inspecting it as if contemplating something.

"You shouldn't play with it. You'll kill it," a voice called out, bringing the white-haired woman out of her stupor. A ghost of a smile played against her lips before she retracted her hand, allowing her arm to fall to her side. "The shop will be opening soon," the man continued, his voice ghosting over the shell of her ear. She turned, glanced at him through snow lashes, and tilted her head slightly. She did not seemed bothered by his actions, and only seemed to regard him as one does a sibling. But they were as different as night and day, even with their appearances. The man before her sported beautifully tanned skin, a bronze mixed with copper hues. He was, in all senses, handsome.

The woman was as pale as the moon—the only color visible on her cheeks was the reflection of her eyes. She was beautiful beyond compare, but neither of them seemed to notice or care. "Alright," she spoke, reading the wave of emotion that flashed behind his golden eyes. Without much effort, she tilted her head slightly, exposing the supple skin of her neck to him. He stared only for a second before lowering his head into the junction, inhaling softly before an unexplained aroma permeated the air. Sanguine liquid trailed down the pale skin, leaving a trail of red before it vanished beneath the quick swipe of a tongue. The once golden orbs were now vermilion in hue, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips as he pulled away.

"Ichimaru," she spoke, causing him to glance down. He tilted his head in her direction, offering her a small smirk as he made his way towards the front. The sign that read KURAGIKU GARDENS was flipped over, exposing the OPEN sign for those who passed by. "We are out of fertilizer," she noted, taking one last inventory before Ichimaru unlocked the door. It caused a momentary scowl to cross his lips. He did not want to venture out into the world for her supplies, however; a certain look crossed her features.

"Why can't you go get your own shit? I'm not your errand boy," he started, keeping his gaze locked with hers. She merely stared back—her gaze was as empty as his was, but there seemed to be a small flame behind hers. "Besides, you know that old man doesn't like me, Ryoka. He chased me out with a broom last time, and I don't want to be responsible for the sudden disappearance of a human. Our kind is getting enough publicity enough as it is, thanks to that company," he spoke. Ryoka merely seemed unfazed by his choice of words, and continued to take inventory of her flowers.

"It wouldn't be the first time, Ichi," she replied in a nonchalant manner, taking a pack of seeds into her hand and placing them in a different location. "If you don't go get what I need, you'll have to find your meal through a donor," she threatened—but by the tone of her voice, it wouldn't be perceived as a threat. Ichimaru narrowed his eyes dangerously at her. "I hear there is a clinic not too far from here," she continued, straightening her posture in the process. He continued to glare at the snow-haired woman in front of him, and contemplated if it would be worth it.

"If that old man ends up missing, I had nothing to do with it," he conceded, deciding it wouldn't be.

"Of course not, brother mine."

Ichimaru left the floral shop, pulling on his jacket as he did so. The day was beautiful—shining sun and clear skies. Ichimaru, however, seemed to loath the good fortune of the weather. Passersby parted for him as he walked, almost as if they could sense his hostility and irritable personality. It made it easier for him to traverse through the small town, searching for the one shop he needed. Even though the first part of it had been easy, the last mile had proven to be a little difficult. Something collided with his form, earning a soft grunt from him as he glanced at the culprit. "Watch where you're going, twat," he spat, glancing at the person who had dared to collide with him.

Ryoka, however, merely continued tending to her flowers, ensuring they had the proper shade or sunlight. She watered the ones that needed to be, however; the slight ting of her door signaled a potential customer. She glanced up from her duties, and smiled. "Welcome to Kuragiku Gardens, how may I be of service?" she questioned, feigning hospitality. It wasn't too difficult, after all.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari Character Portrait: Sayge Blake Character Portrait: Yume Vlad
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I N C O R R I G I B L E chains
we always have been
connected for eternity


Everything was new. All of it was unfamiliar yet refreshing at the same time.

This would be the sentiment of the lady with hair like the flaming embers of the sun as she looked out the window. There she could see the rising buildings and the seamless clean-cut architecture of the city. It was what one would expect in a bustling metropolis which should be a similar trend across the capitals of the world. Still, her attention was captivated by it wholeheartedly that her companion could not help but smile at her expression. It is now evident why the cold doctor seemed so taken. "We should be arriving soon. Dr. Blake would be glad to see you."

That name alone was indeed enough to shift her attention towards to the man who was sent to pick her up from the airport. She offered a smile, one filled with joy. "Same here! It's been a while since we've seen each other." Specifically, it had been six months since their last meeting. The doctor had been busy and she did not like to bother him when he was on the roll. It is why she was glad that he had summoned her to come and stay with him during her vacation from college. After all, he was her guardian and in every sense, he was the only parent she had known. "I'm also glad he managed to have some off from all of his research. He can be rather workaholic."

It was point that cannot be denied. Dr. Blake was serious in his work as such he became a pioneer and has a reputation for genetic engineering and most importantly the production of the Cure for Vampirism. In this current timeline, it had been labeled as a sickness instead of a separate entity or a race apart of humans. How time indeed flies and how easy opinions change as well. "That indeed. It's good that you came. The doctor needs some relaxation and he only gets that when you're around." She cannot disagree on that assumption and she smiled with such adoration.

Upon seeing that, anyone cannot help but blush and so he did. She was already a beauty on her own right and if not then the multitude of billboards and media ads that they passed by were definitive proof. The girl is a rising model with various sponsorships. Why not? Her striking features of crimson orange remind one the warmth and fierceness of the flames. She is both blinding and exquisite yet has fragility and strength unhampered. There is no doubt as to why many are captivated to her charm which she does with no effort. "That reminds me---"

Those words did not register to her anymore as a voice that had been consistent throughout her life echoed inside her head.

"I finally found you..."

Without any warning, she opened the door of the car and ran out through the bustling crowd. It was a good thing that there was no movement as the light was on red. "Yume!" She continued to run as if there was a chase for whom and for what. All of those variables are up in the air. The people who were startled because of her antic made way for her. Just like so, she continued on her trek. There was desperation on her face and those eyes of sunset gold seemed to be focused on something or even probably someone that no one else could see.

And then, it disappeared as if it was but a dream.

Yume soon found herself on the ground and was slowly returning to the reality. She appeared to have collided with an object, but upon hearing a rather annoyed voice. It appeared to be a person as she looked up to see a figure looking down on her with irritation. "Sorry." She helped herself to stand and dusted her clothes. After doing so, she looked back at the person she bumped into. He was handsome that much she would agree on. The only problem would be how he called her. "I know it's my fault, but it's not nice calling someone a twat." Her tone held seriousness which was backed up by her gaze. At that point, people seemed to gather around them. "Okay?" She reached out her hand towards him for a handshake, a simple symbol of apology from both sides.

On another area at the same time,

"Is this what you are busy with Six." There was no hesitation in that tone nor is there any room for casual conversation. It was a simple commentary that does not need any response. Then again, those blue eyes held such a cutting coldness as it gaze at the female who greeted him upon entering the shop. He was assessing her and it was not in a way which people do when they find someone enthralling. Instead, his attention was out of interest of how useful she could be in his research, a mere object that can be dissected and experimented on. It was methodical, calculated, and without even recognition that this individual is a living creature.

A contrast indeed from the vision he presents himself. Long golden blonde tresses that appeared to feathery soft, cerulean eyes like bluest sky, and a face that is aesthetically pleasing in every angle, there was no doubt why a certain ward of his called him an angel before. His appearance denotes one and yet his intentions and his actions do not at the very least echo that at all. "I would like a bouquet of sunflowers." He looked towards where the said flower was displayed. It was one of his agenda to pick something for his vacationing charge.

"In addition, I would require your cooperation in my research." There was no middle in his statement. Knowing his reputation as Dr. Sayge Blake, he would get what he wants at all cost.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari Character Portrait: Sayge Blake Character Portrait: Yume Vlad
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sheik

I am not a kind person, and neither is fate.

Ichimaru stared at the girl, his golden eyes narrowing in discontent when she spoke. It wasn't nice to call someone names? What part of him made her assume he was nice to begin with? "Isn't nice," he repeated his words to himself, as if trying to understand and grasp at the concept of what she meant. His eyes narrowed further as he glared at the girl. "If you paid attention, you wouldn't have been called a twat in the first place, twat," he stated, her very presence begining to irritate him. It only grew when she offered her hand, causing his brow to raise slightly in confusion. Did she want him to shake her hand? Really now, that was just stupid. Why would he want to touch a human?

"Why would I do such a stupid thing like that?" he spat, the tension rising as his jaw clicked into place. Either this girl was as stupid as she looked—and he means this in as nice a way as possible—or she wanted something from him. It was not unheard of, really, and Ichimaru's irritation was growing. He generally did not do well with the general populace, and this girl was no exception. He would admit to a faint sense of familiarity, as if he'd seen her somewhere before, however; it immediately vanished. Maybe she was one of those donors Ryoka had mentioned earlier? They were, perhaps, the one type of human Ichimaru loathed. Donors were humans who wanted to be special in some way or another, especially towards purebloods, however; if a pureblood bit a human, they would be turned.

Even if the war between the two species had ended, there were still some lingering fools who tried to reignite it, to press forward with a strange sense of genocide. He cleared his thoughts, however, and continued staring at the girl. "Out of my way already, girl," he spoke, staring at her as he waited for her to move. He wasn't a good person, and he wasn't going to start just because some girl decided he should be. It didn't help that a small group of people had stopped to watch the scene unfold. He could feel their eyes on his form, and could hear slight whispers of disapproval of the way he was acting.

"Remember, Ichi-kun, humans are more frail than they appear. You must be kind to them unless you want negative reactions."

He gritted his teeth at the memory. Shiori had been kind and patient in teaching him these things, and he would be dishonoring her memory if he didn't do as she asked of him. Slowly, he pulled his hand out from the confines of his pocket, and reached up to grasp the girls'. "Don't think this makes us right," he spoke, giving the girl's hand a bitter squeeze before relinquishing it. He really hated being around people, and touching them. "Begone with all of you, already! This isn't some fucking scene for you to gawk at," he stated towards the group of people who had gathered around. Really, this wasn't his day.

Ryoka, on the other hand, stared at the man who had entered her shop. "Six?" she spoke the name, the familiarity of it rolling from her tongue. "It has been a long time since someone last called me that," she continued, ignoring the first statement he had made. This is what she did now—she grew flowers and tended to them. Was there something wrong with that? She grabbed a few stems of his chosen flower, wrapping them meticulously in paper before applying a wet paper towel on the ends of the stems. It would keep them alive for however long it took him to place them in water. Her eyes narrowed slightly, however, at his next statement. The way he spoke, it was as if he were giving her no choice in the matter, and the room could be felt getting a bit colder. She did not like being threatened.

"How do you know that name?" she finally asked. No one should know of Ichimaru, or herself, since Sanguine Industries had perished. That had been centuries ago—there was no possible way records of them could still exist. She had made sure to destroy any that still lingered after Sanguine Industries. "It doesn't matter; the answer you will get is no," she decided. She was not a lab rat, nor would she ever consent to being one. Even if he had not said it outloud, she could tell that was his intention from the start by the look in his eyes. She knew that look all too well, and it was one she would never forget. They had looked at her the same way, as nothing more than an experiment for them to play with. Shiori was the only one who had given her some form of humanity, and helped her realize that, even if she was a genetically altered creature, she still had a soul, and should never allow herself to be subjugated to that torture again.

"If this is all you need, I would like it if you left my store, Mr. Blake. I would also appreciate it if you did not call me by that, again. My name is Kuragari Ryoka, not six," she added, handing him the flowers. She would not accept payment for them. "The only payment I will accept for these is for you to leave. If you wish other business that deals with my shop, I will gladly oblige, but anything other than that will not be acknowledged," she continued. The smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, was left plastered on her face. She remained as humble as she could for this man, Sayge Blake. She knew who he was, but that did not seem to concern her. She was, after all, much older and stronger than this human. She would not need to worry for her own safety.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari Character Portrait: Sayge Blake Character Portrait: Yume Vlad
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0.00 INK

S T E E P price
there is always a consequence to every decision we make
it's how we deal with it and what are we willing to pay.


This guy is unbelievably... RUDE.

Yume was literally gaping how mean this man could be while her eyes reminiscent of the setting sun seemed to glow in its own form irritation. She couldn't believe him and even if when he shook her hand, nothing was really fixed in the end. It would not be denied that she was the one majorly in fault of this. She really was not paying attention due to that consistent wallowing of something deep in her consciousness. However, that is beside the point for now. He was also part of this collision too. After all, he could have dodge if he was also paying attention.

"You are also at fault here for not looking." This resulted in her temper activating just a tad bit. She stood her ground and reached for the collar of his shirt and made an effort to pull him down, so they can be leveled with each other. "My name is not twat! Not even girl! It's Yume!" Her eyes narrowed and her voice displayed also her annoyance over his treatment. At this very moment, she appeared to be a lioness rattled into irritation and there was no easy way pleasing or calming her immediately.

"I agree it's my fault and I'm sorry. But you better apologize too." Her other hand pointed to the people around them. "Just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you can be rude to everyone else. Don't you have manners?" She released his collar and crossed her arms in front of her. "Just because you're a bit handsome doesn't mean you can lord everyone." People were indeed gathering a bit more than before. It was inevitable especially if anyone recognizes Yume from her many modeling ads.

"So please kindly apologize to them." For one, she was truly the kind that do not see any differences on anyone. She simply acts on impulse and decides on the spot. There is also no distinction before her eyes and that is what this man was receiving from her. She would admit to his aesthetics but, she won't back down on principles of having manners and politeness. "We are both in a hurry apparently, so get on with it, sir." There was an emphasis on the last part to introduce the notion she does not know him at all. At the same time, it was a show of politeness.

What would unravel between them is rather entertaining for the crowd, but on another location, it seemed to be laced with tension and threats.

Those eyes of his did not waver nor did he show any hints of surprise. Instead, it seemed he was expecting such response from her. "It seemed my records are correct in terms of your abilities, Six." The requested bouquet was taken as he inspected it for a while. That was the only point that Sayge would speak about the differing temperature in the room. Apparently, he does know of things that normally should not be known and be not overly wary of it as well. "You speak as if I have given you a choice." He shifted his attention back to her. There was nothing remotely humane in those eyes gazing at her.

"It seems that Five is out and about." His eyes calculating and veiled with nothing but a goal already charted. "That can be arrange." What that statement means can be interpreted in many ways. However when it comes to him, his delivery, his actions, and his decisions never involve the welfare of anyone except the accomplishment of his wish. Much like how the woman in front of him shows no fear, it was the same for him. He does not fear her or what she is able to do, because as far as he is concern, she is nothing but an object needed to complete the cure.

Yet, the tension was broken by the ringing of his phone. That took his attention as he took only a moment to glance to know who was calling and answered it promptly. "Are you there?" After saying that, there was definite change on his profile and presence. It radiated an air of humanity, the inkling of concern and those steel cold blue eyes of his developed that shimmer of life. The answer on the other line carried great weight on him. "Find Yume now." He ended the call with a rather intimidating tone quite different from how he had spoken to Six.

After a few moments, he looked back at her. "I will complete the cure and you and Five would be a part of it." At the end of his statement, he placed the money on the counter for the sunflower bouquet that he had requested. Without turning back, he left the shop, but that was not going to be the end of it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari Character Portrait: Sayge Blake Character Portrait: Yume Vlad
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sheik

A dragon cannot be contained; it can only be slowed down.

This girl must have had a death wish. When she grabbed the front of his shirt, Ichimaru released a low growl; a warning to the girl that if she did not back off, he was going to hurt her. He did not care who she was, that she was even a girl, but he did not like being touched. "How could I be at fault if you are the one who ran into me? You rounded that corner too fast for anything to process properly," he responded when she spoke of how he too was at fault. The nerve of this girl! "And what makes you think I am going to apologize?" he continued. She really expected him to apologize? This girl had another thing coming.

"Bad mood? Handsome?" what the hell was she talking about? This is how he always is--he never claimed to be otherwise. And as for being handsome, this was another thing that confused him. This was an unfortunate side-effect of his kind; there was nothing he could do about that. It wasn't even like he cared about aesthetics. This much was obvious in how he treated this girl before him. His own sibling was treated with a little more care, but essentially the same way. "Girl, what makes you think I care about any of that? I am not apologizing for something I didn't do. And as for these people, they should learn to mind their own fucking business," he stated, his aura becoming a bit more menacing.

Name or not, this girl would still be girl or twat to him. He does not recognize her as someone of great importance, and therefore is not deserving of remembering her name. "Also, do not touch me again, woman. I will break your arm if you do," and the seriousness in his tone suggested he would. "If you are in such a hurry, then begone already. I have no time for the likes of you," he spoke, brushing passed her as he did so, his arm colliding with her shoulder as he did so. He was well over six feet, reaching the half way mark, and she was still smaller compared to him. It was then he stopped in his tracks, a familiar scent permeating through the air. The worry in his eyes and the lack of stiffness suggested something important to him. "Ryoka," he whispered, and he disappeared in an instant.

In the Kuragiku shop, Ryoka seemed unabashed by Sayge and his comments, however; there was one that struck her. "You speak as if you have any power in what I say or do," she responded, her tone suggesting she was now bored with him. "You have no power here, Mr. Blake. It is unwise for you to say such things," she continued, turning her back to the man as she began to tend to her flowers. She was not worried about what this man could do. In the end, he would end up as the others did, however; his last statement managed to stop what she was doing.

"I am afraid not, Mr. Black. Ichimaru and myself will have nothing to do with you or your research. Suggest such a thing again, and the world will be short one scientist," she spoke, a promise she would keep herself if she had to. He had spoken to someone on the phone, and Ryoka had not missed the way his demeanor had changed when he spoke the name of Yume. Whoever this person was, they meant a great deal to Mr. Blake. She could use that to her advantage if she had to. She was not a nice person, either, and would survive in any way possible.

Something warm trickled down her lips as she raised her hand to wipe it away. "Seems I over exerted myself," she spoke as she glanced at the red liquid now coating her hand. It has been a long time since she last felt any repercussions for using her abilities, but something as menial as changing the temperature did not affect her greatly. It was just a nose bleed; nothing more. She would have passed out if she had used any of her other abilities that required more of her. Almost as quickly as Sayge left, Ichimaru appeared in the blink of an eye, his gaze fixed upon her and the blood that was now slightly dried on her nose. Immediately, he was by her side, her face cradled gently in his hands. He tilted her head from the side to the next, inspecting for any sort of damage. When he found none, he sighed with relief.

"Where is my fertilizer?" she questioned as if nothing had happened. Ichimaru only frowned. He thought she was in trouble by the scent of her blood. He was sure it would attract any of the nearby flies if he had smelled it, however; he was here before them. She would be safe for now. Instead, he merely shook his head, causing Ryoka to deepen her own frown. "Must I do everything myself?" she stated to herself.

"Sorry for giving a damn," he retorted, folding his hands across his chest. "A stupid human girl ran into me and said something about apologizing to her and the crowd of humans that had gathered. I was held back because of her," he continued, watching as a faint flicker of amusement ran across cherry blossom eyes.

"My, a simple human was able to stop Ichi in his tracks. What have the humans been breeding with, I wonder, if one could do even that much," she jested, watching as the irritation began radiating off of him. "Do not let her irritate you, brother mine. She is just one human amidst a thousand. You will forget her soon, just as the others," she spoke, allowing some melancholy to latch into her tone. For now, though, she still needed her fertilizer.

"I'll close the shop," was the only sentence Ichimaru spoke before they both departed for the store. The day was still young, after all. What else could await them?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryoka Kuragari Character Portrait: Ichimaru Kuragari Character Portrait: Sayge Blake Character Portrait: Yume Vlad
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0.00 INK

O A T H send
good and evil is not clear cut as it is should be
because that is how life is supposed to be, complicated.


How she truly wanted to strangle the guy right here and right now. "Did you just threaten me?" Her eyes widen in disbelief on how easy it was for this guy to resort into violence, just to get his way. That was absurd for him to think that people would just back off because it. She was not those kind of people. "You're need to be taught some manners!" With a small twist, she grabbed hold on his arm as he passed by her. Their shoulders colliding. "I get it you have a right to be grumpy, but pay attention when--"

Those words stopped there as somehow. Her voice locked up inside of her. It was because of a presence she sensed as if in reaction to the name the guy spoke of.


And so, her hand released its clutch onto his arm. Her irritation subsiding after thunderous waves. Instead, she was filled with the emotion of sadness and a tingling hope. Those eyes of sunset reflected an individual not belonging to this realm. She tuned only to its fleeting voice speaking of something as if seeking her approval. There was confusion on her face and it heightened as the figure vanished like smoke in the wind. "Please wait!" Her hand instinctively reached out in desperation, but what met her were no one and the curious gazes of people around her.

She took a moment to assess her situation and understood how weird she looked right now. "Ah... Hehehehe..." The hand which reached out was now behind her head. "Well, have a nice day everyone!" She waved towards them with her other hand as she slowly backed away and then quickly made her exit like Speedy Gonzales. "I swear it! That guy is going to receive a payback when I see him again!" It didn't register to her that the speed of the guy's disappearance could be considered abnormal. Well to her, nothing really fall to that category and second she really didn't notice it as her attention was on another.

"Uh... Anyway, where am I?" She stopped midway in her escape and looked around. The place was completely unfamiliar to her. Well, this is his first time in this country really. "I guess, I could call some help." She took out her phone and grimaced at her situation. That is because her phone's battery was blinking indicating it was losing its charge and soon enough it shut down. "I am so going to be scolded later. I just know it." She shook her head and released a heavy sigh. Oh well, her kicking herself won't do any good. Might as well find an alternative phone to use. She does remember the numbers she could call for assistance like her guardian.

A plan in set, she looked around her and noticed a small garden supply store. She could ask to use their phone if they allowed it. A smile filled her lips as she approached an elderly man sweeping in front of the shop. "Excuse me, Sir?" The old man responded by looking at her with that wary and harsh gaze. At this point, she wondered if people from Japan are culturally bad mood individuals. "Good day, my name is Yume. " She had a smile on her face and then showed him her cell. "My cell just run out of battery and I really need to call someone."

The old man narrowed his eyes towards her. She has a feeling that her request won't be granted, but its better to go forward than go backwards. "So, good Sir if you have a phone, May I kindly use it? I will owe you big time!" She then made a prayer gesture and closed her eyes in fervent favor. The old man was silent and she could feel the tension around them. "Are you this girl?" She opened her eyes and what came into her view was a magazine cover of her doing a vampire-themed spread of a clothing line. "Yes, that's me." She pointed to herself while nodding her head in affirmation.

This kind of situation was normal to her. Ever since that magazine cover was published, people often would ask her if she was a vampire really or something. Of course, she would answer no. Well, there are other questions, but she's fine with it. That's part of the job. "Sign this for me! I'm your fan!" She took a step back as the old man suddenly turned into an adoring fan with all those animated hearts floating about. "S--sure! No problem! Thank you for your support!" She signed the magazine cover willingly and find it adorable that someone like him is a fan of hers. It warms the heart really. "Uhm, so can I use your phone?"

"Of course! Anything for you! Come in!" She was then ushered inside of the store. "Thank you very much!" It seemed that the day was looking up again for her. Unaware, that there was another imminent meeting just around the corner for her inside this small garden supply store.

As for a certain doctor, he was currently driving his car. The bouquet of sunflowers was on the passenger seat as he was searching for his ward that had gone missing according to his assistant. He was aware of that charge of his tendency to do reckless things, the action type than the dawdling kind. That was respectable but downright annoying at times. However, it does remind him of that certain someone. For that moment, his memory played out in front of him. That smile and those words lingered inside of him over and over.

"Wait for me. I'll finish it." At that exact moment, his cell rang again with an unknown number. It returned him to reality as he answered it through his headset. "Speak." What answered him was that voice, "Say!" It seemed the search is over.