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Miki Marin

Aware of your own issues...mentally scarring it is.

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a character in “The Dream Girls”, originally authored by EKRonnie, as played by RolePlayGateway


Miki is a 5' 4" red dyed hair teenager with a plethora of clothes at her disposal. She usually wears historical pieces, from certain decades. She also does themes, such as tomboy, lolita, business man...etc. She is a bit tiny, but her bust makes up for it (as boys at school notice). Holding herself high, she is the picture of confident intelligence.


Though confident and intelligent, Miki has trouble knowing what she actually wants in life, always writing in her journal and toiling and moiling about her feelings for her best friend. Though she has boys lining up for dates and she had had several boyfriends, she has doubts about happiness. Since Conner seems not to notice her, she recently has been questioning what is wrong with her. Only bitterly sad thoughts plague the pages of her journals and she is increasingly becoming jealous of Conner's imaginative abilities. Her temper is short, just like her mother's, and she will never forfeit her independence.


Always with a bag with journal and pens, sketchbook, school books, makeup and jewelry.


Caring parents, theater actor (mother) and writer (father), raising a child with a strange personality crisis, as all teenagers feel. Miki has no siblings and confides her thoughts and feelings to Conner, or she used to. Recently, since has closed off about personal feelings since he seems to not notice her obvious advances from their beginning high school years. She has been questioning whether or not he has actually ever listened to her. He is so smart, yet so clueless. She is still friendly with him, as always, but feels a disconnect with him.

Other: Her parents are both English, hence her slight accent.

So begins...

Miki Marin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Miki huffed and glared to her blue painted room, noting, for the umpteenth time that she hated the color. Her father was singing again, one of his musical ballads, the lyrics hardly ready and his singing never going to make it to Hollywood, said by Simon Cowell himself.

It was past six though and Miki had to be to school a bit early today. Huffing yet again and blowing a strand of red hair out of her eyes, she stretched and began her routine. Once her teeth were brushed and hair combed, she glanced down herself, remembering she had never put on pajamas and had only slept in underwear. She shrugged though. It happened more often than not, but she was rather cold now.

Hurriedly she slipped on her school uniform, adding her little flares here and there as she always did everyday. A smiley pin on the short sleeve, two extra purple bows on the buttons down the shirt, three necklaces clinking together to hide the hideous tie, and of course her bright purple knee high socks. Socks were basically the only thing not on the school dress code list, so she was going to take advantage of such a typo until someone noticed.

Skipping downstairs, she waved to her dad at the piano, his wispy hair and rectangle glasses in place as always. "Off to school already?" he questioned, voice noticeably accented from England.

"Have to stop by Connor's place, then try to sign up for the writer's club again." Miki, having lived with two native English speakers, spoke somewhat the same.

"They still haven't let you join?" The piano music stopped abruptly, ceasing Miki's toe tapping as she waited for her toast to be ready to take. Miki faced her father as he approached, an over dramatic face of outrage forming on his scrunched eyebrows. Before he could explode however, Miki smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay Daddy," she assured. "They just don't like me very much."

"And why not?"

"I told you. It's run by Selia and Stefon. The wanna be poets. They get to decide who joins. And its all fan fiction, wanna be writers who sit around talking about Twilight all day."

Her father cocked an eyebrow. "So why would you want to join?"

Miki shrugged, but wore an evil smile. "To defeat one's enemy, one must infiltrate the ranks first dear father."

He laughed and hugged her close. "Such an evil little thing."

"I know, I know," she laughed and jumped up as the toast popped. "I'll be home late too. Probably hang out with Connor."

"No surprises there," he teased and she stuck out her tongue.

"Love you dad."

"Love you too honey."

Whenever it was just the two of them at home, since Miki's mother was performing in shows in the city all week, it was quieter. Miki sighed, not liking it much, but she pasted on a smile and directed her bike to Connor's house. It had been a few days since she had stopped by and she hoped he was ready for class so they could ride to campus together. However, when she arrived, a car pulled into the driveway with the stereo blaring. Miki skidded her tires to not ram into the backside of the car, staring as the driver cut the engine, and the music, and got out.

She had seen him before...the new guy, right. Connor had taken to hanging out with him. Which was why Miki hadn't seen him the past few days.

"Hi," she offered, trying not to glare. She set her bike up against the garage door and hurried to the front door before the new guy could. The morning air was cold where her bare legs showed beneath her skirt and she shivered slightly on the front step. Ringing the doorbell, she glanced behind where the new guy was, folding her arms and again resisting a glare. Steal my friend will you?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Emily Vetress Character Portrait: Lala Sable Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Emily saw everyone talking and Lala run in to Connors room. Then some other people looked like they were his friends talking to him. She gasped "Its that the little magic boy in the dream world!?" She was shocked he was much bigger and looked larger. When Connor left the house Emily jumped out of the closet and ran into his bed room. Without saying anything she opened the closet door and grabbed some cloth and threw a pair of pants at Lala. "Put those on we are gonna follow Connor." She ran out of the room and into a bathroom and began to change. She put on a baseball cap and a white T-shirt with jeans. She ran back into the room and grabbed Lalas hand and ran out threw the back. She tucked in her tail "Alright if we jump in the back car maybe they won't see us." She didn't wait for a answer before jumping over the fence and running behind the group. She slid behind the back of the car and looked around and then she jumped threw the window and lied down on the floor hoping they wouldn't see her. She peeked out the window and waved over Lala. "I'm so sneaky." She said to herself quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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"Well, hello there miss Marin. You look absolutely ravishing this morning. How are you?"

Miki rolled her eyes but answered, "Perfectly fine." She didn't bother returning the question.

What followed had her eyes widened crazily, a gun in Treyn's hands?! "What the hell...?" Backing off, she stared wide-eyed and nearly stumbling off the steps. She caught herself though just as Treyn made a movement with his hands and the door opened to reveal a less than clothed Connor. Blinking, she wondered what had happened. Treyn was acting like he had done nothing wrong and robotically Miki agreed that she hadn't heard anything. Was she going crazy?

Eventually the group decided to finally head to school, though it seemed Connor wanted to ride with Treyn. Fuming and muttering, Miki took up her bike again, not even asking if Connor would ride with her. She did cast a glare to Treyn as he slipped into his seat of his car, the music blasting again as soon as he turned on the engine. She rolled her eyes and began to pedal away, down the few blocks to the school.

Her eyes were burning with sudden tears and she wondered why she was so upset. She should have seen this coming. With the new best friend at his side, Connor wouldn't have time for a silly girl like her.

She skidded her tires as she slipped into the bike rack area, ignoring another student's shouts about taking his spot. Flipping her hair back and turning around, she faced him with a pink face. "You really want to do this right now? So early in the day?"

The boy gulped and shook his head.

Miki nodded, still frowning. "Good."

With that, she stalked to her locker, grabbed her bag and stormed to class. She didn't even bother sitting where she usually sat with Connor in the middle of the rows. She opted for the back and leaned her head against the wall with a long sigh. The boys would be arriving any time. She would be sure to ignore them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor shrugged as he was dropped off infront of the school. He tried his best to ignore the insults that were thrown his way. He had gotten used to the abuse he was put through but always had it worse when he was truly alone. He crept to his locker and got out all he would need for his first few classes.

He hurried to class wanting to avoid the rest of the bullies and jocks who picked on him. They didn't mess with him if either Treyn or Miki was with him. A different reason for each, Miki would get their minds of off him and onto her the second they laid eyes on her, uh cleavage. Treyn was one to keep away because of what could happen. He looked like a badass and wasn't too far from one at that. Just a glance in your direction sent fear down your spine if you didn't know him.

Connor eventually made it to the class unscathed. The class was basically empty at the moment other than the exception of Miki and a few other girls who didn't even bother to look in his direction. Miki was sitting in the back of the room with her head on the wall an unusual place but Connor didn't mind. He sat down next to her and smiled softly at her. "So is the wall more or less a pillow?" he said laughing slightly at his own joke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Miki tried hard to ignore Connor. She was mad. Yes. Mad. Mad at Connor. But hearing his lame joke and laugh dropped her defenses. Her eyes flickered over to him and she chanced a smile. Treyn wasn't there. If she had some time alone with Connor, then she shouldn't be sulking.

"More or less," she answered, turning to face him more. "How was"

Why she wanted to bring up Treyn was to see if Connor truly was friends with the guy. He turns up out of nowhere and suddenly they're best buds? Connor doesn't make friends well and honestly, why would Treyn want to be friends with Connor. She didn't mean any offense to her friend, but someone like Treyn, one of those dangerous looking guys, didn't seem likely to want to befriend someone like Connor that was...not that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor shrugged. "It was okay. Treyn isn't much of a talker and he just dropped he off at the curb and went to look for a parking spot." he said then sat up a bit straighter. "So how was your day, get into the writers club yet?" he asked smiling. He remembered about how she wanted to get into there but he didn't really get the concept of the club. They wrote poetry which was good if done right but it was always depressing for him to read.

He could probably get in if it wasn't for two things. One was his status which isn't surprising. He wasn't liked by really anyone other than Miki and Treyn so he had no connections for him. He also had horrid hand writing which was why he typed most everything he has had to ever do. He always rushes making the letters come out as an ungodly mixture of cursive and manuscript which was almost completely illegible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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"Ah!" Miki exclaimed at the question, shoulder turning in. "I totally forgot...I...oh my god I'm so stupid."

She had completely forgotten to stop by the auditorium where the club met before classes in the mornings. Being so upset with Connor had warped her mind into having one goal: seeth and mope.

"Ugh...whatever," she sighed, slumping. "It doesnt matter. Should just start my own club but we wont be approved if we already have one."

More students were filing in, one in particular Jack 'Jackie' Channing. His eyes zeroed in on Miki immediately and she sat up straighter with an awkward smile. He had asked her out a few days ago and she had said she would think about it. Having the physique of an Olympic swimmer and gorgeous eyes, to any other girl it would be a no brainer. Glancing to Connor, internally balling her eyes out as she fell down a dark slope of depression, she wondered if moving on would be a good move or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor sighed. "Oh well I guess its not the end of the world right?" he said somewhat cheerfully. He saw her look at the door and he looked over as well. It was Jackie. In Connor's opinion he was a douche. Then again almost every jock in this school was a douche in his eyes. He did pick on Connor so in so just as most did. "What a douche." he said under his breath. Miki seemed interested though. It was easy to tell because she would always look at him before she looked at a guy. "So you like him huh?" he said barley loud enough for her to hear him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Emily Vetress Character Portrait: Lala Sable Character Portrait: Alex Saber Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Emily was watching them fight enjoying it. When out of the corner of her eye she saw Connor threw a window. "Hey Lala there's Connor!" She started to run over there when she saw that he was talking to a girl. This girl looked familiar then it clicked to her. She was in some of Connors dreams! Emily was instantly jealous of her she would steal attention from Emily she stood out side the window staring at them both. She walked away in anger "Stupid girl taking Connor away." She walked back to the others. "I need to get in that class Treyn. There is something wrong in there and I need to protect Connor from all evil things." In her head she was thinking of the girl. Emily wasn't normally a very hateful person but she was almost like Connors daughter so she will do anything to be with him.

She got back with the rest of the group and sat on the dream boy. She poked him in the face "Hey you awake?" She looked at the others "So how we gonna get in the class?" She looked back at the building "Maybe we could just walk in?" She stood back up and walked towards Treyn "Do you think they would stop us I mean I don't know what school is like! No one dreams of school!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Miki heard Connor's words and scowled a little in his direction. "Does it matter?" she countered, crossing her arms and leaning on the wall. "Maybe I do..."

She eyed Jackie again though, sighing. "I don't though. He's not..." She glanced to Connor then away. "He's not right for me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor rolled his eyes. " Hey it was just a joke sorry okay." he said slightly desperate in his voice. He looked over at the boy. "How do you know if he's the one or not. You never know unless you try and you've never tried to get a boy friend. Okay one question though, you don't have to answer but I'd like to know. Why haven't you ever had a boy friend? You have plenty of guys who want to date you, granted it's because of your uh you know, but still why not try it just once. If I had a good number of girls I'd at least try to date one. You wouldn't be bother and I won't so why don't you take a shot in the dark?" he said cheerily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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How clueless can you be Connor?

Miki refrained from rolling her eyes at the thought and glanced back over to Jackie. He was nice looking and not as bad as Connor probably thought. Just because he was around when the jocks picked on Connor, it didnt mean Jackie did anything. From other girls, she had heard Jackie worked at the vet's office in town. It seemed a nice place for a nice person to work.

"Fine," she said quickly and trotted over to Jackie, skirt swaying back and forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Emily Vetress Character Portrait: Lala Sable Character Portrait: Alex Saber Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor smiled. "Good that's the spirit" he smiled then quickly sulked down. "Fuck didn't think that through." he said sighing. He was close to tears and just realized he had probably just lost his only friend. He sighed and looked out the window to see them. Lala and Emily accompanied by... TREYN?! He didn't know why he was there or who the fourth boy was but he seemed familiar. He hoped Emily and Lala hadn't told Treyn about him nor what they were. He wondered if they would be like they were in his dreams, Emily bouncing everywhere and Lala nervously providing back support. He turned back and got lost in thought thinking about what they would do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Flouncing back to her seat a moment later, Miki informed, "Friday night, date night. Happy?" She smiled though, hoping the date would be nice. Jackie was a good guy, she knew he was, maybe she could finally move on to boys who actually noticed her stares.

She blinked, realizing she had been staring at Connor.

Clearing her throat, she glanced around, wondering where the teacher was. Most of the students were here and class began in two minutes. "Where's Mr. Truman?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor smiled. "Ecstatic." he said grinning back. His fear was still inside him although he tried not to show it. He didn't want her to leave him alone but he knew chances are she would leave him to himself and she runs off with a guy.

He remembered when he first met her. He was shy, hell he still is shy. He sat at his seat silent not talking to anyone then she came up. She sat down and just talked to him, it was nice. He had always been at her side since that day but she seemed to be growing apart from her for the past few months though and he had been wracking his head trying to figure out how to get them back to where they were before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Miki sighed, not caring very much where their teacher was. Class was not her favorite, especially science classes. It wasn't that she was dumb, she understood the material. But the rest of the class didn't. So the lessons dragged on and on. It was very boring.

But she had opted for this class because Connor had taken this class to fit into his full schedule. He needed the science credit, so she followed him.

Facing Connor again, she smiled, flipping her hair back and speaking quickly. "Should we do something this weekend?" He was wearing his deep thinking face. One that never ended with happy thoughts. She had to distract him. "Movie marathon? Popcorn? Ice cream bellies?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor perked up slightly when he heard the mention of weekend plans. "Ice cream sounds good." he said smiling. She did always know what would cheer him up. "Maybe a movie too." he said smiling. He didn't really care what they did as long as she was by his side. He sat up straighter at his desk and looked out wondering what the hell they were doing outside and talking to Treyn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Miki was happy Connor agreed to hang out this weekend, but he kept glancing out the window. "What is it? The janitor creepin on the cheerleaders again?" she asked with a smile, leaning over his desk to see out better. At first she didn't see anything, but located what Connor must be looking at: Treyn and his car. But others were with him. Squinting she asked, "Who're they...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Emily Vetress Character Portrait: Lala Sable Character Portrait: The Dark Man Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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Lala watched Treyn curiously as he drew a circle around Emily and herself. She found it a bit familiar, the action itself, since she'd seen him do similar things in Connors dreams. Still, when she started to shrink it did sort of freak her out. Before she knew it she'd turned into a white rabbit. She couldnt really say she felt all too weird considering that she'd been in this form a few times. Not all that much but enough that she knew her way around it. Still, it was disconcering how easily he'd changed them. If he could do something of this level, what other things could he do? She was watching Emily run off in her own new form, a cat when she was picked up by Treyn. She directed her gaze towards him as he spoke in her mind. It felt sort of odd to be picked up but Lala could handle it if it did a service to Connor. It could be all that bad. "Well, usually you do small things in Connors dreams... really helpful things... but small nonetheless." she responded back. Looking towards where Emily had gone she shifted in her rabbit form a bit anxiously. Emily already had a head start. She did so a bit too soon but she was that much closer to watching over Connor. Lala needed to be there as well. "Um, so... shall we? Emily might need us, considering she's not all that use to being a cat... although I dont really think you should make her testy at the moment. She hates cats and you, being the one that turned her into one, well, she'd probably scratch your eyes out at this point..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Treyn Erbin Character Portrait: Emily Vetress Character Portrait: Lala Sable Character Portrait: Connor P. Character Portrait: Miki Marin
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor thought nervously for a moment about Miki's question. "Well I'm uh not quite sure.." he muttered out before practically jumping when Emily jumped through the window and under him. "Emily!?" he said silently then picked up the cat and sat her in his lap. She was the same color and the same eyes but she was a cat and Emily was half dog. It didn't make sense but he still knew it was her. He knew he needed an excuse and a somewhat easy one flickered into his head. "Oh Miki meet Emily I just got her a few days ago and I forgot to tell you sorry. She's a bit too loving and she knows how to get out of the house so maybe she could go back." he said looking down at the cat softly petting her head but sounding somewhat nervous.