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"I am here to protect the queen. There is little you need to know about me."

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a character in “The Fall of Rayn”, as played by Arya_Hyacinth


Leyna is a tall woman with a rather slender figure, standing at 5'8" in height. Beneath her decorative armor, she is very toned and though her figure is very feminine, she appears rather imposing. She always looks to be very serious, her dark eyes often displaying little emotion.


Leyna is very serious and straightforward, her only concern seeming to be her mission or any orders given to her. She speaks often and highly of Captain Zyren. She seems to only accept orders from him. She would obey Queen Ravina (if Ravina were interested in giving orders), but seems hesitant about putting any faith in such a young girl as a ruler. Leyna seems cold, but she is very polite, though she does not acknowledge jokes or answer many questions about herself.


Leyna wields a pole-axe, a spear-like weapon with the blade of an axe attached to it (image to be added later). Her weapon is unique in that it is infused with fire magic, causing it to burn enemies with each strike. It can also be used to unleash a wave of flames in the direction of an enemy or group of enemies. She also keeps a short sword handy and a dagger concealed in a sheath slung across her lower back. She seems handy with most melee weapons. Leyna's armor is somewhere between heavy and light, with chain mail layered beneath light plates. Aside from her armor and weapons, she carries a very detailed map of Rayn.


There is little known about Leyna's upbringing or family history, but she found her way into the ranks of the Ivinian Army as a teenager. Zyren himself took her in as an apprentice, never caring to question her origins because the girl showed such great potential as a warrior. He still does not even know Leyna's family name. Leyna has served the Ivinian Kingdom and fought alongside Captain Zyren for about 20 years. She often travels on her own, hunting down Auranium members throughout Rayn. She has recently been selected by Zyren personally to serve as the guardian and escort of Queen Ravina, meant to bring her safely to a secret location assumed safe from the Auranium.

So begins...

Leyna's Story


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Leyna's exhausted breaths echoed in the silent forest around her as she ran, plates of steel clattering loudly with her hurried motions. She moved in a steady sprint, failing to slow down despite growing exhaustion and the increasingly heavy feeling of her plated armor weighing down her body. This moment was far too urgent to humor her body's silent pleas for rest.

It had been less than an hour ago. She had been making her way through the forest, set on reaching the castle before midday. She had a mission, given by Captain Zyren himself, with details to be specified within the walls of Ivina.

"It is much too dangerous to discuss openly, I am afraid," he had told Leyna when she demanded to know what would require such sudden return to the castle. She was not one to question the man who had shaped her into such a great warrior, but she had already been so near to the port city of Yuan when a messenger had found her.

Leyna had stumbled upon one of the forest's many Druids, a young female scouting alertly, as if something had caught her attention. It happened very suddenly, an explosion of deep red erupting from the leather-clad girl's chest, as if something had pierced her heart. A small jolt of red electricity snaked around her midsection for only a moment, making her body convulse for a few seconds. Coincidentally, a figure appeared from nothingness behind her, a red glowing blade held tightly in its hand, piercing through the Druid's back, into her heart, and out the front of her body, neatly aimed just between her breasts. He slowly pulled the blade out of her her body and she dropped, dead, not just from the fatal wound itself, but from the life-sapping energy enchanting the blade. The mysterious element of the Auranium, still unable to be harnessed by Rayn's oldest mages, a dark element that could both drain life and give new life to the dead.

Leyna had not wasted any time on fear or alarm. The moment blood had stained the emerald-green grass, she stood ready, wielding her pole axe. The fiery magic enchanting the weapon caused flames to run up and down along its bladed tip menacingly. The assassin had shifted its cloaked gaze to Leyna before dissipating back into the air with illusory magic, footsteps appearing along the ground from an invisible source. They were moving towards Ivina!

Now, Leyna still ran, spear held at her side, drawing close to the city. She could only assume that this had something to do with Captain Zyren summoning her. As the gates of Ivina came into view, she wasted no time rushing straight into the busy city, shocking the guards too much for them to react or halt her. She had been running too quickly for them to recognize her as Captain Zyren's apprentice.

She slowed but for a moment once within the gates of the city, the worried eyes of many commoners upon her as she looked about urgently for any signs of the assassin from before. She would not waste more than a second standing still, immediately beginning to push through crowds. If nothing else, she would make her way to the castle to meet with Captain Zyren right away...


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Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Enki
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#, as written by Fencer
A few minutes had passed since his incident with the guard and Enki watched with anticipation the city, undoubtedly the environment had something which indicated that, at this time, something important was happening, He hear sounds coming from the nearby forest, but due to the trees he could see nothing, while debating between going to the forest or not he saw a female figure that seemed to pursue something that her eyes could see, the woman crossed the gates very quickly pausing for a second to continue his strange persecution, "I knew it" he said with a big smile, his foreboding was very accurate when it was about interesting stuff.

He didn't spend more time, after jump from the gates and using his magic to collect as much water as he could he use it to increase his mobility, the commoners watched amazed as he slipped over their heads, but they didn't matter, for now he was only interested in reaching women with the armor which was speedily done, "Miss, you mind telling me what happens," he said smiling as he floated in water that had collected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul
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OOC Note: I am going to roll with what Drake posted. I can actually work with it and keep things moving, I don't want to hold anyone up. I only still ask that the involved characters be tagged in the post above. To clarify, at this point, all of the assassins are slain and most (possibly all, it looks like) of the characters have gathered within the castle gates, where the guards have been slain, too.


Ravina had watched on in horror as Zyren shoved her aside, lunging at his opponent like a crazed beast, his blade raised high over his head. His harsh movements were driven with the intention to kill, his eyes, normally such a warm shade of blue, looked like pools of ice as they followed the agile movements of the assassin; it looked as if he did not blink once as he fought. Despite the weight of his armor, he managed to evade each counterattack as his opponent drew a dagger from beneath its cloak, the blade just barely brushing Zyren's armor with each swing and thrust.

As she watched, the frail queen trembled and cowered amidst the strangers surrounding her, her eyes leaving Zyren long enough to take note of another vicious-looking figure, face concealed beneath a demonic mask. As she returned her focus to Zyren, she recalled a day merely a week ago, when he had approached her suddenly.

"The Auranium has been very active lately, Ravina. I do not think the castle is safe for you any longer."

She could not find an answer to his words, the reality of them failing to hit her. She could not disagree, knowing full well from the constant meetings with the Royal Council that so many people, Auranium and commoners alike, would be glad to see her removed from the throne, even if by death; the Auranium seemed specifically interested in her, too. As she thought about his words, she had only been able to come up with one reply.

"You are leaving me, aren't you?"

He had never answered the question.

A small tear ran down Ravina's cheek, unseen beneath the veil of the cloak's hood. She lifted her hands and clutched the sides of the fabric, hands trembling slightly as she pulled it more tightly over her face. She choked back a sob before it could become audible, the worst possible thoughts coming to her mind all at once. She realized now that Zyren likely planned this along. He likely intended all along to be ready to die for her sake, fearful to tell her, knowing she would refuse to follow his plans and leave his side. What would she do without him, what if she was not safe anywhere else, what if he-

She was grateful to have her thoughts cut off suddenly, alerted by the words of the strange, pale-haired mage by her side. She had been cowering close against his side, not even realizing it, having been shoved into him before Zyren jumped into battle. "Ravina, do you know how cooperative casting works?" he had asked her.

Ravina slid her eyes shut, desperately trying to recall the long-lost days of her simple life as a princess, training to become a skilled mage, worthy of standing in the ranks of the Rune. It had been so long ago, the knowledge of magic all but drowned by endless days of training with a sword from sunrise to sunset, dooming her to become a warrior queen. It was expected of her as a ruler of the Ivinian Kingdom. She knew that with enough focus, she could still find the means to conjure a ball of flames; fire had been her chosen element.

She struggled for the answer, her lips parting to let words flow free. Her tiny voice trembled, shaken by the tears she fought back. It could barely be heard amidst the chaos surrounding the group. "I... Well, once," she trailed off, clearing her throat slightly to force more volume into her words, "I used to be able... to help other mages... make spells larger, and-"

Her answer was cut short, a sudden sound like an explosion drawing her eyes to her captain. He stood stunned, his eyes fixed on a new figure, menacing in appearance. The man stood casually atop the assassin, who lay dead beneath his feet. Zyren's grip was tight on his sword, his posture suggesting readiness to leap into combat with the newcomer if need be. His eyes darted only briefly to Ravina, ensuring she was still there and unharmed. She stared back, though he could not see her face.

The air become eerily still, all was silent. The enemies were dead, the path was lined with the charred corpses of castle guards. The neatly paved ground was split down the middle by earth magic, spots of crimson stained the stone beneath everyone. Ravina's glance darted around, a feeling of fear overwhelming her as she became aware of just how many strangers had made their way to the scene.

The sudden sound of armored footfalls drew close, drawing all attention to the tall, elegant figure of a woman clad in steel. She approached, pole axe held at her side, stepping through the castle gates with a pair of castle guards at either side of her. She was expressionless as she trailed her gaze along the destroyed stone below, eyes drinking in the image of blood and dead assassins, and a handful of odd-looking strangers surrounding a cowering, cloaked queen. Zyren's gaze fixed on the woman's as her eyes found their way to him, her face still lacking expression. She opened her mouth to speak, her voice powerful and firm, rising above the still silence.

"Captain Zyren... What the hell happened here? Where is the queen?" she demanded, her expression shifting to one of impatience.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Alatheus Eberwolf Character Portrait: Nsimba
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High above the group, a young man lay watching the clouds as they flowed past slowly. How I wish I could be as they are. Free from the burdens of this world. He thought before hearing the sounds of battle. Rolling over to his side he sat up to observe the display. He watched the man that named himself as Charrusi with a cautious glance. "Something seems off..." He muttered out loud. Granted, he had seen the absolute worst the world had to offer in his eleven years of mercenary duty, and as such he learned to follow his instincts.

His gaze then turned to the other members of the varied bunch in turn. "I see...such an assortment of people..." The man then does a double take as he sees Ravina. "The queen? I wonder why such an important person is upon the battlefield." He mused before deciding to remain watching them for now, curious as to why they were all together, and for what purpose. Following his training as per instinct, he immediately clamps down on his magical signature, making himself blend into the surroundings as he physically hides himself along the rooftops. His silver, hawklike gaze focusing on them all as he turns an ear to hopefully find out some intel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Alatheus Eberwolf Character Portrait: Nsimba
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"Wooow, amazing, marvelous!" Collin exhaled with a small clap, a grin forming on his features as he stared at the man who had just pin dived the final assassin. His gaze turned to the rest as the dust finally began to settle at the scene of the crime. "Amazing indeed" He murmured as the man with the mask stepped forwards to introduce himself as Charrusi. Another grin of mischief formed.

Abruptly, Collin appeared at his side, one arm wrapped around the shoulder of the masked man, the other in open gesture. "Come now my friend! Theres no need to rationalise! You just saved a person's life from the insidious threat of the Auranium!" Collin laughed aloud, "Its not everyday you get to save a life, enjoy yourself! Have a rest!" Collin's wry grin met the cold eyes of the stranger for a moment before he span away with an elaborate flourish and bowed before the rest.

"Forgive me if i act familiar, a bad habit, but....". If there was any doubt before that the hooded person who stood before them was the princess, there would be little doubt now after the entrance of the woman armed with a pole-axe. Her posture and aura reeked of authority as she appeared to be looking at the ruined site before her. Surprisingly she didn't seem the least bit fazed by it either.

"Well excuse my candidness, but i hardly believe this is the suitable place to conduct a formal conversation. Rest assured mam, the 'princess' is safe. Shall we move this meeting elsewhere? I'm sure the fair lady could use a change of scene also" Collin said with a glance at the burnt and ruined bodies of the guards. He could talk about various other reasons to move location as well, but he'd bet this would probably appeal to the princess and her body guards the most.


OOC: Woops, tagged one extra person who's not there sorry, still getting used to these forums....Is there a way to delete? I also believe Enki is still trailing behind Leyna? So i tagged him anyway...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul
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Ravina had begun her answer but at that moment a masked wind user finished up the last of the bandits. The man's voice reeked of mana, so he was probably using wind magic to disguise it, clever as the number of people on Rayn who could see through that trick was less than twenty. Using the knight, he believed his name was Zyren, according to the bossy lady, as cover along with the lion man and the guy who addressed the queen with his back facing them he began unraveling his work.

"Don't worry this is harmless and for everyone's safety," he stated rather loudly. At this the line where he fire ward, fortunately no one was inside it, began to glow red, as did the one on Ravina. At his will, the one on Ravina flowed into the larger ward before he let the energy go, aimed to the sky. A massive flaming vortex then burst into existence like someone had triggered the ward. The heat went straight up so no one felt the temperature, however the entire city could easily see the pyre. Continuing his chant over the noise of the inferno Alulim stuck out his right hand, some of the fire immediately began to flow into his body, being reconverted into mana. The pyre ended three seconds later, where the flame had directly touched the ground was vaporized, a demonstration of the wards strength.

"Next ward."

With that he repeated as before, creating a dome of ice inside where his ring of fire been placed, unlike the fire this thing radiated cold in all directions but he quickly dispelled in before it froze more than two feet from it's origin. The stone skin, unable to be reabsorbed, he simply released.

Suddenly realizing he was being rude, he released the wind wards straight up, there was a massive updraft, nearly enough to life the group even though this was the edges of the strength in the spell. Finally he severed his life link with Ravina.

"Sorry about the wait, but I needed to recover some of the mana I had expended this morning. I've been running low these days," ignoring the fact that his cloak had been blown out of position revealing his ebony skin for all to see. " I am Alulim Residuum, a humble self-taught mage at your service; now may I ask who you all are?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul
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OOC Note: I should specify that Leyna is leading them to the castle, I am now just waiting on responses of who all is choosing to follow.


Zyren watched Alulim's spell in silence, unease lingering over him at the incredible display of magical ability. Ravina's tension seemed to show in his posture; clearly, he was bothered by the queen's discomfort. With the immediate threats now incapable of causing any harm, he strode calmly back to Ravina's side, draping an arm around her and leaning close, whispering to her in a gentle tone, "You are unharmed?"

The small girl merely nodded, her cloak now away from her face, blasted back by the force of Alulim's spell. At that moment, she looked like a child, pale eyes wide with fear, skin drained pale from the chaos she had just witnessed Her dark hair fell messily across her shoulders, tousled from the cloak that had been over it; she looked to be a wreck. Slowly, the color returned to her face and her tension seemed to fade, relaxed to be safely beside her captain once more.

Clatters of armored footfalls echoed once more as the armored woman marched forward, leaving the pair of guards beside her by the gate. She ran her gaze over the many strangers as she passed them, expression cold, until she stood before Captain Zyren. She stared at him silently for several moments, her eyes briefly moving to gaze upon the familiar face of the queen. This dawned on her; she gracefully dropped to a knee, head bowed. "My Lady," she said firmly, raising her head to look up at the so-called queen. When Ravina did not respond, she slowly stood, shifting her focus back to Zyren.

"Captain. I made my way here as quickly as I could, but there were slight setbacks. We need to speak immediately." She turned her gaze to Alulim, speaking carefully. "Introductions must wait, I am afraid. Any of you who mean to join, you are witnesses to this, please follow me." She began to walk forward towards the castle, stopping suddenly, her cold eyes darting upwards towards a pointed rooftop. She saw the moving shadow of a small figure and squinted, confirming the figure to be an armored man. She looked up at him, raising her voice to reach him.

"You, spy! I advise you to show yourself and join us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul
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Adaryan sighs before looking over the edge, not bothering to hide as he looks down at them all. "I'm not a spy thank you. I was enjoying cloud watching before that fight started." He says loud enough for them to hear before looking down and sighing before sliding off the edge of the roof. As he neared the ground a ring of magic appeared under each foot before his speed slowed to a crawl and he landed safely. Now in plain sight, the six foot one inch tall man stood in view of them all, his piercing silver gaze sweeping over them all, seeming to judge them swiftly. His crimson locks flowed easily down his face to his shoulders as he tilted his head to the side just slightly as he regarded the woman that called him out.

"Good eye." Was all he said in a calm tone, crossing his arms over the padded jerkin that covered the full body chain mesh he was wearing. The plated leg guards didn't even make so much as a sound as he moved. It was obvious that he is highly trained in stealth to be able to move silently in all that armor. "Where to?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul
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"Hooo" Collin breathed, "Quite a scary woman", he commented while nodded in acknowledgement. Someones awefully astute, but i'm surprised again by her reaction, she responded to a potential threat as if it was nothing at all, he thought with a rub of his chin. Collin watched the gaunt man with hawklike features descend from the wall and stare at them all.

"Ahaa, another sky diver" Collin waved in reply, looking between Drake and Adaryan. "With all these people here, i wonder if the Auranium's stand any chance at all?" Collin pondered, imitating a helpless shrug before following after Leyna.


OOC: I know he doesn't know your char's names yet, but its for the sake of ease of writing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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OOC Note: As posted in the OOC thread, I will be off on a small vacation for the next three days after tonight. Today, I will be working the entire evening until late tonight. There is little likelihood of me being online before I get home, so I will not be able to continue things on my behalf until I'm back. I leave the following post open for characters to decide who would like to follow. Although my post explains Leyna leading everyone into the castle, any following posts may have characters choose to not follow if that is their intention. I plan to get things moving right away when I'm home again.


Leyna regarded Adaryan without a word, her ever-expressionless gaze examining briefly, as she seemed to do to everyone. Perhaps she was sizing him up, deciding how she might deal with him, or any member of the small group, for that matter, should any one of them dare to step forward with hostile intentions. While they all viewed themselves perhaps as heroes, having jumped to the queen's defense, she saw a great many potential dangers, dangers as great as the Auranium itself. She sighed lightly, fixing her gaze on Zyren.

"It is not like you to be so careless, Captain," she said simply. "I will believe you if you tell me you planned this to happen."

The tall captain sighed, reaching an armored hand to brush back a pale lock of hair from his face. He looked worn from combat in the heat of Rayn's air, small beads of sweat on his face. His exhaustion looked more mental, though, fear and worry reflecting in his warm blue gaze. He stared at Leyna briefly, soaking in her words, before he looked again upon Ravina. She stood close by his side, almost pressed again him, like a frightened child beside her father, her head barely reaching the height of his shoulders. She was shaking slightly, eyes fixed on Leyna.

Ravina knew Leyna well, or at least as well as she could. She had been around Zyren often, always returning to immediately ask for orders, before disappearing into the forest around Ivina. She always returned unharmed, no sign of combat showing on her; even Zyren had returned to the castle with small wounds now and then. Ravina had never felt comfortable around Leyna, despite her loyalty to Zyren and her politeness. She never smiled, never said much. She would merely watch everything around her with an almost unrealistic calmness. Ravina wondered how old she really was, how much she had seen. How long had she known the captain, for that matter?

Leyna simply began to continue walking when Zyren offered no response to her words. She moved quickly towards the castle, pole axe held low at her side. She walked with a very straight posture, hinting confidence, but not arrogance. She occasionally glanced back to see who followed.

Without even a pause, Leyna shoved the large door to the castle open, allowing the small group to spill into the main hall, the door silently shutting itself behind them. There were no guards in the immediate area, leaving the hall empty. Leyna finally stopped, turning to face the group, but she did not speak first.

"I have faced my own small 'setbacks,' Leyna," Zyren began suddenly, stepping away from Ravina to move closer to the armored woman. "I intended for only the three of us to meet outside the city. I did not plan this to happen, but my guess what right. Do you know the significance of this day?"

Leyna listened to him with a focused expression, shaking her head slightly at his inquiry.

"It was three years ago on this day that we lost a king. In the weeks before today, there has been alarming levels of activity on the behalf of the Auranium," he trailed off, glancing back at Ravina, "and I do not feel my queen is safe."

Leyna interjected with uncertainty in her voice. "You speak rather openly before such a group of strangers, Zyren."

Zyren heeded her words, pausing to face the group gathered at the castle. He began to pace around them, examining them, how bizarre and different they were, certainly none of them commoners. He looked to be thinking intently as he paced. "I wouldn't... normally place my trust so easily," he began, lifting his head to address everyone, "but I genuinely feel that the severity of this situation calls for desperation." He paused, turning his gaze for a moment to Leyna. "So much desperation that I cannot leave this to you alone, my dear Leyna."

Even Leyna seemed taken back by the words, but continued to listen silently.

"What I seek, for not merely my queen, but the well-being of the entirety of this kingdom, are guardians willing and able to put their own lives at risk to ensure no slight amount of harm befalls Queen Ravina. I am a believer in fate." He paused again, having stopped pacing to address Leyna and now continued. "I believe that Ravina was meant to take the throne, despite the conditions of its happening." He looked at Ravina now as he spoke, his words very straightforward and grim. "I feel that she is not safe in her own castle, no matter how many guards stand around it."

Ravina paled almost instantly, the words frightening her even more each time he spoke them. She could not bear it any longer, the horrifying thoughts that accompanied the mere suggestion of her leaving the castle. She opened her mouth, speaking suddenly, her voice slightly louder than normal, but still shaky. "That is why you must come, too!"

Zyren's eyes showed a trace of guilt at her words. He stopped pacing, standing beside Leyna, quiet for a long moment before letting out a small sigh. He stepped forward, standing before Ravina. He held out a hand and spoke softly. "Ravina, come with me a moment."

She did not question or say anything more. She placed her hand at his, and watched as he turned to glance back at Leyna.

"Leyna, I leave this to you. I trust your judgement, decide for me if any amongst this group can be trusted with the life of the queen herself," he said before leading Ravina away. The pair moved down a corridor on the opposite end of the main hall, disappearing out of sight.

Leyna seemed to be momentarily absorbed in her own thoughts, a look of uncertainty in her eyes as she watched Zyren go. She shook her head slightly, crossing her arms firmly as she turned her attention back to the gathering.

"While I do not question the Captain's intentions, I have to admit that I would not readily place the entire fate of this kingdom in the hands of anyone whose name I do not even know. Humor me with your names and anything relevant about yourselves you care to share. My name is Leyna, and I serve the Ivinian Army for Queen Ravina, under the guidance and command of Captain Zyren. I question no order. There is nothing else to know." She sighed heavily, shaking her head once more. "Your turns, before we get into the historical details that I imagine you all know already."

Following her words, Leyna stood in silent waiting for the answers, ones she expected would do nothing to soothe her doubts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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Collin was amongst the first to enter the castle after Leyna and Zyren, the young man flowing in after the female guard like a cool breeze. As he walked his eyes took in the immediate scene of the main hall and adjusted to the change in lighting. Amongst other things which caught his attention, the lack of guards gave cause to a raised eyebrow before his attention snapped back to Zyren as the previously brooding Rayen finally spoke.

Overhearing the exchange between the two figures piqued his curiosity. The flow of Leyna's and Zyren's conversation explained most the the details essentially. It was obvious to him that there where still doubts being harboured between the princess and her body guards. Collin's eyes wandered again to regard the crowd of individuals alongside him as Zyren mentioned something related to their fate. Perhaps more surprising however was the notion that this wasn't a chance encounter and that they had all seemingly gathered by coincidence. He caught himself scratching his head and paused, a sheepish expression overtaking him as he watched Zyren leave to consult with the princess.

Freed from her discussion with the armored Rayen, it seemed the pole-axe armed woman had finally decided to introduce herself. Collin could feel her cold gaze washing over them once more as she did so and supressed a bleak sigh at her complete lack of emotion.

"Your turns, before we get into the historical details that I imagine you all know already." She finished with an expectant look on her face, though it failed to hide the shadow of doubts within her eyes.

Collin grinned inwardly, then after some moments he smiled with a friendly nod towards the rest. Stepping forwards slightly, he bowed ceremoniously, his posture suddenly taking on a highly formal profile before returning to an upright stance. "Allow me assuage your fears mam. My name is Collin Temboul of the Temboul household, if that name still bears weight here. My duty to my family has brought me here. I am a humble servant to the people of Ivinian and her majesty and i look forwards to working with you all" He said simply, still smiling. Leyna's doubts weren't the only ones he could feel within the room, the masked individual too had also been somewhat apprehensive. Now...I wonder how the rest of the introductions will progress, he thought as he waited for the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan
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OOC Note: I'm getting in these last couple of posts before I'm officially away until around Thursday evening. I apologize for the small break, but I promise to get right back to posting when I'm back. Mind you, Leyna's point of view is very harsh and honest, so do not take any personal offense towards your characters from this post. This is completely Leyna's "realistic" (perhaps arguably pessimistic) view of the situation and individuals involved. She's the overly rough around the edges type. Left to introduce themselves are Drake, Nsimba, and Florian, if they chose to follow.


Leyna listened silently as the group began to fire off the requested introductions. The warrior felt her heart sink slightly as they spoke, a sense of unease rising in her. They seemed so utterly disorganized in their ways. In her mind, she cursed the captain for leaving the decisions to her. "Couldn't bear the responsibility of the queen's fate, could you, Captain? You are too preoccupied with the emotional well-being of your wreck of a queen. You must let her go someday. This weakness does not suit you," she thought to herself bleakly, a dissatisfied look upon her cold, statuesque face.

Slowly, Leyna looked upon each of them, not daring to hold her gaze on any one of them longer than the others, refusing to allow any of them to guess her suspicions. So far, she had been presented with what seemed to be an overly charismatic noble, the Temboul name ringing only vaguely familiar to her; in Leyna's mind, he was the type to have secret motives. Even less settling was the man donning a vicious-looking mask, speaking of supposed past involvement with the queen. That could be bad or good, and here Leyna was left to decide which option she would assume.

Her gaze next drifted upon the red locks and silver eyes of the overly-casual thief-looking man. He seemed so confident in his posture in a bothersome way. He so readily and nonchalantly inquired about what had transpired within the past hour, leaving Leyna wondering if he was genuinely worried, or simply did not take the matter seriously. Either that, or he was doing a poor job of failing to disprove himself as a spy, which is what Leyna still distantly believed him to be, honestly.

Now, Leyna's eyes slowly roamed over the eerie-looking Rayen man, dark of skin and pale of hair, and she dared not humor the curiosities of how his appearance was so "unique." His looks did not bother her, but his utter lack of comprehension of magic made her heart sink further in her chest. In addition to the other individuals the queen might be left with, here was a mage openly and casually asking how to use magic, some of the basics of magical study, no less. Even Leyna, a seasoned warrior, knew the basics of casting and even enchanting. What's to say this mage would not end up burning the queen alive in a failed attempt to protect her with magic?

The entirety of the situation felt hopeless, but other options were lacking. Slowly, Leyna uncrossed her arms and spoke firmly, looking upon the gathering to ensure they would focus their attention. "While I do not care to waste time on history lessons, I pray all of you are aware that three years past, on this very day, King Razhel the Third was assassinated in his own throne room, much of the city left in fiery chaos by assassins of the Auranium. They slew commoners, royal guards, even Captain Zyren himself nearly met his death that day, but the princess was untouched." Leyna paused, letting the words soak into their minds. "The choice was the Royal Council's that she should take the throne rightly belonging to her by blood. Now, the Auranium seems to be targeting her, and if they could infiltrate the castle once, what is to say it cannot happen again? I am sure it is quite obvious where I am going with this."

She stopped there, looking upon the group. She would wait for the remaining introductions, along with any comments she assumed they would have. Leyna was not fond of questions, viewing them as a waste of precious time, but she supposed she had little choice in the matter. She was speaking to a clueless enough group; the least she could do was ensure they had a decent amount of knowledge to deal with an enemy as serious as the assassins and soul-stealing mages of the Auranium.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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OOC Note: As a last post for a few days, this is merely Ravina and Zyren rejoining the group.


Ravina very purposely took her sweet time searching through draws and cabinets, picking out what clothes would be sensible to carry for traveling, but mostly aiming to slow time as much as possible. No matter what, she would soon be walking away from the castle; she could at least desperately prolong it. After all, Zyren had told her to take as much time as she needed. She occasionally looked to him, the gentle feeling and warmth of his hand against her face still lingering on her skin. His focus was pinned to the ground, deep blue eyes swimming in likely a million and one thoughts. Ravina had her own pain to deal with, of course, but she could not begin to imagine what weighed on Zyren's mind since the day of King Razhel's untimely death. He had carried his burden without complaint, seldom showing any indication of his stress. He had always placed Ravina's needs above all else; Ravina solemnly realized now that she had never taken much time to thank him and show her appreciation.

On the other hand, Ravina was a woman now, almost two full decades into her life. If she was going to be a queen, she had to be a woman, able and independent. She had relied so much on the captain, but she knew, as much as she did not want to accept, that she would have to grow up someday. Even if she were not a queen, she had to make choices for herself. Even as a common woman, she would have to think about finding a husband, raising her own family, learn to cook, so many things, so many things lost to her. She had enjoyed the convenience of the protection of guards, the easy life of being pampered by servants; Ravina realized now she wanted none of it. She wanted only the care of one person, but even then, she had to part ways and let herself grow.

Ravina finally gathered the last of her things, collecting them all in a large sack, articles of clothing folded tightly and neatly to make them fit; she tested the weight of the back slightly and her heart sank. She was carrying a decent amount of weight for her small frame, even having tried her best to pack only necessities. Perhaps she had little concept of what she truly needed, or how little she could manage to survive with. She was, after all, a sheltered princess at heart. She felt guilty to waste more time now, though. With a small sigh, tears fighting once more at her eyes, she lifted the bag and walked to Zyren. He was now slipping his gauntlets back over his hands, his expression still distant. He slowly looked over at her, forcing a small smile. With his troubled expression, it looked unnatural, even heartbreaking.

Ravina thought in her mind a dozen things she wanted to say to Zyren, standing directly in front of him, their eyes locked. She parted her lips as if to speak, but no words escaped; instead, they scurried away down into her belly, refusing to be spoken, fear gripping her. A single tear escaped her eyes. Zyren reached forward gently, placing a hand beneath her chin to lift her head. He spoke softly, his distant voice suggesting a fading sense of hope.

"Things will work out in some way, however long it takes. Do not waste your energy on tears, my dear princess." Ravina did not question his choice to call her princess, but she smiled slightly. She understood the intention, to let her forget, if even for a second, that she was queen now. She was thankful, thankful as she always was for him, how he always found ways to soothe her fears. "I can only ask of your one thing, just one. Never lose your heart. It's so rare that a woman your age still has such a gentle heart, such a lack of greed. I fear how much of that innocence you'll lose, but please, keep as much of it as you can."

Ravina frowned slightly at the words, secretly wondering how it could be true that she was so "innocent." She finally found her own words as she looked up at him, speaking in her ever-soft voice. "Then I ask only one thing in return of you, my brave captain," she began, steadying her voice as best as she could. "Always watch over me, watch over me and wait for me to return."

He nodded, managing a genuine smile now, if only slight. "That is a fair enough deal," he said simply as he pushed the door open. "Come, let's return before we cause suspicion. There is no turning back now."

Ravina took a deep breath and followed, her steps made easily as Zyren casually took her bag from her hands to carry over a shoulder. Slowly, they marched back to join the group, the echo of their armored feet resounding to announce their approach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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Florian maintained a placid smile all throughout the introductions and the masked man of mystery's speech. Looking around to see if anyone else cared to introduce themselves, he stepped forward; "I would just like to say that I offer my humblest services to the dear Queen." He said with an exaggerated bow. "I name is Florian DeMurmux! I realize I wasn't exactly much use during the recent quarrel, but I am fully willing to list my qualifications. Let's see..." He straightened up and turned his eyes to the ceiling as if in thought, "I'm hardly a good fighter, I can't cook, I'm far from bright..." He counted off each on his fingers as he went on, "I don't have any special connections nor do I specialize in a particular set of skills, however!" He gave a slight chuckle "I have been blessed with a very active imagination." Returning his gaze to the others, he addressed the Queen in particular "Therefore, I offer my services, whatever they're worth." He gave another exaggerated bow before returning to his place against the wall. "As long as this remains fun." he whispered to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan
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As he listened to the ramblings of the masked man, Adaryan nodded to himself. The plan was indeed tactically sound. Putting the fate of the Queen in the hands of mostly strangers though? Probably not as wise as the plan to get her out. Still you do what you must with what resources and time you have to achieve the most favorable outcome he thought. It was a lesson he learned very well in his time as a mercenary, before they were wiped out.

"If we are going to sneak the Queen out, shouldn't we disguise her better than in just a cloak? That's a little too obvious that you want attention." He speaks calmly, emphasizing the word want as he glances to Charrusi before looking back at the rest. "Opinions? Ideas?" He figured he'd ask the rest for their options, and they could decide from there. Of course, the final decision was up to the Queen, but it never hurt to have several backup plans and ideas ready to review and consider.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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There he goes again, Collin contemplated as Charrusi spoke, but it was the hint of frustration that made him suspect. Perhaps he's already experienced similar to what he was describing. Collin's attention shifted instinctively as Florian stood up and introduced himself next, briefly, Collin allowed a look of surpise to show on his face at the man's intrusion. Good effort sneaking in unarmed, this man's a different kind of dangerous, he mused, his eyes looking up at the tall figure, though, security must be lax indeed if thats the case...

Having remained unusually passive so far, Collin's ears suddenly perked up at the mention of Alulim revealing his past. Abruptly, the young man stepped towards the robed Rayen purposefully and methodically, his face taking on a somewhat sinister yet playful expression. "Careful with your words Mr Residuum, that implies that your past has something worth knowing. Moreover, you're not even asking a favour from the royalists,'s almost more like you're simply here to learn magic, which if i may say, isn't the conventional way one would learn it. It's a bit suspicious if you ask me" Collin said teasingly before looking at Adaryan. Even though he could tell that Alulim was sincere in his proposition, Collin couldn't resist the the urge of his sharp tongue which was second nature to him.

"Well, there'll be time to talk about the past once we deal with the immediate issues here"

With one elbow resting ontop of his arm, Collin's fingers rubbed the bottom of his chin as he continued. "In anycase, I'm glad there aren't any guards in the immediate vacinity to listen to this discussion" he smiled, addressing the entire group, "I've been considering the possiblity that some of the guards maybe spies given that the assassin's clearly knew where to go to ambush the princess. If we are going to sneak the Miss Te'Alros out undetected, creating doorways is my department of speciality, but i can't take everyone. Maybe one other at most, and, i'd also need the plans of the city. The other thing we can do is set up multiple decoys by splitting the group up and meeting at a certain point outside of the city afterwards"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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OOC Note; Managed to get a brief time to be online while on my days off, so I'm dropping a post to keep things moving.

EDIT: I edited this post to keep Leyna instead with the group.


"I am already aware of her need for proper disguise," Zyren's voice called as he and Ravina approached, returning to join the group. He stepped beside Leyna, Ravina stopped beside him, looking as uneasy and fearful as ever. "I am perhaps a small step ahead on that issue and was hoping an able mage would be present to alter appearance in some way, features, hair color... " Zyren trailed off, shifting his gaze to Alulim. "If you feel confident in that ability, you would be doing a greater service in this predicament than you know."

Leyna sighed to herself, a hint of exhaustion showing on her expressionless face as she listened first to the strangers surrounding her, then to Zyren as he returned. It was all a hopeless suicide mission. Did any of these people really have any past interaction with the Auranium to truly understand what they faced? She turned her focus to her captain, composing herself and speaking firmly. "Captain, you have tasked me with deciding if these... individuals... are worthy of the queen's protection," she paused, taking a deep breath, "and I would simply say to you that we have no other choice."

Zyren stared at Leyna as she spoke, expecting no less of a response from her. He fought back a small smile, catching the underlying insult of her even tone. He turned to address the group, setting Ravina's bag she had packed on the ground at his feet. "I suppose it is settled. All of you not opposed to this mission, I welcome you to freely leave now, but otherwise, there is not time to waste. I wish to have Ravina out of this city by nightfall."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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EDIT: I am adding to this post that Drake is choosing to leave the group, or at least for now walking away. Please try to avoid tagging him in future posts. He has gone inactive and has just recently shown up listed under "the orphanage" on the characters tab. It's just for the sake of keeping things moving.


Zyren and Leyna exchanged skeptical glances as Alulim spoke, describing the equally worrisome options in regards to Ravina's "disguise." Having openly confessed to ties with the Auranium offered no room for relaxation. Leyna did not speak, but she seemed to tense; Zyren stepped forward towards Alulim to address the pale-haired mage.

"I cannot decide if you are brave or foolish to be so honest, mage," Zyren said carefully, a hint of doubt in his otherwise warm tone. "All the same, you do have us pinned with little to choose from. Carting the queen around with merely a cloak, as was mentioned," Zyren said, glancing towards Adaryan with a nod for having pointed out that very fact. "Naturally, I have no intention of making Ravina an easy target."

Leyna sighed, speaking up in an almost huffy tone suddenly. She stepped forward slightly, placing herself beside the captain once more. "Really, could you be so simple, Captain? I apologize for so hastily questioning you, but I must wonder if that is really any better than just dragging her around openly exposed. If a mage with connections to the Auranium has means to form an illusion over her natural appearance, then would one not assume they have the means to easily see through such a ruse?"

Zyren sighed heavily, folding his arms. Leyna's open arguing tested his patience, but the fact that she was so right bothered him all the more. He idly adjusted the sword sheathed at his waist, bowing his head in a moment of thought. Pale tresses of hair moved over his face, shielding his expression in that moment. "It is true," he began, lifting his head to reveal a grave expression, "trusting in your power could damn Ravina every bit as much as staying here might-"

He was cut off very suddenly as Ravina interjected, her small voice barely lifting above Zyren's. "I want to do this," she said without letting her voice tremble. Leyna and Zyren turned to look back at her, twin looks of shock on their usually composed faces. Before either of them could speak, Ravina continued, her voice now trembling from the pressure of their questioning stares. "I wish to have some say in what becomes of m... me. If... If I am truly in so much danger, then it cannot matter what risks I take, right?" She paused, as if expecting an answer, and when one did not come, again she said, "right?"

Zyren opened his mouth to speak, his words coming slowly and almost uneasily. "Well, my Queen, perhaps we should carefully think-"

"No, we don't have t... time," she argued, interrupting him again. She carefully walked past Leyna and Zyren, moving to stand before Alulim. "I don't care where... where you are from, or if you have family with the Auranium. I will trust you, please make me look different, I will do... whatever I must do," she said carefully, voice trembling. She could barely make eye contact with the mage, looking so small and vulnerable in that moment.

She fell silent, waiting for the mage to speak again. Zyren and Leyna looked around at the group, as if keeping watch on them, as if still expecting them to attack at that moment. Perhaps they expected some of them may change their minds. Whatever the case was, there was little time to stand around much longer. The noontime sun was slowly descending into evening outside.

They seemed to have not noticed a member of the small gathering had slipped away, the one who had slain the last assailant outside the castle. When Zyren finally became aware that the group was one person short, tension showed on his face; he prayed the man had merely chosen not to partake in this "mission," but he kept his guard up; there was always the possibility of someone turning on them now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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Despite having a smile plastered onto his face the entire meeting, Collin's grip tightened around the hilt of his sword involuntarily the moment Alulim mentioned he was of Auranium descent. Claiming to have any relation to the Auranium at all was incredibly destructive and foolhardy, especially here.

Collin's eyes watched and waited for the response of Zyren and Leyna in an attempt to gauge the situation. Immediately he could see their faces troubled with growing doubt. In his mind he had to agree to Leyna's assessment on some small part, but ironically he didn't care all that much. With a look back at the rest of the group he chuckled to himself as his body eased, aren't we all untrustworthy in some way?

Looking quietly impressed, Collin watched as the princess stood between Zyren and Alulim, despite Ravina's obvious fears she was still taking steps forwards. Compared to when he saw her cowering behind Zyren in the previous engagement, it seemed as though she had finally formed some sort of resolution at least. Gesturing with one arm out as if he where offering a gift, Collin approached Zyren. "Her highness is right, we don't have time. The rest of us need to gather necessities for the journey ahead also. If Mr Residuum was a real threat he could've killed the princess back when the assassins appeared" He said with a reassuring smile before shooting Leyna with another grin, "And perhaps Mr Residuum will be able to provide more crucial information, like what the Auranium's plans are, and how we can make counter measures". He had to admit, he took some small joy from simply opposing the otherwise stern Leyna.

"In anycase, we need to discuss our objectives though, you have yet to tell us where you want us to go. I assume you have a plan for us other than blindly fleeing? There are other facts we could benefit from knowing also, like are there any hidden escape routes from the castle? Ways out of the city people few people know about?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba
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Florian could hardly contain his laughter, the more haphazard this plan got the more exciting it became. "I certainly hope you have a plan beyond blind flight. I mean seriously, a Queen on the run is just about as efficient as a dead Queen. At least to the masses." He gave a wave of his arm as if indicating a crowd of people. "Even if you were to escape the city, you'd need a place to go. Or do you intend to just keep running? Perhaps you plan on fighting these Aurani- whatever they're called's till either you or they fall?" He gave a slight chuckle; "I won't try to stop you if you do, you'll have certainly earned my respect!" He turned his attention to the others "Personally, I'm all for making it up on the go. Let's just charge down the main street until we hit the city outskirts, maybe we'll tire out a few of those pesky assassins along the way." Returning his attention to the Queen, he allowed a look of mock thought to pass his face; "As for a disguise, just tint your hair a bit. Nobody's gonna notice in a huge city like this."