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Grace Vincent

"There are many persons in a Person, so you can never know all the persons you are made of, or the persons in the people around you."

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a character in “The Five Elements”, as played by BlueWind_22



Name: Grace Vincent

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Element: "Element? I don't believe I can control any elements."

Hobbies/School activities: Grace enjoys observing the life around her then really taking part in the action. So she isn't apart of any school activities, but she does go horseback riding.

- Reading
- Drawing
- Writing stories and poertry
- Animals
- Food

- Reptiles
- Algebra
- Jerks
- Horror Movies
- Guns

Personality: Grace is very quiet, and at times, shy. She doesn't like to have alot of attention on her but when the spotlight is on her she meets it head on, thinking to get over with it quicker. She is brave, couragous, and sometimes she doesn't admit but she is easily angered when people think she is weak. She is very independent and do not like to depend on other people for anything, especially when it means she had to trust them. She knows the types of people there are in the world, and she grew up with a dad that was rarely there for her when she needed her father. Grace learned that the more you care for something, or want something, the more painful, and bitter it will hurt when she loses it or doesn't get it.

History: Grace's mother left when she was five days old. Her reasons unknown but her Father was heartbroken. Now, her father or her older brothers didn't know how to take care of a baby so they hired a nurse maid. The nurse maid was called Jessica, but as Grace grew up, she became known as 'mother' since she also taught the boys certain things. She taught them manners which they struggled with, and she taught Grace how to do other things as well. No one knew, but Jessica was suffering from brain cancer, so when Grace turned 15, her mother died.
Mourning over her so-called dead mother, Grace began to change. She took up ballet just like Jessica did, and went out horse riding alot, but always dodged her father's qustions of concern. She ignored her brothers prodding qustions about her personal life, and just instead told them everything was fine. Now, before when Jessica was alive, she always told Grace to be herself, but that all changed when she died. Her father expected great things of her, and so did her older brothers, so she just did stuff that would make them happy, stuff that gave her little joy.

Physical Description: Grace stands at 5'9 and has a slender figure. She eats alot but it never really shows as she weighs about 128lbs. She is basically made of muscles and some tiny bit of fat, but she has had to become stronger because of her older brothers. Rough-housing and fighting was almost all she and her brothers did when they were younger, but now that she's grown up... Things are harder for her because of her Father's expectations of her which limit her alot. She doesn't run track, or go out for the Archery club, but is quite exceptional in those feilds mostly due to her brothers, yet again, who are all soilders in the Military. Staying fit, eating healthy(Except on some occasions), and being a good little girl as what she acts on instead of being herself.

So begins...

Grace Vincent's Story


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Grace stared up at the stark white ceiling, her golden brownish eyes tinged with a bland lifelessness. Her phone began to vibrate and ring the sounds of a rooster. Leaning across her bed she pressed a button on her phone and got out of bed, then silently opened her closet. Rummaging through both the hung up clothes and the pile of clothes on the ground, she pulled out a set out clothes. A navy blue cardigan with a black tank top underneath, some navy blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. It was usually an upgrade compared to her usually torn up, blackened, and dark colored clothes. Clothes that hid her stupid beauitful face the was apparently that of her biological mother.

Grace changed quickly, remembering to grab her phone and bag she was out the door of her so-called apartment. It was really just an apartment that didn't belong to her, but her Father, since he was paying the bills. She was just living in it because it was expected of her, when she really hated the idea of depending on her father for things. Getting into her car, also an object her father bought for her, she drove to the school. She took in a deep breath as she studied the building that held most of her classes. Letting it out, she got of the eclipse and rushed into the school. "Meet it head on, my dear." Jessica smiled down at Grace while holding the handle bars of the bike. "Fear is good, it is natural, but too much fear and you will stand still in the river, never leaping to the next rock." She let go and nudged Grace foward. The memory was so fresh and raw that the knife-of-a-memory dug itself deep into her, almost making her turn tail and run away.


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Character Portrait: Grace Vincent
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Grace didn't take another step into the main building, her gaze studying the decor. It was odd that she was thinking more about her surroundings then her classes. Looking down at her hand watch that was always on her. She had time to gawk at the place and to tour the building by herself. Suddenly thinking of the dorms, she walked out of the building looking at a sign beside the road that pointed toward the dorms. Grace walked in the direction it pointed and had an idea of moving into one. Sure, she'd still have the apartment and the car, but if she lived in the dorm, it would help break the chain around her neck that led to her father for awhile.

Grace entered the building and began to explore the building after talking to one of the RA's.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Vincent Character Portrait: Blazing Tony Character Portrait: Elizabeth Hathaway
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Grace looked around at the dorms and inspected a dorm room that had been left open. It was spacious and private, but maybe not as spacious as she would've prefered. Tapping her fingers against her bottom lip she walked out of the dorm and walked back outside.... Only to run into a girl. The buckle of Grace's laptop bag broke with a snap and her laptop fell to the floor with a crach and loud rattling sound as if something had been knocked loose. "Damn." She whispered out before realizing that the girl hadn't been alone. A man was standing by the person she ran into and he looked like a jerk. Yes, Grace was a bit judgemental, but she didn't have any other word she could use to describe other then Jerk.

Grace pulled back and visibly slipped on a mistrustful mask onto her face, before whispering out to the girl. "I'm sorry for running into you, I didn't mean to." She tried to smile but failed, epicly, and was only able to frown.


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Character Portrait: Grace Vincent Character Portrait: Blazing Tony Character Portrait: Elizabeth Hathaway
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~ Blazing Tony: First one girl comes along, then another comes. I'm never going to get to class. ~

"Elizabeth, huh? Theater, huh? Interesting..." He said, nodding to her as she mentioned something about a theater. He didn't even know he had to go to a theater... He crossed his arms over his chest as he furrowed his brows, thinking. "... Theater? I thought I saw something about a theater... But... I need a map again to remember." He said. He continued to think to himself, his mind going back and forth for some reason as he rubbed his forehead at this. Around this time, a girl named Grace Vincent had bumped into Elizabeth. His mind wondered off at this point...

~ Inferno! The world of fire! ~

Tony imagined himself in the world of The Elementals, walking through the base alone as it seemed quiet. "Where is everyone?" He asked himself, his voice seeming to echo as he checked one room. He quietly pushed the door open to look inside, but found nothing. Drat, no one was there. Tony continued to walk around as he furrowed his brows at this. Shouldn't he be elsewhere...? Shouldn't he be in school? But his thought for fun overcame that, and Tony ran forward until he found the room he needed. The device that could send him into Entity's realm! He knew how to turn the machine on, placing his hand on the top of it as it glowed with life! It worked, and he was ready to go! So he backed up and raced forward, leaping forward into the portal and...!

... Finding himself floating in front of three beings. Each of them had something to do with fire, as they all stared him down. The first one stood to his left, glaring at him with caution as it's body looked like it had to do with the element of fire. The second one looked like it's tail had to do with the element of fire, but it was the biggest of the three. Standing in the center, it glared down at him with hatred and fury, ready to crush him at a moment's notice! The third was the least obvious of why it was with the element of fire. It stood to his right, floating highest in the sky above the ground while having it's arms crossed against it's chest. All three looked at each other as they each created a ball of fire in front of them as they fired it at him.

... Then all was blank for a bit, as he stood there in the real world, staring off into space.


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Character Portrait: Grace Vincent Character Portrait: Blazing Tony Character Portrait: Elizabeth Hathaway
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Elizabeth smiled and handed him her map.

"Here maybe you can find it on.... Ah!" Elizabeth was cut off when a girl raced into her.

Elizabeth heard a loud smack and the sound of plastic breaking. She looked down to see the girls lap top sitting on the pavement. Elizabeth hoped it hasn't broken though the sound of rattling when the girl picked it up made Elizabeth guess that it had.

"It's alright, it seems bumping into people is something I'm good at too." She said looking at tony with a small smile.

"I hope your lap top isn't broken to much." She said trying to give the most sympathetic look she could. Elizabeth turned back to tony and smiled.

"Can you find it on there?" Elizabeth asked with a smile.


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Character Portrait: Grace Vincent
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Grace grimaced before picked up her lap top and quickly walked away from the strange people. Her mind off a swirl of thoughts and emotions on different things. On one side she was thinking of the dorm, and on the other she was thinking of the strange people she ran into. Gritting her teeth she licked her lips and blinked her eyes before sitting on some bench she found and sat down. Pulling out her laptop she looked over and seemed to get a thrill out of seeing the screen cracked and some of the keyes missing. What is with me and bad luck? she thought before shaking her head and throwing the lap top in the trash. She guessed that she would just have to take notes the old fashion until she got another lap top.