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Anina Nell

"Will someone help me?"

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a character in “The Future is Wild.”, as played by Mashotu


Name: Anina Nell

Age: 19

Looks: Image

Slave or soldier: Slave

Mated or unmated: Unmated, is going to be though.


So begins...

Anina Nell's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Emmett Character Portrait: Kaelen Winters Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell Character Portrait: Sofía Rodriguez
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Auditorium - 0900 hrs

Things were getting underway for the next mating call. Soldiers had been called to the auditorium, given a seat and asked to wait. Technician's input data into a massive computer system while the slaves finished getting prepared. After that they were all brought on stage. Every slave was dressed in a white gown, much like a wedding dress. Then again, this was like a wedding or as close as it could get in this day and age. One thing was simple.

Women were not equal to men. Slaves were slaves. Soldiers were superior.

The all stood in a line. Each with a number. Essie's was number 29. Anina would find her number as 14, Sam would find her number as 6. The numbers were selected randomly as slaves found themselves called out and paired with a soldier who would come on stage and collect them. They would then be taken back stage where the paperwork would be completed, a microchip would be injected just behind the right ear which contained a tracker and the soldier's details should a slave decide to be stupid and try to run away.

Finally number 14 was called. Anina, if not pushed herself, would find that a guard would push her out on the stage so everyone knew what slave was being chosen. Then the wait came while the soldier was chosen.

Robert Olsen

An advisor to the Commander. It was time for him to come up and take his slave and then move in to their new quarters once the paperwork was complete. He should have been at a meeting this morning with the Commander, but because mating was so important he'd been excused from the meeting.

Not long later, number 6 was called. Sam Collins was made to move forward if she didn't move herself. Her mate was then called. Emmett. The soldier, with red hair and green eyes stood and came towards her. He looked cold and acted indifferent to what was happening. He just took her arm and started to lead her off the stage and out the back. Emmett would change his persona once they were away from authority. But for now, he had no choice but to act like the assholes most soldiers seemed to become.

And then there was Essie, number 29 finally called. Her soldier's name was shortly called. Kaelen Winters. A guard had had to push Essie at first. She'd been so lost in remembering rules and laws and panicking over been the perfect mate that she hadn't heard her number get called. She waited until her mate had come and got her, completely having missed his name, not that it mattered. She'd only call him sir. And off they went to out-processing and then finally they could go to their new quarters.

And soon after, the mating for that day had been done.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Emmett Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell Character Portrait: Sam Collins
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Sam's heart pounded.
Alright, this is it.
She thought. Two others stood next to her, with the numbers 29, and 14. Sam had the number 6. Oh, how she hoped to be picked. She'd been wanting a mate for years. Sam was a bit tired of getting whipped by that Gray everyday.


The number echoed through the room. A woman came forward. Soon, another number was called. Sam smirked, and walked forward. The number was 6, her number.

A redheaded soldier came up, and grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her out the back door.

"You've got a tough grip,"

She remarked, trying to keep up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Emmett Character Portrait: General Gray Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell Character Portrait: Sam Collins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Booted feet sounded loudly on the steps up to the stage, and collectively many of the slaves in the room skipped a breath as a blonde uniformed figure strode across towards the other officers who were overseeing the assignment process. General Gray, the hated and feared advisor to the base's Commander on matters concerning the slaves, took up a position at the back, her steely gaze sweeping across the room.

In one hand she gripped a small rod that was reminiscent of a cattle-prod - and used for much the same purpose - a device that's painful sting would be familiar to many in the room.

As soldiers and girls were led onto the stage, the General watched without any noticeable display of emotion. She would see to it that the slaves did not step out of line, but for the moment all that was required was observation. The cold woman noted the smirk on number six's face as she moved forwards. An unbroken spirit, it seemed. Perhaps she would speak to the girl's new mate later, to see about that.

The setting changes from Auditorium to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Emmett Character Portrait: General Gray Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell Character Portrait: Sam Collins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

In truth, Anina was terrified when they had called her number. She hated the fact that she was born woman but hid it well behind a blank face. She refused to give these people a reason to annoy her so soon.

The people decided to put something inside her skull just behind her ear like a dog and then let her free. Even though she knew she wasn't free. She still had a mate who would be in charge of bossing her around and forcing her to do things she would more than likely refuse to do out of pride.

She was put back in line and then a girl with the number 6 was called. She was already starting to rebel... That much was obvious.
Didn't she have any sort of pride?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Robert Olsen was a tad nervous as he waited in the auditorium. He had missed the commanders meeting and he knew it would take some work to catch up. Then he was quickly was drawn out of his thoughts as Anina was called up and he was announced. Something happened Robert froze when he didn't approach. The girl was brought back into line and then the others were called.

She must hate this I can see it on her face. I want to show compassion but I have a reputation to uphold. Robert thought grimly. He put on his most serious face and walked over to Anina as he approached he made slight eyecontact and then looked away quickly.

"Come." He said loud enough for others around him to here as he stopped infront of her not bothering to even greet the woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

A man had walked up to her and told her to follow him. He didn't seem all stone faced like many of the other men, but she still couldn't judge on just that.

So, holding her head up high, Anina quickly and briskly followed the stranger to where ever he decided she was to go.

She wasn't looking forward to this in the least, and she intended on keeping her pride for as long as possible. She refused to be like all the brainwashed drones in this place.

The setting changes from Earth to Living Quarters


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Robert made no notion toward Anina, no greeting not even a glance behind him as he walked out of the room and assumed she would follow behind him. Have to keep up appearances. He thought though he also was unsure how he would treat his new mate though this was not new to him. He had already gone through two mates both infertil.

Now he approached their quarters they were on a higher floor and had a few extra room a step up from that of an average soldier. It was one of the percs with being an advisor to the commander.

He punched in the code and the door slid open to reveal their new chambers his old stuff had been moved here presumably by labor slaves. It was then that he turned to face his new mate.

The setting changes from Living Quarters to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

Anina walked swiftly into the room. She looked around, noticing it wasn't that bad of a place, she assumed that he must be higher up in the chain.

She turned to the man as he shut the door. Before he could speak though, she did, "My name is Anina Nell. I don't know if you care, but I'd prefer you call me Anina, Ann, or Nina rather than bitch, slave, or number 14."
She at least wanted to pass the message through her words that she refused to act like a slave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Zarhara
Once the door closed Robert relaxed a bit and then listened as the Woman spoke. He laughed a bit at the last part and then collected himself. "Anina I'm Robert Olson, and I'm sorry for back there I just had to keep up appearances." He said and offered a hand. "I'm not going to lie to you here, your my third mate the others well they weren't fertile." He said quietly almost as if it pained him.

Only now he noticed how young Anina was there had to be about 7 years between them. He felt guilty that this girl was paired off with another man but now it seemed that they would be faced with a dilema, have kids or keep apart and then Anina would most likely become a laborer or worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

Anina relaxed ever so slightly when she realized the Robert didn't have a stick up his ass like everybody else in this place.
She took his hand and gave it a gentile shake before releasing.

She actually felt slightly bad for him, to have two females who weren't fertile.
"Well... I guess that is why I was forced to have at least five fertility tests before I was given you as a mate." Anina told the man. She knew she was fertile.

Anina looked around the house. "You really could use a woman's touch around here."
She noticed it was the perfect place for a man to hang out. Not to raise children in. She may not like the idea of having children to a man she didn't love, but that didn't mean she didn't want to love her children.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Zarhara
Robert nodded as she spoke. "Well thats a good thing but I mean if you ah want to have kids.... I mean if you don't want to I'm not going to make you we could just lie. But I think the ending with that could do more harm than good but I'm not going to force you to do anything." He said.

"As for this place I haven't unpacked yet." He motioned to all the piles off stuff everywhere. "I was reassigned to these quarters last night." He added chuckling. "I suppose I should mention my job though. I'm an adviser to the Commander." He said almost like it sickened him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

"To tell you the truth. I'd rather it you than someone who would bluntly rape me thinking I'm infertile." Anina said as she walked over to the boxes. "It's funny. I thought I would get someone who had a stick up their ass at all time..."

Figuring they might as well unpack his things sooner rather than later, Anina opened a box, motioning for him to come help her.
"Do you not like your job?" Anina asked, noticing the tone he took.

She looked over at the man and gave him a small smile as if to say, 'It's okay. I don't bite.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Zarhara
Robert followed her to the boxes and began to help her unpack. He took out a few plaques and hung them on the wall. There were various items but one thing would be very clear. There were books, not just a box full but boxes of them.

"I really enjoy my work, I feel it's a place where I can make a difference. Though my boss is a whole different story. It's tough having to pretend but if I stopped pretending I probably be buried in some back alley." He said with a sigh.

"So what were you doing before you were matched with me?" He asked almost fearing the answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

Anina pulled out what seemed to be her 15th book. She decided to flip through it, but instantly got bored. She wished it were some amazing fantasy novel.

"Well, lets not allow you to get buried then. 'cause quite frankly, I like you a lot more than those barbarians out there." Anina said, pointing at the door. She could hear the nervousness in his voice as he asked his question. She smiled slightly, "I was working as a seamstress for the longest of times. That is, until they decided it was time to pair me with someone. I actually fought at first... Then decided that it was pointless and decided to keep my pride."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Zarhara
"Well I suppose that isn't the worst of jobs if I had to have my pick. I suppose if you fought that would explain why they thought I would be a good choice." He said.

"Though you might be a bit cooped up in here I have access to more things than most soldiers. If there is something you really want I can probably get it for you." He said offering a small smile.

He placed more books on the shelf and then he took another box and quickly brought it out of the room and placed it under the bed before returning. She would have seen the box was more like a safe with both an key and lock combination. He seemed to have tried to move it hurriedly not wanting her to fixate on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

"I didn't want a guy who looked like a meatloaf to have his grubby hands all over me!' Anina defended.

She waited for Robert to come back from hiding his precious box to continue the conversation.
"Thank you though. But you'll find, I don't require much." She said, before asking. "I still don't get it.... Why are you so nice to me? I came in here expecting to act like a total bitch 'cause I'd been paired up with an asshole."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Zarhara
"Well I've ah had a rough childhood I guess, though I am a bit surprised by how vocal you are I must admit though I don't mind." He said chuckling.

"Just because I'm a man didn't mean I was completely separated from women, I had sisters and my mother around..." He said and then looked up "But enough about the past that is behind me. Do you think you could fix something up for us to eat?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Olson Character Portrait: Anina Nell
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#, as written by Mashotu
Anina Nell

Anina laughed, "I always have been chided for being to vocal."

The girl got up, dusting her clothes off. "Well, can't have the only decent man I've ever met starve. What style of food would you like? Asian, Mexican, Indian, American, Western, ...Uh... Maybe I should just ask what you'd like."