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Kaede Akamori

To Get What Is Rightfully Mine

0 · 587 views · located in The land of Thaiden

a character in “The Guilded Cage: Slaves in need”, as played by rpannier


Name: Kaede Akamori
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Classification: Master
Race: Human


Physical Description:
Height: Just under 6 feet
Weight: 150 pounds
Hair: Magenta
Eyes: Blue

Personality: Driven and single purpose of mind. When he sets out to do something, he will work at it until he succeeds. Is often seen as aloof and unfriendly to people who don't know him, those close to him will tell you he's loyal and egalitarian to people who work with him or for him.

Sword Fighting,
The Company of Others,
Bird Watching, Stars

arrogant people
self-righteous people

History:Born into a wealthy family, his father had him cut off from power because he felt that Kaede would make a terrible ruler. His reasoning, Kaede was too nice, he lacked a cruel streak. The throne is going to his older brother. In most kingdoms that would be natural, but in his it's suppose to go to the more gifted, which everyone agreed was Kaede. His father gave him two chests full of precious stones, gold and silver, a fine black horse and sent him on his way. For most people this would have been enough and Kaede was satisfied with it. But as he journeyed through his family lands he saw how impoverished and poorly treated the people were. He got the idea of raising an army to use against his father, but decided against it; an undertaking like that would be too perilous. No, assassins. Kill his father and brother secretly. But he'd need truly loyal people and some servants to aid him and his men/women.

Reasons for being a master: See History

So begins...

Kaede Akamori's Story

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Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori
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The inn is a buzz with activity this evening, as men and women scurry in to get out of the storm and a bite to eat or a pint to quench their thirst. The inn is filled with almost every manner of sort, from city watch having a bite to eat before going back on duty to merchants and craftsmen grabbing something to fill them up while, in some cases, hoping to make a deal or two before they slog home in the storm. The bar looks like a microcosm of the town, the only thing lacking are the purse snatchers and confidence men. Their absence could be testimony to the nature of the inn itself, that members of the watch are inside eating, or the men sitting on balconies above the patrons, each carrying a crossbow and pistol in case of real trouble.
The fireplace on the north end is filled with the drenched souls who have recently escaped the rain and are trying to dry out while they wait for a table to open up or for a bar wench to bring them their drink. On the east side of the inn is the bar and the door to the kitchen. On the other side of the bar is a man on the piano, playing lively music for the patrons to enjoy. Periodically he changes up the tunes to more patriotic songs, which brings the inn together in chorus, each man singing to prove their loyalty to the state.

It's on the south end of the bar where the numbers are lightest. There are only 4 tables; two empty, one occupied by a rather wealthy looking merchant and his wife and at the fourth table is seated a man in his mid-twenties, long magenta hair tied with a string in the back, wearing white. He is nursing his drink deep in his thoughts drowning out the world as he sits, his face stern, his expression never changing. Kaede, the son of King Masa, looks almost mesmerized by something that has caged his thoughts.

Finally his meditations are broken by a woman's voice, "Here are your roast potatoes, roast sweet potatoes, corn and peas. Your soup and your bread." she says each item as she sets them before him on the table. "Are you sure you won't have any roast beef or chicken or any meat at all? It's good for you. Will put some weight on you."

The man smiles as the woman lays the food in front of him, "Ahhhh, thank you, m'lady. But no. I'm perfectly satisfied with this. And what man wouldn't be? A lovely establishment, wonderful food and such pretty, young help they have here."

"I'm not that young." the woman says blushing.

"I would say you're... Ohhhhh... a tad younger than me. Please do not be offended if I my guess is high, but I'd say 25."
"Oh, no sir. I'm 35." the woman says blushing.
The man's eyes grow big, "Noooooo! Thirty-five? The Gods have been kind to you m'lady. And a woman whom the Gods have curried with such beauty should also be the recipient of good fortune as well. These are for you." he hands the woman two small pieces of silver. The woman gushes at his generosity and races back to show her friends the bounty she has just received.

Kaede sits quietly eating as three men approach; one of the men is tall with long black hair, a black beard and mustache that contact each other and brown slitted eyes. His color is similar to Kaede's, his features suggesting he is from the east somewhere. The men with him are not as well-dressed, but they do not look impoverished by any means. Neither bear the same physical bearings of Kaede and the other man.
"Kaede, " the man says bowing, "Kaede, these are the two men I told you of."
"Sit, gentlemen, sit." the men comply, "Thank you so much for joining me."
"My lord." both men say as they sit.
"Please, please. No formalities. Lord is unnecessary. Kaede will do."
"Yes Lord Kaede." one of the men says.
Kaede can't help but laugh at the need these men have for formalities. "Fine, fine. Lord Kaede it is. Any now, my friend here has explained everything to you." Both men nod. "Good. I have to go to the fortress up the hill. When I return we will move from here. You must be ready. Understand?" Both men nod. "Excellent." These are for you." Kaede says sliding pouches that clink with the sounds of metal across the table to both men. "Get yourself rooms, food, supplies, horses, whatever befitting men of your new station."
Both open their pouches and sit gaping at the sight inside, each bag has shards of copper and some silver inside, more than either man would make in ten years of work, honest or otherwise, "Lord Kaede, this is so much. We can't take..."
"Not another word gentlemen. You are in my employ now. I do not know how long I will be gone at the fortress. I need to make certain you are taken care of while I am gone." Kaede leans forward, "Besides when I am king, you will have greater riches than that small amount. Now be off with you." The men rise, bow and move away quickly.

"The men are good. You've chosen wisely again Tetsume." Kaede says motioning for his friend to sit.
"I told you they were." Tetsume says matter-of-factually. The bar wench brings Tetsume a plate of pork, potatoes, soup and beer.
"You have an issue my friend?" Kaede says eying Tetsume.
"I don't understand this need to go to that slaver's den. We've been to several already and all of them have been inadequate." Tetsume answers furrowing his brow. "Dirty, low-quality, feces infested, decaying dumps is what they all were." he says sounding more disgusted with each word he utters. "What makes you think this endeavor will bear fruit where the others bore nothing but worms and rot?"
"Simple. I have been in correspondence with the owner of this establishment and he seems to understand me better than the others. He's obviously smarter than the other purveyors of human flesh." Kaede says very confidently returning to his food.
Tetseume laughs through his mouth full of pork, "Smarter. You can tell all that from some letters between you and this person?" Tetsume sits back, swallowing his food, with a big grin across his face, "You must tell me my dear Kaede, 'How can you know the intelligence of a man from his letters?' We're they written in an ancient language? Or maybe they were written in maaaaa-gic?" he says waving his fingers as if he were casting a spell.
Kaede's mannerisms, nor his expression shift during his friend's mocking. In fact, he too is amused by his friend's merriment.
"No, my dear Tetsume. It's not magic or an ancient tongue. It's quite simple really; The letters are all written and signed by the same hand. No man of importance ever allows anyone else to sign for them, even if they are illiterate. They may have a scribe write the letter for them, but then they will sign it themselves, either with a signet or stamp or an X. All these letters were written by the same hand and signed by that hand. He is obviously educated, which is more than was true of the others we dealt with."
Tetsume nods smiling, "Bravo my friend. Your logic is brilliant. You never cease to dazzle me. We're not leaving tonight are we?"
"No, not tonight. The weather is not proper for such a journey and by the time we reached his gates it would be very late. That would be imprudent and disrespectful. We shall wait til morning to leave. I'm sure the weather will have broken by then. This way we will arrive after he has awaken and not disturb him."
Tetsume nods, swallowing more pork and washing it down with his beer, "Then we'll see what he has to offer."
Kaede shakes his head, "Not we my dear Tetsume... me. I will go in myself. I do not wish to make the man uneasy. You and four of the men will ride with me to the gates and then you will return with my horse and wait for my return. If I am not back within a fortnight, you must return to the slaver's fortress to check on me. Do you understand?"
"What if it's a trap? You could be killed." Tetsume says uncertain about this plan.
"If they don't show me alive and well, ride to my father and tell him I've been taken hostage or been killed. He will send an army in haste to avenge me."
Tetsume laughs hardily, "It's funny. The man you're going to kill would avenge your death. Loyalty is a funny thing."
Kaede's smile drops and his face goes cold, "My father is loyal only to himself and his name. He makes the people suffer and live in squalor while he resides in splendor. Were he not such a horrid bastard this would not be necessary." Kaede's smile returns to his lips, "Now let's finish our meals and enjoy the music of this inn."

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Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori
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Kaede rises at dawn and bathes. He joins his companion for breakfast and exits the inn. Kaede yawns and stretches as he greets the outside. It's damp and foggy, the wind still fairly strong, but the storm has died. "Better weather today than last night." he says more as an order than a statement or question.
"Yes, Kaede." Tetsume replies, the look of concern still on his face.
The two trudges through the mud to the stables. Kaede stops and stares as he sees his entire group are waiting for him, twenty of his men mounted on their horses.
"What's this?" he asks Tetsume, his eyes planted on the horsemen.
"They insisted on riding with you." Tetsume says in a straight-forward way. "We talked and decided that we would keep camp close to the den just in case. Four men will keep watch in case."
"That really isn't necessary. You may unnerve the..."
"It's been decided, Kaede. We need to be close by. You won't allow us to enter with you. We'll feel better if we're close by." Tetsume cuts him off in a loud voice that the riders can hear. Each man nods to show their agreement.
Normally Kaedxe would have argued the matter, but Tetsume only ever interrupts him when he feels very strongly about an issue. If Tetsume is this concerned, Kaede feels he needs to oblige his right hand man.
"Okay," Kaede sighs, "If you insist. Just don't be too close."

Kaede, Tetsume and the men are fairly quiet the whole ride. The tension in the air rises with each mile they ride. Kaede's decision does not settle well with his men, but he is their commander and they will do whatever he insists. Finally, they are within sight of the Slaver's den. It is an awesome building, like no slaver den he's seen, it's more of a Slaver's Fortress or Castle, than a den. The group slows, then stops for a few moments to gauge the area around them, casing not just the massive structure before them and the men that guard it, but the roads, the trees, bushes, gulleys, anything that might be of importance, might foretell the area and the safety of their General. One man slides off his horse and begins surveying the road and grounds.

"What do you think gentlemen?" Kaede calls out to the bodies assembled.
"It's impressive. Maybe you are right about this place, Kaede." Tetsume says nodding.
"There's been a wagon through recently. I'd say no more than 12 hours." the man on foot says. "More than one wagon. I'd say at least a dozen horses." the man adds running his glove along the ruts and holes in the road.
"Large caravan?" Tetsume asks looking at the man and road.
"Not large, sir. But a lot of horses for only a few wagons is my guess. Must have been something special in those wagons." the man says rising, staring up at the fortress.
"Opinion?" Kaede asks, his friendly demeanor having turned far more serious.
"My guess, bodies. Probably twelve persons." the man says looking back at Kaede. "That's if they were all people. A place like that, may hold something less human, more sinister." he warns. "But, there's nothing that says immediate danger in the ruts and grooves."
"Good." Kaede stares up at the sky, "It looks like a storms in the air. The Gods have again smiled upon us. Good weather for the journey. I know you're all concerned and I'm flattered, but if the storm is going to rage like last night seek shelter in town."
"Yes, Lord Kaede." the men chant in unison.

Kaede dismounts and grabs a large pack and his sword. He and his men bow to each other and Kaede trudges to the gate. Once he's at the gate, his men turn and exit the area leaving their general to whatever lies in the fortress.

"Good morn gentlemen." Kaede says more as a formality than as friendly to the guards of the Slaver's Fortress. "I am Prince Kaede Akamori, son of King Haru. I have been in correspondence with your master for some time and I am expected." Kaede hands his sword and daggers to the guard, "I leave these with you as your master's letter instructed. I wish entrance to this estate, so I may do my business if you please."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Teagan Holmes
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Kenner laid in his bed ready to enjoy the rest of his rest, Peeshka too was just as willing as she began to scoot her body along the sheets. Despite still being in her suit she straddled the master and sat on his waist for several moments before laying down on his chest..~I wonder.. will any of them make it?~
Kenner grins as she tucks her head around onto his shoulder and begins to croon softly, he reaches up and takes hold of her back and props her up to look into the eyes of her mask. "You know very well that is not up to us, but for them to decide."

She tilts her head to the side but still giggles with the touch of his hands and she reaches up to take hold of the buckles on the front of her red leather outfit. Each clasp is undone slowly as she starts to sway in small motions while Kenner lowers his own hands. The woman gets half way down the front buckles until she stops and begins to groan as if disappointing. Kenner stares for a moment and then ask.. "What are they doing know?" his own voice rings out with its own tone of annoyance.

Pesshka's head perks to one side and she moves from that towards the other speaking..~They are doing fine but your little furry girl is getting riled up about something. It seems she changed..~ Kenner sits up slightly and hugs his arms around Pesshka while bringing his face against her breast and lays it there. "Well at least I no longer have to wait.." He begins to nuzzle against her as well and she takes he's shoulders to stop him which makes him give a puzzled look.

Pesshka looks down on Kenner and speak with a rather audible tone of disappointment.. ~The guards are checking in.. you have a Mistress Holmes looking for you, well not her, her slave asked a guard of your whereabouts. That and a man who claims to be a prince is at the gates, he is requesting entry and an audience with you.~
Kenner looks off for a moment and realizes the company after a moments thought.."Ah yes.. Teagen Holmes and Prince Kaede.. have the guards lead them to the master hall and I will be there shortly, also have them return Miss Teagen's slave as well and you should go check on the new additions." Peeshka nods and clasp her buckles back on her chest before leaning off Kenner, but instead of falling onto the floor off the bed she fades into the marble without making contact. Not bothered by this happening Kenner stands and redresses in his robe before heading down out of the stairs and out of his penthouse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Teagan Holmes
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The guards take his sword and daggers, patting him down and checking his bag to make sure that he wasn't hiding anything. "Sorry. Orders!" one of them ordering the others says to Kaede. His words do not sound apologetic, they seem more mechanical, as if he is used to say it and just reflexively utters the words no matter the station of the person receiving their attention.
Kaede says nothing to any of the men until they open his pack, "Be careful with that." he warns, "That bottle and those robes you could never afford even if you worked for a hundred years." Kaede's manner is less friendly, more abrasive than he earlier. He stares coldly at these men; he doesn't know them, they don't work for them, but they guard a slaver's den. No, not a den, a palace from the looks of the place. He wonders how many people it takes to run a place like this and figures his army would be about half of what is at his father's castle, which is a number he can't count, but it's still large. He watches each man trying to get a feel for what they're probably like. His gaze is broken when they finish searching his bag and carefully put everything back inside.
"Thank you, good sir." Kaede says smiling. He hadn't expected them to be so careful returning his things. Normally ordinary men stationed in the cold and miserable setting like this are rude and ill-mannered, men who have no respect for the property of others. These men are different, careful and respectful. "Their Master must be an exceptional human being." he thinks to himself. "A man of some sophistication. Even if he is a slaver."

Kaede is lead by a group of four guards into the manor. Kaede stands for a brief moment staring in awe at the inside of the estate. "Amazing!" he exhales. "This is grander than I could have ever imagined." It's not finer than his family's castle, nor is it a rival for the Emperor's palaces. But theirs have been centuries in the making and they have respectable occupations. This man is , for many, a necessary evil. Yet, he lives grandly.
"I will need an ante chamber to change my clothes. I cannot greet your Master looking like this." he says to the guards, more as an order, than a request. They point to a room to the side and he slips out of his riding clothes and armor and into a white robe with a light blue covering for his chest that is embroidered with purple and red stitching. He puts on a pair of white indoor sandals and then fixes his hair, tightening the pony tail to make it look neater and more presentable.

After he is properly fitted, the guards lead him to the master hall and Master Kenner. He looks in at both of them and takes a deep breath, "I should have had a swig of this before I got here." he mutters.

Kaede enters and eyes the pair in the room. The man is taller and seemingly older than him and shares the same color eyes, though nothing else. While Kaede's eyes seem out of place for his features, this man's eyes fit him well, make him seem even more special than his frame does. His manner seems confident, but his air is pleasant. "Given the amount of money I've already given him, I'd have expected him to drool on my shoes." Kaede reflects, "This is a good sign." Kaede pauses once more looking him over, "He has an odd mix or both regal bearing and common. Good."
The woman, like the man is older, and her bearing is more common than the man's. Her face, though attractive, has some weathering that suggests a rougher existence than most people of means. "She definitely commands the attention of everyone in any room." Kaede imagines that at a party she would either be surrounded by most people in the room or be the focus of conversation.
That they're probably both older than he is disappointing, but not surprising. Kenner has built this place up and unless he inherited the fortress and slave pens, it would take even the most resourceful man a few years to build this and the reputation he has. Most women he's found that buy slaves are usually a little older because the got there money when their father or husband died. How these two got their money is not important, what is important is that, they are older and he must be polite, defer to them in this conversation, not just for business reasons, but because he would shame himself, his name, his mother, uncles and cousins if he were disrespectful to people older than he.

Either one of them could be Kenner, but since it's Master Kenner and not Mistress, it's an easy conclusion to draw. Kaede approaches and bows to Master Kenner, "Sir. I am Prince Kaede Akamori, second son of King Haru, ruler of one of the wealthiest and most powerful lands in the Emperor's realm. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have enjoyed our correspondances." Kaede rises, "I have brought this as a gift to you, sir. It's a bottle of rice wine from my family lands. It is very rare, expensive and delicious. I hope that our business here will be fruitful for both of us.Thank you for inviting me to your amazing and wondrous estate." Kaede says as politely and reverently as possible. In his lands, when one meets a person of high station for the first time being polite to the point of annoying is a requisite.

Kaede then turns to the lady, slightly blushing as if he were a schoolboy that forgot to do his homework. He bows to her, "M'lady. Please forgive me. Had I known a woman of your station and beauty would be on hand as well, I would have brought something rare and exotic as a gift. I do humbly apologize and hope that you have taken no offense." He then straightens himself awaiting their greeting

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Naamah The Fallen
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Kenner gave Teagen a warm greeting as well as he could and then it was that he saw Kaede from the edge of the hall coming towards them. The man was quite younger then he thought, but then again Kenner has had dealings with his house in the past and with his predecessors so with all the times everything must change.
The young prince was eloquent as his father and maybe more so, but his honeyed words towards Teagan showed he was just as much a womanizer as his grandfather. Kenner chuckled behind his teeth for a moment and gave the prince a quick bow as was his custom for royalty. Though miss Teagen was one of his best clients he was not going to betray his own set workings. The prince finishes approaching the two and stands before them to present himself.

This was a rather opportune time for them to arrive seeing as they would be able to get situated into their own quarters before noon and that would allow them to get fully settled.

"Well Prince Kaede it is good to see that you are doing well and may I extend a full welcome from Raven Loft" He gives a quick motion towards Mistress Taegan. "This is Mistress Taegan Holmes, she is one of the other masters that will be spending her time here to acquire a slave for herself." He looks out towards the opening from where Kaede came and speaks lightly.
Strange I was expecting another this day, maybe she isn't as early" His eyes catch a view that is not quite in his liking, several guards are hoisting a slave along the way in the corridor and then in a moment the slave tries to break free. Kenner can see from there that she is a Naga of a much different breed then he's seen before. Kenner restrains himself from running out to see what the guards are doing and turns to face the two masters.
"It appears that duty has begun calling so early in the day, so I ask that you let this guard.." which is when he snaps and finger and one of the stairway guards quickly trots out to stand at his side. "Pan here will lead you both up to your rooms on the penthouse ring and both of you can take which fits your needs and I trust both of you will be satisfied with the choices" Kenner takes another slight bow toward the two and steps away being as calm as he can with a wicked look in his eye. It isn't until bot Kaede and Taegan have disappeared up the stairs that he breaks his stride and breaches the hallway to see the guards crowded around the Naga trying to coax her up off the floor.

Kenner slides up behind them and he swats one on the side of the head slightly to get his attention, the guard turns around with a rather pissed look in his eye until he see's that it is in fact Kenner that did the act. There was a look in his face that meant he almost soiled himself at the revelation and with that all the guards straightened up in attention in front of Kenner effectively dropping the Naga.
"Anything I should know because I don't think you can slide this one under the rug like a dropped pork chop." He barely raises his voice at the men, but still the portrayal that he is angered at them is enough to make them more then a little nervous. He kneels at the naga on the floor, her heavy but thin form wheezing and drawing breath with an almost pained expression. Kenner snaps the pin connecting her wrist irons with his hands and lifts her up, he dirty body transferring the contents of her cage onto the front of his robes and stomach.

"With how well I pay you to do your job, I would expect you to know the difference between hot and cold blooded." He carries her closer to the brazier at the end of the hall and lays her down only a few feet from the flames before turning towards the same guard from before.."Bring some towels to dry her off and get someone from the kitchen.." He turns her head to look into her eyes and places his hands along her neck and rubs down towards her stomach "Tell them to bring chicken broth, enough for six me." The guard gives a dazed stare for a moment before Kenne stares he down again. "I don't recall stuttering" The guard nods before running off with another in tow as to finish the work faster.

As if on cue for more trouble a guard came sauntering down the hall from the front gate and approached Kenner.. "Apologies on interrupting you sir, but Mistress Syntira has arrived and she says your expecting her" Kenner almost sighs with frustration, but at this point he was rather expecting this to happen. It only takes him a moment before he decides what to do as he looks back at the guard.
"Go and escort Miss Syntia to the upper ring and let he choose a penthouse.. oh and make sure to tell her that I apologize for not being able to meet her under these circumstances. Just make sure to inform her as well as Prince Kaede and Mistress Teagen that I would like to invite them to mid day meal in the dinning hall and make sure to have the guards collect them when the time comes." Not needing to be retold the guard understands his orders and gives a hearty clack of his heels before running off towards the front gate.

He looks down at the Naga in his hands and see's that her eyes are still rather lucid for the time being, he gives her a slight rub on the side of the cheek and gains eye contact with her. "So.. do you even have a name? Can you even speak?"

* * * *

Pesshka slightly gets agitated with whats transpiring in the cells, the angel is growing a mouth on her and the werehyena has begun to grow on Pesshka's nerves. The repeated slamming of her large form into the bars resounded throughout the entirety of the room. Pesshka only took several glances at the two before he could also see that the wolf hybrid was beginning to act up as well. Snarling and cutting his eyes towards her, this did not entirely bother Peeshka seeing as she had been the target of such things before. But it was the Angel that got such a atitude that really did it.

Pesshka looked at the three in her view and stepped back from Naamah's cell placing her hand upon her mask while speaking.. ~Let me teach you something my little fallen bird..~ She then gave a small twist and her mask popped of with a click of small hinges and she lowered that hand revealing that there was nothing being the mask. Just a pitch black surface that did not even bare the form of a face.
Then with a quick motion Peeshka lurched forward pointing her face towards the floor letting out a thick wave of black fluid. The oozing mass began to creep along the floors of the entire ward and crawled with a life of its own towards the reaches of the room. As the liquid entered Namaah's, Nix's and Bloodsong's cells as a mass of limbs jutted out from within, the three were quickly pinned to the ceiling of their separate cages as the forms of people began to arise out of the ooze as well. Faces and other limbs were starting to make appearances in front of the slave, each bearing gnashing teeth and lapping tongues with voices following shortly behind.

One form that broke through was rather feminine in shape and prodded outwards in front of Namaah. It bore a woman's face but also bore vastly skeletal features as it spoke with the torrent of voices. ~It is far easier to fall from heaven then it is to claw your way up from hell.. so do not speak to me of turmoil." the face gave a sickly smile then ~But it is good that you have kept your pride.. you will need that strength in the days to come.~ and then strangely all of the hands release and the three are dropped against the floor as all the dark ooze is pulled violently back across the floor and up into the vessel from which it came. Moving so much mass that the head and neck of Pesshka's body was distorted to let the fluid back in.

With the mass back inside and the voices silenced she twisted her neck slightly, letting a small pop of bone out before she replaces her mask and then begins to skip off around the cells and out the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori
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#, as written by Sinkai
"A Penthouse?" Syn stood baffled for a few moments. She hadn't planned on staying at the Raven Loft, but she wouldn't dare be rude enough to deny his generous offer. "Can't I see the little darlings first? What if they have a favorite color? I might have to accommodate their tastes in my decision." The soldiers seemed to be just as stubborn as she, but she could tell they were acting more on fear than simple respect of their Lord. Inhaling slowly, Syntira crossed her arms. One of her eyebrows raised, and the slits in her eyes seemed to thin. "I assure you, whatever Penthouse I am left with will be fine. I am not very picky when it comes to my housing. Trust me, my kind live in caves."

"I am sorry, Miss, but we have our orders." One of the bolder guards spoke up. Sighing, Syn decided that it was best to not cause trouble just upon her arrival. "Fine... Take me to the rooms. I assure you, we'll be back down here in a few moments." The Dragonkin was lead down a narrow corridor then up a few flights of stairs. When she reached the floor that held the penthouses, a smile immediately spread over her face. "My my... Your Lord certainly knows how to treat customers." She cooed, running her fingers along one of the wall decorations.

"He will be pleased to hear that, Mistress. Master Kenner took careful preparations to ensure the happiness and comfort of all those staying with us. Now, how about this room?" Syntira was ushered into a room and her jaw dropped. Floral decorations hung everywhere; ranging in color from fuchsias and lavenders to roses and violets. It was... Not her type.

"This room won't do. It's too... Human." Syn shook her head and made a "shooing" gesture with her arms. The man looked at her confused for a moment, before clearing his throat and piping up. "Right, Dragonkin. Being a Master and having interacted with many species, Master Kenner has rooms for peop-... For your kind." The Dragonkin flashed him a wicked smile, and he turned swiftly and led her down the lobby-looking room. Another door opened and her smile instantly widened. Black silk adorned the gorgeous king bed with silver lining. Black and silver seemed to be the theme of the room, along with the choice fabric of silk. She walked through the room, running her fingers along the furniture happily. About 10 feet from the foot of her bed stood a fireplace-something very important for a reptilian species like herself. The room was perfect.

"Miss, we have also been instructed to tell you of a mid-day lunch with the Master. We will inform you of when you are to come dow-"
"Downstairs? I'm planning on making a trip there already. I told you I wanted to see the little beasties Master Kenner has, and trust me, if I miss out on them because of you sweeping me around this place no one will be happy." Her face fell for a few moments after the last words, staring into the guard's eyes. Just before the man finally breathed again, she smiled and cocked her head to the side. "Now, make sure that fire is running and we'll be alright. Well, shall we?"

Led by a few soldiers, Syntira hurried down the stairs that the Prince had just wandered up. They passed briefly, just enough for Syn to make eye contact with both Kaede and Teagen before continuing with determination. The guards exchanged wary looks before leading her down the hallway towards the room containing the prized merchandise, just as Eavia had stepped out.

"Master Kenner?" She called into the room. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything-" Syntria stopped when her eyes fell upon a small boy towards the back of the room. He had white ears with a matching white tail, and her eyes didn't move from his figure. He was the first Neko she had seen this close, and she was immediately drawn to him. She smiled warmly, not knowing if the boy was watching her or not. Next her eyes scanned and locked on the next Neko she saw, a canine-like boy with a red stripe across his face. He was growling in the corner, and she was concerned of what had upset him so. Scenting the air, Syntira's attention turned again. A... Hyena? Such a thing of beauty... The Dragonkin thought to herself. She wanted to get a closer look at all the species, but her attention was immediately drawn to the Nekos and the Werehyena.

"I'm sorry Lord Kenner, she insisted. We will take her back if that is what you-" The man was silenced by a harsh reptilian glare shot at the man. A couple moments passed before she relaxed her gaze.
"Master Kenner, may I have a closer look? " Only then did the Mistress turn to the newly identified Master Kenner, noticing him walking away from a beautiful Naga. She smiled, Dragonkin and Nagas were close species. She couldn't wait to communicate with her later. Noticing the Lord's head in his hand, she swiftly traveled across the room, laying a comforting arm on his shoulder.

"Master Kenner, is everything alright?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori
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Kaede bows and excuses himself to the lady as the guard escorts him to his room. "Penthouse, nice." he says quietly, "Another word for loft." he says in his thoughts. Kaede wants to see what the seller has to offer, but diplomacy and protocol prevent him from saying it aloud. He'll just wait, bide his time until Kenner invites him down. "I've waited three years," he reasons, "I can wait a few hours more."
He bows to the woman and follows the guard upstairs toward his room. On their way up he passes a woman following a guard down. She is clad in dark clothes, her look the opposite of his white, but it's her fire red hair that catches his attention, "M'lady." he says making a small bow as they pass. Not reciprocating his greeting he continues a bit perturbed at her rudeness. "I guess not everyone puts a high value on courtesy." he says silently.

The guard leads Kaede up the stairs and to the end of the hallway on the left, "Master Kenner has instructed me to give you this room." the guard says opening the door.
Kaede stands and marvels at the room. It's big, the walls done in white, large and small plants placed carefully around the room and a song bird in a cage. Instead of a western style bed, there is a Japanese floor-style bed placed in the center of the room. On the other side of the room is an open door that leads to a bathroom. Kaede peeks inside and notices not only a sink, but a tub as well. "Tell your master that..." he says turning, but stops when he realizes the guard has gone. "Must have been in a hurry. Oh, well. I'll tell him myself at lunch."

Kaede reaches into his bag and pulls out a leather bound book tied with a strap. He sits at a floor table, opens the book and lays the papers inside down on the desk. "Let's see." he says talking to no one, "What will I be looking for here." he rifles through the letter he received from Master Kenner looking for a special one a frown buried deep in his face. "Here it is, the colors."
Master Kenner never says what the colors mean specifically, he has couched them in the prose of his letters. 'I've always found a man or woman in blue to be more cooperative than any other color. I can't imagine anything more regal than someone in white.' And so on. He's carefully woven them into his letters.
Kaede sets the letters down and sits back thinking, "What I need are blues or oranges, I think." he pauses and ponders on his decision. "What would Tetsume look for?" he wonders. "Not red for sure. Black only as a gift to my father. A pure distraction. He'd be entertained for hours." he shakes his head, "No, too difficult, too dangerous, too expensive." He ponders more, "I could take a red one. I mean, I'm in no rush." he forages through the letters and speeds his way through the piece, "Almost any creature can be taught to behave, if given the time." he smacks the paper with his finger and after several more seconds of thinking drops it. "No. Tetsume would consider it a foolish risk. Well I'll just have to see who or what is down there."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Kaede sits pouring over their correspondences, preparing himself for their first real meeting. Kaede knows what he wants, but doesn't want to seem overly enthusiastic. "Don't want to pay too much. Want to know I made the right choices." he continues thinking aloud. He lets out an irritated sigh as he finishes stacking the papers in their correct piles. "What do I want?" that question keeps vexing him. He's torn between picking fighters or distractions. "I've got my army. What I need is..." he stops when he finds the paper he is looking for, "Here it is. You may have whoever or whatever you want. But, you may only choose two from the stock. Signed Kenner." Kaede sighs again, "I remembered correctly. Pity!" he mutters disappointed.

His work is disturbed by a knock on the door, "My Lord, lunch time. Do you not hear the bell." a voice from the other side of the door calls out.
"Wha..?" Kaede is broken from his trance. He now notices the bell. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Kaede calls to the voice. "I'll be right with you." He quickly places the papers in his binder, shuts it and stuffs it in his bag. He races to the door, opens it and stops cold. Standing at the door is the most beautiful young woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing a long white dress, a white collar and has stunning black hair and brown eyes. Her bearing speaks of being from somewhere close to his country, but not from his country.
"Well... Hello there!" he says looking her up-and-down, smiling his teeth showing. "And what's your name, young lady?" he asks enthralled by her beauty.
"I am Peng-E." she says smiling back.
"Peng-E. What a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful young lady." Kaede says sounding like a boy of about 14 having met a girl for the first time. "Are you my escort?"
"My Lord, please follow me." she says leading him by the hand.
"Anything and anywhere you want." Kaede is amazed by how beautiful she is. "Kenner is full of surprises." the prince percolates. "I wonder if she'd be available?" he beams, distracting thoughts filling his head. "So, my dear. How long have you been here?"
"I'm afraid Master Kenner would not want me to say." she says apologetically.
"I see. And how old are you?" he quizzes hopefully.
"Twenty-six, my lord." she answers looking back at him and smiling.
"Really? You look so much younger. I was going to guess nineteen."
The woman giggles, "My lord, you are a flatterer."
"No my dear. I am not an idle flatterer. You are so young looking and enchanting. Oh, and please, don't call me Lord, it's not necessary. Just call me Kaede."
The woman says nothing as she escorts the prince down the stairs. His focus is so transfixed on the girl the hoard could come in ransack the building, razing it to the ground and he'd never notice. "My Lord, the dining area. Good day."
Kaede stands and watches her walk away. He is in true lust at the vision of loveliness he has just seen. What makes her even more enthralling is that she has spurned his advances. No girl has ever done that, especially those who knew he was a prince.
"A remarkable girl." he utters. He watches her until she turns the corner and is out of sight, the vision of his desire gone - for now. With the spell broken, Kaede remembers his purpose. The smell of delicious food fills the air as he turns and peers in the great hall. He only sees two people at the table, Kenner and the less-than-courteous woman he met on the stairs. On the table is a sumptuous amount of delicacies. Kaede enters the dining hall looking around, eying the area taking stock of anyone else who might be in the room as well. "Sir. M'lady." he says bowing to both and then walks toward the table.
Kaede stops short when he notices a woman dressed in white. "Pardon me M'lady. I did not see you there. No slight intended I assure you." This other woman, the one in white has put him slightly on edge. There's something different about her. He brushes it off, deciding that he's just being overly sensitive.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Eavia looked at the young man and bows her head.
"Of course Sir," She smiles and walks further into the room "I am Mistress Eavia. But you may simply call me Eavia."
Her cold gaze looked over his attire - He was a very well dressed man, possibly a prince or even a king.

Eavia walked over to where the other two sat and took her own seat, looking around at all the food.
"Quiet a collection of foods you have here Kenner. You do know how to spoil your guests." She says, thinking back to the gorgeous room she had been put in.
Her deep red eyes surveyed yet another room.
If there was one thing Kenner had, it was exquisite taste. Although she doubted he had time to pick out the room colours and furniture.

Her mind wandered back to the slaves as she thought about what she wanted.
She knew that a black collar would be impossible to train but looking couldn't hurt?
Eavia knew what she needed, yes a blue or maybe orange collar but she also knew what she wanted and that was her black collar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Kenner beckoned Syntira and Eavia, Peeshka was bringing up the rear of the group and they moved up the stairs once more. They traveled all the way back towards the penthouse ring and as they edged the top of the stairs turned to head directly away from kenner's quarters. The small group moved through the large oaken doors at the other end of the large ring and it was then they stepped into the dinning hall.
Kenner himself was glad to see that Kaede already seated, this made his happy that at least something was going as planned and he allowed the others to take their seats anywhere on the large table they wished. He could see though that the woman that accompanied Kaede were beginning to leave, their white dresses and pert form marked them as the attendants of the penthouse quarters. The fact that they are slaves as well did not bother him because they had been born into such a fate and therefore were content with their place in life.

He sat as well at the head of the table and only bothered to pour himself a glass of whine from a nearby bottle. Pesshka moved herself behind him and gave his head a slight caress as she stepped away and moved out of the room back into the main rotunda and down the stairs.
"I am glad to see that we could all finally take some time to converse." He takes a small sip of his wine, which strangely has a moggy purple color and given the aspect of the silver lined bottle only makes the drink more strange.
"Before we begin with any other pleasantries I would like to ask if either of you have any other question?"

* * * *

Pesshka moved herself back down into the main hall and stood in the wash of the midday light coming from the venting in the ceiling. She could not really feel the light but for her, to just bask in it was good enough.
One of the guards approached her and spoke.."Mam.. are you not going to attend the lunch hour with Kenner?" His words were calm and firm, he had no real fear of Pesshka as he had worked under her for a long time. Peeshka did not do much but move slightly shifting her hips and stance to face him. ~No.. he is with his "Clients".~ The very tone in which she spoke meant words of apathy towards what was happening upstairs.

She perked up for a second, as if the look of enthusiasm could be seen rushing across her nonexistent face. ~I think I will go see how the stock is doing with their meal.. You know how the first feeding can be.~

She trotted off once more with a skip in her step as if a child who was going to play a nice game after the troubles of school. Within a few minutes she was back within the holding area once again and she was looking at the kitchen hands as they were leaving with their machination in hand. The scent of the food could still be smelt in the air and she tilted her leather wrapped head back to catch some more of it.
It was then that she began to walk the cells, peering in and seeing what the ones inside were up to. If they were eating and behaving she could care less, that was not the aspect she was looking for. In fact she was looking for the ones with more interest in their eyes and actions in the being. Her first sight came when she laid her eyes on Bloodsong, she looked into his cell and could see that he was not touching his meal. Leaning against his bars she looked him over and knew that he was in suspect of the food handed to him.

While she could see that he was right in his suspicion, but it was that fact that meant he would most likely fight eating. So she knocked on his bars and pointed. ~Eat..~ she poked her finger in the direction of the bowl and bread, the made a motion towards the mouth on her mask. ~Can you even understand?..~
She could also hear the commotion coming from the cell where Nix was caged, she continued to boast and rouse more attention then was warranted.

She could hear the bestial slave mentioning that she would kill Kenner and leave this place to travel back home. Peeshka took a small step back from Bloodsong's cell and turned towards Nix's position..~Why don't you get it in your furry little head.. This is your home.. for now. Until someone finds you necessary for work of more and you are bought.~

~If you aren't bought however then you are always welcome to stay here and be my Master's little guest, that or you can work at earning your freedom some other way.~
The cacophony of her voices spilling over the lips of her white ivory mask. Peeshka was not one to tell lies and she meant the fact that freedom was a possibility. However she did not mention that freedom could come in many unwanted methods.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Kaede takes his goblet and swirls the drink around trying not to give off his feeling of apprehension about the strange liquid in his cup. He's certain that Kenner wouldn't try and poison him or the others, but he does wonder if maybe he's also been in contact with his father. He's never told anyone except Tetsume and his spy in the castle the full extent of what he's up to. Kenner is pretty intuitive and he may know he plans on killing someone in his household, but he doubts that he could know the extent of his bloodthirsty regicide.
He tosses that thought aside quickly deciding he's just being overly cautious. Better safe-than-sorry yes, but not to the extent of making enemies out of casual acquaintances.

"Before we begin with any other pleasantries I would like to ask if either of you have any other question?" Kenner asks the group assembled.
Kaede thinks for several moments. He has questions, but some of his questions are personal, private; things he doesn't wish to discuss in front of others lest they be unscrupulous and willing to tell his father for the right price. People this successful, this powerful don't get there by accident; they're clever, cunning and often ruthless.

"Yes, I have a few questions." Kaede chimes in, "First, where do you find such lovely young ladies for your employ?" he smiles. "I'm sorry, if I seem gauche, but the attendant was quite lovely." he smiles, a look of boyish impudence on his lips, "Second, what time frame are you looking at for us being here? What I mean is, my room is lovely and well prepared, but it appears like it's been set up for someone who will be staying for several days. Am I misreading this?" he asks a more serious look on his face with this question.

His first question is typical Prince Kaede; be a little immature, make people smile or groan and then ask the important questions once they're distracted. "Oh and I think I speak for the group when I ask, When will we be able to see what you have down below?"
Having gotten to the most important question, Kaede takes a sip of his drink, satisfied that no one has passed away from theirs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Kenner leaned in when Kaede asked about the other woman that brought him to the dinning hall and questioned where he got them. It was a decent enough question and he could understand why Kaede also asked about the fact that their accommodations had been prepared in such a way that it appeared that the masters would be staying.
He ran his finger along the rim of his wine glass as he listened trying to keep for losing contact on the situation, however when the moment they could see the slaves came he could have guessed that the conversation would come to that.

Taking another sip of his wine, Kenner placed his elbows on the edge of the table and braced the underside of his head while sliding his glass off to the side.. "Firstly.. Those woman are a special case of slave, they were born into this house and as such were raised in its walls. This gave them all the time and understanding to realize that this was just another way of living." he reaches out and takes a grape from the silver tray not far from his seat and places it in his mouth.
"As well for the rooms I can understand your question for that.. The fact that we require the master to be, to spend time within these walls is to get to know their chosen slave."

Kenner grabs another grape and rolls it between his fingers for a moment while still speaking.. "The reason for such was while I was studying under the former master he was handing off a rather fine and well trained white collar to a Lord Borough." Kenner eats the grape and shares a rather low apt stare across the table.
"The lord did not like the fact she was a Kitsune and even though he had already paid, had his bodyguard kill her on the spot.. right in the middle of the holding area."
He regathers his glass and swallows the whole thing before returning his gaze "That was eighty.. six years ago I believe." He goes back to running his finger along the top of his glass and begins to smile faintly as the remembers the first years of his leadership among Raven Loft.
"The rest of his house had a strong distaste for what we did to him afterwords.. but they were quickly dissuaded when Pesshka stepped in." a look of thought comes across his face for a moment "I think his remains are still locked in the lower cell blocks... not really sure since we renovated."

He stands and straightens his robe for a moment.. "As for seeing them, that is possible.. after they are fed we move them into the atrium for observation and that will allow them to get something familiar under their feet as well."

* * * *

Pesshka looks at Nix when she speaks and it visibly does accost a reaction from the warden, she stares at the werehyena in her cage and her fist tense up with a type of anger bubbling underneath. Her feelings are so strong that visible ribbed sections of mass could be seen writhing underneath sections of her suit, especially around the neck and ribs.
She takes one step towards the cell before catching herself and stopping, a long dejected sigh escaping her body.. ~Your right.. I am not beautiful, being born in a world where darkness reigns having form is not a real necessity.~

~But I would rather that then being born into a world where petty mob mentality and the idiosyncratic thought of self worth comes so easily to you mortals... or was that too much of a mouthful for you?~ She gives a slight tilt to her head when she speaks and then turns away from the caged animal. She once again returns her attention back to Bloodsong who was responding to her presence with more then hesitation.
This she could understand and with that knowledge came a sigh from her and she walked forward, stepping a long leg in between his bars and a sinewy distorted noise begins to rumble from her as she squeezes through into his cell. Finally with her full form inside, while having only a small problem of getting her mask inside which was solved by twisted her head to the side. This tall red leather clad woman stood in front of the growling wolf boy.. ~I suggest this time you listen and don't try anything stupid.~

Peeshka picked up the bowl and stepped within three feet of Bloodsong and held it out in front of her, she tipped it in his direction allowing him to get a better view and scent of it.
~Not bad... food is for you...~ She tried to keep herself in check as she was dealing with him, losing any control of her temper could end up being bad for the both of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira
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While Kenner stands before the three masters in the dinning room he see's one of the woman from before return. It was Peng'E again and she was in somewhat of a hurry which was evident in the haste in her step. She came to her masters ear and spoke lightly as she informed him of what happened down stairs.
She spoke cleanly and clearly, but light enough to keep the information from all but Syntira's draconian ears.

He gave a slightly distasteful look of discomfort with each passing word and all he can hear is a term of internment that quickly needs to be repaid to someone. He gives Peng'E a slight pat on the side to interrupt her and slides his chair back under the edge of the table.
"Well.. it seems the day keeps getting better." He looks at Peng'E and leans into her ear with one clear whisper before looking back. "I must apologize but an issue has arisen down stairs.. I leave you all in her capable hands for the moment. When everyone is done, she will take you to the atrium for viewing of the new additions." With that Kenner made a bow and then a slightly hasted retreat from the room. It was easy to see that there was a part of him fuming under the collar even before he stepped out and now it was more evident then before as he jumped the banister.
That fall was short and he quickly regained his footing and moved down towards the main hall, only to see that Roldan had moved the young slave girl Genti into the main hall and two of the house maids had come to redress her in something more suitable.

He looked her over and turned his attention towards Roldan.."What of the men who brought her?.. are they waiting to get paid for such an intrusion." He spoke with a lightly burning haze in the back of his eyes.. "No.." Roldan answered "I paid them a small sum of silver and.. forced them on their way."

kenner gave a blank stare with a slight exaggeration to his expression.."Keep her here and get her fed as well.. do not remove the cuffs yet however." He turns on his heel and heads back up the stairs rather quickly "Because I feel we will be seeing them again.."

The march back up the stairs towards his quarters was fast and full of reason as he had a very plane method of doing things. The men who brought Genti to his walls were in blatant disregard of his house and required a lesson in etiquette. Once inside his room he made use of the privacy such a place affords, the back of his room had a small library in place but in there at the moment books were not his concern.
He stepped in the middle of the floor where a glyph sat on the floor, next to the glyph sat a table with a small crystal on a stand that he quickly took in hand and squeezed. The crystal began to glow faintly and pulse as he concentrated on one name that could fix his current dilemma.

"Daud.. I must speak with William.. it is a matter of some urgency."

* * * *

Peeshka looked at Bloodsong as he chowed away on his meal and she pulled her hand back to her sides after the bowl was taken. She was glad that he was more reasonable then most despite his appearance, which made her look back at Nix and remember the fact that she would be more of a hassle then she's worth.

She takes another look at the others in the cells and speak towards the entire group.. ~I suggest you all eat up.. we're all going outside pretty soon and that means your all going to need your strength.~
She stepped back outside of Bloodsongs cell passing through the bars as she did before and moved to lean on the far wall as if she were waiting for something to happen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Kaede smiles as he leans back waiting for Kenner's responses, looking around at the others to see their responses. He knows he hasn't said anything out of place and he's sure Kenner won't be offended. As to the others, he's not as confident, he tries to gauge their reactions to his small and fairly obvious queries; after-all some people get offended when you ask or answer their question.
"Firstly.. Those woman are a special case of slave, they were born into this house and as such were raised in its walls. This gave them all the time and understanding to realize that this was just another way of living." Kaede nods leaning forward again as their host explained the girls and how they came to be there. It also explains why Peng-E said nothing to him about how long she'd been here. Master-slave relationships can be complicated and it's always best to reveal little and leave men suspicious than to reveal everything and let them understand the world.

Kaede continued nodding as he answered his second question, "As well for the rooms I can understand your question for that.. The fact that we require the master to be, to spend time within these walls is to get to know their chosen slave." That seemed reasonable to the Prince and not necessarily surprising. Kenner ran what could only be described as a 'High End Establishment' and to expect the buyers to learn more about their purchase was reasonable. He figured it also gave Kenner a chance to learn more about the buyer as well.

Kaede sits leaning as far forward as he can to the story of Lord Borough, who is buried somewhere in the estate. The story seems grisly even without the details. "As for seeing them, that is possible.. after they are fed we move them into the atrium for observation and that will allow them to get something familiar under their feet as well."

"I see." says the Prince finishing his drink and pouring himself a second, "I must say your explanation is quite... thorough and impressive. As impressive as this lovely little drink you have provided. You are truly the host..." Kaede's voice trailing off as the vision of loveliness Peng-E enters and walks over to Kenner. Kaede smiles at her, but it dies when he realizes something is wrong. She is walking fast, too fast for something insignificant and she looks quite agitated. She whispers something into Kenner's ear, that he's too far away to hear, which is better since eavesdropping on his host might get him kicked out.

"Well.. it seems the day keeps getting better. I must apologize but an issue has arisen down stairs.. I leave you all in her capable hands for the moment. When everyone is done, she will take you to the atrium for viewing of the new additions." Kaede rises and bows to their host as he quickly exits the room.
Kaede looks at each of the others in the room. All women and him, normally this would be his dream, especially with Pen-E being there. But the woman in white unnerves him and he still isn't sure why. The impolite woman in red seems odd. He spends a few extra seconds washing his eyes with the image of Peng-E. He scoots out his chair, ready to play knight in shining armor for the nervous and somewhat agitated young lady, but instead he grabs some more fruit and one of the bowls of grapes and sits back down. "No sense in angering the host by upsetting his property." Kaede muses.
Kaede rises and holds his cup high, "To us, ladies. May our needs be met by what is made available." then he swallows the drink. "And M'lady," he says bowing slightly to Peng-E, "Whenever you are ready to take us to see the wares in the atrium I will be ready." Kaede pours himself another goblet full and sits back down admiring the exquisite taste.
Kaede slowly moves his glare around the room, capturing to memory anything and everything that he thinks might be important, mostly the mistresses. He takes another drink emptying the cup halfway and then sets it back down. "It's a fine liquor." he tells himself, "But I am on business. If I drink too much I may do something stupid. I should have brought a second with me. Someone to restrain me." he contemplates that thought, but then he can't think of anyone he could have brought other than Tetsume and he needs Tetsume with the men to keep everything organized and ready for his return.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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Eavia noticed Kenner's discomfort and therefore doesn't comment on how rude it is when he leaves - it must be urgent, Kenner isn't one to insult his guests.

She then turns her gaze to the young boy infront of her, he seems too young and foolish to be a prince already and she prays that he grows up before he becomes king.
He is like a young boy, she thinks, noting his foolishness with the slave girl.

Eavia purses her lips when the boy holds a toast and can't help a small eye-roll.
Although she knows that she puts out a unsettling vibe that's what she likes to keep these children at bay.
That haven't seen the things she's seen and therefore believe that makes her wiser.

Although not toasting she does try the wine and nods, it was good. Not exquisite but then again it was hard to follow up Maki (Her slave) whom Eavia fancied as one of the best wine makers in the land.

"Ah finally," She adjusted a tight lipped smile onto her face "We get to see the slaves."

Eavia already had more than a fair share of slaves but they were mostly gifts and she wanted a chance to actually pick her own slave for once, it was almost a gift to herself.

Not touching the food she stood up and patted down her skirts, ready to see the slaves.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: William "Mad Dog Bill" Manhoon Character Portrait: Genti Stone
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Kenner looked down at the girl as she spoke.. "Genti?.. That is quite nice." his train of thought was interrupted by the pounding boots of a guard approaching from the entrance. "Master Kenner.. its Mad Dog, he has the two men from before.." Kenner's face brightens at the moment and he turns to look at Roldan, giving him a small signal to take the girl away.. "Take her to the atrium and have the others moved there as well. I will be on my way shortly."

Roldan blinks his reaction to Kenner's words and reaches down to lift up the smaller woman, the surprise almost making her drop the bowl. With he in hand he barks his orders to the other guards and they in turn run about gathering their things for moving all the others along as well.

But for now Kenner looks on as Manhoon and his men are lead into Raven Loft from the weather outside, he is also rather ecstatic to see the two suspects in tow among Bills cattery. They moved weakly with a wobble in each step, this was enough to tell Kenner that they had been worked over pretty well to get them to cooperate or even so for fun.
With the approach of the group both me were brought to their knees by two of Bills men and Kenner walked up in front of them with his hands on his waist and his robe split as before.. "I'm glad I can always count on you William" It was obvious now that Kenner and Mad Dog had a history and even thought it was a small footnote of time that registered for Kenner he was glad that such a man existed as to be counted on.

He stared down on the two pathetic excuses of man as they made small scrupulous noises to dictate their feeling towards the moment of their peril. The man on the left with his lightly brown and muddied hair has already starting to make a mess of the moment. Apperantly he soiled himself during the ride back, or maybe it was the man handling that Bills men gave him either which could not be discerned now anyway. The left one however, the little blonde man was also causing his own problems.
His nose somehow got broke before he got inside and an audible drip could be heard in the silence of the moment. Red dots of life dropped from his broken face and started leaving a small round reflective circle on the marble below. Kenner Sneered for a moment realizing that it would be his maids to clean up such a mess. Both men raise their eyes in fright and freeze when they see Kenner, who in turn leans in a small amount with his smile.. "What nothing to say?..." The blonde man stammers a small bit when he tries to answer but ends up swallowing his right to speak with a large resounding gulp in his throat.

Kenner raises himself and grabs the two men by the hair lightly twisting their heads to change position so he can speak and announce his orders.. "Guards.. I want them in a set of pared stocks and locked in the lower ring for three weeks." He tips the men back as the lose balance on their knees and fall backwards, their head smacking the marble easily causing more physical pain. The two guards on the stairs were quick to grab the men by the ankles and drag them off back towards the door, only to turn a corner and soon disappear down a ridged stair case.
Both of the men making sobbing sounds all the way, it was evident that they didn't know what was coming but they still feared it all the same.
Kenner produced a small rag from inside of his robe and wiped his hands clean of the muck that the men left behind, only to drop the rag and step forward and finally approach Mad Dog and take his hand in a hearty shake.. "Ahh.. Mad Dog Manhoon. Just the man that I can count on to make my day instantly better." They release the grip and Kenner looks at Daud with a large Grin.. "Welcome back as well Daud."

* * * *

Pen'g stood at the edge of the table and looked at the other Masters as they sat and finished their meals, Kaede was the first to act out with his small toast and while she was forbidden from drinking at the moment she gave him a slightly nod and smile. It was then that another entered from the adjacent door, it was another woman dressed in white. In fact she was dressed the same way as Peng'e, save for the fact that she had a rather large pony tail pulled in her hair with only the bangs sticking out. She looks at Peng'e and moves in to say something to her before moving back out of the room moving out of the main door. peng'e makes a slight face as she exist and returns her gaze back towards the group only when Eavia speaks up about wanting to see the slaves. She smiles and bows gesturing towards the rear door from where the other woman arrived and she walks out slowly so the others may have their time to rise and follow.

Meanwhile below Pesshka has stepped outside of Miyako's cell, she looked over at Nix as she spoke to herself. Either that or she was trying to get Pesshka's attention for some reason and the masked woman leaned in as she approached the werehyenas own container.
She presses her self against the bars as she tilts her head to hear the distant noise of boots approaching and turns back toward Nix. ~Well.. if you be a good girl and follow her lead.. then you will get your chance.~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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LIke the woman in white Kaede is anxious to see the slaves, but not at the point of seeming overly enthusiastic. Kaede finishes his drink and then follows. He wants to walk next to Peng-E, get to know her better, get to know this place better, the woman in white unnerves him and he doesn't believe he's being paranoid or overly cautious. There is something wrong, something wicked in the woman and he can't figure out what it is about her that makes him feel that way. She's formal, but not necessarily polite or social; but that would describe half of the people he knows and many of them he calls friends.
Kaede tries and blocks his concerns from his head. He's not here about her anyway and it's not like you meet saints and honest clergy in a slaver's den... or palace. He looks around the halls on the way to the atrium, "My what beautiful art work." he says admiring the paintings, "And the craftsman ship on the doors and ceilings is marvelous. I don't know what kind of man Kenner is, but I will say he's got an eye for beauty... the beauty of art and the beauty of people." he says smiling at Peng-E.
He admonishes himself for acting such a fool. He's never been one to miss out on the chance to complement a beautiful woman. And the excitement of possibly finding who he is looking for in the humanity, the person or those persons that will move him one step to the throne is also part of his impulsive behavior. Those combined with the effects of the alcohol are working together, clouding his judgment and he realizes he's acting the fool. "I should have brought someone along with me." he chides himself. He knows there really was no one he could bring. Tetsume is the only one he can trust and that's not an option - at least not for the moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Kit Kuchini Character Portrait: Mistress Eavia
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sinkai
Syntira had been observing the conversation in silence, she was lost in her own thought. She again saw the man she had seen earlier, and it was only now that she realized that he was another potential Master. And I hadn't even had the decency to say hello to him... When the two had encountered previously, the Dragonkin was so absorbed in the idea of seeing the slaves that she hadn't heard the polite gentleman say, "Milady." The mistress quickly made a mental note to apologize for her rude behavior earlier. Still in somewhat of a daze, Syntira reached for a piece of meat from the center of the table and began cutting it. Her napkin had already been placed over her lap, and she made quick work on the meal-cutting it expertly into small chewable bites. Syn's focus only lifted when Kaede made a toast to the table, "To us, Ladies. May our needs be met by what is made available." Smiling, the fiery Dragonkin lifted her own goblet, nodding once with a smirk plastered over her face.

"Ah, yes. And to bonds that will never be broken." Syn tipped her goblet towards him, winking once before she drank the fine liquid. It did have a lovely taste, and Syn couldn't place if she had ever tasted the same drink before. Her eyes then flashed to a lady adorned in white robes; who was scowling as the man made a toast. How utterly rude... Though Syntira's voice remained at the same icy and seemingly emotionless tone, she had been raised to be polite. She couldn't imagine disregarding a man of obvious power's toast or conversation. Speaking of which, that same man was eying over a slave hungrily. Syn held a hand over her mouth, giggling behind it and lowering her eyes. Standing just as the others did, Syn followed the beautiful young slave down the ornate hallways towards the atrium. She was definitely excited to encounter the species' she had seen earlier, but not to the point where the emotion would show on her face. In fact, if an emotion did show on her face, it was most likely anger. Otherwise, Syntira kept all feelings in check.

As the trio were led through the various corridors of the castle, Syn's mind returned again to the beings she had seen earlier. The white eared and tailed neko's face was plastered in her mind. Then again, so was the alluring red stripe over the canine neko's face. Nekos were the only species that Syn hadn't come into close contact with. Well, other than Master Kenner himself. His blood red eyes bore into her mind, and the seemingly demonic transformation still confused her. Syn hadn't had time to consult her journal about his species yet. In fact, his mate may be even more of a mystery. Pesshka... What secrets do you hide behind that mask of yours? And you Kenner, I vow to learn of your secrets as well. Syn shook herself of those thoughts, her eyes focusin again on Kaede.

"Excuse me, sir. I didn't catch your name earlier. I apologize for my extreme lack of manners earlier. I cannot have my kind represented in such a fashion." Mistress Syntira bowed her head for a moment, before raising it to like back up at the Prince. "I am Mistress Syntira, of the Dragonkin. It's a pleasure." Her green reptilian eyes observed his magenta colored hair. In fact, Syn quite enjoyed the color, especially on him. Syn's own hair was unnatural for a human, thankfully she wasn't of that species. But this man... The Dragonkin scented the air. Yes, he was definitely a human.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira
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With the greetings done between Mad Dog and Kenner it is taken upon the business men to converse more as they walk for a while through the master hall.
Kenner is starting to understand that this day must have been some sort of test to get under his skin, however Williams presence is making everything seem much better as the time drew on.. "I see Manhoon."
"If you are looking for some new.. blood as you so lovingly put it, I may be able to facilitate."
He beckoned Mad Dog on and offered the extension to Daud as well and so the men began to walk out of the hall. As they left the guards who escorted the two men down below returned and continued with their own duties of standing guard at the stairs.

As the moved on it was easy to tell for Mad Dog that most of Raven Loft's insides had been renovated since he left with Daud in his keeping. Marble lined most of the floor and high archways gave the halls a towering appearance. Seeing that it was only barely after mid day many of the houses patrons were moving about to get back and forth between their respective stations. The sounds of the whole body that was this place echoed on around them while their foot steps were easily drowned out by the rest of such immense movement.

Kenner kept speaking to enhance the conversation between him and Mad Dog. "I do have an idea of what you could be looking for.. someone well enough for your new enterprise. From what I hear that new club will be ready for full operation soon." He dipped his head slightly as several woman passed by in sundresses, each with an assertive bounce in their step and it could be seen why. A woman was walking behind them who cast assertion in her face and dominance in her stride. It was her that was driving the group on to whatever activity they intended to be at next.
She gave Kenner a firm but respectful nod as she passed him and his two friends.
With their passing Kenner continued.."As of now all of my new additions that are not taken.. are rather bare."

"I do however have some unique new treats for our trainers at least."

As they kept moving in their purpose the three passed into a large rotunda of passageways with several stairways leading down into and away from it. This was the causeway, and it was the only part of Raven Loft that truly remained untouched from the renovations. Peng'E was leading the other masters into the rotunda at the same time and she could see Kenner ahead of the group. With a slight pause in her step the group was halted before fully surpassing Kenner's, she gave a slightly bow towards the masters accompanying her before Kenner himself greeted them.. "Ah yes.. its good to see you all here now, that is fine now Peng'E you can head back to mistress Thresh now." The woman in white bows once again flashing a slight smile as she heads back up the stairs from where the group came.

Kenner beckoned them onward and lead them further eastward into the keep and as he lead them on the hall began to become wider and taller, with a great vast light pouring in from the exit ahead. Each step lead them closer and as they walked the sounds of nature could be heard coming through the opening as well.
When the group broke the threshold it became clear to them what the name atrium meant.
It was a vast opening within the bowels of Raven Loft it had the makings of a massive gladiatorial arena, but instead of sand within the base of this giant ring there was a field. Trees and tall grass and a sizable lake in the center and all that many creatures could wish for. Kenner walks the group out onto the balcony of a large slope overlooking the atrium and presents it to them all. "Welcome to the atrium, a crowning example of design if ever there was one. As you look around you there is nature for all to see and if you cast your eyes above even the sun itself is part of Raven Loft."

He was not off when he said this, for when an eye was cast upwards a circular inverted dome could be seen dominating the roof of the atrium. It shined with a deep warm light that gave life as easily as the sun itself would do in mid summer.
"For all those slaves who want to see the world as they left it and come back to nature, however it is still safe to let them roam free here. There is no chance of escape even for those with the power of flight."

* * * *

Peeshka looked back at Nix as a look passed on her face that the masked warden would not have thought possible for the shape shifter to show. She tilted her head to the side as guards with restraining implements arrived in droves, each one in full dress and waiting with baited breath for Pesshka's words.
She cast her gaze towards them and spoke.. ~Alright pair up and get to your appointed cells..~ She looked up to see that behind several of them men were two guards with Genti in arm, they did little to hamper her movement and instead lent an arm to help support her weight for her as they helped her walk. The men & woman got to work as Pesshka walked closer to see Genti for herself. Stopping only a few feet away she stared for a few seconds before slowly leaning in, her expressionless mask looking on and red leather bindings creaking as she inched forward. ~I see.. a new one comes again unscheduled.~
"The master also wants her moved into the atrium with the others.." The guard holding her bowl in his right hand spoke in order to clarify. Peeshka only returned a twitch of her head in his direction before looking back at Genti before nodding.

Everyone was thus gathered up from their cells.
Awoken from slumber or lead out from their positions, some had to be restrained in order to keep the guards peace of mind. The cause to being marked with a black collar saw many of those slaves being treated as such. However the guards were gentle as they could be and courteous in their work, the master would not want to see them damaged what he had just come into possession of within the last hours.
It was then that the group of slaves, was lead towards their destination of the atrium. However they did not share the use of the upper walkways like the masters and more privileged slaves were used to. The area they walked was darker and more somber with wider halls and such open spaces as to maneuver large groups of bodies. This was the main way for the guards to transfer a mass of slaves from one point in Raven Loft to the other and while the atmosphere of this lower area was rather dim.
It still bore a fresh air and lenient energy about it.

The only exception to the move was Nitha, she was left within her cell. The guards did not have the material to move her nor the manpower at the moment and while Kenner with his gifts could transport easily, they would need several men to move her even with a dolly.

Within several minutes the group was lead through a causeway of their own and this one itself lead into the grassy area within the atrium. As the guards lead the slaves in one after the other was released from their bindings and left to stand within the light of the atrium's dome. Those with less tendencies to strike were released first and those with black collars were let go last before the guards passed through the cause way again and as the last stepped through a large gate was swung closed behind to bar an exit.

Pesshka stayed behind with Nitha looking into her cell..~I must say that it is good to see one of your kind again.. it has been some time since one with blood like yours has passed through these walls.~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Mistress Syntira Character Portrait: Hope Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori
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0.00 INK

Miyako get up from her bed and joined the group in line. She was nervous and scared. She wasn't afraid of the woman with the mask, she was afraid of what was going to happen next. Her fear was not as bad as it had been before the woman spoke with her, was kind to her. If this had happened earlier she would have been terrified.
Miyako stood next to the other girl. The girl was human like her and had brown eyes, but after that they were different. The girl was lighter skin and had rounder eyes. She was older and taller. She had the look that Miyako had earlier; the sad and defeated look of someone whose whole world had come to an end. She wanted to talk to the girl, maybe be her friend, but she decided not to, in case.
She looked behind and watched as the guards placed special restraints on the slaves with the black collars. She understood now what a black collar was, but was still uncertain what a blue and orange collar was. The girl next to her had orange, so they had something else in common, besides being human girls.

They walked through darkened underground corridors that felt cold and unfeeling. She couldn't see much, but the dark. As they walked she could see some light in the distance, "That must be the atrium." she though, her heart beating faster and her breath got faster. She squinted when they were almost there, the light seemed so bright. She stepped into the atrium and it looked like a giant forest. She stared at the trees, the grass, the flowers, everything, there was even a lake in the middle. Miyako stopped and looked up at the sunlight shining through the glass above. It was amazing, especially to a girl from such a small and backward community to see that a place like this really exhisted.

Miyako looked up and she could see people; there was the man who told her she was an orange and blue, two very scary looking men, a woman in white, a woman with red hair and a man in white robes who looked like he maybe similar to her but she couldn't tell for sure.
The girl named Nix went to play in the trees, the Wolfkin rolled in the grass, Miyako decided to go sit on a rock by the water and just watch everything. She didn't really want to play, there wasn't anyone to play with and she was more interested in watching everyone else, especially the people above them.