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a character in “The Guilded Cage: Slaves in need”, as played by PixieCP


Name: Naga (Nobody has been able to ask her proper name, Nitha, yet)

Age: Uncertain, young but sexually mature if her upper half is any indication.

Gender: Female

Classification: Slave, Black collar

Race: Naga (Snake human hybrid)

Physical Description:
Nitha is quite small for a naga, her entire tail length being only five meters while her torso suggests that if she were human she'd be only 5 feet tall. Most naga are significantly larger and longer than her. The only thing human about her is the arrangement of her body from the 'waist' up and her diet. Nitha's skin is deep bronze, with mottled black patterns on her tail, back and down the backs of her arms. She also has wide, winging marks that sweep across her bright yellow eyes from her very flat nose. Nitha's jaw is not reticulated, only being able to open as far as a human's. Her teeth are only as sharp as a humans, and as a naga from far distant lands, she doesn't even have poison. Nitha doesn't have hair at all, not even eyelashes, instead having numerous elongated tails that approximate scalp hair in most humanoids and a third eye lid. Her eyes however are disturbingly human in the midst of her very thin lips and elongated head. Nitha does have breasts, but they are rather flat at the time of the roleplay's start as she has lost a dreadful amount of weight with the stress of capture. Not having sweat glands, Nitha is also vulnerable to extreme heat, usually solved by lounging in water.

Personality: Nitha is somewhat timid, though she is also very sensible. Even if given an opportunity to escape, she will evaluate it and consider: how likely is this to succeed? Sure, I could escape the cell. But the guards, the Loft, the mountain? Even then, which way is home? How far is it, how hard would they search for her, how likely are people to dob her in, what would she even eat? Because of this, Nitha is quite malleable because she can see the sense of submitting. She is presently extremely skittish, jumping at loud noises, sudden appearances, etc. This can have the unintended effect of her coils accidentally crushing whatever they're holding. She also currently tries to hide from anyone who is dominant or aggressive. Nitha is fairly quiet, though also surprisingly friendly given what most people know of Naga.

Likes: Fluffy things, things with fur or down as it's not a common texture.
Music, she particularly likes woodwinds and drums
Children/babies/young anything

Sharp contact
Aggressive behavior, she even avoids doing it herself
Loud, harsh noises.

History: Although people don't realise it, Nitha left behind a very large, varied circle of acquaintances, although none she was particularly close to. The Naga from her area don't lay store by family ties, as those can't be helped, but instead by forged ties of acquaintance. Nitha was picked up quite by accident, by a party which was actually hunting exotic game in far away jungles. Nitha had fallen down a small cliff so was stunned and very easily caged. This was the first time in her existence that she had ever been contained and she did not handle the experience well. It didn't help that the game hunters weren't used to dealing with sentient beings and didn't even know what to feed her, so chucked her a bit of everything, from raw meat to cookies. This combination of poor diet and sky high stress means that Nitha has lost a nigh dangerous amount of weight. Not sure what to do with her, the game hunters sold her to Raven Loft, figuring that if anyone could figure out a use for her, it was them.
Nitha doesn't understand many of the concepts surrounding her, including slavery. She hasn't got the first clue why she's at Raven Loft, why the other people are there, what the funny necklaces are for, (She's guessing personality) or why people use utensils, although bowls and cups she totally understands. She knows about bathing and longs for it, but doesn't know about soap. Nitha doesn't understand writing, and can't speak the language used at Raven Loft. Nitha wears clothes, but considered them decoration rather than necessity and doesn't understand the taboo on nakedness. However her view on them as necessary has certainly changed with her arrival in Raven Loft's considerably colder climate.

Former masters & training: Absolutely none, she's completely unbroken and doesn't even know what a slave is, much less how to be one.

So begins...

Nitha's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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With the asking of Nitha's question the run of the bow across the strings came to a halt, the small group was looking now at the deep eyes of the small girl looking back at them with Bella breaching the gaze in between them. She smiled lightly as she tilted her head to the side and finished her last three notes before removing the crux from her chin.
As she placed the instrument down Lady Bella walked forward leaving the others to their own devices for the time being and struck her conversation with the small girl. "I see you've been practicing.." The small girl does not say a word, but simply gives a small bow of the head and a dip in her step. Not much of that could be called a conversation in the least as the girl stared back at the others by looking past Bella's side and hitting them with a now more strangely recognizable stare. She looked at them with an unblinking gaze, almost as if she were a goldfish in the bowl looking out beyond the glass with detached interest.

She finally spoke as she began to walk past Lady Bella.
"So these are the new additions that Kenner believes I can use?" It was certain that the question was meant for Bella but her attention never left the three before her. Bella on the other hand approached her from behind and began to add.."Yes this is Bloodsong.. that's Nitha.. and the little one is Silver." She spoke as she pointed them out individually "They should be able to follow some sense of direction. However I don't know what he was thinking of having them sent to you, all of them are not really suited for such a task."

The little girl walked closer and dipped her Kirsti much like she did with Bella before looking back at them.. "Alright.. everyone, I am Claudia and I teach the art of music here in Raven Loft, it seems that Master Kenner has entrusted you to me for the time being. So I would like to know if either of you have a problem taking commands from someone like me myself."

It seemed that she was introducing herself to the others and that was Bella's signal to leave, which she was well on her way to doing as she walked out the same causeway they took to enter the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: N.P.C
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#, as written by PixieCP
Nitha frowned slightly, the skin at the corners of her mouth pulling tight. It rankled her slightly. If she wasn't suited for anything then why was she here? It was stupid of humans to insist on carting her places and leading her around if they had no use for her. Nitha promptly began to ignore her and the little girl, instead reaching out a hand to play with Silver's hair, combing her fingers through the lower rich brown strands.

However she couldn't quite bring herself to ignore the human girl when she addressed them directly, turning her head to observe her. She leant very close, lowering her torso so that she didn't loom over the little thing, and took the common polite greeting sniff. She blinked in surprise and reared back, looking at the girl in naked concern.

"Your scent, you are not well," she said, hands out loosely as her tail tip twitched.

((Nitha is scenting that Claudia is a vampire, not that she's actually ill.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Bloodsong, too, could smell something was... off about this girl. His ears flicked back and his lip curled in a slight snarl; not a dangerous snarl, just a confused, wary one. His gaze darted around the room, not even sure why he was here. Was he to protect the naga and the other girl?

This whole place still confused him, but he was right now; less inclined to try and kill the 'enemy' and escape. He didn't want that weird woman to come back and blast him with light again, or eat him... or anything of the sort. He sniffed at her again, then reeled back and snuffed; something wasn't right here at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Claudia smiles as Nitha reacts to her scent, it could be seen in her face that this was no surprise to her. The fact that Bloodsong did the same only added to the contrary that she was used to such a reaction from those that relied on that sense.
She gave Bloodsong a low cut smile as she reached up and stroked one of his ears in a quick motion and then pulled back.

"That is fine as can be I guess, being undead does tend to leave such a scent on one for some time." The pert edges of her mouth creased with the smile she flashed at the three, the small jagged edge of a tooth revealed was the inclination they could perceive about her true nature before she stepped back towards the small stool and sat herself down.

Picking the violin up and putting it back to her chin she strikes one of the cords with the bow slightly only to pause after a wayward thought comes to mind. "So.. a Naga, a Human, and a wolf-ling come into my studio. My that sounds like the beginning to a bad joke now that I run it through my mind." Despite Claudia's smell her voice itself was unsettling, it possessed a demeanor that bellied her true nature and age. Like a much older person was speaking with the voice and face of a child. The deep stare in her eyes revealed that she had been around for a long time and that she had seen much. Like the eyes of a sailor who had just passed from sea to shore after so many years abroad.

She looked on at the group, as if waiting for one of them to say something.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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#, as written by PixieCP
Nitha eyed the little 'undead', still unable to shake the feeling of concern. Home had those who died and rose again, but they were very rare and stank of black magic, death and the unknown. Claudia merely smelt wrong, and she didn't have the look of otherworldly fire in her eyes that the K'ck did. On being assured that that was normal for the female, Nitha curled up again, pressing her side against Silver for comfort even as her tail gently pressed against Bloodsong's flank.

"You will teach us your craft?" Nitha asked, looking at the instrument the girl raised. While fascinating in its alieness, it held no personal allure for the Naga. She looked about the room, searching among the instruments. Many of the ones with strings held no interest for her, and she blinked her incomprehension at the different forms of pianos and things made of twisted shiny metal. Then her eyes came across a rack of woodwinds. She left the group, heading over to the various pipes, flutes and clarinets. Running cautious fingers over them, she found a very large wooden flute, about the length of her forearm. Looking at it for a moment, she then picked it up and blew on it experimentally. The first note was awkward, but then she pulled her head back, examined the mouth peice and tried again. The sound that emerged was low, throbbing and rich.

The small naga turned to the undead girl, holding it up with a smile. "I like the sound of this."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: N.P.C
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As the strange smelling woman touched his ear, Bloodsong's head jerked back and a warning snarl quickly curled his lips as he took a step back; his hair bristled slightly. She made him uneasy, almost as much as that... masked alien woman. He cast a quick look around the room again, making sure nothing had changed. His attention was drawn as Nitha broke away from them and moved across the room to the strange things that were placed there.

His ears perked a little as an awkward, off-tune sound echoed across the room and his head tilted slightly; his eyes narrowing slightly as she blew into it a second time. This sound was far less strange sounding, yet still strange for his ears. They were to learn to... blow into these things? He had no idea what they were, let alone their use.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix's attempt to strike at the smaller opponent was met with little resistance, she palmed her blade and spun to one side as she jumped. Letting the blade Nix possessed glance off her own and the rest of her momentum sent her body rolling. Her form flew up and over Nix's shoulder landing a striking glance off the young werehyenas arm with her boot.
Her body tumbled as she landed on the other side and rolled over several times as regained her stance. But Nix's strike was not in vain, the girl brought her hand up to hold her sword arm slightly. The impact from the attack was enough to cause more then discomfort it seemed.

She sported a rather surprised look on her face, not expecting to have taken any kind of hit in that altercation.

* * * *

Claudia looked across the floor as the Naga was handling the woodwind instrument lovingly, it was apparent that she really liked it and the fact was that she had at least some feel for it. The small girl shared a smile with Nitha as she nodded in response to her enthusiasm towards the instrument.

She turned her head back to Bloodsong however, his reaction to her was off for her taste.
"Now that just wont do, if your going to be staying here in Master Kenner's home then you must be acclimated to being touched." She reaches out again to in the same effect to touch him and as her hand lifts, it slowly stops.
Her eyes transfixed on Bloodsong's face as her head tilts to the side. "I see.. you were already dealt with once before." Her voice has abandoned the rare itching of being young and elegant, slowly gaining a mature tone and calm lucidity. "Mine and Peeshka's ideal of punishment are vastly different. So I ask.. please be a good boy and behave, I'll give you a treat" Her voice trails off with a tone like that of a small song.