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A tag to define workers of Raven Loft

0 · 301 views · located in The land of Thaiden

a character in “The Guilded Cage: Slaves in need”, originally authored by Oborosen, as played by RolePlayGateway


Raven Loft: Conversation Tag

This character is in fact a tag used by the player of The Guilded Cage Rp to access in the event that they wish to speak to an NPC or include them in the main body of the post. It works better if it is used in the pretense of actually interacting with one of the NPCs and should not be tagged if the context is just the fact of seeing them move about doing their own work.

So begins...

N.P.C's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: Miyako
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Kenner looked on across the table and Kaede as he spoke, knowing full well that he was talking about and was at first surprised that he was considering the other Masters supposed feelings and needs. But it was the mention that Kaede had certain needs and expectations for the slaves he hopes to take with him.
Smiling slightly as he leans into the table.."I can understand you needs and the attempt that you will be making with your family.. such privilege comes with its own dangers." He begins to lift a small cup to his mouth and pauses "And please refrain from calling me Lord Kenner.. I hate that title and my name suits just fine by itself." He continues to finish his drink

Afterwards he eats another date and speaks again. "The training can take up to a month and a half at least, at most two. We keep them here along with their intended master so the two can get more acquainted.. your treatment of them will be paramount however." As he speaks a female guard walks in walking silently and cautiously, she leans in and places her mouth to Kenner's ear. He in turn leans his head into hers as if he was expecting her to be there and she passes a message to him.
He rubs his hands together as she pulls away and moves back out the main door, closing it behind her.
"Well.. everything is going fine for now, our little wolf-kin is still fighting slightly but that is his nature. Soon the additions will receive breakfast and then the day can start in earnest." He continues to eat as Kaede does as well and he looks back up for the table with the need to clarify something to the young noble. "Kaede I feel I need to inform you that I knew your grandfather and his father as well, so if you even intend to waste my time.. all I have to do is wait you out." He says so with a strange smile on his face and then continues "But as for the treatment of your purchase, whatever happens to them after you leave Raven Loft is your responsibility however.. anything negative that reaches my ears will look badly on the owner."

* * * *

With the maidens now done with their duties they quickly and cleanly gathered up their things and began to leave the holding area, still humming the same low and delightful tune that preceded them. The other however that came with them stood still near the center of the room, she was content to look on as the morning routine came to a fold with the slaves. Even so the smell of a meal was begin to wash into the large room with the preceding of the air that moved throughout the building. It was the kitchen staff again and this time there was a different set of individuals that came before. Most likely a cause to the staff being switched out due to a shift change.
The carried plates of soup and eggs much of which was scrambled with a covering of cheese, the meal itself was meant to be hearty so it would fill them up and keep them going. The flavor was only to come in at second since feeding them was a priority. The woman looked on still and gave a switch of her stance towards Bloodsong, his thrashing had caught her attention and she took a step towards him. "All bathed off now.. isn't that a nice feeling?" He voice cut the air and there as a sense of unevenness to it, like it was spiced and laid across the edge of a blade.
She turned to look across the whole group and began to speak again."I am Lady Bella.. when the time comes I will train you in the finer aspects of a servants service to their master and I will also instruct you in the manners of class and status." Though her eyes are not visible or the fact that she has any could be known, her head stays pointed at Bloodsong.."But I can see why Master Kenner had his reservations."

She raises her hands and claps them together then continues to wring her hands.."Now are there any questions or.. concerns either of you would like to voice?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Kaede Akamori Character Portrait: N.P.C
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While Kenner listened to Kaede he could understand that the young noble and foresaw where his words were coming from. He could know from over the table so easily because it was not new to him, even before he took lead of Raven Loft he had spent decades dealing with other nobles of different stripes with their own agendas.
It was refreshing to know that Kaede was showing a more transparent nature to himself out of delegation then out of stupidity and the fact he was not hiding much from Kenner was showing that he was a far cry from the others in his family. However when he touched on the subject of information to the purchases prior time before Raven Loft he wondered what Kaede was going for, it wasn't just speculation for the slaves original whereabouts. Kenner laid his fork down after he had done with half of his eggs and looked back. The question did not bother him, it was just a surprise.
Seeing as the most common question was the one he asked earlier as to where slaves were acquired from and how many at the chosen intervals "Raven Loft can contain anywhere from three hundred to five hundred new bodies, however a vast majority of those lives already have a planned path before they reach our walls. The group you looked at earlier was the prior purchases of field agents and those who wish to sell their.. acquisitions to the house personally." he skirts the fork around his plate with a finger and continues "And if you wish so, the information of where either one of them came from will be made known to you with the event of a decided purchase."

The main door swings open and Peeshka enters, today she is wearing a long silvery black dress that hugs her form quite nicely. It dangles and frills from the wrist with a long skirt that drapes to the floor. Without the leather and buckles the dress is far more quiet then what she normally wears seeing as the air around her isn't full of the jangle of metal and the leathers stretching. She wears a different mask as well, instead this one looks like a metallic face plate with slits for the eyes and three holes bored into both sides to allow air into the mouth and nose.
She leans in on Kenner's back and hugs him with both her arms, apparently the night was good and her rest had set her in a more fashionable mood. She looks up over the table and gives a slight nod to Kaede..~Good morning to you Kaede.~ She spoke cleanly and clearly, despite her voice still bearing the words of others she was far less threatening today in whole.

She stands and looks down on Kenner..~There is a problem in the master hall.. Miss Shia is here.~ This causes Kenner to lightly cough on a date as he turns his head, grabbing a quick drink before sending a response.
"ahk.. Again?.. but its only been a week." She shrugs for a moment.

~She just arrived as I awoke, her and her guards are current arguing with Roldan.. weapons have not been drawn yet but the words are getting heated.~ Kenner wipes his mouth and tosses the napkin down, looking rather upset about the whole ordeal and then he returns his eyes to Kaede.
"Kaede.. I must take my leave for the time being, there are pressing matters that require my attention. You may ask the guard outside to escort you to the holding area.. you should at least have the opportunity to pick for yourself today and get acquainted. I will be in to join you shortly after..." He stands and steps back with Peeshka in tow, both of them heading out the door leaving Kaede to finish his meal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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"I have a question." Quinn's hand was raised slightly in the air, and it reminded her of when she had been in school. By her last year most of the teachers had learned to cringe when they saw her hand up. Some of them had even started to pretend that they didn't see her. Most of her questions had been either smart remarks, or some reasons why she hated the assignment. Interesting enough, even though Quinn had complained frequently about school, she had graduated top of her class.

Lady Bella's announcement had sent off a warning alarm in Quinn's mind. She knew that she had probably caught herself up in trouble, but with the words officially coming from this woman's mouth, she finally started to grasp her situation fully. She realized that her future looked much more unstable than she had previously envisioned.

Lady Bella's head turned in Quinn's direction, and even though Lady Bella had no visible eyes, it was clear that her attention was on Quinn. Quinn's hand lowered as she fired off way more than just one question, "So, what do you mean by masters? Who are theses people and how do we have to serve them? Are they men or women? Humans or another type of creature? Will we be living somewhere else? How will they treat us? Are our lives in danger?" Her voice quickened with panic as she added each question. Her black eyes were wide, and she was fidgeting nervously with her pockets. Her thoughts were flashing back and forth between the safe option of going along with the woman, or the dangerous option of finding an escape route right in the moment. She thought of how she could use Lady Bella as a hostage, and force the guards the free her. Peeshka was not near, but Quinn did not know what Lady Bella was capable of. If only the woman had been a human.

With many scenarios passing through her thoughts, Quinn tried to calm herself and to stabilize her breathing. She knew that panicking would not help her and would only make her situation worse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Lady Bella approaches Quinn as she begins to rattle off question after question, it was numbing to the mind to think that this was on her line of thought so early in the morning and breakfast was even done being served. She got right on Quinn's person and took one of her hands in her light grasp holding her left arm close by.
Quinn does not have much chance to react as her grip is light and fast, but soft and delicate as well. She does not keep her head in turn with looking at Quinn. As if she does not focus from that part of her body and even the way she holds herself seem to point that her center of gravity was somewhere other then the norm and she quickly sets her voice on Quinn.

"Ah the little demon.. you and I are alike, I guess however that you have noticed the master of the house does not surround himself with.. normal individuals." She kept wringing her fingers around Quinn's wrist lightly as she looked on at the young half-blood.

"Which reminds me, I have something for you.." Bella reaches into her left sleeve and produces a long silken red and black band, it is easy to tell that this is the same kind of collar worn by many of the other slaves. She smiles and and pulls the collar up towards Quinn's neck where the her nature called for her body to pull back from the attempt to chain her. However the bed being at the back of her legs meant she wasn't going far and as she stopped the soft feeling of the bang snapping around her neck could be felt.
Lady Bella stands there in front of Quinn, giving her a moment to get used to the feeling of the soft collar around her neck and she smiles lightly clapping her palms together. "The fate of the others is something for them to consider, you on the other hand have something else in store because as I know Kenner is contemplating sending you to the arena." Her smile grows ever so slightly wider as if the thought of combat exited her and the edges of her mask stretched to accommodate the added width.

The kitchen staff were now done with handing out the breakfast and had already gathered the plates and dishes from the night prior. They left with little fuss and the guards exited out with the staff behind them, Lady Bella herself was content to stand and wait for what was to come. She had been keeping an eye on the others as well and was willing to keep her vigil.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix wasn't happy as she sat on the bed she hadn't left. The young woman watched Quinn interact with the strange lady quietly, and then focused her attention on the servant serving food. She hesitantly tried it, but found it taste like nothing to her. Nix sighed and shove the plate away. She didn't want to eat it, even if she was so hungry. Nix closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the reality, and go back home where she belonged, with her tribe. She wished she had died, and wouldn't live now to be turned into something she hated to be. Tears ran down her face and she buried her face between her hands.

She took a deep breath and stopped it. Nix wiped her tears away and laid down on the bed. Everything around her vanished as she stared at the ceiling, and refrained herself to think of what would become of her. She was once a leader, and now she was nothing more but a slave, a servant to others who seemed to lazy or so to do things. Nix never liked the idea of slaves, she had heard of it before but she hated the idea of turning someone into it or even being one.

Nix lost track of reality as her eyes closed. For her part, her reality was being dead and being reunited with her loved one, and her tribe. Nothing else in the world mattered to her but that. Being reunited with her loved one, she wanted to be with him again. Not even Kenner could change her mind. No one could change Nix's mind, and she wouldn't let it happen either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Understanding the human-speech was still something Bloodsong was adjusting to, the more people spoke around him it seemed the more he understood. Although he wasn't even sure if he had been forced to learn to speak their tongue as well, his kin had no need for such excess of sounds.

Quietly he sat and listened to the demon woman asking many questions, most of them things he was interesting in knowing as well - so he made sure to pay attention as this 'Lady Bella' responded and attached a collar to the demoness. He reached up and tugged at his own one, wondering what exactly they were for; apart from being annoying.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Bloodsong Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: Miyako
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Several minutes passed as Bella watched the other slaves in their moment, they ate the breakfast that was given to them aside from Nitha who did not seem to like the taste of her meal. She looked at Nitha and leaned her head to the side as she approached.. "You should eat.. you have no idea where this day may take you." She spoke out to Nitha with the same craned edge in her smile. She could also hear the two others Nix, and Quinn conversing on the side of her perception.

But that was not the only sound that could be heard, it was like a distant rumble that was working its way through the building. Everyone could hear in and whatever was making the noise was angered. It was coming from the master hall but getting closer and at that realization Bella turned her body from Nitha keeping her attention square on the guards at the main door. They also had a strange look on them, each one getting tense and straightening their stance as if something was about to happen.
Then something did happen..
The sound was an argument being held between the recognizable voice of Kenner and a woman with a soft but soured voice. The main gate swung wide as Kenner made his way into the holding cell and his expression told entirely that he was getting agitated at what was transpiring. Then the conversation hit the room with the woman speaking first.. "I still don't care what you think you have to say to me Kenner but at the end of this all your prisoners will be set free, do you understand me?" The woman behind Kenner was shorter and fairer in skin then most, her features were actually quite exotic as she pointed her long thin fingers at the back of his head. She had dark brown shoulder length hair and almond shaped eyes with an equally brown texture.

Her lips were full and her cheekbones were high, her face would actually look quite beautiful were it not tortured with her expression of anger towards Kenner.

Kenner turns on the balls of his heels and faces her quickly speaking up on his case.."I do understand Miss Shia, you are not smart enough to understand that no matter what law you claim on me or my house it will do no good. Raven Loft is not considered a true section of Thaiden so its laws do not apply here.. it has been this way since before you took your station." He pokes her in the center on her chest right below her collar and looks her dead in the face.
"Now leave, before I have the guard force you out.. I have lost my patience for you today." The woman Shia's face goes stern for a moment and she gives him a glowering stare before responding.
"Alright Kenner.. I will go, but when I come back you will be sorry and your house will pay for its atrocities." She turns to leave, passing by several of the guards in a huffed anger. Kenner takes a moment to calm himself as his face is away from the slaves and turns to smile once again at the whole of them.

"Well.. I hope everyone's night was fine."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Kenner stood there scratching the side of his face, the look of irritation passing as he could hear the footsteps of the woman Shia leaving and for what he was hoping was the last time in a long while.
Bella approaches him and lays a hand on his shoulder.."I hope that's the last we see of that fanatic for a while.." Kenner on the other hand moves to rubbing his temples and slightly drops his head with a soft grumble in his voice.
"I doubt it, she has proven to be a pest in the past and an even more liable problem as well.. and to think I thought I got enough of her kind during the crusades."

His head lifts as he hears soft footsteps approaching and he connects his gaze with the little girl Silver, who stands before him with a slight gate in her step. The look of uncertainty is painted on her face as she stares back at Kenner while Bella steps away to speak with one of the guards who is standing watch at the gate.

Though she was nervous she did not have a sense of withdrawal in her form and she formally asked him of what the intentions for her and the others was. Her words were sweet and mostly refined despite the current state of things and she gave off more of a calm aura as she worded her question very respectfully.
Stepping back after she asked Kenner her question he looked on at her and smiled.
It was good that she felt comfortable enough to ask such a question of him so openly and he did regard the fact that she was so proper very highly.

He reached forward and laid a hand on her head keeping his soft smile all the while.."Do not worry.. I have nothing but the best intentions for you and the best of wishes.." He rubbed her head as he said this doing his best to set her tense body at ease. He could tell now more then before that there was something "extra special" about her, either something about her mind or body it was obvious that this would have to be focused on at a later time.
"I intend to find a master that would compliment you and one that would be the best of choices for your future." Reaching into his sleeve Kenner produces something, a small blue strip of fabric that he held out towards Silver's neck. He was slow and calm in his movements not making her nervous in his intentions and quickly the strip fuzed around her neck to form a collar.

Its fabric did not pinch and it was lightly bound around her flesh as to not cause discomfort.
"There you go, now you can start upon a path."
The clacking of heels could be heard approaching and soon Peeshka in her new outfit entered the holding area, she had Roldan in tow and a small wedge of papers in her hand. Passing by Kenner, it seemed that her and Roldan were taking a type of rolling check of the other slaves in the room. Every few steps she would set several strikes on the paper with Roldan giving his own visual inspection that would only end with him sharing small words with her.

Kenner made his way to Quinn as the two passed by her, she was sitting on the edge of the fountain with a look of daydreaming on her face. One hand lightly touching the top of the water and her fingers skimming around treading little water.
He gave her a second to look at him before he smiled, it was the collar around her neck that told him Bella passed on his (Gift) to Quinn... "I can see that you got my small gift.. I hope you are ready to start such a beautiful day." He looked back over his shoulders and could see that Bella had entered the room once again, only to look back at Quinn.
"I hope Lady Bella didn't throw you off for the day, her appearance can be somewhat unsettling for some.. even more so then Peeshka's. But then again you and I are not so dissuaded from the norm of things."

Lady Bella moved to situate herself in front of Nix keeping her head strait on the young were-hyena's body and though her head had no eyes there was an unnerving sense of being watched with this intent of her invisible gaze. She leaned in on Nix and the sound her her sniffing the air could be heard as her nostrils pulled air in through her mask.. "Should I bring my maidens back?.. you seem to still have the smell of blood on you and in fact.. its. Kenners.." She leans deeper in and smiles "Ahh so your the one who took a bite out of him.. so? How was that experience?"
Her mouth lolled open with a slight smile and Nix could see that past the first few teeth in her mouth, the woman's jaws ran deeper into her face as if they didn't have a foreseeable back and the majority of her teeth had finely sharp edges. She also possessed a leathery pale tongue that danced against the back of her teeth behind her smile.

Roldan and Peeshka stopped when they reached Nitha and Silver, the black dressed warden looked on at the two girls keeping such a close proximity to one another and her head tilted to the side.
Her partner for the time Roldan took his time to look over Nitha, mainly because it had been some time since he had to inspect one of her kind and the fact that he still found them highly fascinating. She was looking well after her body was treated with the aid of the maidens and he moved around her body to take in the whole of her mass. She was looking more healthy with some meat on her bones, thanks to her metabolism her body would deal with ingested meals quickly turning it into protein and fat stores.

"Got a friend now have you?" He asked as she moved somewhat to lightly shield Silver as he moved around. Peeshka looked at Persephone on the other hand and held out a long thin finger, beckoning the young girl to step towards her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix watched the expression of the Demon turn into anger to annoyance to dissapointment and before she could say a thing to Quinn, the demon had already left. Nix rolled her eyes and watched the demon sit on the edge of the fountain. ''Great,'' Nix mumbled as she sat on bed. She had wanted to help the girl, but somehow Nix had ruined it for herself, for Quinn, and possibly for the others. She sighed and laid down on bed, staring at the ceiling as if expecting something. A sign maybe, or something to give her hope again. Nix wasn't even sure who she was anymore. After all, she had not been the leader anymore she used to be. She had changed into someone who had never gotten the chance to actually grow up.

Footsteps were coming closer. Nix opened her eyes and sat up. She watched Lady Bella approach her, and felt as if being watched by the strange woman, or whatever it was. The woman started about calling the maids back which made Nix growl a little and get herself into a defensive stance. She did not want any of them to touch her in any way. Nix shook her head and swallowed. Then the woman came to the conclusion Nix had taken a bite out of Kenner, and Nix hesitantly nodded. She growled lowly and got up, looking at the woman. ''Don't talk to me and leave me alone! It's bad enough you keep me locked up here against my will. And do something about your appearence. You're just a bit too ugly,'' Nix said with a smirk, then stepped towards Kenner and Quinn.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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#, as written by PixieCP
Nitha observed Silver closely, somewhat aware that the human was displaying proper behaviour before an elder. It was a lot of words, and some of them seemed defunct. She didn't see why Silver needed to use quite so many words, and wondered if that was being polite. Usually Nitha would consider it more polite to be as concise as possible so as not to waste the elder's time. It seemed she had much to learn of human etiquette and would need to pay close attention to Lady Bella. It seemed odd to her to add a prefix of one's gender to their name, but as Bella was the only one who had that, and was obviously of high status, it must be a mark of honour. But how on earth would she manage to back away? Naga went forwards, not backwards! And the bow that she did, would Nitha need to do that? Would it be fine just bowing from beneath her first set of ribs, or would she need to bow from her middle? Was the ceiling high enough for that?

Nitha was beginning to feel the concern that had vanished when cuddling Silver return as she began to realise that her future may be very uncertain. She didn't even have a collar yet! She understood that different colours meant different things, and she felt a small flare of jealousy when Silver was gifted a pretty blue one.

She wanted to trust Kenner when he said that he would find suitable places for them. He was a powerful man, and seemed very cunning. But would she even fit in most human dwellings?

When the human male, dressed like many in the den but without the helm, addressed her Nitha did not hesitate to answer.
"Yes." she stated simply, bumping her cheek up along Silver's before straightening a bit, arms loosely looped around her shoulders. The same height as him, she wanted to make sure he'd understand her relationship with Silver as a protected youngling without trying to overtly challenge him by become taller than the male. "I like her."

After a moment of regarding him with her brilliant yellow stare, she asked "Is height status here?" It had been something she'd wondered about, noting that Kenner was quite tall, and neither Pesshka nor Lady Bella were short.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Lady Bella / Roldan

Lady Bella looks down at Nix, the words about her appearance stung somewhat coming from a woman in Nix's position and she leaned forward with an outstretched finger pointed at the young woman's forehead. "She told me you were rather resistant to what was happening to you.."

"I suggest that you wise up and not be so offensive.. besides your not one to talk dog. Keep it up and I will have my maidens give you a flea bath.. and maybe a leash for that collar would tone you down as well."
The tip of her finger was crooked and it was easy enough to see that the middle of her finger possessed another joint.

* * * *

Roldan looked over Nitha's face as she dangled before him, a small varied smile bobs on his face as he stares back.

The Naga was more full of questions then he would have given her credit for, but with the present that Kenner gave her he was not surprised. She wondered that the height of a person dictated their status within the house and that made him smirk a bit before answering.."No.. no.. not at all."
"Kenner is head master.. simple enough, while Peeshka and I share the same power of station.. and Lady Bella sits slightly under the two of us.. though I would not question her on any decision she makes."
Roldan takes a few seconds to jot several things down on his own sheets of paper and either his hand writing was indecipherable or the ear ring did not allow her to translate written word, she could not read what he was putting to paper.

He looks at the tray with her food and notes several things as he looks back at her with a question in his eyes.. "Is there anything I could have brought to you for your meals? We could make exceptions for you and make sure you get what is more healthy.. eggs?.. meat?.. stock?" He had a rather tilted look on his face as he leaned to one boot to support himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix looked at Lady Bella and frowned. ''A dog is nothing from what I am. I possess more strength than a dog. And I do not have fleas,'' she answered back, not interested in the threat at all. For her, Lady Bella was just another person around here. Nix looked at the woman, or thing, or whatever she was before her and at the thing's finger. ''Threaten me however you like. I don't care about it.'' She got up and walked beside the finger. ''Maybe give yourself a new face, a something that isn't as unsettling as this. After all, such a face doesn't anyone like.'' She looked at the woman briefly. ''Maybe some new cloths and such. Well, maybe it doesn't work after all. Maybe you have become a bit too ugly to change,'' Nix said and turned to head for Kenner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Master Kenner Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Kenner looks at Quinn and smiles as she asked him about her benefaction in the arena, strangely she was wondering whether or not she would be getting a master of her own.."Not at all.. if at some point someone exposes interest in you then they can apply for such a spot, your entry into Raven Loft was rather different from the others so I was tempted to give you a more varied choice on the matter." He pauses for a moment as he turns his head, sending his attention over towards Nix and Lady Bella.

She was physically harboring an intense sensation from the words that kept flowing from Nix's mouth. Her fingers and legs strained at an over tension to burst out and move.
Lady Bella reached out and grabbed Nix by the collar, jerking her forward and up off the bed to dangle in her face. The fabric of the collar was stretching but not breaking. It could hold far more tension in fact as Bella got closer to Nix's face then earlier and a grim look shot across her lips. As well Nix was assaulted by the scent of brimstone, if fact that was the smell of Bella's breath and though she breathed softly in her anger the smell did carry an unusual bite to it..
"You have no idea what ugly is little girl..

She reached up to the top of her mask and gripped it with her free hand, it seemed she intended to unmask herself in a rather personal fashion for Nix in some form of demonstration. She would have at least, had Kenner not laid his hand on the top of her head. Her body tensed in an instant and she released Nix from her grasp to let her slump back down on the bed.
Kenner wrapped one hand around her chest and the other around her midsection, while pressing his head to her ear. The act of holding her caused her body to squirm slightly as he was touching some rather sensitive areas and the sounds she made did not help her cause.
"I heard what she said Bella.. and just because you dislike her opinion does not mean you free reign to eat this one." She held still for a moment, with her attention cast down on the were-hyena sitting on her bed. It took a moment and she soon breathed a sigh of relief before letting all her tension go.
"Yes Kenner.. you are right, I will go tend to my duties not.." she broke away from Kenner and made her way out the back gate of the holding area and soon the next thing in Nix's sight was the look of shame Kenner was casting down on her. He did not say anything all he did was take her under the arm and lift her up, bringing her with him back to see Quinn.

"As I was going to say.. Quinn there will be time for more formal training between fights. The arena only runs three times a month and still that's if the schedule remains busy." He then cast his eyes back at Nix and tells her "Remain with Quinn, the guards will be here shortly to pick the two of you up and take you to see Mari."

"A friendly word of warning, do not tempt her.. she will punish you without question and even less warning."
He steps away after that, gathering Peeshka on his way as well and the two head out to follow Bella.

* * * *

Roldan looked up at Nitha as she kept questioning what he was doing and he noticed that while she was so interested in what he was going. She must not notice that as she questions on she stands higher over his side to get a better look and now she was nearly a foot over his head.
He reaches up and lightly takes hold of her sides, then pulls her down gently so she gets the idea of what he is doing. Afterwords her gets back to his paper and speaks.."I am just writing information that the cooks will want to know and some of the other workers as well." He pauses for a moment as he holds up his hand and smells it, only to turn and smell the other. The scent bothered him but not in an uneasy way, shortly he took a chance and licked the tip of his finger and a short look of realization came over him.. "Cap oil.. no wonder."

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Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: N.P.C
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#, as written by PixieCP
Nitha hadn't quite realised that she'd been getting taller and taller, but it puzzled her when Roldan gently took hold of her and guided her down again. He'd just said that height wasn't important for status in humans. But perhaps it was because she'd been looming over him. Maybe she'd been too close to his person. Either way she slunk back down again, until her head was only at the 5 foot mark. She was still puzzled though, as one word seemed to not be translated. Perhaps it was a limitation of the magic in her ear, but the word he'd used was alien to her. Naga did not possess writing, so their tongue lacked a word for it. Nitha cocked her head, a guesture she'd picked up from her captivity.

"What is 'writing?'. I do not know of it." she inquired, mindful this time of her height. Something then struck her. This individual was intelligent, kindly and highly placed. He could answer her question. "What are the necklaces for? I see that everyone in this room has one, but I don't."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Nitha Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Roldan smiled at Nitha as she asked her questions, he was liking the attention despite it coming from one of his charges. She was going to be a site to see coming into whatever Kenner had planned for her and even if she was able to receive any kind of training he did not know if their was a master looking for one such as herself.

When she asked about the collar around the necks of the others he gave her a slight stare as his head tilted, he realized that Kenner had yet to collar her and wondered what it was he could be waiting for. She is gentle enough to be of any class of slave however her race was a cause for wonder and worry in that same aspect.

"Its more off a show for prospective masters.. it tells them allot about someone when they see the color." He gestures towards her and motions around with his hands for a moment.."You will be given a black collar as well, because of what you are.. we don't see many Naga this way ofter, in fact your only the second one Iv seen."
The Main gate entrance opened with a whined squeak to the bars and three guards walked through. But these guards did not have the same look about them as the others, their faces were fully shielded and their outfits had a deeper sheen to them. They carried with them a set of irons with them both of which had inlaid images and runes inscribed on them. Roldan gave the three of them a glancing nod as they marched over to Nix and Quinn as they sat on the edge of the fountain. The one in the middle took of his helmet and looked the two over. He had deep ocean blue eyes and short cut sandy blonde hair, but still nothing to really tell him apart from the other guards.

"We are here to take you to the pit.. the chains are standard procedure, so please don't worry.
The two others were a man and woman who slowly started to coax the two off the fountain and began to bind their hands together. Taking care to not pinch skin or cloth they made sure to keep them at as much ease as they could and finally there was a third larger ring put around the waist. The blonde guard put his helmet back on and started to walk away to lead them while the other two came up behind and that had Quinn and Nix on their way.
Roldan looked at the two as they shared a passing glance and he cast a smile at them while saying.."Just behave and everything will be fine.."

The guard lead both Quinn and Nix back into the master hall and towards the main staircase, only to cut around and go beside them. Underneath the stairs was another passage that headed down behind the them and went deeper into the wall turning into a wide low corridor.
As the two walked on Nix could feel the memories of the place Kenner had shown her come back, he had called that place the pit and it was now where the two of them were headed. A more animistic smell could be sensed in the air as they walked on and the dim light of the torches could only give them so much to see. Each footstep gave way to the feeling of soil as the cobblestone floor was soon nowhere to be had. There was a light however near the end of the tunnel and a sound could be heard coming from within. The clashing of metal on one another was echoing from down this dark path as they came into the opening at the end of the tunnel. To their eyes came the sight of a large circular arena in the bowls of Raven Loft, there were several rows of seats in the upper rings and the floor was sand with large red blotches of past brawls.
Large flaming pots gave a bright illumnating light to the large room and several bodies could be seen battling it out in the center area. They were men and woman, four in fact striking back and forth against one another. Two men connected at one wrist with a long chain were fighting two woman in the same condition. But there was a revelry in their combat as if the two parties enjoyed it and it quickly came to mind that with their movements and the banter going on between one another that they were practicing.

Heavy leather and chain undershirts were mostly that was worn here, save for the long skirts that the woman wore and the leather pants worn for the men. It took a moment before a voice called out over the clatter.."Alright girls we have fresh meat so line up.." The voice came belting out from the side of the arena's rim where small benches and were scattered. The four fighters dropped everything in that instant and ran up towards the same position to take their own.

As the guards walked Quinn and Nix up to them the two of them saw a rather massive woman looming over the four as she gave a few a pat on the head. "So your the two new heads I have to deal with?" The blonde guard ordered the other two to undo the bindings on Quinn and Nix while she approached. The woman toward over everyone in accountancy, so much so that standing chest to chest with her would mean you'd need to crane your head back to see her face.
The guards gave a quick gesture of crossing their arms over their chest with a close fist and quickly left, heading out another entrance in the side wall. The woman crossed her arms and came up to the two new slaves, coming within arms reach of them both. "Welcome to the Pit ladies.. I'm Mari and I will be your trainer.. your leader.. and all out God for the next few days." As she came closer to the both of them Nix's nose was assaulted by a familiar feral scent, a marker to tell her that this woman before her was much like herself.

To be blunt however it was easy to tell that she wasn't all that normal, with her long lean but muscular frame and height there had to be something working within her favor. The exaggerated facial features with such feral lines in her visage and the large circular pupils, eyes that looked much like a timber wolf from the mountains that Quinn came from.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Quinn had made sure to analyze the route that they took to the pit and had taken note of every door or hall she had seen along the way. She now stood facing four fighters, and one extremely tall woman. Kenner had not lied about Mari, and she vowed in that moment to not push her luck with the woman. Mari came off a little rough, but Quinn couldn't help but think about how amazing she seemed. The woman was not only the tallest person she had ever seen, but with her incredible muscles and timber wolf eyes, the woman seemed to represent strength entirely.

As intimidating as the woman and the four fighters were, Quinn however did not show any signs of fear. She stood tall with her shoulders squared, and she held her chin high with relaxed confidence. From first glance at the practice fight between the four, she knew that they had skill. She had also noticed the friendliness between them as they fought, and it had reminded her of when she used to train with her friends. This had instantly given her a good vibe, and she had to quickly hide the smile that had almost appeared on her lips.

"Im looking forward to learning from you." Quinn told Mari, and she meant every word. She was starting to feel the excitement she always felt before practice. Her heart pumped faster with anticipation, and her muscles longed for intense movement. She wondered what it would feel like to practice against one of the four fighters. She wanted to test out their abilities herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix looked up from her hands and into the direction of Quinn. She sighed softly and wiped her tears away. ''You're not even in such a bad situation. At least your clan is still alive and might be willing to take you in again...'' She looked down, holding back her tears as she said that. ''I on the other hand... My clan was killed. My mate... He took the bullet that was supposed to be for me. He saved me,'' she said softly. The hyena woman looked at Quin. ''And I am sure that, even if it might take a while, you will be taken into your clan again.'' Nix smiled faintly, trying to ease Quinn was well.

Looking up to see three guards walk in, Nix wondered if the guards were destinied for them, and they were indeed. Nix got up, already hating the place where they were going and what they were going to do. She didn't like the chains at all, even if it was standard procedure. She hated the chains, it made her feel locked up. The pair and the three guards were taken away from the room with the slaves.

Nix looked around and watched the way closely. If she ever got the chance to escape, she would take it. They entered the arena and saw four fighters in a friendly fight. She stayed quiet as they were lined up and a tall woman, Mari towered over them. Nix could smell she was kinda like her kind, only then from a different species. She narrowed her eyes slightly, then relaxed and kept a neutral face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Mari's tall form loomed over the two new members of her group, however at this time it had not been mentioned that Nix was not entirely a new addition. She ran her fingers through her short raven black hair, in front of which there was a few strands on hair that had been colored in a lightly reddened fashion.
Nix could smell the scent of berries in the air and that must have been what was used to make her hair like that. The descant strip of color passing over her left eye was a rather unique style of wearing ones physical appearance. She kept her large wolfen eyes fixated on the two until Quinn spoke up about the fact of learning with Mari would be looked forwards to.

Mari cut her attention directly towards Quinn with a snap of her neck and gave an overly fanged smile. The upper sections of her canines were rather exaggerated and only when her mouth was fully closed could this be missed. She leaned in on Quinn and spoke back in turn.."No little girl.. learning is for children, you stopped being a child the day you knew your were going to die." The sound of a lite snicker could be heard from the line of fighters as she said that to Quinn, apparently it was some inside joke that they shared for this matter. But at the moment that was not discernible.

She turned and looked at Nix as well, circling the smaller woman and sniffing at her shoulders and hair. It was obvious that she was checking out her suspicions about Nix on her own terms and when she was done a smile graced her face lightly.
"Well.. it seems I have a visiting cousin... full breed or are you a hybrid?" she asked in retrospect.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nix Nir Character Portrait: Quinn Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Nix looked at Quinn as she seemed to be excited to go and train with this woman. She didn't know why, she didn't care really either. She looked down as she stood quietly and listened. There was a scent of berries and she looked up. Nix looked at the woman as she ran her fingers through her short raven black hair. Quinn spoke forward and Mari turned her attention to the demon girl. This gave the werehyena the chance to look around and get a bit used to the surroundings.

Once the woman was done with Quinn, Mari turned her attention to Nix. She was uncomfortable with Mari sniffing her shoulder and hair and tried to make herself as small as possible so she would be invisible. She didn't like people sniffing her and touching her and such. She never liked it, she never will like it. The woman asked about her breed.

Nix looked at the woman and narrowed her eyes slightly. ''I am a fullblood werehyena, as pure as you can get.'' It was clear she was proud of being a fullblood and pureblood werehyena. She had always been proud of that fact, even when other people didn't like it at all. She was proud of it and it would stay that way no matter what. ''And what about you?'' Nix questioned Mari, respectful and curiously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Silver Character Portrait: N.P.C
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Though the master made an effort not to move too suddenly, Silver still felt herself shiver as he touched her head. She quickly recovered herself, and nuzzled his hand gently. She started to rethink her actions, however, as he quickly tied another collar around her neck. He spoke of other masters, and this confused her slightly. She thought that he was the only master; clearly she was wrong in that aspect. Silver felt her skin prickle slightly with displeasure after the collar was placed there. Though she had no idea what it meant, it had been given to her after her somewhat submissive and well-mannered speech, and it hurt her pride slightly to be recognized for it, however necessary it was to remain on the good side of the master. She fingered the blue fabric as she returned back to Nitha, finding comfort in the presence of the naga, who was communicating with one of the guards who had brought in Silver herself when she'd first arrived. Silver jumped when the gates opened, and several guards began to enter, bearing chains. Rather than running away, she took several steps forward, placing her small yet lithe form between the threat and her naga friend, her stance fierce and defensive. Though they did not move towards her or Nitha, Silver watched them tirelessly until they escorted out two of the other female slaves. She felt her blood racing through her veins, adrenaline pumping as she watched them leave. She ran her hand over her red collar absent mindedly, smiling in Nitha's direction before approaching the guard who was beside her. This one didn't appear a threat, but Silver did not let her guard down. "Would it be possible for me to have something else to wear?" she asked him, cordially. She touched the sleeve of her white dress. "I like dresses as much as the next girl, but I find them somewhat restricting. Some pants and a shirt, perhaps?"