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Gregory Richardson

What fear can I possess, what pain can I not enjoy?

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a character in “The Heirs”, as played by zeph_gm


ImageG R E G O R Y - R I C H A R D S O N

Ben Barnes



11th of July

H E I R - O F
Grigori Rasputin

E N H A N C E D - A B I L I T Y
Powerful regenerative abilities, Gregory is almost completely immune to harm as his body regenerates damaged tissues at such speeds that almost no wound, however severe, will be able to incapacitate him for long. This Regeneration is involuntary, and due to his O-negative blood type, he has discovered that injecting his own blood into the damaged areas of others, will cause a similar, albeit limited, healing capacity as his own cells work to repair the damaged tissue of the recipient. This by no means makes him a good, moral person, as his virtual invulnerability has instilled an incredible sense of arrogance within him, and he is prone to behaviours that are purposefully damaging or pleasurable to his body, such as drugs, alcohol, smoking, and some particularly sadistic sexual preferences.

Los Angeles, California


Self-centred and arrogant, Gregory is a seductive, manipulative asshole is almost every way. His invulnerabilty to damage has left him vain and devoid of any sort of doubt or fear, treating all others with the contempt of a man who believes himself greater than those around him. He loves anything that can stimulate his body and seems to enjoy it even more if it is bad for him. Alcohol, Drugs and cigarettes are never far from his hand, able to consume vast quantities of the substances without coming to harm, and often without even noticing the effects. He also enjoys the sadistic habit of the most brutal and wild sexual fetishes, revelling in the pain he knows cannot harm him, and the partners he eventually burns out.

- Drugs, copious amounts of narcotics, stimulants, hallucinogenics, and anything else he can get his hands on.
- Self Mutilation, Gregory finds interesting, as no harm he does to his body will ever kill him or leave a permanent mark.
- Seduction and flirting, are often his sole interactions with the people he sees as nothing more than his playthings.


  • Cocaine
  • Ecstacy
  • Cigarettes
  • Caffiene
  • Suits
  • His Cut-throat razor


  • Mother = Amy Richardson
  • Father = Charlie Richardson (Deceased)

Adopted by the Richardsons upon his release form the lab, Gregory was raised, for all intents and purposes, normally. He was a quiet child who rarely made friends or acquaintances, and spent most of his time at home, reading or playing with his toys. As a result, the full extents of his strange penchant for healing went mostly unnoticed until the age of nine, whether his adopted father, Charlie Richardson, died of a stroke, a smoker of twenty years. Gregory's adopted mother fell into a deep depression following her husbands death, and more and more, Gregory had to fend for himself and look after his often incapable mother. It was after this time that Gregory began to notice his strange gifts, as one day, at age ten, he poured a pot of boiling water and pasta over his arm. Screaming in pain, he rushed to his mother who, like she did most days, had remained in bed. By the time he had reached her bedroom, he was surprised and his mother puzzled to discover his arm, though hot, was smooth and undamaged. Weeks passed by without incident, but in the absence of his mother Gregory began to experiment more and more with his unique healing abilities. it was innocuous at first, small pricks with pins and the points of knives, that swiftly escalated to full blown slashes and burning, using flame and heated metal. As he grew into puberty, his penchant for dangerous and reckless activity only intensified, and he become nigh on legendary at his highschool as a daredevil and a ladies man. This new-found popularity, coupled with his invulnerable state had a less than positive effect on the young, growing Gregory. He became vain and dismissive of others, growing ever more arrogant and dominative of others who he saw as beneath him. Soon even his mother grew concerned over her sweet little boys dark descent into debauchery and malice, and tried to reason with him. However, drunk on the power he saw that he had, he dismissed his mothers pleading and left home at 17, striking out as on his own, where he worked in various jobs for money but never stuck anywhere long, his contempt for his peers making him ill-liked in any workplace. Finally he came upon a career that suited his personality and abilities, and he became a dealer of some of the hardest drugs in LA, joining forces with other gangsters and drug-lords where he finally felt he belonged, amongst people whom he felt at least partially understood his lifestyle, even if they could not hope to emulate it. It was while he was working as part of this syndicate that He received the letter, and from there that his story truly began.


Significant Other
  • NA / Sleeps with many people but cares for none of them
  • NA / Few people can tolerate his incredible arrogance, those few that can, Gregory sees as beneath him.
  • Drug lord Jamie Sventho, Sventho's hired muscle Jonah Kirkland, and Madame Venus, Owner of a Stripclub/Brothel that Gregory Patrons.

Drug Dealer

English and basic italian

His personal favourite is his straight razor, but also employs a Beretta 92 Billennium.

So begins...

Gregory Richardson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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#, as written by zeph_gm
Gregory took Leos abilities with mild surprise, not regeneration then, just durability. He was pleased, the skill was most definitely on par with his own superhuman power, but it pleased him that he remained unique.
Leo took the blade back of him and Gregory let him do it, he didnt need this boys knife to kill everyone in the room. He mulled over that thought, and added the exception that he was unsure how Leos body reacted to bullets. It was definitely something that warranted further investigation.
Gregory watched the three newcomers enter along with Scar, Leo, true to form, launched straight into festivities the moment they had finished talking themselves, "Oh hey! Nice of you to join us. I swear this isn't what it looks like!" He said, hurridly, knife still in hand and a small trickle of blood oozing from what should have been a fatal stab.
"It is I am afraid, exactly what it looks like," Gregory said with a smile, "I just tried to stab young Leo here, and it would appear it did next to nothing." He gave a ridiculous bow to the two new ladies and the boy, returning to standing hight with a flourish, "My name is Gregory, we are testing out one another's abilities, hence the stabbing, and since Boy Wonder over there is being a boring wuss, I suppose Ill go next."
He drew his gun from within his jacket registering the shock on everyone's faces with a burst of glee.
Oh how he did love the theatrics.
He put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
Although he knew he wouldnt be concious for it, headhshots always left him mildly incapacitated for a while, he expected that would be when the screaming started.
He blacked out with a smile on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips Character Portrait: Shawn O'Lonain
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#, as written by mjolnir


Scar seemed unfazed by Gregory's over theatrics. She figured he'd be awake shortly even before the suited man said so. Who would just shoot themselves in front of a group of people for a statement. But when she saw the suited man enter the room her gaze instantly shot over towards him, he call himself Heralds. She made her way back over to her seat when Heralds paused to make sure everyone was listening. With a soft sigh she sat back down beside Rob. She leaned forward in her seat, intent on what the man was saying. Scar had a hard time hiding the fact that she was slightly upset that we weren't meeting our actual host. He was feeling "unwell", she didn't buy it but regardless she dealt with it.

Scar brought her right hand up to rub the back of her neck uncomfortably as Heralds so openly discussed how they all had abilities and what not. She had a hard time accepting how her life really started off, let alone how the side effects of everything they did to her effected her life dramatically. And now after everything they want to "protect" us. How did they plan to protect us? Unless they had abilities like her and her "siblings", Scar didn't see how they could be of any help other than telling them who they should steer clear of.

Scar had a hard time biting her tongue for too long. She ran her right hand through her messy curls before finally piping up, "Do we at least get to know who's trying to kill us? I mean maybe we've already encountered him for all we know. Could be important information." Honestly, Scar was hoping they'd give her a name and a picture so she could be on her way. She had a job... and a poor excuse for a life but going back to that seemed better than staying here. At least if she went back to her old way of life she could pretend that she was even slightly normal. She wishes she could be more laid back and ok with all that is happening like some of the others but she couldn't. The fact that if it weren't for what they did to her, her life would be probably 100x better... She would be ok with being in this weird mansion with all of her fellow freaks, but it wasn't that simple. And she was a time bomb that needed to be far away from anyone when she detonates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Rob Dunbar

Rob watched with interest as Gregory stabbed Leo in the abdomen...or at least tried to. The blade barely pierced his skin, leaving a tiny drop of blood on the blade. Talk about a tough skin...

He heard the door open to find that three others were waiting out there. He recognized the one called Willa, the master actor. He'd figure from her talents that she would be the master of influence, but since Alex carried that ability and as far as he knew, all abilities were unique, Willa was a wild card.

The red-faced Jeanne was also a mystery. There was enough information about her to figure out basic stuff and that her hobby was Dungeons and Dragons, but nothing stood out in terms of life-changing experiences. Nothing to separate her from the pack of mediocrity, she was the one Rob knew almost nothing about.

And finally, Shawn. Shawn was the musical protege, the master of any instrument he touched. He was destined to go far following his career path of music, but Rob knew exactly what his power was. It wasn't as simple as comprehending music. To fully develop the music, one must fully develop the ear. While the thought and progression of sounds could be taught, it took a good ear to comprehend and fully maximize the music experience the way Shawn had.

It was the same with archery...or any martial art. It wasn't just learning the moves and copying them, nor was it just aiming at a target. Rob knew his body and what it could do. He knew exactly what muscle to twitch when in order to adjust for varying factors when shooting. It was muscle memory...what felt good to him. Just like it was ear memory for Shawn...what sounded good to him. Because of this, Rob felt like he could relate more to Shawn than possibly any of the others.


The loud noise caused Rob to jump from his thoughts and turn towards the sound. Lying there on the floor was Gregory, a twisted smile on his face, a bullet hole on his head. Rob then saw the gun, in which his initial shock turned to understanding. He was right about Gregory...the man was practically invincible. While he showed signs of death, he figured Greg would come to eventually.

"If you refrain from shouting please."

Rob turned towards the sound where a pristine man in black attire walked into the room. "I suppose you're all wondering why you're here? And don't worry about Mr.Gregory there. He'll be joining us shortly I presume. I'm sure by now you've all read the files and thus already have a basic knowledge of why you're here. If you didn't... Well too bad. You should have. My name is Evan Heralds, in the future, please call me Heralds. I am a representative of your Host, though he has been feeling unwell and retired to his rooms for now."

Hmph, Rob thought. Convenient.

Heralds continued, "It has come to my employer's attention that Leon Vincent, one of your siblings for lack of a better word, was recently murdered. And I'm afraid that it has more to do with you than you'd like. Especially as we've reason to believe you all are the next targets. And while you may not believe you can die, there are terrible ways the murderer had access to."

What terrible ways? Rob argued in his head. How did he get access to these ways? Why is he even after us in the first place?

"The murderer," Heralds went on, "we know his identity. I'm afraid that while we cloned you, we also cloned him. Another of your siblings to be clear. Though he was a terrible mistake in the making. He is gifted much like you are, but he's cold, cruel and disconnected. He hates you, and hates us, and will stop at nothing to exterminate everyone in this room,"

So from what Rob could guess, this killer was actually another family member with a gifted ability that Rob assumed was what he was going to use to kill them. But what was his motive? Could the killer hate something so much that he wanted to kill it with every fiber of his being? Or did he gain something from this?

"Thus you were summoned here. Because here is the one place we can guarantee your protection."

"Do we at least get to know who's trying to kill us?" He heard Scar utter. "I mean maybe we've already encountered him for all we know. Could be important information."

"I'm with Scar," Rob agreed. "Shouldn't we know who the enemy we're about to face is? Also, how do you guarantee our protection by herding us together? Doesn't it make it easier for this guy to swoop in for the kill? There were just too many questions he needed to find the answers to. He wasn't in the most comfortable of areas and because of that, he didn't trust this Heralds guy. Although merely serving as the butler, why did he have to come out and talk to us? He understood that the host was sick, but he felt like some important information needed to be said from the mouths of specific individuals, not their butlers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Willa Lance-Jones Character Portrait: Rob Dunbar
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#, as written by Sylvie
Alex's eyebrows raised when the knife harmlessly bounced off of Leo, leaving nothing but a little paper-cut looking thing. "And now I'm reconsidering why I dropped that workout program." He dryly remarked. Alright, so maybe it was impressive, sure. Seeing as no one in their right mind would asked to be stabbed without some kind of ability like that, he couldn't call it surprising, but useful? Definitely.

The moment became a thousand times better when an irritated girl's voice came through the door, commenting on how they probably shouldn't slaughter themselves before they found out what was going on. Which, in honesty, was valid. Alex watched the newcomers closely as they came in, slowly starting to put together the name-to-face ratio that was going on. The tense feeling of suspense at the thought of getting to see all of their powers, especially the girl who claimed she fell asleep, was easy to ignore amidst all the clamber. "Good to know that you're excited about all this." He teased her as she flushed red, his lips curled in a smile. "I'm guessing this must all be in a day's work for you, then?"

Leo's backtracking was about one knife-lob too late. This was a lot more fun than he had expected out of this kind of meeting. Gregory added firewood to the burn, to which Alex just shook his head, enjoying the scene immensely. His announcement that he was going next peaked Alex's interest, and he leaned forward, waiting for the punchline.

And before he knew it, the gun came out, and then was dropped along with Gregory's unconscious body. Jaw hanging slightly open, he stared for a moment as it clicked as to what his power was. Super-healing? That was... incredible. He nodded in appreciation; that was certainly one way to display it. The shock factor slowly wore off, leaving behind a flash of something that burned through his veins for a moment, pulling down the edges of his grin.

He quickly shook it off, throwing his attention towards the butler approaching them. The man's speech raised red flags everywhere -- a 'representative'? Alex skeptically listened as the guy finished his talk, crossing his arms. Basically, they were being hunted by another super-baby, who was evidently murderous because reasons, and this guy, whoever their host was, wanted to protect them. "Mm, I'm thinking they have the right idea." Alex said, gesturing to the two who had spoken. "Though, I'm guessing we're safer here because we're together?" He suggested, glancing at Rob. "Obviously, a bunch of informed, what do we wanna call it, 'talented' individuals who are against one guy is better than letting him pick us off one by one." He paused, turning to face Harolds. So, he and their 'host' were the cloners themselves, while we cloned you, we cloned him too..., the guys who started all this. Answers were closer by than he thought. But that question would be saved for later.

"Along with what they said, I want to know is what your mistake was, and how we can be sure that you didn't make the same 'oopsie' when you messed with all of us. I'd rather not have the next knife land in one of our hearts, y'know?" He scratched his hand, shrugging.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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The gunshot brought Willa bounding into the room just behind Scar. The tall, long haired boy known as Gregory was sprawled on the floor, grinning grotesquely and bleeding all over the nice expensive floor. The gun was in his limp hand, eyes glassy. Willa felt a little ill at the sight of him, but was at least relieved they weren't under attack; She supposed the boy had just been showing off.

And I'm supposed to be the theatrical one. No one else was making a move toward the prone boy, so Willa took matters into her own hands. She wasn't just going to let him bleed all over the carpet, and he'd probably heal better if he wasn't losing so much blood. Pulling her bag off of her back, the brunette knelt next to Gregory with a sigh, deciding to play Florence Nightingale for the moment. She reached into her bag as if there was more than just her electronics in it, and concentrated briefly on images of gauze, tape, and a towel. She didn't want to give away her abilities quite yet. It didn't take her very long to procure them. She had expected conflict, and had made a point to study such objects before she left. Even when she was little, she had always had the habit of picking things up and feeling them, looking at them from all directions, that way she could recreate them when needed. Thankfully she had a theatre buff's memory.

She pulled out the towel first, using it to sop up most of the blood and to wipe Gregory's temples. He seemed to be healing already, incredibly fast. So his skill was accelerated cellular regeneration, that was impressive, but what were the limits? No one was invincible, everyone had an Achilles heel. It wasn't important right now. Willa placed the towel to the side and unrolled the gauze as she studied the young man's face. Even in... what was this, death? Sleep maybe? Even unconscious, she decided, his face carried a subtle arrogance, which would be expected of someone who shot himself in the head just for giggles. Someone who was so blasé about weapons and their own mortality was dangerous; Willa would have to get on his good side if she wanted to stay safe. Still, he was interesting, and she had always been drawn towards the dramatic. She's be wary though.

"If you refrain from shouting please," A man in a well tailored suit walked into the room just as she finished wrapping Gregory's wounds. "I suppose you're all wondering why you're here? And don't worry about Mr.Gregory there. He'll be joining us shortly I presume." Willa gave an attractive snort, brushing Gregory's eyes closed and resting his head on her lap. Everyone was so detached here!

I'm sure by now you've all read the files and thus already have a basic knowledge of why you're here. If you didn't... Well too bad. You should have. My name is Evan Heralds, in the future, please call me Heralds. I am a representative of your Host, though he has been feeling unwell and retired to his rooms for now."

Sure he was.

"It has come to my employer's attention that Leon Vincent, one of your siblings for lack of a better word, was recently murdered. And I'm afraid that it has more to do with you than you'd like. Especially as we've reason to believe you all are the next targets. And while you may not believe you can die, there are terrible ways the murderer had access to."

"The murderer, we know his identity. I'm afraid that while we cloned you, we also cloned him. Another of your siblings to be clear. Though he was a terrible mistake in the making. He is gifted much like you are, but he's cold, cruel and disconnected. He hates you, and hates us, and will stop at nothing to exterminate everyone in this room."
If they knew the killer's identity, then why was that information being withheld? An uneasy feeling was beginning to turn in the short girl's stomach. She didn't like all of this secrecy, not one bit.

"Thus you were summoned here. Because here is the one place we can guarantee your protection." With a glance down at the incapacitated boy on her lap, Willa decided she felt oh so safe indeed. And she wasn't alone. After listening to her siblings' protests, she at least felt assured that they were all competent enough to realize that this was not a safe situation at all.

"Exactly. You know, I think rounding up a collection of powerful individuals and stationing them right in our Host's home base sounds more like the formation of an army than an attempt to keep us safe. How 'unwell' is he, exactly?" She quipped, eyeing the suited man suspiciously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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#, as written by Kiri711
Jeanne definitely was not expecting what she saw when she entered. Leo, she remember his name from the file had just been stabbed. He seem to be staring deep into her eyes and she felt slightly awkward.

"This isn't what it looks like."

"It's exactly what it looks like." Gregory added. Before shooting himself in the head. She heard herself squel but didn't completely register it as her own until Alex, laughed at her and said how this must be everyday for her. Though she wasn't sure if he meant dealing with the shooting or strange things in general. She noticed Willa taking care of Gregory's wound though, she herself rationalized he must have one hell of an ability if he was willing to shoot himself in the head.

At that moment Heralds entered the room.

"If you refrain from shouting please," Her face flushed once more in embarrassment. "I suppose you're all wondering why you're here? And don't worry about Mr.Gregory there. He'll be joining us shortly I presume. She took a set beside Leo quickly, though it had been an awkward introduction, she felt comfortable around him. I'm sure by now you've all read the files and thus already have a basic knowledge of why you're here. If you didn't... Well too bad. You should have. My name is Evan Heralds, in the future, please call me Heralds. I am a representative of your Host, though he has been feeling unwell and retired to his rooms for now."

"It has come to my employer's attention that Leon Vincent, one of your siblings for lack of a better word, was recently murdered. And I'm afraid that it has more to do with you than you'd like. Especially as we've reason to believe you all are the next targets. And while you may not believe you can die, there are terrible ways the murderer had access to."

"The murderer, we know his identity. I'm afraid that while we cloned you, we also cloned him. Another of your siblings to be clear. Though he was a terrible mistake in the making. He is gifted much like you are, but he's cold, cruel and disconnected. He hates you, and hates us, and will stop at nothing to exterminate everyone in this room," He paused again, a bit awkwardly, "Thus you were summoned here. Because here is the one place we can guarantee your protection."

While others gave protest to know who this killer was only two things, she desperately wanted to know.
"I..I have two questions,
1. Who is this host of ours? Both now and in the past. And 2. What is the past identity of the Kiler? I don't know about you all but who invited us here is just as important as wo might be trying to kill us. I fo one do not want to put my family at risk but I refuse to stay in a place where we don't even know the host."
She was sure some of the others simply didn't want to me there and while she could think of no where safer, unless she was told who her host was she would rather risk a hotel then stay with the unknown.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Rob Dunbar

Suddenly, the entire room erupted in noise, each individual trying to figure out what was really going on. Rob shut his eyes, concentrating on keeping his sanity in check. This discussion was irritating him.

"I am going to say this once."

Rob looked back at Heralds, his interest carrying forth through his concentration. And he was concentrating very hard right now.

"My employer - the man who began the project and created your lives by extent - is dying. Poisoned by the man I mentioned earlier. He is dying, and while he is absolutely not well enough to come here and deal with your childish antics, he is hanging on long enough to talk to each of you privately. He is, you should all be aware, the closest thing to a biological father you'd have."

Well, while that rang true, Rob couldn't help but wonder how the killer managed to sneak in and poison him. Couldn't he just do the same for the rest of them? He was, however, looking forward to talking with the man who'd actually birthed him...well sorta...and figure out why he was created.

"We had, nor currently have, any desire to form an army, Miss Willa, but we do have a duty to protect the lives we created. And yes, staying with your family would most certainly endanger them. However, so would staying at a hotel or such. This is the only truly safe building you will find. You are free to leave, though I'll have to insist you sign the confidentiality agreement upon leaving."

So now they couldn't go home without putting their adoptive parents' lives at risk. Brilliant. The thought of staying here didn't really bring him much joy, especially since Johnathan was waiting outside and the extravagance of the house didn't really fancy him. He liked rugged.

"Now, I will not give you information on the killer for a few reasons. One, some of you might try to go looking for him. Two, a great many of you would succeed in finding him. Three, he could easily kill any of you," his gaze lingered on Greg for a moment, showing that he wasn't exactly immune in this either.

"I am not a butler nor a silly servant, on a slightly different note. I am someone who is, in more ways than one, at least your equal, if not more." The man paused, "You had best heed my warning, and not discount it for petty reasons. Had we wanted to kill you, you would all have been dead. You've seen firsthand how easily we can access you. Had we wanted an army, your attendance would have been mandatory. But we want to help you and much as I have tried to convince my employer you lot are entirely more trouble than you are worth, both in attitude and demeanor, he insists we offer you assistance. You chose whether to accept it now."

What did Heralds mean by that? Was he also a tubular spawn? Did he hold an ability he wasn't telling the rest of us? Rob's temper was flared just a bit at how insignificant Heralds seemed to consider the rest of the group. Did he not value human life...or whatever life virgin spawn would be called? A horrifying thought cut through him: What if he was the killer? He appeared to hold the right state of mind for it and have a clear shot at his employer whenever he wanted.

However, he dismissed that thought immediately. Heralds wouldn't be warning anyone about how no one should consider him weaker than the rest of them if he was the killer. In fact, he wanted them to think of him as stronger. Also, this was a person who worked from the shadows. Not a guy who was open to people. Heralds was too refined and proper to be shady.

Rob sighed, "Fine, I accept. It doesn't seem like the other options are going to help us anyway. He pondered over this, wondering if he was making the right decision or sealing his grave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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#, as written by Kiri711
Jeanne would be lying if she said, her heart didn't lift a little at the word biological father, while she loved her dad and life in Portland, he had never hidden it from her that she was adopted, he was italian so had his wife, but she had a very distinct french accent from birth. So the thought that the one man who might be able to explain all this to them was dying, it hurt quite a bit.

The fact he refused to give them any information on the killer hurt slightly, until he explain why.
"Now I will not give you information of the killer for a few reason. One, some of you might try to go looking for him." Yeah not on Jeanne's list of things to do. "Two, a great many of you would succeed in finding him. Three, he could easily kill any of you."

While Jeanne believed herself a good fencer, she knew for a fact she would stand a chance against the killer. She couldn't help but remember back to the dream, no, the premonition, she had had earlier. She felt herself shiver as she remembered the horrid grin before the gun went off.

I am not a butler no a silly servant, on a slightly different. I am someone who is, in more ways than one, at least your equal, if not more." Was he a clone too? Or just a just genetically enhanced? "You had best heed my warning, and not discount it for petty reasons. Had we wanted to kill you, you would all have been dead." Definetly not a pleasant thought, but honest. "You've seen firsthand how easily we can access you. Had we wanted an army, your attendance would have been mandatory. But we want to help you and as much as I have tried to convince my employer you lot are entirely more trouble than you are worth, both in attitude and demeanor, he insists we offer you assistance. You chose whether to accept it now.

The others definitely seem to be contemplating all their choices. Rob was the first to decide. Her attention was turn to him when she sighed.

"Fine, I accept. It doesn't seem like the other options are going to help us anyway."

She couldn't agree with him more.

"I agree with Rob, and I sorry that is how you view us, I would like to meet our father and at least try to make his last while peaceful." She really wanted to meet the man who had created her and ask him, why? Why Was she created? Who was she created from? Was there anything she could actually contribute to the others here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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#, as written by mjolnir

Scar sat there watching Heralds intently as everyone asked him their questions, she was trying to gauge him. But he was very difficult to read."I am going to say this once," Scar raised a slender brow in curiosity as he seemed more stern. "And I refuse to repeat myself as it would be a waste of time. My employer - the man who began the project and created your lives by extent - is dying. Poisoned by the man I mentioned earlier. He is dying, and while he is absolutely not well enough to come here and deal with your childish antics, he is hanging on long enough to talk to each of you privately. He is, you should all be aware, the closest thing to a biological father you'd have." Pfft A father that wasn't there... that sent us out in the world to fend for ourselves, please. This "host" was not her father. Hell, just because they were all created by the same man doesn't make them siblings... it makes them lab experiments, test subjects.

"We had, nor currently have, any desire to form an army, Miss Willa, but we do have a duty to protect the lives we created. And yes, staying with your family would most certainly endanger them. However, so would staying at a hotel or such. This is the only truly safe building you will find. You are free to leave, though I'll have to insist you sign the confidentiality agreement upon leaving. " Safety? So now they were stuck in this house for their safety? We had lived for 19 years on our own just fine, why now do they need safety?

"Now, I will not give you information on the killer for a few reasons. One, some of you might try to go looking for him. Two, a great many of you would succeed in finding him. Three, he could easily kill any of you, any of you, without issue." This was the final straw for Scar, she was being polite and waiting until Heralds finished speaking but she was fuming. She clenched her fists tightly in her lap until her knuckles were white, grinding her teeth so hard that she was sure Rob probably could hear.

"I am not a butler nor a silly servant, on a slightly different note. I am someone who is, in more ways than one, at least your equal, if not more." The man paused, "You had best heed my warning, and not discount it for petty reasons. Had we wanted to kill you, you would all have been dead. You've seen firsthand how easily we can access you. Had we wanted an army, your attendance would have been mandatory. But we want to help you and much as I have tried to convince my employer you lot are entirely more trouble than you are worth, both in attitude and demeanor, he insists we offer you assistance. You chose whether to accept it now."

Scar was surprised some of the others accepted this so easily. Maybe she was difficult or stubborn, but not getting clear answers pissed her off more. Scar couldn't help but chuckle in a more taunting and aggravated manner. She entangled her fingers and began to twiddle her thumbs as she began to speak, irritation evident in her voice, "So you mean to tell me... that we are supposed to just accept this? We still don't know who our host is... calling him a father is a joke right? He created us, then abandoned us. That doesn't make him my father." Scar leaned back in her chair, now talking with her hands as she continued to speak,"I want to know how I am supposed to accept that some guy like us is trying to kill us. But I can't know who he is or what he looks like. All I know is that he apparently is stronger than us. But we don't know how because you won't even tell us what makes him so damn dangerous! Scar runs her hands through her curls, "Why in the hell should I be so scared him!?"

It was obvious now that Scar was frustrated, and she knew she probably looked like an idiot to everyone else, like she was overreacting. But she doesn't understand how they were all so easy to accept this. Maybe it's because they have people to protect, people that could be hurt by this so called threat. But Scar didn't, she had no one but herself and she honestly wasn't scared of him, she had no reason to be. Her side effect has killed someone on accident before, so what's stopping her from using it on purpose on this threat!?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips Character Portrait: Shawn O'Lonain
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#, as written by mjolnir

Scar quickly realizes that apparently to the reaction Heralds had she was coming off hot headed. She couldn't help it, she had anger issues and not being told everything frustrated her because It's been like that her entire life. "Scar, was it? Rather easy to see why you're so skeptical, though your rudeness leaves much to be desired. I would've expected better from you. My employer never abandoned you either. You being left there was a result as a division of interests that formed among those in the projects. My employer needed to ensure that you'd be put in the system so the other half would not be able to exploit you. Unfortunately, they managed to take and rear one child, and that is who is putting you in danger. If you choose to accept our hospitality, then you will learn things that should we give even a little information on the killer, would enable you to easily locate him. Unfortunately, we will not put you in danger like that. And if you really want to be scared of him, I suggest you read the news. The details of Mr.Vincent's demise are rather gruesome. And finally, if you are going to be frustrated about all you cannot know, then I suggest you leave. We are not your babysitters," She looked at Heralds intently, she didn't want a babysitter. "and my employer would likely react badly should you run in and start yelling at him. We have no desire to protect you if you do not want it, so go ahead, just walk right out." She wasn't the type to just barge in on a dying man and yell at him, she's not that big of a bitch. Jeez.

"I do not view you in any particular way. I have no opinions about this endeavor, though I warned my employer the energy he uses for this might just end up killing him. I will be, as such, the first to show you the door. If you will not cooperate, then simply leave now. The energy used to convince you is not worth the time." It was obvious that Heralds didn't view me in a particular way, but she couldn't help but be slightly offended by him saying she wasn't worth the time. It wouldn't have been the first tim she heard it but it still hurts every times she hears it.

Scar slumps down into her chair, and lightly crosses her arms over her chest. She nods her head slightly, no longer glancing towards Heralds."Alright Jeeves, I got it." She shrugged her shoulders slightly before crossing her legs. "I'll cooperate."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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After being knocked over by a red head and then watching the girl from the plane dance over them Shawn was a bit overwhelmed by everyone and everything. He'd skimmed over the files that had come with the letter and basically gleaned that the reason he was some odd was because he was part of some weird experiment. After assuring the red head he was all right he headed in with them all only to find two guys having some sort of pissing contest. To the point of using knives, who the hell does that sort of thing. Shawn shook his head as he sat down on a chair and remained quiet. He wasn't a fan of showing off like this and he certainly wasn't a fan of getting injured. It wasn't long till some uptight bloke in a suit came in. Clearly he wasn't happy about the antics some of his other "siblings" were pulling.

"If you refrain from shouting please. I suppose you're all wondering why you're here? And don't worry about Mr.Gregory there. He'll be joining us shortly I presume. I'm sure by now you've all read the files and thus already have a basic knowledge of why you're here. If you didn't... Well too bad. You should have. My name is Evan Heralds, in the future, please call me Heralds. I am a representative of your Host, though he has been feeling unwell and retired to his rooms for now."

The only thing Shawn could think about was that this guy reminded him of the butler in those old mystery movies that played out like the game Clue. Even down to the fact that the guy in charge wasn't actually their. However Shawn refrained from asking him if it was colonel Mustard in the dining hall with the wrench. The guy seemed ticked off enough.

"It has come to my employer's attention that Leon Vincent, one of your siblings for lack of a better word, was recently murdered. And I'm afraid that it has more to do with you than you'd like. Especially as we've reason to believe you all are the next targets. And while you may not believe you can die, there are terrible ways the murderer had access to."

This sounded serious, Shawn was alright about jokes but when it came to shut like this he listened. You must have been living under a rock if you didn't hear about that guys murder. It had been plastered all over the news.

"The murderer, we know his identity. I'm afraid that while we cloned you, we also cloned him. Another of your siblings to be clear. Though he was a terrible mistake in the making. He is gifted much like you are, but he's cold, cruel and disconnected. He hates you, and hates us, and will stop at nothing to exterminate everyone in this room," He paused again, a bit awkwardly, "Thus you were summoned here. Because here is the one place we can guarantee your protection."

Shawn stayed quiet other blurted out questions, about their families, Shawn just kept his mouth shut. Frankly if his family was in danger by him being there he was grateful he left home. If anything happened to his Auntie Nadine he'd never forgive himself.

"I am going to say this once," He began, his voice low as he continued, "And I refuse to repeat myself as it would be a waste of time. My employer - the man who began the project and created your lives by extent - is dying. Poisoned by the man I mentioned earlier. He is dying, and while he is absolutely not well enough to come here and deal with your childish antics, he is hanging on long enough to talk to each of you privately. He is, you should all be aware, the closest thing to a biological father you'd have."

"We had, nor currently have, any desire to form an army, Miss Willa, but we do have a duty to protect the lives we created. And yes, staying with your family would most certainly endanger them. However, so would staying at a hotel or such. This is the only truly safe building you will find. You are free to leave, though I'll have to insist you sign the confidentiality agreement upon leaving. "

"Now, I will not give you information on the killer for a few reasons. One, some of you might try to go looking for him. Two, a great many of you would succeed in finding him. Three, he could easily kill any of you," his gaze lingered on Gregory for a moment, "Any of you, without issue."

"I am not a butler nor a silly servant, on a slightly different note. I am someone who is, in more ways than one, at least your equal, if not more." The man paused, "You had best heed my warning, and not discount it for petty reasons. Had we wanted to kill you, you would all have been dead. You've seen firsthand how easily we can access you. Had we wanted an army, your attendance would have been mandatory. But we want to help you and much as I have tried to convince my employer you lot are entirely more trouble than you are worth, both in attitude and demeanor, he insists we offer you assistance. You chose whether to accept it now."

The guy was fed up, "Listen I don't know much about the rest of you I'm not one to study all this lot. School was never my idea of fun so I just glanced over that shit. But as long as me being here isn't a threat to the people I care about the most. Then alright I'll stay, as much as it pains me to stay in one place for a while. I guess my biggest question is... what the hell are we going to do about this murderer? Are we just gonna hide out here, or try to get this guy before he gets us. You say this guy is really good at what he does, but what can he do against all of us at once?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zeph_gm
Gregories conciousness slowly swam back into reality as his damaged brain tissue regenerated, reconnecting segments of his brain and restarting the function of his vital organs. He was unable to move just yet, but his hearing and mental capacities were beginning to return to function, it took him a minute to figure out what was happening around him. Much to his disappointment, the attention in the room had not been centred around him, but some new man, who sounded like every butler and manservant you had ever seen in a cheesy movie. He was clearly telling the 'family' something they werent too pleased about, but Gregory was only able to capture certain elements of the discussion. Finally he felt the sparks of nerve endings reconnecting in the tips of his fingers and toes, and he tensed his muscles experimentally.
"I guess my biggest question is... what the hell are we going to do about this murderer? Are we just gonna hide out here, or try to get this guy before he gets us. You say this guy is really good at what he does, but what can he do against all of us at once?"
Gregory made a slight groan as his muscles contracted and he pulled himself up from the ground like a vampire from a coffin, "Because, dear brother, I am guessing that he was the failsafe, right Jeeves?" Gregory said, pulling himself to his feet and standing, pulling the makeshift bandage someone had misguidedly placed over his head, as if he fucking needed it.
"It was never meant to be this way, we were the experiment, and he was the kill switch, right? In case any of us went rogue, and turned on the others, or you, he was the one who could stop us, any of us, and protect the rest of the experiment?"
Gregory cocked a twisted smile at the man in the suit, "He can kill any of us because thats what he was designed for, he was created for the soul purpose of killing us, should we ever turn against you."
He turned to the rest of his siblings and gave them all a general wink, "Guess that backfired didnt it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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"So cynical. That would have been a good idea, and if we had done it, you wouldn't need to be here. Yet, you are so very wrong I'm afraid." He frowned, "All I can say is what was intended for him to have failed. His original DNA negated and twisted the changes we attempted to make, and we only learned of it recently. He can take any of you on alone, and the reason I'd say all of you together is quite simply, because you're not trained, and to a certain extent, not strong enough."

"As for the rest, you're right. Police would be 'creamed' by him. As for his capture, our researchers, or the ones that are still left, are attempting to research a way to negate his enhancements." Heralds paused, then a slight smile crossed his face as he answered the final question, "And as for the security of this home, I'm afraid you're under delusions if you believe this is where you could safely stay. No. The proper, for lack of a better word, safehouse, isn't here. We need to know you're agreed before we'll reveal that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Shawn smirked and shook his head at the whole James Bond feel of all this. Heralds demeanor seemed to lighten up a bit making him think guy wasn't as uptight and like a butler then he had before. "Well James, I can't speak for the rest of us but... I say bring on the rest of this... whatever the plan is supposed to be. Because if I'm a sitting duck here just as much as I am at home. I'd much rather not be, not that I'm a coward but. I know how this guy took out that other bloke, I mean it was plastered all over the news. You'd have to be pretty crazy to think you could take him on by yourself. So if you or your associates can show us how to stop him before he comes around. That's fine with me.

He probably looked like a complete ass and a coward but he really didn't care. Especially when there was these guys around that felt they had to show off the dominance. He preferred living over male machismo, and if the girls thought he was a coward too. Well either way he didn't worry about it much. The thought of being able to control his ability better than before was appealing as well. Maybe he wouldn't have these bouts where he feels like he's going crazy. He looked around the room they all had some sort of extraordinary ability or abilities. Surely if they worked together some how they might have a fighting chance. It was just a matter of swallowing the pride that they had developed over the years and admitting that this is something we all need help for. If we didn't think their was something we wouldn't have come from all over the damn world to come here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Amelia had been listening to the man speak, taking in the comments of her apparent siblings. She wasn't going to speak up until she had the facts. When she was semi-satisfied with the information she had, she cleared her throat, and said the first words she had all evening. "I accept. After all, it isn't as though there's much of a choice. Even if you did make this fellow, like Gregory said or something of the sort, it doesn't matter. There's a fair chance someone'll come after us even if you're lying. And if you're lying, the worst case is you're going to kill us. In which case, we'd have to worry about that anyway, from other people. So it's not like we're giving up a lot."

Especially when her family was taken into consideration. Certain people could go to hell, but she wasn't going to condemn her sister or mother to death. Not like this. The details of Vincent's death had been horrifying, and she wasn't going to do something that could endanger them like that.

Moreover, she was intrigued. This was a mystery of sorts, and she wanted to piece it all together. And the only way it seemed she would be able to do that was by staying.

"My only concern is that I'm a student. I'm in an incredible program and you're asking me to give up my future on this. You're asking all of use to give up our lives for however long this will take, and there's got to be some guarantee we'll be able to pick them back up later."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Rob Dunbar

Rob watched carefully as the rest of the group slowly decided, one by one, to accept. Some needed more convincing than others. Jeanne followed immediately afterward. Scar seemed really skeptical about the whole situation and challenged Heralds. But why shouldn't she? Why shouldn't everyone? Given the circumstances, there was still a lot left in the dark for them. He came here for answers and wasn't getting squat. It was almost like he was holding back information on purpose, not to protect him, but to control him. Rob was torn between sitting in this room until something happened or walking out that door and taking his chances with this supposed killer.

And yet...Rob couldn't help but notice that something in the argument didn't seem to add up...something dealing with the information given tonight and the murder of Leon. He couldn't quite wrap his head around it, but it protruded in this thoughts. The warning signs were there and that was enough for him. Heralds was the enemy to him. He couldn't be trusted...not just yet. He'd play along, but keep his distance.

Rob glanced around the room, noticing Gregory was coming to. Ah, dammit. He did have regenerative powers after all.

Suddenly, a new male voice cut through. It was Shawn. "Listen I don't know much about the rest of you I'm not one to study all this lot. School was never my idea of fun so I just glanced over that shit. But as long as me being here isn't a threat to the people I care about the most. Then alright I'll stay, as much as it pains me to stay in one place for a while. I guess my biggest question is... what the hell are we going to do about this murderer? Are we just gonna hide out here, or try to get this guy before he gets us. You say this guy is really good at what he does, but what can he do against all of us at once?"

More holes, Rob thought. What exactly made this person dangerous? If Heralds wasn't going to tell us what he looked like or where he was, then the least he could do is tell us what he was capable of and exactly how he planned to kill the rest of us.

"Because, dear brother, I am guessing that he was the failsafe, right Jeeves?"

Rob turned to Gregory, who was fully functional. God save the rest of the room's souls.

"It was never meant to be this way, we were the experiment, and he was the kill switch, right? In case any of us went rogue, and turned on the others, or you, he was the one who could stop us, any of us, and protect the rest of the experiment?"

To give the Wolverine some credit, he did bring up a good point. But this was only proven if someone could at least tell him some information about why they were created in the first place and why they carried some special abilities.

But Heralds simply told Gregory that he was wrong. "All I can say is what was intended for him to have failed. His original DNA negated and twisted the changes we attempted to make, and we only learned of it recently. He can take any of you on alone, and the reason I'd say all of you together is quite simply, because you're not trained, and to a certain extent, not strong enough."

Not trained? Not strong enough? Rob examined his hands. How many times did he have to draw back a nocked arrow to be trained? How strong did he have to be? Although he didn't look it, he could probably punch about as hard as Leo over there...and not miss. That was the key. He wouldn't miss. He couldn't miss. Every single object he wanted in a different spot he got there, no complications. So what did Heralds mean by calling us inexperienced and weak? Did they all have a conjoined power that none of the group had discovered yet? He sighed in annoyance. This wasn't giving him anything but more questions.

"I accept."

Rob realized that Amelia had flown under the radar of the group the entire time. Clever girl, he thought. Observing from the shadows. People learned a lot more that way.

"After all," she continued. "It isn't as though there's much of a choice. Even if you did make this fellow, like Gregory said or something of the sort, it doesn't matter. There's a fair chance someone'll come after us even if you're lying. And if you're lying, the worst case is you're going to kill us. In which case, we'd have to worry about that anyway, from other people. So it's not like we're giving up a lot."

"My only concern is that I'm a student. I'm in an incredible program and you're asking me to give up my future on this. You're asking all of use to give up our lives for however long this will take, and there's got to be some guarantee we'll be able to pick them back up later."

Rob didn't have too much to worry about in that department. Sure, fall classes started up again in less than a month, but Rob could easily arrange to have his classes in the spring or something like that. He didn't expect this to take that long, but he would plan accordingly. As for getting back into a normal life, Rob already thought the word "normal" had too much weight in the world. He liked change, accepted it. He calculated for and adjusted accordingly for change. It was a natural system for him. Should something decide to turn his life upside down, he'd adjust and change accordingly for it, just like everything else.

He kept his mouth quiet for now. He was rather tired of hearing what Heralds had to say. He beaded around the bush. Rob wanted to talk to his biological father already. There, he believed, lay the answers he seek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir


Scar sat there gauging the room in silence. Her arms were crossed over her chest, while her legs out stretched before her, right ankle lying over the left. She sat there deep in thought, listening to everything everyone was saying, but not acting. She made an ass out of herself already for speaking out against all of this. It just didn't add up in her mind but everyone else, or at least mostly everyone seemed eager to jump on the band wagon and go off to summer camp with Jeeves. I mean how do they know that Heralds isn't the killer? He could be... they know nothing about him besides he works for our "father" and wears a penguin suit. This didn't sit right with her. Scar had no problems leaving her life behind, it was nothing special anyways, but this was something of a sci fi novel.

As she sat there letting her thoughts race, Scar slowly realized that one person hasn't spoken at all. Just sat by objectively watching the entire time. Slowly turning her head, Scar looked over at Rob. His expression similar to that of, what she could image, was her own. Skeptical and calculating, trying to tie together ends while also finding holes... gaps in Heralds story. Secretly Scar hoped that her guess about his thoughts were right, that she wasn't the only one who thought this wasn't right.

That's when Heralds said it, "you're not trained... not strong enough." It clicked in her mind. Regardless of what he was saying Heralds or our creator did want an army or something. Maybe they wanted us strong enough to defend ourselves but slender man over here made it abundantly clear that we are no match for this mystery dick hole. The idea of being trained did peak Scar's curiosity though. She could already control the telekinesis, she mastered that years ago... but her anti ability? Maybe they could held her harness it, maybe turn it off and on like a switch... let her have control of it, not it have control of her. But the it still bothered her... and although she was being good at staying quiet, she couldn't when she heard that.

"We need to be trained?... But I thought you just told Willa that we're not some kind of army? I mean, you made it abundantly clear that none of us apparently hold a chance against this person, so what good would training do?... I'm just, confused." There it was... that hole she found in the story. It made her wonder and question everything. Not that she wasn't already but that was an important part, a vital piece of information that everyone needed to know. "I mean... it's just the way you're making it sound is that we would be training... to die. I mean, you said it yourself... we're no match for him." Scar wasn't angry or yelling, she almost felt like an attorney. Digging to the bottom, trying to find out the real story... the real reasons. After all, they deserve that don't they?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zeph_gm
Gregory was mildly disappointed that he was wrong, he didn't like being wrong, and he didn't like be outmanoeuvred. Clearly their estranged sibling was a force to be reckoned with, and that even combined, as they were they would be unlikely to stand a chance against him. The concerns of the others didn't bother him, he had no school work, no responsibility, and any ties he had held to his adopted mother he had severed years ago, anyone with half a brain wouldn't bother going to her for answers. He may need to make some calls, his suppliers would miss him he was sure, but there were always plenty of kids ready to sell to make a quick buck, he was just one of the most reliable, and resilient.
"if you agree, come with me now. We're going to go meet my employer. Else, head to the door, the guards will provide you with what affects to be a legal gag." Heralds said, giving them the final ultimatum, and for the first time Gregory felt miffed that he had seemingly missed all the best parts of the conversation. Still, as much as Gregory had no ties, he did have a strong desire to keep living, and if what they had been told was anything to go on, their erstwhile sibling could even kill him outright.
Besides, there were worse ways he could spend his time, in a house with pretty girls who he was about 98% sure were not actually related to him. It could be fun, and if it wasn't, well, he could always just leave. It wasn't like any amount of bullets would stop him.
"Alright Jeeves, I'm in too, I can think of worse ways to spend a few months. Besides," He turned back to his arranged siblings, arms spread wide, "I am sure we have so much catching up to do, I'll bet I haven't seen most you you guys since we were in test tubes!"
He turned back and walked up the stairs to where Heralds was waiting, far too bouncy and excited for the grim topic at hand, "So Jeeves, exactly how much freedom will we be afforded in this safe-house?" He dropped his voice to a stage whisper, ensuring the whole room could hear his theatrical secrecy, "And exactly how genetically related am I to my 'siblings', cant have things in the house getting too incestuous." He gave Heralds a wide grin, revelling in how much more interesting this had turned out to be than he had originally anticipated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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#, as written by mjolnir

Scar nodded her head slightly toward Heralds as he answered her questions. She didn't particularly like this but, did she really have a choice? She lived on her own in a shitty apartment on the West side of the city. Getting to her would be a breeze if someone was determined enough... and this dude seemed plenty determined to try and kill them all. That's when she heard Gregory pipe up, "Alright Jeeves, I'm in too, I can think of worse ways to spend a few months. Besides, I am sure we have so much catching up to do, I'll bet I haven't seen most you you guys since we were in test tubes!" His arms were spread out wide like he was expecting a huge or seeing a long lost Uncle. Scar assumed he was being sarcastic but either way he made his way up the stairs to Heralds saying, "So Jeeves, exactly how much freedom will we be afforded in this safe-house?" It was a good question, Scar was definitely curious about that. She'd like to be able to leave on occasion, get some air, take a ride on her bike. Being under house arrest seems less than stellar. Scar raised a brow when she saw Gregory lean in slightly towards Heralds, obviously whispering about something. She was curious what he had asked but it wasn't her business.

Scar slipped her slender arms back through the sleeves on her leather jacket before grabbing her helmet in her right hand and standing up. She slowly made her way up the stairs, just in time to hear Heralds say, "You'll have complete freedom within it. It was after all, designed for you almost two decades back.

Scar nodded her head towards Heralds, "Good to know." Her free hand zipped her leather jacket up halfway, before she spoke again, "Can I bring my bike?" That was potentially a deal breaking question. Her Thruxton was her baby, rebuilt from scratch with her hard earned cash, arguably worth more than any of her possessions... She would kill someone without a second thought if they messed it up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scar Lockheart Character Portrait: Amelia Hartford Character Portrait: Gregory Richardson Character Portrait: Leo Eternali Character Portrait: Jeanne (Ann) Imperioli Character Portrait: Alexander Phillips
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Rob Dunbar

"We need to be trained?... Rob turned to Scar, who had kept quiet up to this point. But I thought you just told Willa that we're not some kind of army? I mean, you made it abundantly clear that none of us apparently hold a chance against this person, so what good would training do?... I'm just, confused."

Rob knew what she felt like. Rob was confused, but not about the dialect Heralds used to define training. He was more confused about the entirety of where they came from. They knew they were adopted. But all of this information was a lot to take in. And still he felt like he wasn't getting enough info. This man was holding secrets from them, he knew that much. It was only a matter of what he was hiding.

"I believe it was Shawn's suggestion for us to train you. Like I said, we don't want an army, so go ahead and just lounge around all day for all we care. We're here to protect you. Nothing more. But," He paused, "As it may be helpful for you to learn more. However. As I've said before, his abilities far exceed your own and moreover, we are working on a solution. Now."

Heralds started to walk toward the doorway he entered from. "If you agree, come with me now. We're going to go meet my employer. Else, head to the door, the guards will provide you with what affects to be a legal gag."

Rob looked back to the guard, guessing that he had a confidentiality agreement somewhere. What was to be said in this house was not for the ears of the public for obvious reasons. He understood he was born from DNA, but he didn't know if being born from DNA was illegal. He chuckled at the irony of preserving their illegal actions with legality.

"Alright Jeeves, I'm in too," Gregory stated overenthusiastically. "I can think of worse ways to spend a few months. Besides, I am sure we have so much catching up to do, I'll bet I haven't seen most of you guys since we were in test tubes!" Rob wondered of any of the ones here could actually remember that far. He had pretty sure belief that his assumptions were mostly right, but that didn't make him totally right.

"So Jeeves, exactly how much freedom will we be afforded in this safe-house?"

At this point, Rob had picked up his "walking stick" and walked towards the doorway Heralds came out of. So he barely heard what Gregory stage whispered to Heralds. "And exactly how genetically related am I to my 'siblings', cant have things in the house getting too incestuous." Rob scoffed at this.

"You share none of the same DNA," Heralds sighed. "The people we took the DNA from were in no way related. And you'll have complete freedom within it. It was after all, designed for you almost two decades back."

Two decades? Rob thought. What was the original intended use of that safe house before the murderer went rogue?

"Good to know," Scar said, "Can I bring my bike?"

That reminded him of something...rather someone. Johnathan. What was he going to do while Rob dealt with family issues? He assumed he'd go back to Camden, but in all honesty, he wasn't sure. Johnathan was loyal to him as much as he was loyal to Johnathan. It wouldn't be fair for him if he didn't at least try to bring him along.

But...Rob turned back to the doorway once more. Would he want to? It was Rob's life that was getting flipped upside down, not Johnathan's. Why even involve him with this? Rob decided. He would tell Johnathan to fly home. It would be the better choice, despite the possibility of losing his sanity to his "brothers" and "sisters".

"Alright, I'm ready to meet him when you are, Heralds," Rob raised a brow at the rest of the crowd, the majority of them zipping their lip.