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Katlyn "Doc" Delmore

I can heal you, or I can harm you. Both are easy as breathing, but the conclusion is completely up to you.

0 · 517 views · located in The Broken Trident

a character in “The Hope of Tomorrow REBOOT”, as played by Shifter13


(Work in Progress)

Katlyn "Doc" Delmore

"Yeah, so I got dressed up. Some of my friends can be rather convincing."

Medic/Doctor of the Broken Trident
"I can kill as easily as I can heal."

Twenty-eight, looks about twenty.
"Not afraid to tell."

Katlyn looks younger than she is as is common amongst her kind, she looks about twenty. The healer stands with grace at 5'4", her body built for flexibility and long periods of exhausting activity from her life under the water. Her past struggles are shown as smooth, pale scars placed sporadically across her body. Her eyes are blue, that's the shortest way to describe them as they're hard to pin as a single shade. They sparkle and shimmer, darken to midnight and brighten to icy, glow when she heals and dim when she harms, though these are simple observations made by many. And this is only her land form. Behind her lips are elongated canines and her nails can stretch into claws. In her true form she sports a glittering silver fish tail that increases her length (height) to 7'6" from head to fin tip. Gills open at the sides of her neck and abdomen. Her swimming speed as a human is amazing, but now it's absolutely fascinating. In dark waters or at night, she can make herself glow to attract prey, whether it be fish other other beings.

Katlyn's choice of clothing, despite pictures show, is definitely not dresses. It revolves more around easy movement, quick reactions, and comfort. A plain black tank top under a white peasant blouse with elbow-length sleeves, held in place by a form-fitting (not shaping) black, underbust corset. Dark grey, somewhat loose pirate breeches held up by a sun-bleached rope are tucked into a pair of below-knee-length, flat-heeled boots. And the finishing touches are a pair of black, fingertipless (cut the tips of the fingers off) gloves and a dark grey hooded cloak.

"If one more person calls me fishlegs, there will be hell to pay."

To strangers Katlyn's unpredictable, going from giggling over a silly joke to breaking someone's nose for an overly crude treatment oif someone, then back to enjoying her sweets. And to friends... she's still unpredictable, but would never dream of harming them or breaking their trust on purpose. She's loyal, sticks up for what she believes in, stays by her friends, and will do anything to help those she cares for. And she's very empathetic, able to easily read someone's emotions, and it takes a good liar to fool her. But despite her happy, care-free, quick-to-change nature, she can be calm and collected, and these are often times when it's best to ask for advice or she's either thinking deeply, hiding her sorrow, holding back her whip-lash anger, or just... zoning out.
But Katlyn, as sweet and passionate as she can be, does have a dark side. Her mind is controlled by her heart, which can be characterized alike to weather. Certain things will get certain reactions. She has certain views that are set in a stone and guarded by stubbornness, often causing problems with certain authority figures. But she'll only allow her heart to control her actions if there's not a good reason for whatever's happening. Long thing short, she may seem all sunny smiles and bright skies, but do something unacceptable without even a slightly good reason and you better watch out for her lightning.

  • Swimming: "It's natural to me, it's in my blood."
  • Cooking: "A doctor isn't always needed, so I enjoy helping out with preparing meals sometimes."
  • Singing: " never heard of this."
  • Dancing: "It's about as fun as swimming, but more legwork."
  • Stargazing: "I actually like everything about night, actually... I don't know why."
  • Too Much Heat: "I'm used to cold waters. Ocean air I can stand, but desert heat drains me."
  • Being Underestimated: "Yes, I'm a small lady, doesn't mean I won't feed you to the sharks."
  • Spicy Food: "I can stand super sweet and extremely sour, even bitter, but even just mild burns my tongue."
  • Alcoholic Drinks: "I've seen what it can do when not drunk in moderation."
  • Singing with an Audience: "I already said, I don't sing."


Healing is seen as her main skill, seeing as she [i]is[/i[ the doctor of the Broken Trident. She uses the traditional ways of healing: poultices, cauterizing, bandaging, herbs, and medicinal liquids, but she also uses water (Will explain in Magic). Singing is, if ever heard, definitely one of her most obvious skills, but she gets nervous and shaky if she sings with an audience. (More pending...)

She's a siren (not mermaid, she'll explain the differences if asked), one with an affinity for light which she uses to make herself glow, become invisible, as well as heal.
As a siren she can breath underwater, grow a tail, and use her voice to effect others in different ways (usually to soothe and calm down). At her touch water is cleansed and when spread over the wound of/drank by the patient, it quickens the healing process. She does have another way, it heals the patient's wounds faster but it harms her. With water spread over the wound she touches it lightly and concentrates, taking the wound onto herself and removing it completely from the patient. During the process, her eyes and the palms of her hands glow a light blue, as do the wounds as they disappear from the patient and appear on her. Afterwards, depending on how bad it is, she would have to be submerged in water and given time to heal whether it be in the ocean, a pond, a tank, whichever. There is, of course, another way she could have herself be rid of wounds... which is by giving them to someone else. But she highly dislikes this ability and rarely uses it.






So begins...

Katlyn "Doc" Delmore's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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Galeon found himself in a familiar, yet a foreign place. People running and screaming around him as the world around them slowly burned. Ships soared through the air and rained destruction blindly onto the world below. Great titans and beast made of metal fought with thunderous force. "Why...." this was the only word that Galeon was capable of forming. Yet that one word had so many questions entangled within it. Why, is this happening? Why, am I seeing this? Why, do I keep coming here? Why, me? A deafening roar came rumbling from one of the titans as it fell, before a large explosion came tearing towards him.

As the flames enveloped him, his eyes tore open. A sigh of relief left his lungs as he found himself in his quarters. It took him a moment realize he had fallen asleep at his desk. He had spent most of the night looking over maps they have taken from there last raid that outlined the new trade routes being used by the Neptune Federation along with a few patrol routes. A burnt out candle sat on the corner of his desk, some wax had made its way onto his desk and hardened at some point.

Slowly pushing himself from his table still slightly a sleep. He reached for his cutlasses that hung along with his belt off the wall and strapped them around his waste before exiting his room. Once on deck he took a moment to breath in the salty morning air, a sensation he feels will never get old. The sun was particularity warm today and the ocean was quiet. Normally he would say it was going to be a calm day but he knew better than to jinx fate. Taking a moment to scan the ship and see his crew hard at work, he thought to himself how selfish he must be to use all of them to get what he wanted. But in the end they all had there reasons for being here so maybe it was him who was being used.

Silently he stood by a railing and watched the ocean around him, allowing his thoughts to drift and reflect on his dreams.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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Katlyn Delmore, known as 'Doc' by the majority of the Broken Trident's crew, pulled herself back over the railing and onto the deck. For a few minutes she spent her time twisting and squeezing her hair over the edge of the ship to lessen the amount of sea-water in her white locks from her morning swim. It had been refreshing as any other time and, as proof, she still held a content smile on her lips. Today was a good day so far. She hadn't seen many sharks, tclose to the ship anyway, and no sea monsters lurked within their current area. Though, they were known to be some of the more sly creatures of the seas, and often snuck up when you least expect it. They were easy enough to take care of sometimes, as long as you knew how and had all the equipment needed.

A crew member hurried up to her with a rag as he'd been ordered to before she had jumped overboard when the sun began to show itself. With a nod of thanks and a dismissive wave Katlyn took the merchant-bought fabric and used it to drie her hair out more, then began drying the flesh of hers that was showing as well as pressing it to the clothes she wore to retain decency while swimming. It was a long skirt, one that wouldn't fan out but also chosen because it wouldn't rip when she changed between formed, then as a top she wore a simple black tank top, which had been a long-sleeved shirt only a week ago.

"You there, no not you. You. I don't know your name. You've not been a patient of mine, how would I? Anyway, you know the medic bay? Yes? Good. I need you to go and fetch something for me." She paused to stretch and groaned when her back popped several times before she continued. "When you enter, look to your right. You'll see a desk, on that desk is a folded pile of dry clothing. Go get it. Thanks."

As the pirate hurried away, she continued drying herself before she spotted Captain Galeon and made her way over. With the towl draped over her shoulders and her hands weaving her hair into a wet braid, she greeted him, "Morning, Captain. Hope I'm not interupting anything." She studied him over, as had become a habit to assess his health. Spotting red marks on his face, she gave a small amused smile and gently touched her fingertips to the deeper red one on his forehead, trying to guess if it would bruise, "Fell asleep at your desk again, sir?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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0.00 INK

Nimethel was currently at the helm, keeping the ship on course to its next destination. Of course, she'd lashed the helm with a length of rope in order to take advantage of that sweet, sweet sunshine for a spell, leaning on the stern railings and gazing at the horizon through half-closed eyes. The sound of something being hauled out of the sea roused Nim from her reverie, and when she went to see what it was it turned out to be the ship's doctor coming back aboard after a swim. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Making her way back to the helm, Nimethel glanced at her compass to check that the ship hadn't deviated too far from its original heading. Just then, she saw the captain himself come up on deck, awake at last. Katlyn promptly went over to check on him like a mother hen. The cat-woman waved to Galeon from her vantage point up at the helm, standing by in case he wished to speak with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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Closing his eyes for a second seemingly enjoying a cool breeze, only to opening them to find the good doctor Katlyn questioning him about his sleeping habits. A small sigh moved passed his lips as he gave a short but polite answer. "Yes." Taking a quick moment to scan the ship to make sure everything in order. Near the helm he saw his first mate Antonia Flynn or better known as Toni to the crew, she was seemingly keeping her self amused with the ships navigator, Nimethel. Things seemed lively on the ship today, which honestly made Gale happy, not that he would ever admit. His crew seemed happy and for now that was fine, for happy days will not always be here. "It's quiet out there today." he spoke absently. "Well Miss Delmore would you care to accompany as I address the crew." Not one to wait for a reply he began moving towards the helm.

"Having fun?" He questioned to his second in command and navigator. Gale gave them a cold gaze but truly didn't mean any harm by it. "Toni, how is the crew doing? Are we in need of supplies?"

'They are near, they are hunting you. RUN. Land is safe.' An all to familiar voice clawed at the back of his mind, causing his eyes to widen ever so slightly. "Nimethel, change or course to the nearest port. I don't care which one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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Katlyn nodded in answer to Galeon's comment on the quiet, then again when he asked her to accompany him before following beside him quietly as he went through with something done daily. She thought it was funny, still, how she'd actually grown accustomed to living amongst those on the ship. The pirate she'd sent for her clothing returned then and she thanked him silently before holding the clothing under the crook of her arm to wait for the captain to finish speaking before she would change. Suddenly, she spotted the changes in Galeon and pursed her lips into a thin like.

She knew what was happening, any that were as in tune with the ocean as she was would be able to feel what Galeon was just by looking at him. She herself had never heard the oceans speak, she couldn't hear the voices it whispered in. She could only feel it and try to interperet from there. But for that, she'd have to be submerged in order to do so. Without contact, she could do nothing but watch for signs from the Captain or the creatures below.

She pulled on the pair of breeches under her skirt quickly and smoothly (having had plenty of practice) then she pulled the skirt off and slipped her usual blouse over her wet tank top, then the corset over that, and then quickly weaved her still-wet hair into a braid. The boots were still in her cabin so she'd have to go bare-foot for now, not that she minded. Still, through this, the case of her Captain's sleep was on her mind and she turned to face the opposite way of him before speaking quietly into his ear, "If you ever need something for sleep or bad dreams, I'm sure I could whip something up for you. I'll be in my cabin for now, readying for the trip on land."

Katlyn then gave him a discreet, meant-to-be-comforting pat on the back before heading off to get ready for docking as she said she would. The wet skirt dragged behind her unceremoniously. Really, her dislike for the item clothing type couldn't be more obvious as she allowed it to collect dirt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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0.00 INK

Galeon sighed as the ship changed course. The voices that rang in the confines of his mind always warned him impending danger, mostly when the federation was around. Of course he rarely tells people of this aspect of his power for it, for it might make him seem crazy.

He glanced at his navigator as she went on to tells another story to the easily bored first mate. "When you two are done, I would like to discuss what to do once we make land. I also need to go over the next raid with you." Quietly he moved from the two and motioned to the good doctor to follow him. "Since we have yet to find a decent cook. I would very much like for you to make me something doctor. That is if you are not to busy at the moment."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katlyn "Doc" Delmore Character Portrait: Galeon Strikes Character Portrait: Toni Flynn Character Portrait: Nimethel Arwen
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Katlyn came to a full pause, having been stopped in her tracks by her captain's words. She wasn't upset though, far from it. The captain had her with the first sentence he spoke to her, knowing full well where this was going. So, with a grin, she tossed her wet skirt to another deckhand with the order to take it to her living quarters, then turned on her heel back to follow Galeon. "No, not really. As I said, I was going to my cabin if I weren't needed. Seein' as you wish something to be cooked up, I'm plenty happy ta help." She moved to his side, a sort of spring in her step. Despite the hitch in the day causing them to go to land, today was startiing off quite well. No unpleasant surprises during her swim, the captain wasn't yet stirred into anger, and now she was to take to the herbs and fire. Yes, this morning was a good start indeed.

With a happy, content sigh and continuous smile, she spoke to her comrade, "So, what do ya have in mind. I'll make what I can with what we have." With that she also realized that perhaps this trip to land might not be so bad, you could never be too well-prepared with supplies.