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Giselle Vetula

"Well, this is a very abnormal situation, isn't it?" {small wip}

0 · 680 views · located in World

a character in “The Hush of Night”, as played by AmeliaIsGhostly



"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." - Desmond Tutu

[ Hold Me Down | Halsey ]
[ You Don't Know Me At All | Son Lux ]
[ Runaway | AURORA ]
[ Wolf Like Me | TV On The Radio ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #9f8cc9
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #7d7d7d



      Giselle Daliah Vetula


      Spiritual Magic





“When one is pretending the entire body revolts.”
-Anaïs Nin




      105 lbs.



      Giselle has an extremely delicate grace about her. She moves almost like a ghost- light and airy. Her petite frame makes her seem almost as breakable as glass. Her eyes are large and a little sunken in, surrounded by lush eyelashes that match the brown of her long wavy hair. Her skin has a natural healthy glow about it, with a natural sun-kissed look. Her whole nature and look gives off the same innocence as a deer, with a little bit of mystery added in.




      ✦ Innocent ✧ Fearless ✦ Intense ✧ Kind ✦ Mysterious ✦

      We all know that one person; the single person who is the black sheep in the heard of white. They might not even necessarily be weird or outlandishly strange, they’re just very different from those who surround them. Giselle fits this category in more ways than one. Yes, she’s a witch and thats pretty black sheep, but it’s more then that, It’s her mysterious nature.

      There’s not a single person on earth, maybe other then her sister, that knows just how she ticks. Giselle is one of the most straightforward, oddballish, yet strangely loveable person anyone could come across. She almost defiantly leaves an impression on everyone she meets one way or another. She’s also a very serious person, not in the way that she doesn’t joke around a lot as sometimes she’ll say the odd pun or use sarcasm- very rarely, which only makes it that much more effective in it’s funny-ness - yet she's more serious in the way she always tells it like it is, and has no trouble doing so. She’s never mean about it, however, unless she means the be. She’s just truthful, and she’s almost never told a like in her life; not even a white lie. Like any person however, she will dance around questions or straightforwardly not answer or tell secrets, but that’s not necessarily lying. She knows a lie when she hears one, plain and simple.

      Some find her innocent like intensity funny with some of the things she says or does, because even though she seems like a tuff nut to crack, she’s very quirky in her own way. Some might see some of her actions as being air-headed like, say if she’s off picking flowers or singing to herself, but everything she does has a reason, a drive. She’s not one for pointlessly doing things. She's so very passionate. She’s defiantly got her own philosophy going on, and a definite opinion on how the world works and the people in it, she just knows it’s not her place to babble on about it as if she were wise on the subject. The world in her head is clearly not a black and white one. She doesn’t label things as “good” or “bad,” because It’s pointless to do so if one doesn’t know all the details of the matter in every point of view imaginable. Unless it’s painfully obvious what side is the good or bad one- then yeah, she’ll label it. This leads her to be a fairly forgiving person, that is of course, if she believes you are worth forgiving. That’s where the trouble starts. Giselle is an extremely good read of character. She always see’s past what’s displayed on the outside, reading anything like a clear and good book. She only see’s peoples true natures, and not necessarily what’s displayed on the outside. You could seem like the most charming or delightful person in the world, and if Giselle get’s a single bad read of that person, she will avoid them like an incurable plague, making her dislike fairly clear. This coin has two sides however- someone might come off as an awful person with equally as awful mannerism, but if Giselle see’s the good in them, the reasonings behind their character, then she’ll treat them with complete disregard on however bad they may appear.

      Giselle is one who wouldn’t hurt a fly, she’s pretty opposite actually. If she see’s a hurt fly, she’d use her healing powers to make sure it was fine. Of course, if it was a monster fly coming to kill her or her loved ones, yeah, she’d have zero issue smushing it. Same goes for people. Due to her specialty in spiritual magic, she’s very well aware of the life force around her, and this is why she’s so in tune to peoples natures- most who specialize in spirit are. She has the absolute need to help those around her, either with physical injury or mental. She doesn’t pity. She simply just wants to help, and will be very stubborn in doing so. This leads her to actually be a little bit pushy, not knowing others boundaries. Yet, her kindness can only stretch so far. It takes a lot to hit one of Giselle's nerves, and you can throw how many pointless shots at her, and she won’t even care. It’s a different story if someone if threatening one of her friends, or especially her sister. You know that moment of shock when the silent girl bursts into a fit of calm rage that silences a room? Yeah. That’ll happen. She’s not some silly little girl who plays the damsel in distress card, she knows how to handle others who do her wrong.

      All in all, Giselle can be describes as kind, innocent, fearless, and intensely mysterious. She’s hard to get through to however, and is very stubborn in her own opinions. She’s someone who thinks about others, and not of herself, which leads her to lead a very conflicted life as she really has no idea who she truly is as a person.

      Her Sister -Of course she likes her sister. Most of the time. Sometimes. Family is family.
      Animals - Ever since she was a child, she's adored any animal, and they seem to flock to her oddly enough. She especially loves wolves.
      Nighttime -She finds it brings a certain peace of mind. Stars are one of her most favourite things.
      Singing - She always sings, often to herself only. It something she'll just randomly start doing when she's bored or when she's nervous.
      Bad/Corny Jokes - Probably the single best way to get Giselle to laugh is to tell a really bad joke- the worser the better.
      Snow - Do not come in between this girl and snow. It's a pure joy she experiences.
      Hugs - What can she say- she's actually quite affectionate. That is, only to people she's comfortable with.
      Throwing Knives -It's an odd hobby she picked up.
      Honesty - It's a much desired trait she looks for in a person.

      False Nature - It's easy to tell when ones covering up their true nature. In Giselle's eyes, it's just another form of lying.
      Needless violence - She doesn't understand violence unless it's an act of self defence.
      Peaches - She's very allergic- who would like that fuzzy skin anyways? It's creepy.
      Death - As someone who's a spiritual user, it's something that she mores then anyone knows its an immanent and fragile thing. Death scares her most of all.
      Graveyards - Too many spirits there for her to handle.
      Photographs - She tends to scurry away when photos are being taken of her. She doesn't want to be imprinted on something so permanent feeling.
      High Heels - Giselle has learned to embrace her short nature- also she has a terrible center of balance and always trips while wearing them.
      Feeling Alone -Even if she's surrounded by a lot of people, she runs the risk of feeling alone. She struggles with her own emotions, and often disconnects from reality sometimes. She is fine actually being alone.



      Skillful - Giselle picks up random skills very easily, as she doesn't want to rely on her magic too much. She knows many random things that include, but is not limited to, hot wiring cars, survival skills, and of course, knife-throwing. It's more of a hobby really, when she's bored, she simply just tries and learns new things.
      Healing - She's an extremely skillful healer as per her specialty.
      Mediumship - She senses souls who have passed around her constantly, and can channel them. This is also because of her specialty.
      Fearless - She has no reservations about putting other before herself, or putting herself in dangerous situations for others, wether she likes them or not.

      Untrusting - Once she forms her opinion on someone, it's hard to change. She either trusts you fully, or is extremely cautious doing so.
      Stubborn - Her opinion doesn't change barley, and it leads to her being hard to get through to.
      Weak Immune System - She gets sick very easily and has to constantly watch as she doesn't get sick, as when she does, it's bad.
      Startles Easy - Any slight movement will often startle the very well-aware girl.

      Fear of death - Once again, she knows all too well the reality of death, and what can happen to those who pass over.
      Fear of confined spaces and being trapped - She can't stand being trapped and has panic attacks when is.
      Fear of being useless/helpless - As someone who always tries her best to help in any situation, she has a fear something drastic will happen and they'll be nothing she could do to help or fix it.




      Spiritual Magic

      With a specialty in spiritual power, Giselle is...






      Answer here. At least three paragraphs.

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Alicia Vikander

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ Ameliaisghostly

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Luna Delta; ઽ૮૨Α; Star★Child

So begins...

Giselle Vetula's Story