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The last House on Your left...

The last House on Your left...


At the end of the street there is an abandoned mansion said to be haunted by 3 sisters what happens when 3 teenage boys go in but don't come out are they dead or are they guests...

1,015 readers have visited The last House on Your left... since Maria-Chan created it.


At the end of the street there is a haunted mansion it is said that the ghosts of 3 sisters live there when 3 young teenage boys enter the mansion they find them self unable to get back when they open the front door all they find is the mansion is floating in endless darkness worst of all they find themselves running into the 3 suppose to be dead sisters there story is simple there father owned the mansion now they do the question is are they really dead or is the mansion a gateway to another realm the boys have to get back to earth within one day or they will be trapped like the sisters forever but even if they do find the secret to getting back will they want to or will they find themselves in love and unable to part...


Eldest sister (17): Kaiyori
Middle sister (16): Rioku
Youngest sister (15): Mika

Eldest boy (17): Memphis
Middle boy (16): Jonathan
Youngest boy (15): James

Note: the eldest boy is not obligated to fall in love with the eldest sister you can mix it up just make sure that every one has a lover and boys no fighting over the girls :P

Character sheet:

Name: (first is obligatory last and middle are optional)
Age: (specify if you are the eldest middle or youngest)
Role: (are you one of the sisters or one of the boys)
Personality: (bla bla bla you know the rest)
History: (you can be creative or have a normal average teenage life)
Crush: (witch of the boys or sisters are you interested in)
Appearance: (photo or link please make it anime )

And then your on your way welcome to the last house on your left...

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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(( YAY now that we have all the character spots filled we can start this thing XD yes im hyper i had cake :P ))

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(How should we start this off? :P)

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JJ had the house to himself. His parents had gone out for dinner with some business partners but it didn't really mean anything to him. He had played on his Xbox for a few hours but after that had become boring he had sat down to watch late night T.V which consisted mostly of programs like Big Brother and Ghost Hunters. He had channel hopped for a bit before deciding on a Most Haunted documentary. It was about he most haunted houses in the world and the things people said about them. They were currently interveiwing an old man who was the care taker of an abandoned hospital.
'...And there's screaming. Once I saw a lady dressed as a nurse...'
It was a load of rubbish really. JJ stuffed another handful of popcorn into his mouth as the woman came back on screen.
'And finally a mansion that used to belong to a doctor. It is not know what happened but the doctor had three daughters and all three vanished! Eye witnesses say that they have seen the girls as the windows and heard screams for help. Here is the grounds keeper, Mr Arnold.'
Another old man took the screen.
'Tho who go in dant eever coome aught.'
What a terrible accent
JJ ate another handful of popcorn. He knew that masion. It was quite close really. Maybe this would be the perfect time to prove that ghosts didn't exist. He had all the equipment to prove it, guilt presents from his parents, so why not. All he needed was a bit of help. Who did he know who would love to explore a 'haunted' house. He'd ask around tomorrow at school. Flipping the power switch he turned the lights off and headed up to bed.

((Hey I started ^^ it's not very good though XD I just really wanted to get this one going, hope thats ok))

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Kaiyori peered at through the dusty window of their mansion. Out side the only rusty gates of the home a van and a group of people were filming outside under the sun. She hissed in disgust as the heavy looking device a man was holding scanned through the unmaintained garden. "They're out side again..." She said in disgust not caring if anyone was actually listening to her. She hid behind the dark red curtain as the device pointed on the window. She could hear the muffled voices go into a panic.
"I saw something I swear!" A young man-- she guessed was the one who was carrying the camera-- screamed.
She couldn't understand the rest of the voices that were in a panic.
She couldn't resist the urge to play with their minds. She shook her hair wildly making it fall over her face, She crouched low only allowing the top of her head to be seen. She could see the small group peering into the window. She slammed her fist on the dusty glass and let out a scream. The scream was echoed by the screams of the humans below.
She couldn't help but laugh as she dragged her hand down to the ground. She leaned her back on the wall and laughed a little louder and ended the rare moment with a sigh. She started to feel sorry for herself. "What's wrong with me..." She whispered into the emptiness of the mansion.

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Mika stepped down the steps to see her sister, Kaiyori, messing with reporters or some other people again. She then saw Kaiyori lean against the wall and laugh to herself a little too loud, she really must be going crazy right? "Well for one, you're completely going insane. Second, you're laughing and talking to yourself. Three, well, you take pleasure in sick things as in messing with people's heads! What isn't wrong with you?" She teased as she slowly made her way closer to her sister with a playful smirk. "I'm only messing with you, nothing is wrong with you." She confidently said as she sat on an old couch that was out of site of the window, "I just thought I'd try to tease you since you were getting a little... Crazy." She stretched tiredly as she softly smiled, she swears that not only was Kaiyori crazy, but all of them.
"People will never stop coming to the house if you don't stop first, when you stop they will stop. Right? Just to say, they annoy me as well. Thinking we are a bunch of ghosts that got murdered or something, absurd people these days." Mika then looked around for any sign of Rioku and to where she might be. Maybe Rioku could help her with Kaiyori a little bit or at least they could all do something together before she completely lost her sanity.

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Kaiyori snapped back into her norlam hard faced self when she heard her sister's voice. "Well they're asking for it, I mean they go around to places that scares the living pants out of them and they scream when they see a door closing because of the wind." She shrugged standing up and draing the curtians to hide the two souls. "They're confused creatures; they look for something and when they find it they run away from it. If and When they decide what they want that's when I'll stop." She said smirking for a breif second before sitting infront of her sister.
She knew her youngest sibling was right thought, she probably was going crazy. Being what they are was fun for the first ten years, but as time passed the more it drove her to madness. Each and everyday they stay in the same house, see the same people. A foolish soul would appear every now and then but they would just be so scared that an accident always happens ending their own life--which explains why they never come out. But it wasn't their fault.
"It get's boring, even for me..." She says hitting her head against the wall.

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#, as written by Waste.
Chance sat with his feet up on his desk, wrapping a piece of string around his little finger then unwinding it, then winding it again. His dark eyes were focused on this process, the corners of his mouth turned down in his usual frown. He was tired, dark circles under his eyes, and his head hurt a little which was reason enough to have him in a bad mood. Although with Chance a bad mood was the norm. His eyes flicked up and around the classroom as students filed into the room, still winding the string. He moved his feet off of the desk and stood up, not feeling like school today, he'd came in, he'd seen it and now he was leaving. He slipped out of the room and into a bustling hallway, his hands falling into the pockets of his tight jeans as he walked, wide shoulders knocking smaller kids out of the way his frown turning into a slight grimace.

Honestly, he was bored, he didn't want to sit through another planned day and he half hoped to get kicked out. Then at least things would be a little more interesting. He nodded to a few girls who giggled with each other, although even they were not his interest today. He needed something more than them. Pushing open the main doors he made his way down the steps as a breeze ruffled his hair and sunk through his light blue shirt to chill his skin a little. He breathed in the fresh air, fishing keys out of his messenger bag he headed towards his motorcycle, planning to go for a long, fast and perhaps dangerous ride.

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Mika slightly looked disappointed to see her sister go from laughing to being her regular cold looking self again, she wished that Kaiyori had gone insane. Just so she could see her laughing and smiling at least to herself if not with anybody else... "Well maybe soon enough, someone will come and actually try to figure out something. Like some weird ghost hunters or something absurd?" She shrugged to her sister who was now sitting in front of her, "It would be nice to see anybody but you guys, not that I don't love you! You know... I just feel like I'm going insane since we are always trapped in this house." She frowned at Kaiyori sadly as she shrugged again with a disappointed look.
Deep inside, Mika knew that nobody was ever going to come to see them. Nobody. Everyone just ran away in fear and this killed her inside, she longed to talk to someone else but shook the thoughts. "Now now, come on. No need to go denting the wall," She teased trying to get her sister to smile like she had before.

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Kaiyori smiled wishing what her sister said was true. Oh how she pleaded for some one to come here and not be afraid. Some one who will actually listen to them and understand what they want, what they feel. But who was she kidding, that would never happen. Not in the long decades that they still lived through. If it didn't happen then, what are the chances of it to happen now? "Ghost hunters? Pathetic." She said still hitting her head on the old concrete. "All they need to do is to just sit and listen. But they have all that pathetic equipment to pretend that there's some one there." She spat out at disgusts. She couldn't help but let out a small faint chuckle as she stopped her rhythmic movement. "Well find me something interesting to do and I'll stop making my mark." She said rolling her eyes and continuing her earlier movement. The sound of the light collision echoing through the walls.

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Mika smiled happily as she saw her sister smiling, feeling rather accomplished and bubbly. "Come on Kaiyori, stop that. At least there would be someone to spook that's inside right? I mean, everything is fake about them but it's not if they are or not, just that someone else is in here!" She exclaimed as trying to get it through her sisters head, which was still being bashed against that wall. How could she stand doing that? Maybe she had gone insane a long time ago, that would explain a lot... Kaiyori was always really wearing a cold, hard expression but before she used to fun and happy all the time. Mika was really missing that sister now, not the one that spoke harshly or that very extremely strict with her. It was all so different before they got stuck in here, now everything was just ruined and lonely.
"You know if there was something interesting to do that we haven't done after these long years, I would be doing it already! Come on now, I literally hear your skull cracking now!!" Mika threw her hands in front of her sister's head and the concrete, wincing painfully every time her sister hit her head against her hand. She worried too much about her sisters, even doing this small amount of damage scared her. Whenever she got that worried feeling she shrugged it off as her caring and loving nature kicking in, probably not only for her sisters but since they were so important to her, she worried more about them than anything in the world.

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Kaiyori finally stopped hitting her head when she felt her skull crashing into something soft. She pulled her hand away from her head and brought it to her face, leaving small kiss on the center of her palm. "Sorry, Mika." She said in a soft caring manner, the same way their mother spoke to them and apologized when ever she accidentally hurt her daughters. She couldn't help but miss the life that they had. They all use to be happy, even the strict Kaiyori use to be the clown. But one day she just woke up and looked at herself in the mirror; she couldn't find her reflection in the glass which terrified her. Secretly she was more scared of what her and her sisters are then people who are scared of them. All she wanted was for the three of them to just rest, but she no matter how much they tried they couldn't. After ten years of trying she finally gave up and turned into the scary monster she is now, never showing a tear or letting a warm smile appear on her face.
"I'll stop...I'll stop..." She said standing up and ruffling the smaller girl's hair. "I wonder though...when a another fool will enter our home..." She said in a twisted way. "Wouldn't it be fun to have a new toy t play with, even just for a couple of days?"

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When Kaiyori kissed her hand, Mika felt a lot better because it was motherly the way she just spoke to her. Even though she never was close to her parents, she suddenly missed them extremely and how they acted. Realizing how long they had been in this house as, what she thought, ghosts she wondered if her parents were even alive anymore. Did they miss her at all when she "died"? This saddened her to the bottom of her heart but quickly shook it off, she wouldn't show it in front of her sister. Right now she didn't want to seem weak, no matter what.
"Kaiyori! You sound like a malicious mad man right now! I wouldn't want to scare or hurt anybody while they are here... That is just mean." Mika pouted towards her sister who had just ruined her hair but she didn't care, who would even see it besides her sister? Who would care?

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Kaiyori couldn't hold a hard face any longer; she allowed herself to smiled and laugh lightly. "You know I'm just messing with you, Mika." She said in rare playful tone as she lightly pinched her cheek. "Play time doesn't always mean scaring them. I simply meant we need a new face in this house." She shrugged walking over the the window and peered slightly into the opening of the curtain. She was a little relieved to see that the reports were gone now. She drew open the heavy cloths allowing sunlight to enter the room. She looked at the position of the sun and guessed that it was around late in the afternoon. Soon the sun will set and darkness will be filled in again. Nothing will ever change in this house, not too soon. "Fix your hair little monkey." She said to her sister slowly turning back to her monster self. "You look scarier then normal."

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Mika smiles brightly as she realized her sister had brightened herself for once in a long time while talking to someone and not herself, "You said it in like a... Wicked ton, that's why I thought the worst! I agree with you though, another face would be very nice." She watched quietly as Kaiyori opened the curtains and then she fell to the ground, "NOT THE SUN!" Mika playfully screamed as she rolled on the ground, messing her hair more than it was. Sometimes she loved to act like she was something she wasn't, she still felt human. So today she felt like being a vampire, no sun for her today or she might literally die this time.
Usually she never really stayed this long with her sister unless they were absolutely bored of their minds, Mika was usually very independent as she would entertain herself by pretending to be someone else or read a cookbook. She didn't know why she even still read, it's not like she can ever become a chef now. It was too insane to possibly still want that to be her future... "No way! I'm not scary..." Even though she said she wouldn't fix her hair she quickly brushed through it with her fingers and braided it into one long braid that went over her shoulder comfortably.

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Rioku stepped up the stairs first thing she saw was her little sister rolling around the floor Rioku smiled "sense when is Mika scary" Rioku smirked at her sister's playfully her own messy red hair falling in her face "so witch one of you scared the news reporters this time" Rioku said staring at her older sister a slightly evil grin on her face it seemed every time a news group came near the house one of her sisters or her took it as an opertunaty to scare people out but it was fun to watch the superstitious people scream point and run for cover like the house would eat them alive even tho it was firmly fixed to the ground...

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#, as written by Lycos
Memphis sat on the bleachers of the school gym, looking up at the ceiling as those around him continued their conversation. "What do you think? Memphis?" He looked down at them with a have dazed expression and quickly put on a smile. "I'm fine with whatever." He stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Crap. I forgot my textbook at home." He put his jacket on and ran for the door. "I'll be back in a bit!" running out the door, he sprinted through the hall and outside. cutting through yards and hopping fences to try and get home as soon as possible. As he ran he pulled out his cellphone and slowed down. "I won't make it at this rate. Not unless I..." He looked down the street to the side of the way he was At the end of it was an old, dark house. He had always seen it on his way home, but never paid any attention to it, he just stayed away. However, if he cut through its yard, he would only have to run two more blocks rather than five. Stuffing his phone into his pocket he began running toward the house until he stood in front of it. "It seems... inviting. I just need to cut through the yard. That's all." He stood there, seemingly unable to even try and hop the fence. He might have been more willing if it wasn't a week day and everyone was either at work or school.

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Mika looked over to see Rioku while she was braiding her hair, "Rioku!! Of course it wasn't me, it was the insane one right there. She did another dying scene." With a flick of a finger she was pointing at Kaiyori with a soft smirk on her face, "And thank you, at least someone noticed I'm not scary!" She stood up on her feet as she smiled, "Where've you be Rioku?" Stretching her arms above her head, she was always asking questions but she didn't mean to be curious, just interested.

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Rioku smirked "i was taking a nap when the news crew woke me up because somebody faked another dying scene" Rioku stared at Kaiyori "Kaiyori is not insane she just bored out of her mind can't say i blame her how many years have we been stuck in here playing menopoly..."
Rioku smirked and sat down on the floor bored she really was sick of just playing board games and eating pop corn they needed something to do before they really did become insane Rioku had spent an hour hitting tennis ball against a wall that morning.

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Mika looked at her sisters, "I think everyone is insane from boredom... After, what? 9 years maybe?" She shrugged not knowing the answer but uninterested feeling that they'll just be stuck there for another 10 years. "Who's counting though?"
A though hit Mika, "Hey how do we never run out of popcorn!? Yet it can't add new board games or new books or something..." She sighed in agony caused by boredom, today she felt a little irritable. Not enough to make her mad but enough to make her on edge, she hadn't slept very well.

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Rioku looked at her little sister "good point maybe we should leave a paper with a list of stuff we want like a flat screen t-v or something" Rioku mused at the thought of any one actually finding the list and getting stuff for them it would cure there boredom for a little whys anyway Rioku looked out the window "maybe if we built a rocket we could get out of here"

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"I'll go get the paper!" Mika teased, she knew that no one would ever come close enough to see the list. Much less go and buy them what they want, they were supposedly dead. "A rocket? Do you think we can go to moon?" The small girl smiled to herself as she looked at her shoes, if she could get stuck in this house then why not get stuck on the moon?

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Kaiyori shook her head turning back to the strict older sisters. "Don't be stupid you two." She hissed at her yonger sister. "Stop inserting non-seance into little Mika's mind." She said rolling her eyes leaning on the wall. She wanted to get out of this house as much as her sisters did. She didn't blame them for thinking of idiotic things to do in the house. "And anyway if you get stuck on the moon what would you do there?" She said lightening up a little. "I mean there's not a single soul to scare or whatever. Unless you count creepy aliens." The eldest sister said smirking a little.

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Rioku smirked "on the moon there no gravity heck id just float around reading books catching chips i don't know it would be better then this run down place" Rioku yawned "plus im kinda tired of creeping people out its so boring now a days" Rioku smirked now a days the only one who came near the here were the superstitious or the few dumb teenager that had bet there reputation on staying in the house for longer then a minute at one point there was even a gang of ghost busters trying to catch Rioku Mika and Kaiyori on tape only to chicken out and run away after no longer then 1 minute...

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Mika smiled at Rioku, no gravity would be nice and a lot funner than just walking normally. Imagine that, floating around while trying to sleep... Maybe the moon was any good but anything was better than this house now. "Well, nobody comes by now except reporters and they don't even come on to the yard... Only sidewalk. How sickening they are to me." She growled under her breath as thinking about it. Hoping in time that maybe, just maybe, someone would come in and not run out when they see them in that house.

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Kaiyori gave out a sigh, tilting her said to the side and looked out the open window. Maybe living on the moon wasn't such a bad idea. She shook her head getting her thoughts out of the clouds. "Well maybe we should fix up this house." She said in a joking manner. "Maybe if we put out the old welcome sign or if we fix up the garden it would look more welcoming, and people might at least make it to the kitchen." She smirked a little at the thought of fixing their old mansion. At least it would give them something to do for a couple of months, instead of just walking around and slowly loosing their sanity. She wouldn't be surprise if they already lost it.

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Character Portrait: Rioku
Character Portrait: Kaiyori


Character Portrait: Kaiyori

the eldest sister that lives in the house

Character Portrait: Rioku

The middle sister who is extremely clumsy


Character Portrait: Kaiyori

the eldest sister that lives in the house

Character Portrait: Rioku

The middle sister who is extremely clumsy

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Character Portrait: Kaiyori

the eldest sister that lives in the house

Character Portrait: Rioku

The middle sister who is extremely clumsy

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I, uh... i really don't know how to respond...

Re: [OOC] The last House on Your left...

Agreed O.O we should get started :3
-is obviously very excited about this roleplay-

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Can we just start now all the characters are here?

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