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Hakuchō Hikōno

"Are you talking to me...? Can you... stop that?"

0 · 464 views · located in Blanchett Manor

a character in “The Lines Between Black and White”, as played by Monochrome


Hakuchō Hikōno

Role: Just a Demi-god.

Gender: Male
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Haku
Age: 20
Love Interest: Not yet needed.

Appearance: Haku has silvery-white hair. While it's length varies on his mood while he has a haircut, it tends to stay at least below his shoulders. As of now, his hair it cut about halfway between the centre of his back and his shoulder blades. It is often resting on his left shoulder and has an odd loop of hair tied in the middle. His bangs, however, are simply chin length. Haku's eyes are a violent red, which is a bit shocking since red eyes are extremely rare, but Haku isn't exactly human anyway. His eyes tend to give away what he's feeling; if he's excited, they'll sparkle slightly, and when he's angry they'll look like a spark has gone off.

As for expression, Haku is generally quite grumpy. He almost always has a frown like he wants to silence anyone speaking. However, when there is silence, or the conversation interests him, he takes on a peaceful expression and you can really tell if he's listening or not. Two of he rarest things Haku will ever do is smile and laugh. His father says he should smile more, as he has the smile of an angel and the laugh of an innocent child. Haku, however, is pretty much convinced his father is insane so Haku has given up on listening to his odd advice. Then again, he does smirk a lot.

Having an over-protective father has kind of shielded the boy from scars and so on. However, there is a long, vertical scar down his side, going from under his ribcage to his hip. The boy's complexion is also really pale, to the point that if he's cold, he'll almost go a deathly white. As for height and all that, Haku is quite tall. However, having a small build (in terms of shoulders and hips), he looks rather on the skinny side. Plus, his weight is just below average for someone with his height an build. It seems he took after his mother in terms of beauty and his father in height.

Preferred Clothing: Something smart. Haku often wears a waistcoat and some trousers with a formal shirt, and maybe a jacket if it's cold. Despite his usual formal dress, he dislikes ties and will do everything not to wear one.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 151lbs
Hair Color: Snow white
Eye Color: Rose red (See what I did there...?)

Notable Features: His hair is quite noticeable, but it's usually his eyes which draw people in.

Personality: Haku has what his father, rather nicely, describes as a 'social disadvantage'. His excuse for this is that people talk so goddamn much, he's given up on listening to their fruitless conversations. He's actually a right Dandere, not communicating with anyone he finds even remotely annoying but talking ridiculous amounts with his parents.

When Haku is around his friends, he tends to... keep his 'cool' (not that he tries. It really just comes naturally). Haku's attitude is like ice. He'll freeze up on you completely if you try and make conversation, but if you start naturally speaking to him like you've known each other forever, his front will melt and he'll listen.

When Haku listens, it's really obvious. If he finds the conversation interesting, his red eyes will gleam and he won't take his attention of the speaker, unless he is doing something else. Also, he has terrible multi-talking skills, having to stop when drinking or reading something, and will often completely stop what he's doing and pack that away to to something as simple as get a drink. When Haku get angry, he gets bloody raging angry. He'll literally do a heel-turn on his usually calm demeanour and switch on his annoyed-dinosaur-blazing-fire-which-could-break-meteors mode. It's really quite scary, since his eyes appear to take on a new shade of red: blood red.

Normally, however, Haku seems to have adopted not talking to people. It's something natural he can do, and he somehow has the ability to ward off even the most talkative of people. Plus, genki-girls, or just peppy people in general tend to really annoy the hell out of him. Like his name, Hakuchō, Haku has adapted the elegance of a swan. As his nickname, Haku, also means white, he is actually is quite pure and innocent for someone who acts so snarky and rude most of the time. If someone walked up to him and said something suggestive or inappropriate, he would just stare at them blankly, and maybe he'll tilt his head.

The white-haired boy can be quite obsessive over cleaning. Seriously, he carries around a small cleaning kit which he composed himself. However, this small OCD only takes over when the place he is living isn't clean. To be honest, he doesn't care much for any other rooms, other than the one he has to sleep in.

One thing you wouldn't expect out of this quiet, easily annoyed person, is that he can be remarkably kind without realising. He'll act on instinct without another word, and will almost never accept any words of thanks. Also, he doesn't have the ability to say 'no' to people who say 'please'. As long as they say that simple word, he will literally do anything. His father keeps telling him only to say yes if he wants to, but Haku just gets really confused.

Haku tends to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, 10:48 PM and 8:00 AM, unless something stirs him. And he rarely ever sleeps on his bed. He just falls asleep wherever, as long as he feels safe and he is in his room. Usually, people never go drinking with him, since he's the complete opposite to his normal self. His friends call it his 'night form', as if from a video game, where he'll be sharp and insulting, listing all his problems and blaming other people for it. His real 'Night Form' tends to be when someone wakes him from his slumber, where he'll be quiet and usually growl out his words, tired out of his mind. If his sleeping routine is altered in any way, he'll be snappy and grumpy for the whole day, but another night of sleep or a nap should solve that.

Being a curious person, Haku tends to carry around a small notebook where he can jot down everything he sees. He's observant, so he always notices even the smallest things, even if he doesn't know that counts as 'observant'. He always says if he had any abnormal powers, he'd use them for evil, but he'd probably never use them at all. He also has a habit of sticking out his tongue, even if the situation is completely wrong.

One of the reasons he doesn't speak to people is probably because he fears not being accepted by others around him. Though it's a secret hidden deep beneath layers and layers of denial and pride, Haku actually cares what others think of him. He'll never admit it, not in a million years. He probably wouldn't even accept it secretly. Since a young age, and since a... certain tragedy, he has convinced himself not to trust others and not to listen unless he finds the conversation beneficial to his well being. In fact, Haku tends to put across a lot of his emotions with silences. A happy silence deserves a smile, or he'll just stare at whoever deserves his silence and hope they'll work out what he'd trying to do.

Generally, Haku is really paranoid. He always leaves the house with some sort of fear, and even though it may seems he is, for example, staring at the floor, he is actually taking in his surroundings and observing everything around him. He's one of those people who stays quiet and will lie if he's upset or annoyed. Really, he's almost impossible to read.

Oddities: He always opens a door, closes it and then opens it again before leaving the room. Plus, his insane fear of spiders can lead him to jumping on the furniture as if the floor was lava and squealing like a little girl. He also seems to have taken after his mother, in the way that when he finds something ridiculous, he lets out a short laugh which sounds a little like "Hah!"

Charm Points: His silent manners, or his snow-white hair.

Likes: Tea, cats, books, thunder/lightning, Thursdays, peace/quiet, people who stay quiet when he tells them to, his parents
Dislikes: Mondays, rats, butterflies, sun, loud/noisy areas, loud/noisy people, people who continue talking after receiving the evils, blood
Hobbies: Reading, drawing (his doodles are surprisingly adorable)

Arachnophobia - Phobia of spiders
This is probably one of his biggest fears. Ever.
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity
Books have made him scared of this.
Trypanophobia- Fear of injections
Injections, and needles, scare the life out of him.
Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors
Probably because his father always badmouthed the doctor (who was a family friend) when he was at a very young age and scared the life out of him.
Koniophobia- Fear of dust
"... I think we've explained this..."
Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure
Growing up in a family where he was taught failure was wrong, he fears failure, or more precisely, being hated by his own mother.

Skills: Haku plays the violin, being at a high level. Since he started learning how to play the instrument as a child, he has gotten rather good. Also, although others may not consider this a skill (Haku does), he has the ability to completely zone out and stop listening to someone.

It also seems the only food he can cook are snack-like foods. He also has a certain way to make instant food. It's very specific and he always sticks to the same routine. Also, one of the most impressive things about Haku are his acting skills. He always puts on a role perfectly. Since his regular personality is so nonchalant, it's weird to see him change into someone completely different when reading a certain character's part in a book.
Personal History: Haku was born into a strange family. He already had an older sister, half sister, who was a full goddess. Also, his mother Angelia, daughter of Hermes, was a goddess. His father, however, was a simple human. Haku had the privilege to grow up with his quirky father, and he even got to talk to his mother regularly. On weekend, she stayed over with him and his father. Haku was actually quite a cheerful child, always talking. He became interested in the violin when his mother was playing it. She claimed her father wanted her to play a harp, but she preferred the violin.

He grew up around a loving family with few problems to worry about as a child. Even from a young age, he started to show signs of intelligence, and even more so when he grew up. When he was eight, he passed at the top of his class. Instead of being resented, he was slightly respected by his friends in his class.

A few things changed, however, at a certain point in his life. Now that he thought back, everything probably started when he mentioned her. That's right, he decided, at the age of ten, that he wanted to finally meet his sister he'd heard so much about. His sister, Aryanna. The one he'd looked up to, even thought they'd never met.

When Angelia brought Ary around one weekend, Haku was a bit shocked. He never expected his sister to be this smiley on their first meeting. However, she gave him the smile of an angel and he talked to her. His parents looked onto them, smiling, and went off to give them some sibling-bonding time. Ary instantly changed, picking Haku up by his neck. She then proceeded to call him names, swore as him and threw him on the ground. Once he was on the floor, she gave him a few kicks and he burst into tears, sobbing. His father ran in, and Ary told him Haku had tripped over while they were playing a game. Haku didn't even dare speak up. Then Angelia decided it might be nice for Ary to live with Haku and his father, Shiro.

This continued for days, weeks, months, years even. During this time, Haku became a lot more introverted and lost his trust in people. He then became entranced in the violin, playing it at every opportunity. His sister would proceed to tease him about it, and he lost all his friends due to his sudden change of heart. His parents became worried and tried including him even more in family activities, which only made Ary angrier and Haku quieter. 

The boy finally snapped, however, when he was playing his violin, the one his mother had gotten him no less, and Ary snatched it before smashing it across the wall. Haku immediately launched at her, angry as a lion as he used the neck of his now-broken violin to pin his sister to the ground. Shiro had walked in and seized Haku, who was now raging and couldn't stop his anger as he tried to attack his older sister.

After that, the boy simply sunk into silent tears, shocking his father, and then collapsed. When he woke up, he was in his bed, yet the only person next to him way Ary.

Haku screamed and rolled over to his side as Ary slashed his side, slicing through his clothing and deep into the skin. That was where he got the long scar on his side from. His sister had yelled how much she hated him and Angelia moved the girl out, letting her live on her own. Haku, however, did not changed and stayed as introverted as ever. In fact, he resorted to barely speaking at home. His parents had no clue what to do, so they simply tried everything. It seemed Haku scared his therapist into resigning by staring at her. Since his eyes carry his emotions, that's actually quite probable. However, in the single year between the ages of nineteen and twenty, he has become closer to his parents. They just got used to the fact that he wasn't going to go back to the same small child as before.

A few weeks ago, Shiro fell ill to an unknown illness. Since his mother only visited on weekends, he had to make do and move out. Soon enough, he found Blanchett Manor and, even though he didn't fancy the idea of sharing a house with other people, his parents seemed suspiciously insistent.

Theme Song: Time is Running Out - Muse
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

Other: Anything else that does not fit in the app, stick it here.

So begins...

Hakuchō Hikōno's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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Hakuchō Hikōno

Hakuchō sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Despite having the need to go back to sleep, the boy stood up, battling the overpowering heat surging through his room. He walked over to the window quietly, opening it and peering out. Nothing.

How had he woken up? Well, it was almost the time he usually woke up, but seriously, he always woke up at eight. Always. He felt he'd been woken up by someone's singing of some sort, but gave the thought up and sighed, stepping to his closet. Haku stared at the choices of clothing he'd brought with him. It was quite hot that day, so maybe wearing his usual jacket was a ridiculously stupid idea. Yes, yes it is. he told himself calmly, picking out black trousers, a white shirt and a grey waistcoat.

Haku sighed, his hand finding his phone and seeing the seven messages there. They were all from his mother. The most recent one said 'I hope you've settled in already.'. Haku replied with a quick 'I have.' and placed the phone down onto his bed. The boy sat on his bed in exasperation.

Within a few seconds, he received a text back. He sighed, a small, almost invisible smile on his face. 'Really? Oh, I'm glad. Your father says hello, I think. Would you like to visit him on Saturday with me?'. Haku set the phone down. He might as well answer later. If he texted back now, he'd just be replied to in a matter of minutes.

The boy paused, opened the door, closed it, and then reopened it and entered the bathroom. Already, one of his odd quirks was showing. He sighed, getting in the shower.

He'd arrived a few days earlier, his beauty of a mother accompanying him. She'd offered to carry some of his things, but the boy had refused to let her carry everything and had walked in rather nonchalantly, like the boxes reaching over his head in his arms weren't dealing him any trouble. He'd informed the landlady in the morning of his arrival later on, so he took his things to his room and settled down. Soon enough, he said goodbye to his mother and, rather uncharacteristically, hugged her like a small child despite being taller than the woman herself. As she left, he kissed her hand and she waved, even when he'd returned to his room. Hakuchō sighed as he exited the shower, the thought of his mother leaving stuck in his mind. It didn't matter anyway. He'd see her when he went to visit his father, Shiro.

He'd been his since Saturday. What day was it now? Haku changed into his clothes lazily, picking up his phone and pressing the centre button to see the time and date flash on the screen. Ah. So it is Tuesday today? he thought, now buttoning his shirt up all the way and then slipping his waistcoat on. Haku's long hair sat on his left shoulder, looking newly washed. It lay there, peacefully untouched. The loop which was usually in his hair was absent for the day and not hairbands were in his hair at all. Since it was morning and he wasn't going anywhere, Haku didn't feel the need to put his hair up.

Just then, the boy heard quite a commotion downstairs. Or rather, outside. He walked over to his window slowly, seeing a girl, two boys and a man. He raised an eyebrow, but saw they were all carrying boxes. Plus, they were surrounded by bodyguards. The girl must come from a well-off family or something.

Haku heard the door being knocked loudly, even from upstairs so he grabbed his phone and stuffed it in his pocket before going downstairs. Just before he headed down the staircase, he said "Miss Alessa, I'll open the door. I think it's a new tenant.". To be honest, he just said this in case she was awake. There was a high chance she wasn't, being the time it was, but Amaryllis, her niece, was already up and about (and singing).

The door was soon in front of him, and he opened the door, closed it, and then opened it fully. This weird habit showed, but Haku acted as though it were completely normal, even though the bodyguards stared at him a bit oddly. "New tenant." he half-mumbled, mostly to himself, and took his hand out of his trouser pockets, folding them elegantly over his chest. Like a swan, he stood with his body weight leaning to one side. "Will Miss be needing help moving in, or will you all be coming inside? If so, please, do not wake Miss Alessa." he said simply, opening the door fully for the bodyguards to stalk in.

Haku's eyes looked from bodyguard to bodyguard, before his eyes lay on the tallest man. He looked at him for a second, before his eyes glided to the two boys. Although anyone would be fazed by this party on the doorstep, Haku kept completely composed as his rose red eyes glided over to the girl in the centre of all this commotion. Secretly, he guessed that this girl was the one moving in. Considering the snippets of conversation he'd heard earlier, she was the one moving in for sure. Unless one of the boys was called 'Ai'. Hakuchō kinda wished he hadn't left his window open. Then, he wouldn't have had to listen to their conversation. Not that he was tied to his room and forced to listen, but for someone with such observational skills, it was kinda hard not to.

However, when the boy's eyes met her, he felt a slight, if very small, pang of recognition. As usual, he let absolutely nothing show on his face.

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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#, as written by xKyrie

"Will Miss be needing help moving in, or will you all be coming inside? If so, please, do not wake Miss Alessa."

Staring silently as their bodyguards one by one slowly started entering the manor with the rest of her things upon Axel's nod, she studied the boy in front of them. Of all the people who would open the door this morning, why did it have to be a boy? She wryly thought, feeling a mix of amusement and hesitation with the particular scene.

She knew how protective her brothers get and because of this she hoped that they would not read the situation differently. As far as she knew she had thoroughly explained her would-be situation inside the manor. It wasn't like her to sugarcoat things and fully aware of how defensive Axel gets whenever she's within five feet radius of another boy - a stranger to be exact, she had told them about things as honestly as she could. (This meant everything actually)
She told them that though Blanchett Manor is owned by a young woman, it was also opened for people of the opposite gender. She didn't have the exact numbers of the other occupants, but she had heard that there was a considerable number of male and female staying at the place. She explained all of this from the very start in order to avoid the intermittent investigation that her brothers would surely do once they had heard her utter the words: "temporarily leaving home to have a change of pace". She knew that it wasn't unusual for Argylle to hire a private investigator and all that CIA stuff. Her brothers greatly prided on having a lot more connection than a high-ranking government official have. They usually do things in an impeccable and meticulous manner. They sometimes (OK, that was too much downplaying) – they more often than not, get ridiculous with the way they handle a situation, especially when it comes to her.

A perfect example of this was the incident on her last school. She had been intentionally badly hurt and shouted at by one of the instructors teaching math. She wasn't able to answer the question, and in her fury, the said teacher threw the eraser on her. Even though she tried hard not to tell this to them, not wanting things to get bigger than it was supposed to be, this information had unfortunately reached her brothers’ ears. Their retaliation had been abrupt and straightforward. Axel and Argylle immediately placed the teacher on probation (and eventual permanent ban) right after garnering enough evidence to rebuke the said person’s license. Due to the never-ending connections associated with their family name, Axel had successfully “fired” the teacher along with the other three more recently discovered corrupted and terror-like instructors of the Academy. After that they did a thorough background check of every nook and cranny of the school personnel, from the top-level management up to the janitorial staff. Such action scared both the students and the school administrative and ever since then, nobody dared to cross paths with Aina. It was also because of that, why the naturally blue-haired girl had a hard time to find friends both at school and at home.

Ever since that particular incident their protectiveness level increased two-folds, up to the point that it had been undeniably suffocating.

It was only when her father stepped in and took control of things that she got some freedom of sorts. He was the only reason that Argy and Axy stopped with their pushiness. He urged them to let her learn about both the pleasing and bitter things there are, instead of encasing her in a glass walled life. He told them that the best educator would be both practice and experience, and Ai would definitely never grow up if they continue their over protectiveness. She was thankful that after that they had learned to loosen their hold on her and made her experience different aspects of life –both good and bad.

Now faced with this scenario, she wondered. She didn’t know if there were already other female tenants, aside from the landlady and her niece living in this place. Surely Axel, the more protective one would take note of this small detail with careful deliberation. And it would be, even for an optimist like her, be a disastrous scenario if her father would join in her brothers’ “Protect Aina to the very core propaganda”. She had enough of those to last several lifetimes and she really rather felt as if there is something she needed to do at this place. However, she won’t be able to do that if her they wouldn’t let her go.

Sighing yet truly warmed with the idea of having such loving family, she boldly met the boy’s red eyes and smiled.

He was taller, taller than her brothers if she’s not mistaken, she noted curiously staring at him. He was also handsome. With his long white-hair freely let out, adding to that cold and mysterious allure he had in his aura, he looked striking.

“Are you related to Ms. Alessa Beaulieu?” Her father’s authoritative voice suddenly spoke causing Aina to turn to him abruptly. Hearing the bland tone in his inquiry, she readied herself to whatever reaction he will have. She noticed Axel and Argylle, while looking shocked themselves, standing straight at the corner just waiting patiently. She knew that only one word from her dad and they would drag her out of Blanchett Manor without further ado, no matter how much she argued with them.

Deafening silence followed that simple statement and Aina can clearly feel the tension in the air.

Panicking at levels she didn’t know was possible enough for her, she did the only thing she can do. She started walking towards the white-haired boy and she reached a hand out. She stopped in front of him and raised herself in tip toes, unintentionally blurting out something so random compared to their current situation as she seemingly reached out for his hair. “I like the color of your hair… it’s so unique.” She beamed at him almost touching his hair, when she retracted her hand ‘til the last minutes, changing her mind.

Awkward silence followed and even the bodyguards felt the uncomfortable atmosphere between them.

Argylle, as if sensing some impending danger or something near, immediately went towards her and lightly carried her by the waist some distance away from the boy. It was not a moment later when the ground seemed to forcibly shake, surprising each one of them. Fear and confusion evident in their faces, they craned their heads to look for the direction of the disturbance,. Their eyes meeting each other several times, they once again got bewildered, when a weird giggling sound was heard from the direction of their father.

Slowly tilting her head in confusion, Aina found him, covering his mouth with his hand. His face slightly hidden and his head slightly bowed; the black-haired girl couldn’t be mistaken with the sounds coming out of his mouth. Understanding what had made her father entertained, she too laughed lightly along with him.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Alastair started saying, still trying to compose himself. He wiped his face and eyed the white-haired boy in front.
“Ai, I hope that you will have fun here, my little butterfly,” he walked towards her, arms spread out as he waited for his daughter’s embrace. She then stepped away from her brother’s grasp and hugged the older man. “Just contact us for any problem you may have, m’kay?” Alastair asked lovingly, tightening the hug.
“Axel and Argylle, I’m going to allow Aina to temporarily stay here so I hope you do the same for her.” He said smilingly as he turned at the two, an edge of warning evident in his voice. He then set his green eyes to the seemingly detached boy who had opened the door for them, “I won’t be forcing my way in just to talk to Ms. Alessa today but I do hope that you’d let my little butterfly get settled in just fine,” he surreptitiously raised an eyebrow in inquiry with a hint of challenge in his stance. “I am Alastair Ederra. These are my children, Axel – the one on the right, Argylle, and Aina. She will be living here at Blanchett Manor. We will be taking our leave now.”

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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Hakuchō Hikōno

“Are you related to Ms. Alessa Beaulieu?” said the man and Haku looked up, first meeting the girl's eyes before looking at her father. He shook his head, before reaching out and pulling his hair behind his ear. His eyes studied the man in front of him. Yep, he definitely looked like their father, or at least a relative like an uncle or something. Haku found himself mulling over every possible relative who could look like their father but be even hardly related. He even went through second cousins and so on. Hakuchō didn't even notice how awkward the situation was at that exact moment. The silence hung in the air like humidity, and even the bodyguards looked tense. Haku, however, just looked away to his right.

Haku looked back to the family; the girl was now closer than before and maybe a tiny bit too close for comfort. His eyes flicked to her, seeing her hand reach out to his hair and he sighed. Although he didn't understand why, people always found his hair mysterious and often so intriguing they had to touch it.

But, however, most of those people got jealous or annoyed and decided to bully him for it or something ridiculous. “I like the color of your hair… it’s so unique.” the girl said, beaming at him happily as her hand almost touched his hair. Now, if someone didn't know Haku well, like this girl, then they'd probably think he was completely emotionless about this whole situation and was just taking it very well. However, that was not the case.

In his eyes, there was a slight flicker of surprise. Most people don't like the colour of my hair... he thought, looking at the girl with a slight, confused frown. One of the brothers quickly sped towards the girl and grabbed her away, carrying her awkwardly by the waist. Hakuchō raised his eyebrow slightly, looking at him. The ground seemed to shake, but even as everyone around him looked oddly startled, Haku couldn't help but smirk. It wasn't a mean or spiteful smirk. It was, rather, a fun and quirky smirk. Fact: this is very rare and has never been photographed.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Haku's eyes easily met the male-family-member-an-possible-father-person's eyes. “Ai, I hope that you will have fun here, my little butterfly,” The girl had walked towards her father's lovingly open arms and embraced the older man. “Just contact us for any problem you may have, m’kay?”

“Axel and Argylle, I’m going to allow Aina to temporarily stay here so I hope you do the same for her.” The man smiled, and Haku looked up. It wasn't at the ceiling, but rather at the sky. I can feel you watching me you know, mother? What do you want me to do? Join in the hug. . .? “I won’t be forcing my way in just to talk to Ms. Alessa today but I do hope that you’d let my little butterfly get settled in just fine,” the man raised his eyebrow, and Hakucho did the same, crossing his arms. “I am Alastair Ederra. These are my children, Axel – the one on the right, Argylle, and Aina. She will be living here at Blanchett Manor. We will be taking our leave now.”

"I'm Hakuchō Hikōno. It's nice to meet you, sir." he said, before turning his attention to Aina. It seemed she was the one who would be moving into the manor with them. "I will do my best to make sure Miss Aina enjoys her time here and settles in rapidly." he said, his nonchalant voice now laced with honesty.

"Well then, Miss Aina. Would you like to tour the manor with me?" he said, holding out a hand to the girl in front of him. He truly looked like a gentleman. Then, the near-impossible happened: Hakuchō smiled and it was genuine too. Like his mother often said, he really had the smile of an angel. In an instant, the awkward, tense and odd air vanished as his blood-red eyes twinkled. This Aina girl really made him really curious. He felt as if they'd met.

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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#, as written by xKyrie

Her eyes had shined with mirth and gratefulness the moment that her father said the final verdict. Considering that he had been rather quiet when she had propositioned this to them few months ago, it was really enlightening to hear him backing her up. In fact it was Argylle who had been particularly hard to convince, it took several bribes and promises before he gave his permission. And even after that, Argy wasn’t wholly supportive of the idea. Now that her father agreed, she knew that it wouldn’t be that hard for them to let her go.

Smiling widely, she looked at her brothers as Alastair introduced them one by one to the white-haired boy. When she heard about them, leaving immediately soon after, she turned inquisitively. She thought they would stay for few hours at the manor. The two-hour long travel wasn’t that easy and she figured it would be better for them to take some rest first.

Dressed in casual jeans and polo-shirts of differing colors and styles, she was certain that her brothers and father wasn’t going to be at work or any appointment early that morning. Argy had mentioned a week before about visiting an orphanage where he, along with his assistant planned to do a volunteer checkup for all the children. It was something that he did during every other Tuesday but he had made arrangements to clear his schedule just to be able to come with her today. Axel and her father on the other hand weren’t due at work until the afternoon. They had finished their meetings several days prior to fully ensure that they would be with her once she leaves the Mansion of Arts.

Amusingly shaking her head at her father’s strangeness, she broke the embrace and stared at the boy in front. I'm Hakucho Hikono. It's nice to meet you, sir. I will do my best to make sure Miss Aina enjoys her time here and settles in rapidly."

“Haku… cho?” She was about to blurt out as the white-haired boy introduced himself but thankfully she was able to stop just in time to hear his next words. Mutely listening to him, she noted the sincerity in his voice and figured that though he sounded distant before, Hakucho is a nice person.

"Well then, Miss Aina. Would you like to tour the manor with me?"

She waited until he finished speaking before she responded, wanting to ask the question that had been nagging her ever since she heard his name. She was however momentarily surprised when he offered a hand out to her. With the shock still evidently seen in her eyes, she unconsciously took it and then instinctively beamed at him once she had recovered, “Doesn’t your name mean white butterfly…?”

The question died in her throat when she noticed his expression: His lips curving into an undeniable carefree smile and his red-colored eyes twinkling, she couldn’t help but gaze at him. She felt the faint reddening of her cheeks before she had the sense to duck her head and looked down, hiding her face from other’s view. Though she had not met many boys near her age, as an artist, Aina knew how to appreciate the beauty of things and human being themselves.

‘He looks better with a smile’… she later thought, secretly eyeing him. Unaware that she is still holding his hand, she just shook her head and stared directly at him. “It was nice to meet you, Hakucho-san,” she replied happily, opting to use a Japanese honorific in his name. Her voice was actually more composed compared to the nervousness she felt inside. She didn’t know what kind of impression she have given him, but she really hope that she didn’t scared him off. After all what she did was really cringe worthy enough: First she had approached him impolitely even going as far as touching his hair without his consent and now, she had been caught staring at him like an utter fan girl. She hoped he wasn’t offended or irked by her actions.

He was the first person she met here and she had truly been fervently hoping to gain new friends on her stay at the manor. It had been awhile since she bumped across someone of her age and it would have been nice if they will become friends. “I will take your offer!” She added cheerfully deciding to cast away undesirable thoughts off her mind. It wasn’t like her to think negatively and she intended to keep it that way. Though the grave nervousness coupled with the recently popping insecurities plaguing her mind, it was a little hard to maintain the same line of that thinking.

“Um before that, please excuse me for a moment”, she sheepishly added, temporarily separating her hand away from his. “Dad, why don’t you stay for a while?” She asked looking back at her father, the concern visibly etched in her features.

Alastair shook his head, a smile resting in his lips and answered, “We will be just fine Ai. It’ll be better for us to travel early in order to avoid the traffic.” He crossed the short distance between them before hugging her goodbye. “Always take care, my bliss.” He softly murmured, his hands lightly patting her head. “I’m going to miss you dearly.”

She nodded, stating a muffled, “I will too” back as she tightened her hold on him. They stayed like this, lost in the accompanying sadness at the idea of Aina leaving home—even if it was only temporary.

Few minutes had passed when Alastair slightly let go and flippantly whispered to her, “I think your brothers are dying to say their good byes, Ai.” He gestured towards them who were looking every inch torn between being depressed and yet also faintly annoyed for some reason she can’t understand. Alastair kissed her on the forehead and she in turn, kissed him on his cheeks. She nodded, hugging him one more time before she broke the embrace to walk to her brothers.

She went towards Argylle first, suppressing the urge to cry as she embraced him too. He returned it, murmuring warnings and some reminders all the while. “Remember to check your phone and email daily, ok? If you won’t call before eleven, I will surely pull some strings among my colleagues at the police.” She had laughingly let go, nodding agreeably as she absorbed all his words, kissing his cheeks afterwards.

“I will, ‘nii-chan!”

“Also, it would greatly please Ax and I if you will distance yourself a little from boys like him”, he nodded towards Hakucho, “we don’t want to share you yet”. Hearing the unusual advice coming from him (a womanizer really!), with his eyes dead serious and voice sounding so much experienced, Aina chuckled in response. “I’m serious ok?”

Then it was Axel’s turn and she had been startled when the said brother abruptly locked her in an embrace. “Aina, are you really sure about this?” He asked lowly, whispering on her ear, as he lightly squeezed her. It was during this that she couldn’t stop the tears flowing from her eyes. Her brother’s usual chirpy voice was a little broken and she knew how significantly, this leaving would take a toll on him… on her family. This separation was no joke for such a closely knit family like theirs. Seeing that she lived all her life being pampered by their guidance and love, she pondered on what will happen for her now. She then thought of all the reasons she had on why she should continue this, and she was reminded. She needed this. She needed this independence and freedom in order to grow further. If she would only continually cling to her family, she wouldn’t be able to change into a better person. She took a deep breath before replying: “I am.”

Axel just shook his head, before he faced her and smiled wryly, “Take care, sis. Just always remember we will be waiting for you.“ She too, kissed him on his cheeks, before stepping away and wiping the tears off her eyes.

When they were done, Alastair then held out his hands towards Hakucho and stated, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Hakucho.” Nodding towards the rest, he signaled the others to get ready and not long after, their bodyguards slowly started to leave. Once they got his response and after a little bit more of hugging and reminders, they too left towards the limousine, waving goodbye.

((Whew, they finally left. ~ XD Sorry for the boring read, but I think they needed that. >.< …and, also the standard warnings about my not so much understandable grammar still apply as they usually should. XD))

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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Hakuchō Hikōno

Hakuchō looked at her. He guessed what her question would be, since many people asked, or misspelled his name. Hakuchō did mean white butterfly. His mother, however, probably hasn't considered the fact that his name did mean this... Haku looked up, before looking at the girl. I'll tell her later. As he turned to look at the girl, he saw she was already looking at him. Maybe looking was a bit of an understatement. She was literally staring at him. However, Haku didn't realise this, and even if he had, he would have taken it normally and paid not attention to it, since he stared at people often.

“It was nice to meet you, Hakucho-san,” she said happily and Haku nodded his head a single time. “I will take your offer! ...Um before that, please excuse me for a moment” she said, and Hakuchō nodded as she went off to talk to her family. He would have said something, but he really felt like he had already talked enough today, even though it was barely morning. Despite having talked a minimal amount, he usually talked a lot less than this unless he was talking to his parents. When things got like this and he felt he'd used his voice too much for one day, he usually got out a notebook and wrote on that. However, he felt that would be a bit rude to a new tenant. He looked at the girl, before he jumped when the phone in his pocket rang out loudly, a cute ringtone which his mother set.

"Excuse me." he said, before turning his back to the family and answering the call. "Mother?" Haku had a sigh saved up which he didn't let out.

She bombarded him with a series of questions, her worried tone evident even through the phone. "Why didn't you answer my text message? Have you been practicing the violin lately? Have you been nice to the other tenants? You should visit your dad tomorrow, you know?" she said, her voice rushed. Haku raised an eyebrow though she obviously couldn't see and burst out laughing, his face lit up.

"I didn't have time; the doorbell rang. I practice the violin when the all other tenants are awake. I hope I've been nice. I'll visit Father if I have the time. I have to go, Mother." The white-haired boy sighed deeply, and his mother's voice was meek.

She sighed too. "Can't you just call me Mum? Just once?"

"It's impolite." Hakuchō said, frowning as if what he just said should have been obvious, before closing his phone when he heard the dial tone.

Haku looked up as he heard the baritone voice of Alastair again. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Hakucho.” he said, holding out his hands. A wave of confusion came over Haku's face as he wondered what he should so. He awkwardly shook Alastair's hands, tilting his head sideways. He didn't even respond to Aina's father as her brothers gave the girl some last warnings and they left in their limousine. Haku looked as they sped off, before turning to Aina.

"You'll probably want to see your room first." Haku said, before remembering the thing he'd wanted to clear up earlier. "It's... written with the kanji for 'swan'." he paused, looking at her. "My name, that is. If I were to be called Hakuchō with the kanji for white butterfly, I'd probably be called Shiroichō. My mother doesn't have much experience with Japanese, and my father just agrees with everything she says." The boy sighed, remembering his phone call. I can't call her that. She my mother. he thought, his expression suddenly becoming very nonchalant and stoic. Again.

"Well then, Aina-pyon... Wait, -pyon isn't the right ending. Aina...kun?" Hakuchō rattled his brain. What did Father say for these situations? Oh, but of course. "Aina-san." he said with a contented look in his eyes. "Well then, Aina-san, I'd better give you the tour."

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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#, as written by xKyrie

"You'll probably want to see your room first."

She nodded when she heard Hakucho speak later on after watching the limo speeding off the grounds of Blanchett Manor. She knew that her father and brothers would be just fine. Though it was saddening to not have the chance to see them daily (there's no one that would always tease her and make her laugh), she was grateful that there were the existence of cell phones and modern technology. She could surely contact them every time she wanted and for that she was looking forward to talking with them again. Wiping the tears away from her eyes, she inwardly cheered herself up. She'd think of this as a picnic and at the same time, training exercise.

One of the minor reasons why she had left home was because she had heard from her classmates on how pampered and high and mighty she was. They were supposed to be her friends, and more often than not, she usually seeks their company. But imagine her surprise when she discovered them talking loudly behind her back about wholly dependent she is to other people. It had hurt, learning that the people you thought was your friends had actually felt that you were clingy and restrictive. She didn't became angry with them but instead, from then on, she resolved that she would do the best she could to prove to them and to herself that she would be able to do better. It would do her no good if she'd just settle on being depressed and angry after all.

Her eyes still watery but with a smile in her face, she turned to him and waited patiently for his next words. She was actually pretty much excited for her new room even though she had an idea with regards to its structure and design. Axel had made sure to get her give her the best accommodations in the manor as well as they could and for that she could only assume that her room would have a definite resemblance to the one at the Ederra Mansion.

"It's... written with the kanji for 'swan'."

Hakucho then continued and she was lost for a moment on what he was speaking about. 'Kanji?' She inquired in contemplation. Her room would be written in kanji? But she wasn't Japanese and though she greatly appreciates its culture, it was such a shame that she wasn't well versed with their language. She was about to open her mouth, to inform him that it wouldn't be good for her to have that in her room since she can't read Kanji or even Hiragana very well, when he spoke, immediately clearing off things.

"My name, that is. If I were to be called Hakuchō with the kanji for white butterfly, I'd probably be called Shiroichō. My mother doesn't have much experience with Japanese, and my father just agrees with everything she says."

'Ah.' She smiled amusingly with her running thoughts and nodding once to show him she understood. ‘His name was perfect for him’, Ai thought inwardly. Sneaking a glance towards him, she noted the handsome face in front of her. She wondered still appreciating his beauty, what he would look like as a girl. If he was a girl, he’d truly be beautiful. She was actually quite used to pretty looking boys but there is something with him that strikes her differently. Like a butterfly, there is certain elegance in his stature that can make a person do a double take while looking at him. With the artistic gears in her head turning on, she stared at Hakucho. ‘If only I can ask him to become my model! He’ll be wonderful!’ She excitedly pondered, her eyes twinkling as she thought of him in different poses. It was then because of her musings that she was surprised when he spoke again.

"Well then, Aina-pyon... Wait, -pyon isn't the right ending. Aina...kun? Aina-san. Well then, Aina-san, I'd better give you the tour."

“You can call me Aina-pyon! I like Aina-pyon”, she blurted unexpectedly, a beaming smile present in her expression. Upon fully processing her statement, her eyes widened and she covered a hand on her mouth as she gave him a sheepish look. “I’m sorry! It’s just that…” she said trailing off, unable to continue as she judged his reaction. She was friendly that was for sure, but she didn't want to suffocate everyone else with her enthusiasm. She really couldn't help but mess up when it regards to him, huh? She was feeling the awkwardness envelop them and she hoped that he wouldn’t get irritated with her. He was really interesting and she wanted to know him better.

He was like a sister that she didn’t have. Not that she will tell him that, it might be offending for him… but with actions and his good-looking face, it was hard not to think of that way. “Um just forget what I said. I just like what it sounded and I thought that,” she started unusually shyly and then gestured towards the door, randomly commenting, “I am looking forward into seeing my room!”

((Hey, Annaky if you want to, you can control Aina for the tour~))

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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Hakuchō Hikōno

((Oh, okay~~~~! I'll keep her quiet so I don't make her say anything out of character!! You could always add in what she said in your post?))

Hakuchō raised his eyes to look at the girl, looking away from the wall to his left. “You can call me Aina-pyon! I like Aina-pyon.” She blurted hurriedly, a smile on her face. Haku looked at her, his nonchalant expression still present, but there was a small hint of amusement in his eyes. He looked at her as she apologised, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

He linked his arm around hers (Not in a 'best friend' way, but more in a gentlemanly way) and strode up the stairs casually. He took the stairs on the right since his room was there so it was habit, even though it had only been a few days since he's arrived. A more accurate term would be that he found it logical. He pointed to his room.

"Well then, Aina-pyon. That is my room. If you wish to enter, please knock." he said simply, before crossing the corridor and letting go of Aina's arm. He opened the door for her, showing her inside. "This is your room, I believe. You are opposite me, apparently." he said, showing her politely.

Haku closed her bedroom door, before indicating the attic stairs and turning around fully to face the girl. "Those are the stairs leading up towards the attic. I believe someone is supposed to be inhabiting the attic room, so I won't show you up there yet." He then spun around elegantly again, his hand held out towards the door in between Aina's room and his own. "Miss Alessa inhabits that room. She's the landlady, as I'm sure you know. Those two rooms belong to other tenants."

The white-haired boy took the girl's arm again, leading her down the stairs. He walked into the dining room, then into the breakfast area. "You can eat here." he said, rather obviously, but instead of finding the fault in his captain-obvious statement, he just carried on hardly noticing. "Miss Amaryllis' room is there. Miss Amaryllis? We have a new tenant." Hakuchō said it through the door, as he overheard her speaking to someone (or herself, whichever). He then led Aina into the family room. "I guess. . . You can sit down here." he shrugged, his facial expression not changing. He did glance sideways at Aina, who'd been kind of silent throughout the whole tour.

"The porch is over there, and the sunroom is there." he said, indicating the two at the right moments. He passed another one of the rooms, before stepping into the living room. As he turned to check on Aina, he walked into the grand observatory.

He sighed peacefully. "This is probably my favourite room." Haku said airily. He gazed around the room, his red eyes seemingly searching for something, before frowning slightly. "I need to visit my d-... father later. Well, I won't be here in the evening, but I'm sure you can make acquaintances with the other tenants." he frowned slightly, his eyes flickering a look at Aina. "Well, I do not know where you wish to go, but if it pleases you, I will happily accompany you." Hakuchō then proceeded to wrap a finger around a lock of his hair before tying it up, leaving the bangs at the front loose and letting the low ponytail rest on his left shoulder. "I must say, Aina-pyon, that you are quite the opposite of me in terms of appearance. You hair is black, your eyes are blue. . . You're female. Oh, and by the way; please call me Haku and not Hakuchō."

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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0.00 INK


”Miss Amaryllis? We have a new tenant.” The voice startled her out of the state she was currently in—she was still caught up in the depths of utter mortification. What had happened, how long was it going to take for her to get over it . . . ? Would she be even able to get over it? The redhead heard footsteps leading away from her door, for that she was thankful. Honestly, she really, REALLY just wanted to just be left to her embarrassment for a while, she didn’t really feel like greeting a new tenant right then, even if it was rude of her not to do so. She was the one who’d been living in the Manor the longest of all the new people moving in, she should’ve been acting as a someone who was giving welcomes and being kind.

But what if she ran into . . . him again, after what had happened? If she did, she might die of embarrassment. No . . . no, I-I have to get the hell over this, even if it was mortifying. she told herself, face still red. A sigh came from her shakily, her body was quivering still from the whole incident, and her back was starting to hurt from when she’d smacked up against the stairs, trying to get away from the tenant she had just been trying to check on. Figures, she tries to do something good, be nice, and it winds up giving her a bruised back, and shins.

Really though, why was he even naked anyway? Was he really intending on heading up the stairs like that . . . ? If that were the case, Amaryllis knew that embarrassment was bound to strike her even if she hadn’t tried to go downstairs to look in on him, and make sure that he was all right despite screaming so loudly. What kind of guy had her aunt let take over the basement? Knowing aunt Alessa, she let him live here because she thought he was hot or something. . . . She’s twenty-seven, but her sex drive rules over her thought process like a hormonal fourteen-year-old’s. . . . the teenager tightened herself into a smaller ball up against her door with a whimper. I’m seventeen and I’m the mature one of us two for some reason, I know that she’s not a bad person, but I do wish that she’d not be so lascivious all the time—there is more to life than sex and parties.

Well, what room did she have to talk there? She was indeed seventeen, and even if she did consider herself the mature one in the house, she didn’t life like her aunt—the only experience she had with the opposite sex was a childhood promise she’d made to a boy she’d loved as a child. A doomed promise of marriage, simple words. She only knew of love, the emotional aspect of dealings with men, she didn’t know anything of the physical side of the spectrum when it came down to it. Even after finding out that the boy she’d love as a child had died, not once had she even attempted to date or anything, so, really she had no experience with the things Alessa did. I have no right to judge her, because I don’t understand her lifestyle at all. For her, that’s all there is to living, while that’s not the case for me.

Amaryllis remained silent for a moment, not even moving. Finally, a groan left her throat as she began to push herself up, even if she was mortified beyond belief, she knew that she needed to get over it . . . because something told her that this was not going to be the last time that an incident such as this one occurred. Her aunt had her way of living, and she herself had her own, even if her own way of living was going to result in her winding up utterly shell-shocked from time to time. Picking her embarrassed self up, the redhead ascended to her feet and put her mind to rest, heading over to her closet to dress herself for the day. Unlike several of the tenants in the Manor, she bothered to take her showers at night, before she went to bed. It saved her time in the mornings she felt.

Though her face was still flush with color from the incident that occurred before, Amaryllis opened her mouth again and began to sing the song she’d been indulging herself with before. She didn’t quite realize how very loudly she was singing, and it only occurred to her that she was doing it. ”Love or self? Still if you choose, I and you have naught to lose; in the end, we’re still just fine to keep on smiling all the time. If this world’s a loveless one, and we’re to keep living on, then where it is that you must be, is anywhere but here with me,”

She went about her business, stripping down and out of her pajamas, only to quickly replace the clothing with black skinny jeans, a dull red long-sleeved shirt, and black Converse on her feet. Without giving it much thought, Amaryllis pulled her red hair back and into a ponytail as she continued the song, ”So then, I wonder is your choice all up to this; are you choosing with your ‘egoselfishness?’

Gathering up her pajamas, the teenager opened the door to her room and threw her clothing into a hamper near the washer and dryer while going to go greet the new tenant herself. . . . ”’Love’ is what so captivates us, yet this ‘love’ at times leads to loathing. . . .”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
((I will… thank you!))

Donned in a comfortable yet stylish white-colored and knee-length summer dress, Aina followed the white-haired boy as he took her for an impromptu tour. Though she would probably have lots of time to see the entirety of the manor by herself, she certainly appreciated Hakucho's thoughtful gesture. It had been a long while since she met someone like him. Staring at his back, she was truly happy to discover that here in Blanchett Manor, she was nothing but just one of the tenants. She was as normal and as strangers as they were as they tried to get settled in their home-to-be. Here, she wouldn't be treated as the Princess of the Ederra family or the spoiled brat (not that she was). Having full knowledge about the residence's notable reputation, she wouldn't be surprised to find someone here who was more influential and wealthy compared to her and her family.

She was really more than ever looking forward to seeing the others! Smiling widely, she then settled on following her 'tour guide' as they trudged up the stairs towards the second floor. Her trained eyes couldn't help but notice the valuable and well-crafted works of art that they passed by along the way. That was one precious vase, she inwardly commented, favoring the design that the potter had came up with. Gazing at the chandelier on the ceiling, she was undoubtedly fascinated to see that it was tastefully chosen like many other decorations on the room. She beamed commending the art style and the welcoming aura the theme of the manor seemed to exhibit.

She looked around, her blue-hued orbs following Hakucho's hand when he showed her new quarters. Fighting the urge to have a longer introspection of her abode, she instead listened intently as he pointed to the stairs going to the attic and then to Miss Alessa’s room. She was excited to see the renovations and decorations Axel and Argylle had come up with. They had a deal that if she would like the changes they had made for her room; she would be kindly urgedrequested to have a weekly meeting with the rest of the family. Though Aina knew that she might visit them every weekends regardless of the deal’s existence, still it would be fun to see if what her brothers’ had came up with was indeed in the range of her artistic inclinations. She recalled Axy arrogantly stating that once she would see the confines of her room, she would definitely miss the Mansion of Arts and get a ride back home without second thoughts. He had so much confidence in his ability to capture her liking not only in creative topics but also in sweets and foods in general among many other things. Her brothers really did have known her more than they’d admit into doing so.

Stifling the giggle that threatened to come out with the way she imagined her older brother’s gloating expression: his nose slightly rose upwards and self-satisfyingly chuckling as he crossed his arms on the top of his chest, she nodded as Hakucho informed her about the other tenants presently staying on the second floor. She was about to ask him if he had a clue on who they were but before she knew it, they were walking downstairs. Taking note to ask him about the others later on, she went to the dining room and smiled amused as he stated the obvious. Her respect for the white-haired boy was the only thing stopping her from giggling at the serious way he introduced the breakfast area. She decided to nod, in case he was looking for a response, and kept silent as he addressed someone who was apparently situated on the nearby room. “Miss Amaryllis' room is there. Miss Amaryllis? We have a new tenant."

She heard him say, and she supposed that he was talking to the niece of the landlady. She was one of the people that Ai was very very much so interested to meet. She was a nice girl that was what the black-haired teenager could assume throughout that one time when she had talked with the girl's aunt on the phone. Aina had been 'scouting' the area. And a little wary of the investigation that Argylle would surely never live without, she decided to ‘inspect’ the manor and the rest of the occupants herself beforehand. Though Miss Alessa, to say the least was a youthful and eccentric woman, Aina had heard from her that Miss Amaryllis was quite her opposite in many terms. Ai was aware that Miss Amaryllis was only one of the girls staying at Blanchett and she hoped that they’d become, if not friendly enough, then good acquaintances on the whole duration of her living in this place. It had been a long while since she was in the company of someone who is of the same gender and age. Though she wasn’t dramatic enough to get female company as much as she longed to have, still she was enthusiastic to meet new girl friends.

Hakucho then took her to the grand observatory, and she was greatly amazed with what she saw. The room, to say the least was magnificent. She can definitely imagine herself staying at this area in the nearest future. Lost in the grandeur of the observatory she turned, a tad bit surprised, to her companion when he spoken on how this place was his favorite. Nodding absentmindedly, she watched him as he studied around. “I need to visit my d-... father later. Well, I won't be here in the evening, but I'm sure you can make acquaintances with the other tenants. "Well, I do not know where you wish to go, but if it pleases you, I will happily accompany you."

She suddenly felt guilty. She was probably disturbing him and he was too kind to not tell her on it. “I’m going to be fine!” She stated cheerily, pushing away negative thoughts and bowed gratefully to him. “Thank you so much, Hakucho-kun!” She quietly watched as he tied his hair and addressed her once again. “I must say, Aina-pyon, that you are quite the opposite of me in terms of appearance. You hair is black; your eyes are blue. . . You're female. Oh, and by the way; please call me Haku and not Hakuchō."

This time, she couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. “My hair is not black”, she stated randomly, amused with his yet again evident observation. “I’ll be glad to call you Haku-kun, Haku-kun!” She added, nodding as if to prove her point. Grinning, she looked around and as if abruptly struck with an epiphany, wondered out loud, “I’m going to see my room, Haku-kun. Thank you for the tour!” She cast him a beatific smile and started to walk merrily out of the observatory.