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Louvel Regis

"Hate is an ugly word. I prefer 'homicidal ideation'."

0 · 394 views · located in Blanchett Manor

a character in “The Lines Between Black and White”, as played by angelwolf123


Patient Name:Louvel Corbeau Regis

Boy Number Two

People close to the patient have been known to nickname him ‘Love'. The doctors have also been calling him ‘DĂ©traquĂ©' (french for deranged, mad, screwy, crazy, loony, madly) in private, and the term seems to have leaked. Patient is commonly referred to by this name.
Love Interest:
Patient has yet to show signs of interest.
Past Lover:
Girl Number Two, Arteryu Suzuki

Patient has a sickly appearance; gray tinged skin, a frail build, and heavy lines under eyes. The first two are side effects of medication, and for the latter it is a known fact that the patient suffers from insomnia. Two other side effects (shortness of breath, weakness of muscle) have been overcome through the patient’s enthusiastic cooperation with his fitness and health programs (most notably the cardio portions). However, muscles have not been shown to build visibly, but we assure the board that the patient is very strong nevertheless. Despite the clinic’s efforts otherwise, the patient has multiple piercings in one ear, a facial tattoo, continues to paint his nails black, and refuses to comb his (black) hair effectively. The patient has claimed his hair is naturally untidy, but the staff remains convinced otherwise.
Examinations have shown the patient has rather unusual eyes; they seem to darken in response to extreme emotions. The newer staff members are intimidated by the patient, attributing their fear to his delinquent appearance and an imposing aura. Something interesting to note: the patient looks to be a stoic type, so his frequent displays of feeling look somehow odd when one thinks about it.
The patient carries with him quite a number of scars; several on his shoulders and the backs of his legs, a few on his chest, and even more around his neck area. Then there are faintly visible marks on the patient's wrists from his infrequent suicide attempts.

Preferred Clothing: Image
In the aim to keep a calm, soothing mood, the clinic has assigned the patient with a wardrobe of darker shades. The clothing is all very soft, high quality cotton that cling comfortably to the patient’s build. Sharp edges are kept to a minimum, and graphic designs/ any patterns are nonexistent.
The patient himself prefers long sleeved shirts with wide and slightly loose necklines. Neutral towards pants, and favors a pair of thin-yet-durable sneakers with exceptional grip. The patient seems to lean towards the outfits that allow the most freedom of movement.

5 ft 11“
171 lbs, the patient has gained weight with his success in the health programs.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
A very pale grey-blue. The blue is not visible unless one looks closely or the patient wears blue.

Notable Features:
Imposing aura, ‘changing’ eye colors, sickly demeanor, and a facial tattoo.

Patient suffers from
borderline personality disorder
as well as insomnia (serious), hypomania bipolar disorder (mild to moderate), sleepwalking disorder (serious), night terrors (serious), and schizophrenia (mild to serious).

Insomnia, sleepwalking disorder, and night terrors:
Patient cannot sleep due to chronic night terrors and/or sleepwalking.

Hypomania bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
“Hypomania is generally a mild to moderate level of mania, characterized by optimism, pressure of speech and activity, and decreased need for sleep.”
Patient retains a ‘happy-go-lucky’ persona, insomnia is not helped.
”[Schizophrenia] commonly include[s] flat or blunted affect and emotion, poverty of speech (alogia), inability to experience pleasure (anhedonia), lack of desire to form relationships (asociality), and lack of motivation (avolition).”
While the patient is social, he does not form any lasting bonds. Staff has difficult time convincing him to do anything. Patient claims he “cannot feel anything”.

Borderline personality disorder [BPD]
“The disorder typically involves an unusual degree of instability in mood and black-and-white thinking, or splitting. BPD often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes and chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, issues with self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation .... Splitting in BPD includes a switch between idealizing and demonizing others. This, combined with mood disturbances, can undermine relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. BPD disturbances may also include harm to one's self. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading (in extreme cases) to suicide attempts.
“Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them, reacting strongly to perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a disappointment or perceived threat of losing someone. Self-image can also change rapidly from extremely positive to extremely negative. Impulsive behaviors are common, including alcohol or drug abuse, promiscuous and intense sexuality, gambling and recklessness in general. Attachment studies have revealed a strong association between BPD and insecure attachment style, the most characteristic types being "unresolved", "preoccupied", and "fearful". Evidence suggests that individuals with BPD, while being high in intimacy- or novelty-seeking, can be hyper-alert to signs of rejection or devaluation and tend toward insecure, avoidant or ambivalent, or fearfully preoccupied patterns in relationships. They tend to view the world as generally dangerous and malevolent."

Patient spontaneously switches between extremely high opinions to extremely low opinions of something/someone. He seems incapable of any middle ground, and his views change with the flip of a switch. The patient has a combustible personality, and the staff is advised to tread cautiously, as he angers quickly and unexpectedly. Older staff members have grown used to it, however, and dismiss the startling displays of fury as unimportant normal behavior. However, they caution fellow workers to be wary of more mellow emotions and behaviors (dissapointment, neutrality, sudden silence) as they most likely signal something big.

Patient is extremely picky with everything; from food to clothing to the the color of the building. Disregards the feelings of others easily, and holds own self in high importance. However it must be noted that, when self-image is tarnished, the patient is prone to possibly-fatal fits of depression and self-hatred. This is most likely to happen due to a failing relationship, as the patient is extremely paranoid and will perceive false threats easily. On another note, when attached to someone/something substantially, the patient becomes physically clingy and seemingly dependant. This quickly manifests into an overprotective possessiveness if danger is perceived (which is almost certain to happen). However, though the patient cares not for the personal space of others, he shows aversion to the touches of others. The nurses are careful to ask permission before laying a hand on him.
The patient shows a cruelly vicious streak on occasion, if worked up more than usual. If this happens, it must be stopped as soon as possible; this usually leads to a somewhat sadistic outburst of violence. Should this be allowed to continue....
(in other words, Louvel becomes fucked up serial-killer scary)

Patient has a few more normal traits as well; a love for water parks, shyness around girls his age, and a deep need for sunshine. Staff is sure to keep the curtains open at all times.

Charm Points:
When the patient chooses, he can be very charismatic. The patient’s ‘bad boy’ style of dress seems to be popular among girls. He seems to be relentless and very creative when it comes to winning others over.

Likes: The patient seems to have a preference for the following:
He has a dependancy on the stuff.
+Water parks
Seems to remind the patient of better days....
The patient needs to be stimulated constantly.
Again, patient needs to be stimulated constantly.
Sometimes the patient needs to be alone.
+Gourmet foods
The patient is French.
+Soft things
He is very clingy.
The connection he had with them still puzzles staff.

Staff is advised to keep the following away from the patient:
-Specifically girls
-Crazy people
-Bright colors
-Group projects
-Public displays of affection (if the patient sees a couple kissing, he will throw a rock at them)
-Sticky things

Patient seems to enjoy getting reactions from others. He also favors his athletic and health programs. The patient secretly loves writing music, and playing the cello.

-Atychiphobia – failure
-Claustrophobia – having no escape and being closed in
-Erotophobia – sexual love or sexual abuse
-Haphephobia – being touched
-Lipophobia – fear/avoidance of fats in food
-Venustraphobia – fear of beautiful women
-Transphobia – fear/dislike of transgendered people
-Pharmacophobia – medications
-Nosocomephobia – hospitals
-Nosophobia – contracting a disease
-Psychophobia – mental illness or the mentally ill

The patient has a strange, uncanny connection with animals. We at the clinic have not seen much of this, will update with more information.

Due to his upbringing, the patient has a deeply en-grained knowledge for running businesses. He knows how to command and use resources effectively, what he wants and how to get it. Plus being incredibly intelligent does’t hurt.

The patient is really, very strong and fast. He knows how to channel years of hardship, resourcefulness, and cunning to use this to his advantage.

Personal History:
The Regis family has always been a wealthy and powerful one; they claim to trace lineage back to a number of French kings. However true the rumor may be, the fact is that the Regis’ are first class, and all sorts of weighty politicians, corporations, and high-ranking military officers have sprung from the family. All of these influential people and progresses have resulted in what can only be called an empire. Though the Regis family is very wide-spread, the Regis headquarters remain in France with the main family compound. It has been a long-established tradition for the head boss of the empire and his/her direct family to marry only sons and daughters from other first class families, but the heir (an immediate family member chosen by the family head) must marry a distant relative in order to keep the wealth pooled in the family. Marrying outside would gradually break apart the Regis organization, bringing it’s eventual downfall.

While this plan has worked wonderfully, it, like all things, has a bad side as well. Such inbreeding made the family unhealthy, and reduced fertility. Soon, when the time came for choosing an heir, there weren’t very many options. While there were multitudes upon multitudes of distant relatives, the direct Regis family pool had shrunken to a puddle.

Louvel’s father and uncle were brothers with a deep rivalry between them, that eventually turned into a bloody hatred. Eventually, though, it was his father chosen as heir, but the two brother’s messy relationship, instead of improving, only got worse. His father was obligated to marry a second cousin, while Louvel’s uncle was free to marry a non-related daughter of a prosperous car company. The uncle and his wife had many children, in stark contrast to Louvel’s father’s shameful zero. He and his wife were simply too closely related; while she got pregnant a few times, the baby was either stillborn or died soon after birth.
Normally this wouldn’t be a problem; if the boss didn’t have any kids, he could just choose an heir among his brother’s children. But the hatred had run too deep, and he was desperate for a child of his own.

Through the power of money, Mr. Regis got one. Just illegitimately. He and his wife claimed the bastard was truly theirs, and they named their heir Louvel Regis.

Louvel’s first four years of life were the typical for a kid of such high importance. He was spoiled rotten, owning countless pets and demanding anything and everything he wanted. However, on his fifth year, many things began happening, and the catalyst for most of them was the birth of Louvel’s younger brother, Henri Regis. Henri, though chronically ill and deformed in one hand, was a legit Regis. As if in exchange for his deformity, Henri was a true genius, taking after his father’s mind (and looks).

Of course, the Heris family didn’t know that when they gave Louvel the boot soon after the baby was born, sending him to a private boarding school across the Atlantic in New Hampshire. They had their real baby, so they no longer needed Louvel, except for perhaps as a backup heir. Now, this boarding school was hastily, if not randomly, chosen. This school had a history of teaching refinery, higher education, and business to it’s boys, by using the rather effective method known as child abuse. Around the start of first grade, the consequences of his father’s inbreeding and perhaps some problems on his mother’s part reared it’s ugly head, and Louvel began the long and painful plummet to insanity. As a result of his strange mannerisms and reckless behavior, six year old Louvel was beaten far more than the other boys. His elementary did perhaps everything possible to increase his mental instability; locking Louvel alone with his hallucinations was the worst. It wasn’t a normal day if Louvel wasn’t dragged away from class kicking and screaming after having a mental breakdown in response to a difficult problem. This was steadily increasing in intensity, until one night 11 year old Louvel was caught wandering the hallways of the dorm. This was normal, but instead of allowing himself to be dragged away, Louvel snapped, and plunged a fire poker into the night-man’s gut. The man didn’t die, but Louvel was hauled off to the nearest mental facility.

Perhaps it was some sort of karma when the news of Louvel’s ‘homicidal ideation’ spread to the general public, forever staining the good name of Regis.

However, Louvel’s family forsake him, leaving the little boy in the world of narrow beds, padded corners, and sterile needles. But it wasn’t all bad for Louvel. Aside from the occasional sexual abuse, his condition was actually improving. He spent most of the next four years in that mental hospital, occasionally going back to the school when his mental condition was stable enough. His education was continued via private tutor whenever he was ‘indisposed’. And during those four years, Louvel didn’t receive one lick of contact from his family, the only exception being what he could glean from newspapers and magazines. However, when Louvel was sixteen, his condition experienced an upswing of success, and he had a year of blissful normalcy, visiting his first waterpark and loving them from then on. Louvel had friends, good grades, and was dating a girl.

That all changed when his younger brother stopped in to a surprise visit to see his brother for the first time. Henri had grown into a sadistic boy, and for all his genius his mental state was that of an adult’s. Apparently Mr. Regis had begun to take interest in the blooming Louvel, and Henri decided to remove the threat before it grew into something larger. Henri shattered his brother’s fragile spirit, but didn’t stop there. When Louvel was dragging himself home, a gang of thugs jumped him, beat him to senseless, and Louvel finally came to in a cellar.

Sure, there was food and a bed.

But no windows.

No people.

No medication.

Just Louvel all alone with his hallucinations and insomnia.

It was during that time his love for sunlight developed.

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
Now fast-forward three years of mental hospital and increasingly infrequent calls from Henri. Because his younger brother hasn’t been reminding him to be insane as often as usual, Louvel has, once again, come into an upswing of mental health. He has graduated the private school with honors, and is thinking about taking a break from school. The clinic has decided to allow him to spend a year away from school to experience normal life, but Louvel was required to rent a room in a house with other people, because things get ugly if he’s left alone. Louvel ended up choosing the prestigious Blanchette manor.

Theme Song:
If I Only Had The Heart by The Maine

I fell asleep last night.
Well I woke up too late.
And everything I loved.
I began to hate.

I know I sound repetitive,
Cause I'm repeating myself,
And I'm competitive,
I want you all by yourself.
And that alone is just the problem,
I've got these woes,
And I just can't solve them.
If I could gather up the nerve,
I'd put my feelings into words,
And if I weren't so young, or stupid, or restless,
I might be able to just soon forget this.
Just forget this. just forgive this. just forget this.

Please just forget me,
When I'm out all alone on the east coast.
And please don't forgive me,
When you're home all alone
and you need me most.
and you need me most.
and you need me most.

Oh if I only had the heart,
To find out exactly who you are,
You know I'd try now.
But it's just fine,
No you can't save me,
It's no fault but mine,
Please just blame me.

If I could gather up the nerve,
I'd put my feelings into words,
And if I weren't so young, or stupid, or restless,
I might be able to just soon forget this.
Just forget this. just forgive this. just forget this.

Please just forget me,
When I'm out all alone on the east coast.
And please don't forgive me,
When you're home all alone
and you need me most.
and you need me most.
and you need me most.

If I only had the heart,
If I only had the heart,
If I only had the heart...
(the nerve, the words,
you'd think by now
I would have learned)

Please just forget me,
When I'm out all alone on the east coast.
And please don't forgive me,
When you're home all alone
and you need me most.
and you need me most.
and you need me most.


Insomnia/sleepwalking: Takes Zolpidem, a sleeping medication. Patient will be out for about eight hours.

Schizophrenia/Bipolar disorders: 300 mg pill of Seroquel taken twice a day

Borderline personality disorder: No actual ‘treatment’. Therapy is advised, and people around the patient are encouraged to be very stable to support patient.

So begins...

Louvel Regis's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
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The sleep medication had worn off a few minutes ago. Louvel Regis rolled over on his stark white bedspread, flipping onto his stomach and consequently making his grey sweatpants hike up. The nineteen year old groaned, and eyed the room with bleary eyes. The young man liked his room a lot. It was spacious, and relatively lacking in the 'creative' department, but it was moderately isolated and had plenty of windows to allow the blessed sunlight in. The said sunlight, however, was shining on Louvel's sleepy eyes, further pushing him to wake up. Finally, the mentally unbalanced boy swung his torso upright, and staggered a few feet forward, narrowly dodged one of the many moving-in boxes that cluttered his living space. Louvel growled, eyeing the offending cube suspiciously. Obviously, it had done that on purpose. His bare foot connected with the cardboard side, sending the mostly empty box skidding across the hardwood floor to the other side of the attic space. That ought to teach the evil thing a lesson. Barely conscious of the fact that he was tugging on a pale long-sleeved shirt. The thing was a tad bit too large on Louvel, with the sleeves easily reaching his knuckles and the neckline slipping over one shoulder. The color of the shirt was unusual for Louvel, and it made his grey skin tone all the more pronounced. The room-rentee's ebony hair stuck up from all angles, falling in his face in the perfect image of a 'bed head'. When Louvel finally managed to get himself to the nearby attic bathroom, the only thing he did to correct his rather mussed appearance was run a hand through his black headward tangle, transforming the mess into a narrowly acceptable state, and quickly brush his teeth.

All of these things were normal for a guy Louvel's age, but that 'normalcy' stopped the moment Louvel pushed open the mirror-covered medicine cabinet and hauled out a plastic container. After all, how usual is it for a nineteen year old boy to take psychiatric medication for his multiple metal issues? Louvel's pale hand expertly shook a single pill into his palm, swiftly swallowed the thing, and followed up with a waiting glass of water. The whole act took place with the well-oiled efficiency of a machine. During Louvel's last one-over he noted the lines under and around his eyes had gotten darker. Strange. He had been sleeping surprisingly well last night, after he had dragged his stuff upstairs during the later hours of yesterday. But the insomniac shrugged, and shuffled himself downstairs with the easy quiet of those who went barefoot. But the nineteen year old payed little attention the the floor beneath his, stumbling on the stairs multiple times but not paying much attention to his stumbling state. His meds numbed his senses down, and made Louvel rather floppy for a while after taking them. But no matter, for the young man was following his nose for what hopefully was breakfast.

It was only when the room-rentee was nearly upon the breakfast area did he hear a strangely sad tune echoing through the the first floor. Mildly curious and having decided he liked the sound, Louvel half stepped into the entrance to the eating area, cocking his head slightly to the left. He dark eyes found a girl with flaming hair, about his age, and frying some eggs over the stove. Louvel frowned. He wasn't very adept in communicating with other young people (especially girls), but he was a social guy and, well, pretty impulsive. So, on a whim, the nineteen year old padded over to the food area, just wandering around in the backround while the girl continued singing in a rather sweet tone, oblivious to his presence. Not that Louvel really cared, as he was hunting for some cheerios at the moment. He didn't really know if she was frying up enough grub for others, so he didn't want to wait for food and and up not receiving any. Plus, he didn't really want to interrupt the music drifting through the area. It was nice, in a soothing way, and the young woman was quickly gaining Louvel's respect and approval as a result.

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
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Vendettus sat in the driver side of his modified black 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GT. The Diablo GT was a highly exclussive and limited racing designed Lamborghini, only 84 were ever made and only 80 were sold. Vendettus owned one of the four never sold. The original design of the Diablo GT cut down on many cosmetic and auxiliary features in order to save on weight. Vendettus has fixed this. While it made it heavier, thus slightly slower, he had modified the car to have the luxury and comfort of a high end sports car but still have the raw power of a race car. Due to how rare the car was, the modifications had to be specially designed and built. However, Vendettus was never one to pay for anything. He was given everything, handed to him on silver platters, mainly because he forced them too. Using his Godly abilities, Vendettus could manipulate the hearts, minds and souls of more than 90% of the world, and did so whenever suited his fancy.

War was a main stream commodity of almost the whole globe, so much that Vendettus didn't need to do much more than give a simple nudge in the direction he wanted a conflict to form. The world was ignorant and violent. Sin prospered and in many cultures was a way of life. Like the United States of America. This had to be Vendettus' favorite country. Their decadent and violent ways towards other countries could only be matched by their decadent and violent ways towards each other. This was a country founded by suffering, colonized by domination, and united by war. It was a beautiful and chaotic contradiction of a country, and it was the perfect place for Vendettus to exist. 

War had become so common and simple that Vendettus lost a great deal of interest in the idea of war between militias. So Vendettus sought to bring sin and misery where ever he would visit. Lust, greed, laziness, spread through the country like a wild fire. Even this grew tiring. There was an emptiness in Vendettus' immortal life and these pathetic rainy-day sinners were just not enough to fill the void.

Vendettus revved the 12 cylinder V engine powerfully, the sound echoed for miles along the stretch a long winding road that wrapped around a huge nearby hill, with cliffs and sharp turns. He sat at the top of the hill at the end of the road that stopped at a small abandoned shrine. Vendettus exhaled slowly and deeply, and with a quick pull shifted into first gear, peeling out rapidly. 

In nearly four seconds, Vendettus was already flying down the road at 60 mph. He shifted to second gear and stomped his foot into the gas. He instantly shifted into third gear and was soaring down the road at 100 mph, picking up more and more speed. At fourth gear, he was hitting nearly 200 mph. He flowed down the road so quickly he seemed like a shadow running across the ground, just too fast to keep up with. He threw it into fifth and broke 200 mph, but he seemed to drive the road fluently as if he was riding slowly down the hill. Suddenly, Vendettus slammed on the brakes and skidded a fifty foot long set of tire skid marks at the bottom of the hill. 

Vendettus sighed out happily in content, this rush was one of the few that he shared with humans. His car was beautiful, powerful and so fast and the feeling of pushing it to its limits was almost as satisfying as sex. And he needed something as satisfying as sex to prepare him for what he was going to do next, return to the Blachett Manor. 

The sun was rising by the time he got back to the manor. He had moved in last night, in the cover of darkness. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't looking forward to living in this set up, but this was the only way he could keep these mortals miserable like they deserved to be. The only person he had interacted with so far was the land lady, Alessa. Thankfully, she wasn't one of the mortals he had cursed. Using his charm and amazing good looks he managed to talk her into not only letting him stay in the manor, but take the entire basement, rent free. He didn't even have to sleep with her yet, her being drunk made him even more charming. 

He parked his Lamborghini in the garage and got out, taking his shirt off from the soft sweat he had formed from the adrenaline from the drive. He walked into the house, wiping he sweat from his face with his shirt. His well toned body glistened from sweat, looking as if his body was perfectly chiseled out of soft tan marble and then washed in the rain. 

He walked out of the garage, walking silently past Amaryllis' room and into the breakfast area, right by the people forming in the kitchen, a sickly looking boy and a cute but tomboyish girl. He didn't stay long, he walked slowly for the basement, he wanted to get down to his room to work out and train for a little while, but as he walked by he gave a seductive smile and a playful wink at the girl before heading for the stairs.

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
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While she was continuing to mind herself, and the eggs she was frying up, Amaryllis’ voice wound up fading away and drifting back into a mellow hum, although she had ceased singing the lyrics, the song’s melody could still clearly be heard through her humming. The redhead had lost herself in her own little world for the time being, unaware that she was no longer alone in the Manor’s kitchen, that was something she was going to find herself getting used to soon enough, the fact that people could just randomly pop on into any room but her own whenever they wanted at any point in time. I wonder if I should just be making food for myself . . . it might seem kind of rude considering that there are others living in the house now. . . . she thought to herself as she made quick work of flipping one of the eggs in the skillet. Perhaps that was rude. . . .

As she continued on humming the song she’d been singing, something caught her attention, just a passing blur. The suddenness of this caused the girl to visibly tense up, her head shot up and she ceased her humming as she blinked, bringing her honey-colored eyes to look at a guy who was sickly in appearance—possessing ashen skin, with dark marks under his eyes that almost reminded her of bruises. It took a second for Amaryllis’ brain to register whom he was. Louvel, right . . . how could I have forgotten him? she asked herself, sighing and shaking her head as she wearily smiled to herself. Perhaps her brain wasn’t entirely with her yet, given the time and the fact that she had put herself into a daze while looking out the window for well over an hour.

Well, regardless of the reason who Louvel was had slipped from her mind, the point was that she was able to at least recall it now. Given her aunt’s loudmouthed self, Amaryllis had . . . overheard things about Louvel before he’d taken up residence in the Manor, things she had a damn good feeling she wasn’t suppose to hear. Of course, she didn’t know all the details about him, but she’d heard enough to know that he’d just moved into the Manor right out of a clinic of some sort, some sort of asylum by the sounds of it. What she overheard from her aunt Alessa’s loud manner of speaking on the phone, it was information she really shouldn’t have known, but she knew it, and she couldn’t up and forget it. Really though, whatever he’d been through before moving into the Manor didn’t at all matter to her, as far as she was concerned he was another tenant, and she had yet to know anything about him personally.

By looking at him as he was now, it sort of looked like he was stalking about the kitchen looking for something to eat . . . as most people did in the mornings. As she realized this, Amaryllis looked back down to the eggs she had been frying for herself, and smiled to herself in a silly manner. Yep, I guess my own breakfast will have to wait. she thought to herself as she turned the burner off, the eggs finished cooking, I’d feel bad if I went and ate something decent this morning when someone else was stuck with just cereal.

Without saying anything yet, the redhead went ahead and scooped the eggs out of the skillet with the spatula and set them on a plate she’d gotten out before she’d started cooking. I guess I’m going to be the one stuck with plain old cereal, these were the last two eggs in the fridge. It was right as she was doing this, and thinking a bit to herself that someone new decided to walk themselves right through the kitchen. Hearing the sound of the door to the garage opening and closing caught Amaryllis’ attention, making her look up from her business as a man she hadn’t seen before saw fit to parade himself right through the kitchen without wearing a shirt. . . . Amaryllis just blinked and stared at him with a questioning expression, of course she figured it was one of the Manor’s new tenants, but did he really have to go and walk into the house without wearing a shirt?

After he gave a rather lascivious smile to her, along with a wink, the expression on the redhead’s face wound up changing to a rather bland one, and she continued to look at the new housemate as he disappeared down the stairs to the basement. She stood there for a moment, completely silent, spatula still in hand, pointed upward. The teenager just blinked before she finally broke the quiet in the kitchen with a rather unintelligent sounding, “Huh,” at a moment’s notice, she craned her head back around and looked at Louvel before offering an awkward smile to him and speaking, “Well . . . um, I guess that was certainly one way to leave a memorable first impression?” she laughed that out a bit nervously.

“Ehhh. . . I hope that he doesn’t make a habit of walking around the house without a shirt on, I don’t really care for seeing that sort of thing. Also, seriously, what was with that smile he tried to give me? I mean . . . ick, he’s got to be in his twenties or something; and I’m only seventeen. . . .” Amaryllis prattled on before stopping herself, blinking while her honey eyes went a bit wide, “And I’m chattering away like a monkey, ah, sorry about that.” She apologized sheepishly, smiling. “Anyway, you’re Louvel, right? I don’t think we’ve actually had the chance to talk or anything, but I’m Amaryllis, the landlady’s niece.” With that she stopped before continuing, “And if I’m correct, I imagine that you’re looking around for something to eat, right?”

With that, the girl put the spatula she’d been holding down, and scooted the plate with the eggs on it across the counter, in Louvel’s direction, “I was making them for myself, but . . . you go ahead instead, besides I think my body could use a break from eggs, I’ve probably eaten them twice this week already.” Making no complaints, she quickly moved the frying pan and spatula into the sink while she herself went ahead and did what she presumed Louvel had been before her—looking for cereal to eat.


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Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
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Hearing the knock on the front door got her. It had been so very loud that it made her jump, and promptly cringe as a result. Was such a knock truly necessary . . . ? In a way, it was sort of obnoxious sounding, wasn’t it? Also, the Manor did have a doorbell to ring, so the knock wasn’t actually needed to get anyone’s attention. Completely fazed by the loud sound from the front door, Amaryllis regained her sense of self in a rather weird way, she was half hunched over, holding a bowl in one hand and a box of Cocoa Puffs in the other, her whole body tense while she more than likely had the oddest of expressions upon her face. At least she had managed to keep herself from falling over, or from dropping something. . . . That in itself was certainly a relief. Yet still, the teenager stood herself back upright and turned her head in the direction of the Manor’s front, the way to the large home’s entrance, simply blinking a few times with her eyes wide.

While she knew there were a few more tenants to arrive soon, she was definitely not expecting to hear such loud booms from simple rapping on a door. Although she did not know for certain the name of the new male tenant who had saw fit to parade through the kitchen without wearing his shirt, Amaryllis did know that four of the seven new tenants renting rooms in the Manor were male, counting the one who’d given her a lascivious smile and a wink before, that made four. The other three had already moved into the Manor before, Louvel, Akio, and Hakuchƍ. So, didn’t that mean the last of the new arrivals were to be female . . . ?

When it dawned on her that she was thinking about such a simple matter far too much, Amaryllis suddenly just shook her head, a simple knock didn’t matter so much, it was what it was. The person behind it was what mattered first and foremost. I’d better go and actually greet this person instead of standing around the kitchen like a bump on a log, looking flabbergasted she told herself, setting the bowl and cereal box she’d been holding onto to down onto the nearby counter before she turned on her heel to actually head into the Manor’s foyer. However, before the redhead could actually take a step forward, the sound of footsteps gliding down the staircase in the front room caught her attention . . . and she realized quite well that her little slip from reality had cost her, someone else was getting to the door before her to greet this new guest.

. . . .I really need to work on that one, don’t I? Amaryllis laughed to herself, and gave an abashed smile to no one in particular—not even Louvel who was still in the same room as she. Yeah, that was definitely something she needed to work on. Shaking her head back and forth, the girl simply meant to return to her business, pouring her cereal and actually eating her breakfast. But, it seemed that was not what fate had in store for her that morning, because, along with the sound of many people marching into the Manor, someone up and decided to scream at the top of his lungs, violently so, it was enough to cause Amaryllis to cringe up for a second time in under two minutes—the feeling it induced within her was not a pleasant one, it left her shaking a bit, her heart leapt into her throat even.

Quietly, she backed away from the counter, and the open box of cereal and turned herself to look in the direction of the stairs which led down into the basement. Her honey colored eyes wide, she stared at it in silence for a moment, body feeling a touch bit numb. It was that guy who’d walked through before, the one who’d sort of icked her out a bit with what seemed like him trying to flirt with her. Should . . . I go to check on him or something? she asked herself, tilting her head to the side questioningly. A part of her was saying to remain where she was, that she didn’t want to be near that man for an unknown reason, but the rawest part of herself was saying to go and to just see, as it always did when it came to people. Concern, she always had concern for everyone, even against what were probably her better senses too. Why do I even ask myself? I should know by now that the answer is always to look in on someone and see how they are.

Shaking her head at herself, Amaryllis walked toward where the stairs to the basement were, peeking in on the manor’s foyer to see what looked like bodyguards standing there. The sight baffled her, and in the end, she just looked away, decided it might be best for her just to ignore it, and leave the questions for later. It would be best for her to simply focus on what she was intending to carry on with in the first place rather than wonder on something new. So, keeping herself quiet, the redhead began to take tentative steps down the stairs and into the basement to make sure all was okay with the guy who sort of gave her the creeps.

. . . .the only thing though, was that Amaryllis wasn’t being the most careful of people in her descent and when she was about halfway down those stairs, she overstepped one of them and wound up falling to gravity’s clutches, going headfirst down the remaining steps with a yelp and a loud thud, nearly sliding into the wall.