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The Silent One.

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a character in “The Lost Lands”, as played by Zalgo



Full Name: Kormrok.

Nicknames/Aliases: The Fifth, The Hammer, The Silent One, Iron Boar.

Age: 30.

Gender: Male.

Occupation/Class: Soldier, Fifth Shieldman of The Iron Boars.

Kingdom of Origin: Pradus.


Beneath his armor he is a tall and stout fellow. He is thickly built with a bit of a stomach but despite the measure of fat on him he's got legs and arms like tree trunks. Some might think he's all size but most of his mass is sheer muscle. Beneath his helm he's got a solid head with a square jaw and a somewhat round nose. His hair is black and curly, long and matted from the years of imprisonment and torture he endured. Much of the same could also be said about his beard, thick but scraggly from an inability to maintain decent hygiene. He has a strong brow and deep dark blue eyes. His skin is somewhat pale as the weather in Pradus leaves much to be desired in terms of sunlight. On his body the lashes and burns from his torture can still be seen as can a number of old battle scars. Given how protective his armor is the number of scars he's gained is a testament to the number of battles he's fought more than anything else.


- His armor, a massive suit of plate mail armor designed to favor protection over weight. The plates, wrought from Pradus's finest metals, are built to be thick so as to be almost impenetrable by conventional weapons and they do that job well. For as thick as the armor is it is far heavier than conventional armor requiring far greater strength and stamina from it's wearer just to move around. Though the armor requires some gaps just to allow motion there are few exceptions and the parts that are armored are quite unlikely to yield to conventional methods of attack. Even a great-hammer would find trouble denting his helm.

- Securing his gorget is his cape which was fashioned from the hide of a dire boar. The hide of a dire boar is notably harder to pierce than most regular animals, hence why it is sought after for armoring purposes. Since the dire boars have long died out as magic left the lands these hides have become scarce. This particular cloak had been passed down to him from his teacher, a former member of the Iron Boar squad. This was a part of what lent the Iron Boars their name as they were all adorned with capes of dire boar hide which used to be passed to their recruits every time an Iron Boar died. It was by no coincidence that the squad only picked new members when a cape was left to spare.

- He wields a sturdy mace and a wooden shield. His former hammer and shield were far more formidable but those were seized from him when he was taken by the inquisition. Even though his previous hammer was a product of legendary workmanship the mace he wields might not live up to his hammer but it is still forged by fine Pradian smiths. The shield however is just a plain wood shield, the work of Yulians who didn't put much care or work into making this cheap hunk of firewood with a handle.


Once a warm yet short spoken soldier this man has been hardened by his stay as a prisoner of the inquisition.

They've taken a lot from him. He's been worn down but they've yet to break him. He fights for what he believes in. He once fought for kings and generals. Now he fights for slaves, his own people. He goes to the lost lands but his aim is neither to serve Yulia's scholars nor to win back his own freedom. His unspoken goal is to find the power to shatter Yulia's hold over his kingdom's people and he's determined not to return until then.

His hatred for Yulia runs deep but he tempers his anger with wisdom. He does not lash out without purpose and he holds no grudge against those who haven't had a hand in his people's subjugation. As of late killing for him has become a tool used sparingly and almost always as a means of defending himself or others. He is by no means afraid of retribution upon himself but he cannot condemn those he had sworn to protect through reckless thought and action.

In general he's rather mild mannered. He's open minded about a lot of things. He doesn't have any ability to use magic but he still finds it quite interesting. When out of combat he's fairly easy going but always somewhat cautious. He almost never takes off his armor, only removing his helmet to eat. He might be somewhat lackadaisical but that's because he saves his energy for when it's needed. Experience as a soldier has taught him to take every opportunity to rest since little is more tiring than combat and combat is never far off.

Of course some might mistake him for the strong and silent type. He was never particularly chatty but he became much less so after the inquisition removed his ability to speak.


- The ability to wear heavy armor. This is a greatly undervalued skill as few understand the difficulties that can be posed. While anyone can throw on a suit of armor it requires years of learning to adapt to the rigors and limitations it can provide. An experienced wearer of heavy armor can learn not just to move faster and less awkwardly but also more comfortably. Kormrok's able to sleep fully armored so that even if something attacks at night he is ready to stand up and fight with full protection. While he's adapted his armor to fit him best over the years even if he were thrown into a completely new set of heavy armor he could make it work and fight at peak efficiency inside it.

- He is trained in a plethora of weapon styles including swords; spears; axes; maces and any two handed variants of the aforementioned weapons. He can pair large and medium shields up with any combination of one handed weapons with great effectiveness. His preferred style is hammer and shield though depending on the situation he can also enjoy using great-hammers.

- Having been a soldier for many years he's learned much about maintaining and repairing his gear. At this point given the tools he could build himself a set of armor and weapons. They wouldn't be as good as his current armor nor his old hammer but they'd serve him just fine.

- He is quite knowledgeable in the field of tactics. He's never formally studied it but from experience and tutilage passed on by his peers he's learned quite a bit about the field of battle as a whole and not just as an individual unit within.


- Naturally wearing heavier armor means he's going to be slower and less acrobatic. While he can muster a fairly decent charge his ability to change directions and quickly navigate on his feet is low. Once he builds momentum changing it is far more difficult than it would be for lighter folk.

- Bees can be a big problem. As they are rather small they can get inside his armor. As much as his armor protects him it does nothing to protect him once the bees are inside however it is excellent at protecting the bees from him.

- Mud and muck slow him down a great deal and he's slow enough as it is. Also if the stuff is too watery he stands a risk of sinking.

- Magic presents a problem as some forms of magic bypass his armor for the most part, rendering his defenses useless. As he does not possess the ability to wield magic it's not as much help to him as it is to others.

- His field of vision is quite limited by his helmet. He's far more likely to hear something well before he'd be able to see it.

Fatal Flaw:

He is mute.

Brief History:

Kormrok, Fifth Shieldman of The Iron Boars. That was his title before the war ended.

The Iron Boars were the premiere soldiers of the Pradian army, their heavy infantry division. They had earned a reputation for being some of the most stalwart soldiers in the whole kingdom. Their lines were almost never broken as they were nearly insurmountable together.

Yulia had only just begun it's expansion at the time. In truth very few people understood their full potential at the time. When Yulian troops started marching onto their borders the Pravian king was underwhelmed. Foolishly he sent only the main body of his army, believing it to be enough. The generals marched forth that day without The Iron Boars nor the contingent of reserves kept back in case of sneak attacks from their other bordering countries. Come the day of the battle it was a bloody fight indeed. Even with superior equipment and home advantage they were unprepared for the potency of Yulian magic.

After the battle only a third of the army that was sent forth remained, having retreated back to the closest fortress. Upon receiving said news the king realized the gravity of his error. Staring down the forces of Yulia on his very doorstep he made a decision. On that day, only six months in, the king declared surrender to the foreign power. The Iron Boars never even got to see combat before they were defeated.

Though the king himself was spared on behalf of his cooperation his people weren't so lucky. They were taken, enslaved and forced to help equip the army that subjugated them. Kormrok himself was put in chains. His belongings were taken from him and he was forced to work tirelessly in the mines. He never stood up for self as he was mired in disappointment. He was never given the chance to stand for his people. Now they suffered and there was little he could do about it.

He held his tongue when the first man to rise up against the tyranny was punished. He held his tongue when the next was punished far worse than the one who started before. It was only when the inquisition started becoming flagrantly twisted in their punishments that he felt the need to speak out, the need to put a stop to this rampant abuse.

And for speaking against them he too was taken. They tore out his tongue and poured an acid down his throat. Though the concentration was mild it was potent enough to burn the throat all the way down, destroying his vocal cords. Having taken away his voice they threw him in the dungeon after publicly torturing him to make an example. Deep down in a cold stone cell he was left to rot, fed only what was deemed unfit to feed slaves.

Of course even with Kormrok's fall the people were not broken. The will to cast off their chains only grew as the strength of Yulian's mages waned, the inquisition knew this well. They tried brutality but it seemed people could only suffer so much before it didn't matter to them anymore. Thus, an idea was hatched. They would give Kormrok, a hero to the people of Pradus, a second chance.

They came to him and made their offer. He was to go forth into the lost lands and find something of worth to Yulian scholars. Should he succeed they promised him they would grant him his freedom. They made sure as many of his people heard the deal as it was made. This was a show of their kindness, an attempt to rekindle the Pradian's faith in them. It was all a facade of course, an attempt to manipulate the people so they wouldn't rebel. Kormrok could see through their lies but he was in no position to object. He couldn't even say no if he wanted to anymore.

He was returned his armor. He was surprised that they were still holding onto it after all those years. He assumed the reason they didn't just pass it off onto one of their own soldiers was because it was simply too heavy and awkward for most people to use. Whatever the reason might of been it was still a small bit of fortune for him. He was going to need whatever he could get for the trials ahead.

Given a mace and a wooden shield he was carted off and thrown in with the rest of the prisoners who were destined for the gates.


- He's actually left handed. He can fight with his right hand if he must but is better with his left.

- His family's patron deity is an entity known as Liesseil, Keeper of Time and Mysteries. The symbol of Liesseil is a strange coin decorated in the likeness of it's face. Kormrok keeps this symbol hung around his neck, hidden under his shirt so it goes unnoticed.

So begins...

Kormrok's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sairen Varimor Character Portrait: Adella of Yulia Character Portrait: Ren of Yulia Character Portrait: Mojohra Jojohrum Character Portrait: Gallard of Yulia Character Portrait: Ima Creslade
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Midgate - Aressan Wall Border

Rain fell hard over the Midgate Fort, leeching into the gold-hued Aressan stone and making the sentries on the outer walls shiver in their uniforms.

The blue and silver griffon flag had become limp and listless in the driving storm, but it had in no way dampened the activity of the...somewhat unwelcome foreigners within the fort.

Soldiers jogged about beneath the roof overhangs of the large courtyard, and from time to time a dark-cloaked Inquisition officer might be glimpsed flitting about between the buildings. Across the yard from the gate stood the enormous structure of the Elidian Wall, and, most prominently, the Mid Gate, a vast expanse of iron whose arch would have been large enough to sail a ship through. What the once-citizens of that old kingdom had thought they would be accommodating with such an enormous entryway it was hard to say, but now it belonged to Yulia...and it was guarded jealously.

The fort was a relatively recent addition, it only being completed a couple of years previously; as the most practical and efficient means of enacting Yulia's proposed plan to handle the problem of the Lost Lands...and in the process handle the problems of the number of prisoners within their dungeons. Midgate Fort had been used by the Inquisition as a prison since its inception, so eliminating the problem of having to personally escort the rather unwilling 'explorers' under guard to the gates. It also meant that for those that remained as inmates for more petty reasons, the looming iron jaws forever in their field of view presented a permanent threat as to what might be waiting for them if they caused problems.

It was within this stronghold, up within the thick defensive structure in the walls, that Inquisition Officer Vesgha, dressed in the black, silver-lined garb typical of the order, strolled calmly through the damp, torchlit corridors of the prison, reading off a set of names from a list in one hand, and indicating to individual cells with the other, pointing to the heavy-set troops behind her whom they needed to escort out. Every so often the figure would pause, point inside the gloom of one of the cells, and in would march a couple of soldiers to drag some unfortunate out into the light.

Some would go willingly, some less gracefully, but eventually, all would go.
It was not just prisoners participating however. Standing at the end of the hallway, near the exit to the main stairway, someone else was standing, awaiting acknowledgement.

The frosty blue eyes under the mask of the hood looked the mage up and down. Small, plain-looking, coat and mantle indicating a second-class magus. The kind trained for combat. She stood up to her full (somewhat unimpressive) height and carried herself in a manner that implied she felt above waiting round in this grim place.

Mage Adella adjusted her mantle, the silver feathers glittering in the guttering torchlight. The dungeons were inevitably disgusting and she was never exactly keen on venturing down there unless expressly ordered, however needs must. You had to sometimes demean yourself a little in order to reach new heights. As Officer Vesgha approached the young mage bowed her head in respect.

"Officer. Second class magus Adella Darr. Order of Crows. I'm here for the operation."

Looking the woman over once more the Inquisitor gave a brief nod.
"A pleasure to meet you Mage Darr. Commander Sullivan already spoke to me about the arrangement. The preparations are in place, and we will provide you with everything you need to complete the mission. It's great work that you are doing here soldier, not many would have it in them to put themselves shoulder to shoulder with..." the blue eyes flickered up to those being led out of the rows of cells.


The Yulian caster, paying little attention to the shuffled a little, trying to maintain her decorum in spite of the compliment.
"Be assured I can handle myself Officer. None of them would be able to get past me."

"I do not doubt it Mage Darr." The Inquisitor responded, gaze turning back from the prisoners.
"Proceed to the courtyard and the rest of this rabble will be joining you shortly. Remember to watch yourself, and best of luck, lot of hope is resting on your shoulders."

A couple of sharp nods from the mage sent her down the steps, out through the guarded archway and into the rainy yard. Beside it sat pack, bedroll and a few sets of writing supplies, things she might need beyond. As representative of the Order of Crows and the Yulian School, she would be better equipped than the sacks they were doling out to the scum. In some sense she was rather pleased of it, but had a degree of concern about theft, surrounded by the lowest of the low.

Yulia didn't get to where it was by being easily intimidated though. Surely such people would learn to respect her power, if not her authority. She was, after all, a sorceress. Yulia had conquered all the continent. Only Old Elidia stood before them now...and she might be instrumental in delivering that into their hands. How glorious that would be. In spite of herself, Adella could not help but don a smile as she stood waiting in the pouring rain.


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Character Portrait: Kormrok
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#, as written by Zalgo
Kormrok sat upon the stone floor of his cell. There were no windows down where he was kept. The fort's prison reached at least a couple levels into the earth for capacity's sake. Those below the ground floor didn't get to see the sun, not that the guards particularly cared.

He was kept well below, far from sight. It was not that the inquisitors wanted to hide him though. The lower levels kept a greater distance between their more formidable captives and the world beyond. They had more than their fair share of worthless criminals to throw at the cursed land beyond which occupied the cells closer to the top. What was it worth anyway? A sight of the wall that they were to be sent beyond, little more. Dark shadows cast by torch light was more than sufficient for his sort.

It was nothing new for him. The floor was unclean but rather dry by comparison to the upper layers. Little of the rainfall made it to his cell save a drip running down a crack in the stones up above. The air was musty and there was little doubt of it being cold. Overall it was a fairly reasonable cell, all things considered.

He could hear their boots coming. It would be his time soon. It was why he was brought here from a dungeon over in Pradus. He had been given their explanation for his eventual escort past the wall.

"You are being given a second chance. An opportunity to go forth and bring back knowledge from Elidia. Should what information you bring to our scholars prove satisfactory we will grant you your freedom."

That is what they said. They had told him this not long after pulling him from the oubliette. In truth he could easily see what they wanted. For as clever as the inquisitors sold themselves their faces were easy to read. They constantly prattled about their kindness as they went about it, practically boasting about just how just and fair they were. It was all an act, that much was obvious.

It didn't take much to make Kormrok dubious of their intentions. Their kind were vicious, small minded and petty, terrible qualities for people given the measure of power over others as they were. Given the atmosphere of fear and oppression it was of no surprise that they were up to something, especially since prior to his reassignment he pretty firmly believed that they wanted little more than to forget he ever existed. They had left his care up to a single individual who did little else but bring him and hundreds of other prisoners one meal every day.

Four guards and an inquisitor came to a halt before his very cell. He peered up to them through the darkness, looking through the mess of dark tangled hair which hung in front of his face. A key clicked as it unlocked the lock on his cell door. Two guards stepped inside, leaving two others and the inquisitor outside the cell in case he tried anything. Such precautions were designed to keep their more dangerous prisoners from escaping by allowing the others to lock the door should the prisoner attack.

Their fear that a man as big as he would try to hurt them was understandable but ultimately false in the case of Kormrok. He had no intention of running or fighting the Yulians right now. He wanted to go beyond the wall and had no intention of doing anything to slow the process. The dangers that laid beyond were clear and he was not naive about his odds of surviving the ordeal. At this point however his only other path was down the road to the gallows. This was their way of executing prisoners in the vain hope the attempts might yield some benefit eventually.

He did see some benefit in entering the land of Elidia however. He had much more freedom out there than he did sitting as some decaying reminder back in his homeland. The potential magic which laid beyond held some promise of power, an alluring prospect for the lucky one to get their hands on it. His most prominent motive for wanting to go into the cursed lands was the desire to never hear from an inquisitor ever again. He felt as though there wasn't much left for him back home. Abandoning it all now was but a minor loss in his eye.

The two guards clasped shackles onto his wrists which they then clasped onto a metal leash which they lead him out on. He did not put up a struggle or cause a fuss as they took him from his cell and down the hall. The inquisitor accompanying them was a rather gaunt man, a thin withdrawn face with a measure of cold calculation to his eyes and scarcely any facial hair. The man would best be described by most as what it would look like if someone gave a snake a human form. His robes hid his shoes as well as it concealed any notion that he actually walks.

Around a couple turns, up some stairs and then through more halls they went. Kormrok stood looking at the equipment storage room door while one of the guards fished through his pockets until he found the key to unlock it. With a click the old lock gave way, letting the aged wood door swing open and reveal the room within. It was the storage for their captive's belongings. All sorts of items lay about, the nature of these things ranging from martial gear to trinkets and scholarly tomes. This room probably had things from many different walks of life from the impoverished to those of nobility. All of these things had one thing in common: The fate their owners were to face.

At the end of the room on a large stand Kormrok saw his old armor. For more than ten years he had not looked upon this visage of the warrior he once was. He wondered if perhaps his memory betrayed him, if his armor truly was there in whole. He approached the set, the guards at his heels every step of the way.

"Don your armor. After you are finished we will take you to join the condemned."

The inquisitor spoke, every word spoken with seething distaste. Speaking with a criminal was something the inquisitor felt overqualified for, a waste of his time given the fact the man they were arming would be little more than a corpse in the coming weeks ahead. As far as anyone was concerned it was a quiet truth, the kind only guards speak of around their dinner tables or with each other when out of prying view.

So it seemed he was right about the armor. It was his old armor in full. He would of sworn it would of been taken and used by Yulian soldiers or simply melted down for scrap.
They probably didn't feel like dragging it up the stairs given it's weight. He figured. Few men had the strength to carry the set for long, let alone wear it.

He donned his suit, dust clearing in a rather thick cloud as he moved it. It still fit like a glove, especially the gloves. As worn from his harrowing days in the grasp of the inquisition as he was he could still feel a deep sense of unity as he was reunited with the suit. Complete as he was though there was still little to shake the reality of his situation from his mind. He was still standing there, surrounded by enemies who simply wished to see him trudge off to his doom.

When he was finished suiting up two guards came forward to re-secure his manacles. He let them take his hands and shackle them together without so much as a tug. The less he resisted the faster this would go and the faster this went the sooner he could leave this forsaken land for another one. With him the inquisitor led them up the stony stairs and out into the courtyard. The inquisitor leading them stood by and let the guards escorting Kormrok pass. They brought him out amongst others, varied folks from the lands Yulia now called it's own.

Another inquisitor seemed to be going about, reading off their judgement upon each one of them. The man came and stood before him as he did with many of the others.

"You know why you are here. Go forth and return with knowledge of value to our scholars."

The inquisitor saw it fit to spare him the long winded judgement as by this point he knew as well as the others that Kormrok had heard it all before. He was not a new face among their condemned. With his cold expressionless helm hiding anything resembling an emotion he stepped in line along with the rest of them.

The cursed land awaited him. He would not leave it wanting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adella of Yulia Character Portrait: Ren of Yulia Character Portrait: Garrim the Greater Character Portrait: Ludral Character Portrait: Kormrok
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#, as written by Raidose

"Tho I treadeth upon shadows, I beg Ahl beith mine torch. Companion to me past such darkness. Tho I stumble from thine road, I beg Ahl beith mine sun. May light shineth upon thy path. Tho I walk solus and with fear, I beg Ahl beith mine friend. I shant be lost to wander alone. Tho I harbor sins upon mine soul, I beg Ahl beith thine mercy. In calm waters shall the blood.... .... Shall the blood leaveth thy hands. Ahmen."

It had been.... some time since the transfer. Days? Weeks? Counting the hours lost it's importance. Garrim remembered the harsh familiarity of being once more binded with iron and fastened against stone. How foolish to think the sun would last. Perhaps this would be it. This place serving as a ground of summary execution, and this promise of freedom merely another ruse from the mouth of the Deceiver. Had the Gods led him here solely for the demand of blood? Perhaps they had lost faith in him as well.... It mattered little. His fate has and always will lie in their hands. He swore oath to be their vassal, a weapon to be used and dispensed as they desired. For now, he could do naught but wait and give thanks for what few blessings had shown here. The Rats.... these were thankfully of a different sort than those he had grown to hate. They still had fear of larger beings, and had yet to develop such insidious cravings as their voracious kin. Sounds, such a lost sensation after so long. Better the rattle of chains and iron than that bleak abyss of stagnation. But of course, the greatest mercy came in a single, barred window. Well beyond his reach, but a sacred thing nonetheless. Rain was.... such a beautiful thing. When the winds deigned it, he could almost feel it's caress through his visor. No matter the filth that flowed freely from such a deluge, blessed be rain and the mercy of it's grace.

Ripples of light at the edges of his mind, the Eye of Ahl bestowed him a vision of visitors to come. No sooner had the light faded did their boots echo upon the cobbles. There would be five, as foreseen. Four guards well-clad in armor, two with blade and two with crossbow. Behind them a great blackness. A figure in darkened garb, devoid of sympathy or compassion. Iron scratched upon stone as the door gave entrance to them, with Garrim raising his head in silent acknowledgement. These soldiers held no hesitation, acting under orders to undo the manacles clamped upon Garrim's arms. Once more, he felt the burden of his own weight nearly driving him to a knee before steadying himself. He rose, shakily at first before at last with confidence. Crossbows leveled their sights on him as.... she entered. Black and silver betraying her allegiance, Garrim felt fire began to claw at his heart. Under black hood and through steel visage, their eyes locked with the intent to flay the other alive with but a glare. The hostility rose in the room to a palpable degree, with the guards finding common sense in standing back and readying arms. Though no movements were made, the Inquisitor could read the Paladin's intentions as tho scrawled upon parchment. His fists clinched, leather and battered steel creaking in complaint. Hushed invocations woven from the Inquisitor's lips, causing small wisps of anima to gather betwixt her fingers. A whirling pool of reality shaping energies forming within her palm, ready to be called forth.

The tension was finally cut when a single beam of sunlight had parted the clouds, if only for a moment. Peering through the barred window, dividing the two with a barrier of light. To these Godless heathens, such things held no importance, but to the devout of Ahl this was providence. The word of Ahl that this was not the path; that Garrim risked straying from such light. His posture relaxed, signalling no confrontation from here on. Though the guards took ill notice and remained on edge, the Inquisitor was quick to glean such and gave a silent order to lower their arms. The air, once hot and vibrant, now gave way to a deathly stillness. "Garrim Udain of former Miriand", she addressed him. Her voice was cold and slack, the words she spoke as impersonal and meaningless as a simple number to be recited from a list. A stark contrast to those she would give next. "It is your time..." she stated, her intent slithering with the hiss of malediction. Under armed guard with the cocked-and-readied bolts of crossbows at his back, Garrim was guided to the courtyard. The downpour of rain played a percussive cacophony within his helm, washing his body and agitating the many small wounds he'd begun to harbor over time. It had been long since Garrim was last reminded of what lay underneath his armour. Of the silken cloth which had likely decayed into moldy rags, held together by mildew and the scant few seams of cord which managed to stand the test of time. His chain mail possessed several links which seemed to have found teeth over the years, biting and nipping at his flesh in various places. It was almost as if the rats had never truly left him.

There in the shower of rain and mud, he saw the gathering of others who would be offered to whatever unknowns lay beyond these ancient walls, of few he took note. A warrior of Pradus, marked well by such thickened plates of master crafted steel. Garrim had never learned of what befell Pradus, and was often left to wonder. How could they have fallen so swiftly? Were they befelled by some grand deception or witchcraft? Had they been taken by such surprise that not even they, the only force which even Holy Miriand envied, could not recover? ....Had they chosen subservience? Another face caught him as familiar, less so by person as by the heraldry he bore. The Knights of Oros were well known for their aptitude and fervor in combat. In old Miriand, the Knightly orders took drafts from those who lacked the magical aptitude to join the Paladins of the Great Church. Where Paladins were deemed of too great an import to send on quests to aid the common people, it was the Knights who would take up the cause. Though Paladins were always the heralded heroes of the realm, it was truly the Knights that served as champions of the people. Their skill and strength of arms stayed a constant rival, and none more so than those under the banner of Oros himself. Perhaps if his tenements had been heeded over that of Ahl's.... Maybe Miriand could have been saved if, for perhaps only a moment, they had allowed themselves to stray from the Road of Peace and listened to the council of Mighty Oros.

Then came the image Garrim had no sooner recognized as he would have spat upon. For there are, nor would ever be, such a figure as familiar and hated as that of a Mage. Be alert, be vigilant; for your enemy, the black-hearted of Yulia, roam about as a roaring lion, seeking whom they may next devour. To have such a thing accompany him, there were scant enough curses in any tongue to fulfill such a need. Then came another.... stranger thing. Small, weak, and frail. She appeared barely able to stand, and even through the haze Garrim could make out the telltale marks of manacles and bindings upon her arms. Even among such God forsaken ranks as these, Garrim struggled to imagine what such a tiny girl could have done to garner such a fate. Rabble rouser, perhaps? No... there was something in her Garrim had learned to recognize. Even through such years of torment written upon her form, there was still this sense of the faintest touch of regality. A servant girl, or perhaps some Noble's daughter, taken away as punishment for some grievance he had caused? Regardless, she was not some humble villager. No one, not even a girl of her size, could afford to be so defenseless outside the watch of several armed guard. Whatever her origins, she most certainly had lived a cloistered life.

Finally beckoned to step forth by name, Garrim was greeted by two familiar grins. A pair of guards he had seen in service to the Warden. Behind them, a pair of soldiers hefted his Stave in presentation before the Paladin, before letting the burdensome weapon fall to the mud. Garrim gave them no satisfaction of a response as they treated the rest of his wares similarly, before finally bending knee to retrieve them. "Oi, holy man!" one beckoned just as he'd turned away. "Warden Oltson gave us word ta give ya fer you go off 'yond the walls." Garrim turned at this, offering the vaguest of acknowledgements. "He says 'may all yer Gods go with ya...." the man quipped as a rancid yellow grin claimed his face. "So's ya can all go die t'gether!" his partner added, before the two strode off bellowing in laughter. Their taunts rarely found purchase, but perhaps they held some truth in them. There were no other Paladins left. How many believers had been spared? How many faithful? Beyond the walls, Garrim knew nothing of the world under Yulian Law. Were there none left outside of prison cells?

.....Would the Gods truly die with us?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sairen Varimor Character Portrait: Adella of Yulia Character Portrait: Ren of Yulia Character Portrait: Mojohra Jojohrum Character Portrait: Gallard of Yulia Character Portrait: Ima Creslade
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Two of the soldiers of the Midgate Fort, plate clanking in the dank hallway, followed at Vesgha's heels as the Inquisitor walked, no longer alone. Her progress had caused her to be met by the tall, imposing figure of Commander Taron, head of the soldiers stationed at the garrison.

There had been a few exchanges of pleasantries. How his wife was doing, whether his youngest was recovering well from falling from a horse the week previous. Then things turned to rather more formal matters. Most pressingly, that of one of the prisoners.

"Are you certain this is the best course of action, Vesgha?" the man asked, his heavy beard bristling in the cold.
"After all of the back and forth from the Court about the applicable law.. it seems rather abrupt.. we've not even been able to prove a crime took place."

The Inquisitor did not look round, nor alter pace.
"The problem of the Aressan is not just one of justice, it's a political matter." she explained, in a very matter of fact fashion.
"The wolf thought she'd played a rather clever little game by surrendering to Yulian law and then calling a duel. We could have arrested her on violation of the codes, had that pompous fool not destroyed her sword. Killing Garech cemented her place in the consciousness of the Aressans."

The woman traced a gloved hand along the damp stone brickwork.
"Every day that story circulates around taverns and market stalls, growing more exaggerated and ridiculous with each telling. The Aressans regard that animal as some sort of folk hero. Some symbol of resistance to Yulian rule.
The people in this land are riotous and resentful. There are talks of militant groups that hope to reclaim their rightful monarch from Yulia. It is a powder keg... and either freeing or executing the knight could be the spark to light it. Allowing her to walk free makes us look weak, executing her would make us look tyrannical, unjust. This is the best possible solution. We can tell them the Knight went of her own accord, please the plebs with some story of heroics, and get this problem off our hands

After a few moments of walking they came to the end of the hall, where a cell sat in gloom and dark water.

For a brief moment, thunder flashed through the barred windows, lighting up off the battered steel scaling and the jagged edges of a distinctly lupine helmet.

It had not taken the knight long to reclaim their former presence.

"Kalis of Aressa, the Inquisition is here to take you up on your generous offer to venture beyond the wall." Vesgha stated, keeping an entirely straight face. Both the speaker and the recipient were well aware of the lie, but protocol was protocol.

As the guard stepped forwards to seize the arms of the prisoner, the lightly armoured for rose seamlessly to its feet.

"There's no need for that." came a level voice from beneath the visor, bouncing off the inside to give a sort of metallic quality.
"I'm ready."

The knight walked silently between the two soldiers, who walked whilst eyeing the prisoner with suspicion, each exchanging a glance with the other in an attempt to anticipate any form of trickery on the Aressan's part. It was not as if they'd not heard the stories. Heard the lurid descriptions of the mad wolf-woman hunched over the red mess of Sir Garech's skull, uniform splattered and sticky with gore and bone.

For her own part, Kalis gave no indication of any of this savagery on the walk down from the tower cell, and passed into the rainy courtyard without a word.

It was shortly after her boots had stepped out onto the sodden cobbles that a heavy metallic crash sounded out behind her.

The knight looked back to see it lying in a puddle, flung out of one of the windows where some soldier up a floor higher suppressed a giggle and pulled back in.

The bladeless sword, a hideous, heavy chunk of twisted metal that looked no worse for its fall, and no worse for years lying in the bottom of some store room. Admittedly, it would be hard to make its condition a lot worse than it already was. No sane man would ever call that thing a sword anymore.

Though clearly if she was able to murder one of their generals with it, Yulia saw it as more than adequate equipment to take on the dangers of Elidia with.

That suited Kalis fine.

The knight swept the broken sword up and rested it on her shoulder, surveying the others present through the visor of the helmet. They seemed to have gathered quite a collection. People from numerous different nations....well, now supposedly all united under the Yulian crest.

Adella had been taking stock of these assembled people too. And not too kindly. She had noted some of the looks that she was getting. Criminals. Traitors. Deviants.
And something even worse than that. Her gaze lingered on the shabby-looking figure of Renevari.
"Abominations." she muttered under her breath.
Abominations. Disgusting corruptions of her noble cause.

Caught up in giving that freak a poisonous stare, Adella had not noticed the arrival of Kalis, or indeed the arrival of the authority...well not until it spoke.

"Mage Darr, would you do the honours?" Vesgha asked, rain beading up on the Inquisitor's black hood.

Adella was pulled out of her reverie and gave a sudden, eager nod, before beginning a very brisk walk across the courtyard to the dark steely expanse of the Mid Gate.

In the centre of the gate, set about chest height for most (and a little further for the rather diminutive Adella) was a seal, some old glyph forged into a round plate that sat over the centre of the divide between each side.

The mage stood before it, taking a deep breath before extending a hand and pressing it against the sign on the the plate.
The sunken metal began to flare a strange, electric blue, and this glow began to spread out from where the woman stood, expanding in geometric lines and shapes across the dark grey surface. As it reached the edge, a low, rumbling grind let loose from the dark guts of the gate. The ground beneath the feet of those in the courtyard shook. Horses in the stables started to toss their heads and whinny in fear. The troops on the edge of the courtyard reached for their weapons in tense anticipation.

The jaws of the Mid Gate slowly, heavily, spread wide open.

Adella was left stood alone at the edge of Aressa, and opened her eyes to find herself gazing ahead into the Lost Lands.

There was no rain.

Before her, the rain simply stopped. In front was a grassy ledge, stretching some distance away, with overgrown shards of paving dotting the organic surface.

And not a hint of rain.

Sunlight peaked through the clouds in the Elidian sky.

A shiver crept up Adella's spine. Then, a sudden shout caused her to whirl around, in time to see another, an intruder of all things, dashing towards the gate.

"What on earth are you doing?!"