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The Lost Prince of Anathia

Modern era, Futuristic


a part of The Lost Prince of Anathia, by deathrisesagain.


deathrisesagain holds sovereignty over Modern era, Futuristic, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Sage nodded some as he walked through the doors to the mall. "I know, you don't have to remind me about that fight, it was awful. THat guy got so pissed when we pointed out that you were Alex and i wasn't the one he was fighting." Sage replied. He shook his head for a moment when she reminded him of the bills, it was awful that she'd have to spend her hard fought money on bills. "So i guess to the sporting goods store first." Sage said as they walked passed the security guard. "Morning Officer O'Clare." Sage said to the guard. The security guard knew them enough to stop trying to make them go to school, it seemed as if they were missing school at least once or twice a week and hang out at the mall.

The guard nodded to them "Morning Alex and Sage. No school today?" He asked as he usually did. Sage just nodded some. "It's a shame that the Anathian Royal Family was killed. I guess we'll have to see who's next for that throne." Officer O'Clare added. Sage just shook his head some as he listened. "What's the big deal, so the royal family was killed. It's not like the world is going to come to an end." Sage answered to O'Clare's comment.

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Alex nodded her response to asking about the sporting goods store. Smiling at O'Clare's comment, "Well they sorta were the most respected family, and everyone is worried who is going to be next in line for the throne" she expained to him. Cracking her knuckles back as she looked around for anyone that was on her bad side. Pulling out the vibrating phone from her thigh pocket she frowned whilst reading the message. "We gotta go get my spare gear from the back, I've just been challenged and its big money" she explained as she began to roll her wrist looking towards the sporting goods store nodding to Sage that this is going to be a tough fight.

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For the sake of avoiding a speeding ticket, Jade reluctantly drove the speed limit until she reached the highway. Now she was going well over the limit, dangerously weaving in and out of the morning traffic. All the while she listened to Marcus on the other end of the line. She could hear the sad note in his voice at the mentioning of Sage's parents. Under different circumstances she might've been a little excited to tell him about his heritage, but it was going to be awful--learning that the royal family that was just killed were his real parents. They didn't have a choice but to tell him though, so she was going to have to set her own personal feelings aside for Sage. "Yeah, I wish he would've gotten the chance to meet them at least once." She sighed, the weight of the situation weighing down on her shoulders.

Jade was worried about the people who killed the royal family coming after Sage, but at least she would be able to fight them if they ever showed up. She wasn't sure how Sage would take the sudden rush of information and that made her worry even more. She had to keep reminding herself of the task at hand, finding him. She veered off the highway and onto the exit ramp. "I'm just across the street from the mall. We should start from opposite ends, one of us is bound to run into them that way."

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Jade might just see the familiar vehicle in front of her doing similar driving and he sighed "Yeah me too. I just hope he takes it all okay. And that sounds like a great idea I am pulling into the parking lot now. I will take the south end." he claimed and moved through the parking lot as quickly as he safely could. Whipping into a parking space he grabbed his keys and stuffed them into his pocket. The wind rushing past him as he ran into the mall pausing only to walk through the automatic door. "I'm inside whomever finds him calls. Agreed?" he and Jade had worked really good together through the years. They had been trained for this particular situation and knew it could happen at any time. Now it was time to put that training to use. He moved passed stores looking at faces as he searched for the young boy he considered his son.

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Sage followed Alex into the sporting goods store. He knew she was looking for the gear that would hold up to anything. "One of these days, i'm going to tie you down and duct tape your mouth, so that you can't accept anymore fighters. You know how old it gets having to drag you home and have mom or dad fix up the bisted lips, or black eyes or whatever?" Sage said with a sigh, not only were they skipping school, as usual, but they had yet another fight scheduled. Sometimes Sage wishes Alex would just leave her father and just move in with them already, she was over at the house enough, and she had her own bedroom so when she does stay the night, which is a lot. Sage sat down on a bench next to the fitting rooms, so that he could let Alex do all the searching, he didn't really care for looking at gear, he didn't like to fight anyways.

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"I know but how else am i going to pay for things and if Dad finds out that i could no longer pay do you not would would happen?" She said aloud as she pulled on a pair of jean shorts from her locker in the back of the store as well as a death beat top that had thick straps that covered her shoulders. Walking over to the counter she nodded to Dean to get her new gear out, passing her a box full of her new gear she smiled as she made her way over to Sage. "You have't told your parents why i fight have you?" she questioned him with a glare as she placed her hands into some new fingless red leather gloves and putting on knee protectors. Making her way over towards the door of the shops exit she smirked slightly. Noticing there were a group of guys surrounded another guy in the middle of the mall 'Shit, this is going to be nasty' she thought as she made her wave over to the crowd where they were being held back by chains stopping them from entering the area blocked out for the fight/

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Marcus moved quickly but thoroughly, he covered ground like a man on a mission because that was all that was on his mind right at that second. Sage had to be found as he moved through one of Sages usual stores that he dragged him into. Sweeping through one then the next he never found him. This was a huge mall with just him and Jade to go through it all. He trusted Jade with his life and knew that they could get through this with what resources they had available. Store after store he swept through and never once found him. And with the phone call still not coming he knew that Jade had yet to find him either

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Sage sighed some as he watched Alex walk out towards the fight. He looked to Dean with that same look that saidi'll patch her up after the fight. "Hey Dean you may want to get the kit out, so that i can fix her up after the fight." He said quietly, and then walked away to catch up to Alex. "Hey Alex, i heard about this guy, you can't fight him like you normally would fight. You can't toy with him, you need to get in there and strike as fast and as strong as you can. He's not as fast, but what he lacks in speed, he makes up in strength. My recommendation is strike his knees and shoulders." Sage said trying to get Alex to hear what he was saying. "In fact, i got a great idea, how about we just leave and not fight?" Sage said trying to get Alex to not want to fight.

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"Too late" She said with a smile as she jumped over the chained fence, smashing her foot into the large guys head sending him to the ground immedietly. "First rule of fighting, never let your guard down" she shouted at him. Once he got up she ran at the large guy. Throwing herself onto the gorund into a handstand in front on him, spliting her legs so she was in the spilits and began to spin on her hands sending a few kick into the guys chest. Suddenly she stopped spinning and felt herself hit againts something hard, then a fist into her gut. Causing her to spit blood out. She looked up to see the large guy smirking down at her. When another fist was about to connect with her body she grabbed hold of it, by this point she was gone past sane and now she was mental this was the state that only Sage could handle her in.

Bending the guys wrist back as she starred up at him with a smile on her face, suddenly a crack filled the room as she brok the guys wrist. Sending her foot in to his pride and joy he broke down on to the ground in pain.

Alex smiled as she was announced the winner and walked over towards the organiser and grabbed the case of money and ran back over towards sage. "Not as bad as you thought. Right?" she said with a smile whilst feeling bruises and marks forming on her body.

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The sound of Jade's heels clicking on the ground could be heard from a great distance; she never had trouble fighting in them and considered the sharp five inches served as a weapon of their own. She was out of the car and inside of the mall in just a few strides. As calmly as possible, with underlying worry, she started checking every store. So far she hadn't found Sage or Alex anywhere. "They have to be around here somewhere." She sighed, her frustration rising. She had to keep reminding herself that whoever attacked Sage's parents might not even know what he looked like, but there was still that nagging thought in the back of her mind that they could and were looking for him right now.

She reached for her phone and was just about to call Marcus when she say a crowd lingering around what appeared to be a fighting ring. At first she didn't see who she was looking for, but then her eyes fell on Sage and soon after she spotted Alex walking over to him. She had to do a double take to make sure she wasn't imagining things, but surely it had to be them. She was relieved and a bit angry at the same time. Jade started walking over to them, her heels clicking hard against the floor as the sound resonated in the open space. She started dialing Marcus' number. "I think I found them."

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Marcus was coming in from a different direction, moving from store to store "Where the hell are you?" he muttered under his breath, thus far no call from Jade, and he hadn't seen Sage or her either. But the sound of a few cheers caught his attention. His whole face steeled, running down the long length of the mall he saw the crowd in view, as he got closer he found that Alex was fighting? With a growl slash groan he moved through the crowd, wherever Alex was Sage was not going to be far behind. With that his phone rang "Yeah I am in the crowd too, I am likely headed straight for you." he kept phone to his ear as he scanned the faces. He was relieved that Sage was found, but he was upset that he skipped school.

Moving through the crowd he finally saw Sage and not too far behind him was Jade. "Sage, fancy meeting you here. Let's go, both of you." Marcus only got that look in his eyes when he was fixing the car, which meant he was upset and a bit disappointed. He couldn't believe that Sage skipped school to do this. There was definitely going to be some grounding going on for both kids.

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Sage heard the clicking of the heels and knew the sound really well. He also heard one of the two voices that he was hoping he wouldn't hear. Slowly turning around he saw Marcus and that upset look in his eyes. "i can explain.....yea i can't" Sage said after Marcus and Jade walked up. They've been caught, and he knew there was going to be a serious talk when they got home. "By any chance.....can we have lunch before we have our serious 'you're in trouble and grounded' talk? my treat?" Sage asked curiously. It was lunch time and well, after the fight Alex had, he knew she was hungry, and he was too.

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Alex looked over towards Sage noticing Jade and Marcus on their way other. 'Were in some deep shit' she thought to herslef. Looking towards Marcus noticing the look in his eyes, groaning to herself as the pain in her ribs started to increase.

She took a deep breathe and felt the tears starting to form in her eyes, looking up at Marucs, Jade and Sage as the tears began to roll down her cheek "Don't punish sage. He had nothing to do with this, we were going to school when i got a message through my phone about a fight that could pay off all the debts that my father has" she explained as she began to let the tears fall. Alex would never let her emotions show not unless she felt really bad about what had happened and it was her fault in the first place. " Sage knew i was not going to back out so he decided to come with me after i phoned the school faking that he was unable to attend. The whole time he wanted to leave but I just could't.... I don't want to face him any more" she said as she finally broke into sobs.

Tears still pouring down her face when she heard Sage as if they could get lunch Alex just nodded wanting to get away from everything.