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The Lost Treasure of Arimathea

The Lost Treasure of Arimathea


A treasure of untold riches. A clue to its whereabouts. A dangerous journey. Countless men have lost their lives in search of the treasure, but will the crew of the Stardust be the first to hold its riches?

7,024 readers have visited The Lost Treasure of Arimathea since xXxCryptic-AngelxXx created it.




"Hold tight t' yer hope fer all be lost,
t' find th' booty yields a high cost.

T' open th' door one needs a key,
fer this quest ye will needs three.

A key o' red found in a grave,
t' find th' thin' ye must be Brave.

A key o' gold in th' land o' th' queen,
be prepared t' run if ye hear her sing.

A key o' black where time's reversed,
ye must be smart or ye'll be cursed.

these three keys must join as one,
beneath th' light o' hidden sun.

Once th' loot be in yer grasp,
do wha' ye must, but do it fast. "


There hasnโ€™t been a man to sail the seven seas that didnโ€™t know the tail of Captain Corso the Grim. A pirate unlike any others, he was a fearsome man. Just the sound of his name would make most men shiver in their boots. His reputation proceeded him. Merciless and bloodthirsty, it was said that he was able to end an armada, tearing it from the earth root and stem with a single ship. The Reaper.

Every bard in the taverns that sprinkled the Caribbean sang his songs and spoke the legends. Although each tale was different, they were equally impressive and intimidating. One legend claimed that his ship was a gift from none other than death itself. A menacing vessel for Grim to fairy souls to deathโ€™s gates and satiate its hunger. While others claimed that Corso was death, risen up from the bowls of the earth to ravage the earth and drench his hands in the blood of the innocent. Whether they be truth or fable, no one knows, for whoever sets eyes on Corso the Grim never lives to tell the tale.

Through his many years of pillaging, ravaging and decimating whatever crossed his path, Corso amassed a treasure said to rival that of Cortez himself. And seemed as though all at once, the captain, his treasure, and the Reaper disappeared off the face of the earth. Rumors spread of the location of his sacred treasure, but no maps were made. The crew that worked Corsoโ€™s ship disappeared along with it.

Whispers. Whispers and hearsay was all anyone ever heard. The most prominent of these tales being that the island the treasure is buried on--known as Arimathea or "The Garden of Eden"-- can only be found by charting the stars. Enemy to man but a friend to creatures, it is said the location of the treasure is guarded by many animals. They protect the valuable hoard along with the three keys needed to gain access to the endless trove.

Centuries have passed since the disappearance of Corso and his treasure. No more clues have been uncovered aside from the riddle that surfaced shortly after his vanishing. Many men have tried to find Corsoโ€™s treasure over the years, but none have succeeded. An immeasurable prize out in the open waiting for the daring soul to solve the puzzle and discover the truth.[Scar.-]


When the infamous crew of The Stardust-- known for being not only the youngest but the trickiest bunch of pirates to sail the seas-- obtained a lead on Corso's treasure, the entire crew wanted to make sail for the hidden shores of Arimathea. It the treasure of treasures, the mystery of mysteries, and the ultimate quest for none had succeeded before. However, the captain of The Stardust, a young man by the name of Captain James Porter, decided it was too risky for his men and refused to sail. After a night of partying at Port Winchester, his Quartermaster seized the ship after raising a mutiny among the crew. She had convinced them the treasure would be worth the risk. To be the first crew to ever find the treasure... Plus they'd be rich til the end of their days.

But not all that glitters is what it's cracked up to be. As the crew sets sail on what is perhaps the most dangerous mission of their lives, all sorts of dangers rear their ugly and beautiful heads. Crackens, mermaids, ghost crews, and more... join the crew and set sail for Arimethea.


C a p t a i nX J a m e s X P o r t e r
A ship captain is the leader of an entire vessel,
They must be proficient in every aspect of
running a ship.

Played by: xXxCryptic-AngelxXx

H e l m s m a n
X o fX S p a d e s

The helmsman holds the helm and
steers the ship. Often works with
the navigator and captain.

Played by: unicorns.are.real
Q u a r t e r m a s t e r
M e g h a nX C u n n i n g h a m

The Quartermaster, the second in command.
Their main purpose was to distribute things.
They were also meant to balance power.

Hex: #e6b800
Played by: xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
B o a t s w a i n
W i l l i a mXM o r g a n X I I I

Boatswain was in charge of a ship's
anchors, cordage, colors, deck
crew and the ship's boats.

Hex: #64844c
Played by: SadHatter
Image x Image
Image x Image


S u r g e o n
P y o n X S u n - a h

The Surgen is the only healthcare
professional aboard the ship and has
the duty of caring for the health
of the crew.

Hex: #fa8072
Played by: icat

N a v i g a t o r
V a l e n t i n a XD eXl aX T o r r e

The navigator is an expert at
reading and correcting charts
and using navigational tools.

Played by: โ˜ฟUraniaโ˜ฟ
M a s t e rX G u n n e r
J u l i a n X B a i l e y

Master Gunner gives orders to
other gunners on how to set
their guns during an attack.

Hex: #B02E04
Played by: Electric

M a s t e rXR i g g e r
T e s s aX L o c k e

Master Rigger are in charge of
fixing the ships rigging.

Hex: #54002a
Played by:SatatyaUno
Image x Image

Image x Image


C o o k
C a l l i eXA v i s

Cooks ensure the entire crew is well fed
and given a healthy diet. When they are not
cooking they occasionally will take part in small
jobs around the ship.

Hex: #dd5308
Played by: AbsoluteWhisperx

M a t e
R o s i aXH i e n r i k

The Mate is the Jack of all traits on a ship.
The mate is often found all over the ship doing odd
tasks here and there to ensure the ship is in working

Hex: #d2b48c
Played by:Maci-Care
P o w d e rX M o n k e y
T i m o t h y X R u n d e l l
Part of the gun crew.
Usually given to the newest member on board.

Hex: #4c988c
Played by: Klockwork0reo

S t o w a w a y
E v a n g e l i n eXC a s p e r

They wanted nothing more than to
become a pirate and sail the seas.
Now they can.

Hex: #F54747
Played by:thenotsoinnocent
Image x Image

Image x Image


1. No Godmodding or Metagaming. Just because you know something out of character, doesn't mean you know something in character unless you've worked out with their player that your character knows. Savvy?

2. Keep the OOC separate of IC and vice versa. If you have problems with other players, come to me about it or take it up with them via PM and don't let it interfere with the story. We're writers. We're better than that.

3. If you would like to reserve a character, put the first password in the OOC which is your introduction and your character's face claim. You may add a photo if you so choose. Your FC doesn't have to be a pirate, but at least have enough pirate...ness to make it work. Let me know if there is a specific image you'd like to use for the front page. Otherwise, I'll go and find one.

4. You have a week to post. I will message you at that point and you have a week to get back to me. If I don't hear from you in those two weeks, I will remove your character and look for a replacement. I really want to keep this thing alive and to do that, I need active and interested players. If you can't post for whatever reason, if you're waiting for someone, or whatever the situation is, let me know so I don't kick you. Do we have an accord? Aiming for posts about once a week.

5. Drama and Romance are accepted and encouraged. The characters will spend a good amount of time on the seas and will need the... distractions. Your characters can have secrets they don't want others to know about as well.

6. This RP may contain some adult themes like sex, alcohol, drugs, violence, etc. so if these things bother you, you will find the plank to the port side. [[Or we can work it out. No need for hasty plank-walking.]]

7. The next password for your reservation will be your favorite piratey character. It can be a book character, movie character, tv show, etc. For example, mine is either Jack Sparrow or Alosa from Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller. She's badass. I also like Elizabeth Swan, but she's sometimes a bit too annoying for me.

8. The oldest character I am allowing is 26 and they will be the oldest on crew. I realize I hadn't specified the age but I was thinking late teens to mid-twenties. This crew is known as the youngest on the seas so they need to be on the young side... please.

9. Have fun! Please PM me if you have any questions.

Code: Select all
[center][img]fontmeme title[/img][/center]
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/left]

[center][size=120]Nickname || [for this it would say Pirate Alias]
hexcode: [color=#000000]#000000[/color][/center]
[center][url=]Three[/url][color=transparent]xx[/color]||[color=transparent]xx[/color] [url=]Theme[/url][color=transparent]xx[/color] ||[color=transparent]xx[/color] [url=]Songs[/url][/size][/center]


[right][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/right]

[size=150][color=#000000]O U T S I D E || ----------------------------------[/color][/size] 

[center][color=#000000][b]H E I G H T || [/b][/color] 

[color=#000000][b]W E I G H T ||[/b][/color] 

[color=#000000][b]E Y E S  ||[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][b]H A I R ||[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][b]O D D I T I E S ||[/b][/color]

[color=#000000][b]A P P E A R A N C E ||[/b][/color] [/center]

[right][color=#000000][size=150]--------------------------| | I N S I D E[/size][/color][/right]

[[ ^ the 500 x 450s can be any height as long as they're 500 long. They can even be gifs as needed. They're the character pictures while the others are accents]]

[center][color=#000000][b] L I K E S || [/b][/color] โœ“ multiple likes! all of the likes!

[color=#000000][b]D I S L I K E S || [/b][/color] โœ— dislikes! so much dislikes!

[color=#000000][b]Q U I R K S || [/b][/color]
-- three or four quirks

[color=#000000][b]F E A R S || [/b][/color]
-- two or three fears

[color=#000000][b]S T R E N G T H S || [/b][/color]
-- [color=#000000][b]three to four character strengths[/b][/color]:

[color=#000000][b]W E A K N E S S E S || [/b][/color]
-- [color=#000000][b]Three or Four weaknesses[/b][/color]:  [/center]

[left][size=150][color=#000000]D E E P[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=#000000]D O W N | |--------------------[/color][/size][/left]
[right][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/right]
[center]| Four - Character - Traits - Here|[/center]
Photo can be whatever size. Explain the character traits and expand on their personality.

[right][color=#000000][size=150] ---------------------------------------- | | H I S T O R Y [/color][/size][/right]
[left][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/left] Photo can be whatever size because you can change the side bar size. Obviously history can go here.


Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Locke Character Portrait: Philip Walker Character Portrait: Valentina De la Torre Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik Character Portrait: Meghan Cunningham Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper Character Portrait: Callie Avis Character Portrait: William Morgan III Character Portrait: James Porter Character Portrait: Julian Bailey Character Portrait: Timothy Rundell
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0.00 INK

J U L I A NX| | XD R A G O N

| Master Gunner |
| #B02E04 |
Image Image
The winds grew more violent around him as the Dragon tried his best to keep a firm control on the ship. He wasnโ€™t as skilled as Nameless in the ways of maneuvering, nor was he an expert navigator, but he was strong, and had a sense of where they were going from before the storm hit. Water splashed up onto the deck and he leaned on the helm to push into the wind in order to continue heading in the right direction. He wished the storm hit at a more opportune time. After days on the boat with uncertain knowledge about Vale and their destination, everyone seemed more on edge than usual. Julian didnโ€™t blame them, it was normal to become agitated after days of uncertainty, he had certainly been there before, but now was not the time for anger or hesitation.

Of course, the weather waits for no man, and there was nothing much he could do. From below him on deck, the crew was still bustling about, and others had gone below โ€œWAVE! BRACE Y-" came a shout from below, and Julian could do nothing but try and steady the ship as a giant wave crashed onto the deck. He wasnโ€™t worried, the crew was tied off, or at least he wasnโ€™t worried until he watched Bill get torn off the side of the deck into the churning ocean beside the ship.

โ€Man overboard! Man overboard!โ€ cried Mead, panicking on deck.

โ€Bill ya fucken fool!โ€ Julian searched around wildly for someone to take over the helm while still holding on. โ€Ale! ALE! Cโ€™mon lad take over this steering!โ€ Anyone who know the ship well could do it, and he handed off the helm to the first crewperson who arrived. Jules sprinted down onto the deck and grabbed a rope to secure around his waist. He grabbed Rum by the shoulder and dragged him over to the edge, searching down into the water for the body of the boatswain.

"There!โ€ Shouted Rum, pointing into the water, and Jules followed his arm to see the left side of Bill tossing around in the ocean.

โ€Right then,โ€ Jules gripped Rumโ€™s arm again, keeping his sight on Bill to ensure he didnโ€™t lose the man in the waves. โ€Hold onto the end oโ€™ this rope, and tie off too, ta make sure ya donโ€™t get washed away. You keep yer eyes on me, and when I start wavinโ€™, you help me pull that bastard back up here.โ€ Rum nodded and the two men prepared themselves, ensuring the knots were tight and that Rum had a good grip on the rope. The preparation took maybe half a minute, and already Bill was rapidly drifting away from the boat. โ€Here we go then!โ€ He dove off the boat and felt the rope pull after him.

It was cold. Julian considered himself to be a decent swimmer, he wouldnโ€™t have joined a sailing crew if he wasnโ€™t at least decent. But these waters were treacherous, and the sea shifted him to and fro, towards and away from his goal of grabbing Bill and hoisting him onboard. He swam as hard as he could, but with the rocking boat and churning water. By the time he reached Bill, he was panting with effort and his limbs had gone numb. Bill was unconscious and his lips were blue, and Julian pulled him by the arm to his chest and tugged on the rope, waving with a numb arm up to Rum, who he hoped was still watching from the deck, which he could barely see in the wind and rain. He tried to shout but found he couldnโ€™t after the intense lung work he had to do to make it far enough out, and he instead panted louder.

For a moment, he thought that maybe this was the last moment he would ever have, surrounded by the violent and bitter mistress that is the sea. He clenched Bill with one arm and tried to use the other to swim closer to the boat, moving away from them and pulling the rope taut around his midsection. This was it.

A tug came from the other end of the rope. Rum, with a rush of strength, was pulling them back up. Julian scrambled to find footing on the side of the ship, and the two men managed to heave the extra weight back on deck, tying Bill off immediately so he wouldnโ€™t be thrown over again. Julian lay beside him and spit out water.

โ€Well done Rum, well done. Go get someone to help, wouldya?โ€ he wheezed, before lying his cheek on the damp deck and passing out cold.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper Character Portrait: James Porter
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0.00 INK

Image Image


M e g X| | XE v a


M i d a s | | T. B. A

P r i s o n e r | | S t o w a w a y

#B00000 | | #F54747

XXXXSince Vale hit the deck a few days ago, Eva was not herself. She was worried sick about Vale. Eva couldnโ€™t even keep her optimistic nature up. A nasty thought kept nagging at her; Vale would die and then sheโ€™d be truly alone. The deaths of her sister, niece, and nephew were still fresh. She wasnโ€™t sure if sheโ€™d survived Valeโ€™s death. Evangeline hadnโ€™t visited Vale since Bill carried her down. She wasnโ€™t worried about Vale being alone, she knew Tessa was with her often. She saw the women enter the medical bay multiple times. Eva knew Vale had friends on this crew thatโ€™d visit as well. She feared seeing Vale would cause uncontrollable crying. Evangeline had to keep it together.

Since she didnโ€™t visit Vale, she worked. She often went to Vera or Rosia to see what they needed help with. If they didnโ€™t need help with anything, sheโ€™d found someone else to help. There always seem to be something to do on the ship and that was a comfort to Eva. She worked silently for the last few days. Eva was in an odd mood and wasnโ€™t speaking much to anyone on the ship. She focused on whatever task she was doing and on keeping her mind blank. The only creature she spoke to was Mango. She spoke to him when she couldnโ€™t eat or sleep. Her appetite had left since Vale got ill. She didnโ€™t have any urge to eat and sleeping had been an issue since she gotten on the ship.

She was grateful for her loss of appetite for the past few days because a storm had started. It was a force to be reckoned with. Evangeline was trying to stay on her feet, but it was hard. Her hands were occupied as they held Mango. Eva had seen the storm coming and knew she couldnโ€™t allow him to be sitting on her shoulder when it hit them. She knew she needed a lifeline as well, but she needed to put Mango in a safe place first. She worried for James as well, which was why some rope hung off her right arm. It seemed as if she didnโ€™t have the sea legs to brace a storm. Her sea legs were fine until this storm. It took her some time before she reached the stairs that led to the brig.

Evangeline scooted down the stairs as walking down was not an option. When she reached the bottom, she stood as carefully as she could. Although, a wave hit the ship and she flew into a wall. She braced herself against it as she gasped for air. Her eyes went to Mango and was glad he seemed unharmed. She hoped her grip hadnโ€™t tightened too much when she hit. Once she had her breath back, she walked over to the barrel she had stowed away in. Eva opened it and placed Mango inside. It was the best she could do for him. The barrel only had her things inside. She closed it and was glad to have her hands free now. She could steady herself a bit more easily now. Her eyes wandered over to the cell to find James.

โ€œHello James, how is this storm treating you?โ€ she asked, her voice breathy. She walked over to the cell and gripped onto the bars. She glanced at the rope hanging on her arm, but decided sheโ€™d have a conversation first, or try to. She brought the rope down to see if heโ€™d want to be secured to the cellโ€™s bars. She wanted a conversation first as guilt ate at her. She hadnโ€™t been down to visit him the last few days. Eva had been too lost in her storm of emotions to think of anyone else. It was not like her at all.

James scratched at his chin, the beginning stubble of a beard growing in, as he hummed sea shanty after sea shanty. It had been a while since heโ€™d seen a friendly face. Not any longer than a day, but with the storm, he hadnโ€™t exactly been a priority. The only updates he had on his ship came from his former crew. Former because he was no longer captain. He was a prisoner. Heโ€™d heard that Vale dropped from an unknown poison. He knew Tessa had been strung from the yardarm only to be cut down by their cook minutes after Hellfire left the ship. He also knew that Eva had been allowed to stay. It wasnโ€™t as if heโ€™d had any doubt Meg would allow the girl to join them. He just knew she wouldnโ€™t be all too happy to have something like that done behind her back. She liked to be in the know. Which is also why he was surprised Vera wasnโ€™t in the cells with him.

A loud thumping came down the stairs just as a--presumably--large wave rocked the ship, sending Jamesโ€™s stomach into his throat. Hence the humming. While James was a well traveled seaman, storms werenโ€™t as common. If he had been on deck or in his quarters, he wouldโ€™ve been fine. Maybe a tad disoriented, but fine. Down here? Forget it. The ships usual gently rocking was replace with violent tilts that messed with his head. And, in turn, his stomach.

With the wave came a toppling Eva. She had the small bird--Mango he believed-- and a line of rope. She made her way, unsteadily, to the barrel from which she had emerged long ago and placed the bird inside. Content with the securing of the pet, she turned to James and made her way over, a little more sure footed, and greeted him.

โ€Ahoy, Eva.โ€ He said, stiffly. โ€Not well Iโ€™m afraid.โ€ Another waved struck the side of the ship and he cursed inwardly, resuming his humming. He had been told an old-wives tale about how humming kept you from revising a meal. So far, it held true. โ€Iโ€™m surprised to see you in such a fine state. You barely have sea legs, how is it youโ€™re unaffected in other ways?โ€ He said, purposely being vague. Eva smiled despite his answer and ran a ran through her dam hair. She took a deep breath to inhale the salty air. The smell of the ocean eased her stomach a bit.

โ€œWell, my body may have more important things to worry about. I havenโ€™t really had an appetite since Vale took ill. Also, I likely do not have the energy to be affected by other matters.I have trouble sleeping if...โ€ she stopped to not reveal an odd dislike of hers. Her eyes glanced at the rope and then at James. It was time to change the subject. โ€œWould you like to be secured to the bars of the cell? I wouldnโ€™t want you to get too hurt during the storm.โ€

James raised an eyebrow and shook his head. โ€I donโ€™t think itโ€™ll make much of a difference down here.โ€ Her words caught his attention and his sympathies. Since the ship had been taken, he hadnโ€™t slept much either. โ€Iโ€™m sorry about Vale. Has Sunni had any luck at all?โ€ He asked. He much liked the navigator. She was someone who looked like they could kill you, but was really a sweet roll. Or whatever the land-kids said these days. โ€If it helps to ease any of your concerns, Sunni is the finest medic Iโ€™ve ever encountered. Weโ€™re greatly blessed by the sea to have her as a part of the crew.โ€ He grunted as the ship rocked backwards. โ€If it helps, I donโ€™t get much sleep either.โ€

โ€œI am glad Sunni is a good medic, but I donโ€™t know if she has had any luck. I havenโ€™t been able to bring myself to go see Vale or to ask anyone about her health,โ€ she paused to take a shaky breath. If Vale died, it would become known. She glanced at the barrel Mango was in and watched it begin to tilt. It didnโ€™t fall fully because another barrel was in the way. Eva walked over to the barrel and moved it in front of the cell. She took the rope, knelt on her knees, and began to tie the barrel to the bars. She wished the wicked storm would lighten as she did all of this.

โ€œI am sorry you canโ€™t sleep. It is likely hard to sleep in the cell. I really have no solid reason. Though, if we canโ€™t find sleep, I imagine it will find and take us. It has happened to me before,โ€ she said. Once she was sure the barrel was secured to the cell and checked on Mango, she sat on the barrel. Her hands return to gripping the bars of the cell. Eva smiled at James as she was unsure of what to say now. She had things she did want to ask. Evangeline was intrigued by James and wanted to know more about him. Slowly her eyes went to meet his eyes.

โ€œDid Megan give you the choices of being locked away or leaving the ship?โ€ she asked. She remembered how Megan had given them to her. Eva had decided to stay. Though, she thought of how they were heading to death daily. It was hard not to think of it when her friend was ill.

James watched Eva all the while humming under his breath. He was listening, but humming helped things. When she was situated in front of him once more, she met his eyes. He looked down and away from her when he answered. โ€No. She didnโ€™t. Thatโ€™s not really how a mutiny works.โ€ When your crew and ship change hands, the one in charge called the shots. There were no choices. Though, if heโ€™d had one, he definitely wouldโ€™ve chosen to stay. โ€Not that it matters much anyway. Iโ€™d die before I left my ship.โ€ And if the storm grew worse, heโ€™d probably die with his ship. Like a captain should.

He licked his lips, attempting to change the course of his thoughts. โ€I can tell you have more questions. Ask away. Iโ€™m an open book.โ€

โ€œH-how about you tell me about yourself?โ€ she asked as she glanced down. She was embarrassed he knew that she wanted to ask more questions. Evangeline was glad for the permission, but she felt shy now. She feared sheโ€™d asked something that would be considered impolite. The last thing Eva wanted to do was to offend James. She looked at him a second later to give him a smile. She knew some could find her first question hard to answer. It was hard to tell someone about yourself at times. She decided to give him a lifeline just in case he needed it. โ€œHow about you tell me the story of how you became a pirate?โ€

At her question, James laughed. โ€I suppose a land maiden such as yourself would want to know such a story.โ€ He said with a grin. It was definitely one to distract. โ€Iโ€™ve practically always been a pirate,โ€ he began with a shrug of his shoulders. โ€I was picked up[color=#B00000][b] when I was thirteen doing the work that Rudy now does for us.โ€ He ran a hand through his hair. โ€The sea has been my first love ever since.โ€ Another wave rocked the ship and he winced. โ€Although it seems weโ€™re having a bit of an argument at the moment.โ€

โ€œWell, I suggest you start whispering sweet nothings to your first love and beg for forgiveness,โ€ she said jokingly. She tensed as the ship was bombarded by more waves. Eva closed her eyes and had to focus on her breathing for a few minutes. She hoped the storm would end soon. Evangeline kept her eyes closed as she freed a hand to start taking her boots off. Surprisingly, she was starting to feel warm. Seasickness seemed to be getting to her and it was unfriendly. She opened her eyes again to throw her boots into a corner behind her.

โ€œI hope we visit land after this storm. I will need to get new clothing in case we run into another storm. I may need to switch my weapons of choice as well,โ€ she said. She slid the same hand into the pockets of her dress.The pockets were actually slits. She took each axe out carefully from their holding places. She got down from the barrel only for a second to place them near the boots. When Evangeline got back onto the barrel, she leaned her forehead against the cool bars. She closed her eyes again as her fingers wrapped around the bars. Eva thought of some conversations she overheard on the ship.

โ€œJamesโ€ฆwhy didnโ€™t you want to go hunt this treasure your crew seems so determined to find?โ€

James watched Eva, concern filling his eyes. She was looking a tad green. He reached through the bars when she came close again and rubbed a comforting hand in circles on her back. He did so slowly, and hesitantly at first to see if she would mind. When she asked her question though, his eyes turned hard. โ€Because itโ€™s dangerous. My crew is my family. You donโ€™t wish harm to come to your family.โ€ He sighed, laying his own forehead against the bars. โ€I mean. Being a pirate is dangerous enough, but a cut and a bullet wound can be mended. Curses and major injury on far-off shores? With no hope of any greater aid? Starvation and thirst?โ€ He shook his head. โ€I donโ€™t want those things for my family. Just like you wouldnโ€™t wish it on Vale.โ€ He looked up at her, his brown eyes soft. โ€I wouldnโ€™t wish it for you.โ€

Eva eyes opened for a second to confirm it was James rubbing her back. The touch was comforting. She hadnโ€™t had any affection, platonic or not since she stepped onto the ship. She missed the hugs and cheek kisses she got when at the brothel. She pushed the thought of the brothel away quickly as the thought of her sister wasnโ€™t far behind. Eva opened her eyes to look at him when he sighed. It was a surprise to her when she blushed at his last sentence. She took a deep breath, but this time to cool the sudden heat in her cheeks. โ€I...I wouldnโ€™t wish it for you either James,โ€ she said softly, shyly. She slowly slid a hand through the bars to cup his cheek, if heโ€™d allow it. She met his eyes.

โ€œAlthough, if my family were going to go on a dangerous journey, despite my protest, Iโ€™d rather be at their side to help. I wouldnโ€™t want to be trapped in a cell with no way to help them when danger came. Your whole crew did decide to go on this journey, they werenโ€™t forced. If you were free, I imagine you would be a great help during this storm...โ€ she sighed as she went to moved her hand away from his cheek. She closed her eyes again. Her heart ached before she even spoke. โ€œI stayed with my...sister, until the end...even though I knew she wasnโ€™t safe at her current job. I couldnโ€™t force her to go elsewhere with me and be unhappy. I decided to stay with her to keep her safe as I could.โ€

James smiled softly at Eva. "Sometimes that's all you can do." He looked out the porthole. "Go down with the ship."


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Locke Character Portrait: Philip Walker Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik Character Portrait: Meghan Cunningham Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper Character Portrait: Callie Avis Character Portrait: William Morgan III Character Portrait: James Porter Character Portrait: Julian Bailey Character Portrait: Timothy Rundell
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0.00 INK

ImagexxxxxxxxxxxxxRosiaโ€Jackโ€ Hienrik

xxxxxxxxxThe Mate||#7C67A

xxxxโ€œEverybody in the world knows,

xxxxxIโ€™m a little twisted, twisted.โ€


Rosia stumbled for a second before catching her footing as another wave crashed against the ship. โ€œMighty great storm we havinโ€™ โ€˜ere.โ€ Rosia said outloud. She quickly saw a rope go over her and tighten around her waist, turning around and see it was Tessa making sure she would stay with the ship. โ€œAye yes. Thanks you Riggnot.โ€ Rosia paused for a second and looked around. โ€œI gonna head up the mast to get an eye on this here storm and make sure the riggings hold.โ€ She shot a smile and rushed to the mast. Not many people would be excited for a storm, nor would many pirates willing climb a mast the height of the Stardustโ€™s in the middle of a high sea storm, then again, not many people or pirates were like Rosia.

Climbing the mast wasnโ€™t as easy as it usually was for Rosia, but she was still able to up to the lower sail without losing her grip too much. As she pulled herself up to stand gripping onto the mast, she looked down she could hear Bill giving commands to the gun crew to secure cannons and themselves. Rosia was quickly distracted when she heard a snap and saw one of the rope rigs on the fore sail broke loose, opening a portion of the sail. โ€œFuck these wet ropes and their wet mothers.โ€ Rosia mumbled to herself as she quickly danced across sail to get to the loose rigging. Though he knots werenโ€™t as good as Tessaโ€™s Rosia knew hers would be able to hold unto this storm was done.

As Rosia fixed the sail after a couple close calls, and another mighty strong wave hitting the ship Rosia was quickly distracted with hearing Mead yell something and seeing Julian run and jump off the ship. It didnโ€™t take long for Rosia to figure out what had just happened, someone went overboard. โ€œAye! Someone help Dragon and Rum!โ€ Rosia shouted as untangled herself and worked herself back to the center of the mast to climb down. When someone goes overboard, it doesnโ€™t take long for the situation to unfold, but during a storm the situation can quickly go form bad, to worse, to over, and not in a good way. Rosia hoped by the time she got down from the mast Julian would be back on the ship and all would be fine.

When Rosia finally reached the deck, she had to untangle her rope first before she could head over to make sure all was good. Thankfully Rum had some help and was able to pull Julian and the person who had gone overboard back up, seeing it was Pyrite. โ€œYou two crazy bastards goinโ€™ for a swim in this storm? Couple of ye get them below deck and figure out where Nameless went. I gotta take over the wheel a hopefully get us out of here soon.โ€ Rosia barked out as she rushed to the helm to try to get control over the ship. Next to Phillip, she was the next best helmsman on the ship in her opinion.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Meghan Cunningham
Character Portrait: Tessa Locke
Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik
Character Portrait: William Morgan III
Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah
Character Portrait: Timothy Rundell
Character Portrait: Valentina De la Torre
Character Portrait: James Porter
Character Portrait: Callie Avis
Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper
Character Portrait: Philip Walker
Character Portrait: Julian Bailey


Character Portrait: Julian Bailey
Julian Bailey

"Freedom is a feeling that I can't quite get over yet."

Character Portrait: Philip Walker
Philip Walker

"I think I'm in love."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper
Evangeline Casper

The Stowaway

Character Portrait: Callie Avis
Callie Avis

"I will not become your slave. Never again."

Character Portrait: James Porter
James Porter

"We are tied to the ocean. When we return to the sea, to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."

Character Portrait: Timothy Rundell
Timothy Rundell

"Because when given the option between explosives and academy, I chose the explosives."

Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah
Pyon Sun-Ah

"Nevertheless, she persisted."

Character Portrait: William Morgan III
William Morgan III

"Shiver me timbers, it's Bosun Bill!"

Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik
Rosia Hienrik

"Come on, what's the worse that could happen? Just do it."


Character Portrait: Philip Walker
Philip Walker

"I think I'm in love."

Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik
Rosia Hienrik

"Come on, what's the worse that could happen? Just do it."

Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah
Pyon Sun-Ah

"Nevertheless, she persisted."

Character Portrait: James Porter
James Porter

"We are tied to the ocean. When we return to the sea, to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper
Evangeline Casper

The Stowaway

Character Portrait: Callie Avis
Callie Avis

"I will not become your slave. Never again."

Character Portrait: Tessa Locke
Tessa Locke

"You must have a death wish, ay? I hope you get the black spot."

Character Portrait: Meghan Cunningham
Meghan Cunningham

"I'm more than I appear. Best not underestimate me, Mate."

Character Portrait: Julian Bailey
Julian Bailey

"Freedom is a feeling that I can't quite get over yet."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Evangeline Casper
Evangeline Casper

The Stowaway

Character Portrait: James Porter
James Porter

"We are tied to the ocean. When we return to the sea, to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."

Character Portrait: Meghan Cunningham
Meghan Cunningham

"I'm more than I appear. Best not underestimate me, Mate."

Character Portrait: William Morgan III
William Morgan III

"Shiver me timbers, it's Bosun Bill!"

Character Portrait: Callie Avis
Callie Avis

"I will not become your slave. Never again."

Character Portrait: Rosia Hienrik
Rosia Hienrik

"Come on, what's the worse that could happen? Just do it."

Character Portrait: Timothy Rundell
Timothy Rundell

"Because when given the option between explosives and academy, I chose the explosives."

Character Portrait: Pyon Sun-Ah
Pyon Sun-Ah

"Nevertheless, she persisted."

Character Portrait: Philip Walker
Philip Walker

"I think I'm in love."

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