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Benvolio "Ben" Jay

"Shall I get that for you, my Lord...?"

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a character in “The Lovely Ones”, originally authored by Scarlet Loup, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Benvolio "Ben" Jay (or Benny to friends)

Role: Rebellion Recruiter

Age: Twenty-four

Occupation: Butler

Class: Commoner

Personality: Benvolio is dedicated, trustworthy, and very patient. He takes his job as butler very seriously and makes sure absolutely everything is running smoothly. If something's wrong, he usually fixes it himself unless he's too busy. In that case, he asks for help which usually isn't refused to him. When called upon, he usually rushes toward the one calling him. Because he is a bit sickly, Ben is a bit skinnier than most and appears a bit gaunt. However, he is very strong-willed and doesn't take no for an answer. From reading so much, he's built a large vocabulary and speaks very eloquently with only the slightest of Southern accents. When he's angry or worked up, his accent tends to slip through, causing him to usually blush. Ben can be trusted with almost anything and is sort of a secret-holder for the entire palace. That being said, he occasionally uses the information he learned to help the rebels even though he hates misusing the trust of others. Working for the royal family calls for a lot of patience. Benvolio can deal with any sort of annoyance 99.99% of the time but, catch him on a really bad day at a bad time and he will snap at you. In only a few seconds though, he'll quickly regret it and apologize multiple times. Ben likes being around children, having grown up with five siblings and a few foster children and tends to treat the others in an older sibling/father-ly manner. When it comes to being flirted with, he's very rigid and blushes a lot. When he tries to flirt, he sounds quite awkward but it turns out looking pretty cute (not necessarily "attractive" cute).

+ Books; Books of any kind are one of Benvolio's favorite things. Being raised by a librarian, he read many books and memorized countless lines and monologues.
+ Talking; Ben, having lived in a large household, enjoys talking with others and chatting. Being alone upsets him and makes him uncomfortable.
+ Music; Though he only plays a very basic amount of the guitar, Ben adores listening to music especially non-lyrical pieces including blues, classical, electro-swing, etc.

- Messes/Dirt/Being unorganized; Even though Ben isn't in charge of cleaning, messes and disorganized clutter is one of his greatest pet peeves. He absolutely can't stand looking at a mess and will quickly either get someone to deal with it or do it himself.
- Cockroaches; Roaches scare the living-daylights out of Benvolio. He thinks they're disgusting and filthy. Plus, one of his younger brothers hid a cockroach in Ben's sock once. The aftermath wasn't pretty.
- Being called Benny; Since birth, he's been called Benny by many though it was mostly by his father. However, he now hates this nickname because it reminds him of his past life.

Background: Ben was raised in Alabama on a small, family farm. His mother was a librarian who absolutely adored Shakespeare (hence his name, Benvolio) and a farmer who pretty much killed any plant he tried to harvest. Benvolio's last name was actually Smith but it was changed later. Living in poverty, Ben was also a pretty sickly child and the eldest of his siblings. His home was filled with children as he had five siblings and his parents also fostered many children. He was always a reasonably intelligent child, but he seemed to truly excel in English, failing horribly in math. Instead of attending public school, Benvolio was home-schooled with his siblings, learning much more about how to deal with the real world than actual "learning". It was here, in his small home where he first started to learn how much he enjoyed being in charge of organizing things. At eighteen, he started to hire himself out to do laborious activities for wealthier families. Because of his weak constitute, Ben had to quit and decided to try working at the library where he was quite content.

In the aftermath of the nuclear explosion, he found himself without work...and with the ability to create a new life. Changing his last name to Jay after the first name of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Jay Gatsby", Benvolio made his way to New York where he tried to pretend he was a socialite. This hardly worked because of his thick Southern drawl. After trying for quite a while to stop speaking with it, he finally found work in the "palace" as a servant. Quickly, because of his organizational skills and his management skills, Ben became the butler of the household, a position he currently holds. He wasn't too upset with the king until he took Isobel as his mistress. For some reason, probably because of his upbringing, this upset Benvolio (not to mention he was already angered by the poor wages). After being consulted by the king's call girl, he decided to help her form a rebellion as the recruiter, due to his charismatic skills.

So begins...

Benvolio "Ben" Jay's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finley James Whitaker Character Portrait: Benvolio "Ben" Jay Character Portrait: Lillian Knightingale
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Lillian yet again fell into a daze, she felt herself think back to when she first arrived, of course with nothing left and no proper experience, she heard about the position and quickly applied, not having any faith that she would actually be accepted. After all, she wasn’t the greatest at the skill nor was she even old enough to even begin to know everything about the practice, nevertheless she got accepted. And as the Head Chef as well. She should be grateful…she was grateful, but something inside her always pushed her to do more. More for herself.

Not looking where she was going, she bumped into someone. As her eyes flickered upwards, she noticed it was Benvolio, the butler. Someone she heard about, but never really had neither a proper relationship, nor a proper conversation at that. Lillian felt herself turn bright red, more to do with the closeness that anything else and stared at the tray, giving no eye contact, slightly embarrassed. “Oh” She mumbled gently, she finally averted her gaze towards the tray and looked up. “Well, of course it wasn’t her fault I’m sure” She spoke lightly, “It’s perfectly fine, I thought this might happen and made a few extra batches” for the staff she thought to herself.

Nodding gently, she blinked, taking the silver tray. “Thank you for notifying me beforehand” She spoke louder this time, with the fake confidence that she usually applied when she talked to her helpers.
About to walk away, she heard a familiar nickname, ‘Blondie’ something she neither liked nor disliked. She turned away and looked at Finley, who she found quite fascinating. Everyone loved him, well the girls. They kept talking about him, gossiping, commenting on his attractiveness. Lillian herself never really found the interest in looks, but she had to admit, if her mother was here, she would begin to charm him up and jump on him like the cougar she was.

“Finley” She murmured. “Well, I was just about to ask, but I suppose that’s better, will he have the usual, or something more different, I imported a wonderful Italian wine that he once spoke about” Her eyes left his and again she glanced around. She felt slightly at unease because she knew that the random conversations they had made the servants speak quite foolishly. "I don't expect you to do it, but you'll probably be back to the kitchen before I will."
“Well, I suppose I’ll just send someone, but if they are not busy…” She trailed off, the corners of her mouth perked up a little as she only slightly smiled.

She nodded ever so gently as he spoke about accompanying him and then watched as he walked away, she waited a little as if in deep thought before finally deciding whether to tag along, clutching the tray to her chest, Lillian jogged a little to catch up with him.