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Kabal De Muerte

[~Extremely WIP~]

0 · 331 views · located in Pewter City

a character in “The Malachai: Reborn”, as played by X64


~Kabal De Muerte~

"Can't you hear it? They're crying too...."


About Me

Age: 16
Type: Malachai
Appearance: Kabal mostly looks like any normal sixteen year old boy. He has a slender figure and isn't really very muscular. His hair is jet black, his skin is a smooth, milky white, and he always wears raggedy clothing. He has a short stature, being a mere five foot tall, and has an aura of strangeness about him.

His most notable physical attribute are his eyes- round, piercing silver orbs that seem to look into one's very soul. The color is almost metallic, which generally gives the impression of being glazed over or even makes him look blind.

Who I Am

Personality: Kabal is, in a word, different. He always seems to be only 'half-there', as if his mind is constantly wandering. He can often be seen talking to seemingly nothing at all- giving the impression that he's a bit insane. He's actually quite empty-headed, and trips over things indiscriminately. He also forgets a lot, as if he suddenly got distracted by something.

Kabal is generally a very calm person in nature. He's gentle and speaks softly, even if he's being yelled at or otherwise being spoken to in an aggressive manner. Because he's very shy and naturally skittish, he's actually socially awkward in more ways than one. That is, with the living anyway. It would seem that he's more comfortable talking with the dead than anyone else. Kabal is the type of person who, despite his gentleness, has trouble making friends for various reasons.

He has great sympathy for the dead, or more accurately, those the dead leave behind. In this way, he's quite sensitive and often cries about it. He seems to cry randomly and for no reason at all, when more often than not he's listening to the story of one of the dead.

Best Character Traits: Extremely empathetic, kind, and gentle.

Worst Character Traits: Naive, crybaby, and socially awkward.

What I Do

Natural abilities: Kabal is excellent at playing the violin, as he can play at a professional level, one of the very few skills he has. He was taught by a professional violinist who passed away. He is also quite good at going unnoticed, something that's been of great use to him ever since he was small.

Natural weaknesses: Due to his lack of schooling, Kabal cannot read or write. He can, however, do a bit of simple math but nothing more.

Ability/Weapon: Kabal is a Necromancer, someone who can communicate, reanimate, and control the dead. He can also see the spirits of those who have died, but have not yet passed on. There are several levels to this ability, all of which take a certain degree of mastery to use.

Ojos De Los Muertos: Literally, "Eyes of the Dead". This ability merely allows Kabal to see the spirits/souls of those who have died but have not yet passed on into the afterlife. It takes little to no mastery to use. It can never be turned off.

Lengua De Los Muertos: Literally, "Tongue of the Dead". This ability allows Kabal to speak with the dead, something he's been able to do since he was very young. This ability takes little or no mastery to use, and cannot be turned off.

Reanimation/Control of the Dead: Simply put, to reanimate the bodies of the dead. This does not bring back the soul, although the bodies are tougher and a little harder to 'kill' than a normal human. To summon the dead, Kabal must perform a blood ritual- a simple offering of his own blood. At a mastered level, it is possible for Kabal to perform a mass summoning. However, the more Kabal summons, the larger the amount of blood that is required. At the moment, Kabal is unaware of this ability and thus cannot use it.

Perfect Resurrection: This ability is called 'perfect resurrection' because it is the return of a soul to a body that has been reanimated, basically bringing someone back to life. Only a master Necromancer could possibly perform this, and any failed attempts are met with dire consequences. A successful resurrection also comes at a great cost- both the complete loss of ones humanity and a great amount of their own life force. There are few, if any, that have achieved a 'perfect resurrection'.

Where I Come From

History: Three paragraphs at least. Remember, everyone has lived in Pewter City all their lives.

So begins...

Kabal De Muerte's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason Krane

Jason looked up at the teacher from his seat in the back of the room. He didn’t enjoy math class, but he couldn’t deny that he had a very likeable teacher, Mr. Bruner. Jason had his book set up on his desk so that the teacher couldn’t see his cd player as he ignored today’s lesson and began playing music. The teacher wouldn’t mind it too much as long as the homework was done for the next day and he wasn’t a disruption to the rest of the class, which was fine by him. Mr. Bruner had just explained a rather complex math problem to the rest of the class when the bell rang and it was time for lunch. As everyone filed out of the room, Mr. Bruner called out, “ Jason, I hope you were listening to the lesson today, there will be a quiz tomorrow on what we covered today in class.” Jason just looked back at the overenthusiastic math teacher and waved his hand, showing that he would be ready. He thought about heading to the cafeteria for lunch before he headed home for the day, but he ended up deciding against the idea. He was a senior, which meant he was done with all his classes by the time the lunch bell rang. He stopped to put his math book in his locker before he went to the main entrance and began his walk home.

Jason had pretty much made it all the way home when he heard some people shouting on the other side of the cemetery wall. He vaguely heard one of them say something about a ghost boy, then he heard someone yell “ Lets get him” He didn’t know what was going on, but one of the voices sounded familiar, and he was fairly certain he knew who it was. He quickly hopped the wall and saw just what was going on. Three guys from Deveraux were looking for trouble in the cemetery, and they knew not to come into this part of town. The cemetery was in Pewter’s terf, and Jason was going to make sure the three troublemakers knew that. As he was about to jump on the first of the three guys, he saw another teen hiding behind the wall of a Mausoleum, trying to stay out of the intruders view. The guy was a little scrawny looking, with black hair and a scared expression on his face. He wore no markings on any of his clothing to identify himself as a clan member, and he definitely wasn’t a friend of Deveraux. Jason didn’t see him as a threat at the moment, so he just ignored him and went after the three men from Deveraux. The first of the three were down before he even knew what hit him. Jason quickly kicked his feet from under him and sent him crashing down hard on the dirt floor. The second turned just in time to see the kick to the face he was about to receive before the blow landed. The third had enough time to turn around and run at Jason as he was dealing with the second, even though it didn’t do him any good. As the man from Deveraux charged at Jason, he quickly found out he was no match for the well-trained warrior. He was quickly planted face first into the ground as he felt a sharp pain in his wrist. Jason had the guy in a wrist lock, which meant if he moved at all it would send a torrent of pain down the kids hand until he begged for it to stop. All Jason said to the Deveraux intruder before he released him was a word of warning. “ If any of you come on our turf again, The pain you feel now will be the least of your problems. “

He let the now terrified teen’s wrist go, and stepped back to see if there was anything left that needed his attention. The two people he had ambushed were out for the count, and the third was in the process of grabbing his jacket and running away as fast as he was capable. He looked around to see if there was anyone else that wanted to test their strength. Seeing no future enemies, Jason remembered the kid that was hiding behind the wall and walked back over to the Mausoleum where he was standing. The black haired teen wasn’t there anymore, which meant he either escaped during the fight or he was hiding. Jason wanted to make sure he was alright before he left, but if the guy had already cut out, he wouldn’t have any chance of that happening. He decided to give it a minute and maybe the stranger would come out, so he waited by the wall where he entered the cemetery.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Louise Strom Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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#, as written by Guest
Eddy Kruvik

As Eddy waited, he started contemplating plans on this afternoon. He should start getting into a habit of doing this after the encounter yesterday. He didn't want any intruders watching him control the elements again.

Maybe around 4... he thought. It was right in the middle of school extracirricular activities and the ganga would also be meeting up at that time. No one will really be in the alleyways until five, so he'd have peace.

His thought process was interrupted by the previous one to talk to the principal. She was frowning as she looked at Eddy. They locked eyes for only a second. It was in that moment that a wierd sensation ran through his body. He'd had this sensation before. It was like Deja Vu, only he knew he'd never seen this girl before. His gaze turned away first, checking his watch. She moved on. He had to shake that feeling off. Luckily, the clerk had helped. "The principal would like to see you now," she called out to him. He sighed, then entered the door to the main office, then the door to the principal's office.

As he entered, the principal seemed to be muttering to himself, angrily. Eddy cocked his head slightly, obviously confused. He turned around and started rubbing his chin, a sign that he was thinking. He was puzzled, as if he had no idea what had just gone on. He spun his chair around, noticing Eddy in the room for the first time. Nothing moved. His beady black eyes told him that he was going to take his newly found rage on him.

"Sit!" he commanded. It was like being treated like a dog with these one worded commands. Eddy sat down, slumping his bag to the side. His expression showed no emotion. If even a crease formed on his forehead in this mood, it would only make it worse.

"Oh, Edward Markham've been here one too many times," he grunted, looking at his file. They both knew it contained every single thing he'd done bad. He was the criminal, despite not being in a gang himself. If he was caught, he would be punished and held up as an example. Worse, if he was innocent, he was still punished and held up as an example.

"Back-talking a teacher and her apparel...not turning in homework...not the worst you've done, but I'm tired of seeing you in my office," he snarled, as if he was the lowest form of spittle. Eddy took it wthout pain. He didn't care what the principal thought of him. No one cared what the principal thought of his students.

"Suspension! Three days! When you come back, I don't want to see you in my office anymore," He scribbled out a form as he spoke, then handed it to him. "Got it?"

"Sure thing," Dick head. He'd almost let that word out. Suspension? for backtalking a teacher. Half the school carried guns on them at all times and all they got was a damn warning. But he kept his emotions inside as he got up, taking the form and walking out of the school.

He took the slow walk home, noticing the alleyways filled with teens. A lot of kids skipped school and since the gangs all but owned the town...

He decided to start practicing a bit before he went home to show his mom. She already knew what her reaction would be. She'd made it clear the moment he turned 13. "I don't care what you do, just so long as you don't get a girl pregnant. I don't want to deal with that."

Love you too, mom...

He passed the graveyard, where commotion was going on with the gangs. He didn't want to be involved. He passed on by and went a couple of blocks down, passing through the empty alleyway and following a gravel path that led to a small clearing in the forest.

The place was a mess. There were rocks jetting out everywhere and black scorch marks all over the place: on the trees, in the ground...Eddy didn't care. He started breathing slowly, almost therapeudically, before throwing his first punch and practicing with the elements.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason Krane

Jason saw movement out of the corner of his eye and quickly turned to see what it was. His first thought was maybe the guy back with reinforcements, instead it was the kid that hid behind the wall. He said something Jason couldn't quite hear, but he decided to respond anyway.

“ Hey kid, are you alright?”

He looked at the kid for a solid three seconds before he decided he seemed unhurt.

“ My name is Jason and I’m a member of Pewter.” he said proudly as he rolled his right shoulder.

“What did those guys want with you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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#, as written by Guest
Eddy Kruvik

Panting, Eddy sat down on a tree trunk. He was exhausted. And he was only twenty minutes in! He'd never been so tired so quickly before. He knew why as well. He was drained because he was tense. He kept looking over his shoulder, expecting to see someone staring at him, watching him fling fire and earth in the air or crack a tree in half with a water whip. He couldn't focus, so he'd been forcing himself to do so, thereby draining not only his physical, but emotional strength as well...

He slowly got up, peering into the alley for the millionth time. And yet, he still didn't see anyone, but somehow, he did. It was like a 6th sense that wasn't useful. in any shape or form...

Sighing, he slowly walked down the alleyway again and looked into the street. He didn't see anyone. He shrugged to no one in particular and started walking when three Deveraux clan members ran right past him, one bumping into his shoulder as he passed by. He let the cheap shot pass, for it was only a cheap shot anyway. He thought he'd seen them at the graveyard, where the scrabble was going on. He decided to check and make sure there weren't two dead men over in the vicinity.

He peered around the corner, fearful of being spotted. He wanted to check it out, but he didn't want to be seen checking it out. He would become a suspect for sure and with his luck...better not to chance it.

But it looked like there was no murder. Someone from what appeared to be the Pewter clan was there along with what the rest of the town called the wierd kid. He didn't judge him. He ranked himself a freak all the time.

What was his name? Kibble de Mara...Karter de Mundo? He'd never gotten it before and didn't expect to get it now. But something came over his body functions as he approached. It was the same situation he'd had with the girl before. What the crap? He could only stare in confusion at what was wrong with his mind as the two began to talk...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason Krane

Jason, ... sensed something else. He quickly looked around to see who the new intruder to his turf was. He instinctively reached for a sword that wasn't there.

Damn, why do I have to keep my sword home from school. People carry guns and weapons all the time but something like a sword is against the rules. It's so unfair! he thought to himself as he felt foolish for not remembering.

He finally eyed the intruder and turned to see who it was. It wasn't someone Jason had previously met, he would remember someone so ... colorful. The guy looked about 18 but that was just a guess. He had brown hair and blue eyes, with just about every other color broken down into every fold of his wardrobe.

Jason quickly looked the new intruder over. Seeing nothing to signify he was in a clan, he decided to ease a little and drop a bit of his guard. He looked at the kid from before and back at the new guy. " So .... , Friend of yours?" he asked the kid while still looking up at the rainbow clad figure.

" Can I help you with something? My name is Jason and I'm a member of Pewter. You don't seem to be my enemy. " he said with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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#, as written by Guest
((OOC: Sorry, personal stuff happened. I'm back now! :) I will make my other character sometime this weekend.))

Eddy Kruvik


That was the first word that came into mind as the Pewter reached behind him for something. It didn't matter that the Pewter forgot to bring his weapon with him, but he knew that it meant he wasn't planning on being any ally towards him. Eddy got into a ready stance, even if it required him to use his unique ability against him. It was his last resort, but if this guy was going for blood, it was worth chancing his discovery and put under a magnifying glass in a lab somewhere in Area 51.

But the Pewter's guard slipped a little as he realized that Eddy wasn't a part of the other clans. He turned to the other kid. "So...friend of yours?" he'd asked before turning his full attention to Eddy.

"Can I help you with something? My name is Jason and I'm a member of Pewter. You don't seem to be my enemy."

"That's because I don't go seeking trouble for the thrill," Eddy replied cooly. He still didn't trust any of the clan members. "And, I'm Eddy. No, me and that kid have never met before. I wanted to satisfy my curiosity as to why three members of Deveraux were sent running in fear when they were clearly here to attack." he finished finely, making it clear by the tone of his voice that he didn't want trouble...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason was about to provide an answer to Eddy's curiosity about the Deveraux boys when Kabal began to speak.

"I think they were here to cause trouble...for me. And Liz. Liz is my friend."

he then pointed to the empty space beside him. He then continued.

" She says hi, by the way."

Jason didn't know what to say with this odd situation, so he just went along with it. He just quietly assumed that the guy had an imaginary friend.

“ Hi Liz! It’s nice to meet the both of you. He said with a smile to the spot he had pointed out.”

"Those guys have been coming here more and more often. They like to turn over the gravestones and write on the mausoleum walls....I don't like it, and neither does anyone else here.", he continued.

Jason caught the last remark, and again assumed he was talking about the up keepers or the guests of the cemetery. He also noticed his grip tighten on his violin, which he hadn’t seen beforehand.

" Well, if they come back and I see it happening I’ll make sure they can’t cause you trouble again. “ he said as he cracked his knuckles. He would have to break school rules and bring his sword from now on, which he hoped he could hide in his locker before anyone saw. It would make him feel more alive anyway, and prevent him from being an open target. He didn’t see much reason to stick around now that the boy was alright and there was nothing else threatening Pewter’s territory.

“ Well, I’ve been fooling around long enough for today. “

The sun was hardly even peaking over the horizon. He knew his parents wouldn’t be home, His mother was away on business and his dad was on a hiking trip in the mountains, but he wanted to get home anyway.

First he turned to Eddy.

“ It was nice meeting you, and I hope I didn’t offend you at all.” he said with a nod. “ I didn’t know if you were more of those ‘Dev’ guys looking for a fight. “

He turned to the shy kid that didn’t introduce himself yet.

“ Before I go, can I get your name? “


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Louise Strom Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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#, as written by Guest
Eddy Kruvik

"I think they were here to cause trouble...for me. And Liz. Liz is my friend." the graveyard kid had said, clearing his throat. Eddy turned to find nothing where he pointed. An alert signal went through his body, as if there was truth put behind those words. Eddy began to think about it. Could it really be possible? It might. They were in a graveyard after all. But rumors pointed towards that the kid was a tiny bit mental in the head and had an imaginary friend. Lies always spread faster than the truth and the truth never caught up to a lie. It was a litany that went with his perspective on life. Could this kid talk to the dead.

It sounded absurd, but there was a tiny part of him that said it was true. He was still debating with it when they continued to speak. "She says hi, by the way. Those guys have been coming here more and more often. They like to turn over the gravestones and write on the mausoleum walls....I don't like it, and neither does anyone else here." the kid went on.

"Well, if they come back and I see it happening I’ll make sure they can’t cause you trouble again. Well, I've been fooling around long enough for today." Jason turned to Eddy as he began to speak directly to him.

“It was nice meeting you, and I hope I didn’t offend you at all.” he said with a nod. “I didn’t know if you were more of those ‘Dev’ guys looking for a fight."

"Hey, it's no problem." Eddy said, cracking a grin. Jason turned back to the other kid. "Before I go, can I get your name?.

Interesting question... Eddy thought as he decided he was going to stay after he left to talk to the kid. Maybe there was more than what was let on...and the other girl. Maybe he should talk to her later. Something was going on with these random flashes of nostalgia and he was going to get to the bottom of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Louise Strom Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Zavid Fawnton Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte Character Portrait: Indigo Moralin
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#, as written by Guest
Zavid Fawnton

"We have the identity of the five Malachai, sir."

Zavid Fawnton immediately stopped what he was doing, and looked up. The messenger had gotten his attention, a rarity for the young teen. He preferred to multi-task anyway and none of the news that usually came up was any trouble at all. It was something he could deal with later or send others to deal with at the moment.

However, this piece of information was different. It meant everything changed. The destiny he wanted to achieve was now right on his doorstep. And it was all thanks to the revelation of the identities of five unfortunate kids. They would help him achieve what he was meant to.

"...continue." he finally said, still maintaining his composure on the outside, showing no emotion at all.

"Well, as you know, we've know three of them from quite some time now. Kabal de Muerte, the kid from the graveyard, was the first to be discovered. You've known that for years. And then there's Willa Strom. We've witnessed her constantly using her power on the principal, the most recent being today. Indigo Moralin's scrying power isn't hard to miss, either. Rory Lewis was discovered very recently. And finally, yesterday, one of our members spotted the elemental one using his powers in a clearing not far from here. His name is Eddy Kruvik, sir." the messenger was practically out of breath when he finished. The last two sentences were all Zavid needed to hear. He knew the rest.

"Very well. You've done well." he said, almost robotically.

It was the highest praise anyone could get from the man and the messenger knew it. "Th-thank you, sir," he responded.

"And you're sure that none of the other clan know this?"

"Not at all, sir,"

"Good. Send in Jason Krane for me."


"Yes?" Zavid looked up once more, the challenge present in his voice even though it sounded the same. The messenger knew this and instantly corrected himself.

"Sorry, sir."

"Better. Now go and get Jason for me." The messenger went to do as he was told. "I've got a little bit of recruiting to do..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Zavid Fawnton Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason Krane

".....Kabal. My name is Kabal. Thanks again."

Jason was happy he now knew the names of the two men that stood before him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, seeing as Kabal was extremely shy and Eddy didn't seem the type to quickly trust strangers.

" It was nice meeting both of you," he said as he turned around to leave. Just as he was about to head out, the phone in his pocket began to vibrate. He pulled it out and looked at the number. It was one of the messengers from Pewter, which meant the boss wanted him for something important. He answered the phone to a less-then confident voice on the other line. " Umm .... Mr Krane? The boss requires your presence immediately. "

" I'll be there, " Jason said for a quick response and hung up the phone. He turned around and sprinted to the safe house. He didn't know what his mission would entail, but it wasn't often he was called in. Mostly the boss would only call him in for the big fights, or if whole sections of their territory was under attack. He never called for Jason if the problem was something the other lackey's could do themselves. He was genuinely excited to be given another mission. He enjoyed helping his clan in any way that he could, and he loved a good fight.

For the entire run to the safe house, all Jason thought about was what kind of mission he would be sent on. Before he knew it he was turning on the street where the safe house rested. He ran through the shrubbery and hopped the fence to get in the back way to the base. He didn't even have to tell the guard to let him in, instead he immediately opened the heavy iron door and moved out of the way. Jason didn't wait to announce his presence to anyone else, he just went straight for the boss's room. He entered the lightly lit room to find Zavid sitting in his chair with his back to the door Jason entered. Jason put both hands behind his back and stood up straight. " Jason Krane reporting for duty sir. " he said in a militaristic tone as he waited for Zavid to respond.