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Zavid Fawnton

"Our principles will get the Malachai on our side, then we will conquer..."

0 · 420 views · located in Pewter City

a character in “The Malachai: Reborn”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Name: Zavid Fawnton

Age: 25

Type: Pewter

Appearance: A freaky 6'11", Zavid is considered the tallest in the town. He has long, blonde hair and blue eyes he hides under his black fedora. With class, he walks in a black trench coat, hiding his weapons. His pants are always American Eagle, signifying that he has some sort of wealth, which he does. He wears a necklace, showing the symbol of the Pewters. He also has a huge tattoo on his back, showing the same thing. His ring also has the inscription engraved in the center of the Shamrock stone.

Natural abilities: He is fast and accurate and is great at hiding in plain sight.

Natural weaknesses: He's not at all very strong, which he makes up for in knowledge of the pressure points. He's also got a fear of heights.

Personality: He's rather serious. He tends to show no emotion, only a hint of a smile or a frown here and there. His gaze remains cold, as if trapped like that for eternity. He's very diplomatic, very intelligent. His mood will depend on how he deals wth a problem, but few can guess how he's feeling. He'll either tell his clan members to get on it or he'll deal with the problem himself. He makes up a good eigth of the murders that have happened in the city recently.

Ability/Weapon: To keep a modern agenda, he carries a 9mm. pistol in one of his trench coat pockets, but he only uses it when he needs to. He always fancies killing with the bow and arrow, mainly a recurve bow, which can shoot 150 years max, but has incredible accuracy in the right hands. He has plenty of arrows within a hidden quiver stitched into the inner back of his trench coat, remaining concealed until it was too late for the victim. He studied Krav Maga, a special martial art dealing with how to kill an enemy in the fastest way possible as well as in any situation.

History: Being the first born of his family, it was considered his destiny to take up the leader of the clan when his father became too old and worn for it. It was a constant litany carved in his head from the moment he could understand and comprehend sentences. He let his father take control of him and moldim into what he wanted Zavid to be. He'd known the story of the past and he strived to make his heritage proud by proving leadership of the town, but only when the five Malachai came.

When he was eight, he'd begun his training, not from the urging of his father, but on his own. He'd begun taking the basics, karate and tae kwon do, but netiher skope to his senses. It was when he came across Krav Maga that he accepted. No one thought nothing of it. Pewter City was a dangerous place and they thought it was wise that the boy took this class. He was spoon-fed to learn violence. His true motive: to take over Pewter City one day and move on from there.

He was considered a success. He did well in high school and went on to major in chemistry in college. He holds a job as a fragrance creator in the tiny mall Pewter City has, but no one is the wiser. They don't realize that he runs one of the ruthless gangs in the city, as well as commits his own crimes. He does what he does best: hiding in plain sight.

So begins...

Zavid Fawnton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Louise Strom Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Zavid Fawnton Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte Character Portrait: Indigo Moralin
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#, as written by Guest
Zavid Fawnton

"We have the identity of the five Malachai, sir."

Zavid Fawnton immediately stopped what he was doing, and looked up. The messenger had gotten his attention, a rarity for the young teen. He preferred to multi-task anyway and none of the news that usually came up was any trouble at all. It was something he could deal with later or send others to deal with at the moment.

However, this piece of information was different. It meant everything changed. The destiny he wanted to achieve was now right on his doorstep. And it was all thanks to the revelation of the identities of five unfortunate kids. They would help him achieve what he was meant to.

"...continue." he finally said, still maintaining his composure on the outside, showing no emotion at all.

"Well, as you know, we've know three of them from quite some time now. Kabal de Muerte, the kid from the graveyard, was the first to be discovered. You've known that for years. And then there's Willa Strom. We've witnessed her constantly using her power on the principal, the most recent being today. Indigo Moralin's scrying power isn't hard to miss, either. Rory Lewis was discovered very recently. And finally, yesterday, one of our members spotted the elemental one using his powers in a clearing not far from here. His name is Eddy Kruvik, sir." the messenger was practically out of breath when he finished. The last two sentences were all Zavid needed to hear. He knew the rest.

"Very well. You've done well." he said, almost robotically.

It was the highest praise anyone could get from the man and the messenger knew it. "Th-thank you, sir," he responded.

"And you're sure that none of the other clan know this?"

"Not at all, sir,"

"Good. Send in Jason Krane for me."


"Yes?" Zavid looked up once more, the challenge present in his voice even though it sounded the same. The messenger knew this and instantly corrected himself.

"Sorry, sir."

"Better. Now go and get Jason for me." The messenger went to do as he was told. "I've got a little bit of recruiting to do..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Krane Character Portrait: Zavid Fawnton Character Portrait: Eddy Kruvik Character Portrait: Kabal De Muerte
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Jason Krane

".....Kabal. My name is Kabal. Thanks again."

Jason was happy he now knew the names of the two men that stood before him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, seeing as Kabal was extremely shy and Eddy didn't seem the type to quickly trust strangers.

" It was nice meeting both of you," he said as he turned around to leave. Just as he was about to head out, the phone in his pocket began to vibrate. He pulled it out and looked at the number. It was one of the messengers from Pewter, which meant the boss wanted him for something important. He answered the phone to a less-then confident voice on the other line. " Umm .... Mr Krane? The boss requires your presence immediately. "

" I'll be there, " Jason said for a quick response and hung up the phone. He turned around and sprinted to the safe house. He didn't know what his mission would entail, but it wasn't often he was called in. Mostly the boss would only call him in for the big fights, or if whole sections of their territory was under attack. He never called for Jason if the problem was something the other lackey's could do themselves. He was genuinely excited to be given another mission. He enjoyed helping his clan in any way that he could, and he loved a good fight.

For the entire run to the safe house, all Jason thought about was what kind of mission he would be sent on. Before he knew it he was turning on the street where the safe house rested. He ran through the shrubbery and hopped the fence to get in the back way to the base. He didn't even have to tell the guard to let him in, instead he immediately opened the heavy iron door and moved out of the way. Jason didn't wait to announce his presence to anyone else, he just went straight for the boss's room. He entered the lightly lit room to find Zavid sitting in his chair with his back to the door Jason entered. Jason put both hands behind his back and stood up straight. " Jason Krane reporting for duty sir. " he said in a militaristic tone as he waited for Zavid to respond.