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Adolefactus myrkul

The scribe of all beings

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lil_kreen


What was once a defensive construct left behind by a fallen empire rose to intelligence and now dedicates itself to the defense of Mankind in the name of the Living Emperor.


Adolefactus, much like the Jinhai is a many of one. However its purpose is exclusively to tend to the altar of Myrkul and the psi-seeds contained therein. Unspoken of by the Jinhai except to any that already know the name Adolefactus also creates brand new types of sub-beings as well as ensuring the Mada's pregnancies go without incident. He does not deal with outsiders and the Jinhai ensure he does not as sensitive as his position may be. Recent events that unleashed his primal purpose have motivated him to be more... proactive, however. By its hands alone are all subbeings tethered to Myrkul. Now in the Rekindled incites a loquacious if cold enthusiasm for the suffering now under its thumb even if it minimizes the stress.

Weapon: Aether Scythe - Adolefactus is not without weaponry as practical a creature as Myrkul's Vein is. This scythe causes the mind to disentangle from its astral tether causing no end of madness and schizophrenia in those unfortunate to be struck by it. It is entirely within Adolefactus' power to sever an astral thread entirely dispossessing the living permanently from their body. The undead or outsiders lacking a soul tethered will instead be increasingly divorced from their own body immortal but unmoving. A stone statue in all but form.


So begins...

Adolefactus myrkul's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul
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  1. Feel free to start a character here just mind that they died on terra to get to this point. :)

    by lil_kreen

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From whence all sub-beings come - Within the Altar of Myrkul's Vein


Well above the ground of the Aetherius transitive plane named Genesis a gigantic creature loomed high over a growing field of skyscrapers planted into the earth. A thin hairy carpet of Cognizance spires that forms the backbone of their renewable collection of this plane's resources. Expansion had the need of creation however and to that end Myrkul had brought its own force of creation. This place was known to Jinhai as the Altar of Myrkul's Vein named by Humankind long passed the shards of its creation delivered by a being known as Deiyi. Those shards a thing carefully organized and welded by the force of an overbeing's will to organize its mental forces against the black storm. In time what then was a small red dias became the housing and forge for a hundred thousand Psi-Seeds. A purpose writ in the Fallen Emperor's dictum then altered the purpose of that mechanism of creation. They would save mankind from the indignities of Aetherkind that the kingdom of Mankind could not be felled by the actions of a diety.

Then a crack in the black storm formed a natural thread through the planes to mountainous foci upon which the force of creation held it steady. They'd spread out from the precipice into Genesis then met another worthy of being the Emperor of Mankind. Slowly their limited inroads to the plane expanded as they moved from world to world seeking Mankind to protect as was Dicta. They died, as Humankind did at the will of Aetherkind, but some were saved. Rekindled, with the broken parts of comrades fully destroyed.

Upon the platinum-iridium alloy wreathed with psimass bonded to human blood a single creature raised its hands focusing on the task at hand. Spires alit next to him as the cognizance channels slammed their energies into the altar. The channels were now open and the brazier that could sustain a soul were lit. Firm ferroplasm bones on every surface threw light from the charge as more color directed in from genesis streamed in through entrance apertures. Each an active Way gate to lesser overbeings than Myrkul spreading more constructions across the infinity that is Genesis.

ImageJinhai busily carried sources of the rekindled as they arrived to Myrkul in their own time. Some had been lost before they could build more receptacles in the halls for them as distinct from psi-seeds as they were. Adolefactus looked on to ranks of cloaked figures of Jinhai carrying the brightly burning lamps closer.

The white-eyed Adolefactus' protective robe loosed its tethers on the flowing blood carpet to which harsh mouthless voice elated at the new task, "Come brothers! How interesting to see you all bearing gifts! Today not only the Mada will bear new life. Or old life, I suppose, We'll see, hmmm? Let us see if we can return a few fallen to the Living Emperor."

Jinhai wasn't as much one for conversation a creature of order and habit that they were, "There are few. We have not yet begun rekindling after the current catastrophe for mankind."

Another Jinhai with a blue burning receptacle added, "Several thousand more receptacles may be required. The event is sizable but the Living Emperor is attending to the disaster."

Adolefactus shrugged in a gleeful tone,"I'll never be bored again at least! I wonder if these Rekindled are strong enough to survive the procedure. I suppose I may lose a few but nothing lost they hadn't already."

Pointing to rapid but flat swirl of blue-sparkling motes and distended space just ahead of the altar he added, Attend them to the Locus and let's get to work, shall we?"

Jinhai poured into the air from faceless robed men like the staff-bearing statue of the Fallen Emperor behind the altar to huge floating segmented worms. Glowing grey thunderstorms of psionic activity roiled across each surface and in one of the quadrant-vaned mouths at each end is clung a source of the Rekindled. Each unique to the individual but most bearing the Symbol of the Imperium on them as the imperial guards of the first attack were rekindled in host. The Jinhai didn't know who they were but diligently moved them in procession. Their other ends clasped together a ring of conductive order between each source. A frame upon which each man would be born anew.

The locus swirled with activity as Adolefactus raised both hands together blowing life into the malestrom focus. A fell wind of psimass bonded to the flesh that makes the living be raises in a swirl of Ichor. The speed of it hurling fast as the ring of Jinhai and souls turns faster. As those white eyes closed Adolefactus was witness to the storm of men that once were. Even the scribe of all beings found it difficult to hear every instrument in the orchestra of memories he could keep every symphony to itself. Every eddy and current in the fleshy potential of the Maelstrom locus finding its own design. Wisps of what became flesh and even metal returned to the design each rekindled remembered of their death. Organs re-writ, implants reborn, nothing left behind but shrapnel and detritus the soul refused to regard as its own. Each of the 11 bodies returned to wholeness the bonded fleshy psimass forming the memory of a healthy moment just before that ignanamous moment that destroyed them. In time the whirlwind was just a wisp as it spun pouring itself out in Humankind. The bodies ejected from a red gout in each Jinhai whom then stopped to reform into humanoid bodies. An inert source of the Rekindled in the hand of each.

At least Adolefactus was fairly sure they were all Humankind. The lines between symphonies seemed somehow different. There were a few Rekindled that sang at different timbres than the chorus of the Imperium. Jinhai slowed as the bodies turned hardened seared raw matter into the re-ignition of will. There was always a risk that the Rekindled would crumple under the strain and the source extinguish but he was fairly sure at least the harsh grey fireballs of sources emblazoned with knightly imagery would persist handily. They'd find themselves on an impossibly smooth floor a fresco above them lit with a skyline of the floating cities of Netheril that once were. Hooded Jinhai looking down upon them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ondona Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul
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Within the Altar of Myrkul's Vein
The psychic spirit of the Emperor appeared inside this alter, a place very reminiciante of Imperial churches scattered all across the Imperium. However this place was made to help humanity, and these were his allies, perhaps even a friend in some aspects, however their purpose was mainly to help save humanity. And he would do the same, and assist them when the time comes. However, today he had something that needs addressing...the Issue of Ifrit, the being that would bring nothingness to the universe.

It seemed that the Myrkul people were busy adding new soldiers in the fight, however he decided to wait until they had time for him. This issue would not be addressed quickly, rather after a long period. But soon he felt a new presence far away from the area. A diety? Strange, this was not the correct place for deities to meet. Perhaps a brand new deity? Or one who did not have much knowledge on things.

However his attention soon returned to a massive armored figure. By his side was one of his sons, Lion 'El Johnson of the Dark Angels. He was asleep, put this way by the Emperor himself. It was time to fix his mind, to rid him of his shattered mind and bring him back to normal. Placing a gentle hand on his sons forehead, he began to fix him. His other sons would be returning here soon, Lemen Russ of the Space Wolves, Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars, Vulkan of the Salamanders, and Corax of the Raven Guard. His loyal sons, the taint of chaos not reaching them so far...and two of his sons currently walk among the living. Rogal Dorn and Roboute Guilliman. He could feel them coming at any time, and when they returned to the material world or appeared once again they would be sent here away from prying eyes.

Things needed to Change for the better of the Imperium, to bring back leadership and lead humanity anew. Once his Sons return, it would be time to finally change things...

A Mysterious Lady
The diety known as Ondona looked around the vast plains of wheat. "I...think this is where the others Gods live...Royka, lets hope we can get the news to them." She smiled and her butler replied with a quick nod.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ondona Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul
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Voice of the overbeing


The Living Emperor had come to Genesis, atop the Eminence, specifically sideways midway up the giant worm nearly 15 kilometers in the air. Myrkul itself maintained an edict of gravity here toward the floor. The air inside the Altar of Myrkul's Vein suffused with an awareness not just the Emperor's own. Still, that awareness served the one it acknowledged as the Living Emperor and the wholeness of Myrkul's awareness is made available to him. A book, the Almanac, ever changing and just aside the Emperor's mental reach upon any touch to the mind of Myrkul's Vein. It held all the physical awareness there is of its sub-beings and any memory of such there ever had been. A full accounting to the best knowledge of the Jinhai as to their assets as well, and much more. When inside the Altar the Living Emperor could find that inside the almanac not even the psi-seeds of Myrkul's sub-beings is denied. The titanic and intense complexity of a multi-being that had and does create everything herein.

Jinhai moved to and fro around the swirling altar as a procession of them held sources of the rekindled waiting for their turn at the altar. They lined up in the hundreds in distant halls. The space twisted and turned here even if Myrkul's Vein was a city thick on its own.

The walls themselves rumble Myrkul's voice excited to give its first report, "I welcome you, Living Emperor, to my body. My altar upon which all new beings are struck in your name."

The floor alights toward the swirling dias as Myrkul's central awareness beacons from behind the walls, "We attempt to Rekindle the souls of your own, here. Some fall, some rise, a scant few ascend. Those that perish we deny to all Aetherkind their souls that fuel the heavenly and abyssal body, if we are able. The living we arm our weapons are yours to dispose. I have engines of transfiguration in the Wen suited to the mindful or willed. We are told by Gunnac of these "machine spirits" in your weapons. We find them limited but we make them stronger as we can."

The focus moves to a small wall sconce, two alight of many empty, "There are two active True Rekindled as yet the being known as Adolefactus focuses his efforts such upon your warriors. The rest are in repose until they recover. However my cognizance injector is limited by the unhewn Way hub on Terra. Jinhai are sent with Dicta to create a Way Core protected by the black storm on the place known as Cryo."

If reaching out to the point at which all power flowed out of this plane for Myrkul the Emperor would find the Cognizance Injector. A crown for the mind much like the Emperor's former golden throne. However the mental bulk of either of them it could only fit a thread's eye at present. Lest the fragile power structure imposed remotely onto Terra break from its threads. Another Way gate must exist before the other could be upgraded.

The field of eyes


As Ondona looked about the infinite plain of wheat she would see on the horizon a growing thicket of tall spires. Some taller, some larger, all with evidence of active construction. Something spread its awareness throughout the plane along the distant horizon. There were even what looked like deeply black thickets of trees just poking their canopy above. What was palpable was the feeling that many of the towers were very much a living thing with a watchful eye. The dour awareness of an onlooking enforcer carried with them. The closer they got to the watchful eyes the harder it would become to draw power from Aetherius. Some larger ominous edifice howled psychic litanies that disrupted the transition of planes without being a party to the song. The very first true casualty on Genesis by Ifrit Aetundai was Myrkul's honoring of the plane's peaceful nature.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ondona Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul
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Within the Alter

Once Myrkul gave his report, the Emperor nodded."I see, so that is what is going on. I was wondering how some men are returning from the dead not by unholy magic or a divine being present. For now our efforts are to defend Terra for the time being and rebuild the Imperium. I have some news to share, many of my Sons are going to appear now that I walk again. The whole of the warp also knows I walk which means my sons who have fallen to Chaos will begin to appear once again. I have made it possible for my sons who return from the Warp to come here to rest and await their fellow brothers to come. However the time nears for when we have to engage the one know as...Ifit, the being who will bring nothingness to everything..." The Emperor started as he looked at the Cognizance Injector.

"Right now I know he is currently consuming a whole planet for what purpose I am trying to find out. However I know for certain he plans to strike more planets and consume them as well. We need to be prepared to fight the being that would end everything as we know it, it is important that all efforts be made to grow our power and gather allies for the cause when the time comes...You see we need to help change my people, they are far lost in Theocracy and hatred to work together with anyone. If we are to prevail we must take the step to turn humanity back to its former glory...not the pure warlike instuments that they are right now..." He sighed as he gazed into the distance.

"I hope for time when the universe can finnaly be free of Chaos, bringers of destruction, and the many Gods that abuse their power. One day only the mortal world will stand and seek their own path, to carve their own future not dictated by a 'God' or any demon...however I do not wish tocontinue to ramble about this. I thank you for what steps you are taking, I hope the reborn soldiers fight with all their valor and hearts. But onto what I need to speak about."

The Emperor soon turmed around to face Myrkul, or at least where his voice was. "Our current plans are not the focus of the forces of chaos or Ifrit. We will take steps to ensure their actions are met with resistance but right now our primary enemy is the Shadow Legion. I will be declaring that the Space Marine Chapters do not follow their usuall 1,000 men per chapter. They are now free to recruit as many people they deem fit. Our goal now is to prepare our fprces when the Primarchs all return to assault the Shadow Legions keep in full force, we get rid of the current primary threat, then when we do deal the future threats we will have one less enemy." The Emperor spoek about his plan, to assault the Shadow Legion with hope of destroying them.

A peaceful place

The Goddes slowly wandered through these lush lands, however she never shook the feeling that she was being watched. Was...was there something that made its home here? She was certain this is where the other deities met up...but it could have been changed long ago. "Mistress Ondona, have no fear for I shall defend you. If we find no traces of a presence then we shal head for other location where the divine meet." Royka spoke. "Now that you mention it...I can feel a strong presence somewhere. Mayhaps we can find a fellow diety here. Lets be careful though, it could be anything." The Godess smiled as she walked forward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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A lurking horror?


Genesis was a thing very bland to many creature's reckoning as beautiful as it was. Even so, a rainy thunderhead of roiling black was not unusual for this land. This different one drained inward with violent implosions of purple thunder. Gigantic worms lept from it into the sky as another raced in from the heavens from above the cloudline to hammer a new void. The earth shook slightly from that strike of one of the lesser Overbeings Myrkul summoned.

It was a good estimation of their powers at scale to terraform a nearby area. A request of due worth was made by another that has a need for convalescence in somewhere more forested. A verdant impulse of constructive idea injected into the land. It thundered past Odona through the ground a faint rumble that exploded rows of trees from the grass. Though the lesser overbeings chattered as busied again they were with incantations in the sky. Ignorant of Celestialkind Odona as they were provided an unusual quantity of cognizance crystals to practice their crafts. Some to instantiate and others to reconfigure.


It also made evident a thin line of smoke now set against the larger thickets of trees. A small cottage set among the waving wheat and smelled vaguely of burnt cookies if one could smell quite that far. The first Ductu that had set upon Terra brought her host back to Genesis. Separate for now 'Neural Saint' endeavored to teach the Ductu how to cook.

The human looked out the window with her patina-colored cybernetic eyes. At the current rate she might starve. Ductu wasn't a good cook. Though she zoomed in as far as her eyes could go to see those huge-ass worms smacking down a mountain. Once she could walk again she had her brand new heart set on going outside. It hurt her new lungs to breathe let alone talk. She couldn't do anything energetic for a while and Ductu couldn't help her heal.

Then she smelled the oven and yelled, "DUCTU! You're burning the cookies!"

A coughing fit from the girl ensued as a fleet-footed black creature darted across the house.

Plans best laid

Myrkul pondered the Umbralkind they'd seen on terra. A mighty foe indeed and it hadn't the resources yet to move against the creature. The Core Way gate limited Myrkul and all its overbeings. There was much to do and not much to do it with.

Myrkul's indistinctly sourced voice echoed to the Living Emperor, "I perform your wisdom, Living Emperor. The Aetherkind limite Humankind by Dicta shall their control be broken. We will await the arrival of your progeny. Quarters are under construction for Gunnac and others. Though we cannot yet easily move them here ourselves. They must find strong ones known as psykers to create an anchor external to the overbeings upon which our will can rest to retrieve them. We are aware one such psyker is being reconstructed inside a Wen near the point of Tiff."

A Zhou's memory came to the forefront of its mind as Myrkul rejoined with its sub-beings spread through the multiverse. It played the

Myrkul made a short announcement, "This is now known: The Umbralkind Draco is remembered to be assaulting a place known as the silver palace. I am not yet certain to how current the Zhou's memories are but we know the Zhou to be on Terra. I have not yet experienced the fullness of its time."

Rumbling sparkles continued as information filtered up through its extensive memory, "This is also known: The progeny's existence known as Roboute Guilliman may have entered Pramia. Jinhai noted a disturbance in the Way network and studied it with Gunnac's imperial technology and your soldiers of utility whose names are not known to us. The Gunnac Umbercaller wishes to attempt to bring Jinhai to find and rekindle him."

Adolefactus brought over a small orb and dias to where the Emperor stood. He waited patiently until Myrkul's pronouncements ended. His voice though lacking a mouth was warm, silvery, and far less inexpressive than the other beings here, "It is good to you, Living Emperor, If I may interrupt. I keep the broken spirits of the fallen about in case we can find a new meat box to put them in. Easier said than done I'm afraid. We wouldn't want to accidentally corrupt them but we can't well let the Atherkind or Chaos have them either, mmm? I can't fit them all in one source of the fallen but perhaps you have something you could do with them? They sleep forever but are otherwise unharmed.

The spine-headed humanoid shrugged, "Or I could put them back in the wall I suppose. More things to dust."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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"So that fiend has been causing trouble in other areas as well...I should not be surprised, the forces of evil are always working. In that case, my Son Roboute Guilliman and his forces of Ultramarines shall go to this 'Silver Palace' and assist the defenders In driving away his forces. As for additional psykers, feel free to assign a psyker to them for there are a bit of psykers within Imperial cities most running amok keepin gtheir powers hidden, using them for good and evil. And as for the the fallen...I shall gather them into myself. Its the best place at this point for they shall have peace in death. And it is better then forgotten and stored away." The Emperor replied and he paced back and fourth. To stop the enemy at every point was their mission, whatever Draco had planned it was no doubt adding to his army of damned creatures. It was best if they act instead of shy away.

"While we are still discussing things, I deceted a presence that entered this plane. It is not your kind as far as I know. Is it an enemy?" The Emperor spoke as he looking in the faint direction to where he felt the unknown presence.

A Strange Place Indeed
As Ondona continued forward, her attention focused in the skies. Beings spawned from the sky each time shaking the earth below. It seemed this land was full of life. However something in the air caught her attention, as a Goddess of the Hunt her nose smelled something burning...burnt cookies? That was not something that she did not expect. As she followed the small a trail of smoke filled the air, along with voices.

Soon the Godess stumbled across a house, the smoke had originated from here and she could see movment. "Oh...I think someone may need assistance. Follow me Royka, while we are here let us be on our best behavior." The Goddes sspoke as the figure replied. "As you wish mistress, I shall assist in any way I can."

With that the pair hurried to the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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A reticent watchful eye

Myrkul helpfully flipped through the almanac to the page where the Ductu and her host were busy in convalescence. It was a top view though desaturated in places where the black creature with long lithe fingers could no longer see. There was a girl on top of the counter with a small bedroll just beside the window propped up on a pillow. Scantily dressed one could see on her chest the huge stitched hole where a shotgun blast once caused catastrophic damage. She looked outside at the view. The ductu busied itself with staring into a small brick stove.

The view pulled out slightly to show the comparatively murky view of the nearest observation tower to the location but it showed Odona and her butler approaching the door. In the Emperor's mind the array of spires spreading throughout Genesis might feel quite like peering around a corner through a mirror. Myrkul's voice was unmoved as ever, "We believe the beings to be Celestialkind. We are moved to ignore the Celestialkind unless it harms us in need of other pressing threats. Our lesser Overbeings are present to engage if necessary. They gather knowledge of their skills upon this plane."

The opposing page of the almanac showed a view atop the clouds of Genesis. Between tufts of white shown a miasma of black motes below. Dancing between it all several mile long leviathans small only in light of Myrkul's Vein. Hideously powerful beams of order terraform the grassland below to something they ken to be 'forested'. Others removed the obstacles of rocky places. Though such a thing as 'forest' is quite the nebulous a concept for them and the growths rather strange. Genesis itself seems to smooth their efforts around the edges in sudden seasonal changes and new growth.

Adolefactus entered to answer the Emperor, "I believe the humans would think her a cute sort. Will be nice to have someone other than Jinhai, Myrkul, and myselves to talk to. The daughters of the fallen emperor are still at home in the black storm."

With a hand's flourish he stopped his segue, "Mmm, I digress. The black storm has been inhaling lost souls for many years, Living Emperor. I hope you are hungry, hmmm? A fair bit of the fallen from terra fit in this small bucket. I lost count of the lost souls ages ago."

A nearby hallway sliced closed with a thin curtain of black material as Myrkul willed a new layout into the extradimensional space. Behind the hole that appears then clears the curtain a new hallway greets lined with sources of the fallen much like the one below. These were far more feral colors if not things of a bygone age. Adolefactus kept every lost soul they'd come across in the deep howling nothing of the black storm. Safely ensconced in their own holders across the wall, ceiling, even behind grates in the floor.

"You are entitled to them as well, Living Emperor, but I suggest caution. The black storm sears away their identities and we are unsure what may come of the lost souls.", interjects Myrkul from its glow on the floor.

Adolefactus scoffs miming a pair of air quotes, "Feh, 'Caution' our overbeing says. There might be Gods, demons, or what have you inside those lost souls from the Black storm. It suffers nothing to live. Take due care, mmm?"

"As it must be," Myrkul continued, "We will intercede for the psyker contained within the Wen to find your Son and send him to the aid of the Silver Palace."

Sharing cookie destruction

A lanky light-footed Ductu sat in front of the furnace trying not to let her motes get too close to the flame. She wielded a set of long-handled cooking tools like one would fight a monster. Long fingers swathed around a spatula that gingerly scoops out cookies from the brick-fired oven. Ductu looked around the oven for the 12th but found it missing. Silver-red eyes opened in the Ductu's blank face as to better see and knelt down even further to see into the fire. She'd pushed one of the cookies into the flame and it smelled badly. She most certainly wasn't going to go get it with her fingers!

The silver rimmed red eyes turned to meet the copper patina ones and Ductu said to her host, "I pushed one into the fire. They are undamaged. Do you want to eat one?"

The young lady reached out her hands saying hoarsely, "Gimme Gimme! I'm starving! You need to get us some burgers or something!"

The ductu stood up tall onto her tiptoes barely making noise as she partly glided across the brick floor. The small ceramic plate had a number of sugar cookies from resources manufactured by Jinhai. They couldn't get much matter across the Way Gate yet but she had enough food to keep the Host from starving. She offered the food to her host whom took two hands worth then looked outside at a noise.

"Dufto, Therf fomeone oufide!", 'Neural Saint' said with her mouth full. It felt good to get food in her. All she'd had to eat is bread and cookies apparently there wasn't meat in this damn place!

Ductu tiptoed a dash to the far window eying Odona with her silver-red gaze saying across the room, "I know. It is Celestialkind. They stand out to us. And we to them. I will keep you safe, host."

The young girl strained to bend up far enough to see Odona but her destroyed then replaced chest muscles cried murder. She rubbed her sore boob then just opted to eat her cookies. She wasn't running anywhere fast, like.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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The Future Of Man
The Emperor watched through the spires eyes and looked upon the one who had appeared in the land, a celestial kind...A Goddess, however she appeared to be far unsure of everything. Almost like someone lost of everything, must have been a Goddess that really did stay out of humanities affairs.

The Emperor soon returned his vision back to the alter and faced Adolefactus. "Cute? I do concede many of mankind would find her...'cute'...However as long as she does not try to cause any trouble she is free to roam around. And as for the 'Daughters Of The Emperor' I am worried about them when the future comes. The Space Marines can change, albeit to a certain extent. The Sisters Of Battle may not be very open to change however if I speak to them personally we may have no problems at all." The Emperor replied before turning to the containers of souls.

"I do not need any souls anymore to preserve my existence. I am no longer strapped to the Golden Throne. However, if there are souls of Gods...perhaps I can use them in a way to help improve my children. Despite the fact that I know one day they will become almost as strong as me, if I can make it possible for them to get to my levels of power then we as warriors of humanity could engage any threat across the stars. But thank you for the offer, I will keep that in mind." The Emperor nodded to himself, he could use this in the future indeed. For the demonic souls they could be destroyed for all he cared.

Baking Disaster
Ondona soon arrived in front of the house, however on closer inspection there did not seem to be any fire. But what was that burnt smell, it could not have just been a burnt cookie..."Excuse us, if there is anyone inside please forgive my appearance. I though there was a emergency here since I smelled some smoke. Is everything ok?" She called from outside.

Her butler by her side, Royka held a random fire extinguisher looking for signs of fire. However with the threat of fire seemingly gone he deposited it inside his suit. "Perhaps we might not be welcome around these parts mistress, surley someone would have looked out the window or through the door when they heard us." He spoke looking at the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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An icy welcome

As the two near the small hut ductu throws in another bundle of wheat. The trees were new and there wasn't anything else to burn. The jinhai felt any psi machines would disrupt the healing process of her host. Manifested flesh in a living being was a tenuous thing at best. It looked good enough but had the strength and fitness of warm pudding. The host has to make the flesh their own. Especially when such flesh included their heart.

Ductu had the voice of a rocky dune with a black flesh much the same. The lanky neutral shape opened the door sans her fragile eyes shone. Ductu hedges at dealing with aetherkind at all, "What is your will, Celestialkind? Myrkul's vein observes your presence with disinterest."

"Be nice, ductu! Someone came to visit!", came a haggard girl's voice from the opposite window. A fit of coughing stifled the rest of her sentence.

Ductu's voice thinned in a very cold diplomatic tone as eyes emerged, "Come in. Would you like some cookies. They're fresh. I put out the floor but there are still cinders."

Ductu stood aside to move next to her host protectively. The floor next to the hearth is charred badly and in some spots still smouldering. New bundles of wheat for fuel not far away.

Lost daddy's girls

Adolfactus tapped his chin, "You have your own daughters? I mean the daughters of our Fallen Emperor. We haven't even a dozen. It is in them to repair the tainted and regain the humanities of corrupted mankind. Nice girls, most of them. I suppose they're yours by adoption now. One is on Terra being healed by her enjoined transport. A just human in action I hear. Ean Falcor, I believe."

Myrkul's voice returned, "we will endeavour to categorize the fallen souls of the black storm. It will take time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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What a warm welcome
Ondona tilted her head a bit and placed a hand on her cheek as she pondered the two questions. It seemed that the two occupants of the house had two different opinions on deities or celestial kind as they called it. One seemed to disapprove of her presence while the other welcomed her in and offered cookies. With a smile she spoke up. "Cookies? I don't mean to intrude but if you will have us then I would be delighted to accompany you for some cookies. Royka dear, please prepare some tea. Oh! Where are my manners. My name is Ondona, I am pleased to meet you all." She replied giving a curtsy. A sign of respect.

The well dressed man by her side nodded. "Of course mistress, I shall prepare your tea right away. I shall also serve our humble hosts is they so request it." The man spoke Royka keeping an eye on the others in case they tried anything.

Brothers and Sisters

"Daughters of the Fallen Emperor you say, that is rather interesting. I did not expect to have new children this suddenly, especially daughters. But if you say they are capable of repairing taint and regain to humanity of the tainted then they must be rather special. When my sons arrive let us gather the daughters together as well. It would be a good idea for the brothers to meet the sisters and get to know eachother." The Emperor chuckled lightly as this news.

However the Emperor began to feel the event happening at Wing City, the Shadow Legion was taking the moment to attack. However it seems that Draco was not part of the attack. Smart...once inside it would be difficult to get out. He would have trapped himself and risked his own life on enemy territory. However he decided to leave this to the defenders.

"It seems that the Shadow Legion has decided to take advantage. Draco will get his well deserved retribution soon...we must prepare for the arrival of the Primarchs. And the daughters...Hmmm...we should give these daughters a reliable name...Unfortunately I can not think of a name. Its been a long while since I cam up with anything new."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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Clarion come to the spark of war

Leaders were rarely far from information and Nuria certainly was among them. Nuria led the forces that stabilized the endless taint attracted to the black storm yet heard of the Living Emperor's name filling the void long left in their creative spark. The Mada attended to the interests of the Black Storm as Myrkul busied itself forcing the bulwark's crack open more. Construction there worked apace and as the hewn voidbound psistone once fractured nevertheless proved difficult to exhume. A throng of Overbeings work tirelessly etching away at an endless black berm clad in white lace. Impossibly tall if one tried to climb the nature of the black storm died entry since the beginning of their time. Now instead a single crack violated the unassailable armor where the hairworm multitude ate at its integrity carefully fighting back the lace as it crawled inward. They'd spent almost all the pure cognizance stones they had to sustain that blasted channel onto Terra. If purified cognizance stones had not begun flowing across from Genesis in a tide of expensive anchor nodes the channel may have been lost. Now littered with ardent efforts by Jinhai the prime egress expanded. The black storm fortified with new income grew a blistering army of automated ferroplasm constructions to protect against incursion. It freed her a great deal of the mundane concerns of wandering planar animals. Most of her Mada attended these new constructions at the moment so there was none to give orders to.

The thin red hair that emerged from the back of her armor lazed in front of her armor in a moment of respite among the din of activity and pulsing threat markers. Quiet inside a repaired wood chair on the veranda outlooking a lighthouse used as a deep observation spire. As one frequenting the Almanac the sheer amount of such riotous activity caused by Myrkul's direct attention on anything brought her to the presence of the Living Emperor. Now she had some free time. Hrm. Perhaps she'd go meet the emperor. Her flowing red hair billowed like fire as the shadows glow blood red around her the long sword now at her side. She straightened her belt leaving for the transportation nexus in the Mada's personal hostel. The Jinhai inquired in wordless attention as to her direction from rivers of dancing motes beneath the floor.

"The Altar of Myrkul, Jinhai. I go to see the Living Emperor.", she said to the Jinhai forming the transport animus. They made room along the prime egress for her.

It hurt immeasurably to be forced through an egress bristling with anchors as her armor dematerialized. Her flesh came next but the stone-humored woman growled with twitching dismantled eyes as veins and bone began to show. In an alcove just off the main altar armor formed then so did the mada. A glowing fringe of psionic psychoportation that writ a life outside-in.

Trying tea time

The Ductu very much hovered around her Host a circling like a naked lanky creature of flat but feminine make. A flat plate made of some material that repulsed deific contact held the slightly too dry cookies. Careful weaponized hands with long fingers held the cookies just so above the girl's mouth so she could gingerly nibble at it. Deific eyes could tell someone had writ an entire new set of lungs and a brand new heart where some weapon of human violence destroyed them with fire. The woman slowly made them real as her soul learned how to express the tapestry of psimass written for her onto reality. It wasn't only the Ductu but a thread of fate now connected them alone. The mark of someone fate had deigned to cut yet a power plucked them from the air and squirreled them away.

In this the Ductu stared at them guarding her precious little thread from the agents of her death. It also became apparent the frayed ends surrounding the Ductu that she hunted down and slaughtered. Those that fate crossed paths to cut the injured girl free. Ends pocked with tubes and etched holes in memory of where slender fingers once dismantled their violent anchors.

The girl replied with a dry cough while taking her cookie, "I'd like some tea! Thank you, sir. The Jinhai gave us a barrel of clean water. I don't think Ductu drinks."

She looked off in a corner where a large ceramic container lay and continued, "I'm Becca. It'd be good to have some company it's been just me and the sky and getting carried around for a while. Ductu's nice but I want to walk around on my own, you know?"

Ductu's piercing silver-red eyes never left the Celestialkind and Becca said worriedly, "Sorry, she's usually more chatty. Come on, Ductu. At least give her some."

The Ductu held out a cookie in her two long chopstick fingers but deeply etched distaste never left those dutiful fixated eyes.

A new arrival

The emperor might certainly feel the new entrant as the pain echoed but not a scream. Adolefactus was the first to speak her name, "Speaking of, Living Emperor, Nuria has arrived. We simply call them Mada. Each has their specialty of certain taints that they are built to purge. Some are more... dutiful than others but they're still good girls."

Adolefactus shifted his feet under his tattered grey robe and shrugged knowing full well why a teleport locus would be spinning up, "The name was writ on the containers from which we took them and the psi-seeds combined with them. The Jinhai are nothing if not practical but we're not particularly imaginative creatures. I'm just good at understanding you humans I do have to stitch your broken parts back to their spirits after all."

A firm if battered young female voice came from down the hall, "Greetings... Living Emperor. I am pleased to see myself that you seem worthy."

A bruised red-haired woman clad in psionically impregnated armor limped down toward them. She had the presence of a strong psyker but carried a restrained slow burn of one not attuned to the warp. The flame surrounding her was not one that pounded itself into reality like the warp did. Even though her person had been pounded through a tunnel of raking pins that would shatter lesser creatures. Passing through the egress was only for creatures forged of sterner things. The smouldering and pile driven psionic shells of lesser daemonkind rotting along the anchors of the prime egress she'd passed through were a testament to that. The Jinhai cleaned the anchors slowly as attendant psionic entities purging taint into safer base entropy.

She was a vessel for another's power in a long connection that led to Myrkul itself. The well in Myrkul filled apace but it was clear a great power exerted a while ago had depleted a good amount of Myrkul's own power. She could yet draw from the depleted vessel. There were remnants of the memory in that well of Myrkul's power of the shot that pounded through a distant bulwark then through a crack in reality.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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Tea It shall be

Ondona examined her nice host, she looked to be an unfamiliar sight. Looking more patched up than fully healed, with long fingers and a flat but feminine make. It was obvious she was female. Of course the Goddess did not mind the strange sight, if anything her dress was a little bit weird. The pink dress seemed normal, but some would catch a glance through the arm sleeves. It was almost like a galaxy was stuffed inside there, signs of small light were moving as well.

Of course, as the woman who was now known as Becca was glad to have some tea. Royka immediately went to work. Bringing out a tray from seemingly out of nowhere, with porcelain tea cups with intricate floral patterns. He set two cups on the table and poured a purple liquid in each cup. "The tea you shall be enjoying today is Arnold Palmer. An iced tea with lemonade." The man spoke as he bowed deeply.

"Thank you very much Royka. Please, take a break. And do have a cookie." Ondona spoke with a gentle smile as she took a gentle sip from her cup. Roya of course slowly nodded as he helped himself to a cookie and ate it under his fedora.

Of course Royka noticed the Ductu glaring her distaste at them and he himself glared under his hat. His Mistress's safety came first of course.

A newcomer, and the arrivals

The Emperor soon turned to face the new arrival. He easily noted her battered appearance, made more obvious with her limp. But the power that flowed from her was great. "Greetings Mada, I see that you had doubts on my prowess. Of course, I am but human so its understandable. I will show you my skill in due time, but I am glad to meet you...speaking of which...I sense a disturbance in the warp. They are finally here."

Inside The Alter, Figures soon appeared. The first was The Primarch Lemen Russ, The Wolf King of the Space Wolves and the VI of the Primarchs. Emerging from a tear in the warp. Wearing his signature warplate, The Armour of Elavagar. This suit of Artificer Power armor looked rather dated, a sword and axe in both hands, Bolter strapped to his back and frag grenades adorned to his waist. The Battle ready Primarch simply gave a hearty laugh. "So the tales were true! Father has returned!"

The second to arrive was Jaghatai Khan, the V of the Primarch's to enter this place. The Great Khan of the White Scars appeared from a tear in the warp. Adorned with a set of Artificer Power armor covered with fur of some great beast. WIth a strange curved sword in hand and Bolter strapped to his back. "Ah Father, it is good to see you again. You did survive through your trials and returned once again."

And finally the last to arrive, was Corvus Corax, who had appeared from the shadows itself. The XIX of the Space Marine Primarch's. Wearing his signature Power Armor, The Sable Armour. On his arms were a set of Lightning Claws and on his waist lay an energized whip. He also had a pair of Archeotech Pistols strapped to his waist and a set of Frag and Shroud Grenades. On his back was a Jumppack. He remain silent, but nodded to his father.

However one primarch was missing, Vulkan. He had promised to only appear if the Salamanders could find all of his hidden artifacts. It was no surprise he would not be here but taking his place was Lion 'El Johnson who slowly woke up, his mind returned back to normal. Known as The First, and the First Primarch made by the Emperor. He was the Primarch of the Dark Angels. With his Lion Sword by his side and his Lion Helmet hanging on his waist, he stood at ready along with the other Primarchs, or at least most of them had returned from the maws of the warp, unfazed and not an ounce of corruption in their system.

"I was expecting to wait a bit longer for your arrivals. But to return back from the Eye Of Terra itself this soon is proof that you all have grown immensely stronger. The time is finnaly here to finnaly return the Imperium back to normal my sons, with the help of our new allies, we can finally fix everything and return to our faithful duties...and that is to end the tides of Chaos and everyone that threatens mankind."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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The suffered comet

Nuria straightened up at the arrival of the Living Emperor's sons though it was clear she'd a few broken bones. Nuria closed her eyes as her billowing hair shone orange embers inside. Extending a hand a sputtering blue and yellow flame appeared above her palm. With it came a distinct smell of burnt sage as the discolored fringes of the bruises on her exposed flesh alit in red. They seared inward leaving scarring behind on her porcelain face. Chased behind them another blue line of purification turned scarring to smooth pale skin. As she purified herself a hand-sized nurgling crawled out of her armor leg its arm blackened and smouldering as if infested itself. It crawled a scant few steps before the glow of its own shadow tore at the small creature. Nuria's own will indoctrinated the infesting powers after she'd pounded through the Prime Egress as a singularly strong flaming ball of wrath. Still, the black storm's wind did her psychoportation no favors and smashed her against the rocks of the planar anchors long the egress.

The sputtering blue flame slowly turned toward a smooth cobalt as the remnants of the impacts through lesser demons burnt away. One could smell the fell blood slowly turn to the smell of sage as it ablated entirely. Tables now turned with her infiltrating demonkind instead to reduce it to ash. Her leg made a loud snap of a bone fusing together though her face winced hard no sound passed her lips. Less focused on the activity now that her leg was uninjured she nodded at the Living Emperor and the Primarchs, "I apologize for my state but the demon threat has not left the Jinhai's goings unnoticed. Their lesser hordes wander into the Prime Egress from the warp. My purifying wake has left few standing for now. The rest will die at the hands of my brothers if my blood does not kill them first. I am Nuria and direct my sisters, the Mada of Myrkul's Vein. I am glad to see the Living Emperor's progeny is in good purity."

She eyed them all carrying the bright violet eyes as marker that shows kin to the Fallen Emperor, "The bounty of Genesis has allowed me to dispose myself to you and your own, Living Emperor. Our defenses are deep there now and holds the Prime Egress handily. Many of my sisters will not be able to make the journey until the Prime Egress widens. The rest busy themselves with building defenses within the Black Storm."

A hooded Jinhai silently moved through the group to clean the floor with a wave of its hand throwing streams of pale green disintegration at the floor to destroy the writhing nurgling. The Altar of Myrkul was not a place that suffered soils long.

Myrkul greeted the newcomers with a pulsing under the floor, "Myrkul's Vein greets you, sons of the Living Emperor. Jinhai are at your disposal should you require them. We are aware of a Doom Eagle named Gunnac Umbercaller works with Jinhai to create a forge within Genesis. That True Rekindled one can provide needed armaments as we are still unfamiliar with your technology."

Adolefactus quietly left the source of the fallen behind for the Living Emperor and took his leave. He had yet more humankind to rekindle and a lot of sorting to do. It would take time to identify the aetheric nature of the souls recovered from the black storm. That storm suffered no identity to live and his race hardened to such things by taking refuge in the throng. The Mada as partial humankind did not fare quite so well passing out through the bulwark containing the black storm. It took great effort to shed the iron hand of that endless swirling storm let alone psychoport through it.

A day with visitors

Becca's human face brightened as she reached for the teacup though she winced from her position atop the counter to do so. Her delicate hand shook a bit holding the teacup at length but took a deep sniff at the cup. Ductu broke her gazed ire to delicately raise Becca up slightly with those black pointed fingers so Becca could better enjoy her tea.

Becca coughed once and smiled with her cybernetic eyes, "Your tea smells good, Mr. Royoka. Thank you!

She looked at the wide worry-eyed Ductu who still said nothing. "Ductu says this place is called Genesis and it only had wheat in it until the uh..", she looked at Ductu to remember, " Overbeings? Yeah, apparently somebody called Myrkul's Vein is making a forest for us."

"If I had a camera I'd take pictures. It's very pretty here! No computer or net access though.", Becca's tired face still smiled, "I like your dress, miss Odona. My only shirt kinda has a shotgun sized hole in it. Are you here for the scenery? And, um, I guess Ductu doesn't like you very much, sorry."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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As the Sons were greeted, they all simply nodded in respect. However what the Emperor said had drew out some questions.

"Wait, what do you mean 'Finally time to return the Imperium back to normal?' What has happened? We were in the for merely a year!" Lemen Russ was the first to voice the obvious truth. "Remember my son, inside the maws of the Warp, the laws of time do not work. You can be stuck inside for a minute but a whole month could pass in real time. It has been millennium since you all disappeared." The Emperor replied before turning to face Nuria.

The Nurgling that had appeared was quickly snuffed from existence, turned to ash. Her leg soon fixed and snapped itself back into place and she apologized. Before he could speak one of his sons spoke up. "Father, if you consider these people our allies than what we have just seen is the most ridiculous display. If she just dragged a Nurgling with her, who knows what would happen if she contracted one of the Plauge Gods diseases and brings it on a planet! Such failure has devastating consequences!" Jaghatai Khan voiced his displeasure. "However it was also showed you all that our allies posses the power to erase the disease the followers of nurgle carry. Without the need for extremely thorough cleansing. If they have this power, than others who are infected or at risk can be saved much easier." The Emperor replied silencing Jaghatai almost as quickly, with a nod of understanding.

Corax and The Lion simply watched and studied their new allies, to have The Emperor become allies with such strange people. They must have done something of great merit. "Onto the further topic, you speak of Chaos as though they are no longer a grave threat...what is going on?" Corax questioned and The Emperor responded with ease.

"Although Chaos still remains a threat hidden in the darkness, a new enemy has appeared. This in a new...'universe'...of sorts. We are no longer in 'our' universe. Our new enemy is one called the Shadow Legion who threatens mankind. Our mission is to gather enough forces for massive invasion to either wipe them out or deal severe damage to their efforts. They are not to be underestimated, so this is what we must do. We must invent new things...unfortunately your fellow brother of the Iron Hands is no longer with us...I do have an idea for the future to return the fallen back. But for now, we will gather as many forces that you can recruit." The Emperor spoke about their plans before turning to face Nuria once again. "If you meet someone called Cyther, please bring him to The Lion. He has something of his."

The Lion looked at the Emperor with a raised eye. "What do you mean? I have everything I need. My helmet and my...sword? This is not my sword! This is but a replica!" The Lion pulled out the blade to find out it was just a duplicate of his favored weapon. "Which is why Cyther is going to find you."

Tea Time

Ondona simply chuckled. "Royka here does have great tea. I'm glad you enjoy the tea." She smiled while her butler by her side visibly shook. "Its no problem mistress, I would not be a butler if I cant make some tea. Especially for you." He bowed deeply.

As Ondona smiled, Becca's question got her attention. "Well, the sights here look fantastic, however I wanted to spread news around. You see...some being called Ifrit is causing quite the problem. He is currenly corrupting a planet for some reason, then he up an imprisons me along with Duriel who came to mainly attack Ifrit for Lucifer. We are now free, but I fear that this requires the other Gods attention." She soon began to idly twirl a strand of her hair as she drank her tea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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To stand firm

Nuria waited as the Living Emperor explained the situation nodding in approval at his defense of her and their kind. Though she remained concerned that the Primarchs would accept them listening to attentively in turn. The Jinhai and Myrkul itself could care for no such thing; living weapons neither kneel nor seek approval for their actions. Though their agency the Living Emperor's dicta is wrought. That is all they thought of themselves. Adolefactus understood her concerns more than the other two but he was ever more concerned with his work than the Living Emperor. There were so many rekindled coming so quickly she'd never seen so many humans wrought by the Altar of Myrkul. Perhaps Adolfactus' primary concerns of rekindling mankind were best. They needed humankind's approval in some sense as creatures raised alienated of all the things that still kept her human. She'd kept the Mada in the same home to help preserve that spark of humanity they kindled in spite of the black storm.

Nuria nodded as the billowing hair behind her wreathed itself in a thick braid from her helmet alone that alit from inside with all motes there readied to the purpose of witchfire once more. As the cobalt flame swirled purer the psychic power in her resonated slowly as if somehow empty. With a snap of her fingers she snuffed it out with it most her ferroplasm lantern armor's emission ports. They ring out a noise in the psychic field not unlike the clang bomb casing.

She took a deep breath the burnt sage odor heavy on it then replied to the Emperor, "I thank you for your words Living Emperor they ring true. I will see to studying the almanac while I recover and look for this Cyther hidden among the awareness of the Jinhai."

Then the ashen black eyes turned to Jaghati Khan, "I understand your concerns and that is why only some of the Mada may make the trip. I came because I am the only other Mada who can thunder through that egress and emerge only with bruises from the psychic landscape thereon. The Fallen Emperor made us to protect the scant territory Myrkul possesses within the black storm from taint. The black storm is too unforgiving to cleanse all things from a gyre within."

She walks over to Jaghati to offer her engram blade for inspection. It was a force weapon that was obvious to even a neophyte but the inside moved differently than the simple lenses of force weapons. Its psychic template trundled on its own a true machine spirit for the mind. The sword felt deeper than it should be certainly lighter on the mind than it ought to as an engram blade was a thing built for a venue psyker. The wielder of another mind's power. It had a trigger and a sight that pierced wide into the near-planes like the warp and aetherius. The fount of central ideas loaded like magazines into the haft. One that felt rough and built by hand made in the image of a reforging power but somehow different as it felt sizes too large. The other, well, it felt hot for the mind to grow near like touching the searing memory of a exterminatus seen first-hand. An inferno directed at many rather than one.

The sword is held up to the tall primarch with psimass woven gloves of her lantern shroud saying, "All Mada are weapons of war against Aetherkind in their own ways. Your bombardment and fire destroys their aetheric disease in the corporeal realm so it has no pedestal upon which to stand. As a Mada I am an aetheric pyre that consumes tainted souls that possess bodies."

With a feral smile her eyes flickered fire, "Even their own."

She continued, "Unto this Nurgle or celestials my blood itself is dissolution. The infectious demonkind was dead before it arrived. The pedestal that tainted soul supported simply had yet to understand the void it contained. That it had no choice but to die."

Myrkul interrupted with a dispassionate alert that crossed from a Ducu, then to overbeings, through networks of observation spires, then rolling across its mindspace, "The Celestialkind in Genesis has uttered the words 'Ifrit Aetundai'. My lesser overbeings are in watchful attendance."

Bigger problems than you

Ductu's dusty voice came from an empty face at that that moment as she gave Becca another cookie, "Ifrit Aetundai has been marked an enemy of Myrkul's Vein and thus to the Living Emperor. What information do you have on the corruption in use?"

Becca drank her tea the warmth helping to sooth her ragged throat but interrupted with patina-eyes wide open, "I... Gods? You're a Goddess? I... I guess... it kinda makes sense with what Ductu tells me about Myrkul's Vein. I guess this Ifrit guy is bad news? And It's about time you said something, Ductu! Miss Odona, Ductu said Myrkul's vein is like her boss. I don't know who the Living Emperor is yet but he sounds nice."

"Overbeing.", Ductu corrected.

There was a palpable force overshadowing like a thundercloud as the smaller overbeings drifted overhead. That name of Ifrit Aetundai rang like a gong across Ductu's connection to the overbeings. A small rumble and wooden crack rose as one coiled onto the ground nearby. They did not speak but to loom quietly. Becca rose her head momentarily to peer outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deiyi Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Ductu Myrkul Character Portrait: Ondona
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Sudden News

"Thank you, this Cypher is a very agile person. One who could never be found, or caught. But in time he will find us, and when he does whatever my people say. Let him go. He is no traitor...which is another reason why we have to fix the Imperium. A nation built of Theocracy and Xenophobia is just asking for everything to come crashing down. We need to fix these silly ideals eventually..." The Emperor added.

Jaghati Khan looked at the blade Nuria showed him, he seemed to inspect the blade. Something about the blade seemed like it was forged first-hand in an unbelievable fire. Crafted from mass destruction. His mind itched at him, reminding him of an Exterminatus...such a was death made metal...

"I see I have mistaken indeed possess great power. I look forward to fighting with you against our common enemies." He nodded his approval.

However, once Myrkul's voice echoed that the Celestialkind in Genisis spoke of Irfit. The Emperors attention seemed to focus on that. "So even the Gods are having trouble with this foe...more reason for us to eliminate our foes so we can work on stopping it..."

The News

[font=myriad]"Yes, I apologize about not telling you who I am. But as for this Ifrit person, he seems to be leading some sort of soldiers across the planet slowly converting it for some reason. I thought I could stop him but I never did enjoy fighting, I don't even consider myself a Goddess at certain points. I am just a woman who likes to hunt sometimes and live normally. That and when you are forgotten by humans you have much more free time to relax..."[/font Ondona spoke with a small smile of her face. It was both good and bad at the same time.

Royka remained quiet, looking around as the atmosphere changed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Crane Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul Character Portrait: Crane's Wen
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Into the breach?

The Wen followed dutifully as Dicta required it for conduits as Crane went to the volcano. Then it watched her she in turn watched the volcano for a moment. The conflict in dicta began when the conduit leapt into the volcano. While it was bound to allow humankind to kill humankind its native dicta read also to protect the Conduit from damage. Death by immolation most certainly qualified even overly robust mind. Several copies of its own mind debated what it should do about this. It had to allow her to die and it could not allow the conduit to perish. An outsider identity suggested a solution which the slow movement of little available time forced it to accept. If the body must perish the conduit must be prevented from dissolution. The conduit could be preserved.

The owlbear threw its torso downward shattering the rim with the force of its leap toward the conduit. It could feel the body burning away from here the latent image inside its mind screaming about perturbations of the outside person plummeting into lava the objects bound dissolving their tether subsumed into the conduit. As it watched the energetic destruction take over at the mouth of the volcano releasing violent energies the iridescent maw opened wide burning hot toward the melting body around the conduit. Like a missile it targeted the burning star of a conduit energy of the volcano flowing through her and the orbiting objects to affix a new sun inside that endless star field. The storage sufficient to contain a body and all its attendant artifacts utterly destroyed to hold the conduit's shifting starby the expansion as it the Wen adapted.

As the last of the volcano's heart drained in behind the star the Wen's robust if burning frame sent out an urgent beacon. A plea for Myrkul's Vein to recall it and the conduit at all cost. A noisy note of immolating thought that given a moment of attendant notice shooting a gate across the multiverse it answered. Myrkul's Vein shifted the bit of the plane that the Wen occupied in whole into the rekindling vessel below Adolefactus. He set the subbing to rebuild the conduit or shape its healing as the Overbeing couldn't quite see what the shifting light inside represented only at range to quantify the change as progressive damage.

Holding the line

Adolefactus never was far from the Altar. It was one of the perks of having other bodies. His others largely set to tasks of operating the minutiae of the altar or redesigning Jinhai moving through it. Then Myrkul interrupted his freshly tuned altar for an incoming gated Wen who clearly could barely contain whoever it was trying to bring back. What joy. He hurried across the floor of the altar to his position on the control plate connected to the nodes and vessel beneath it. Myrkul's altar took the hit when the incoming psychoportation with nothing but a light shudder but he could feel the maelstrom creak. He shaped the conduit through the Wen stabilizing its formation and protecting it from the bonds of Aetherkind that tried so abnormally hard to chain it down. There were few places where Aetherkind had less control than the inside of Myrkul's Vein and the darkest shadow to them the inside of its altar.

Time dilated for him and the conduit as he shaped it and it took the roll of several years before either of them emerged into normal time. His attention was long but it felt like trying to keep mountain from falling apart while it wore itself into a statue as foreign armies tried to invade it. He was glad when the Wen finally could be prised off the stable conduit and take its physical form though he'd made changes to its interior to accommodate the strange modus the conduit attempted to lay upon it. The Wen was nearly a quarter more massive now and it was all ferromass. The damned free rotating parts were the hardest to shape as he'd ended up bathing the entire heart compartment and most of the under parts in a telekinetic mire for internal support and gave it a small psi-factory to take the inevitable wear.

Something in its makeup changed the conduit reaction chamber but he didn't know what to make of it. The painted technological Wen he thought rather hideous doted on her rather closely. It still clearly fulfilled its duty and had a place in the Almanac under Myrkul's ken so he didn't see much point to argue.

Just out of the garage

The powder-painted Wen bent down making chirps and dings of cut-off warning alarms and bongs from vehicles Crane impressed upon its modus. While they weren't all from the same model the chirping would likely make perfect sense to Crane at least eventually. Its mind was very much larger than it once was but still fairly simple. It wasn't an animalistic intellect anymore.

The speaking if she understood it likely had the cadence of a voice you'd hear from a talking vehicle, "Are you intact, Crane? Please ensure you are in gear before accelerating."

The walls are eyes and ears

Myrkul's attention came by direct emergence of swirling eyes from the ceiling. It observed the new arrival as being of scale categorizing a new creature for the Almanac. It found an alarming characteristic and momentarily considered hostility with a red flare from behind the walls. It then decided the Living Emperor's dicta applied even to Aetherkind as it did to Odona and considered the Aetherkind more closely. The awareness found a curious lack of the bonds that tethered beings to Aetherius and the combined will of the heavens. A curious creature that lacked the cause for the Fallen Emperor's ire against Ao. Thus, it decided that it currently it had no immediate cause against the Aetherkind as with the Aetherkind Odona.

The room echoed with Myrkul's voice channeled firmly. The giant cloaked statue turned its head Myrkul mustering an individuality for a moment thus a voice of its own. Mostly to look upon the newcomer as a show of force against hostile Aetherkind. Its voice was a strong tone still instinctively perturbed at Aetherkind allowed in this important place, "We are made aware of your name, Aetherkind Crane. What is still Wen vouches for your conduct. The Living Emperor's Dicta requires us to give a neutral eye toward the unknown. We see no bonds of Aetherius upon you, Diety. Your will is your own so we permit you in this place but be warned. Deities have fallen in the black storm. To me. Their souls imprisoned in the halls atop my Wellspring around you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Crane Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul Character Portrait: Crane's Wen
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by lil_kreen

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Into the breach?

The Wen followed dutifully as Dicta required it for conduits as Crane went to the volcano. Then it watched her she in turn watched the volcano for a moment. The conflict in dicta began when the conduit leapt into the volcano. While it was bound to allow humankind to kill humankind its native dicta read also to protect the Conduit from damage. Death by immolation most certainly qualified even overly robust mind. Several copies of its own mind debated what it should do about this. It had to allow her to die and it could not allow the conduit to perish. An outsider identity suggested a solution which the slow movement of little available time forced it to accept. If the body must perish the conduit must be prevented from dissolution. The conduit could be preserved.

The owlbear threw its torso downward shattering the rim with the force of its leap toward the conduit. It could feel the body burning away from here the latent image inside its mind screaming about perturbations of the outside person plummeting into lava the objects bound dissolving their tether subsumed into the conduit. As it watched the energetic destruction take over at the mouth of the volcano releasing violent energies the iridescent maw opened wide burning hot toward the melting body around the conduit. Like a missile it targeted the burning star of a conduit energy of the volcano flowing through her and the orbiting objects to affix a new sun inside that endless star field. The storage sufficient to contain a body and all its attendant artifacts utterly destroyed to hold the conduit's shifting starby the expansion as it the Wen adapted.

As the last of the volcano's heart drained in behind the star the Wen's robust if burning frame sent out an urgent beacon. A plea for Myrkul's Vein to recall it and the conduit at all cost. A noisy note of immolating thought that given a moment of attendant notice shooting a gate across the multiverse it answered. Myrkul's Vein shifted the bit of the plane that the Wen occupied in whole into the rekindling vessel below Adolefactus. He set the subbing to rebuild the conduit or shape its healing as the Overbeing couldn't quite see what the shifting light inside represented only at range to quantify the change as progressive damage.

Holding the line

Adolefactus never was far from the Altar. It was one of the perks of having other bodies. His others largely set to tasks of operating the minutiae of the altar or redesigning Jinhai moving through it. Then Myrkul interrupted his freshly tuned altar for an incoming gated Wen who clearly could barely contain whoever it was trying to bring back. What joy. He hurried across the floor of the altar to his position on the control plate connected to the nodes and vessel beneath it. Myrkul's altar took the hit when the incoming psychoportation with nothing but a light shudder but he could feel the maelstrom creak. He shaped the conduit through the Wen stabilizing its formation and protecting it from the bonds of Aetherkind that tried so abnormally hard to chain it down. There were few places where Aetherkind had less control than the inside of Myrkul's Vein and the darkest shadow to them the inside of its altar.

Time dilated for him and the conduit as he shaped it and it took the roll of several years before either of them emerged into normal time. His attention was long but it felt like trying to keep mountain from falling apart while it wore itself into a statue as foreign armies tried to invade it. He was glad when the Wen finally could be prised off the stable conduit and take its physical form though he'd made changes to its interior to accommodate the strange modus the conduit attempted to lay upon it. The Wen was nearly a quarter more massive now and it was all ferromass. The damned free rotating parts were the hardest to shape as he'd ended up bathing the entire heart compartment and most of the under parts in a telekinetic mire for internal support and gave it a small psi-factory to take the inevitable wear.

Something in its makeup changed the conduit reaction chamber but he didn't know what to make of it. The painted technological Wen he thought rather hideous doted on her rather closely. It still clearly fulfilled its duty and had a place in the Almanac under Myrkul's ken so he didn't see much point to argue.

Just out of the garage

The powder-painted Wen bent down making chirps and dings of cut-off warning alarms and bongs from vehicles Crane impressed upon its modus. While they weren't all from the same model the chirping would likely make perfect sense to Crane at least eventually. Its mind was very much larger than it once was but still fairly simple. It wasn't an animalistic intellect anymore.

The speaking if she understood it likely had the cadence of a voice you'd hear from a talking vehicle, "Are you intact, Crane? Please ensure you are in gear before accelerating."

The walls are eyes and ears

Myrkul's attention came by direct emergence of swirling eyes from the ceiling. It observed the new arrival as being of scale categorizing a new creature for the Almanac. It found an alarming characteristic and momentarily considered hostility with a red flare from behind the walls. It then decided the Living Emperor's dicta applied even to Aetherkind as it did to Odona and considered the Aetherkind more closely. The awareness found a curious lack of the bonds that tethered beings to Aetherius and the combined will of the heavens. A curious creature that lacked the cause for the Fallen Emperor's ire against Ao. Thus, it decided that it currently it had no immediate cause against the Aetherkind as with the Aetherkind Odona.

The room echoed with Myrkul's voice channeled firmly. The giant cloaked statue turned its head Myrkul mustering an individuality for a moment thus a voice of its own. Mostly to look upon the newcomer as a show of force against hostile Aetherkind. Its voice was a strong tone still instinctively perturbed at Aetherkind allowed in this important place, "We are made aware of your name, Aetherkind Crane. What is still Wen vouches for your conduct. The Living Emperor's Dicta requires us to give a neutral eye toward the unknown. We see no bonds of Aetherius upon you, Diety. Your will is your own so we permit you in this place but be warned. Deities have fallen in the black storm. To me. Their souls imprisoned in the halls atop my Wellspring around you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Crane Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul Character Portrait: Crane's Wen
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#, as written by Awinita
Crane reached a calm gentle hand towards what had to be her new Wen, the beeps and honks as if from a car alarm followed by the telltale click-chirp-chirp of a car alarm activating by keyring were heard, gently patting the front hood of the Wen it felt smooth, like a new car's untainted hood. This being her Wen it felt... special, important.

her attention however when the name, Dorn was said, her eyes went to where she heard the name before finding herself standing directly next to the God Emperor. Well shoot, another one just like the guy that beat her to a absolute pulp and left her for dead after stabbing her. Weapons and armor looked like the guy too. Her arms were crossed as she leaned back somewhat nochalantly against her Wen as it supported her with a happy sounding click-chirp-chirp.

"The one that beat me... who wished to kill someone.... innocent ?.... is your son ?" She was completely confused, sure she had a bone to pick with the guy for nearly killing her, but now that she had free riegn of the Spirit Pearls, they werent just inhabiting her anymore.

She turned towards the second voice, the one that adressed her directly. Without thinking it she driopped to one knee, her hands in a salute as if in prayer with her head bowed. The voice of Myrkul seemed to also have an affect on her Wen as well as it seemed to also bow on its front struts. To Myrkul she said simply "I thank you. I do not know how I got here, I know only of what I remember doing.... there was no other means to stop the volcano... I did only ehat I felt was right. I gave myself willfully to the Pearls"

As she spoke the six spirit pearls floated around her freely in various colors as memories once more assailed her from every direction. She had given herself freely to the Spirit Pearls, and they dictated that she was to jump into the volcano to stop it entirely. So then it was stopped, completely. No more ash, no more fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: The Emperor Of Mankind Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Crane Character Portrait: Adolefactus myrkul Character Portrait: Crane's Wen
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A Vision...

His son attacking her? Now this got his attention. "So you have met one of my Sons Rogal Dorn before, however it seems he may have attacked you...I must see this situation beforehand..." The Emperor decided to investigate on this matter.

Raising a hand into the air, he channeled his massive psychic potential and began to peer into Dorns memories...There...The time of the Volcanic disaster...A few months ago...

There was his son with a few Astarte's, the Geomancer was out of control and unknown forces were assailing them from a strange fog. They were defending the out of control Geomancer then...There a shadowy figure in the fog...His son reacted quickly and attacked...

A woman was nearly killed, the woman that was in this very room. "I see...some unfortunate circumstances has led to my son nearly killing you...I can only apologies on his behalf, however my son is not here at this moment. He is currently on Terra overseeing the Wing City Elections and ensuring all defenses are in place. I can see why you would seek him out. But...I could already see how you came here, stopping the volcano from waking again. A noble gesture for a planet. So...what do you want? Clearly you hold some ill will to my son." The man spoke calmly as he faced Crane.