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Akana Ungale

Dedicated and determined Private Eye.

0 · 282 views · located in Harbor District

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Davien, as played by RolePlayGateway


Akana Ungale

Race: Crying Gaā€™Ragh
Height: 6ā€™9ā€
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Gold
Sex: Male

Appearance: Akana is a tall slender being with all the features of a cheetah, mixed with a man. He holds himself tall, and even if he was slouching heā€™d be a head or two over a normal sized human. His manner seems dignified and professional, seemingly at all times. He wears a form fitting navy blue suit, white shirt, with a yellow and black striped tie, matching the color of his fur. He wears no shoes, bare feet exposed at all times.

History: Akana grew up poor in a slumlords tenement building in the worst part of his metropolitan city. He was the only one of his siblings to survive childbirth, but sadly his mother did not. He and his father scraped together a living as best they could, Akana taking small jobs as a child to help pay rent, not because he was forced, but because he knew that it was nessecary. He still attended school, and did excellent, even excelling at his fathers begging. His father died while Akana was in high school, effectively leaving him an orphan. But Akana knew that an education was what would propel out of the slums, and was very firm on making sure school was always a priority. He graduated near the top of his high school class despite the grieving process, and went on to graduate college with a bachelors in forensic science. He is now well into his career, and considers himself to be very good at his job. He left the force a few years ago to form his own Private Eye company, and has had little success, but is still determined to make his business work. He still goes back to the slums he grew up in occasionally, buying children shoes or just trying to help by lending an ear to frustrated impoverished young adults.

Personality: Akana is a very cool and collected person, even in the most chaotic of situations he keeps a cool, thinking head. He stands tall, confident, and collected at all times, even if he is not. His voice has the slightest hint of African accentuation, and is deep and smooth. He rarely talks, but rather listens with a voracious memory. When he does say something, you can bet its relevent and maybe even profound. Not much is known about his private or personal life, as he shows up when heā€™s needed, and leaves when he is not.

So begins...

Akana Ungale's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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As darkness crept along the night, furthering and furthering the city into darkness, the streets were bare and empty as a crescent moon lit up the night's sky. The stars could be seen even from the heart of the city even, much to the satisfaction of various stargazers. A cool mist had filled the streets as well, giving an eerie feeling. But it was better then the intense fog from earlier, that was filled with mana and electromagnetic waves that prevented anyone from communicating with the outside world. And as their was a criminal among them, no one wanted to risk going out and getting murdered, or letting the murderer flee so easily.

And in the Harbor District, a group of people stood around a corpse. The man had an ice pick twisted through his heart, which had actually belonged to the victim himself in question. This was as clear a murder as ever, and as the man had not been entirely pleasant, everyone had a motive. The rich woman he had offended, after making the ice sculpture of them too fat intentionally. The man who came from the Southern Region who possessed an ability to telekineticly move objects was also a suspect, since with him dead he would take over the entire business they had, as he was responsible for shipping, and he could use his power to move the large icepick. A muscular bodybuilder who had been seen argueing with the man for sleeping with his girlfriend, he clearly had the strength to do this crime. And finally a young elf girl who had come here to break up with him, who could have asked the spirits for assistance in using the icepick.

For the record, it was no normal icepick. It was a large one, that was used for the initial breaking of big ice so that it could be chiseled down by smaller tools.

The room was pretty empty. There was a mirror across from the body, a huge amount of ice in the crates, there was only one door in and out, a large sack of money nearby the killer decided not to take, as well as blood from the corpse and what appeared to be an M, written in blood.

No one seemed to know who the murderer was. And they were all afraid.

"Come on now! Lets get out of here! The fog is gone, we can go outside without getting electrocuted now!"

"What?! So you can get rid of evidence right?! I know you murdered him, you elven slut! How much was he paying you to sleep with him anyways?!"

"Hey! Why am I being blamed here?! He cheated on me sure, but he lied to me and used me for my connections! If anything, its that woman who is suspicious! She was the last one to see the victim alive!"

"No! I have an alibi! I was in the room next door, talking to his partner, Mr. Peters!"

"Yeah! I was with Ms. Gabbers, so clearly we are innocent! We should go get the guards, and get away from this murderer!"

"No, I think one will be leaving till the guards get here, now that this case is solved".

Suddenly, in a scene where some epic music would normally play, the door out of the room closed and a certain boy stood there. He had ruby red eyes, and hair as white as ash or snow. He wasn't terribly small, but he certainly was not tall either. In his hand was an old fashioned walking cane, not for any medical need but to indicate a level of fancy. It was entirely for show though, but the boy didn't mind that.

He did need his name to get out there as a detective, after all.

His clothes were a bit more casual. He had been out for a jog, to exercise and train his body, so he was wearing a blue hoodie, red sweatpants, and black sneakers. There was a magnifying glass on his back, something he did intentionally to help make him memorable.

"After all, the shroud of this case has finally been lifted!"

At those words, Ivera felt a small cringe inside him. He was doing stuff like this so he would be more memorable and notable, because he still felt like he was barely getting enough business and wanted to make more. So he put up with the show and dance. Well, he did find it a bit exciting it was true.

"Its you, the brat detective!"

"We don't care about some ramblings of a child detective".

"Go back to elementary school and study harder".

"Yeah! You don't know anything!"

"On the contrary, I know who killed him, I know when he was killed, I know how he was killed, and I know the motive they had!"

As Ivera said that, he pointed at the group and first looked at the woman.

"First off, Ms. Gabbers, you claim to have been i nthe adjacent room. Are you saying that it was impossible for you?"

"Wha...what are you saying!? I was not even facing that way, I was looking the other way at Mr. Peters, talking about possibly separating him from the business and bringing it under my ownership!"

"But he owned a large part of business. With him alive, it would be impossible".

"B...but...I have an Alibi! And what about that Elven slut?! She was alone at the time of the murder!"

"Ah yes, Ms. Luora Sibi" Ivera said, looking at her next. "You claim you only heard the murder happen, but you found the body first as well? Quite a concidence".

"Listen, I might have hated that guy and was here to break up with him, but...but..."

"But he was blackmailing you with photos to keep you close, right? Quite the motive".

" was not me!"

"Well now..." Ivera said, as he walked over to the body and pointed to the handle of the icepick. "Although you can do this using the Spirits to help you, I do would be quite hard for you to do and not leave fingerprints. Since the body was still fresh when you found it, and the Spirits in the area were still low even when it was fresh. Very fresh..."

He then looked over to the muscular bodybuilder.

"As for you, then perhaps you did it? But, the thing is...a little tidbit I forgot to add, was my own testimony. When I was walking by outside, uninvolved, I happened to be walking by the window...and I overheard you. You may have been planning to murder him, but your plan was far different and you planned to do it later! In other words, the you, Mr. Giog Peters!"

"Wh...what?! No, you are just a dumb brat! You don't know squat! I am innocent! I even have an alibi, I was nowhere near the room to attack him!"

"But you don't need to be in the room, do you?!"

"But...I could not see inside the room!"

"Actually you can. You see, I found the other mirror in the room where you supposedly had an alibi! YOu are known for your telekinetic abilities, so I bet when you used that Mirror Communication Magic Tool, he was surprised! Surprised enough to try and write it as a dying message in his own blood, M!"

"You are making that shit up! There is no way to know what M stood for!"

"But, there is more then that! You were standing in the right spot to view through the mirror. That is why Luora's testimony comes into play! If he was murdered by a person, her enhanced elven ears would have noticed it sooner! And yet, she only heard his screams, not the attack or even footsteps!"

"That...thats right! Just just died somehow!"

"But...but you are just a brat! This is all guesses, and you cant accuse me just for being able to do it and a lack of noise!"

"Didn't you hear? Everyone else has an alibi..."

At those words, he finally understood what had happened. Ivera was outside, so it confirmed no one snuck in or out. He had eyes on the bodybuilder. The Elf did not have the time or ability to wipe off the fingerprints in time. Somehow Ivera was able to tell the spirit energy was low, so it was unlikely she had used Spirit power to kill him. And he had confirmed the alibi of the woman...which meant, he was the only singular person able to commit the crime.

No one had snuck in from the outside either. Ivera just made it there when the fog rolled in and he was forced inside to take cover from the weather, since the fog had electricity running through it it would shock people inside painfully. It then got super thick and prevented anyone from coming or going really. In other words, he was the only one who could.

He quickly panicked, and jumped out the window in his panic. Ivera was glad he did this, he was worried he might actually come up with something to provide reasonable doubt, but it seemed Ivera had surprised him enough to make him panic. Well, cases were rarely so easy to close.

Ivera jumped out afterwards, not letting him escape so easily. However, all of a sudden the man released a crazy amount of magic power. Ivera also noticed a few others nearby seemed to have gathered and had been listening from outside as well, which meant more people saw his show and would remember him.

"Mr Peters, you cannot escape the truth! Surrender quietly or else!"

"No! I wont accept it! I cant accept it! After suffering from a man sized brat for so long, I wont get beaten by another brat!"

It seemed that the strength and overall physical ability of the man drastically increased for no understandable reason. Well, that could just be another thing for Ivera to investigate. Maybe someone would pay him for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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#, as written by Davien
Akana had been picking up on some gossip he had heard from a district over, that someone had been murdered near the harbor. All of this was eavesdropped, the people divulging unaware of the large cats prying ears dissecting their conversations as much as their prying eyes tried to comprehend exactly what he was. Used to stares and unwarranted attention Akana calmly walked on, adjusting the cuffs on his shirt beneath his jacket. Tail swishing behind him he calmly walked up to the group in question, reckognizing a few faces in the crowd. Still, he kept his distance.

Standing at the back, partially concealed behind a building corner, he calmly collected data as the group spoke on. There was no reason for himself to make known he was there, or to intervene with his ill informed opinion just yet. He watched intently as the small child attempted to apprehend Mr. Peters, slightly amused at how different the harbor was from where he grew up, so very far away in distance and mind now. He had seen the kid before, but never spoke to him, as he was not the kind to start conversations. Intently he listened, watching for others of interest to arrive, remaining stone cold still except for his tail, giving away his inner thoughts briefly every moment or two, golden eyes fixated on the scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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An electrical current passed through the air and caused Gabrielā€™s hair to stand on end. Something was unnatural in the atmosphere, but Gabriel couldnā€™t quite put his finger on what. The department contacted him to look at a specific case and work with a new partner. Unknown to him, he was three times his partnerā€™s age.

Moonlight filtered through a cream colored curtain that draped in a rumpled fashion. The window was left ajar, so a breeze came through and lifted the edges air bound. He caught himself in a reverie about an old boyfriend named Chance, but moved on with that memory. In the Harbor District, he heard concerned cries of the townspeople and a commotion that interrupted any peaceful thought.

Gabriel lived in a small studio apartment that overlooked the central part of the city. He was like a hermit and kept to himself, but preferred his solitude. To work with someone else, meant that he would be giving up his daily routine and that was something that created a nagging annoyance.

The screams and cries continued, while flustered citizens milled around Gabriel. His steps were casual, but with a solid gate. Gossip circled like wildfire, about a mad man that threatened a small child and how he leapt through a window with a blinding rage. To see such madness was nothing new in this city, but it was odd that this commotion started in the afternoon. Most criminals were smarter than that and preferred not to make a fuss.

He walked through the crowd and cut through with a distinct presence. Gabriel wore a dark outfit and long coat, with his hands jammed into his coat pockets. There was nothing remarkable about this case, but he couldnā€™t help but overhear the enthusiasm of Ivera. An interrogation had already begun, which must have been what drove the man into his madness.

Night crept and welcomed the chaos in the Harbor District. Patrons were shuffled into secure areas by local law and Gabriel spoke with one of the officers. Local authorities were accustomed to Gabriel Blackmoorā€™s interference, but he was also known for solving the most cases in the area.

As Ivera drove the poor man into insanity, Gabriel caught an odd aura drifting off of the manā€™s silhouette. It was like a shadow, but with a viscous nature about it. The form wiggled and moved about, almost as though it were an intelligent being.

He wasnā€™t in his werewolf form, but his supernatural abilities allowed him to see things that other beings couldnā€™t. Ivera would have learned about his abilities from his file, but Gabriel knew very little about Ivera.

Gabriel also noted the strange figure that lingered about in an unimposing fashion. Akana caught his attention briefly, before he joined Ivera in the chase. The man would be brought to justice, but he knew they were dealing with darker elements.

ā€œHeā€™s not natural! Use the arcane restraints!ā€ Gabariel yelled after Ivera and rushed forward with a quickened pace. His natural speed would aid him in the chase, but that didnā€™t mean that there wouldnā€™t be other obstacles to overcome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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Mr. Giog Peters was practically oozing with unnaturalness, his eyes having gone into a state of clear abnormality. He was still in possession of his own will, his own freedom, but to those who were more perceptive they could see something had begun to influence him heavily. And it seemed the core of that were darker emotions like hatred and such, which were now all directed at Ivera.

With a swift and sudden kick, he launched himself off the ground and onto the rooftop. It was beyond what a normal human could do for sure, and Ivera could see a dark aura emerging from him. It was a power Ivera had never seen before, but...he knew it was bad, he just had that feeling. At the same time, others appeared to appear, including someone who he had seen before, though not in person.

Ivera himself couldn't jump as high as what he did, but he certainly was stronger then how he looked. He himself managed to hop onto some nearby stacked crates and used that to jump onto a rooftop. He didn't like following the man, or losing the crowd that would see him act and help bring in business, but he had no choice. After all, he couldn't risk them getting hurt and he couldn't let him get away either, it would be bad for him.

The Rixy Detective Agency was originally just him, Ivera Rixy, but was a member of a list of Detective Agencies that were given special privilege by the Department of Crime, and were allowed to assist and investigate criminal and police matters, enter crime scenes, and even apprehend criminals. Thanks to that, Ivera could do all that and not get in trouble by the police for interfering. That said, they had been a bit worried about Ivera working on his own for his age, even if he was very capable, and had insisted on him getting a partner.

"Mr. Peters, I won't ask you again. Surrender and let me arrest you peacefully, or else as Detective Ivera Rixy I will have to use force! Furthermore, you should stop using that power and tell me where you acquired it from at once! Before it's too late!"

And on the streets, there were others who watched and gossiped with shock and excitement.

"That boy is a detective authorized by the Department of Crime?"

"He is so small, but he seems quite powerful".

"...don't judge a book by its cover".

"That little detective is going to face that guy? He is so brave!"

"What is that aura around that man?"

Ivera looked over at Gabriel, and then back at the culprit.

"Yeah! I have some, but I don't think he will allow it so easi..."

In the middle of Ivera responding to Gabriel, the man suddenly accelerated and moved even faster, appearing in front of Ivera in the blink of an eye and plunging his fist into Ivera's face. No matter how Ivera was able to get up to that roof, that would certainly do a lot of damage.

Only, Ivera's face was not where it should have been, as he had stepped to the side to avoid the attack. It was thanks to his Foresight ability that he predicted it, and Logic Process let him determine the best way to move and counteract the man, as he drilled his leg right into the man's gut. The man went sprawling backwards, but in the process he grabbed Ivera's leg and threw him over into a wall as they both fell down back to street level.

The man immediately got up first, as if the pain did not phase him at all. This was definitely beyond normal, something was driving this man past his limits for sure. And Ivera knew it was definitely past his limits, because he had observed it already. His body was taking damage from his own movements. The jump to the roof, the movement to Ivera, and just before the fall back down. His body was destroying itself trying to kill Ivera.

Ivera was still in pain, but he managed to get up after getting thrown into that wall. Ivera was still keeping his head calm and focused on the objective. That said, in order to beat him he had to solve him. Unfortunately the man didn't want to give him that chance, and used his power to make several metal spikes that were nearby, probably used in ship construction, fly towards Ivera at high speed. This man clearly wanted Ivera dead, but it was definently unnatural for him to be this outraged and murderous over getting caught.

And yet, before they hit Ivera they stopped in mid air. No, it would be more accurate to say they were frozen in time, which allowed Ivera to roll out of the way in time before they hit him.

"Gabriel right? Name is Ivera, Ivera Rixy. It seems like his focus is centered on me, so can you get behind him and use the restraints? I don't know what is manipulating him, but he will pretty much die himself at this rate!"

As he spoke, the man unleashed a telekinetic storm to throw anything and everything he could at not just Ivera, but anyone who tried to intervene as he charged towards Ivera as well. He took one of the spikes he did not use before and lunged it right forward to stab through Ivera. Certainly, if he got stabbed through with that thing, he would suffer serious damage.

"Chronus now!"

And suddenly, a Dragon appeared that was coiled around his arm and projected a barrier to block the attack. The dragon himself was white but what was probably more notable was the monocle on it's eye, and its extreme British accent.

"I will say now Ivera, jolly good move. However, this man can move far faster then us so do keep that in mind when using Foresight. Furthermore, it appears he is quite the martial artist. And a pleasure to make your acquaintence too, Sir Gabriel Blackmoor. I do agree with your assessment of Arcane Restraints, however it appeared despite being enraged he was still able to listen and think. When he threw us earlier, he took the pair in Ivera's back pocket and threw them to the side when no one was looking. Ah right, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Chronus, Master Ivera's Spirit Guardian".

"...and a chatterbox! Anyways, did you get what you needed?"

"Yes, I have confirmed that the man is not possessed as you theorized, and still possess his free will. However, he is clearly under heavy influence by something so he might as well be under someone's control. Unfortunately, an extensive analysis will require capturing him alive".

As this was said, the man actually broke through Ivera's barrier by punching and went right for his body. Ivera managed to duck down under it though and went into a slide like a baseball player, and managed to make it so he was next to Gabriel.

"Anyways, its nice to meet you. Sorry for the lack of a proper introduction and such. Don't worry, I might look like this, but trust me I have the ability to do this job. Anyways, this guy is stronger then me and faster then me, but teamwork should do just fine. That said, we should finish this before he ends up killing himself. We still don't know what caused all this, after all. Anyways, I got your file, but I will clue you in a bit on me. I mainly specialize in my Time Abilities, my Spirit Guardian Chronus, the use of weapons, and physical combat. I can use magic as well, but its not at a high level where I can rely on it alone".

Incidentally, standing next to Gabriel like this, many other things could be observed about Ivera due to close proximity and Gabriel's senses. For one thing, Ivera's hair and skin seemed perfect. If Gabriel touched them, he would notice that even the feel and texture and various other qualities would seem perfect and not just the appearance. They were far beyond what even normal clones and genetically modified people would have. Additionally, there was a second heart beating inside of Ivera, but it seemed to be managed and monitored somehow so both hearts never interfered with each other or caused issues in the body, but instead worked in unison.

Even aside from the sweat Ivera had built up, his normal smell could even be called unnaturally pleasant, and his voice also was strangely warm and sounded incredible. All of this seemed a bit too perfect, and that was because it was designed by the scientists to be this way. It would be captivating and entrancing, and the reason for this was so when they were sold as weapons, the buyers would end up wanting them even more.

Before Ivera could say anything else though, the man once again charged at him as he was further consumed by rage. The dark aura around him seemed to get even stronger, as if the angrier he got the worse it would get. Ivera made note of that, as it could be an important clue to figuring this all out. After all, you could never be sure what a clue could be and where it would show up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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#, as written by Davien
Akana smiled and shook his head as he watched the duo chase after the man. Gingerly taking a pack of cigarettes out of
his pocket he began to walk in the direction the two ran, increasing his pace to make sure they stayed in sight, or at
least scent range. The unnamed man that went running off with the child had the unmistakable odor of the supernatural,
and therefore woulndn't have too much trouble.

He had never been the type to rush into action, it was just something in his character, maybe a lifetime of turning
the other cheek to the rampant crime in his local neighborhood, or early on in his career jumping to conclusions that
landed an innocent man in jail, where he still presumably resided. His eyes darted from one side of the alley to
another, suppressing the thoughts of his shortcomings as he began to lose track of the action. Dammit, he hated running
in a suit.

He came to a sliding halt as he observed the action underway. That little kid seemed to enforce better than some fully
grown police officers he had seen. It would be hard to deny that Akana was definately not expecting the dragon to appear,
or be so well versed in the English language. Several times watching the fight between Mr. Peters and Ivera Akana wondered
if he should jump in to help, but Ivera's power became more and more apparent as the fight went on. Puffing on his cigarette,
the large cat watched in semi-disbelief at the scene unfolding before him.

Unconsiously he had stepped up next to Gabriel as he puffed away, watching the scene unfold. Eventually he was going to
have to talk to someone, just to figure out what was going on. At this point, it was more for his own curiosity. Once again
he tensed up however, watching the dark aura grow around Mr. Peters. Flicking his cigarette to the ground, he remained
stoic and seemingly relaxed, but his eyes were widely dialated and every muscle was ready to pounce into action if he was


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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Gabriel didnā€™t have time for formalities and the dragon creeped him out. However, that was besides the point. He rose a brow, while the kid spouted off details about himself, his guardian and information on the man they pursued. By now, a large group of people had gathered to catch the action up close and personal. He shook his head at the sight of so many, but understood this was just human nature. Gabriel grunted toward Ivera in response and leapt forward in were form. It wasnā€™t an instantaneous shift, but he had already been half-way transformed before he met up with Ivera.

With the speed and precision applied to the force of the punch, he thrust a balled up fist toward the man and aimed for the center of his face. If his punch connected, heā€™d attempt to slam another balled up fist toward his gut. Should either connect with flesh and bone, the force would do some damage to the human manā€™s body. In other words, he wouldnā€™t escape unscathed, unless he managed to dodge both punches.

There was something that nagged in the back of his mind, but perhaps he was caught up in the adrenalin rush of it all. His body was on fire with anticipation for a good bloodied fight, so the thought of just restraining the man disappointed him. Gabriel Blackmoor was the one the agency sent out to handle the unpredictable types. He worked well under pressure and desired the action packed life the agency had to offer. As for a partnership, he hadnā€™t planned on being teamed up with a kid.

Once the man was subdued by his punches, he could place the arcane restrains on him, since he carried a pair of his own. Issued by the agency, they were forged with magical runic properties. Whatever dark energy lingered in the man, it wouldnā€™t survive against the restraints.

His primal instincts began to take over and any movement caught his attention. In full were form, people scattered away from the group. The crowd of people were smart enough to avoid the fight between the werewolf and the belligerent man.

If all else failed, he wouldnā€™t mind turning the man into a miserable pulp and save them some time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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The man seemed to take the punches alright, but as Ivera mentioned before, it seemed like pain was not really affecting him in the slightest, pain or self limits as his body would quite litterally rip itself apart in order to kill Ivera. Because of that, although he did take damage from Gabriel's punches, it did not phase him in the slightest in terms of offensive ability and he hammered Gabriel right back, the black aura that normal people couldn't usually see becoming so thick that even normal people would be able to see it if they looked close enough.

Ivera wanted to get this man under control before he hurt someone, or killed himself. When Gabriel got close to him, he began attacking him with a rather aggressive manner. Still, the man stood up against the werewolf as if he didn't feel pain at all. Which of course was because he couldn't right now.

And yet, Ivera wouldn't just sit back and leave everything to Gabriel. With Gabriel being right in its face and blocking its view, Ivera managed to sneak around and slow time for the man who was...corrupted...and also struck several of its focus points. Even if it couldn't feel, Ivera figured locking up its joints should do something. And as he did that and made it easier for Gabriel, he managed to force the restraints on the man...and the moment he did, the dark aura seemed to instantly disappear, along with his enhanced state, maddened mind, and most notable, pain negation.

The man pretty much collapsed the moment the restraints were put on him, but not before he screamed in pain so loud it might pop some people's eardrums. It was rather...something. Ivera didn't know a word for it specifically.

He then immediately turned toward the crowd and smiled while giving a thumbs up.

"Its okay! I am Detective Ivera Rixy, Owner and Private Detective of the Rixy Detective Agency, authorized and approved of by the Department of Crime to handle this. As you can see, we have everything under control! Also, if someone has not already, please call an ambulence or a healing mage over! Otherwise, this guy might die from the damage he did to himself alone!"

He then turned toward Gabriel as he took a sigh of relief.

"Well then, unless someone else decides to get involved for whatever reason, after we ship this guy off I should probably show you to the office. Anyways, its a good thing you showed up. If this had gone on any longer, innocent civilians might have gotten hurt. You are Gabriel Blackmoor right? The guy that the Department of Crime asked to partner with me at my agency?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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In his were form, Gabriel was more animalistic, than man. He stood in a hunched over fashion and his eyes followed the slightest movement made by Ivera. The crowd was a distraction for Gabriel Blackmoor, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle. After they both took the man out and restrained him, he focused on what was being said by the small child. In his mind, Ivera reminded him of his younger sister he lost to a murderer many years ago, but he chased the thought away. His tail wagged behind him in a sluggish manner and a small child attempted to grab the tip of it, which made him react in an aggressive manner. The mother grabbed her child in a protective stance and Gabriel came to his senses. There was nothing more obnoxious about being a were, than losing your sense of control when the primal instincts kicked in. He growled an apology to the mother and she nodded with a watchful eye. People began to go about their business and the crowd shrunk to a manageable size, but he still felt anxiety from all of the people watching the action.

Once the man was taken away in an ambulance and the sirens blared, the sharp sound snapped him out of his primal way of thinking. His eyes focused on Ivera and he appeared to snarl when he spoke, his features unnatural in their expression in comparison with a human.

"I wouldn't of allowed that to happen to citizens." Gabriel spoke to Ivera in a guttural voice. He motioned toward his body and snapped toward a tourist attempting to take his picture. Gabriel watched the fat tourist run away at a slow jog and smirked. He turned back to Ivera. "I'll need a place to change back, so the office sounds excellent." He said, not needing to explain his situation further. If he morphed in public, he'd be taken in for public indecency, since he wouldn't have a fresh set of clothes. There were pros and cons of being a werewolf and this was one of the cons.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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As the whole incident with the child nearly occured, Ivera knelt down slightly and made eye contact with the child. He smiled at him like a reliable big brother, and handed him a card and a coin. "Don't worry, he knows what he is doing. He just has this thing called adreniline running through him right now, from all the danger. And you know, nothing likes their tail pulled you know?"

As he said those words, half warning and half comforting the child, he then gave the mother a nod and then turned back towards Gabriel as he took some distance from the crowd so they would not overhear.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have either, but since its impossible to fully know what might happen, it is still risky. That's why its better to resolve things quickly, since the increased length of a conflict means more time for something unpredictable to happen".

Of course, Ivera was trying to look out for stuff like that with Foresight, but not everything could be predicted and the more that happened, especially the more he interacted with the area, the more he would likely miss something. There were no certainties, and no guarantees. He knew that better then most, given his origins.

"Alright then, follow me. Its over in this direction" he said, as he started walking towards a direction. Now that he thought about it, thanks to everything that happened, he never completed his run. His clothes were very casual and not very worklike, although his expressions and way of talking, even when it seemed casual, and hints of professionalness and reliability. That was no special power or charm, that was just him and his own effort.

" you need spare clothes once we get there? I don't think anything of mine will fit you..."

He asked that as the morning sun began to cut through the fog and mist on the city in greater quantity, revealing the morning light. Not a hint of fatigue could be seen on his face, and even the Dragon had seemed to disappear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivera Clue Rixy Character Portrait: Gabriel Blackmoor Character Portrait: Akana Ungale
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Gabriel laughed, but it came out like a guttural chortle. The thought of fitting into Ivera's clothes were quite the image. He motioned toward a duffle bag that leaned against a store fronts wall. It was a simple tactic, but it was a hassle. Maybe they could invent some sort of clothes that could morph with his body, but he'd mention that concept to Ivera at a later date. After the mother and child left, he felt as though some primal protection bubbled inside him. Ivera was around the age of his sister, when a murderer took her life. The thought overwhelmed him for a moment, but then he focused on the next task: returning to the office in were form and not causing a scene.

Gabriel traveled through the alleyways, in order to stealth through the shadows and be unseen by the public. People misunderstood his race, but he couldn't blame their rationale. The dragon friend of Ivera, made him question reality, but then again, he was a werewolf hanging out in the main part of the city. His reality was full of the weird and unusual, so a spirit dragon should have been readily accepted.

He walked toward the duffle bag and swung it behind him, so it rested on his back for easy transport. The light of the morning sun rays were like a cleansing to the scene. Peach, brilliant golds and pinks washed the area with its ethereal luminosity. He gazed upward and inhaled the morning air, his lungs filled, he exhaled with pleasure. Today was a productive day, even if he almost killed a man due to his rage. Either way, the mission was handled and he was sure that his new boss would be pleased with their teamwork.

"Let's get going. I'm going to need to refuel and get recharged for our next mission. You did some decent work." Gabriel said, his grin looked more like a snarl in the sunlight. He was surprised by Ivera's ability and the dragon, but he had a feeling that Ivera was full of tricks up his sleeve.

With that thought, he leapt up and landed with a smooth stance on a nearby rooftop. His padded feet kept the impact low, so he kept his presence under control. Gabriel used his momentum and traveled along the spines of the rooftops, his figure a mere shadow to anyone who might glance up.