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Scylovic Creature hailing from a Planet deep in the Darkness of Space

0 · 671 views · located in The Hidden Glen

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rougeshadow



Name: Am'Thuset
Age: Roughly Fifteen
Sex: Female
Race: Scylovic
Weight: Roughly Sixty Four Pounds


Her race hails from a planet called Scylov, a Planet deep in the Hadrian System. It is a planet that is the furthest away from the Sun, leaving it an extremely cold planet and devoid of any sunlight. About three thousand years ago, a Space traveling people were traveling through the system in a Settlement Ship, containing over two thousand colonists in Suspended Animation in Cryostasis to begin colonization of a nearby Paradise Planet. They called it Kuz Ma'had, Perfect World. As they were moving through the system, their ship was struck by an asteroid which knocked them off course and crash landed in Scylov. When the colonists awoke some one hundred years later, they found their ship's compliment down by nine hundred people, lost in the crash and due to wildlife. The remaining survivors were ill equipped to handle such conditions. But they survived on what they could. They had weapons, tools, and most importantly, Lights. They hunted for the local meats and over time, they adapted and evolved into their new home. They began to grow paler, brighter in skin and developing a self created light source all over their body and most prominently in their eyes called Bioluminescence. Their nails became longer to be able to devour the harsh wildlife that inhabited the planet, their skin is a natural steel like metal to protect themselves against the cold, bitter and well below subzero temperatures. Although this wouldn't be able to stop a projectile or an energy discharge, blades and claws would simply hit hard steel.

Amongst the Females, They developed a rather unique adaptation with regards to their hair. Their hair became a barbed tendril like mass that looks like normal hair. These tendrils allowed the more plentiful food to be caught ten times as easy by grabbing it, poisoning it and then devouring it. Their diet is a heavy meat based diet due to their lack of vegetation on their home world.


Their people are a harsh predetor race with a Matriarchal heirarchy consisting of a Queen, her Bondmate and then several consorts for breeding. The Queen is the only one to select from the Males a good breeding mate. After the Queen selects from the healthy and fit males, the rest of the females fight over the scraps leftover. The Males in combat are useless, only developing the Bioluminescense and the nails to cut flesh. The Females hunt, collect food and are the first to eat. Males live by themselves in a home until they are of the sixteenth age. Then, they are allowed to move outside of their home and venture into the main compound to seek a mate. He will spend years searching and, if he does, they will exchange their saliva, usually in the form of a kiss to seal their bondings. The Female becomes the Male's charge, responsibility and provider. He moves into her home den and remains there unless to accompany his female

Equipment and Armament:

Pulse Wave Generator: A highly charged Pulse Generator. Using the sound waves and air in an area, creates a sonic boom in an area of high intensity and charge. This weapon, when hooked up to any sort of sound system, increases the output by a factor of Five for the size of the speaker. She also carries with her a medium sized speaker in her backpack for an extra added kick

Hair Whip: As a natural adaptation of her race, she can control her hair to act as a weapon, mostly as a whip. However, her hair isn't normal hair by any means. It is actually barbed with very small spines and is filled with a very violent and deadly neuro-toxin. This neuro-toxin can kill within minutes of exposure. The toxin first shuts down the target's motor control, then eliminates their senses such as Sight, Taste, Touch, Hearing and Smelling. Finally, after the target has become completely immobilized, it dies. The only antidote is her blood and will only be effective if she decides to spare you

Nails: See Hair Whip for general idea


She is a very quiet girl, mostly sticking to the shadows and generally failing at it due to her glowing skin. She will not approach people under any means, mostly remaining to stick to the rear corner and fiddle with her Pulse device. When you meet her and she trusts you, she a very good ally because of her Huntress like qualities and her being a Predator. She is kind, charming and often quick to smile when you get through to her. Just another denizen of Wing City coming to see something new


Her history is one that is very closely guarded, though she will say this much. On her planet, it was the Female's Job to feed the Men since the Males of her species had a lower chance at being born. She protected her mate and she couldnt save him from his death. Now she is here and she is content with life. Her eyes speaks a lot more than her words

So begins...

Am'Thuset's Story


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The sounds of war, always scary to some. On this cool night, the cogs and machines of War rumbled in the distance towards the destination, the ever famous Gambit's Bar...a legend even among her own people


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The sounds of war, always scary to some. On this cool night, the cogs and machines of War rumbled in the distance towards the destination, the ever famous Gambit's Bar...a legend even among her own people, and the place she wanted to get away too from that home

Down the street, even the soldiers would see a very bright blue glow come from the Gates, one that seemed to chase away the shadows of the place as a girl no older than sixteen headed down the sidewalk. She was a frail thing, probably weighing no more than sixty or so pounds, long black hair and a black outfit to try and hide the glow but to no success. The eyes glowed the brightest of all as if she was a bio-luminescent creature. The girl hefted her pack on her back as she headed inside the Bar quickly and flipped off the Lights inside, the Blue Glow coming from her would be enough for even the Aschen to see around. As quickly as she came in, she headed into the Booths and crawled inside one. To any in the bar, the Glow would have an extremely powerful pull, as if you feel the need to go to her and touch her skin, be near her presence. Only very strong willpower would be able to resist this tempting light


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The woman grumbled loudly as she got out of the booth and went to flip the lights off again "Damn lights..." She said and got back into the booth and sat down, watching the people quietly, pulling her knees into her chest. She saw a new person entered in an entire black outfit and black parasol. How interesting..she had never seen such a thing her life


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She went wide eyed at the Lights coming from outside and quickly ran to pull out a table and to knock it down, hiding behind it with a growl "Will you shut off the fucking lights you greva'hat?" She yelled at the man, glaring at him and hid in the shadows of the table "That hurts me"


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The woman came back out of the table and grumbled at the man, her eyes becoming slits as she pointed at him "Nosdur'ebak. Sulyiekim voz'ruk" She said at him as if spitting at him with her words and then hmphed, heading back for her booth and climbed inside, playing her guitar like device, the air around them moving enough to cause cups to move on their own


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The woman blinked as the Lights returned and she quickly closed the curtains to the booth, obviously she didnt want the Light of the Sun or any light in general anywhere near her. Great, she was going to be stuck in this damn booth till the Sunlight or Holy Light went away. To that end, she just began to play her Guitar like device in solitude


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Character Portrait: Am'Thuset
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The man who approached her would be talking to a curtain as she had shut it to keep out the lights from outside "Vor'nultic baknazim" She said in a strange, alien language and just kept to herself then sighed "No, thank you. The Curtains do enough for me" She said and pulled her knees into herself. Even to the him, the curtains would be a bright blue color. Tonight was not the night to approach this place


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Am'Thuset uses god mod power number One Seven One and poofs out of the curtain and out of the city

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


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The woman grumbled as she walked in the forest, cursing in an unrecognizable language, obviously annoyed by the Light beings in the bar. They ruined the Bar for her, the one reason she came to this planet in the first place

She sighed as she only got more annoyed and headed deeper into the forest, her bright blue glow illuminating the forest around her so well, she could pick out acorns on a tree as if it were daylight. With that, she headed for a small craft and headed inside of it then sealed up the locks tightly and began to put her things away


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She would ignore the knocking and simply opened the windows, flooding the area with her glow and simply left it open, finishing her redressing in a strange garb of a lighter material then settled into a small hammock which acted as her bed. The glass was heavily reinforced, enough to withstand the pressures of Deep Space and she pulled out what appeared to be a book and read quietly


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"I chose to ignore it human" She said through a speaker outside of her ship "A game you humans play called...Ding..Dong...Ditch. Yes?" She asked and turned the page in her book, not even bothering to move an inch to look outside the windows


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"You look like a human. You breathe like one. Therefore you are to me at any rate" She said and turned another page slowly "What do you want human?" She asked again, this time, moving a glowing blue eye to look at him, the blue would be very intensely bright to him


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Character Portrait: Am'Thuset
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"I wouldnt know what a 'creeper' is as you put it. I kill creepers, on my world. They are a full day's meal for me" She said and then turned her eyes back to her book "Do you have a huz'zin'ruk?" She asked him and waited for his response


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"The closest your language translate to is a designation. On my world, a Creeper is a thirteen foot worm that crawls on the ground with large pincers and acidic spit" She said and turned another page in her book


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"Rughtig amorthuz. Gromecan Am'Thuset" She said and then sighed heavily while shaking her head "I am Am'Thuset and I am from Sylov. A planet like this System's Pluto. A planet of complete and total darkness..." She stated while shutting her book and placed it on a small table by her hammock


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"If you could survive the triple digit sub zero degree weather, the harsh wildlife and the lack of sight unless your like myself. Not to mention the winds that coat the planet and the fact, my kind wouldnt like you" She said frankly then went and disappeared into another portion of the ship, sealing the door behind her "Otherwise yes it would be"


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Character Portrait: Am'Thuset
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"You would have to be born there. We have no magic or demons as you so well put it. Their are just people, technology that is useless outside and cold. Not the greatest place to be for one such as yourself" She said and came back into view with an odd cup full of a red liquid, running her sharp, black nails across the rim


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"No" She said simply and then got up into the hammock again while grabbing a sheet of a large fur and draped it over herself "It is impolite for a man to ask for entrance to a woman's home. The men wait outside until called" She said and yawned softly. Obviously she had been preparing for bed "I do not even know what a Demon is. They sound like disgusting creatures"


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She nodded slowly at him then shrugged "I am going to sleep now..the sun is almost up" She said and pointed at the sky "Get some rest Evan kelly...goodnight" She said and slowly lifted the covers up from the windows

The setting changes from Dark Woods to The Hidden Glen


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Character Portrait: Am'Thuset
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Out from the distance of the Hidden Glen, a soft blue glow is seen from the night sky. It would seem warm, inviting, calm and serene as it grew brighter and brighter. All around, animals raced to the light; Birds, Beasts of all sizes raced towards this Light source like a moth drawn to a flame

The blue glow became brighter and brighter until a woman could be seen walking along the edge of the treeline, hands in pockets and quietly contemplating her surroundings. She was extremely pale, with the bright blue glow radiating from her like a sun. Her eyes had the same blue glow but a much greater intensity, her long black hair swayed from left to right as she walked, though the two of them would see her before she saw them as she headed closer to them