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" An Aschen Adept Of War."

0 · 1,539 views · located in Victory Square

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Ersatz Creed



Once known as Jacqueline "The Blue Switch" Nightingale, she was given the name of Apollonia after being re-educated by the Aschen (her captors). She accepted this name and became The Destroyer that her new Masters had named her to be. The effectiveness of her re-education and indoctrination could not be doubted. Apollonia was obsessed with the Aschen culture, history, and mostly Emperor Prince. Looking into the mirror, she saw a woman...a foreigner. Someone who was not Aschen. It left a bitter taste in her mouth to see someone who would be perceived as a foreigner when she looked at her own reflection. Her disgust was such that she took a knife to her face but her recent augmentations prevented the knife from being able to do any noticeable damage... Unsatisfied she liquidated her assets to correct her appearance. A stray, perverse thought almost caused her to seek the perfection of appearing like a woman worthy of Prince's admiration but this she interpreted as arrogance and had immediately snuffed it out. The surgeries had her look Tauron and she acquired various tattoos which detailed her achievements and failures.

This was the first step in her campaign to becoming someone worthy of being at the Emperor's feet. Her missions were given and completed with a cold and calculating efficiency yet they were at time not without hiccups. Some hardwired bad habits from her previous lifestyle had caused Apollonia to not use various equipment because they did not fit her own personal preferences. Though this had never caused any major fault, it was a habit she did not outgrow until it nearly proved fatal. When deployed to investigate and eliminate an anomaly, she encountered a Chaos Sorcerer. Using outdated gear and possessing no anti magic weaponry, Apollonia nearly died at the hands of this Chaos Sorcerer. Her death was avoided due to the intervention of allied Taiyou, to include a Steel Ronin, and the involvement of the Goddess Athena.

Scarcely escaping with her life, Apollonia put in a request for leave. During this approved period of absence from her usual missions, she took to isolation and contemplated her previous mannerisms as well as the fight between the Chaos Sorcerer and herself. Her personal preferences had nearly caused her to die. It would be of little consequence if she died, she was but one out of many but Apollonia was not thinking of herself. Had it been a scenario where failure meant Prince could be harmed, her lack of preparation would have meant Prince's death. Apple saw that her obsessions, while a fountain of determination and strength, had been used against her. So the question lingered, how could she become stronger for her Emperor's sake...How could she reach that goal of standing next to her Emperor's side as his most trusted sword?

Originally she thought that the solution lied in external pursuits. That success alone would propel her to his side yet the distance now made sense. Despite her efforts, she was still a weapon that might harm her wielder. She was volatile, unstable. Apple was not yet worthy of her Emperor...and that frustrated her but it was not a permanent flaw. Afterall, recalling that distant hell the Confessor and Ayla had salvaged her could she say that she was unsalvageable? Surrender was a sin she could not commit because it meant that the mercy extended to her was meaningless. Apple believed she was saved because she could become something great and that greatness, in her mind, was outstanding and unblemished service to the Emperor and his Empire but to do this she must abandon what old habits and preferences still lingered from the times she was the Blue Switch.

Choosing to embody the characteristics of Athena in order to reach her goal of standing at the Emperor's side, Apple returns to serve the Aschen Empire.

So begins...

Appollonia's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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 “ What... ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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Joseph Lawson looks at the Adept who blew off his hand, and says, under his breath, "Damn you all..." Then he says, a bit louder, and obviously disorientated, "I have another bomb. I am going to remove it from my jacket. Do not kill me, please. I am willfully... willfully surrendering it." He reaches with his left hand into his coat, and slowly removes a cube-like metallic grenade, with green dots arranged in a triangle on the front side of it. He reaches it out to the confessor, then thinks better and just drops it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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Joseph Lawson shakily stands up, noticing the medic for the first time. He winces as he touches a hand lightly to his forehead, and shrugs off his coat, unwilling to wear it. He takes out a small pistol and tosses it onto the ground near the feet of the confessor. The pistol is stylized with the image of a phoenix on the barrel, and he seems reluctant to give it up, but throws it down anyways. "Look, I don't want any trouble anymore, Confessor. But I have one thing to say." He wipes some blood from his forehead, then continues his statement. "Fuck you and your whole fucking corrupt society, you brainwashed dogs. You may put down rebellions but we will always rise again. Phoenix Vivat! Seditionis vivat!" his mind exhausted, he promptly collapses to his knees and mutters one last time, "Seditionis... vivat...." and closes his eyes, ready for whatever punishment is sure to come his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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Sukarma slid a panel on her backpack open to expose a sensor panel as her eye followed the grenade. A thin blue box field formed around the cubed weapon as it clunked to the bottom. The force effect volume a hollow box hovered in midair as she translated it along each orthogonal axis where the grenade effectively is pushed by each interior side. Attention to the manifold is much less once to the ground thus considerably lowering her executive effort to maintain it.

Sukarma winced at the second collapse to the weakened rebel, {dum vivimus servimus, rebel. The hand is still there but I think you may have a damaged medial nerve cutting off the sensation.}

Her eyes flitted around the man's injuries as a density scan quantified the injuries on his forehead and hand commenting an old quote in Latin as she'd been reading a lot of ancient books in her Gutenberg index, {Dura lex sed lex.}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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The massive Adept grunted, as he brought his attention first to Sukarma, and then back to Lawson, he grunted again, and kicked the jacket, the pistol, and everything else out of the way, before reaching down to grab Joseph, and usher him forcibly towards the truck.

The Confessor simply smiled, and offered a nod to the machine woman. "We're going to take him to Whispering Mountain, where he will learn his place." The Confessor smiled, and then stepped into the back of the truck. The Adept would restrain Lawson, and once the van closed up, it would head out, down the road towards Whispering Mountain Prison.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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 “ Shit... ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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0.50 INK

Renton, being a long term citizen of Aschen knew one thing: there should always be order. However, from his perspective, it was incumbent on the citizens, countrymen, and officers to make sure that the one's who were being served were the people. So everyone should do thier part to ensure a safe country. Officials who served government were no different, they should serve with the best interest of the countries future at heart. Which should be the citizen's best interest. He should know...he retired from the positions in the military to live a life of the civilian; it wasn't that long ago that he was an honored officer that everyone thought was odd, yet intimidating and highly efficient at his posts.

Renton went from being a highly decorated fields operative, to office, to confessor. He was one of the few that continued to move laterally until he learned everything he needed to know and did everything he could; and then, he decided it was time to pursue his other interests just as doggedly as he had served his country. Play after work right?

This is how he got into botany and other things related to nature like bugs and animals. He was in a place of learning and having a little peace. He served his time. So he just watched the others serve theirs and helped where he could. However, in the 30 years he served, he was not at all comfortable with what he saw sometimes.

He never voiced it, he never questioned it out loud...but every now and again, he would feel uneasy by the actions of he corrupt more and more. Growing pains of servitude and law were absolute unquestionable loyalty...and watching what was once a cause you believed in slip through your fingers and turn into dust certainly didn't help keep any of that. He was now a hardcore believer in trying to formulate change, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. He wanted to take some time to have a vacation off planet to think about that. He had a ticket reserved and everything! However, they shut down the transport and locked down the planet a couple of rallies ago.

He knew he should take the opportunity to vacate whilst he still had the ability to. The port seemed to be open again, so there was the possibility of him being able to get his head straight before joining back as a confessor or maybe even council. He wasn't sure at current. After helping to spy on civilians during his down time from gardening, he figured he could unload his responsibilities to another confessor who was willing to take up the task. Whilst he goes for a quick break.

Renton had been thinking all of this whilst strolling around the city. He had been just watching and observing for the last couple of days, and he was eating lunch at the moment. Knowing the Confessor he left the office of, would probably love to find out that he was spying on his ex wife.

Lovely times it was to live in...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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1.00 INK

Cyrus had only recently arrived in Caprica City, to visit the well-known Victory Square. He had always wanted to see the center of the power and information of the Empire, but now that he had arrived, it honestly didn't seem to be much. He quickly shrugs off that thought, however. He's sure it would be much more awe-inspiring on the day of two minutes of hate. But that's not why he's here. As of right now, he wishes to do the thing he's been wanting to do his whole life. It had only been a couple of weeks since his seventeenth birthday, and he was officially old enough to vote and enlist. So he looks around for an enlistment stand, and, spotting one, walks up to it, only a couple yards away, and ponders; Army or Navy?

He spends a couple seconds thinking about it and goes with the choice that may determine the rest of his life.

So he walks up to the stand and says,

"I would like to enlist in the Empire's Navy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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0.00 INK

Cyrus stands a couple feet in front of the recruitment stand. He thinks maybe the person in it didn't hear him? He's about to ask again when his datacom buzzes with an important broadcast. He opens it and views the message, a quick conversation with the great emperor about a group of insurgents. His face fills with disgust for them as it is mentioned they killed fifty schoolchildren. He didn't quite catch the name, something of Ash, he thinks. These... xenos, they might as well be, are trying to cause chaos during a time of war, and against their own empire. They must be put down, all of them that still want to fight, with extreme prejudice. So he looks up at the recruiter, and says, "Can I sign up to go fight these... these... Rebels? Is that a decision I can make?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Isambard Prince Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Joseph Lawson Character Portrait: Appollonia
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0.00 INK

Lawson looks around at the square. It was beautiful, in some sense. The red telescreens adorned with the face of Big Brother contrasted excellently against the drab grey background of the city, and gave it a splash of color it needed.
He flexes his hands against his sides, pressing his balled fists into his thighs. One of his hands is severely damaged, with three of his fingers missing.
A while ago, he wasn't even sure when, he did something that subsequently changed his life for the better, as he saw it.
He breathes in deeply, then exhales quickly.
He walks off, heading somewhere, hopefully away from all of the... noise.