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Arun Kumara

0 · 500 views · located in Tiānshì Imperial Palace

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko



ImageName: Arun Kumara
Title: Prince (Terran common tongue) / Vāka (Volarian tongue)
Age: 12
Species: Avorian
Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra
Current Residence: The Royal Palace of Volary
Nationality: Volarian
Occupation: Volarian Prince

So begins...

Arun Kumara's Story


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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#, as written by Tiko
Arun climbed higher as tree branches snagged at his clothes and skin. The branches were thinning overhead, but when he looked down the bear was still edging closer.

"Go on! Git!" he yelled loudly in Volarian as he stamped loudly on a branch.

His efforts did little to intimidate or dissuade the angry animal which took a swipe for his foot with a furry paw. The bears claws bit into the bark of the tree as Arun jerked his leg out of the way and pulled himself higher.

The young boy of twelve hadn't ever encountered a bear before. Had he, he might have realized the folly of trying to escape up a tree; though, there didn't seem to be many other options out here aside from a lot of open fields.

The branches grew thinner yet and threatened to give under his weight. It seemed unlikely they would able to support the added weight of the bear should it reach him. Looking around he grabbed hold of one of the smaller branches nearby and gave it a pull until it snapped off. Armed now with what amounted to little more than a switch, he swatted at the bear which seemed to only further rile the animal.


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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The commotion of the roaring bear and the high pitched, oddly beautiful language had the woman's attention after a time. From her position on the grass, she saw the rustling leaves of the treetop, the lumbering bear reaching up with its legs situated on branches, swiping towards whatever - or whoever - was trapped at the top.

Shaking her head, she rose in a single, swift movement, tossing her auburn hair over one shoulder as her left hand clenched her pole axe. With her right, she picked up her pack and furs, starting towards the commotion with a loping, easy gait.

When she was within range, she dropped the pack with a soundless impact, reached for a long, curved horn that was strapped to the top of the leather bindings. Holding the horn outwards with her right hand, the polearm with her left, she mentally took stock of her position.

Many foolhardy hunters believe that a larger foe takes many swipes. Damage it enough, and it falls. This is false.

Raising the horn to her lips, the woman blew a long, sorrowful note, cutting through the noise of rustling leaves and animal grunts. The bear, as if torn by an invisible string, dropped to the ground and lurched around, panting out his frustration and hunger as it turned its attention towards the larger - and less bothersome - prey.

Expending your energy on whittling the opponent's defense down is a costly mistake. No energy means a tired hunter, and a tired hunter dies swiftly.

The woman tossed aside the horn, sliding a booted foot in front of her, bending both knees to lower her center of gravity. Slowly, she dragged the toe of her foot around in an arc, pointing skyward with two fingers of her now free right hand, palm facing the bear. Casually, she flipped her polearm so that the gleaming axehead pointed behind her, and to the left.

Let your right hand be your balance. Let your left hand be your might. With these two disciplines, you may achieve what these foolhardy men seek to do with many strikes in a single devastating blow.

Without further warning, the bear let out a grumbling roar before charging towards the woman, its beady, black eyes zeroing in on her cool, icy grey ones. Eighty feet, seventy, sixty, fifty...

Allow the opponent's momentum to carry it, guide it, and guide you. Patience is your third tool; to utilize as you see fit. Wait for the moment...

As the bear closed, the woman suddenly danced away; darting to the right with a speed that was unexpected of her frame. The bear stumbled, skidded, pulled back as it attempted to turn, exposing it's neck, head, chest-

And strike.

In a blink of an eye, it was over. The polearm whirled through the air, arced high, and slammed home below the bear's jawline, severing the column that went from spine to head. The bear let out a rough gurgle, tipped forwards, and collapsed, the blade yanked free just before the beast hit the ground.

The woman spun the deadly instrument once in a quick flash of crimson on steel, allowing the gore to fall to the grass, returning to its home. Without a further comment, the woman knelt to one knee, resting a gloved palm on the still-warm fur of her latest prize.

"Well fought, brother," she whispered, stroking the fur once.

Then, wasting no time, she turned to her pack to retrieve her skinning knife, carving axes, and preservatives.


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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#, as written by Tiko
Arun kept to his tree for many minutes after the bear was felled by the strange foreign woman. It wasn't until she started taking out her tools that the boy deemed it safe enough to descend from the tree. He climbed nimbly down through the branches before dropping back to the ground below.

"Is it dead?" Arun asked in his native tongue.

He looked rather crestfallen over the situation. On one hand it would have killed him had it gotten hold of him before the foreign woman had intervened, but on the other hand if he hadn't been out here in the first place it would still be alive.


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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At the boy’s words, the woman turned towards him, freezing in place when confronted with the young. She hadn’t seen a young in far too long - long enough that her motions were stiff, awkward. She tried to place a smile on her face - young liked smiles, her mother had often assured her - but it was a forced gesture, her lips too wide, teeth bared.

The sadness in his words was heavy against her breastbone, and she frowned at the identification of the emotion. Did she not complete the ritual correctly? It was a clean kill; the bear felt no pain, and none of its parts would be wasted with her. Maybe this far south, there were different rituals?

Quietly, she laid her tools down at her feet, and took two steps back, motioning from him to the kill. “I am sorry,” she said, words soft, “would you like to clean her?”

She offered the knife she used to skin the pelt, handle first.


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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#, as written by Tiko
Arun shook his head and stepped back as the woman tried to hand him the knife.

"Do you speak Taiyou," the boy asked as he switched to the language of their neighbors to the east. "Or Losenyu?" he tried, again switching languages.

It was apparent that the woman was speaking one of the foreign Terran dialects - similar to the one Shanthi spoke - but save for recognizing the sound of the language, he couldn't understand a word she was saying.

He pointed at himself. "Arun Kumara."


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Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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The boy was speaking a beautiful language, accentuated by his high pitched voice, excitedly and rapidly. There wasn’t any fear in it when he stepped away from her, but she frowned at the gesture all the same, the hand holding the knife dropping to her waist as her head cocked, as she sometimes did when out in the white, hunting for the day’s game.

The woman had likely offended him - twice - by dispatching the bear and then offering him first rites upon the kill. She frowned deeper as she focused on each word formed, trying to hear each lilt and valley as she strained to understand. Perhaps, if she could just separate out a word or two…

Nothing. He was speaking too quickly, the sounds too foreign, for her to grasp. Her tutelage even in her own tongue was rudimentary at best, a fact that had been hammered home throughout her southern journey.

He pointed to himself, spoke. She followed the motion of his finger, her jaw straining shut. A name? Adoon?

She nodded to show her understanding, then bent back towards the bear, flipping the skinning knife back so the blade pointed away from her fist. Nimbly, with expert hands, she scored the flesh of the shoulder, moved the knife in a sawing motion, and came up with a patch of fur, hanging limply with blood and flesh.

Forearms dribbling, she moved to close the distance, the square of fur offered in front of her in the only peace offering she knew of. First rites, and fresh cut fur.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arun Kumara Character Portrait: Treader of White
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#, as written by Tiko
Arun stepped back again as the woman tried to hand him the bloodied patch of fur and he raised his hands up as if to say 'no way'. He had seen fishermen gutting their catches before, but never an animal being skinned.

"Look uh... thanks lady, but I should go," he said in volarian as he took off back in the direction of the city at a run.

The setting changes from Volaria to Tiānshì Imperial Palace

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar
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#, as written by Script
Kaida smiled and inclined her head towards the delegates - not too much, but just enough to show respectful acknowledgement without deference. The ministers would be watching her every move like hawks, she was certain, to ensure she wasn't signing their nation away to become subordinate to any power. "Welcome, Champion, Prime Minister and Shipmaster. The Losenji Imperium greets the AXIS with open arms."

If the Empress was perturbed by the diminutive stature and bear-like appearance of one of the delegates, she did not betray it in the slightest. Fully made up in ceremonial paints and robes, with her golden crown resplendent upon her forehead, she made for an imposing presence even devoid of weapons or armour.

"Come," she said, gesturing, "Join us inside. We have much to discuss, I am sure."

Kaida turned and made her way inside, followed by the captain of the Dragonwatch and likely Avantia. The AXIS delegates would be led in next, then following them would come the first ministers. The entirety of the upper tier of the ministry had turned out to be present during this meeting, each with their own personal goals and opinions surrounding the matter.

The walk through the magnificent palace was short-lived before the delegates would be led into the throne room audience chamber. A large and tall-ceilinged room, the throne room consisted of a wide open floor with a long red carpet leading up to a series of finely crafted tables. They were laid out with two long tables to each side of the room, and one stretching across at the foot of a raised alcove, at the top of which another table was set. At the centre of that alcove, upon a slight further raised dais sat an elaborately carved golden throne in the design of a dragon, encrusted with precious metals and gems enough to make a man's fortune. Kaida had already taken her seat upon the throne.

The rest of the royal family along with Avantia and her accompaniment were seated at the raised table to either side of Kaida: her two brothers Shin'ichi and Kenji, her sister Emiko and her uncle Haruki, as well as her husband and children.

The ministers filed past the delegates to take their seats at the long tables to the sides of the room, whilst the delegates were directed to places at the table directly before the dais in the centre of the room. Places were also set aside for a TNG delegation.

Kaida gestured around, "My court, delegates." she introduced. "I will have refreshments brought shortly. Please, make yourselves comfortable. The TNG party should be with us momentarily."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Nemo
No glitzy entourage or legion of marching soldiers preceded the TNG delegate. He entered quietly, making his respects at the grand palace doorway before being lead into the throne room. The diplomat, dressed in a modest suit and tie, bowed respectfully before them: first to Kaida and the Losenji court, then to Avantia and her emissaries, last to the AXIS delegates.

"Empress, Matriarch," he nodded to them, his cold but vigilant eyes flickering from face to face, "honored royalty and ministers, honored Prime Minister, Commander and Shipmaster and all other honored delegates of this court." He drew himself upright, his poise prudent and refined. "I am Casper Lessard, diplomat of the Terran National Government to the Shintechi region. I am honored to appear before you today."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia watched on quietly as the various delegates were seated, and as the TNG diplomat joined them in the crowded hall. The general murmurs of quiet discussion between ministers and delegates created a droning of noise that afforded some measure of privacy even with so many people at hand.

Arun leaned close to Avantia as he watched 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt climb his way up into one of the available seats.

"What's that?" he asked her.

"That's a Matokeyan," she replied quietly. "They're found in the Andromeda Galaxy," she explained.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
Among the ministers, Ling Wu was looking rather bored with the whole affair. She had largely already made up her mind on most of the matters to be discussed today, and she wasn't likely to change her mind during the ensuing debates and discussions. Matters of alliances, and of the Invictus were secondary to maintaining good trade relations with the Taiyou and the TNG both. The coming discussion would be a largely boring ordeal for her, one with which she would be happy to be done with. She had only attended as a matter of formality, and because it was expected of her as the Minister of Trade.

She hid a yawn behind her hand as the delegates filtered in and didn't so much as spare the TNG representative a passing glance. The only person that had drawn her attention was her sister Lian Wu, Minister of Work. When their father had broken tradition and left the family estate, and the mantle of Minister of Trade to his youngest daughter, rather than either of his two elder children, it had been with smug satisfaction that Ling Wu accepted both.

That her sister had managed to weasel her way into the Ministry on her own had been a point of irritation for Ling Wu, and only furthered the rather dysfunctional state of the Wu family.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
Liang Cheng watched the precedings with a level of curiosity. As General of the Land, much of Losenji's military decisions and security fell to him, and though in these largely peaceful times that job was often little more than a formality, he fulfilled it dutifully and proudly.

He often held a level of disdain for the squabbling of the ministry, preferring the more straight forward art of war to the politics that plagued Tianshi.

He had already made his feelings known to Kaida on the matters to be discussed today - especially that of an alliance with the AXIS. Losenji was a small nation, and an alliance to unify the entirety of Shintenchi would greatly strengthen the security of their nation and bolster their military assets.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
Shin'ichi Kokuro was seated not far from his sister, Kaida, with his head propped up against his hand. He looked distracted as he stared out over the delegation - much as if his mind was simply not on the matters at hand. Politics had never been Shin'ichi's strong point, and he was largely of the mind that life in Losenji had been getting on just fine without all of this talk of alliances and war, so why change things now?

Behind the royal family a low rumble and snort disturbed the draped silk that cascaded down behind the dais. As the cloth fluttered beneath the heated breath of what lay behind it, a black scaly snout was briefly visible.

Shifting his weight the dragon Tamotsu nudged his head out from beneath the curtain of silk to get a better look at the delegation. Snorting loudly he lay his head down with a lazy yawn.

It had been at Shin'ichi's insistance that Tamotsu had been allowed attendance to this gathering. He had expressed a belief that the presence of the dragon - a sacred animal among the Losenyu - would be a matter of good appearances to the foreigners. Of course, those among Shin'ichi's family likely had other thoughts as to his desire to have the creature present. The two were near inseparable, even during matters of politics it would seem.

Tamotsu seemed largely indifferent either way as he settled in for a long nap. Unlike their more evolved cousins, many of the dragons within Losenji - though quite intelligent - were not typically sapient.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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Livia slowly lowered herself into the available seat, while Yoko too found herself in an available seat, directly across from the TNG delegate, whom the Taiyou Prime Minister seemed to glare daggers at. Yoko assumed he was here to try and sway things against their laid plans, but Shimizu had groomed the Taiyou woman well, and she was ready to lead and partake in the diplomacy to follow.

Yoko turned to 'Taanz, and she inclined her head. "Ha'cnz 'Taanz'ru" She spoke in the native Matokey language, and the bear like creature nodded slowly.

It's voice was smooth and elegant, like a soft whisper yet a powerful trumpet, it carried great power and authority from such a small creature, and seemed to boast a formidable presence in the chamber.

"I will not hesitate to admit that these are unprecedented measures that the AXIS Cooperation forces are taking, extending an overture three million standard intergalactic units from the furthest edges of our jurisdiction. But the very foundation of the AXIS Cooperation forces is to help those in need, be they our own, or those from without who seek our guidance." The small bear like creature explained.

"No doubt an alliance of this magnitude will come with stipulations, but none of them would you find to be unreasonable, and only serve to strengthen the bond between the nations of Shin'Tenchi and the greater AXIS Alliance. We come extending an open hand, paw, tentacle, or flagella of friendship in hopes that we may all prosper together, and welcome you where others would shun you. I have seen the treatment the Invictus of this world loosed on the representatives of the Sato Shogunate, and their esteemed and close allies, the Volarian Monarchy."

'Taanz then brought his beady eyes onto Casper.

"And I admit it not only offends, but troubles me to know that the sovereign government of the Aslund Jurisdiction arrogantly lays claim to the entire planet, and allows such ruffians as the Invictus Paramilitary Company to operate through their government and military with absolute impunity. Need I mention the squandering of Coalition aid for the construction of a state of the art military of aggression. I only hope that these signs do not serve as impediments to the sovereign right of all nations regardless of race or creed." The creature explained.

"I will further state that it is the opinion of the Didact of our collective, that until these grievances are redressed, the Matokey Collective will not consider the entertainment of any diplomatic talks with the Non-Governmental Organization of the Aslund Jurisdiction States, self proclaimed 'Terran National Government'" The creature explained, before he turned to Kaida.

"However, we offer our full economic, diplomatic, and military support in any assertions of sovereignty that your nation may have, Your Imperial Majesty." He said, showing a deferred bow to the Empress, then he returned to his seat.

Livia nodded. "Well spoken..." She said, turning to Kaida. "So we have come here, through the unified vote and the power vested in us by the Andromedan Alliance, the AXIS Cooperation Forces, to officially extend you membership into our alliance, as the Avorians before you enjoy. Like you we were worried how it would affect our sovereignty and Civilization, given our current technological development, without the AXIS, our civilization would have become extinct."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia raised a hand briefly to speak while a translator stepped up to repeat Avantia's words into the common tongue of Terra for those that did not speak Volarian.

"The matter of membership with the AXIS will be decided all in good time," Avantia reassured the AXIS delegates. "For now I think all of us are eager to explore the impacts that relations with the AXIS will have on not only Shintenchi, but our involvement and relationship with the rest of Terra."

There were a few murmurs and nods of agreement among the gathered ministers.

"I as well have a few matters I would like to put on the table for discussion with the TNG," she added with a look to Casper.

"The primary being the blockade currently in place around Terra that as I understand it is is preventing foreign military vessels from passing," she continued. "While I commend the TNG's efforts to protect the planet of Terra from foreign threats, it does raise a matter that 'Taanz has touched upon. The TNG does not speak for all the nations of Terra, and Volaria wishes to ensure that this blockade will not be utilized to prevent military assets and support from reaching Shintenchi from its allies in the Andromeda Galaxy."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Nemo
Casper adjusted his glasses as the other delegates finished their claims.

"I think that's a curious point you touched on, Shipmaster," he nodded to Velzzmkt, "is the Terran National Government 'self proclaimed'?" Casper shrugged. "I suppose it is, if you consider the unanimously accepted alliance of over a hundred different formerly-independent Terran countries into a single, unified coalition to be 'self proclaimed'. The TNG represents civilians from every corner of the planet, from Hafirjan to Nebrajit, from Therrier-Paix to Solinus. Though Aslund is our political centerpiece (and admittedly, the source of many of our domestic dilemmas), we are far more than just an 'Aslund Jurisdiction'." He turned now to Avantia. "In truth, Matriarch, Shintechi is the only continent in which our union possesses absolutely no political authority. While we respect the sovereignty of your nations and your cultures, we are grieved that it took a looming threat to bring our peoples together." He looked now to Kaida. "An error that we are eager to rectify, Empress, with Losenji. With impending foreign threats finally pacified, with our economic reconstruction nearly complete after the ravages of war, and with the long-awaited Parliamentary elections taking place within the month, I am proud to say that diplomacy has at last become the primary political objective of the Terran National Government. It is my deepest wish that we might come to know each other on better terms than we have." He looked again to Avantia. "All of us. Gathered peacefully at the table of brotherhood. United not as Volarians, Losenji or Aslunds, but as Terrans. Lovers of the same earth." He looked again to the AXIS delegates. "Though our esteemed Andromedan diplomats are generous with their gifts, I don't know if they truly understand the nature of our people, the fierce, unyielding passion that drives us, all of us, regardless of background, race or species. I question the ability of the AXIS Corporate Forces to properly accommodate this aspect of Terran society, a purely-inherent characteristic that has little to do with finance or economic stability. I question the cultural impact that AXIS' massive corporate influence will undoubtedly play in Shintechi society at large, if this continent's rich culture and customs will remain intact under the weight of an entire galaxy's crushing fiscal sway, if its domestic industry and self-sustainment will not whither and choke in the thick and endless smog of a thousand different Andromedan mega-corporations."

Casper drew a deep (though likely unneeded) breath, adjusting his bow-tie. He offered the room a quiet sort of smile, warm and humble. It was considerably out-of-place in the paleness and gaunt (though somewhat handsome) features of his cold complexion. "As for the Invictus," he was getting to the 'big' problems now, "I attain that they have never, nor do they currently, hold ANY political influence in the TNG. They are an independent organization that works apart from our union, and, so long as they continue to operate in our territory, are subject to the same laws and regulations as any other 'mercenary' group. With that said, the Invictus has shown itself to have Terra's best interest at heart. Though their diplomatic strategies may be..." He looked to Avantia out of the corner of his eye, "...lacking... they ARE trying to protect this planet. With their help, we've repulsed dozens of foreign and domestic threats a like. The blockade we have in place (which, I assure you Matriarch, is being dispersed even as we speak) was put there to prevent the flight of a certain Jacob Haley, a suspected intergalactic terrorist. With the Invictus' help, the NPA successfully maintained custody of Mr. Haley, despite several daring attempts by his companions to free him." The vampire nodded, looking sternly at the AXIS delegates. "Should the Invictus commit any serious crimes, should they open-fire on your vessels or violate the human rights of your people, the Terran National Government would be the first to find and arrest them. Until then, we will treat them as they are: an organization that continues to actively defended Terra and protect her wellbeing. Soldiers. Not rulers. Not masters."

He fell silent, though much was unsaid. Casper hadn't addressed half of what he'd wished to in response to Taanz' opening retort, but he needed to give the other delegates sufficient time to respond.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Script
"Indeed," Kaida nodded once Avantia had spoken, "A final decision has yet to be reached on whether we will be joining AXIS. It is for this reason I have gathered my court here in full, so that all angles of discussion might be addressed over the period of your stay."

To the side of the room, Lian Wu allowed her gaze to briefly brush across her younger sister's, her expression largely unreadable. A twinge of irritation crossed her mind at the meeting of their eyes, but it did not find its way to her face. She had little love for the rest of her family, particularly the sister who had had her career handed to her on a silver platter. But it was no matter at present. She returned her attention to the ongoing discussions. By and large, she was in favour of Losenji joining the AXIS alliance, thanks to the significant industrial strength of the Taiyou in particular - there would be a significant rise in employment opportunities. Perhaps she wouldn't have to cram as many low-paid workers into their own factories.

She almost laughed at that one. Of course she would. There was never a shortage of job openings there. Unskilled workers and heavy machinery made sure of that.

As Casper launched into his speech, at the front of the room Prince Kenji found his mind drifting. The formal robes he wore felt uncomfortable and heavy, and the small crown on his head was pulling at his hair. He hated politics. He was glad that as the youngest of Kaida's generation of the Kokuro family, he seldom had to take part in them. Frankly he'd just be happy when this entire affair was over, whichever side of the table the decision landed on.

Across from him, Emiko toyed with the end of her long furred shawl, running the soft material through her fingers. Far from distracted, however, her mind and her eyes were focused keenly on the diplomatic proceedings. Unlike her brothers, Emiko made a point of keeping herself firmly involved with Losenji's politics, and had the sharp mind for it. Across the room she briefly met the gaze of Huang Cai, First Minister of Law, and gave an almost imperceptible nod.

On the other side of Kaida, both her husband Suoh and her uncle Haruki were seated along with her son, Prince Ryuu and her daughter Princess Asami The Emperor-Consort was busied explaining things to his son, who seemed to have a new question for every one that was answered, whilst Asami listened silently to the both of them, legs swinging beneath her chair as she fiddled boredly with her dress. Haruki kept half an eye on Kaida. This was, no doubt, the most significant decision of his niece's reign thus far, if not the most significant of the past several rulers. He had every confidence that she would make the correct decision, but both he and she were keenly aware that this was one of the things she would be remembered for.

Kaida's gaze remained focused on Casper as he spoke, and she allowed him to continue without interruption. When he quieted, however, she spoke again. "I would not be so hasty to assume such things, Mr Lessard. I, too, shared your concerns regarding the impact on Losenji's culture and traditions in the light of such a change. I have discussed it to a great extent, and I have been reassured that the AXIS are well versed in the preservation of such things."

The Empress looked across to the AXIS delegates, "As is plain for me to see, Commander Caesarius' people's culture continues to flourish unique from the industrial power of the Taiyou and other member nations of the alliance. I would go so far as to say that we share more similarities, in truth, with many AXIS members than we share with the majority of the Terran lands to the west."

She waved a hand, "Whilst you speak passionately on the shared bond of the people of Terra, we could wax poetic for many hours on such things. Even in aligning ourselves with the AXIS, we would remain Terrans - no more, nor less independent from the rest of the planet than we are already. You have yet to speak more concretely on the political implications behind your words."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
"Your words smack of racism, Mr. Lessard," Avantia remarked. "Are we Terrans truly so superior that to associate and ally ourselves with foreign powers is viewed as nothing short of a degradation of our society?" she asked. "Are we Terrans truly so arrogant as to think that these qualities you speak of are ours, and ours alone?"

Avantia shook her head. "This fierce passion you hold with such reverence is a quality shared in all walks of life, among every race and people within this endless universe. It is a quality that binds all of us - the will to survive and prosper. You yourself spoke of a belief that the Shintenchi Shogunate is as much a part of Terra as any other native race - but does that not then suggest that these qualities are found within their place of origin within the Andromeda Galaxy? Surely you're not suggesting that the simple act of being born on Terran soil is what imbues an individual with these qualities, and that anyone short of that is incapable of comprehending our ways of life."

"Furthermore, as Empress Kaida has touched upon," Avantia continued, shifting to the matter of culture for a time. "I have myself been to the Andromeda galaxy and I have seen these nations for myself. While it is true that the Taiyou suffer these ailments that you speak of, it is also true that the AXIS Cooperation Forces have displayed a remarkable and commendable interest in preserving foreign cultures. The nations that comprise the AXIS are no less diverse than those of Terra - as our Argosian and Matokeyan guests can attest to. The matter at hand is that of an alliance, not a merging. I cannot speak for the other nations gathered here today, but I can say that it is not the approval of the TNG that Volaria seeks on this matter - but rather it is the wish of Volaria to explore the impact these decision will hold in our continued involvement with your own people."

"As for the Invictus," Avantia continued in response. "As I understand it, the Invictus made motions to overthrow the TNG during its period of vulnerability after the terrorist attack upon your government building. It is also known to me that the Invictus, operating from within TNG lands, sent men to bodily prevent the Taiyou from partaking in peaceful discussion with the Vankoryth Detante. While reports of this cult group are just as - if not more - troubling than those of the Invictus, the point remains that the Invictus you speak so well of continues to act with no regard for jurisdiction or law. Just how serious is serious?" Avantia asked. "In your own words, 'should the Invictus commit any serious crimes'. Is this to be taken that the Invictus are afforded special privilege in breaking other laws? Good intentions do not absolve someone from their criminal activities. Furthermore it is my understanding that the Invictus played a primary role in the erection and maintaining of this blockade. I trust we have your assurances that this will not be a matter of concern in the promise of its dissolvement so that traffic can resume normally once more?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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The Matokeyan remained silent, having made his point as he listened to the other discussions as they carried on. This Invictus blockade perturbed the small creature, and it seemed to show by the strange expression that adorned it's face.

"Kayabuki, an'zz k'tx ch'nzya." He said in his native language, not so much to hide from the Shintenchi representatives, but more to speak his opinion against the Terran representative.

Kayabuki turned to Avanatia, and Kaida as well. "You have the assurances of the AXIS cooperation that should you join, we would take all measures, diplomatic, and should it come to it." Her expression darkened.

"Military interdiction." She added. "We would ensure that the blockade was not used to hamper the development, or threaten your nations. Certainly we could get the support of the Coalition and other nations here locally to end the blockade, should the TNG lose control of the situation."

'Taanz nodded slowly. "The fact remains, that your government has allowed the Invictus to operate unregulated and unimpeded in your world, regardless of their perceived intentions, they are not a military, and have no purpose in planetary defense. Utilizing capricious and unpredictable mercenaries in the defense of your world is a blatant violation of the national order of things, as I iterated before, We will not pursue talks with the TNG so long as the Invictus operate with impunity in her borders."

As Kayabuki and 'Taanz spoke their pieces, Livia was silently playing with a single Denarius coin, the pressed metal coin flipped and moved within the woman's slender fingers.

"Mr. Lessard, The Terran National Government focuses on the unity of Terran Nations into one larger government? Let me go out on a limb here, but wouldn't joining the Terran National Government mean a forfeiture of individual national sovereignty? This is not the case with the AXIS Cooperation forces. We're an Alliance of nations, a Coalition if you would. I can more apprecate the unique position that my people are in, the AXIS have not only given us clean, running water, but medicine for our sick while staying out of our affairs just enough to allow our culture to maintain it's independence. Though not as advanced as some of the other member nations, the Argosian Empire is secure in it's position because we can trust our friends to protect us when it is needed, and to strive in preserving our culture, and our individual national sovereignty."

Livia turned to Kaida, and she inclined her head respectively. "The AXIS is founded on the principal of individual national identity and sovereignty, while enjoying the economic and political benefits of the alliance. What Mr. Lessard proposes is tantamount to a forfeiture of your individual identity, your individual sovereignty in the name of a larger 'Terran Government' And we passionately seek to defend those identities. Membership does not change anything other than friendship with this alliance, and the prosperity and mutual defense that is guaranteed for your people, from all threats, foreign and domestic."

"The Argosian Empire has been a Security Council member for nearly two decades, and the Matriarch can attest, our cultural identity has remained intact, and our people have prospered."

Kayabuki nodded and then she spoke up. "I too am curious as the the exact political ramifications of membership within the AXIS Cooperation forces for these nations, so that we may take steps to remedy and address them."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Argosian Soldier Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Nemo
"Not racism, Matriarch," Lessard corrected gently, "but singularity. The Terran people are an absolutely unique body of individuals, possessed by ideals that I have not seen embodied by any other populace in all my wide travels throughout the galaxy. While I suppose that any intergalactic species can boast the same, it is the Terrans that I am consistently impressed with. Not 'superior' by any means, but certainly worthy of consideration among all the varying beings of the Multiverse." Casper looked back to Kaida. "As far as our 'waxing poetics' go, Empress, it is my opinion that these romantic, 'storybook' ideals are the backbone of Terran culture. We are a planet with a history built not on a collection of nations or empires, but on individuals. Brave men and women, mortals, superhumans, paranormals, demigods... a pantheon of champions risen from varying backgrounds and bloodlines, each with their own names and vision of the world. THIS is the mark of Terran society: the triumph of the individual over the masses; the significance of one, singular character and his or her power to make a difference in the world at large." He bowed his head, a sort of bashful smile overcoming him. "...that said... if the court wishes to dispense with the 'romantics' and speak on a strictly factual, economic viewpoint, I am more than happy to oblige."

He turned next Kayabuki and Taanz. "The TNG is a sovereign nation comprised of many different cultures and traditions. While we do take pride in a cumulative national identity, it is an identity that values diversity and variance above all else. To trounce on the heritage of Losenji - or Volaria, for that matter - would be completely contrary to our beliefs. Losenji and Volarian culture is just as much Terran as Aslundish or Hafirjan culture. They've been part of us for centuries, directly and indirectly influencing the aggregated legacy of the entire planet." He smiled. " a way, Shintechi culture is already TNG culture. Its traditions and national characteristics have been affecting the rest of the populace for millennia, no matter how isolated and self-dependent they may try to be." He smirked, adjusting his glasses. "...I can assure you that the Terran National Government has only the deepest respect for its own distinctive identity."

As talk of AXIS military intervention escalated, Casper's lips slowly inverted to a grim, expressionless line.

"And this is, perhaps, the most important issue that we can discuss today, honored delegates," Casper nodded, his voice losing much of its cool, disarming potency. His tone became somber, cold and emotionally vacant. It was a tone befitting of a vampire.

"Many of the nations involved with AXIS have repeatedly shown themselves to be enemies of the Terran National Government," Casper began, "the Taiyou Empire, to begin with. Though we fought alongside the Imperials against the Aschen in our most recent war, the hostilities between our worlds remains ripe. The Taiyou have openly and proudly declared their hatred for Terran society, and have eagerly voiced their absolute spite against our people and our customs. They have plotted, both secretly and publicly, the destruction of organized government on Terra and the genocide of our people. They have deliberately slaughtered Terran citizens and soldiers alike, have infilrated our government agencies and political infrastructure, have threatened war, not once but twice, and have nearly invaded our entire planet in the earlier years of the TNG's birth." He looked expressionlessly at Livia. "The Argosians too, are not innocent of shedding Terran blood. One of our own civilians visiting their planet was beaten with a rod thirty-one times and whipped twenty-two times over a trifling domestic dispute. He was crucified and left to die without trial."

"So the point stands, honored delegates," Casper turned back to the Losenji and Volarian representatives, "I do not trust the AXIS. I do not trust their intentions for Terra. I do not trust whatever military or economic instillation they will undoubtedly offer you. It is a distrust built not in romantic fancy or in a passionate plea for global sovereignty, but in fact and history. The Taiyou have not been kind to the Terrans before. Why do they want to be kind to us now?"