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The cat of Mother Goose, and current in house sibling of Grimmy and general all around neuciance

0 · 1,044 views · located in The Dancing Mug

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


Age: unknown, why not ask him
Fur color/pattern: A purple hued, with pink rings on his tail medium hair DMS cat
Eye color: blue and white and big
Hight: Approx five feet tall when standing on hind legs, otherwise average Dwarf height
Likes: Tuna, Coffee, water, his new job for TERRACAST
Dislikes; being without his collar as it makes him feel naked

Odd quirks; he is very polite, to the point of not afraid to tell it like it is and ca easily disappear and reappear at will.



So begins...

Attila's Story


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Character Portrait: Attila
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#, as written by Awinita
A cat ambled down the stairs, he stood about four foot three inches tall, his fur was a odd shade of pale blue, but what stood out on this cat was not just the very loud bathrobe with a giant green G printed on it {the robe itself was a mix of pink and yellow and purple} was this cats tail, a odd ringed thing of rings of two colors, black and dark pink. He had a sleepy look on his face and carried a coffee mug. he went right for the counter. Climbing onto a stool he hammered the mug on the counter top "Bean me." he said sleepily. He wondered where the bathroom cleaner had gone off too....


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Character Portrait: Attila
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The cat lifted his mug, --refilled-- in a 'cheers' motion to HellShine in thanks, and then tipped it back after saying "Bottoms up!" He gulped down the hot brew in one gulp. Setting his mug down he sat there still looking sleepy and lethargic... ten.... nine.... There was thing three odd with this cat, one, he just drank caffine, two, the caffine was having delays getting to his brain to wake him up and three, He was a black and pink tailed housecat that just drank some coffee..... three...... two......

The caffine made contact with his brain sending The cat into full on alert mode. Gripping the mug in a white knuckle grip Attila asked for yet another refill, this time of decaf


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Character Portrait: Attila
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#, as written by Awinita
The bathrobe wearing cat raised his mug again in thanks and sat back on his stool, he'd heard what the other cat said, 'go get that' meaning his coffee. But Attila was not one to butt in on an employer berating an employee. However he did enjoy the show. In this case the employee did not even acknowldge the employers order to fill his own order. Attila wondered how things would end from that little 'ignore the boss' ruetine.

This was going to be enjoyable


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Character Portrait: Attila
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The various TVs behind the bar and over each table and booth flashed to life, the TERRACAST logo appeared and a voice started speaking "Good day deziens of Wing City and Terra as a whole. Welcome this hours news update." A desk appeared with a large bag on it tied at the top. Nobody was sitting there. At least until the same voice spoke again "The Dogs may be in the cages, but the cats" A purple cat with a pink and black ringed tail suddenly appear ontop of the bag completely out of the blue, "Are out of the bag" A smug smile graced the felines face as the TVs turned off as quickly as they came on, leaving a sly smile and big white and black eyes for a few moments longer before also fading.


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Character Portrait: Attila
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#, as written by Awinita
The television sets set over each table and over the bar in several locations showed the TERRACAST logo briefly before showing a purple and pink feline behind a desk in naught but his dark brown colloar. "Good afternoon deziens of terra and the surrounding planets. For Terracast, I'm Attila, onto the breaking news." A image appeared of the front gates of the RIP,

"It has recently come to our attention that a new resident had taken residence in the maximum security prison known as the RIP to the locals. Upon further investigation, the new resident is not exactly what one can expect. According to the information Terrcast has managed to obtain. A certain woman has been placed in a well secured cell within the vast prison complex." The cat said in perfect english.

"A large starship was also parked in the hangar area of the prison complex as well. Apparently the woman was not readily available for comment either, according to RIP staff, the woman is currently sealed away in one of their more securewed cells. Apparently frozen in stasis of some sort. We never received a name of this woman. Only that there was a large enough bounty on her head to get her locked away in such a place." Attila then smiled, "And now, the weather forecast for Wing City."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Infinite Void

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Character Portrait: Attila Attila says,
 “ Well, this was interesting. One moment he was taking a bath in the kitchen sink, of course it was more him trying to wash the dishes in the sink and ended upo taking a bath anyway. And then kapoof, he was in a flower meadow. But he still had his scrub brush and his collar so he wasnt naked. that in and of itself was a good thing. For the moment ”

The setting changes from The Infinite Void to Moms Van


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Character Portrait: Attila
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Gee I hope mom doesnt mind me driving again" Attila patted around his tail for his belt and found his keys. "Last time I ended up in who knew where" he fired up the van

The setting changes from Moms Van to Durasia City Spaceport

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ixas Character Portrait: Attila
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Attila took one step from Mother Goose's van and promptly faceplanted on the sidewalk. Picking himself back up he went right to a sewer vent and vomited while saying "I'm fine, I'm I just GLURG!!" He emptied his stomach took a breath "i'm GLERGblag!!" Finally after the third time of emptying his stomach he straighted up and asked for a towel froma nearby man.

"Need to get the things brakes checked I thought Mom did that already ?!" he pocketed the van keys and thanked the nearby officer for the towel. "Thank you, do I know you from soemwhere ?"

The man that Attila was talking to was a soldier, no longer acvtive in the military as part of UCOR forces, and yet still active as a hired gun. "Perhaps, I have seen you on the news on the planet Terra."

"Good, can you tell me where I am ? I kinda,... dropped in" Attila replied

"Welcome to Ariel." Ixas simply replied.

Ariel huh ? Attila smiled, "Many thanks, Ima find a bathtub, I need a good long soak" Attila ambled in the direction of the Dancing Mug

The setting changes from Durasia City Spaceport to The Dancing Mug


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The bar doors slid open allowing the purple cat to enter. Attila was a calm critter and at the moment sought food and drink. Ambling to a nearby table he was directed to a lower level walkway and told the bar was down there. Moving fast to stay just out of the range of kicking fit. Attila came to where he sought. a well designed bar. seedy in appearance yet very well kept and clean.

Going to the bar he climbed onto a stool and took a seat. "A beer please, and some of this, whats this, skuzzi spits ? I'lltake a full rack of it." Attila wanted food. and Skuzzi Spits was basically a kebab of some kind


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane moves to where she is directed. Which happens to be inside where all the fine liquor, and bad trouble should hopefully be. She was particularly interested in the...small creature that looked have hurried past all the stepping customers. Although she 'walked in', if anyone cared to notice, she was now 'floating' her way towards the bar.

"Give me the strongest, biggest, dirtiest glass of something you find every bit as sour as I feel. If you cant do that, a stout will be fine."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
At the womans request the bar tender, an alien creature with four arms, mixed up a strong stout and set it on the bartop. "Anything to go with that. " the alien asked, the baselisk was a older fellow. An order came up for Skuzzi Spits and it was taken to the stool next to the woman. A cat sat there, almost humanlike actually it was rather comical to see. "Your order" The alien chef said to Attila.

"Thank you, my compliments to the chef!" Attila said, he raised his wine to the woman next to him. "Cheers" he said before sticking a kebab in his mouth and munching down on it


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane was about to answer the basilisk, but the turned to what looked to be a humanoid cat of sorts. Her eyes look the creature up and down, and she found solace in the fact that this creature was so in the current moment, that he wasn't giving off any waves of energy that triggered her clairvoyant abilities. It was nice change of pace to not look at someone and see glimpses of thier past or future, based on strong emotional leakage of energy.

She turned back to the bartender.

"Basilisk, I'll take a lox sandwich. Bring two." She sad in a tone that if you listened closes shifted between two pitches. At one point it would sound like two voices. But the music might have drowned that out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Two Lox comin' up!" The Basalisk replied to the order, holding up one hand with the twofingers raised and two more writing up the order the third pulling up his pants over his asscrack.

The other eater in the bar, the place had a live band playing a good tune, something along the lines of "Monty Python" or some such. Infact if Mitsusawa saw Attilas future or brief past, she'd she starlines, follow3ed by the emptying of a stomach. Which was why Attila was more focused on his meal at that moment than anything else. Attila then asked for a sports listing of teams still in the zone. Animus Core was a huge deal and bets were taken hourly.

Watching on the screen as the maze was built. it was going to be an interesting event to be sure. four different people who had never met doing a round of Wolfpack, well worth betting on. Attila placed a dozen credits on the Preacher, and half that on the Lady Maverick.Of course Lady Mavrick got first kill. but he still had money on the Preacher to get high score.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane looks up as she takes a very long sip from her beverage, clearing half of it in one go.

"Well, you seem quite interested in making bets for both parties. Anyone every tell you to not split bets? It's bad for your pockets." Mitsu stated in multitones again. Her voice constantly switching pitches and tones. As if trying to find the right one that attracts the most amount of attention from the young cat humanoid.

She turned to the bartender.

Mitsu placed two dozen credits on The Preacher.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Well, betting on the outcome of jepardy is well and fun, but this better" Attila said scarfing down another kebab. he made a request for a second or was that third ? round of Skuzzi Spits as he continued to watch the game, Wolfpack went for 25 rounds, and since there were four of them, the guy as Preacher was skilled as he kept the lead rather well.

The Basalisk came back to the eating area from the kitchen, in his arms was a large plate of two good sized Lox sandwiches, and a large masket of mexican style chips and a halkf dozen eggrolls, he also had a refill for Mitsu's stout and Attilas wine

Attila watched the third round begin, the Preacher and Lady Maverick in a dead heat on score keeping. the other two, a Sentiunel and trickster, kept killing each other silly. Attila then set his wine glass on the bar top and held out a pawlike hand to Mitsu in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Attila, room mate of Grimmy and occasional pet of Mother Goose." he said introducing himself to Mitsu


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane consumed the later half of the stout upon seeing the basilisk come from the back. She gladly accepted the new refill with a nod of her head. She also found it curious that basilisk seemed to look, somehow happy? What an odd thing his aura was giving off. He certainly didn't look it. She found his appearance quite unappealing and seemingly joyless. But maybe she was wrong about his initial appearance. Or maybe he was just happy to serve her, as most men tend to be upon hearing her voice shift to thier frequency of appeal.

She stopped thinking about it once she received her food. She started sloppily eating one of the lox sandwiches. Uncaring of her etiquette. She would scarf the thing down between gulps of her stout, in complete contrast to her sultry voice and movements.

Finishing one of the sandwiches, she would finally look over to see the little paw outstretched and an offer of friendship being made. She took his hand introduced herself.

"Call me Mist, short for Mistress, for you aren't yet worthy of my name. Unbothered to make your acquaintance." Mitsu shifted a little after taking the handshake.

She would gesture at the drink.

"Knock a few more of those back and maybe you will be."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
By then of course Attila was hammered, two wines and he was down, but then he did something odd. "A pretty name, Mist, I like it." He smacked on the bar, carusing the coffee cup of the patron next to him to freak out and explode. "Bartender!!.... oh excuse me" Attila broushed the ruined coffee mug aside. "Bartender, the wine keg please, Oh, and a funnel"

The tenth round was about to begin and once more the Preacher and The Lady Maverick were still in a dead heat. The Basalisk was indeed happy to own the Dancing Mug, daily bar fights happened in that place, and yet somehow, the Basalisk, a currently as yet named fellow whos last named ended with "dax" was actually a good .... well, calling a Basalisk a man was bad manners. So he was a happy thing.

Tossing aside the fountain after unstopping the keg of wine, Attila said as he held the cork, "First ot let it breathe....." He waited a beat, then two, then three themn pitched the cork over his shoulder "ENOUGH not to drink!" and he just up and tilted the keg into the funny into his maw and guzzled.

It looked like Mitsu had her drinking buddy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane smiled broadly and genuinely for the first time that day. She has been up for three days straight, but only remembers the last 24 hours given the psychic perils she had to experience during the first 48. Not that she at remembers it, but she knows that she was drunk during at least half of it. Why else would it be such a bothersome blur? It was all bad. She knew she was running, the last thing she remembers was being in The Void, now she was here. She knew she should stop, but this is what made her happy.

Other peoples lives of shame and intolerable decisions of faux and denial? That was for the unholy gods! But THIS? This truth? This inhibition? This blackout seeking fun of an activity? THIS IS UNCARING LOVE OF THE MOMENT. She would brace glory without grace.

"Give me one of those, but full of stout. RIGHT NOW!" She shouted.

She joined the new acquaintance on the table, dress skirt lifted, lacy thong with stockings showing. She accepted the keg and knocked that thing back without hesitation. Just a broad smile and concentration etched on her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The final round was starting in just a few minutes and Attila had alrady knocked back two kegs of wine, and, somehow in it all, lost his funnel. But did not seem t ocare much on that fact as the twenty fifth round was starting and so far his bets were paying off. Sitting on the bar top his back against Mitsu's own as they both drank endlessly. Attila cheered seeing his prize payout being exactly as he had hoped. "I win!" He slurred before tiliting off the bar and somehow landing, though like a slime, on his feet and bombing towards the stool before getting into a headbutting match with it before climbing back up and promptly faceplanting in Mitus lap before getting his bearings and missing a step landing int he bar sink. "Shay" He slurred to Mitsu. "Wanna go for a drive ? I have jkeys!" He jangled the shiny things in his hand before hiccuping.

With both of them drunk, that was not a good idea