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Hell's Fang

The insane shape-shifting hellcat who has no right to own the majority of hell, but does anyway.

0 · 532 views · located in The Dancing Mug

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Einselar


Name: Hell's Fang
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Soul-Merged Fire/Air Elemental Tibbit
Appearance: Humanoid she appears to be a 19 year old girl, always smiling but probably up to some mischief. Her hair flickers red and orange and seems almost alive. Her eyes look like bright embers and glow very slightly in the dark.

As a cat, she turns non-material, her body composed entirely of flames. She can control the temperature of these flames to be hot enough to melt steel or cool enough to touch. If touched there is resistance, so it feels like touching an actual cat, but there is nothing there but flame.

Weapon: Twinblade

Abilites: Can fly at a speed of 20 feet per second when in the atmosphere
Can control temperature of her own body and the flames it consists of.
Is resistant to and can regenerate from all types of damage other than divine and water damage however, her regeneration is disabled for 30 seconds if hit with either of these.

Shapeshift. See Appearance. Can turn into either a fire cat or a female that appears to be age 19.

Dimensional Gate: Hell's Fang can teleport to any layer of hell she owns as desired and take 1 person with her if she wishes. However, she can only teleport back to the relative place she left from (same spot on a planet or in a cruise ship. This is so that she doesn't get stranded in space every time she goes to hell)

Summon Twinblade: Hell's fang can summon a twinblade at will. Her abilities with said twinblade can be seen on this page

Reincarnation (OOC power): Hell's Fang is a universal concept more than a character. She is a catalyst. A disruption. Something that is not meant to be and yet somehow still exists. This means that all deaths for her are mostly temporary. Any time she dies she is reincarnated. Sometimes she keeps a personality, sometimes it's completely different, however, she is always the same thing. A catalyst meant to keep RP fresh and laughter bright. She may or may not remember her past lives, it entirely depends on the roleplay and what will work best for everyone. However, in the case that she dies this page will be reworked to reflect changed abilities.

History: Hell's Fang's past is largely unknown, as she changes the story every time you ask. She was abandoned in hell. She was cursed by a God. She spawn spontaneously from all the good who have been thrown into hell. However one thing is for sure, she owns planes 10-99 of hell, probably due to a paperwork accident, but none of the lords of hell seem to mind. with so many planes of hell, she hardly keeps track of them, (If you would like to use one, please PM me. I'll give you permission to form a layer of hell and adopt it into official HF canon.) The currently tracked planes of Hell are as follows:

Layer 42: Filled with bright neon lights, this layer is a party town. Hell's Fang collects all souls wrongfully sent to hell here, where she can introduce them to the gods and petition for their transfer. She also frequently invites guests over for "Blackjack and Hookers" though the games she plays with them far exceed these two activities.

Layer 74: The setting of Bloodbourne, Hell's fang discovered ancient lovecraftian aliens trying to take the place over and promptly booted them out. (Bloodbourne Spoiler Warning: Succeeding in this task prompted an reincarnation.)

So begins...

Hell's Fang's Story


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Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A bar, hotel, casino, you name it, it was here. The tinkerer stepped inside the place and found herself first confused, then overjoyed with the place as she looked around taking it all in. THERE WAS SO MUCH TECHNOLOGY! All sorts of computer terminals lined many tables, as well as many other items of note, even some holographic pads were set up in some areas of this massive apparently luxary resort for dancers to appear in holographic form. To Car Key it was the technology heaven she'd been looking for all her life. For Ston, her assistant it was a place to relax and not get shot in the ass by his boss.

Spotting the counter where there were two signs, "Check In Desk" and something in another langauge she could not read. Going over to it she decided now was a good time as any to find herself a room and bed down, maybe take the week off. So she went and checked in, then went back down to the bar.

Car Key noticed a few rooms and doors going to other places, yet she focused instead on finding a table, and watching the nearby holoterminal table for apparently a game going on of some sort called Animus Core Games. Wolfpack Session Seven. As she neared the table the seat floated up from the ground and she sat down and got comfortable. Ahhh, this was it, a nice place to properly relax. Car Key ordered a drink then. Along with some food. A Boga Nogus Burger.... That was new to try!


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Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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9 of clubs
4 of diamonds
6 of clubs

Hell's Fang pored over the cards carefully before waving her hand over the table. Around the table others did the same. The stoically put his hand on the table.

8 of hearts
10 of clubs
3 of spades

Around the table other players cursed as their money was collected and put before them. Fang just laughed and turned in her hand before collecting the chips she had left and bouncing off. Hmm... now what to do? The strip club was open and she almost went in before her stomach interrupted her. Fine. Food then. She strode over to the bar.

Inside was dark and warm, a cozy environment, if a bit crowded at present. Finding an empty seat at a table occupied by a tech-burdened woman , she plonked herself down on the seat that rose for her. She flashed an ID at the electronic waiter, letting him scan it. "A beer. Stella Artois if you have it." She peered at the menu briefly and then shrugged. "And whatever the woman across from me is having."

She leaned back and dropped the menu to the table again. "So. Who are you? How ya doin'?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The woman barely looked up as she was already pulling wires out of the table to see how the thing worked if that. then again the woman was dangerous too as many of those wires were extrenely high tension, killer stuff at that. She barely looked up as someone joined her. But she did however look up when the order was given.

A woman....

No, a girl, young looking too, yet apparently allowed in by some means. The fact that Car Key was allowed in there alone was scary. Thank goodness for dataslates!

"Who I am and how I am are normally my business, yet sometimes my business becomes others and since my business is to make business and weapons for others, I guess the feeling is mutal" Car Key replied calmly, her hair sticking out haphazard in a few places due to electrical jolts as she fixed the holopad, now the dancer came up clearler. With a satisfied grunt Car Key put the wires back into their place and covered the table side back up with a solid smacking.

Looking back to the young woman Car Key half smiled. "Name's Car Key, captain of the Mayday Brigade, currently taking a rest after a recent battle not too long ago, letting my crew get some much needed R&R" She said, never offering her hand for a shake. Sometimes she did not exactly trust such folk to touch them right off until after she got to know them a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Plenty of space in the local starport, and a big hotel casino nearby, this was the prefect place for a man of the cloth to go in search of those who needed their lives uplifted by the grace of NIRO. He was wearing recognizable desert attire and he checked his scepter at the door as was proper of him.

Ivan pulled back his hood as he entered, flashing his almost too perfect smile at some of the patrons he passed as he made his way further inside. He found himself seated next to some young women, one of whom was tinkering with their table's holodisplay. He wasn't sure if that was allowed in this establishment, but he kept his mouth closed.

He ordered a local entree and leaned back in his seat with a glass of water to await his meal, cybernetically enhanced hearing allowing him to listen in on the nearby conversation. The Mayday Brigade? He'd never heard of them, how curious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Fang smiled, "The name's Hell's Fang. Pyromancer and an expert at dealing with paperwork."

The waiter came with the beer and Fang lifted it from the table, taking a sip and smiling even wider. "Ahh. Now that's a Terra beer all right." She raised the glass to the light. They've been making this stuff since 1947 and do they have it figured out." She half-emptied the glass and put it back down. "Business and weapons hmm? Sounds exciting. I can appreciate those." Her eyes fixated on the now working holopad. She filed the information away.

"Well Car Key, I asked you two questions and fair is fair. What would you like to know of me?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"A pleasure" Car Key said in reply to the name being given, an interesting name yet in this galaxy who really gave a fuck to begin with anyhow ? Car Key surely did not. She only ran weapons when needed and even made weapons for those that wanted them as well. No questions asked. All in all it was a good life. Her own massive ship. the Neblun-B was perfect for both cargo storage as well as other items.

She smiled when Fang mentioned the drink raising her own in a toast "Welcome to Ariel. The Jewel of the Galaxy!" Ariel was a massive planet and half of it was a city in and of itself, and that cantina, the Dancing Mug, was in fact a very popular establishment. So much so that it made perfect port every time they stopped in. Besides even the spaceport had space docks that high up! Turbolifts and whatnot to get to and from the ground planetside was also good too.

"Depends, you lookin to cause trouble, or is trouble already following you and you looking to defend yourself ?" She could see several men not far away making bets on a Animus Core game session. Watching the holotank display the massive rather amazing setup was actually pretty nice. Apparently Car Key was already thinking in terms of business.

The food came, the Boga Nogus Burger also had a side of Skuzzi Spits, which was like Calamari in a side stand eatery in a big city. But better properly prepped. "Ah thank you" Car Key said to the clearly alien waiter. Not the least bit phased by the fact the alien had no hair, and huge black eyes, and dark blue skin, and two tails poking out the back of the head. The cook however was in fact a Wookiee or some such thing. The waiter soon left to tend to another table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Fang grinned, her feline-esque teeth showing. "Hey now, those are business questions! I thought those were your own. Nonetheless, I'll answer true. Mayhem is my game. Course that means trouble is always on my tail, but what's life without a bit of sport eh?"

The food came and Hell's Fang ate, particularly enjoying the Spits. After getting a refill on her beer and getting Key a refill on her drink she leaned back again. "So then, you still haven't used your allotted 2 questions."


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Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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  1. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Einselar
  2. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Awinita

0.00 INK


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Two questions you say" well this was turning out an interesting and entertaining meeting of first merit for certain! "I do believe I have answered them, yet if you insist I shall ask two more" She had a hint of jest in her voice, she was truly relaxed and simply looking for some fun, something to pass the time and let her crew relax for once.

Car Key smiled as she thought of the questions she was planning to ask. Should she ask them right then, or later ? It didn't matter did it ? Of course not! Asking the questions now meant that she'd have two questions to answer down the road, so if she had two questions to ask down the road, then.... this lovely young lady of Hell's Fang seemed to owe her two questions ?

Car Key had no idea how it worked only that it felt right to her. So for the moment she simply ate her food for the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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0.00 INK

Hells laughed loudly, drawing the attention of nearby tables. Her eyes flickered merrily, "It has been a while since I have had conversation with those who don't hold the power of the stars. Let me speak in fewer riddles. I asked two questions about you and you answered them. So now you may ask two questions about me. Whatever you like." She took another sip of beer, more intrigued in the company than the drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Car Key Character Portrait: Vercerigo Character Portrait: Hell's Fang
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0.00 INK

Vercerigo appeared in a violent cloud of black smoke. He stood there impatiently rocking back and forth on his feet until the smoke dissipated. As soon as it did, he walked over to the bartender and rapped his fingers quietly along the railing, looking around nervously. He attracted the attention of a bartender, who walked over, cleaning a glass.
Vercerigo spoke in a low voice. "Sir, has anyone by the name of Alice stopped by? Alice Raine?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane moves to where she is directed. Which happens to be inside where all the fine liquor, and bad trouble should hopefully be. She was particularly interested in the...small creature that looked have hurried past all the stepping customers. Although she 'walked in', if anyone cared to notice, she was now 'floating' her way towards the bar.

"Give me the strongest, biggest, dirtiest glass of something you find every bit as sour as I feel. If you cant do that, a stout will be fine."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
At the womans request the bar tender, an alien creature with four arms, mixed up a strong stout and set it on the bartop. "Anything to go with that. " the alien asked, the baselisk was a older fellow. An order came up for Skuzzi Spits and it was taken to the stool next to the woman. A cat sat there, almost humanlike actually it was rather comical to see. "Your order" The alien chef said to Attila.

"Thank you, my compliments to the chef!" Attila said, he raised his wine to the woman next to him. "Cheers" he said before sticking a kebab in his mouth and munching down on it


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane was about to answer the basilisk, but the turned to what looked to be a humanoid cat of sorts. Her eyes look the creature up and down, and she found solace in the fact that this creature was so in the current moment, that he wasn't giving off any waves of energy that triggered her clairvoyant abilities. It was nice change of pace to not look at someone and see glimpses of thier past or future, based on strong emotional leakage of energy.

She turned back to the bartender.

"Basilisk, I'll take a lox sandwich. Bring two." She sad in a tone that if you listened closes shifted between two pitches. At one point it would sound like two voices. But the music might have drowned that out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Two Lox comin' up!" The Basalisk replied to the order, holding up one hand with the twofingers raised and two more writing up the order the third pulling up his pants over his asscrack.

The other eater in the bar, the place had a live band playing a good tune, something along the lines of "Monty Python" or some such. Infact if Mitsusawa saw Attilas future or brief past, she'd she starlines, follow3ed by the emptying of a stomach. Which was why Attila was more focused on his meal at that moment than anything else. Attila then asked for a sports listing of teams still in the zone. Animus Core was a huge deal and bets were taken hourly.

Watching on the screen as the maze was built. it was going to be an interesting event to be sure. four different people who had never met doing a round of Wolfpack, well worth betting on. Attila placed a dozen credits on the Preacher, and half that on the Lady Maverick.Of course Lady Mavrick got first kill. but he still had money on the Preacher to get high score.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane looks up as she takes a very long sip from her beverage, clearing half of it in one go.

"Well, you seem quite interested in making bets for both parties. Anyone every tell you to not split bets? It's bad for your pockets." Mitsu stated in multitones again. Her voice constantly switching pitches and tones. As if trying to find the right one that attracts the most amount of attention from the young cat humanoid.

She turned to the bartender.

Mitsu placed two dozen credits on The Preacher.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Well, betting on the outcome of jepardy is well and fun, but this better" Attila said scarfing down another kebab. he made a request for a second or was that third ? round of Skuzzi Spits as he continued to watch the game, Wolfpack went for 25 rounds, and since there were four of them, the guy as Preacher was skilled as he kept the lead rather well.

The Basalisk came back to the eating area from the kitchen, in his arms was a large plate of two good sized Lox sandwiches, and a large masket of mexican style chips and a halkf dozen eggrolls, he also had a refill for Mitsu's stout and Attilas wine

Attila watched the third round begin, the Preacher and Lady Maverick in a dead heat on score keeping. the other two, a Sentiunel and trickster, kept killing each other silly. Attila then set his wine glass on the bar top and held out a pawlike hand to Mitsu in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Attila, room mate of Grimmy and occasional pet of Mother Goose." he said introducing himself to Mitsu


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

Mitsusawa, Yamane consumed the later half of the stout upon seeing the basilisk come from the back. She gladly accepted the new refill with a nod of her head. She also found it curious that basilisk seemed to look, somehow happy? What an odd thing his aura was giving off. He certainly didn't look it. She found his appearance quite unappealing and seemingly joyless. But maybe she was wrong about his initial appearance. Or maybe he was just happy to serve her, as most men tend to be upon hearing her voice shift to thier frequency of appeal.

She stopped thinking about it once she received her food. She started sloppily eating one of the lox sandwiches. Uncaring of her etiquette. She would scarf the thing down between gulps of her stout, in complete contrast to her sultry voice and movements.

Finishing one of the sandwiches, she would finally look over to see the little paw outstretched and an offer of friendship being made. She took his hand introduced herself.

"Call me Mist, short for Mistress, for you aren't yet worthy of my name. Unbothered to make your acquaintance." Mitsu shifted a little after taking the handshake.

She would gesture at the drink.

"Knock a few more of those back and maybe you will be."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vinculum Oculi Character Portrait: Attila Character Portrait: Mitsusawa, Yamane Character Portrait: Hell's Fang Character Portrait: Red "Direwolf" Arcana Character Portrait: Ivan Viggo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
By then of course Attila was hammered, two wines and he was down, but then he did something odd. "A pretty name, Mist, I like it." He smacked on the bar, carusing the coffee cup of the patron next to him to freak out and explode. "Bartender!!.... oh excuse me" Attila broushed the ruined coffee mug aside. "Bartender, the wine keg please, Oh, and a funnel"

The tenth round was about to begin and once more the Preacher and The Lady Maverick were still in a dead heat. The Basalisk was indeed happy to own the Dancing Mug, daily bar fights happened in that place, and yet somehow, the Basalisk, a currently as yet named fellow whos last named ended with "dax" was actually a good .... well, calling a Basalisk a man was bad manners. So he was a happy thing.

Tossing aside the fountain after unstopping the keg of wine, Attila said as he held the cork, "First ot let it breathe....." He waited a beat, then two, then three themn pitched the cork over his shoulder "ENOUGH not to drink!" and he just up and tilted the keg into the funny into his maw and guzzled.

It looked like Mitsu had her drinking buddy.