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Avantia Kumara

Reigning Matriarch of the Volarian Monarchy

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko


ImageName: Avantia Kumara
Title: Matriarch (Terran common tongue) / Vākśaṉai (Volarian tongue)
Age: 28
Species: Avorian
Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra
Current Residence: The Royal Palace of Volary
Nationality: Volarian
Occupation: Reigning Matriarch of Volarian
Language(s): Volarian, Losenyu, and Taiyou
Family: Arun Kumara (son)

Avantia has been serving as the Matriarch of Volaria for four years now, and has garnered herself a reputation among her people for compassion and benevolence. These qualities, though still present, are often marred in matters of foreign affairs as Avantia has also garnered a reputation for being haughty and quick to take offense. First impressions are often everything to Avantia, and many have earned her ire for mistaken slights. Conversely, she is quick to respect those who respect Volarian culture, and who take the time and effort to learn their customs.

Avantia's recent decision to join with the AXIS cooperation forces, and the public execution of a TNG citizen by the name of Joshua Mattrix has given rise to some controversy, but she still maintains a strong show of loyalty from her people for the time being.

Avantia has a son of eleven years of age.

So begins...

Avantia Kumara's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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The Shogun marched in a harried pace through the Palace, set towards the Matriarch

She spoke in fluent Taiyou, the trade language of the Shogunate and the Avorians.

"Apologize for the interruption, I need to see the Matriarch immediately!"

Rushing past the Avorian guards, she threw the doors open to Avantia's private quarters, the two Shogunate guard keeping the Avorians at bay.

She spoke in Taiyou, hurried and rather frantic. "I request an audience with the Matriarch!" She called out. It seemed the Taiyou had made great pains to come here quickly, and even rush their way into the Palace. It was unlikely, given the strong diplomatic and economic bond, that it was a violent intrusion, but a very harried one.

As Sato came in, the Avorian guards moved to stop her, and she tried to wrestle free from their grasp, Sato's own guards looked to eachother in confusion, sworn to the Shogun, they readied their weapons but did not make any overtly hostile actions.

"Please! It is urgent and is in concern for both our nations!"

The setting changes from Volary to Caprica City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Takara Sato
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Inside the newly finished Quorum building of the Aschen Confederation, President Jarrod Kane stood at the podium, the Quorum had assembled to respond to the video released by the Invictus Leader Stryfe.

Brilliant lights shone on the president's face, as the Quorum stood in silence, gazes brought up to the man's face as an adjutant nodded. "Everything's set up." He said, and the President nodded. "We need to be careful not to lump the Terrans as a whole into this." He said, clearing his throat and making several faces into the camera.

The din of the Quorum slowly died down, as the President went over his speach. "Invictus, COG, Lochlyn..." He nodded, then he looked to the camera, while the cameraman made gestures with his finger.

"Tria.. Duo.. Unum."

All eyes were on the president now, the democratically elected leader of the Aschen state.

"Citizens of the Aschen Confederation, and the denizens of all lands and worlds tuned into our channels. I am delivering this speech in a time of great strife for the Aschen people. Our vibrant city, Caprica City lies in ruins, devastated by a cowardly terrorist attack that left many of our people dead, and many more wounded and homeless. This comes at a time when a group on Terra known as the Invictus makes a statement condemning our very people, labeling them as enemies to be purged from Terra. I come with open admonition, we, like yourselves bleed red, fight for our ideals like you fight for yours. As many Aschen have died, as Scatterrans and Taiyou in liberating your world from the oppression of the Empire. I myself am one such partisan against the Divine Shadow.

There is no denying the hardships the Terrans and the Aschen have faced, and the adversity our two nations have thrown at each-other. There is no denying the oppression your people have endured at the hands of alien invaders set on forcing their way of life on your people, establishing governments in their image. Taking away your rights, and your pursuits, your dreams."

The president took a breath, and looked to his words once more.

"The Invictus are not a government Organization, and have no experience in dealing with politics. They are, for all intents and purposes a mercenary organization that does not have Terra's ideals in mind. Stryfe said herself she was not Terran. Can you place your trust in a figure who, does not even represent your people? The only government the Aschen will recognize, is a government established for Terrans, by Terrans. This is why the Aschen Confederation is pledging it's full support behind the Terran National Government, in the establishment and reconstruction of it's own domain. However the Aschen Confederation cannot, and will not recognize any Invictus installed Government, and would scrutinize the democracy put in place."

"Stryfe Alfarsi is a self appointed leader of the Terrans, this is no different than the oppression your people beheld at the hands of the Empire, and of the Taiyou. It would be the patriotic duty of every Terran, to remove this De Facto leadership, and establish your own Government."

"The Aschen Confederation is prepared to fund, and establish a new program on Terra, a Council of Governments for the fractured nations of the Planet, with the aim of fostering mutual dialogue with all governments, and the excision of rogue entities that hold no love for Terra's prosperity."

Kane took another breath.

"We are prepared to meet with each representative of each individual nation on Terra, in the hopes of fostering mutual dialogue, and a convention for all nations to participate in. A true democratic process that will be for the good of all Terra. I implore you, shed the shackles that the Invictus snakes slowly place on you, before it's too late."

As for the coward that destroyed our city, and threatened our very way of life, The Aschen Confederation is offering a five hundred million cubit award for Lochlyn Haley, Dead or alive."

"Thank you for your time, and your patriotism, wherever you may reside. And my fellow Aschen citizens. May the Lords of Kobol guide our just hand, So say we all."

With that, the feed had cut out.

The setting changes from Caprica City to Volary


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin perked a curious brow. "The one before me? Forgive me, your majesty, I've heard rumors that the Invictus arranged a diplomatic meeting with you, but I couldn't believe that-" Austin stopped as he heard the shouting down the hallway, practically freezing in place. He rose to his feet the instant before the door was thrown open, his hand subtly clasping over a knife on the table.

"Nan desu ka...?" Austin squinted as the shogunate poured out a slew of vague but dire warnings. His Taiyou wasn't excellent, but it would do the job. "Naze koko ni iru no?" He gave Sato a closer look, trying to determine if he'd seen her before. What was she babbling on about anyway?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
The pair of avorian guards kept hold of Sato, but neither seemed anymore inclined than the Taiyou guards to resort to their weapons as a method of detaining the woman. Sharing in equal confusion and uncertainty they largely resorted to bodily barring Sato's route.

"You can't just-" one of the guards began.

His words were interrupted by an instruction from Avantia as she signaled them to let Sato pass. The pair released the Taiyou woman as they stepped back into their places and bowed their heads briefly to her while gesturing her through.

Avantia's expression fell to a frown as Sato and her guards filed into the room. It was unlike her to simply show up like this.

"What is going on?" she asked Sato in fluent Taiyou.

She glanced to Austin, as it became apparent that their guest could speak Taiyou. "These would be our neighbors that I spoke of," she answered in Taiyou.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
The pair of avorian guards kept hold of Sato, but neither seemed anymore inclined than the Taiyou guards to resort to their weapons as a method of detaining the woman. Sharing in equal confusion and uncertainty they largely resorted to bodily barring Sato's route.

"You can't just-" one of the guards began.

His words were interrupted by an instruction from Avantia as she signaled them to let Sato pass. The pair released the Taiyou woman as they stepped back into their places and bowed their heads briefly to her while gesturing her through.

Avantia's expression fell to a frown as Sato and her guards filed into the room. It was unlike her to simply show up like this.

"What is going on?" she asked Sato in fluent Taiyou.

She glanced to Austin, as it became apparent that their guest could speak Taiyou. "These would be our neighbors that I spoke of," she answered in Taiyou.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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Sato inclined her head. "A thousand apologies for this interruption." She said, offering a slight bow before she held out her hand, one of her men producing a small datadisk.

"Those men that landed in your countryside, the ones you sent an Envoy too." She said, sliding the data disc into a small slot, a live feed flickering on an adjacent screen. The camera was from that of a Taiyou ship, showing the Cybran fleet bearing down, and seemingly posturing with the Aschen, Terrans, and Taiyou ships in the area.

"We must mobilize to defend our lands." She said, nodding. "I've given the order to prepare the fleet, they're preparing to launch and should be ready to go into orbit within the day. Those men that landed in your countryside, they are not an envoy--"

Her expression darkened. "They are the advance scouts of an invasion." Perhaps that would explain the fighting. "We should detain and interrogate them. And prepare for war."

She then pulled up two more screens, one with Stryfe's speech, and the other with the Aschen. "The geopolitical situation is deteriorating rapidly. With the arrival of the Cybrans, and the Posturing of the Invictus, my shogunate is preparing for defense against the Cybrans, and a pre-emptive strike against the Invictus."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
"Woah-ho-ho-ho..." Austin helped up his hands, reverting back to Terran English. "Let's just take it easy here, huh? Maybe the Cybrans are up to no good, but they wouldn't risk open war with us right now. Not when there's the combined strength of three fleets protecting this planet right now." He leaned against the table, swiping at another date and popping it in his mouth. "As for the Invictus... this 'preemptive strike' stuff... huh?" He offered his best 'wat' face. "Don't you think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself, Shogun?"

He chewed and swallowed his date, looking Sato up-and-down before offering her roguish smile. "Name's Marshall, by the way. Pleasure's all mine."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia watched the footage with a furrowed brow, while Shanthi gave Avantia the rough briefing of what it was that she was watching before continuing on to again translate Austin's words for the avorian Matriarch.

When Avantia spoke again it was to Austin, and this time with a sharpness to her words.

"These Cybrans as you call them attacked a Volarian envoy, and they killed several of my men," she informed him in Taiyou. "They have landed tanks and ships in avorian lands and attacked my people unprovoked. The one responsible for these orders will be held accountable for my dead men. To forgive this act is to invite it once more."

She turned her attention to Sato. "But on the matter of the Invictus, I hear the words of Austin Marshal and I second them," she spoke. "I urge you to not move rashly on this. If this Invictus were to move against Shintenchi as you believe they will, then they will lose all credibility and the backing of their supporters. But if you move against them now, you will lend credibility to their words and you will strengthen them. Their supporters will flock to them. It is my belief that if we are patient on this matter, it will be in our favor."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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Sato stared at Austin, as he approached and tried to introduce himself.

She spoke in perfect Terran english, not even a hint of an accent adorned her words as she moved to speak.

"Just be sure to keep your filthy chinpo in it's place, bakayaro." She warned, before she nodded to Avantia.

"I will take your words into consideration. I fear though that when the time comes for them to secure themselves. It will be too late to muster an effective resistance. They're a mercenary organization, little more than militants. They have no place in government or politics. I cannot help but question their motives." She said, turning back to the screens.

"You blindly support them without consideration as to who, and exactly what they are and they stand for." She said to Marshall.

"I had thought the Terran Government better than that-- Though perhaps you over-reach. You govern little more than a majority of Aslund. I have little respect for a government that can hardly run it's domain. However. I hold nothing but distrust for a mercenary organization. It does not fit, and if the Invictus are calling the shots, We can neither support them or your Government." She paused a moment, then regarded Austin seriously. "If you continue to support the Invictus, the TNG has already lost the support of the Coalition. If it continues to tread this path, I foresee the Aschen will not be far behind. And War will perpetuate, as we will not support a government that is run by mercenaries, and that we have no voice in." She said in clear Terran english, bringing her gaze back to Avantia, and reiterating the previous statement in Taiyou.

Then Sato spoke in the native Avorian tongue, directly to Avantia.

"Do not trust this man, I have a strange feeling about him."

The setting changes from Volary to The Palace


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: UCON
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Stryfe barely had a chance to start clearing the cameras and other equipment out of her office when the Aschen responded to her broadcast with slander and blatant lies. Stryfe and Sonia watched as President Kane spoke for what was maybe the second or third time, Sonia rolling her eyes at what she was hearing.

The film crew bringing back any equipment they'd need for another live broadcast. Stryfe was serious about this, and it's not like the crew was going to reject more money.

"They can't be serious." The British woman said to Stryfe, "Our rap sheet, their rap sheet, speaks for itself. We've lost friends and family to them." Sonia said to Stryfe, "Reconsidering your thoughts on my weapons program?" Stryfe asked, raising an eyebrow. "I admit... I'm a little afraid, paranoid. The Aschen have done more bad than good for this planet or us, and their words now will surely mean fighting with them." Sonia said.

"I don't agree with what you want me to do, but I understand why you want me to do it. I'm giving you an ultimatum though. If this program isn't over by the end of August I'm leaving the Invictus." Sonia informed Stryfe, "I understand, I can't promise you anything. But, I will try to convince you to stay." Stryfe said.

"If you're not staying to watch the broadcast, tell Natasha I'm giving the order to allow our possible allies to land on the rooftop helipads." Stryfe told Sonia, "I'll relay the message." Sonia said, turning to head to the exit. "And, Sonia, we'll miss you. Think about us before you make your decision." Stryfe called out to the British scientist.

"We're ready." The director told the Invictus leader, Stryfe's eyes watching Sonia as she left the room. "Let's get to it." Stryfe said, taking a seat at her desk once again.

"Rolling in three... two..." The director gave Stryfe her cue, the red light flashing to confirm that she could speak her mind to the world, to the galaxy, maybe even the universe if it took an interest to what was going on in this small patch of it.

"I've already spoken to you all." Stryfe began, "After I did the Aschen leadership, in typical fashion, responded with lies, slander, and what I believe is yet another plot to take control of Terra." Stryfe said, "They say I and the Invictus don't have experience in politics."

Stryfe lifted her sleeve, sliding it up her arm. She tapped lights that seemed to be shining beneath her skin, a holographic screen shooting up to show a long-haired Arab man in military garb. "This is Kroger ibn Haggai, my father, my adoptive father. Former president of Saudi Arabia after elections." The woman said, waving a hand at the screen to display another image.

This image this time was of an white man with short-blonde hair, he himself donning military clothing. "Patrick Horne, deceased, former Prime Minister and former President of the Irish Republic." The Invictus leader said, moving her hand to show yet another image. This time of a dark-skinned woman with brown hair.

"While she isn't a politician, she has experience. This is Sonia Hughes, arguably one of my best friends, a scientist and former SIB agent. She's worked alongside members of the British Empire for years before she joined us and during her time with us. And she's a genius. Smarter than I'll ever be."

With the tap of one of the lights the holographic display disappeared.

"The Aschen speak of their losses 'liberating' Terra. What about your losses when they were the invaders? When they were the menacing empire? What about my friends, my family, Terran and non-Terran alike, dying in the fight against them?" Stryfe asked, "Do our losses, your losses, mean less to the Aschen?" Stryfe asked, speaking to the general population of Terra and all those who fought against the Aschen in the past.

"Hakim Mustafa, my second cousin from my mother's side. He died fighting the Aschen during one of their earlier invasions. I hate them for it. Not just for him, for others, I resent them. I don't hold any love for them. I can't act against because there are rules in place in the Invictus." Stryfe explained, "Despite this.." She continued, pausing for a long while.

"I forgive them." She said, "And I forgive for their lies about me and my people wanting to take over Terra. I don't want to, we don't want to, unlike the Aschen we're doing this for no gain. We didn't ask for money, or land, or this, or that. We chose to do this, I chose to do this." The Invictus leader informed the masses.

"A lot of people might not know this, but I've decided a long time ago that I don't want anything to do with the politics or leadership of this new, reformed government after it's in full swing. I don't want political power, I don't want to make laws. I want to create a better place to live, do business, raise children." Stryfe said.

"If I do not give up any amassed power immediately upon election of a prime minister or other authority figure for Terra, I will step down as head of the Invictus. I give all Invictus watching a clear and direct order to remove me from power in conjunction with the Terran military and law enforcement."

"And, to the Aschen, to the Taiyou, I forgive you. You have nothing to fear from me unless you attack me, my people, or Terra. And even then I will forgive you. But, in the same vein, I and others will remember you. We won't, we have not, forgotten the past as easily as you have."

"I forgive you for that as well."

With those last words the broadcast came to an end and Stryfe let out a huge sigh. "I'm taking a trip." She said as she stood up from her desk, "Where to?" The director asked, "I heard Shintenchi is nice, Langara too." The Invictus leader answered.

"One or both of those is suicide." The director.

"No, my pale-faced friend, murder if anything happens to me."

The setting changes from The Palace to Volary


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
"We are not 'blindly' following anyone, Shogun," Austin replied in Taiyou, his tone slightly more respectful, "the Invictus has proved itself to have Terra's best interest in mind in the past. They've also shown to have no desire to rule or lead Terra in any way. Although certainly no politicians, they are more then just mercenaries. We know them better than you think."

Clearing his throat, Austin switched back to English. He didn't trust his Taiyou enough to get this next part out coherently. "Perhaps now might be a good time to bring up a lil' tidbit of info. I was planning on using this later as a bartering chip, but seeing as how the tension of this meeting just went from 0 to 60 in ten seconds flat, I feel like now might be a good time to bring it up." He reached behind him, scooping an entire handful of nuts and fruit. He popped them into his mouth one by one. "A month ago, I personally apprehended a Cybran spy on Ruualaa in the Andromeda Galaxy. The TNG has been interrogating him for some time and he's gleamed some cryptic information about the Cybran's plans for Terra at large." He looked at Avantia, then at Sato, chewing contently and nonchalantly.

"In the interest of our shared security, the TNG is willing to offer you this information free of charge." He swallowed, picking out a cashew from his assortment of minifoods. Balancing it on his thumb, he flicked it high into the air and caught it in his teeth. "Different faction or no... we're all Terrans. What hurts you will end up hurting us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
"It is not for us to dictate how the TNG runs Aslund anymore than it is for they or the Invictus to dictate how we run things in Shintenchi," Avantia reminded Sato gently. "It is little bearing on us if they choose to permit this operation to run within their lands, so long as the safety and security of Shintenchi's people and sovereignty is ensured." The latter bit she directed largely to Austin. "I do trust the TNG would not willfully allow illegal operations and unsanctioned acts of hostilities to be waged against us from their lands should the Shogun's suspicions become founded."

"I believe this matter of the Cybrans is the more pressing matter on the table. If you have information, then I will hear it."

As the trio settled into conversing via the Taiyou tongue, Shanthi remained watchful but quiet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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Sato nodded, and then slowly settled in. "You have one of their spies? And you captured them in Andromeda? You may want to bring this to the attention of the Taiyou Empire. I am Sure Tenno Heika would be wanting to know what you found, since the spy was found in his domain. But I have to agree with Matriarch Avantia. Go and tell us what you've learned, Marshall-San."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
"Well good," Austin exhaled, "now that I have your undivided attention..." He propped himself up on the edge of the table, shoving the rest of the fruits in his mouth and swallowing them in almost a single gulp. He tongue clacked around in his cheeks for a few moments, an inquisitive expression washing over his face as his taste buds examined the after-flavor of five or six combined nuts and fruits. Tangy.

He cleared his throat. "I apprehended the Cybran spy, Steven Lindemann, in a cafe on Ruuala. He'd spent a brief time on Terra in Wing City where he hacked the TIB mainframe and stole dozens of classified government files. Seven agents were compromised because of it." His feet swung carelessly as they dangled off the edge of the table. "We managed to counter-trace his tracker agent and pinned him down as he escaped to Andromeda." He looked to Sato. "Ruuala isn't technically part of the Empire. He got in pretty easily." He bit the inside of his cheek. "Weird place, by the way. Ruuala. Entire planet is ruled by some social hierarchy that's built around open combat and Pokemon tournaments. Basically, the top Pokemon trainer rules the entire planet. It's like a Japanese middle-schooler's wet dream.

"Anyway, I tracked Steven down. Had a bit of a chat with him, where he divulged some rather curious information to me." The agent scratched at his chin, grinning. "I'd relay it myself, but I don't feel comfortable impersonating his voice just yet. Has kinduva' raspy, metallic tone to it that I just can't nail." He shrugged, reaching into his jacket and retrieving a small holocube. "Anyway, here's the video feed from the encounter. The following takes place BEFORE I made my move on Steven. As far as he was concerned, I was a regular patron."

Austin flicked the device on, a holographic screen instantly lighting up the room. The virtual image of Steven and Austin took their places in the Sonata Cafe.

"Crazy world, Terra, huh friend?" The virtual Austin said to Steven, a mug of coffee in his hand. "Politicians gunned down in broad daylight."

"Nothing to do with me, so it doesn't matter," Steven responded, his eyes on his computer, "This planet won't matter soon once they arrive here. There will be no mercy, there will be not battle, the Terra Government will collapse, believe me, I have seen it happen before on the planet Poria Four."

"Sounds like you know from experience," Austin perked a curious brow, walking over to Steven slowly, "what, you an alien or something? Come from outside of Terra?" He sipped at a mug of hot tea in his hands. "And who's 'they'? The Aschen? The boogeymen? You gotta' understand, friend, there's a laundry list of baddies trying to take over Terra on any given day of the week."

Steven looked over at him and smirked, "No, those are just your nightmares. You have not understood the true meaning of another Nation. The Nation which, in myths, is called the 'Sleeping Giant', the Nation which was started on this very planet more than eight thousand years ago, when your type did not even have an understanding of the simple rotation of the stars." He smiled softly and turned back to his computer. "You cannot understand the workings of any other Nation without implanting agents to send reports back home."

Austin paused the holofeed, twirling the cube between his fingers. "As you can see, he was very informative even BEFORE we captured him. Talkative little bastard." The agent looked up at the virtual image. "...I'd also like to take this time to point how impeccably well done my hair was during this particular mission. Seriously, look at it. We had a new makeup artist interning with the TIB during this assignment and she gave me a whole new look. I fucking love it. I tried to get her back on Reconnaissance afterwards but she'd already been transferred to Infiltration."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
Once more Shanthi translated the holographic conversation into Volarian as it unfolded. As the recording was paused Avantia turned her attention back to Austin, a look of curiosity upon her face.

"And it is your belief that they won't pursue war?" she asked curiously. "I daresay I must ask what it would take to put the possibility of impending war on the table for you."

She gestured then to the cube.

"And after his capture?" she asked. "Were you able to uncover anything more of use on this matter?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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Sato watched in silence, and as the recording came to an end, the Taiyou shogun shook her head slowly.

"I think I've seen enough." She said, turning to Austin and shaking her head. "I am going to mobilize my forces and prepare for war. It's obvious that the Cybrans are doing little more than buying their time." She said, turning to Avantia.

"I will see if I can enlist the help of the Taiyou Empire, as I do not think our individual nations will be able to repel an invasion force of this magnitude."

She turned back to Austin. "I've seen everything I need to see, unless there's more information you can garner from your captured spy." She said. "Or my people can take a crack at him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin shook his head. "Director Davrell conducted his interrogation once he'd been captured. Didn't say anything new. Just that the Cybrans were coming to destroy Terra. A lot about 'right of power' and 'culling the weak.' Nazi shit." He raised a hand to Sato. "But don't get all gun-ho just yet, Shogun. Although Steven's cybernetic signature is undoubtedly Cybran, there's still no way to prove that the Empire was the one who sent him. Undoubtedly they'll reject being involved with Steven and claim he was a rogue agent." He shook his head. "Sorry, but this just isn't grounds for open war."

He looked to Avantia. "Now, openly killing your people WOULD be, but it's my understanding that the Cybrans have since tried to rectify their actions and are looking for peace. They've also backed off considerably from their formerly aggressive behavior in Terran orbit once three different fleets rose out to meet them." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Like it or not, the Cybrans DON'T want open war with us right now. They're a doing damn good job trying to keep themselves from being the bad guys."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
"An apology and thinly veiled lies are hardly rectification for landing in foreign lands and firing on the local population," Avantia countered. "War is far from my preferred course of action in any situation," she continued. "But these people have already attacked and killed my people. Are we to sit back and wait for them to do so a second time?" she asked. "From what we have seen of these people, it is plain to see that war is coming one way or the other. Is it not wiser for it to be in a time and place of our choosing, rather than one of theirs?" she asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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Sato shook her head slowly.

"There is no reasoning with him." She said, crossing her arms and huffing. "He is set on his course of action. We must be set on our course of action. The Invaders already here will be detained and interrogated. The Ones in orbit are your problem."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin perked an amused brow. "Your problem too, Sato. If what Stevie McHitler is saying about the Cybrans is even HALF true, then they won't rest until ALL of Terra is under their control. Like it or not, we're going to have to work together if we hope to see this threat neutralized."

The agent hopped off the table, pocketing the holocube and ending the video. "This is just my take on the situation... but I can't see many conclusions in open war with the Cybrans that doesn't end in a massive body count." He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not saying we shouldn't address the Cybran threat, but maybe we should do it a bit more... subtly? Creep around in the dark before barring our fangs and putting the chip on our shoulder?"
