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Avantia Kumara

Reigning Matriarch of the Volarian Monarchy

0 · 1,989 views · located in Tiānshì City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko


ImageName: Avantia Kumara
Title: Matriarch (Terran common tongue) / Vākśaṉai (Volarian tongue)
Age: 28
Species: Avorian
Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra
Current Residence: The Royal Palace of Volary
Nationality: Volarian
Occupation: Reigning Matriarch of Volarian
Language(s): Volarian, Losenyu, and Taiyou
Family: Arun Kumara (son)

Avantia has been serving as the Matriarch of Volaria for four years now, and has garnered herself a reputation among her people for compassion and benevolence. These qualities, though still present, are often marred in matters of foreign affairs as Avantia has also garnered a reputation for being haughty and quick to take offense. First impressions are often everything to Avantia, and many have earned her ire for mistaken slights. Conversely, she is quick to respect those who respect Volarian culture, and who take the time and effort to learn their customs.

Avantia's recent decision to join with the AXIS cooperation forces, and the public execution of a TNG citizen by the name of Joshua Mattrix has given rise to some controversy, but she still maintains a strong show of loyalty from her people for the time being.

Avantia has a son of eleven years of age.

So begins...

Avantia Kumara's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia was seated within the great hall of the royal palace with a pair of guards flanking either side of the alabaster dais. Their white and gold piped garb marked them out as those of her royal guard, and both were armed with a pair of spear like weapons; though, on closer inspection one might take note that they did not appear as any traditional spear. The ends were curved and barbed for melee combat, but the haft was thicker than was traditionally required, and the grip that was sculpted along the length of it was reminiscent to that of a gun. One could only speculate on what the weapons might fire.

The rest of the large hall had been prepared for the arrival of Stryfe and her people with a large table set for Stryfe's men to seat themselves at should they wish. Both food and drink had been set out and were both plentiful.

The grand doors that led into the great hall had been left standing wide to allow Stryfe and her people entry into the hall; though, all to enter the great hall would have been relieved of weaponry. Any of Stryfe's men who wished to remain armed would remain outside the hall - though no less welcome within the city itself.

Another pair of Avantia's royal guard kept vigil at the main entrance to the hall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Saarai
Stryfe wasn't big on the idea of removing her weapons, but she had Nina and Anodyne with her. One was a close quarters combat expert who probably knew who to killa man five times before they hit the ground and the other was Anodyne.

"Cyrus, you and the others stay outside. We'll go in alone, fill me in if someone can get in touch with Mary." Stryfe ordered, "You got it, Big Kahuna." Cyrus responded, he and the rest of the Invictus soldiers Stryfe had brought, about twenty of them, taking positions in the area. Their eyes searching for anyone who might be a problem or any signs of a problem at all brewing.

The trinity of Stryfe, Anodyne, and Nina made their way into great hall. Stryfe donning her usual black pantsut, Nina and Anodyne wearing their usual uniforms and armor.

"All this food and I didn't bring you anything to eat." Stryfe said to the Avorians as she moved towards the large dining table. "I'm a terrible cook, so maybe that was for the best." Stryfe joked, "Anyways, shall we get down to business?" The Invictus leader asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
Shanthi stepped forward and spoke quietly to Avantia as she translated Stryfe's words for her. Avantia's response came in her native tongue of Volarian.

Shanthi inclined her head briefly before she turned to speak in turn to Stryfe.

"The Matriarch says that you are guests in her hall," she explained to Stryfe by way of explanation of the offered food.

While Shanthi translated for the Matriarch, Avantia rose from the cushions that she was nestled among and made her way down the steps of the dais.

"She thanks you for making the trip to Volary and hopes that you enjoy your time here, but that she understands you did not travel all the way here for pleasantries. She asks what it is you have come to speak with her about."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Saarai
"For one," Stryfe began, taking a seat at the table. "I would like to hope to convince you that joining the TNG is the best course of action. At least when it comes to handing things that aren't very... native to the planet. It has a long history of invaders and random lone wolf terrorists showing up." Stryfe told Avantia.

"I hold no position within the TNG at all, what I'm doing is purely out of concern and to strengthen the unity of this planet as I hope you know. I also want to thank you for your diamonds. I imagine they'll come in handy sooner or later." The Invictus leader continued.

"Secondly, I'd like to offer any Invictus assistance to you if you made it in the future. We are technically for hire, so we don't have a problem helping others out or doing the less important stuff while they do ither things." Stryfe said, "Plus, I think it'd help build some trust if we work together. I mean, I'm sure it's no secret to you how I feel about your relationship with the Taiyou. But, that's not what I'm here to talk about."

Stryfe paused for a moment, "Actually... I did bring back their gold. I was hoping you could pass it along."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia raised an eye as Shanthi translated Stryfe's words and her voice held a note of curiosity as she responded in turn.

"The Matriarch says your customs are very strange to her," Shanthi translated. "She says that you accept our gift to you, but come to our city to return the gift of our friends and allies to the east while asking us to join with the TNG."

Avantia shook her head as she continued.

"She says that the Taiyou have done more for her people than this TNG. She says that she would not dishonor Volaria by forgetting this and turning to the advice of the people who so openly extend insult to those who have proven friend and ally to the Volarian people. She says that you claim no ill will towards the Taiyou Shogunate but that this gesture is a deliberate insult that speaks of the truth behind your words. She says that if the TNG wishes allies of the Volarians so too must they make allies of Losenji and the Taiyou Shogunate."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Saarai
"I never said, once, that I have no ill will towards the Taiyou." Stryfe corrected, her voice becoming firm. "I have much ill will for what their government has done in the past to the people of Terra. Just because they haven't done it to you I should forget all of the deaths? The destruction? The kidnappings?" Stryfe asked, "Call it an insult, call it whatever you want. I did not acceot this gift from them, they insisted it upon me the same way their government has tried to insist their rule on Terra." Stryfe said, clearing her throat.

"Basically," Nina interjected, "Big Kahuna and the rest of our organization are not asking you to pick a side. They're asking you to make sure that when the time comes, you'll have many suitable allies. The allies of the TNG become your own, after all." Nina explained, "We could just ask you to join the Invictus, but... that's not our thing." Stryfe said, taking some time to regain her composure.

The sight of someone growing angry or frustrated probably wasn't new to the Avorians, but to Nina and Anodyne it was a rare sight from the Invictus leader.

"I can't speak entirely for the TNG. I have my doubts they'll ally with the Taiyou at all in light of recent events and past encounters." Stryfe said, "The Taiyou attempts to occupy this planet are what inspired me to start trying to rebuild a stronger, better, federation to protect it and prosper." The Persian woman told her hosts.

"You are quick to defend them, I can only assume my time here will be a waste."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia's tone sharpened.

"The Matriarch says that these Imperial Taiyou that you speak of are not the Taiyou of Shintenchi," Shanthi continued. "She says that you condemn the people of Shintenchi for their ethnicity and that you judge them for the actions of an Empire a galaxy apart from this place. She says that people are to be judged for their own actions rather than the actions of their forebears, and that these people have lived peacefully in Shintenchi for many years."

"She says she will not support those who would support racism and ethnic persecution against a people who have not committed the acts you speak of."

Avantia moved away as she looked out over Volaria from one of the towering windows that lined the hall.

"She says that it is still her wish to pursue trade and open relations with the other peoples of Terra, but that she sees now that this claim of a unified Terra with equal representation is a fallacy."

Avantia sighed and shook her head.

Shanthi hesitated a moment before she translated the remainder of Avantia's words. "The Matriarch says that a federation that supports the rejection of an entire ethnic group for nothing more than their ethnicity is not a people that Volaria wishes to ally itself to. She says this is the same intolerance that you claim to stand against and that you are no different than these people you hate so much."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Saarai
"You do know what a Shogunate is, right?" Stryfe asked, "In Imperial Japan shoguns were lords who ruled over various parts of the Japanese Empire for the emperor, it was like being the governer of your own state. When it came time for war the shogunates would fight for the Emperor. It was their people, their mean, their weomen, aiding the cause, whatever it may have been at that time." Stryfe explained.

"You say because they aren't in the same galaxy, buecause there's smenatics with their name that they weren't involved in the atrocities that were committed here?" Stryfe asked, "And, ma'am, do not ever again twqist my words and insult me the way you just have ever again." Stryfe added, "Unlike them, I have no murdered people for having land I want to take. I don't know about you, but I don't support feudalism and genocide."

"I am not rejecting an ethnic group, I am rejecting the long arm of the Taiyou Empire." Stryfe said, "If the Taiyou of Shintenchi are serious about their distance from the Empire, tell them I'd like to speak to them and I ask for them to officially renounce the Empire and their support." Stryfe continued.

"In exchange... in response... that support will be replaced by that of my organization, the Invictus, with no questions asked. If I can convince them, and I will try, the TNG will offer their support as well."

"You can't be serious." Nina said, looking from Stryfe to Avantia, "I mean, I get it, politics. But... come the fuck on. Let's just leave, this lady supports them and their murders. I, for one, am not a fan of the Taiyou or their friends anyways. I think it's a bad call." Nina told Stryfe, "No offense." She said to Avantia.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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#, as written by Tiko
"The Matriarch says that the Taiyou Shogunate has not been affiliated with the Taiyou Empire since the Tripartite was overthrown," Shanthi continued. "She says this has changed nothing in how they have been received, so why would it now? The Shintenchi Taiyou have stood alone as a sovereign people for many years already."

"She says that it is too late for such promises and that the Shintenchi Taiyou seek to rejoin the Taiyou Empire. She says too that if you do not support feudalism then you do not support Shintenchi and that you will find few friends here."

"She says though that you are guests here and that remains true regardless of this difference in positions. She says that you are free to leave when you wish, or to remain and enjoy the offered meal. She expresses regret that your trip was made in vain and hopes that one day an accord can be struck between the peoples of Shintenchi and the TNG."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Shanthi Hakkar
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"I'm fine with that." Stryfe said, "I'm a supporter of democracy. If you aren't, well... I'm happy that I won't find any, or many, friends here." The Invictus leader told Avantia, turning to head for the exit with Nina and Anodyne in tow.

"I'll have your diamonds sent back within the week." Stryfe told her hosts, "I don't want to keep gifts from someone who proclaims they are no friend of mine." The Invictus leader said before finally leaving, and taking her people with her.

The setting changes from Volarian Royal Palace: Great Hall to Niihama


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Ayako Katamura Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara
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#, as written by Tiko
Three long and boring weeks had gone by on the Taiyou ship. In these conditions, one could easily catch cabin fever if they weren't accustomed to long periods in space travel.

The silence of the ship was suddenly cut asunder by the announcement over the intercom.

"Attention all passengers and crew. Prepare the ship for planetary entry." The voice would split the silence and the serenity, and Shimizu would find himself making his way to the bridge as the ship prepared for entry.

"Avantia Kumara, please report to the bridge." Ayako's voice blared on the intercom. And once Avantia arrived to the bridge, she would find a completely different star pattern, a completely different planet, whose orbit, unlike Terra was littered with ships and orbital defenses moving in an orderly pattern, a massive network of orbital highways.

The night side of the planet was dotted with city lights, while the daylight side revealed brown landmasses, white clouds, blue ocean, and a massive grey cityscape that seemed to cover half of the entire planet. A massive ecumenopolis. Unlike Terra, Niihama had no moon, but a faint ring of debris around the planet.

"This is Niihama, our home planet." Shimizu explained, gesturing to the sickly and polluted looking world before them.

Even her familiarity with Narita had not truly prepared Avantia for the spectacle that was Niihama. It was a dying world unlike anything she had witnessed back in Shintenchi.

The sheer size of the Taiyou populations were a near unfathomable concept for the Volarian Matrarch. Volaria was a sparsely populated country with rolling grasslands and open countryside. Maintaining their population was an active struggle.

"How many people call Niihama home?" Avantia asked as she swept up alongside Shimizu.

Looking out to the planet before them, Shimizu sighed. "As of our last census, Niihama has a population of about twenty billion people. But our government only counted those on record. unnoficial estimates put the population much higher than that. Some say our population is 100 billion unofficially." He said, as the ship began to move towards the planet, which was looming ever closer.

"The total population of our people spread through the galaxy is into the Quadrillions, an unfathomable number." He added, the lights of Niihama City twinkling below them like stars.

"Astounding," Avantia replied quietly. Though it was perhaps not the word Shimizu would have chosen.

Shimizu shook his head. "We have too many people, not enough places to live."

Eventually the call to sit down and buckle in would go out, Shimizu, and everyone else on the bridge began to buckle in as the Commandant called out.

"Alright we're in the gravity well, buckle in and prepare for our initial descent." She called out, and the bridge crew began to work quickly and diligently to prepare the ship for landing.

"We've got clearance for landing net 343A Niihama City NCSN-3 All hands prepare for descent." Ayako called out.

Shimizu would gesture for Avantia to sit besides him, pointing to the bridge windows. She lingered a time longer as she looked upon Niihama before she turned away to take the indicated seat beside Shimizu.

"This is the fun part, controlled freefall to a giant net in the city below."

"A net?" Avantia asked.

She immediately regreted the inquiry as the thought crossed her mind she might just be more comfortable not knowing the specifics this time around.

The ship began to shake and rattle once more, flames licking around the ship and onto the deck as it began it's controlled descent. Clouds, mountain ranges, and cityscapes moved below them until they began their final descent.

"All hands prepare for impact!" She called out, towering Niihama City skyscrapers now all around them and they seemed to scream through them and blinding speed. Before them were four large towers anchored into nearby support pillars which were in turn anchored into adjacent buildings and streets. They were connected to a massive net, which was suspended over a man made lake.

"Initiating final descent! We're cleared for landing! Hang on!" She called out, and the ship was caught in the net, and the impact rippled through the hull as it went from supersonic speeds, to stopped. The net tugged and the support towers flexed as the ship fell into the pool of water, causing steam to billow up around them. The net then tensed and the ship was pulled up onto a large docking clamp, and moved towards a catapult mechanism, as docking beams and cargo platforms slid up to the hull.

"Commencing pressure equalization, airlocks cycled, opening up." An officer said, as a clunking was heard at a door to their left, and it opened up to reveal a pair of technicians and a large catwalk, the rancid and polluted Niihama City air wafting into the bridge.

Shimizu promptly unbuckled himself, and moved to help Avantia from her spot.

"Here we are, welcome to Niihama." He said, extending a hand to help her up.

Avantia couldn't help but bring her arm to her nose as she coughed on the polluted air that flooded the bridge. She rose to her feet with Shimizu's assistance as she continued to cough heavily into her arm, but the thick smog that was Niihama's air was not likely to abate for the duration of her stay.

"Pardon me. I am unused to the air here," she explained between coughs.

She could almost feel the dust and grime upon her skin as they reached the catwalk.

"Is it far?" she asked.

"Well." Shimizu said, turning to the towering edifice of the Taiyou Imperial Palace looming on the horizon.

"We'll be flying there via a Botanachi and security escort." He said, moving towards the landed Botanachi DRHC Tilt Rotor craft, which was idling loudly on an adjacent landing pad.

"Follow me... On an unrelated note, did your meeting with the Invictus go well?"

"That would depend on your opinion of what 'well' entails," Avantia replied. "If by well you mean that it drove the Shintenchi Shogunate back into the Taiyou Empire's fold, then it went quite well indeed." She shook her head as they moved along the catwalk. "The Invictus are unyielding and unbending in their state of mind. Much akin to the people of Aslund that you spoke of before."

"The invictus are especially a troublesome people, they are not to be trusted." Shimizu said, extending his hand to help her into the helicopter.

"Them and those that purport to be with the TNG not only parade their own wills and values, but they aim to quash the views of those that differ from theirs." Shimizu explained, closing the door to the helicopter as it slowly began to lift off from the landing pad.

"The AXIS does not share that belief, we believe that every civilization is entitled to it's own way of life."

As Shimizu talked, the Helicopter soared over the city, towering skyscrapers below them, and the streets packed with people.

Avantia shook her head at Shimizu's assessment. "I do not believe that the Invictus speaks for all of the TNG," she replied. "Though I must admit reluctance to offer support to the TNG while they support the Invictus."

Shimizu nodded and then turned, gesturing out to a massive crater that was being built over in the middle of the city.

"That was the result of the TNG's neglect." He said, pointing outwards. "They say one thing and do another, and terrorists snuck a bomb to our planet."

Eventually the Helicopter reached the Palace, and slowly it touched down.

"There's a few rules when meeting with my father. Do not speak unless spoken too, always bow lower than he bows to you; And always address him as Tenno Heika unless he says otherwise." Shimizu explained, as the helicopter came to a stop. "Shall we?"

"Rest assured, I believe I still remember much of Taiyou etiquette from my days as an ambassador," Avantia reassured Shimizu as he gave her a hand down from the helicopter. Again she found herself coughing into her arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Once they were on the platform, the Helicopter lifted off and into the air. By now, they were on top of the towering edifice, and much of the smog was now below them. But up here the air was frigid, and the wind was terrible.

Shimizu lead Avantia through a set of gardens, and through a pair of large wooden doors which revealed the court of the Emperor, whom was seated in a dignified manner atop his throne, flanked on either side by Imperial Warriors.

There was a woman as well, she seemed asian but not quite Taiyou. Clad in a black Kimono, much like Nobuo, the pair watched as Shimizu brought Avantia into the main room, bowing before his father.

"Tennoheika, I present Avantia Kumara, allies to your Soon to be Sato Shogunate."

Avantia too bowed in greeting to Nobuo before straitening once more.

Nobuo slowly raised from his throne, and then he started towards Avantia.

He spoke in a dignified manner, while inspecting her. "Please bring me a translator." He said, then Shimizu spoke up.

"That won't be necessary, she speaks our language."

The Emperor nodded slowly, then turned to Avantia. "It is my understanding you wish to tighten the bonds between your own people, and ours by joining the AXIS?"

"A decision is still pending negotiations with the Losenji Imperium, Tennoheika," Avantia replied. "It is my wish to learn more of the AXIS first hand so that I might better present a proposal to the Empress of the Losenyu upon my return to Shintenchi."

Nobuo nodded slightly. "I do not know much about these Losenji, but I will send my wife to come back to your home with you, she is an avid negotiator." He said, gesturing to the woman seated besides him.

Avantia inclined her head briefly in acknowledgement of Nobuo's wife.

"Tell me of these Losenji people," Nobuo said, approaching her, his Imperial Warriors forming in behind him. "Should your nations opt to join the AXIS, they would be entitled to multi-national protection, you would not have to worry about Terran reprisals."

"They are a diverse race of people," Avantia replied. "Their cultural influences vary greatly from a time when they once held much of Shintenchi, but in many ways they share cultural similarities to your own, from a more primitive era."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia found herself enjoying a view of the city from one of the many palace windows - if one could call it a view. Avorian architecture emphasized aesthetic beauty and conformity. Her people were artists by nature, and their use of solar power further maintained the quality of avorian cities. There was nothing clean, or conform about Niihama though. Everything was haphazardly packed on top of each other and everywhere one looked, signs of sickness and pollution were prevalent. Even the air itself proved a noxious smog.

Talks with The Taiyou Emperor had gone relatively well at least - if by well one meant that Avantia still retained her head. For a woman arriving from a largely matriarchal society, Niihama was an alien place to her. For a woman to be silent unless spoken to was a concept that simply did not exist within Volarian culture.

This was not Volaria though, a fact she reminded herself of. No doubt the Matriarchal ways of the Volarian people would be no less alien to those of Niihama.

She raised an arm to her mouth and coughed into it while attempting to stifle those that would follow. The air here wasn't treating the avorians well - and two of her guard had already fallen ill.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Augustus Octavius
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0.00 INK

The time spent on Niihama would be rather productive, but it seemed the time to depart Niihama had come, and Avantia was escorted by the Imperial Palace Guard to a large station in orbit above Niihama.

Moving through the halls of the massive station, Shimizu walked alongside the Avorian as he turned to face her. "The deliberations are complete." He said, gesturing to a pair of massive doors that lead to the AXIS Central council chamber, where millions of delegations from across the galaxy assembled in waiting to welcome their newest civilization.

"This is the moment of truth, Avantia." He said, a pair of guards in brilliant blue uniforms that were neatly pressed, and peaked hats adorned with white and gold. One guard was human, and one was a strange reptillian creature.

The pair stepped aside, and Shimizu nodded. "Don't be nervous, they don't bite." He said, and the doors slowly opened up to reveal a massive spherical chamber lined with seats for every representative from across the galaxy, Niihama's sun shining down the center, through five massive holographic screens upon a small central table, with Nobuo sitting at the head, a Matokeyan to Nobuo's right, Emperor Octavius to his left, a Cyborg man to Octavius' left, and a young male in a white uniform seated to the right of the Matokeyan.

Stepping on a platform, and leading Avantia onto the platform it moved, skimming through the wide open space and settling into a box seat style area, the AXIS Flag, and the Avorian flag side by side.

An alien language boomed through the chambers, a disgustingly alien creature appeared on the screen gurgling and chirping.

There was a chirp, and then the language was translated to Avorian.

"Welcome." In an Avorian voice.

Shimizu slowly seated down next to Avantia, and then he whispered into her ear. "This is the moment of truth, the time to accept or reject the proposal to follow."

Nobuo slowly stood up, speaking in a booming Taiyou voice which was translated to Avorian.

"The AXIS has voted to welcome it's newest members, wherein they may enjoy the full benefits of a member state, including Military, Economic, and Diplomatic backing by the collective nations of the AXIS Cooperation Forces, This Membership enacted by treaty is entirely voluntary, and they may elect to leave at any time. However to leave would result in forfeiture to all benefits backed by the AXIS, but not any individual nations the Volarian Monarchy has come to befriend. The Volarian Monarchy, the time has come to choose. You may accept your membership, or you may reject it."

Shimizu made a frown as a Taiyou whispered into his ear, and then handed him a folder with the ISSP logo emblazoned on the front.

"Given the circumstances, your nation could use the added resources." He said, passing her a file folder that detailed an ISSP report detailing Shanthi's disappearance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Augustus Octavius
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#, as written by Tiko
"What is this?" Avantia asked.

She took the folder in hand as a violent series of coughs racked her lungs. The air in the station here was clear, but the remnants of the damage done by Niihama's atmosphere still plagued the Matriarch. She and her guard had only grown sicker during their time on Niihama.

She flipped the file open as her eyes scanned the contents and she threw Shimizu a look of surprise.

"How? When?" she asked before her eyes found the dates in the report. "What was she doing in Aslund..."

The brief distraction led to an awkward silence within the central council chamber as delegates shifted restlessly at the lack of a response.

As Avantia took note of it she rose to speak, though there was a pinch of distress behind her careful facade of calm dignity.

"Honored delegates of the AXIS," Avantia spoke up. "You do me a great honor in extending this hand of friendship to myself and my people."

Again a cough hit her but she stifled it and stood tall.

"It has long been my hope to bring Volaria forward out of its age of isolation into a new and prosperous world of opportunities. I would be lying though if I did not admit that this very same prospect is a frightening notion. The Volarian people have long cloistered within our aeries with no care for the world beyond our borders, and all of this," she paused to gesture to the gathered delegates and the massive chamber that contained them, "is nothing short of wondrous and terrifying both."

She brought an arm to her mouth, stifling yet more coughs into it.

"The Taiyou people have been nothing but friend and ally to my own, but it is true as well that they have often been at war with the planet that my people call home. There will be political ramifications with this decision, ramifications that our Losenji allies will share."

"I can not in good conscience make a final decision that will affect both our people without first conversing with those that we call ally. So I will leave you with my humble and grateful acceptance of this invitation, pending finalization upon my return to Shintenchi once negotiations have been reached with the Losenji people."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Augustus Octavius
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There was an imposing silence after Avantia made her response. It was then one of the Matokeyans spoke, the language a series of chirps and trills, which was then translated to Avorian.

"The AXIS will accept your provisional terms so long as you allow us to proceed with sending delegates to your nation so we may expedite the process."

Emperor Octavius nodded, and then he too spoke.

"I will be sending my trusted Legata, Livia Caesarius, and her best Legion of men to your nation where she will oversee the finalization of all pending treaties, and attend the meeting with the Losenji. She is my most trusted Legata, and will serve you well."

There was a brief pause, and Octavius began to read over a similar looking folder to what Avantia was handed.

"I am also assigning my best Frumentarii to assist in locating your trusted advisor, It saddens me to learn that someone abducted your advisory, and I will do everything I can to see her safely returned to you." Octavius said, slowly lowering himself back into his seat, Nobuo nodding and Shimizu turning to Avantia. "The AXIS will be deliberating admitting the Losenji as well, since their admittance is a condition of your admittance. It will unify the Continent of Shintenchi under one banner, the Cooperation forces of the AXIS."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Augustus Octavius
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia inclined her head in agreement with the request.

"Of course. Your representative will be afforded all the respect and hospitality that has been shown to myself," Avantia replied to Octavius. "Your assistance is welcomed, and I thank you. Should the day come that it is required, Volaria will not forget it."

"I fear though that my health is not with me today, and I must retire, but may this be the beginning of a long and prosperous alliance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Augustus Octavius
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Shimizu nodded, and the rest of the AXIS Delegation nodded.

"You are dismissed." Nobuo said, while Shimizu began to walk Avantia out. "Niihama's atmosphere is hard on those with weak immune systems." He said, handing her an inhaler. "Try this, it will help with your ailment. It's derived from Aschen medical theory, nano-machines that repair the lung tissue, and then are absorbed into the body."

"One puff every day until you leave Niihama, and three days after you return to your lands, that should be enough to fix your breathing."

As they stepped outside the chambers, they were greated by a young auburn haired woman in full Argosian regalia, her hand resting on her blade.

"Ave." She said, extending her hand. "I am Livia, Legate of the Emperor's 1st Army and Champion of the Empire." She said, walking with Avantia and Shimizu.

"I have some business to attend when I arrive on Terra but I will be at your disposal should you call on me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara
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#, as written by Tiko
Avantia took a deep puff of the offered inhaler, and the relief was almost immediately apparent. With the situation of Shanthi weighing on her mind and the meeting she had just departed from, the thought failed to cross her mind as to why Shimizu had chosen to wait until now to provide her relief from here growing ailment. She was simply grateful for the relief at all.

Avantia took Livia's offered hand in her own as formalities were exchanged.

"It is a pleasure," Avantia told the woman.

Livia was a matter of some curiosity for Avantia as despite Volaria's matriarchal nature, it was unusual for women to take up arms - though it was far more prevalent and common place among their neighbors.

"My halls will be at your disposal should you have need of them," she assured Livia. "Will you be returning to Terra as well? Or are you to remain here?" she asked Shimizu.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara
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Shimizu slowly inclined his head. "I.. Unfortunately must remain here to oversee some things within the Taiyou Empire, Livia will assist you from here until you arrive, I have assigned General Hama to oversee the defense of Shintenchi and the integration of the Shogunate into the Empire, should you have need of him, he will be at your disposal as will Livia." Shimizu explained.

Livia turned and then smiled at Avantia. "We will be returning to Terra through Niihama's Bifrost node. It's a bit of a rough ride."

Shimizu nodded. "I bid you both well travels." And then he started to walk away.