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Belana (Lugia)

This Pokemon is no Joke

0 · 4,071 views · located in Lumiose City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rougeshadow


The United Pokemon League is the federal government of Ruula and the governing force behind it's military.
Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside humans. These are the Pokémon of Ruula.


True form

Human form

"Pokemon 249: It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm"

Name: Belana

Age: Unknown

Race: Pokemon

Species: Divining Pokemon

Gender: Appears Female

Type: Psychic/Flying

Personaliy: Deep in thought, very sleepy and wise beyond her years is the best way to describe Belane. The great bird in her true form often has its eyes closed for just these reasons. Its also why her human form is either yawning, mumbling or just plain thinking. When her eyes are open, she is alert, attentive and often a great joy to be around in general

Strengths: Her abilitiy to Breath underwater for what seems to be an infinite amount of time, her psychic ability and her flight seem to be her biggest advantages. Her feathers are able to withstand the sheer pressure of the trench where she makes her home, as well as the cold and the Darkness of the space, to which, she can see almost perfectly. Her song can calm almost any creature if they so choose to actually listen to her song and not ignore it as it soothes the temper of the listener and lulls them into a peaceful sleep, most because she cannot sleep due to everyone's bad mood

Weaknesses: Due to her being a Pokemon, albeit a Legendary, she is a Wild Pokemon. Therefore, she can be captured into a Dastardly Pokeball for a Trainer's use. However, she has gone this long without capture and she does not intend for this to ever happen on her watch. No matter how sleey she is...she is a very sleepy girl you know!!


AeroBlast-Lugia's signature move and her best breath attack known to date. The combined singing and high force breath causes a near gale force winds to be thrown from her larynx at an opponent. Its her best known move and her most useful move
Recover-Calling upon the Sea, Moon and Stars, Lugia can use the energies around her to heal herself at a cost of the landscape around her so she uses this sparingly, as much as the land can give to her to heal with
Psychic- This Barrage of Psychic Energy can envelop most things in it's grasp and use it as a weapon. Tables, Chairs, Lamps, Your mother's 3 week old name it and its not nailed down, expect it to come flying at you at Mach 4
Sky Attack- A devestating Aerial Barrage of Wind, Psychic and Flying energy all looped into one devestating swoop. This attack, if executed properly could turn a small hill into a deep crater but also hurts Lugia despite hitting its target or not

History: ((Will do this later as I am tired as well as a description of the attacks))

So begins...

Belana (Lugia)'s Story

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The waves lapping against the shore, what a wonderful sound on the bright, sunny day. The wind was blowing at nice speed to give the beach a good breeze with the warm sun on the sand to make it a paradise. However, the main event lay under the waves, deep deep deep down in a ocean trench where a sleeping power lay. The feathers moved of this ancient being as it lay asleep, content in the Darkness of the Void.

However something drawing near caught her it's eyes began to open and stir

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The presence had finally opened it's eyes and looked straight up towards the sky even though it could not be seen from it's depth. With a small effort, it stood on it's two hind legs and took off hard with it's wings, the sea beginning to churn.

On the surface, the sun was immediately covered by clouds, ominous winds began to pick up as the sea began to get rougher and rougher with the waves getting higher and higher on the shoreline as something in the water would begin to emerge. But the presence's position still needed to breach. It was still very far down

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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Just as the word 'Rain' was uttered, the sky streaked with lightning and a torrential downpour showered down from the heavens all up and down the beach. The waves got higher and higher, the wind picked up in speed and the bouys out in the sea were swaying like swings.

All the while the presence underneath the waves was quickly ascending, moving out of the darkness of the ocean depths into the warmer, blue waters until all stopped

The Sea calmed, the Rain (After having drenched the entire beach) stopped and the wind went back to a gentle breeze as the presence flapped it's rather large white wings 'Hello little one...I am sorry. I hope I did not scare you' The being said as it looked down at the Creature, the voice appearing to be femenine

Lugia had awoken

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The Lugia chuckled and opened her mouth and breathed in deeply. Finally, a Hydro Cannon came spewing from her mouth and literally hosed the Creature down with fresh water. Not only did she bath her, she soaked the Zoroark down to the core past all the fur. With a satisfied nod, the Lugia swept across the beach and then landed on the sand with a sigh of relief, laying herself down 'The Sunlight...Oh how I missed the warmth of the Sun on my feathers. I really knew coming here was a good idea. I do apologies for the storm. I hope I didnt get you too bad'

The Lugia smiled as best as she could despite her face and beak with her tail swaying back and forth gently 'Lay down and the sun will warm you up and dry you off..'

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The Lugia laughed a little at the sneeze and looked at her with a curious glance 'Strange..I have never seen your kind here. You must be new..though how do you know about me?' She asked her with a tilt of her head and a very loud yawn coming to her lips 'I am still so very tired...'

Then her eyes began to close as she sighed happily 'Im still awake...what is your name anyway?' Lugia asked the Creature with a curious tone of voice

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The Lugia opened her mouth to respond but then closed it once. Then she tried again but then closed it again 'I suppose I do not have a name really. I have never really come up to the surface so I have not needed a name. Perhaps...Belana. How does that sound?' She asked the Zoroark with her eyes opening half way

'Say...are their any trainers nearby? I would hate to end up in those...pokeball things. I remember those the last time I came up to the surface. I almost got it really that small inside?' She asked, clearly a very confused creature

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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Belana visibly shuddered at the prospect of being trapped inside one of those little balls, cut off from the Sea and all of the Water Pokemon that she never got to see. The horror!!

'I think id have to break my pokeball if I ever got trapped inside one of those things. What a horrible way to live. So...where are we exactly? I remember moving alot under the waves in my home. Are their any human settlements nearby?' She asked the Creature, curiousity now filling her ethereal voice

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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'Could be...the last time I was here, the Pokeball was made of stone and it captured you by this wierd electricity. Not very fun in the least. I saw a good friend get captured and when he came back out, he tried to attack me. I dove down under the waves and never looked back' She said and looked down as her stomach began to rumble loudly 'Got any food? Im starving...' She said, looking at her wings

'I wonder if I should gain a human form...'

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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'Feebas?' She asked, clearly unknowning of any other types than just a few. 'From what part of Kanto or Johto is a Feebas from?' She asked and then stood up gently and went closer to the rock, right next to it actually and then laid back down again 'That would be lovely...I usually eat seaweed but anything yummy you could find would be dandy' She said and licked the Zoroark's fur as a sign of thanks 'It was a very long time ago...I think it was a primative Pokeball.."

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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'Really? To me thats being a baby' She said and licked her again just to tease the Zoroark and giggled a little, being a little bit playful 'Hoen huh? That sounds strange...I havent really seen or heard of that place. Also, I can eat meat but I prefer vegetables and fish' She yawned loudly, her great chest heaving in and out as she made her yawns and then shook her head 'Goodness...I have a feeling I am going to be like that for a while' She said and sniffed the air 'Do you smell that? Someone is frying some fish...could you get me some? Please?' She asked the Zorooak

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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'Its a underwater thing. You wouldnt be able to last a few minutes under the sea. Under the sea...nder the sea is better than anything you got up here...' She said....quoting a Little Mermaid. How in the...well this Lugia was definately above your average jo!

'I like beef on the few times I come up to the surface. I dont normally as I can have...well you have seen that first hand. Ill have to explore these new regions. I dont want to go back down yet...Id like to have some fun'

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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'Question...what is vodka?' She asked, now curious as she lifted her head up to look at her 'Is it some sort of nectar? Or maybe a brew perhaps? Also...that does sound really good. Now I am even more hungry. Where can you procure one of these...modern beefs?' She asked her and gently stood up 'I can fly us there...'

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The Lugia hmmed as if in deep thought, her head lowering into her wing as she tapped her foot gently before coming up with an idea 'How about I try that...human...thingy you can do. Perhaps then I could aquire something yummy to eat' She said and leaned down to look at her 'How do you do that?' She asked

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia)
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The Lugia began to preen the other one's feathers with a giggle 'Well hello beautiful' She said and couldnt help but start laughing 'That is rather hilarious...though I think you might want to assume your human visage or else people will think their are two Lugia on the beach. We might get trainers out the ying yang'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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The Lugia nodded slowly and chuckled 'It would be interesting to be able to do that. Though i think after a while, Id forget who I really was. Id rather no-' She stopped and lifted her head as she heard the crunch of sand 'Oh dear...' She said and jumped into the ocean, ducking down under the waves to hide from whatever was approaching their little spot on the beach

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Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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The Lugia poked her head out of the water for a moment to look at the human and then duck down back underneath the waves quickly 'Tell me when its safe to come out...' The Lugia said into Zoroark's mind, trying to remain out of sight for the time being as she did not know whether or not she was safe

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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A few bubbles came from out of the water as a flash of white came out from the ocean and hovered over the two with a pair of eyes looking straight down at Valorie Ryder with an intent to strike if she grabbed anything round 'Your sure Zoroark? She wont put me in one of those stone contraptions and seal me away forever?' She asked Evrir, she was still nervous about being topside in general

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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Lugia looked into her eyes gently and began to loosen up as if those eyes were calming to her 'Well...alright' She said and gently lowered herself back down to the ground and laid down slowly next to the rock Zoroark was sitting on 'I am sorry about that madame...the last time I was above the waves, I was almost captured into this small stone sphere and turned into a mindless creature. Personally, I dont like them...even if they are more advanced than those balls. Ohh Belana by the way. Zoroark said it would be a nice name for me'

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Character Portrait: Evrir (Zoroark) Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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Aw! The Poor Girl was terrified, albeit she looked like she was about to start crying or crumble do to the fear she had gained from Lugia. However Zoroark or Evrir would hop down from the boulder and quickly moved to give the Girl a bit hug now! Yes to try and calm her down.
Well that's good! Its just a bad experience on her part, I'm sure Bell won't harm ya or hate ya now!
Goodness that was somewhat of a shaky start really, this resulted in a frustrated Zoroark now.
Well..see? Makes sense to keep em in a Pokeball if the area is too cramped for em to fit now..goodness I might have to keep an eye on ya er something.
Evrir would huff, well was she saying she'd hang around Valorie more..well yes she was.
Well...I could ask em what they think, I mean I'm a Pokemon and I can speak English or..Human...and I'm sure yer Zoroark could do the same, I'd also try customizing some Pokeball's for em..I mean the Luxury Ball is pretty nice.
She would trail off for a moment, glancing towards the Lugia now.

Indeed I did, and it is a wonderful name~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evrir (Zoroark) Character Portrait: Belana (Lugia) Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder
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Valorie Ryder was hugged by evrir. The gesture seemed to soothe her and she quickly embraced the zoroark in turn in a rather affectionate manner. Well wasn't' she just a cuddly one? It didn't seem to bother her that she was being hugged borderline naked. Perhaps it was because Evrir was a pokemon, and that meant sexual tension simply couldn't exist between the two. "T-Thanks...—Um..." she started glancing at Belana briefly. "It's alright." she responded, seeming to feel a bit guilty over whatever had happened to Belanna. All these pokemon walking around hating pokeballs gave her the sensation that she was wrong for using them. She turned her attention back to Evrir for the moment being. "Not all of my pokemon are friendly..." she warned in a passive tone. She knew for a fact that Haxorus and Eelektross were apex predators, and would likely find Evrir rather delicious looking if they had their way. "Are you sure..?" she proceeded to ask, seemingly worried about Evrir's safety. Was she implying she didn't have complete control over her pokemon?