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Blake Darkner

Criminal Mastermind

0 · 1,069 views · located in Ridgecrest City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Patcharoo


Blake Darkner is a bad man who does bad things for reasons of crime and illegalness. His team of sheer evil? Pokemon is his realm of expertise, second only to badness.
A Vaporeon named Jake.
A Hoppip named Bonce.
A Ledyba named Peppy.
Look upon the face of evil and despair.

Brother in crime
Ozzy Hendrix

So begins...

Blake Darkner's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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"Yeah?" Blake said into his phone as work called up. He was dressed in all dark clothes with a bright red 'R' proudly marked on the arm, with a belt and three pokeballs. He had a matching hat and standard issue white boots. His eyes were the eyes of a killer, and he just received his mark. The chopper was around Whirl Islands when it went down, and he was to patrol the shore for a Sandslash in a 'foolish looking' cowboy hat and a Chameleon with 'impractical goggles'. The moment he hung up it was time to talk to his team.

"Guys, great news!" he said cheerily, dropping down to one knee, "We've been given the chance to put all our practice to use!" Before him were his three greatest allies. The graceful blue flipper-tailed and four-legged mammal, Vaporeon, the bright red and black beetle that landed on Vaporeon's back and the small pink marshmellow with a fern for hair, Hoppip. "Okay Jake, you're the eldest so we'll keep you in reverse, that okay buddy?" he asked as he gave its cheek a gentle rub. The Vaporeon trilled happily.

"Okay, now Bonce, one of them's a ground type, so I think this could be your chance to really shine, okay? Pepper back him up, but there's a Charmeleon so be careful okay? You're too cute to get your antennae singed." He stood back up and looked over all three of them, scooping up Bonce in his arms. "Okay team, let's move out! Today, it's Team Darkner who gets the respect of their co-workers!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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They'd decided to rest for a bit. The days events finally catching up to them as they made it further onto the beach. The sun was high in the midday sky. "Here good for you?' Bic asked as he trotted up to a flat rock planning to lay down in the sun, and rest for a bit. Still somewhat sore from the plane crash.

He could smell humans in the area, but, he could almost always smell humans it seemed. If he didn't shroud himself in smoke so often, he would probably smell like them as well. The thought was mildly irritating but he ignored it.

"Your friend was nice.' He said, trying to lead the conversation to their current situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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"She was... A friend, yeah," Verse grunted in annoyance, "I mean we never really got along, never really fought side by side and I think she secretly blamed me for some stuff I didn't do, but sure, friends, whatever." He glanced off to the side in annoyance.

"There they are," Blake whispered from the bushes his team hid in. The Ledyba buzzed excitedly up into the air and prepared to launch out, until he wrapped his fingers delicately around its neck and tugged it back. "No, we're not going to rush them, we're going to give them a chance. Stay close team." He gestured around him and stepped out from the bushes, raising a hand up and waving. "Hey, you two, I was wondering if we could talk a moment?" Jake helpfully translated in case they couldn't understand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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"Hmm, we're friends though? What's the difference?' Other people were confusing, give him a problem he could fight his way through any day. That was how he'd lived his life forever, and he was only now starting to realize how limited that made him when it came to dealing with other people.

His nose perked up a few seconds before the human and his, "friends" came into view, "company.' He growled out, just as they were stepping into sight. He'd grimaced around the word friends. Trying to give humans the benefit of the doubt for Verse's sake, but it was difficult.

He was a bit unsure of what to do in this situation. It was the first time he'd been in the presence of a human, and not had them trying to kill them, or attacking him with their slaves. He glanced at Verse unsure, trying to see if he should attack, asking the all important question.

"Should I eat them?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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"Better not. If that Vaporeon knows its stuff we could be outta luck."

The Vaporeon sat down, tail wrapping around its feet as Blake followed behind it. Blake and Jake, they were a hell of a team. "So, you two have caused a bit of trouble and you're kind of wanted, but its okay. We all make mistakes. I don't want to fight you guys, so maybe if you surrender peacefully we can work all this out. You can help work to pay back what ever damage you did and we can all leave as friends. Sound fair?"

The Ledyba buzzed up onto his shoulder and nibbled at his ear. "Pepps! Cut it out, we're trying to be serious here," he said with a harmless flick of his wrist towards her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic scoffed the comment, he hadn't ever seen a 'vaporeon' before, but it didn't look so tough. He kept an eye on it just in case, smoke slowly beginning to curl out of his mouth and nose as his core temperature slowly rises in anticipation of any trouble. "if you say so.' he muttered at Verse, only listening to the talk with half an ear, trying to figure out their angle.

"So,' he started confused. "They, don't want to fight?' That was surprising, it made him suspicious. Checking their surroundings, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. He took a few sniffs at the air. "I don't smell anyone but them, but let's not rule out an ambush.' the don't let your guard down went without saying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Verse liked to think he was a little more street smart than Bic, but this was just too much. The guy was way too friendly, something had to be up. "Yeah, I agree, but what can we do? We can't exactly pay for a rocket. They'll probably make us rebuilt it with our claws, and we'll never get to go to space if we do that. But these guys don't look too tough... If its just them, maybe we can take 'em?"

He shrugged at Bic. "Maybe we should just tell 'em no."

"Well guys? Do we do things the easy way or the hard way?" he asked, dropping down to one knee to place Bonce on the ground. The pink blob crouched down ready to pounce.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic sighed, they just had no luck. He hadn't even gotten to have his nap. He stood ready now, stepping slightly ahead of Verse, acting as if he was going to speak, as he passes Bic he mutter, "Be ready.'

He was tired. Not quite exhausted, but they day was definitely catching up. Back home he would have already curled up in his den and passed out, they might be able to take them, probably even, they didn't look like much, but there was no telling if they had reinforcements waiting to pounce after they were exhausted, he tamped off the free flowing smoke, letting it build, gathering tar into it, building the smoke in on itself over and over again, compounding it so it would come out pitch black and burning to the eyes.

He let it all loose with a roar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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"Woah watch yourself Bonce," Blake said with a friendly smile, taking a few steps back, "Blow that smoke away with a bit of fairy wind." The Hoppip gave off an enthusiastic noise and tilted forward and the two little ferns on its head started to spin rapidly, stirring up a mostly harmless breeze to blow it back towards Verse and Bic. Verse just tugged his hat over his face, he was used to sandstorm conditions so this didn't bother him. He also hoped Bic remembered to put his goggles on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic was more or less immune to the effects of the smoke, even without his goggles. The wind was unexpected but not overly troubling he moved back staying inside the smoke as it was blown back, using it as cover to get next to Verse. He had a plan. "Get a pit started, conceal it, I'll keep them busy.' His instruction done, he let loose with another blast of smoke for more cover as he was rushing forward, he leapt clear of the smoke, his tail and claws turning to steel as he cleared the smoke roaring, a fierce snarl on his face. He was aiming for the one that made the wind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Not one to question things, Verse started tunneling straight down, making sure to shuffle it over his head so it started pretty much even.

But when Bic lunged through the smoke the Hoppip was anything but ready. It was startled in fear and fell backwards, legs wiggling in the air just in time for Bic to hit it and send it tumbling back to Blake's feet. Blake raised his hands. "Woah! Time out there buddy!" he said with angry looking eyebrows. He pointed at Bic. "I want you to stand there and think about what you just did while I make sure Bonce is okay, right?" And then he kneeled down to check his pokemon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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He made contact. Good, he hit the ground preparing to move to the next target, his mind beginning to focus into a cold rage, how dare they come at us! How dare- And then he was startled out of his thoughts by the human yelling, and raising his hands. Was the human attacking!? That was a first, he shuffled back his tail behind him, claws at the ready at his side, fangs revealed to the enemy party, he wasn't sure what was going on as the human seemed to ignore him in favor of looking over his pokemon.

Humans got stranger by the second. Verse, hope your pit is going better than my fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Hoppip wiggled pathetically as Blake gave it a gentle rub on its side. "It's just a scratch, didn't even break the skin. You're okay," he said, helping the Hoppip upright and giving it a hug in his arms. "Okay, Jake, looks like we have to get serious. This guys all mean. Do you think you can take him?" The Vaporeon slinked out in front of Blake, glaring at Bic, then striding out a few steps. It stopped and sat, almost in lunging distance.

"Time in!" he called to Bic as he sprayed Bonce with a potion, "We're good to fight."
"He says we're good to fight," the Vaporeon helpfully said, then just waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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He slapped his tail against the ground sending sparks in every direction. "If you say so.' He grumbled, eyeing the Vaporeon looking for an opening, but it was just sitting there. No sign that it even cared, he flicked his eyes at the human for a second, at the other pokemon, nothing. Why weren't they all attacking together?

He was tense, he wasn't used to this sort of battling, he'd never experienced a battle with a trainer calling the shots, and didn't really know how to react, he wanted to cut loose but was weary from everything, and fire was tiring, but he wouldn't back down, he had to keep them distracted until Verse finished the pit.

"Tar it!' he yelled, and leapt spinning like a corkscrew, planning to come down on all fours arresting his momentum all at once channeling the force into an iron tail slam.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Jake tilted his head to follow Bic's might leap and opened his mouth into an 'O' shape. And then the water gushed out, a relentless blast from the body suddenly compressing down and unleashing all that was stored inside the creatures body in one pressurized blast. It probably even had enough force to knock Bic straight out of the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic hit the ground, sliding in the wet grass from the force, his tail flame hissing in the wet. His mind was reeling, having never fought a water type before, he hadn't expected so much water so fast, it had hurt, like getting slugged in the side, but he tamped his scales down sealing his hide from the wet. He was more surprised than anything. He drug himself to his feet with a grunt, muttering.

"That could have went better.' He focused his eyes in on his enemy, rage beginning to cloud his senses, he wouldn't fall for that a second time, his core temperature was rising by the second, his scales began to steam as the water evaporated, he didn't stoop to threats, or posturing. There was no place for that in a battle. Even one as strange as this one.

His core temperature rose further, the water hissed and dissipated nearly boiling around his tail flame, it had only been an instant since he'd stood and he dropped down on all fours lowering his body for a pounce, as a shimmer of heat surrounded his body, his upper lip pulling away from his teeth, he pounced raising his scales, and releasing the heat all at once as he blasted forward in a flare blitz.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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When successful, the Vaporeon let out a delighted gurgling laugh and whapped his tail on the floor repeatedly, then as Bic landed and prepared his next attack, it turned and ran. His body flopped up and down as it moved like a mermaid swimming, but with bounding legs beneath the body. He was actually heading for the shore because he spent all of its water in that attack, and when he reached it, he would dive straight in. "Atta boy, Jake!" Blake encouraged, smiling on.

It was probably a good thing Verse missed this entire fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic surged forward, everything a blur, his flare blitz ending where he'd last seen the Vaporeon. His claws rake out to find flesh, his jaw opens wide to seize the throat of his adversary and end this fight once and for all. However when he went in for his attack, he found no purchase and flipped sideways from the momentum. coming up again on all fours in surprise, staring slack jawed at the frolicking Vaporeon filling it's mouth with water, and swimming around. He stood upright his hind legs.

"Done, I'm done.' He casually walked away while the human was cheering for his friend, he headed back to where he'd left Verse, tapping his foot on the ground to get his attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Verse scrambled up to the surface, not sure what was going on. "Everything alright?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. He glanced over at the injured Hoppip being cuddled by its owner and the Vaporeon hiding in the water. "Looks like you have everything handled after all, huh?" He turned to face the same direction as Bic.
"Hey, not so fast, Pepper's got somet-"
From between the spines on Verse's back a small poison sting shot out and knocked the bug from the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Blake Darkner
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Bic couldn't help but shake his head with a sigh dropping it forward, clenching and unlenching his claws. A somewhat ashamed look on his face.

"I just, I don't wanna talk about it, you got the escape tunnel done?' he didn't even know how to go about explaining what happened while he was digging.