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Boris Gradelvox

My boiling rage will consume those that stand against me

0 · 683 views · located in The Zanzarian Port

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by broheim


Name: Boris "voin" Yahim Gradelvox Murdock
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian/North American
Height: 7'6
Weight: 760lbs (armor taken into account)

Appearance: For simplicity's sake, just take this armor and take off the animal bits(skulls, webbing, all that tribal stuff and leave the armor as it is).
Has a glasgow smile, mildly-long black hair carefully slicked back (a la Hannibal Lecter).

Personality: Rude and distant, very protective of his squad-mates, extremely violent towards hostile beings.

History: Was rejected from the Guard Corp. for fear of his prowess in CQC along his skills in combat with his shadow magic, as well as his extreme rage turning him into an unstoppable murder machine, despite being seen as nothing more than a brute, he has shown exceptional tactical knowledge, as well as appearing stoic, he's rather quiet and prefers to keep to himself, he works himself into a battle-trance by performing a tribal warrior dance.
Not much is known about Boris, other than his name, in his interview for admittance he hardly talked and chose not to respond several answers, deeming them "irrelevant to his career".

Battle-trance: Boris works himself into a fury by performing a war-dance during wich his muscles swell inmensely increasing his strength by a tremendous amount.

Primal roar: Boris has modified his suit to produce sounds at 18Hz or below, most commonly a Tiger's roar to paralyze and strike fear into the hearts of the unlucky that hear him, this affects EVERYTHING within hearing distance (1 kilometer) friend and foe alike.

Fluids absorption: Boris battle-armor is equipped with small protrusions below his arm-blades, base of the neck, mid-section of his chest, upper back and on his feet, these protrusions activate whenever bodily fluids come in touch with them, when they activate they absorb said fluids and absorbs the small traces of magic contained within them, this works with most body-fluids, however, it most commonly happens with blood, if the fluids consumed do not contain traces of magic, he simply won't replenish his, have in mind the "refreshing" effect is very small and requires him to basically bathe in the fluids of his victims to replenish a considerable amount as a secondary effect, the blood not consumed is forced to evaporate in a blackish-red mist around him.

Night-vision: As his proficiency with shadow magic increases, his sight in poorly-lit conditions increases as well, making him more of a nocturnal than anything else, however, his vision under well-lit spaces is dimished greatly, his helmet helps him with this, as it darkens his vision, letting him see normally.

Proficiency in shadow magic: He's able to use his shadow magic in a wide variety of ways, however, he prefers to use it to create tendrils from his own shadow and lash at foes around him, another thing he likes to do is create spikes from the ground and impale foes to bathe on their blood to replenish his magic.

Shadow-boxing: Boris is able to create a perfect copy of himself from the shadows of others, this requires great concentration from him and only uses it as a very brief distraction

Infuse: Boris injects volatile shadow-energies into those that get struck in melee against him, after a treeshold is met the victims explode with volatile energies, this drains his magic reserve very quickly as he needs to constantly channel magic trough his limbs, he may also choose to inject a massive amount in a single strike, this hit will knock-back the foe a great distance and explode shortly after-wards, not neccesarily lethal, but greatly damaging.

Weaknesses: light magic, as well as being exposed to bright-lights, both of these will stun him for a long period of time

Body armor, X-Mk IV "Raging beast": This armor helps Boris manage his magic as well as giving him life-support, the armor is very light and sturdy, several plates overlap all around him wich fall into place when his muscles swell, giving him a completely armored shell while maintaining the flexibility, the shell may be further hardened by magic energies, effectively turning him into a walking tank, the armor injects small doses of adrenaline into his blood-stream to help him stay aware as well as enhancing his combat-capabilities and numbing his sensations to pain, this, however, effectively turns him into a raging, almost mind-less beast, squadmates are adviced to turn away from Boris when the small triangles of his visors turn from blue, to red, whilst old squadmates can approach him and even talk to him in this state, new squadmates should keep their distance.

Arm-blades, X-Mk IV "Raging claws": the claws on the armor are durable and light, they channel Boris magic trough them, economizing his infusions, they also help create a shadow-copy made from his magic of the blades, giving him two extra blades at his arms to cause more damage at the expense of draining a constant quantity of his magic.

So begins...

Boris Gradelvox's Story

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Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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#, as written by broheim
"What a dreadful place this is" tought Boris to himself while walking trough the alleys "As always, the good part is bigger, but the bad parts... they're horrifying." muttered Boris whilst walking, hoping to distract himself from the murky place he was in, "at least i'm not ripping things up, that always leaves a mess" he tought.

After a few minutes of walking aimlessly he encounters a trail of blood and decides to follow it, who knows, maybe the guy has a map or some coins to take away, but anything will do, it's not like he has anything important to do or has a place to go.
As he follows the trail he notices that the walls are splattered with blood, far too much blood actually, obviously, the poor bastard fought hard and lost, however, he notices that there are green splats as well, kind of blue-ish in coloration, maybe the poor bastard actually won, and he wasn't human, or anything he has seen before, as he gets closer to the source a few corpses can be seen to th wall, some of them are burnt -by fire or plasma, he tought- others were melted by acid or shown gaping wounds, after what seems like a parade of corpses he finds what he believes is the source, an humanoid alien, wearing ripped jeans and a cloak, he looks heavily wounded.
"oi tovarich, keep it together eh? i'll give ya a hand." Boris grabs the alien and turns it around, he was unconscious, and young, around 17, poor sod.
Boris rips the cloak and uses it to tie over the wounds and create pressure and lifts the alien boy.
"Now rebenok, stay put, we'll get ya a doc."
Boris puts him over his right shoulder and runs trough the alleys, hoping to find an impromptu hospital, or better yet, a real hospital.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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Scourge felt himself moving, what was going on! He looked behind him and saw someone carrying him over their shoulder."who, who are you." He whispered weakly." "My name is Boris Gradelvox" he replies in a russian accent. "people call me Voin though so you can call me Voin". "I don't have a name but my codename is Scourge" scourge said after coughing up blood. Scourge heard a hissing noise as he saw the blood he coughed up become mist. "weird name, but i guess it will work" Voin said "what are you anyway." "I am a bloodlust, you probably haven't heard of them." scourge replied."where we going?" "to a hospital, hopefully" Voin said. "No. You need to take me to a place that fixes seals right now" scourge said after coughing up more blood. "look" he said as he pointed at his wrist, Voin saw a pentagram that was shattered on Scourge's wrist.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
"A what?" "A place where they can fix seals." "and i should recognize these places because..." "They have runes by the doors, forcing other seals around it to shine brightly the closer they get." "oh, that's easy."
Boris continues walking hastily and paying close attention to the pentagram on Scourge's wrist, as they pass trough each alley the seal starts to shine. "so it's north." Boris jogs towards the north, however the seal grows dims, maybe it's more towards the east?

Scourge coughs up more blood, Boris is getting increasingly concerned and speeds up his jogging, the heavy sound he makes when not-quite-running are loud, like a mass of steel pounding the ground.
"Come on tovarich, don't die on me." Boris starts running towards the east, the pentagram glows bright again, and grows brighter with every heavy step he makes, as it continues to grow, Boris sees a small shack at the end of an alley, as Scourge said, there are runes on the entrance, and Boris inmediately storms towards it like a raging bull, plowing trough everything on his way.
"OI OI, OPEN THE DOOR, I NEED HELP" said Boris from a distance while slowing down his pace as to not crash trough the door.
"yeah, whaddaya need?" "This boy, he has a pentagram on his wrist, i need you to... fix it, i don't know, it's broken it seems, can you do that for me?"
"yah, got some coin?"
"Yeah, fix him up, i'll give you the money later."
"No money, no service."
"Did you just."
Boris muscles swell, the sound of the armor stretching and the plates locking in place startle the "doctor" and Boris voice becomes slightly deeper.
"Did you just fucking said you weren't going to help the kid?" said Boris while leaning over the man and placing his hand besides him, to prevent him from escaping.

"N-no sir! I said i'll do it for free!"
"Good, it's what i tought."
Boris puts down Scourge to a table next to a strange device.
"Start your work."

Boris sits down on the other end of the room and oversees the man fixing the seal.

"T-thanks, Voin." said Scourge.

The markings on Boris visor start to turn back to blue, the plates unlock and they start to overlap as Boris muscle swelling slowly subsides.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
After hours of watching the boy getting "fixed" the old man finally steps away from the table, letting Scourge stand up on his own, Boris, who was attempting to meditate all the time, came to his senses and stood up.
"You alright, tovarich?"
"Y-yeah, i believe i am, i'll make it trough this one." said Scourge while flexing his arms and stretching "say, what made you come to rescue me?" asks Scourge while scratching his head.
"At first, it was simple curiosity, then... well, i was kind of relieved i found someone alive that didn't tried to stab me."
"Why would you get stabbed? you seem to be pretty invincible."
"Hehe, thanks, but i'm far from it, i work for some... guys, as their bodyguard, they're sought after many, i can't tell much, but as of right now, i'm a free man, until i get the call."
"Oh... right-o, won't ask, alright, let's go Voin." Scourge hopped down the table, almost falling flat on the floor.
"hey hey" Boris picks up Scourge "You alright, rebenok?"
"Yeah, just a bit weak, let's go."
"Thank you for your help, i apologize for the mess i caused." said Boris as he bows to the old man.
Scourge and Boris leave the small house and continue on their way, where, he doesn't knows, but it seems the kid might need some assistance, as he is in need of company.

"Say, kid, what were you doing in that alley with corpses, were you responsible for that, or were you thrown into a corpse-alley?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
"Well, suit yourself, tovarich." Boris kept walking until the lights faded from him and faded within the shadows, as he faded his step slowly came to a halt and turned around.
"Povysheniya optiki"
Boris visor enhanced and zoomed onto Scourge who was walking towards a small bar, as he reached the entrance he was greeted by the bouncer, scourge was making gestures, as if to intimidate the bouncer.
"Ne delayte etogo, tovarich."
Scourge's arm turns into a tentacle and lashes at the bouncer, knocking him out.
Soon, a lion-like being and an undead come out, scourge attempts to warn them about him, but they pay no attention to it and the undead gets his head ripped off by a lash from the tentacle.
"Well, i guess the tovarich had enough chances on his own"
The body of the undead just stands still as the head rolls, the lion is shocked by what just happened, the undead however releases a volley of bullets as soon as the head gains vision of him, the lights blind Boris for a good time while the fight happens, when he regains his vision, he sees scourge laying on the ground and the undead and Lion-being walking away from him.
"oh hell no."

Boris deactivates his vision and cloaking and fixes his vision on the men walking away and starts running towards them trampling and crushing everything on his way.
As his rage increases his steps become heavier, making the ground tremble under him and sounding like a sledge-hammer pounding the ground.

The men turn around upon hearing Boris thundering steps, and both of them are taken and subdued by his tentacles, lifting them from the ground and inmobilizing their limbs.
"You, undead, why did you killed the boy?" Said Boris as one of the tentacles twisted his arm to rip it off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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It wasn't long after the two had begun to walk away from the octopus man until some more events took fold. The ground trembled under their feet as massive thumbs were made onto the ground, as if someone was smashing sledge hammers against the floor.
As a usual reflex, the eye of payemyndii activated and automatically caused Connor to turn around, danger had been sensed and the body had to react.

However, before Connor's eye had a chance to evaluate the situation -which usually took a couple seconds-, his body was grabbed ahold by tentacles. Octopus man is awake already? His body was raised from the floor as the strange being ripped Connor's arm off and threw it to the floor.
"You, undead, why did you killed the boy?" The being spoke,
"AGH! Dammi'!" Connor shouted, he may be dead, but he could still feel the pain.
"Wha' ye on abou'? Da' guy a'acked me!" Connor spoke out, staring at the man creature and allowing his right eye to evaluate it.
Armour plates... Weakness is the fact that they have to be separated slightly to allow movement, usually at areas of movement like shoulders and elbows. But how could he stop that? His arm was quite far away so it would take some time before it crawls back. Actually, that could work.

While Connor waited for a response, his arm slowly crawled towards the two, aiming to get behind Connor.

"Y'know, i's qui'e uncomfor'able like dis."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
Yelled Boris while slamming Connor against the ground repeteadly with such force that it makes the ground tremble beneath their feet.

Yelled Boris while pulling the lion and the undead closer to his face, doing so, he noticed the undead's hand skittering towards him.
Boris grasps the skittering hand with a tentacle as he raises his foot and throws it under it and stomps on it, inmobilizing it.


Boris shadow is starting to project infront of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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Nigel let out an exclamation and a grow rumbled deep in his chest, he writhed and struggled as Connor spoke to the tentacled man. His muzzle bunched up in a snarl, long yellowed fangs bared.

"Go on and call me a kitten again, damn you! Like he said the kid attacked us and as long as you hold us like this NO ONE is getting help!" Nigel bellowed just as loud as Boris did, his voice laced with a deafening roar. It took everything in Nigel's power not to struggle and bite and claw and devour the flesh of this man with every ounce of strength in his body.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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#, as written by broheim
Boris draws him closer to his helmet, the red triangles show interference and the helmet produces a very loud tiger's roar paralyzing both of them.

Boris grabs the lion-being by the throat with a single arm and raises him as the tentacles let go of him.
"Is... Is that a staff? a Lion-thing using a staff?"
Boris takes away the staff and pins it on the floor as a spike to impale others.
"And you."
Boris grabs Connor by the throat as well.
"You... Look familiar... Pay... Payemandu? Payemyndii, isn't it? used to be a big name... back then."
Boris puts down both of them and dusts them off, takes his foot off Connor's hand and "places" it where it belongs, as well as taking the staff out of the ground and giving it to Nigel.
"Mayhaps... We can forget this incident" Says Boris as the small triangles on his helmet go back to blue and his visor retracts, showing his scarred face and jet-black hair perfectly slicked back.
"I am not one to mindlessly attack others, i'm usually more calm than this, and seen the kid getting blasted... well, it gets on my nerves, vy znayete? I am not fond of seeing children die." explained Boris, his heavy russian accent being far more noticeable without the helmet and yelling.
"Once again, i apologize for my manners, maybe i need to reevaluate the strong-weak sides when a child turns into an abomination against two innocent bystanders... well, one of them not so innocent." said while glancing at Connor.

"my name is Boris. Boris Gradelvox." said Boris as he bows.
"And how do they call you, undead-brat and Lion-Tovarishch." says Boris as he spreads his arms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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[Agh, the Godmodding in this one is crazy. Apologies dude, you might want to fix yer godmodding or we'll godmod you. If you don't understand what I mean, then you should ask some of the moderators.
Right now, I'm going to ignore the crazy smashing-against-the-floor thing. That was about as godmodded as godmodding can be.
Thanks for yer co-operation.
Also, I would like to know how Boris knows of the Payemyndii clan. "Back then" was quite some time ago. While also being in a completely different galaxy. The only people who know of the Payemyndii clan are either military/intelligence agencies or the Shadonian Empire themselves.]

"'ey! My arm!" Connor called out as he watched his arm get crushed under the metal guy's foot. This guy... He is either an imbecile who doesn't understand anything. Or he's an imbecile who doesn't understand what he's saying... Either way, this guy is about as idiotic as Connor.

Suddenly, the metal man had a change of heart. The two were placed down, dusted off. The severed arm was held back in place where Connor's regeneration abilities allowed it to reattach, although, the smashed bones would take some time to fix.

"Ah, so ye know of t' Payemyndii clan?" Connor questioned, confused as to how a random russian guy can know about a developing nation which had died many decades ago. What does he mean by 'back then'? It doesn't matter, Lord Payemyndii would love to hunt this guy down later.

"Inciden' forgo'en, we 'ave t' go. I ain' dealin' wi' some crazy guy like ye." Connor nodded, and glanced over to the lion man.
"Le's go." Without giving anyone a chance to reply, Connor walked off. Grumbling to himself as his massive amount of ammunition wrapped around his body clanged together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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#, as written by broheim
Boris, slightly irritated mumbled under his breath "dumb as fuck children believe they can fight an empire." and did just as he did on scourge, walked back until the shadows cowered him and silently stalked the duo, while breaking any light bulbs on his way with a small pellet of shadow energy, to ease his navigation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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#, as written by broheim
Boris decided to climb his way trough the shaft instead, assuming it would take far too long if he used the worker's elevator.
"Coming for you."

Boris jumps from the shadows onto the shaft and uses his strength coupled with his magic to make leaps towards the top, as he reaches the top, the elevator starts to descend, Boris quickly hides behind a support pillar until it passes and continues his ascension, until he reaches the top of the elevator and notices the shaft is closed off by a gate, or what's left of it, Boris creates shadow tentacles to force open the gate and jump trough the gap onto the floor above.

"Privyiet" said Boris to the scared workers before resuming his search.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga
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From a precarious ledge to one of Zanzaria's skyscrapers the Embertread Sprite confidently perched, surveying the area. One of her legs hung off the ledge, swinging back and forth in boredom.

She was dressed in a form-fitting security uniform, something she loathed with all her heart. It wasn't fashionable. It wasn't flashy.

"... and it's definitely not sexy," she groaned into the Dermaphone, a near invisible grid of wires that ran right below her skin and transmitted messages through a network, receiving them through a tiny embedded speaker in her ear that was easily mistaken as a freckle.

Aretu ran her fingers through her sea of brown hair, lifting her bangs out of her face to tuck it into the tight bun at the top of her head. She cringed as an irritable voice huffed through the speaker.

"Liiga, it's not a bulletproof suit with pockets and shit for your weapons. It's not supposed to be-"

"But does it have to be black?"

"You're ridiculous. Why did you call me? Did you call me to complain about this? Did you really?"

"Well, no, I called because there's a man who just climbed up one of the elevators and forced his way into it with some strange foreign magic and I want someone else to take care of it."

"For Spirit's sake, Liiga, go after him!"

With a hefty sigh, Aretu picked up the Vis-An pistol that had been leaning over the edge, and put it in her holster. She popped a few shield and electric M-Vials from her pockets, then loaded them into her Caster gloves. "Fine. There's also some suspicious figures up on the roofs. White-haired hoverbikers. Flying around spying on people. Just so you know."

"... keep in touch, Liiga."

"Will do."

The network terminated between them as Aretu spread out her arms, then promptly leaped off of the ledge. One hand aimed down toward her feet, the thin tubing in her gloves glowed a burning white, and from her fingers poured the same light that created a shield at her feet that she used to slide down to the elevator that she had watched Boris go down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by broheim
Boris moves trough the crowd like a shark chasing his prey, shoving others out of his way as he closes distance with the group, as he gets close, he notices the payemyndii sigil on the shoulder of a boy, rather amazed that such a young boy is a high-rank in the clan, knowing this, Boris approaches slowly trying his best to blend in (yeah right, a hulking guy in black armor in the middle of the day).

"Kyle McLoughton, a rather high-rank in a rather... new, should i say? clan, am i correct?" Said Boris as he approaches the young boy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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Livius grinned and shook his head. "You're on a planet filled with xenophobes and people who have no knowledge of the outside worlds. We don't know what's out there. You have to convince me to trust you, and there's no one way to go about tha-" He paused, watching another young man try to tackle Kyle, then unceremoniously fall flat onto his face.

"Ah. I'm betting this is your... partner?" asked Livius, gesturing to the one on the ground. "Are you quite alright down there?" he asked, grinning. His eyes flickered up to Nigel right after, and he smiled to him, as well. "More friends? You all seem like off worlders."

Once again, another seemed to come towards them, who seemed equally as foreign. Livius paused, about to greet him, as well.

But someone was already getting on that.

Aretu Liiga dropped on the spot behind Boris, aiming a pistol to the back of his head. "Stop. You're under arrest for destruction of property and suspicious activities. If you make this difficult, trust me, you are the only one who will be regretting it."

Livius bit his lip and held his breath. "Um..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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Kyle let out a small blow of air as if it were laughter through an emotionless face, "Yeah. You have a point there." He accepted, ignoring the small cut off which was caused by the idiotic partner. If only the past partner didn't die... "I guess I can only convince you through showing you. Maybe a small trial period, if my leader accepts it."

And then, his new aquaintance asked about the idoitic zombie who was strangely acting a bit serious. "Oh, yeah, sadly." Kyle replied with a sigh, slightly annoyed and embarrased for this idiot to appear. "We all are, the Payemyndii clan is made up of people from all over the multiverse. Another way of showing unity, I guess..."

Finally, Kyle turned to the lion man, Nigel. "As you can tell, I am." He replied, not showing any emotion -as usual- with his hands still stuffed in the pockets of his black trousers.

Suddenly, Connor began kicking off. His right eye had activated to show the usual X shape of the pupil as some massive brutish being appeared, speaking towards Kyle. "AH! DIS GUY! 'E A'ACKE' ME, KYLE KILL 'IM! 'E BAD NEWS!"
Giving off a sigh, Kyle replied. "I don't care, I'm not in the mood to fight any mindless brute. Besides, someone seems to be dealing with it already." he gave off a dissmissive signal from the movement of his head, being laid back and carefree as usual.

"My apologies, Livius. All members of the royal corps seem to have a screw loose..." Kyle apologised to Livius with yet another sigh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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Nigel let his hand fall to his side and exhaled, slightly put off. It would take some getting used to, dealing with these people. They where all so very strange. For now he decided he would observe and learn over time how to settle in better with them. He scratched his mane absently. His attention was taken however by the man who had attacked them earlier. Who knows what that one's deal was. He was curious of this Livius character and where he fit in with all this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga
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#, as written by broheim
Boris instinctively places his hands behind his back and tries to glance over his shoulder, as he fails to see anything, he lifts his arms over his head and turns around slowly as the officer backs away a few steps as a security measure
"chto ofitser delo?" said Boris, with a rather smug tone.
"You're under arrest for destruction of property and suspicious activities." said the girl while pointing her gun at Boris.

"I'm under arrest? and not those things that murdered a child? my actions were a reaction to seeing a small children get murdered, i was attempting to bring justice to those that YOU deem unworthy of your services, the murderers go away scot-free, while i'm going to jail for causing a splint on your lovely building, Beschestnyy ofitser, dishonorable, seems only those privileged enough can get justice these days, and you wonder why the kids join gangs? has it ever crossed your mind that you're simply useless to those that truly need you? those that live under your feet, the victims of the cruelest murderer, the vilest kidnappers, and sickest rapist, don't they deserve justice as well? Officer, the world that is graced by the sun does not needs more protection, those that live in the shadows, not even their gods can protect them."
Boris takes a deep breath and opens his helmet, as it retracts into his armor, he slowly opens his eyes "fuck, i'm blind..." Boris squints trying to look at the officer "Yeah no, this ain't going to work ofitser" His helmet comes back and locks into place.
"Arrest me if you will, i will not fight back, but the murderers will continue to live on, if there is honor left in you, you'll do what you must to capture these men.
And what the fuck do you mean by suspicious activities?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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Aretu wasn't amused any at all.

Perking a brow, she gave Boris the flattest look that she could possibly manage, then touched her fingers to her cheek, activating the dermaphone. She yammered briefly in Misranae. She linked eyes with Livius for a split second, then returned her gaze to Boris.

"I'll be sure they're also taken care of. Now, if you would please. We're taking you down to the station."


Livius looked between the men in his company, swallowing slowly. He wasn't an officer, though he did occasionally work with some of them occasionally.

"I think we're going to have to stick here for a minute..." he said to them, looking at the skies above them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Kyle J. McLoughton Character Portrait: Livius Swart
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0.00 INK

Aretu wasn't amused any at all.

Perking a brow, she gave Boris the flattest look that she could possibly manage, then touched her fingers to her cheek, activating the dermaphone. She yammered briefly in Misranae. She linked eyes with Livius for a split second, then returned her gaze to Boris.

"I'll be sure they're also taken care of. Now, if you would please. We're taking you down to the station."


Livius looked between the men in his company, swallowing slowly. He wasn't an officer, though he did occasionally work with some of them occasionally.

"I think we're going to have to stick here for a minute..." he said to them, looking at the skies above them.