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Brittany Snow

The Vindex receptionist.

0 · 439 views · located in The Lobby and Receptionist's Office

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Varden


Citizens of the Lutetian City State of Issunar
A small paramilitary mercenary group that was often employed by the various Terran governments and national organizations.

So begins...

Brittany Snow's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
The receptionist looked up from her work and greeted Callandra. "Good afternoon ma'am. How can we assist you today?" On this day the young woman was wearing a white silk blouse with pearl buttons wrapped up in a black pantsuit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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"I'm here to speak with the owner of the company." She said, reaching into her back to fish for her credentials.

"I'm surveying the local business owners for an impact statement, it's very important for my employers if I get a moment with him. I apologize if I haven't made an appointment.. but I'm new to the area." She said, offering an innocent smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"Mr. Davion is currently in a meeting but I would be happy to tell him that you are here to see him. What is your name and the name of the organization you represent?", she said with a smile as she picked up a pen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

"Cally Henderson, I represent Tech Con group." She said, pausing a moment before she reached into her purse to fish out her wallet. A moment later she withdrew her wallet and she snapped it open, withdrawing two cards.

"Here we go, I figured you might need some credentials." She said, sliding the pair of cards towards the receptionist.


The Receptionist would be given several moments to review the identification documents before she pulled them away.

"How much longer? Unfortunately I've got a lot of ground to cover and I'm on a very tight schedule." She said, putting her wallet back away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
She took the identification cards and glanced at them before returning them to Callandra. "I am sorry Ms. Henderson. I do not know how much longer he will be. It was not a scheduled interview. I will let him know you are here now and he will be with you as soon as he is able. That is, unless you rather set up an appointment to see him another day?"

If Callandra did not voice that she wished to come back another day Brittany would ask her to follow her into the sitting room were she would be asked to wait. The receptionist would then vanish down a hall with offices to either side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow Character Portrait: Nerve
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen smiled kindly after they released hands. "The other investigators are perfectly fine making their own coffee and getting their own pastries when they feel the need. Your gifts will be put to use if you work here Ms. Nerve."

There was a knock at the door. It was Ms. Snow, the receptionist. "I am so sorry to disturb you Mr. Davion. A Ms. Henderson with Tech Con Group is here to see you.", she said. Bowen grimaced in response. His displeasure at hearing her news was all too clear. He would turn back to Serena and quickly hide his new expression with a smile. "I will start you out at your former salary if that is fine and we can take a look at your performance in a month or so. Fair enough?" He would pause and allow her to answer. If the pay was fine with her he would speak again. "Be here tomorrow at 8:30am. I will need your help with a big case."

He would escort Serena to the door where Ms. Snow waited and then walk with the two women down the hall and into the sitting room where Ms. Henderson was waiting for him. Here he would shake Serena's hand again as Ms. Snow returned to the lobby and her desk. "I will see you again in the morning.", he would say before turning to Ms. Henderson.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Brittany Snow Character Portrait: Nerve
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen escorted Serena to the door where Ms. Snow waited and then walk with the two women down the hall and into the sitting room where Ms. Henderson was waiting for him. Here he would shake Serena's hand again as Ms. Snow returned to the lobby and her desk. "I will see you again in the morning.", he would say to Serena before turning to Ms. Henderson.

"Good afternoon Ms. Henderson.", he said with a smile and would shake her hand if she allowed it. "Would you like to follow me to my office?" He was still wearing the same tailored, finely made charcoal gray suit he had been wearing all that morning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow Character Portrait: Nerve
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"This is all fine. Money is not something I'm particularly concerned about, as long as it's enough to get by. I don't require many of the things other women of my age take for granted," she said, smirking slightly as she turned and peered towards the door just as Bowen began to escort her towards it.

"Well, I'll be here, you can be sure of that. I'll leave you to your work."

She said nothing else on the way out, merely nodded at those present, then left the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Constance Character Portrait: Chandler Ombre Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"No. Nothing...", he managed to say before Ms. Snow interrupted him. "There is a gentlemen here to speak with a detective. Are one of you free? Chandler turned to Claire and then back to Brittany with a smile. "Yeah. We are free. Show him back.", he would say to Brittany and she would walk back down the hall. A moment later she would escort a young man with a haggard look and a torn and dirty suit that had once been quite expensive.

"Mr. Giles, this is Mr. Ombre and Ms. Constance.", said Brittany. She nodded and then turned down the hall to return to her desk. "Mr. Ombre... Ms. Constance...", said the man as he shook both of their hands in turn. Thank you for seeing me without an appointment." He looked haunted, tired, and dirty. He was even missing a shoe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Chloe sat at her desk early that morning, writing out reports from the phone calls she received of possible leads to Alek. Her mood had not improved since the talk with Bowen, but her expression was a blank slate.

She had been taken off the case. Something that had not happened in the years she had been a detective. And within the first week of working here, she had let herself go. She had fallen for a man she barely knew. Hell, she wasn't even sure if he shared any common feelings anymore. And to make matters worse, her partner wasn't even here to talk to.

Alphonse usually understood her pretty well. And right now, she could use someone like that, but instead he was partnerless and trying to solve this case with the others.

"Just another short coming on my part.." She muttered, putting the pen down and rubbing her brow. "Way to start on your new life, Chloe."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen just happened to be in the lobby speaking with Brittany as Arya came in the main door. Bowen had been leaning over her desk behind her, looking over her shoulder and viewing what she was typing. When Arya came in they had both looked up but after she had stated her business Bowen rounded the desk and presented her with a firm handshake. "Good morning. I am Bowen Davion and you are?"

He was dressed in a fine charcoal suit and black silk tie. His coat was unbuttoned at the moment and a leather holster shown sitting on top of his white button down. Under his left breast pocket was the back and grip of a black pistol and on his left hip upon his belt was a gold LPI badge that had been issued by the city of Lutetia.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Arya took Bowen's hand, smiling at the man as their palms met. "Arya Sloane." She introduced herself to him, "Most people call me Bones though. Or Arya Bones." She continued, nodding in greeting to Brittany. "I'm here about work with VINDEX. I'm from the Invictus." Arya told Bowen, "I'm like your exchange student. But, with guns and shit." The southern woman joked.

And like Bowen she was armed, a barely visible Jericho 911 holstered under her left shoulder beneath her coat. "I don't know if they told you anything about me, or sent you any files. I can bring you up to speed on me though."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen smiled and took a second look at her, eyes not lingering on any particular part of her body before returning to meet her eyes. "Ahh... yes... sorry. I did get a small file but it contained only your name and a run down of your skills. Have you taken the opportunity to explore Lutetia before coming into the office?", he said with a friendly smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"I read up about this place before I came here. I didn't know there was anything to explore." Arya said to Bowen, "Does this place have a secret nightlife that brochures and the internet can't inform me of? I'd like to know if there's fun to be had. Or good bars." She continued.

"Anyways, I used to be an Army Ranger back where I'm from. Took an interest in the supernatural, as people like to call it, when I was still enlisted." She informed the man, "Kept running intmen and women who were more than happy to abuse their abilities. Werewolves, vamps, wizards and shit." Arya said, running a hand through her hair.

"Oh!" She said, "Don't let my voice fool you, my mom's from Brazil, my daddy's an Irishman. Hence my Asian-esque Hispanic good lucks and Atlanta drawl."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"It has some life at night if you stay away from Fontainebleau, the Phantom Quarter, and some of the seedier parts of the city. Just avoid getting bit by anything unpleasant.", he said as if in jest. "I appreciate Invictus lending us someone so competent. Is Ms. Alfarsi doing well then?" He turned to Brittany. "Hold my calls Ms. Snow.", he said to the receptionist as if it were an afterthought and then turned back to Arya. "Come back to my office. We will talk for a few minutes and get you sorted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Getting bit?" Arya asked, "I'm guessing I should stick to layers and long sleeves?" She asked jokingly, seemingly brushing off Bowen's praise. It wasn't much, but she enjoyed being called competent. She didn't want to inspire any TV sitcom characters, or get an unflattering portrayal in Bowen's autobiography.

She shrugged at Bowen's question, "I think so. She and I ain't really close, but we kick it sometimes. The lady's hard to read, honestly." Arya said, "She's got that whole 'I'm smiling but I think you're a piece of shit' thing going on. Stepford as hell, man."

"Anyways, lead the way."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Meronin Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Brittany looked up from her work. She had been sitting at her desk and greeted him with blue eyes and a bright white smile. "Good afternoon sir.", she said while standing and straightening her jacket. "He is in a meeting right now. What brings you in today?", she questioned. She was a fine young woman in her early twenties and fit to work as a model.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Meronin Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

Looking around once more, Alexander commented, "It's a nice place you have. Where did all of these artifacts come from?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Meronin Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Brittany nodded. "I am not sure. He just went into the meeting but if I had to guess it should not be too long. May I offer you a drink, coffee perhaps? If you rather not wait you can set an appointment for another day.", she said before he spoke again and she followed his gaze to look at at the various things he was looking at. "Mr. Davion collected them. He is a collector of antiques, artifacts, and art. Wait until you see his office.", she said with a smirk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Meronin Character Portrait: Brittany Snow
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0.00 INK

"I'll wait. Nothing more important to do, currently." he stated. "And no thank you, I don't drink coffee. Perhaps water?" Walking over to one of the armchairs, he sat down, spreading his cloak behind him. Extracting one of his daggers, he began sharpening the blade, carefully examining the cybernetics in the blade. "Does this bother you? I apologize if it does."