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Captain Thunder

The dread pirate Captain Thunder, scourge of the starry sea. At least that's what she'd like everyone to think.

0 · 685 views · located in Zanzaria City Hall

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by fish-with-a-knife


The crew of the prototype ATS-34790, acquired by Captain Thunder in the name of love and justice for the purpose of pirating the starry seas.


Captain Yuui Curai Thundra

Aliases: Captain Thunder, Doctor Thundra, Yuu-yuu Thundergirl

Physical Description: A female diflaecan with platinum hair, and the usual thin frame and pale green skin, and gossamer dragonfly-like wings common to her species. Thunder is an average height for the females of her species, standing at about 1.6 meters (about 5'2"). She is fine featured, and has the appearance of being very fragile, if not for the cocky manner in which she carries herself. She favors clothing that "looks cool" with high boots and long jackets, though she often wears a flight suit, for practicality. She wears an eyepatch as well, but she has two good eyes, though the eyepatch does serve a purpose aside from making her look a little more "piratey".
Species: Diflaecan. The diflaecan species is somewhat fragile, with a light bone structure and a high metabolism, both needed for flight. While superficially they are humanoid, their internal anatomy differs greatly, with five hearts, and a high content of chlorophyll, making their blood a vibrant green. Coloration tends toward pale greens and blues, though shades of gold in hair and eyes are not uncommon. Culture-wise, diflaecans are matriarchal, and tend to focus on appearances. They are technologically advanced, with focuses in space travel, and starship development.

Personality: Though Thunder is highly intelligent, she prefers to act arrogant and eccentric. She lies often, making up stories of daring exploits, and pretending that she has always been a dread pirate. Despite her swagger, she is careful in planning, and not naive enough to trust just anyone. Past the front she puts up, she can be kind and generous, and even vulnerable and hopeful for companionship. She has a strong sense of justice, and is a hopeless romantic at heart, making her a somewhat complex woman.

Equipment: Thunder carries a small plasma pistol on her at all times, as well as a cutlass. The pistol is meant for drawn-out fights, though it is lower in stopping power, it is highly accurate even at a moderate distance. The cutlass is high-carbon steel and laser-sharpened, but has never seen use in battle. In addition to weapons, Thunder has an eyepatch that is directly linked to her ship, and contains a camera as well as a video recorder. The eyepatch can be used to communicate with the Escape Artist, and is usually used for just this purpose. She also carries small flashbang pellets, which are not as powerful as grenades, but usually are good enough in a pinch. She also carries duct tape, several hair pins, a chemical heat packet, three chemlights, and a small ball of carbon thread.
Ship: ATS-34790, or The Escape Artist, as Thunder named it, was a unique prototype, that was specialized for ship to ship combat. The ship itself is sleek and sharklike in shape, painted in a metallic gold. It features static field shielding, with a faraday cage that redirects most energy attacks to the shielding's power, as well as ball-joint thrusters for high maneuverability. The Escape Artist's AI is designed specifically for calculating the ships own movements, both in combat and when using jump-space capabilities. It is equipped with four heavy blaster cannons, two plasma slug cannons, eight slug autocannons, and one light railgun. The AI has limited decision-making capabilities, however it is unable to comprehend morality, and will always choose to preserve the programmed crew above all else [which means Thunder]. The Escape Artist has room for a crew of ten, along with reasonable cargo, and comfortable living quarters. It is classified as an attack craft, with fighter maneuverability.

History: Like many, Yuui Thundra was the only daughter to loving parents, born on Diflaeca Prime. She attended private schools, eventually attending prestigious colleges, and graduating at the top of her class, specializing in artificial intelligence and astrophysics. She was considered a genius among peers, if a touch eccentric due to her love of romantic fantasy novels. Soon enough, Thundra was hired by the Diflaecan Empire in weapons development where she spent a few years working on the ATS-34790 prototype. The ship was meant to be the peak in space travel both in long and short distance, seeking to outclass Dogenphlo mobile suits, and Stelanian armored attack craft. Over the course of the project, Thundra grew cold and distant from the others on her team, even those she had been close friends with before her government employment. While this was a mystery to others, the reason was the war atrocities that the Diflaecan Empire was committing under the claim of "bringing peace to the galaxy". Thundra couldn't stand the thought of her work being used to oppress races that couldn't defend themselves. One day she simply snapped, programming the prototype to respond only to her commands, and destroying all information and blueprints. That was the day that the pirate Captain Thunder stole the prototype ship "in the name of love and justice". Armed with the most advanced starship that had ever been built, Thunder was able to escape with several million credits of technology, as well as several million more in stolen food and goods from cargo ships. Yuui Thundra chose to leave her life behind, discarding her name and identity for the persona created from the novels she read. To her, the next course of action was clear: she needed a crew. Thus, the scientist Yuui Thundra was lost to the dread pirate Captain Thunder.

So begins...

Captain Thunder's Story

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Character Portrait: Captain Thunder
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Light cascaded over the gleaming hull of the Escape Artist, a military attack-craft though it was clearly of no local make. It was devoid of any allegiance markings, aside from an ornate logo of gold on a field of black, like some sort of abstract pirate flag. Along the ship's sides, maneuver jets flared and steered, slowing the ship as it descended toward the port, settling easily into a slow fall.

A young woman's face was lit in soft blues by the ship's console as she sent out communications to the harbor's control, assuring them that the ship was a mere delivery ship. A simple command to the ship's AI open a view of the world below, the first planet that the captain had laid eyes upon in months. Thunder was vaguely aware of a groaning of stiff joints as she pulled herself from the captain's chair and adjusted her flight suit. It fit more loosely than she remembered, though the familiar soft fabric still hugged slim hips and easy curves as always. Booted feet touched on clean metal floors, and long legs carried the space-weary difleacan to the communications console.

"Captain, it appears that this location is not within our database. Would you like it to be added?"

Thunder brushed tangled platinum locks from her face and turned sleep-ridden eyes toward the single cerulean 'eye' that she had unofficially decided was the Artist's 'face',"Good thinkin', mate. Do that thing you just asked. The database thing."

"Right away, Captain."

Thunder looked back to the view screen, her verdant lips turning up at the corners. A new world, and it was inhabited! The scientist in her did a little jig of pure joy, though only a smirk graced the fine-featured face. She headed back toward her room, allowing the ship to handle communications for now, in favor of putting on something a little more suitable. Slim drake leathers were fastened with a utility belt, and a vest was thrown over a black tanktop. Soft leather boots and a scarlet duster completed the ensemble, and hid a pistol and cutlass that hung comfortably at the captain's hips. Hopefully she wouldn't need weapons, but it always helped to be prepared.

Back on the bridge, Thunder swatted the overturned romance novel on the arm of her chair, and stuck a heroic pose. Not that there was anyone to see her...maybe she'd save that for later..."First mate, bring us down for scouting."

"Yes, Captain. Landing in approximately nine-five-five-seven solar clicks. Atmos in habitable condition. Fuel at half optimun.It should be noted that magical energy is much like that of the Coast. Proceed with caution."

Thunder shrugged at the androgynous voice,"Shiny. Wake me landside," then plopped back down in her seat and put her eye patch on.

The ship landed easily enough, a few hours later, and the yawning pirate stepped out, speculating about how it was 'too bad' that she was no longer part of her race's empire. Her uncovered eye cast about the area, part of her expecting to be tackled at any moment by some sort of law enforcement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker
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#, as written by Gasmask
Varis skipped out of a nearby transport, flicking hair out of his face and pulling his hood down as swarms of tourists flooded past him to explore the rest of the planet, he swung to the side to avoid a trolley being pushed past him and smirked when he saw somebody sporting the classic pirate look.

Varis swung by the Escape Artist and leaned on a nearby dock railing, giving the pirate a wave and clearing his throat. "Hey! That doesn't look local, you don't look local either. I like your ship, where'd you get it?" The elf grinned, folding his arms on the rail and giving her his best foreign-boy, sweet-talker smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker
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The green-skinned woman looked up at the elven male, her gossamer wings flicking with a start, though she had practiced hard to keep the surprise from ever reaching her facial features. Instead she allowed a grin and a wide stance with a hand on her hip, playing up that oh-so-classic look.

"Nothin' slips by ya, huh?" she gave a slow wink under the eyepatch, taking a snapshot of the elf and sending it back to the Artist for later examination,"Ya might say I'm from a little ways off, though I'd assume that 'Diflaeca Prime' would mean next'ta nothin' to ya. As for the Artist here, she's my pride and joy, on lend from the Diflaecan Empire. Ya might say I poured a little of my soul inta gettin' her too."

She patted one of the legs of the landing gear, the ship locking down as she strolled over to the foreign sweet-talker, while putting on her own show of moving as if she was on the catwalk,"So, just curious, or are ya just tryin' to get my attention? Cus' if ya are, ya got it, handsome."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"Diflaeca Prime? Is that like a nightclub?" The elf laughed, pushing off the rail to admire the beautiful example of a spaceship. Varis couldn't help thinking that he needed a ship like that, but he didn't let that twinge of jealously show on his face. Even though spaceships didn't seem that important to somebody like himself.

"Well, I find myself rollickin' out here and I thought; Damn, that ship looks way too armored for a place like this." Varis gestured with his arms around him at the tourists and the transport ships. "The lady too, she's from another world if you catch my drift." The elf laughed and leaned back.

"Welcome to Misrana, weirdest planet you'll ever land on. Trust me, I've spent ten minutes here and the toilet looks like it's designed for a giant octopus." If it was small talk, Varis excelled at it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker
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She wrinkled her nose in amusement at the nightclub comment,"Somethin' like that."

She followed his gaze toward her ship, allowing a little of her pride to show. Alright, it was enough pride to choke a giant eel, but who was keeping track, really? Her attention was quickly turned back to the elf, though she remained quite upbeat with someone feeding her ego whether it was intentional or not.

"The Escape Artist here is a utility ship, meant for gettin' outta tight spots, or for gettin' other folks inta them. Mostly the former, since she's mostly movin' items for a fee." Thunder managed to keep the irony out of her voice for the most part, moving on to what she was actually interested in,"Well, as ya guessed it, it'd be my first time on Misrana, so mayhaps ya could play tour guide. Granted ya got nothin' better t'do than lean on railin's gabbin' with pretty girls."

To punctuate the request, she leaned in slightly, making the most of ever feminine curve she could manage. She didn't need to have a back-breaking chest to play up those lady-like wiles, or rather she assumed she didn't. Gee she hoped that she didn't land on the planet of the busty babes...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"Sure, I could do that. I think I know a little about this place, but I know a guy who knows more than I do." Varis slapped the handrail and made a follow-me gesture. The elf grinned at her as she played against his wiles with her own, he had to admit, she wasn't half-bad looking for someone who was wearing an eyepatch.

Varis leaned against the railing. "Give me two seconds and the Varis Taxi will be glad to show you around." Varis pulled something out of his the folds of his pockets and l "Kaza! I've got a gal here who needs a guide. I was thinkin' we give the same run around you gave me a while back. You're free right?" The elf said to the phone.

"A gal, huh? You trying to hitch me up with some alien chick again?" The phone replied and the elf sniggered. "Haha, yeah right! I'm thinkin' more about myself here, she's got a ship with a lot of guns on it, a bit more dangerous for just me to handle! I'm at Zanzaria, see you in... ten seconds?"

"Got it. I'm already right around the corner." By the time the reply came though, Varis had already hung up and stuffed the object away. "You ready to go, miss...?"

Varis, master of all there was to know about introductions!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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And, coming right around the corner to the docking bay at that moment was a fair-haired young man, who had a pair of bronze horns curled about his head. He was average height for a nunkeian, about five eight, and very skinny. When he laid his amber eyes upon the alien lady, a bright smile slithered across his face.

"Well, well, well. I do hope this is the woman you're talking about, Varis, because otherwise...I might have to ditch whoever else it is for this one." He walked up to her with a sweeping bow, extending his hand. "The name is Duren Kaza. You'll hear that name around here quite a lot, but try not to listen to any rumors. They make me look bad, and I think you can see that I'm not anything even close to the definition. You are, miss?"

He sneaked a sideways grin toward the elf, teeth showing with his grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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Thunder didn't get the chance to introduce herself due to an introduction, what irony! Well, it seemed that this place was just as full of it as the next, and the alien chick took a small amount of comfort, and a large amount of amusement, in that fact. She played the part of the clueless maiden for now, even conjuring up a small amount of verdant blush at the compliment, all the while keeping as close an eye she could on the pair.

She took the offered hand with a slight bow in return,"I'm Captain Yuui Thunder of the Escape Artist, businesswoman by trade, and traveler by hobby. Seems that folks round these parts are of the flatterin' sort."

She adjusted her eye patch casually, and took a snapshot of the second male while sending a command to her ship to take off upon any tampering. She'd rather be stranded than let anything happen, and with so many smiles and flirts, she was a touch suspicious.

"Your associate said that you're the man to guide me, so I suppose any rumors I do hear will have to come though you first... So, Duren, mind if I make a request before you whisk me off to shiny landmarks and fancy establishments?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
Kaza wanted a competition did he? Varis would be glad to give him one. "They only make you look bad because they're true. You go though them faster than I would." Varis replied, a sly laugh on his lips. The elf bounced off the railing and leaned an arm around Kaza's shoulders.

"You think I trust a beautiful woman around this guy? Kaza here burns though women as if they were twenty Behks." Varis laughed at his own joke and ruffled the Nunki's hair. "I'm not his assiociate either, I think I'm more of his sidekick if you believe everything he says, a manservant!" Varis grinned and leaned off Duren.

Varis heard something about a request and piped down, giving Yuui an expectant eyebrow raise and gestured towards Kaza with a nod of his head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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"You're the only one who'd be careless enough to burn through that much money, Varis. On a low-class hooker. Somehow managing to go into debt," replied Kaza, straightening his jacket.

"Though us Zanzarians are known for our polite demeanor and flowery talk, I think you may have just had the fortune to bump into us two woman-lovers. I mean...people-lovers!" He gave her a great big grin as he pat Varis heftily on the back. "A people-lover and his sidekick. Now, you said you had a request? Speak away, and if it can be done, it will be done!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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Thunder held back any sort of laughter at the pair's antics, and one-up-manship, as they simultaneously tried to convince her that they were the best choice for her favoritism. It had been a while since men were falling over themselves to impress her, and she couldn't help but let her guard down enough to give a genuine smile. The did take the time to note the mention of currency, and mused that credits wouldn't do her much good around here.

"Well, don't know how much spacin' ya two have ever done, but rocket noodles and freeze-dried fish flakes can only do for so long. I'm in a strong need for some real food. Gives me a chance to sample the local cuisine, and since ya two are such experts on the place, I'm sure you know the best spots to grab some grub."

She left out the fact that she also was enjoying the real sunlight for a change, lest they suggest a little less clothing. Joking or not, she was willing to believe they were both womanizers. She shot a final glance back toward the Artist, silently pleading whatever powers be to watch over the poor lonely ship. Its okay baby, I'll be right back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"Kaza! Kazah, you hurt me with your words." The elf held a hand above his heart, punching his friend on the shoulder and gestured behind with a careless thumb. "I know this Ustelu place that serves up some great fried grub, but I think Kaza over here has a better idea on where to take you, my taste-buds aren't nearly as refined as his." The elf made a crude gesture that involved something long.

Varis stepped the side and thew his hands out. "Ladies first." The elf scuffed the ground with his boots and gestured with an extensively tattooed arm at them to go forward. "Rocket noodles and fish flakes." Varis whispered to himself, rolling his eyes, those spacers always ate the weirdest stuff.

Then what could Varis say? He ate fried grubs served up by Ustelu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

"...freeze-dried fish flakes. Right," said Duren, cringing a little. It was true that his tastes were refined, but... "Not to the... point... Varis is suggesting," he recovered quickly, making to shove the man to the side after he'd stepped away. He smoothed down his shirt once more, regained his composure, and straightened up. Then, he stiffly walked past the elf, and snorted.

"Yes, follow me. I'm no big fan of fried grubs, but since we are in Zanzaria, which is next to the sea, why not take her to some of the best seafood places here, yes?" He lead the way, down from the spaceship yard where they were parked, to a large vehicle hovering beside some stairs. It resembled a manta ray in shape, though it had an array of feathers. "All hop on. It's gentle, so there'll be no need to strap yourself in. It's just a floating platform, and it'll allow us to raise up to the higher levels-" He gestured to the skyscrapers that were farther away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

The difleacan chuckled to herself as it seemed both males weren't exactly fan of fish flakes. Who could blame them? Freeze-dried fish wasn't exactly her thing either. Of course it was the continued back and forth that really fueled her amusement, and she couldn't help but let her guard slip just a little more. So much so, that when she was brought to a feathered floating manta ray, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. A quick look around told her this kind of thing was common, but then again, it wasn't like she hadn't read about things just as strange.

Thunder cleared her throat and pretended like this wasn't so strange at all though she did take a few snapshots for later study,"Well I have to warn you, I happen to be a little bit of a connoisseur of seafood. It's pretty much everything back home, since there's more water than land there."

She hesitated for a moment longer, not quite sure of just how to get onto the ray properly. She guessed that it was just an animal like any other, so she patted it lightly, to let it know that she was there and intended to get on its back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
Varis cackled like a hyena at Kaza, swinging his hand to pat the man's back as he jumped on the manta-platform. The elf languidly stretched his arms above his head and flexed them before offering his hand down to the dainty difleacan. "Varis Sunstalker by the way." The elf performed a mocking bow with his head.

"Everything gets weirder from here." The elf added, grinning. "I used to have trouble remembering the names of every race here and now..." The elf tapped his forehead. "I can even speak some of their languages now, though mind you, not that special." The elf steeped his eyebrows at Duren.

"He's just a boring human, came back here thousands of years ago and me? Well, pointy ears and I'm wearing some feathers. You can guess that I must be a peacock."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

Duren snorted, then stepped onto the platform that was more than large enough to hold all three of them atop it. He walked to the head of it, putting his feet on either side of two glowing patches. The cybernetic beast trilled to life and began to float, gently, to the city before them. Higher and higher they went, until the height was positively dizzying. It was one reason Duren just didn't look down. "It's only weird to foreigners, but I guess you'd be the right person to help her relate, Varis, since you're an immigrant."

The young man set his sights on the great city before them. Sky scrapers seemed to be a literal meaning, with the tips hidden by clouds. The buildings were beautiful, clean pristine, with interesting spiral designs and domed, glass roofs. Stranger teleportation than the Sajeera they rode flew around them. A dragon skimmed right overhead, prompting Duren to raise a fist and a few terrible curses in their direction. "Learn to fly!" came one of the angry yells. The same dragon rider landed their vehicle onto a building, which it began to scale.

A variation of other flying vehicles flew around them, as well, in a million shapes and forms. Some of the skyscrapers had take-out a few hundred feet into the air. Grey aliens with several limbs climbed on the sides of these structures with no fear of the fall.

Duren was distracted too easily from the magnificent view to yell at Varis. "Don't listen to him, Miss! I'm in no way human," he cried in frustration, tapping his horns. He then tugged the neck of his shirt away to reveal the spots all down his skin. "That is an insult! Nunkei have far more class!"

With another snort, he kept his attention on the woman. "So, enough about us. It'll be a minute until we get there. Tell us more about yourself! This planet you came from."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

More poking back and forth between the two, allowed Thunder to relax as she settled herself a little more comfortably atop the ray. It seemed to be as gentle a ride as Duren promised, though the height made the pirate reassess if she cold fly with as much gear as she was wearing. She shot Varis a smirk as he introduced himself,"Peacock, huh? With the name and the pointy ears I would have pegged ya as an elf, but if ya insist."

Her attention was pulled away as they entered the main traffic, flinching slightly as a dragon flew a little too close for comfort. Apparently her guide wasn't too happy about it either, and she found herself entertained by a display of cityboy behavior. Again her eyes cast out over the city, her cocky disguise slipping away again, leaving only the amazed scientist, and that warm excitement of seeing something new for the first time.

She almost didn't notice Duren speaking to her, and had to quickly salvage her composure,"Don't worry, I saw a human in a book once, they tend to be a little softer around the middle. But about me? Well, I'm from diflaeca prime, a place that favors squat buildings and shoreline resorts, so this is a nice change. The people there are snobby unless you're a rich tourist, and almost all the food is from the water. As for me? Just a lone traveler, a savager, and a queen of all trades for the right price. Might as well say the stars are my home, and the void between, my gilded palace."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"I had you pinned for a mercenary." Varis snickered, leaning on Duren's back as he flipped off the nearby dragon rider, all the dragon riders were such road hogs. "I love the way she describes space." Varis said to his friend, smirking. "She makes it sound exciting and full of adventure, shit, makes me want to go out there myself." The elf gave the captain a wink.

"Oh man, Kaza and I have been on the streets for a long time. I came all the way from Terra, and he's been here all his life. This guy..." Varis ruffled the man's hair. "Got so much street credit, you'd think he belongs to a gang but he's way too straight for that shit." The elf laughed richly.

"Speakin' of him. Kazah! When we gonna get to this seafood place, Varis gets hungry at Oril'o'clock." The elf rubbed his tummy and pointed down his throat, gesturing towards Thunder with his eyes to suggest that he was expecting her to laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza
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0.00 INK

Duren felt himself topple a bit as he was patted by Varis. His foot edged past the glowing splotches, and the Sajeera jolted slightly. He sent a rude look toward the elf, but only because Duren, himself, hated heights. Once again, he straightened himself and crossed his arms.

"Your planet actually sounds quite intriguing. Perhaps, if I ever decide to get over my hodophobia." He paused, then said, "That's a fear of traveling." He couldn't help but smile, however. "But by the way you describe space...yeah, Varis is right. You make it sound poetic."

They flew right by one skyscraper, which had an entire wall that served as a window. A family that was dining there looked up and eyed Captain Thunder. A small child, who had a stubby tail lashing behind him, put his hands on the glass as he marveled at the woman's wings, jaw agape.

"We're almost there! Be patient!" Duren chided Varis. They rose higher still. A vein popped out on the nunkeian's neck. Finally, they came to the establishment. Like many of the skyscrapers around, it was part of a patchwork of materials and places. The restaurant that they arrived at was made of a dark, but very sturdy, wood with thin red veins running through its design. A very fishy, but savory smell wafted out of the door that Duren stepped forward to open.

"Welcome to Tuuhr's," he said, gesturing to the very casual bar and seafood diner. It was nicely laid out, with a good amount of space between tables, and eye-catching white fishbone rafters above. There was a comfy corner booth that was empty, with a window that looked over the city. Several aliens, some short, some large, others with horns, like Duren, some with tails, like the child earlier, walked around. Some of them were purely human. Cooks worked in plain view behind the counter, cutting up many different kinds of sea life, cooking them, frying them, drizzling them with various sauces, adding bizarre sides, and finally laying it down on a side table for waiters and waitresses to pick up and deliver. "This is a place where the food is cheap, but you won't find it cooked any better anywhere else."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thunder Character Portrait: Varis Sunstalker Character Portrait: Duren Kaza Character Portrait: David Chem
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"Merc work would fall under 'all trades' wouldn't it? Though I'll admit, I'd prefer to pick up a proper crew before I did anything that called for more brawn than brains," She smirked at Duren,"Maybe if you can get over that, you'd like to come with. I suppose your manservant," she elbowed Varis playfully,"Could come too. After all, it only sounds poetic because it is poetic."

Thunder fluttered her wings when it looked like her guide was about to fall, but quickly hid her start when he was just fine. Its not like she would have even been able to carry him, especially as hungry as she was right then. She looked off to the side to hide her embarrassment, somehow meeting eyes with a wide-eyed child. The captain grinned and gave a casual salute toward the kid, hoping that maybe someday the child might be inspired to travel himself. Her attention returned to the pair just as Varis was making a fool of himself, which Thunder did in fact laugh at, though it was more how hard he was trying to impress her than the joke itself.

It was not too soon when they reached the restaurant, the aroma of food drawing a loud noise from the diflaecan's empty stomach. She looked over the place quickly, noting the people more than the actual establishment. The presence of humans there made her ever so slightly nervous, but she didn't dare show it. After all, humans were probably common around there. She noted someone bargaining with a foreign money at the bar, and gave her own funds a little consideration.

"Hey, everyone knows that little places like this have the best food. Its like a rule of the 'verse or somethin'," she paused and fished a coin from her pocket, showing it to her pair of guides,"However, I'm not sure what the exchange rate is around here, so you two'll have to help me out."

The coin itself appeared to be made of silver, though upon closer inspection, the metal itself was slightly more durable than normal silver. It was about the size of an american half dollar, and emblazoned with the symbol of a sword driven into a stone. The writing would be mere symbols to the two, and to be honest, Thunder couldn't read it either. It wasn't diflaecan money. That stuff was plastic.