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Celiara Liann

Standing at only three inches tall, Celiara is a strong-willed, fifteen year old girl who can become easily scared.

0 · 385 views · located in The Phantom Quarter

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by MerGamer, as played by RolePlayGateway


Physical Description: Celiara is a tiny girl of fifteen years old, with forest-green eyes, curly brown hair
and long eyelashes. More commonly mistaken as a Sprite, she is fairly small, standing
at only 3 inches in height. . . if you are to avoid the high-heel shoes she wears to make
herself seem taller then anticipated. It is surprising, to learn at the very least, that she
is actually a human - who was then cursed as a baby to be tiny by an evil Sorceress.
Other then her size difference, she looks no different then any other human alive.

Personality: Timid, shy and easily frightened, Celiara is known to act strong-willed when
either challenged or bothered. It is almost common-knowledge that she
is a wonderful actress, and whenever scared, she is also talented in the art
of portraying her fear as irritation, rather then weakness. But like any other
Human alive, she has fears - many of which include people much larger then
her current standing. For this reason, she is commonly known to spend time
with Sprites or smaller beings, rather then Humans like herself.

Equipment & Abilities: Talented at archery, Celiara tends to lean more towards behind-the-scenes
combat, instead of hand-to-hand. With her poison arrows and hand crafted
bow always at her side, she finds comfort in the fact that she is armed at
all times.

Historical Background: Before Celiara was born, an evil Sorceress cursed the little baby five days early
(while still in the mothers womb) to be born as a tiny Human, in the attempt to
get revenge on her Father, due to his unpaid debts, and the money the Sorceress
never received. Because this was so, the father and mother of the child decided
it would be best to put her in the orphanage - hoping it would guarantee her safety
and hiding away from the evil Sorceress, and on the child's fifteenth birthday, she
ran away from the orphanage to make her way over to Terra, where her story begins.

So begins...

Celiara Liann's Story


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Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Walking into the bar with an expression of awe, Celiara observes her surroundings in relief as she begins to search for the nearest table with the least amount of Human contact – most likely in the attempt to stay away from the danger of being squished like a bug. . .

Standing at only three inches tall, Celiara couldn’t help herself but mentally curse the Sorceress who gave her the disadvantage of small height in the first place. If only her Father hadn’t had those debts, she would already be living a simple life without the struggle of surviving in any Human realm – all because he wasn’t able to pay the witch back.

“Gosh, this can’t be happening. . .” Celiara looks around the bar with downcast eyes, “Is there even an empty table in this bar?”

Walking alongside tables which reached up to skyscraper height, she shook her head in irritation before searching for anybody with the similar standing as her own. Hopefully, someone would take the least bit of notice of her current struggling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Wyvern Character Portrait: Elsa Queen of Arendelle Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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#, as written by Awinita
Stepping through the low sliung door as Mark held it open for her. The sapphire eyed, blone haired woman took in the place carefully. As far as she was away, she had been near such a place before as the front door looked strangely familar. Didn't Kristoff get drunk at a bar like this not too long ago ? Or was that Snowfeather ? Elsa wondered briefly, for a few seconds remembering a bar fight that occured in the Castle Marketplace District only mere hours after Mark and Snowfeather had arrived in town. Of course Elsa blamed Matthew, who in turn blamed Mark and Snowfeather. Mostly because how Elsa heard it told, some drunken sailor tried to hit on Snowfeather, and she slugged him back.

She gazed for a long moment at the front door as Mark stepped in behind her. When it shut she saw the design, it looked strangely familar. but she couldn't place it. Not yet at least. She let him lead her to a table and took a seat. Thankfully against the wall. Mark sat beside her. When he called for service an a man came up for their order. She heard Mark request a water. Whereas she herself requested something with a kick to it. Though nothing too alcolohic. That last time she had teqila was a dumb move. Knocked out in a blizzard was not smart. But then it did help Mark and Matthew in locating that well hidden house on wheels.

Of course that was the second time she had been captured by that group. Amazingly enough both times Mark and Matthew saved her. She was happy for that. When the waiter asked for her order, she asked for a strong drink, but not alcolohic. The waiter scampered off to fill the order. Out of curiocity Elsa picked up a menu, it was written in runes she was familar with. And there was one item she found that made her mind wander back to that first time Mark asked her to dinner outside of the castle in the Roughwater District; those ribes were wonderful. She never got over how nervous Mark was when he asked her to join him.

She set the menu down, tapping the ribs entry. In norse runes it was written 'Wandering Oaken's Dinner Specials: TUESDAYS: Prime rib, full or half slab' She then spoke up "Remember that first dinner we shared at Roughwater Inn ?" Commander Frela had just been promoted from captain to commander of the Arendelle Guard at the time and the Roughwater Inn was treating all Arendelle Guard to a free dinner, and having Elsa there with Mark for dinner, it only made the night far better for the Guard that were present. As they had all been present when Commander Illitain had been killed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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With downcast eyes, Celiara felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of the small group of people talking together (closer to where she was currently standing) as she leaned against a nearby table reaching high into the air. It took herself a few moments to clear her head, and from what she could see from above, it seemed they were more likely in a deep conversation instead of a simple chat, with odd actions during the whole social gathering.

Placing an old satchel over her elbow (worn out due to the few months of constant wreckage) she carefully made her way closer towards the group, feeling her throat tighten up in fear at the sight of a Dark Elf.

‘Darn, what a tall Elf' Celiara pondered in thought while walking closed towards the strange gathering, biting her bottom lip in hesitation once she got a bit closer towards the man. It seemed to her that the Elf was safe, concerning a few things, yet she couldn't deny the huge size difference between him, herself and the group of other different races.

If it weren't for her current situation (the loss of a place to stay) she would have already been out the door with a mug of ale at it. But she clearly new small races were scarce in these parts, and with this group of people seeming to intrigue her all the more, she tried the best she could to push away her fear and walk towards them.

She could only imagine how odd this must have seemed – seeing herself as some three-inch tall insect-like Human wandering through a bar to a group of random strangers. Although, this was her last chance at finding shelter before the bar closes and dangerous weather comes brewing through. With a sharp breath, she yelled out to the Dark Elf before she could change her mind.

“‘Oi, you over there!“ Celiara waves he arms frantically in the attempt to catch his attention (or anybody's for this matter) before things turn out bad on her part.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaze Mcgee Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Blaze heard the word 'vampire' and her head snapped up she began sniffing the air, looking for the vampires, her eyes settled on the source for the scent, something else caught her attention, she looked down and tilted her head. "You need something?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: Blaze Mcgee Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Startled at the sudden movement of a stranger, Celiara quickly looks up from the ground and upwards towards the strange women towering 6 feet (or higher) above her own current standing.

Letting out a soft squeal of uncertainty, she quickly pulls her satchel closer to the side, and backs away from the lady before shyly nodding with her mouth opening and closing wordlessly, all the while.

“I- I'm wondering whether there is an inn nearby. . . nobody seems take heed of a small girl in this city, so I came here in hope of some shelter before nightfall” Celiara looks at the women with hopefull eyes, and continues “I would be willing to pay a fine ammount if you would be so kind as to give me a place to rest for these next few days”

In the hope of looking strong, she tries to harden her face muscles in an expression of all seriousness. But, it was dreadfully painful, so she just did what she could manage and waited for the lady to reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Maxine Vida Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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"A fugitive," he began to reply, a small grin forming on those ebon lips, "Well, that depends. I suppose I have some crimes to answer for, though who doesn't in this forsaken place? Should some 'authority' come to take me away, rest assured. I have two means of escape that have never failed me before." Saying this, he pats the hilt of his sword at his hip.

Glancing away at the sound of the miniature human-like thing standing three inches tall, he quirks a silvery white brow.

"And what can I do for you?" he asks of Celiara.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Maxine Vida Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Maxine couldn't help but feel herself slip under the social radar. The Aschen authority, whether active or not, had found a colleague at the bar. No doubt they were exchanging hit lists, and comparable reward prices. To Max, everyone was a mercenary, government or not. Everyone had a price, and everyone had a time. She waved the thought from her mind, though. Maxine knew she was priceless, which either made it better, or worse. She still hadn't decided.

"Just as long as I don't get hit with the whole, 'guilty by association' thing. I'd hate to have to exercise my rights, being new to the area and all." She chuckled lightly, before whipping her neck to the voice of a woman, "You there!" She looked to Soloran, as he responded, she whispered, "Quite the popular bad boy tonight, aren't you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Maxine Vida Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Celiara suddenly glances up at the man with wide eyes before waving her hands in relief at the realization (which she was overall thankful for) that someone has finally managed to take notice of herself in the overcrowded bar. Other than her last encounter with someone of a race she was currently unaware of, she was overjoyed at the fact that she was somewhat acknowledged in such a short time period, since the travels she took to get to Gambit's in the first place.

“Sir, I’m over here!” Celiara calls out towards the man “I- I am in need of some help”

For a second, she thought it was quite stupid of her to call over a stranger she has never met (due to her insecurity towards races much larger then herself) but she clearly knew she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Maxine Vida Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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In answer to Maxine, he shrugged his shoulders, eyes narrowing slightly as he smiles. "It almost feels like old times. Though I must admit, I'm surprised no one has of yet attempted to subdue the 'big bad drow.'"

His brows furrowed, then, as he looked back toward the miniature being, Celiara, then stooped down to offer her a hand up. "Come on, I won't bite." He grinned, showing two rows of pearly whites.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Celiara slightly observes the drows hand before taking a hesitant step back, no sooner than to have her eyes locked on his menacing white teeth. It frightened herself greatly that the man expected her to just hop into his hand, and take the risk of putting her life in harms way. But then again, it was better then being trampled on by an unaware passerby.

With her hands forming into shaking fists, she grumbled to herself lightly (holding back any sobs of fear) before she took the first step forwards, and closer towards the giant hand. If anything bad were to happen, she might as well pretend to know what she is doing. Of course, after three years of taking up acting as a hobby, the little human could finally mask any amount of fear she was currently holding inside. Giants, though, were her biggest weakness, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop herself from shaking as she walked closer towards his current standing.

“Don’t even think about doing anything stupid, you hear me?” Celiara forces her voice to amplify into the drows hearing range “I’ve got more weapons on myself than I bet you can count” but in all truth, this was partly a lie, that is, if you consider poison to be of any defense against a large man.

Taking another deep breath, she steps inches away from the drows hand before giving the man another hard glare, whispering “Just, be careful while carrying myself up. I hate heights” and with that final conclusion, the small girl grabs onto the giant hand, trying to climb up it, yet failing miserably.

‘If only I would have taken those darn gymnast classes’ she growled under her breath before calling out to the man one last time. Placing her hand upon a hidden vile of poison within her satchel, she begrudgingly decided to ask for help.
“I don’t know how to climb. . .” Celiara confesses while biting her bottom lip “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I need you to carefully pick me up instead”

Emptiness tugged at her soul the moment she spoke those few words, and with building irritation, she began to scold the Sorceress who cursed herself in the first place. It wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t pay the Witch – she wasn’t even born yet to bargain over her family’s debt to begin with.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Ravelle


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Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Walking into the perimeter with wide eyes, Celiara explores her overall surroundings. She loosens up her fists a bit, in the feeling of safety.


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Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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While looking around the perimeter, Celiara walks up the paths in search of any human-being within eyesight.


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Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Celiara feels her stomach drop in sadness, realizing such emptiness with no life-forms in sight.


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Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Looking around herself some more, Celiara calls out to anyone who will heed her words.

The setting changes from Ravelle to The Phantom Quarter

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Aldous Kane Character Portrait: Rowan Godfree Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Walking into the overall perimeter, Celiara observes the nearby group of people with interest before feeling her heart leap in shock at the word “Witch” exiting a gentleman's mouth, spoken in a way which she could tell was laced with displeasure.
It might have been considered quite stupid for her to listen in on somebodies conversation, but if this was the Witch who cursed her with small height in the first place, maybe she could find out who the evil Sorceress was to begin with. Standing at only three inches tall (and cursed to be that way since before her birth) she couldn’t fathom the thought of passing up an opportunity to put things right again.

Trying to gain a bit more courage, she quickly walked closer towards the group and called out to them with building hope. “Hey, what do you mean by Witch?” She yelled out with burning lungs. Keeping her head held high, she tried to make herself known by jumping up and down on the concrete below them. If only she wasn’t so small, she could’ve already been planning her quest against the evil Sorceress as of that very moment. The only thing that made her nervous on the matter though was whether these Humans were evil or nice. . . Celiara couldn’t have imagined defeating anybody with only a few poison arrows.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Aldous Kane Character Portrait: Rowan Godfree Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Aldous' ears perked up. The situation got even more serious at that moment, throwing any patience Aldous had out of the window. "What did you say about a witch?" he began, "If you know anything about what happened here, it would be in your best interest to tell me everything you know."

His hands were ready to fly to his weapons should he need them, and he kept his wits about him as he surveyed the two before him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Aldous Kane Character Portrait: Rowan Godfree Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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#, as written by Zarhara
"She wasn't an actual which...just an expression she was worse than that. But I doubt you will be seeing her in this world so you can just drop the questions right there folks." Zeban said as a third being arrived.

"Now as for what happened 'ere I was in a failed mishap. " Zeban said, "I've had a long exhausting day so if one of you would be kind enough to point my way to the nearest soup kitchen I think I'll be on my way." Zeban said with an irritated glance towards Aldous' he had a feeling the man wasn't about to let him go though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Aldous Kane Character Portrait: Rowan Godfree Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Rowan quirked an eyebrow as his gaze fell on Aldous, "A little demanding aren't we?" After taking a second to size him up, he took note of the weapons on his person. A hunter no doubt, or at the very least some form of law enforcement. He shrugged his shoulders lightly and returned his focus to Zeban.

"If not a witch, then a vengeful former lover then?" he inquired. "Don't worry, guy. I think we've all had that problem before." For a second he thought he heard the voice of another, but he found nothing when he looked around. Maybe his ears were just playing tricks on him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Aldous Kane Character Portrait: Rowan Godfree Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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Celiara sighed deeply, straining her voice the louder she called out towards the group of three Giants. It was quite the struggle to project her own voice, but it seemed that she was able to force out more of a whisper then any other vocal range she could ever comprehend. In all truth, she was more or so frightened because they didn't hear her to begin with. What if they stepped on her? That fear tore her apart by the seconds which passed.

“Hey, I'm down here!” She screamed out towards them again, watching with intent that one of them would take notice of her beckon call.

The setting changes from The Phantom Quarter to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soloran Sin'szin Character Portrait: Maxine Vida Character Portrait: Celiara Liann
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ooc: Sorry about the lateness of this reply. Had a typhoon hit us over the weekend.

"As you wish," he replied to Celiara, looking up briefly as Maxine left to speak with the other individuals. Delicately, he moved his hand around behind her and scooped her up slowly, giving her a chance to gain her own purchase as his fingers deftly closed around her waist and legs. He took great care not to exert too much pressure on her tiny form, having had similar dealings with another tiny race known as sprites during his travels. Slowly, so as not to wash her over with vertigo, he lifted her up over the table top, lowering her feet down onto its surface and allowing her to gain her balance before releasing her.

Looking her over again from this vantage point, the drow notices that she isn't one of the smaller races after all, but is indeed a human, shrunk down to tiny proportions.

"Who did you anger?" he asked, a grin slipping onto his dark features.