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" I am all that is left.."

0 · 199 views · located in Gambit's Storeroom

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Shaodow



Hair color
Electric Blue

eye color
gold yellow, they have been augment to be able to do many things like scan for landscapes for signs of life, they can see in the dark and detect heat signatures. Most importantly they allow him to follow movements at speeds beyond what he can accomplish alone, perfect for many combat situations.


skin tone
slightly pale. There is a small mouthpiece that is invisible to the naked eye which behaves as a filter that allows him to breath on any planet's atmosphere

clothing color
crimson red

Cerro is a man shrouded in mystery, he seems to have crash landed in the multiverse from another dimension. He is of a race very similar to humans that has evolved passed their limitations with the help of technology, much more so than in the time he's landed in, on his world a vast majority of the human race has received modifications, the few that are apart of law enforcement or the military receive combat enhancements that are not available to civilians, some more so than others. They are not too much different from humans of the multiverse though, they are equally as greedy and power hungry by nature. At the same time the advancements have allowed them to moderate a shaky world wide peace, whenever conflicts do arise they are usually decided quickly with far less casualties which would come as a surprise with all of the lethal technology available to them.

Why then? One may ask, was he trying so desperately escaping to another dimension if his seemed so great? Like always there are those who seek to abuse whatever form of power they can obtain, in this case being technology, cases arose where some men and woman would illegally obtain combat enhancements and buff themselves up so much that they are barely human. They would then use this power to attempt to take control of small towns at first, law enforcement attempted to cut them off before the problem escalated , unfortunately it was too late. The problem had escalated far beyond their control by the time they realized how serious the problem was. The overly enhanced people crossed lines that should not have been crossed, too much enhancements appeared to have obliterated the humanity in those who went to these extremes and they went from power hungry gangs seeking control of small towns, to deluded beings hell bent on eradicating and replacing his entire. Fast forward just few years and they have all but succeeded. On his world there were two devices that they could use to send their kind off into other dimensions with other worlds, the first one landed on his world out of nowhere and it is what allowed them to advance as far as they have, and gain the knowledge to replicate it, though they were wise enough to make only one other. The last that remained of his kind made a final push to for the last functioning device, the one they created was destroyed but the original was made of a material they were not capable of destroying even with all their tech. To compensate for this it was constantly kept heavily guarded, he was the only one who made it through...the last of his kind.

So begins...

Cerro's Story


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#, as written by Shaodow
A rift opened up within the bar near the ceiling for no apparent reason and created violent sounds like the heavy winds of a hurricane and for a long time nothing happened, within the rift one could clearly see billions and billions of stars, nebulae, and solar systems spewed across a canvas of infinite darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. Suddenly and without warning a man with electric blue, tall spiky hair and bionic lower body fell through and landed squarely on a table which collapsed from the weight. The mysterious stranger had no time to assess his new surroundings as two slender figures who's whole body seemed to be made of the same tech as his lower body fell through as well and landed on either side of him.

" Dammit! it didn't close fast enough! " he cursed as he looked behind him to see he was trapped between the two of them, the one in front of him swung it's arm through the air as if it was a blade itself but that was not the actual attack, following the swing was an arch of energy that shot towards him at blinding speed, with his enhanced reflexes and senses he was able to narrowly duck the attack and it decapitated the one that stood behind him just as he sent a similar attack from behind. Similarly that attack decapitated the one in front of him, blood and sparks flew from the necks of the creatures and theirs bodies fell to the ground, convulsing a few times before they went totally still.

At first he stood in total shock at what just happened, it was extremely rare for them to make such a careless blunder and for a moment he felt like jumping for joy in light of his good fortune. The high the victory provided was short lived however because with the realization of his victory came a reality that was hard to swallow, he was the last of his kind left and in a dimension he knew nothing about, looking around he noticed the construct was like that a tavern not too much unlike one would find in the more primitive towns on his world, some of t


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
by stale I mean, there isn't much going on, sorry if i seemed like i was insulting.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Some of the faces seemed to bear a striking resemblance to his own kind, though he was unfamiliar with their kind or what they were capable of he found comfort in the little familiarity. " Where am I? What planet is this, what dimension? " He said looking around desperate for an answer " could this be the- " his mouth kept moving but to them his words stopped, the name he said was so complex and unfamiliar to the current dimension no one else could even hear the words no matter how loudly he said them.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Some of the faces seemed to bear a striking resemblance to his own kind, though he was unfamiliar with their kind or what they were capable of he found comfort in the little familiarity. " Where am I? What planet is this, what dimension? " He said looking around desperate for an answer " could this be the- " his mouth kept moving but to them his words stopped, the name he said was so complex and unfamiliar to the current dimension no one else could even hear the words no matter how loudly he said them.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro rushed over to Varius, the only who seemed to be responding to him, grabbed him firmly by his shoulders and began to shake him frantically as he asked. " Where.Am.I?! " It struck him strange that no one payed attention to an inter dimensional alien but took it as a good sign, if they didn't react in a shocked manner then maybe they were familiar with his dimension hopping race and perhaps the man would be able to tell him exactly where he was


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro shook his head at the answer " No, not here here, I mean what system is this? What Solar system, what planet? " he asked again without releasing the man, he turned his head back towards the door way the he came through to see that it was closed and breathed a small sigh of relief. Before he could get an answer before he heard a man announcing himself as he entered, he felt the heat of the flames before he saw them coming from a bionic arm. Bionic? So it seemed they had similar technology wherever he was, though it was painfully clear that it was far less advanced.

Cerro released the man and reached for his waist and unsheathed thin air, though once his arm came forward an oddly shaped spear like sword was in his right hand and he was prepared to use it. He kept his mouth shut and just eyes the man and the other patrons, it seemed like non of them was going to take a robbery lying down so he would not get involved in the battle if he didn't have to, if one broke out that is. But oh he was ready, and confident he could over power the man and his inferior tech easily if he had to, and after the man was subdued maybe he'd have the answers he wanted


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro dove to the left to avoid the laser as it refracted off the cyborg, things were escalating quickly and he didn't know who's side to be on, where he came from cyborgs had just annihilated the last of his kind so even though this one was attempting to stop the assailant Cerro's mind would not let him see the cyborg as a friendly. Once he was clear of the laser he stabbed his sword into the ground and from it spawned a light grey bubble shield to protect him from the gun fire, it seemed all the technology here was not so primitive which confused him even more, when he deemed it safe he removed the sword and the shield vanished at that exact moment indicating that it was it's source.

Cerro took aim at the man and sliced through the air vertically and then followed up with a horizontal slash, thin blades of energy were emitted from the sword following the paths of the strikes right for the man and Cerro hoped it would take the man out and the cyborg at the same time, they both seemed like capable combatants so he doubted it would work but if he didn't stop them both he'd get caught in their cross fire. He didn't come all this way to die.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro made his way back into gambits bar, he recalled this being the place the dimensional wormhole had dropped him off in a split second that felt like hours of flying through space and time, he returned to the bar because it was the only place he thought to go. He'd been venturing through wing city and had ascertained that he was now on the planet earth, which in retrospect made sense, the diversity of species existed in very few places other and Earth and it explained how their main race appeared similar to his own, because his dimension was one of the many counterparts to theirs. It also explained why he had been dropped here, it was the closest on the plain of existence to his own and the device probably could not gather enough power to carry him further, it was likely they couldn


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro made his way back into gambits bar, he recalled this being the place the dimensional wormhole had dropped him off in a split second that felt like hours of flying through space and time, he returned to the bar because it was the only place he thought to go. He'd been venturing through wing city and had ascertained that he was now on the planet earth, which in retrospect made sense, the diversity of species existed in very few places other and Earth and it explained how their main race appeared similar to his own, because his dimension was one of the many counterparts to theirs. It also explained why he had been dropped here, it was the closest on the plain of existence to his own and the device probably could not gather enough power to carry him further, it was likely they wouldn't be able to power the machine up again to come after him so he was safe for the time being, though it was likely after some decades they'd be able to fire it up for another jump.

He looked around the bar as he meandered further inside, it was surprisingly empty, he came to the conclusion that the reason it was so bustling when he'd came through was because it was the weekend, now it was barren and void of life. He decided to take a seat and wait for someone, anyone to come through those doors that could actually help him get acclimated, he himself had never been to earth as it was very rare that soldiers were allotted the chance to jump, it was a privileged saved for the rich and high class as well as politicians.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro looked up from his seat at the slender, more or less feminine in build and it almost made him cringe, for some reason he reminded him all too much of a person who he'd rather forget, one of the many he was forced to watch die. He noticed the hesitation to speak and surmised it was due to his appearance that was probably rather strange to his eyes, though he was sure the man was accustomed to strange situations, Cerro stood with an outstretched right hand and with his left he pulled down the part collar that covered his mouth, one could hear the machine legs doing their job as he stood " Tolek S'vah, hello friend " he greeted the man first in his native tongue followed by the simple translation


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro glanced in the winged man's direction as well, he often found that sarcasm was an escape for those who where lacking in proper whits, as a matter of fact Cerro himself has had many encounters on his home planet with avian species, more diplomats from a planet known as Ladoven but he chose to say nothing in the man's defense since he appeared to decide to not give the winged patron the time of day.

" Am I local? " he replied with a wry smile filled with more pain than entertainment " Ka, no, I am far from it. I come from...very far away " he explained, intentionally choosing not to reveal his actual place of origin for he knew that even if he tried it would fall on deaf ears. It seemed like in this dimension he could not utter the words of his own world and have it be heard, something made others physically unable to hear it, one of the scientist from back homenull would have been able to give a lengthy explanation but not him, for he was simply a warrior.

When he saw a nude woman enter the bar he very nearly went for his weapons, the unnatural glow of her eyes was in many ways the same as the fiends that had become more synthetic than organic that was responsible for his people's destruction, though their technology and overall shape was very different the eyes haunted him and his face showed it. He instantly distrusted the woman, or whatever she was


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
The woman shaped cyborg had stopped to stare directly at him for a length of time that he could not ignore, while the man who's name he'd yet to receive stood slack jawed staring in admiration, Cerro's dismay quickly became anger. With a flex of his left and a clenching of his left hand a weapon that resembled a spear yet was held like a sword appeared in his grasp with a small flash of a dull blue-ish light, it was more a warning to stay away rather than a threat or challenge " So, your entire race was whipped out by radical cyborgs and forced you to flee across space and time? " he growled in response, not because he felt insulted by the man himself, it was in fact those ghastly eyes that locked with his. All it took was for it to make him feel actually threatened for him to lash out, it would be unjust but after seeing the death of so many dear to him at the hands of machines it left him scarred, mentally and emotionally. Of course he had done all his weeping long ago and had come to terms with his reality, nothing however would allow him to forget or trust any intelligent machine, he had even considered destroying his own legs but he knew it would be nothing short of stupidity to do so.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro relaxed his hands and the weapon dematerializd in the same blue light as before, now that she was sitting he concluded that she was not an immediate threat for she appeared to be passive at the moment, but he very well knew how quickly that could change so he would no doubt be on his P's & Q's. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. " My apologies s'vah, I didn't mean to alarm you, disregard what I just said. Please, lets just have a seat " he said as he pulled out a stool at the bar next to the one he'd been sitting in previously " Tell me, what kind of drinks do you have on this planet? " He slipped and revealed the fact that he was not of the planet Earth and cursed himself on the inside at first, but giving it some thought he realized that at this point of human history it was more common place to come across life forms from other planets so there was no cause for worry.


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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow
Cerro stood from his seat and looked down at the man, in his thoughts he was questioning the legality of what he'd decided to do but brushed the thoughts aside to just do it anyways, he really needed the drink. " Well, I'll just go have a look for myself, for the love of Meace' doneel they better have something strong " he said as he began making his way behind the bar, suddenly and without warning a device attached to his upper thigh that he'd never noticed before had sprang to life, it resembled a clock with one hand that just began spinning faster and faster. With fear he grasped his leg and looked down at the device assuming something was malfunctioning, which it never had since he'd first gotten enhanced which is why he panicked, what was actually happening confused him even more " What the hell is th- " before he could even finish he was gone in a flash of dull grey light, he hadn't even gotten the name of the man he was preparing to have a drink with

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Gambit's Storeroom

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Character Portrait: Cerro
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#, as written by Shaodow

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Character Portrait: St. John Bovinesque Jr. Character Portrait: Sedagon Character Portrait: Whipping Boy Character Portrait: Warrior Kelsie Character Portrait: Takara Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: The Liarror
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The Liarror felt themselves being moved. This was long after a massive crack had been formed on their face, by the fist of one St. John Bovinesque Jr.