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Chloë Moretz

Head operational coordinator of Vindex and a skilled sniper.

0 · 591 views · located in VINDEX Office

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Varden


Citizens of the Lutetian City State of Issunar
A small paramilitary mercenary group that was often employed by the various Terran governments and national organizations.



ImageImageChloe Grace Moretz is thirty two and a former TNG operative. She was active in her position throughout the Aschen occupation. She retired as a captain and joined up with Vindex.

So begins...

Chloë Moretz's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
A black sedan with a sporty profile and blacked out windows sat on a corner under a burned out street lamp. The occupant in the passenger seat was fast asleep, a black military style ball cap sat over his eyes and his boots set crossed out the passenger window. The driver was awake, her eyes scanning the street. A pair of binoculars sat on the dash with a small spiral notebook and a few pens, some missing their caps. In the center consul was a empty coffee cup.

She lit a cigarette which caused her companion to mumble. In response she opened her door, exited, and closed it. She walked away from the car and stood on the opposite corner of the street. "The delicate noses of the wolves...", she commented to herself before taking another long drag, exhaling though her nose and flicking the remainder of the cigarette into the street. It was a chilly night but warm enough that her light black leather jacket was enough to stay comfortable.

She glanced to the building they were watching. The woman who lived there had been raped by the head of a local gang and had received legitimate death threats. VINDEX had been asked to assist the Lutetia City police department with taking a few security details so that she would make it to the suspect's trial here in two days.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Jesse made his way down the streets which where fortunately mostly devoid of people this time of night. It meant he wasn't dodging pedestrians as he made his way for the den house.

Those that did see him likely mistook him for an over-sized dog, given his rather small stature compared to most of the werewolves in the area.

A familiar scent caught his nose as he passed the sedan and it wheeled him back about. He glanced back down the road in the direction he had been heading, but The Den was still several blocks away. A moment later he made his way back to the vehicle, jumping up to scratch at the window. Sure enough the man sleeping inside was the same one from the bar the night before. He didn't know the man personally, but Baron seemed to trust him well enough.

He whined and yipped, making noises that weren't quite wolf or dog before he dropped down and ran around to the other side of the vehicle where Bowen was sleeping and resumed the ruckus at his window as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bowen Davion Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen stirred and his feet retreated into the car before the door opened. He let out a grumble even as the woman came around the corner of the car with a hand on the gun at her right hip. The two events happened at the same time but Bowen waved Chloë off while letting loose a rather exaggerated yawn. "I may be a wolf but I am not a mind reader and this is not an episode of the wolf whisperer."

Bowen would eventually turn to Chloë. He stood, shut the passenger side door, and walked around the vehicle to get into the driver's side. Bowen chucked a hand held radio to the woman as she came around to the driver's side. "Stay here. I will be right back." He opened the passenger door to let the wolf in. Expensive leather seats don't fair well against sharp werewolf claws. "Point your nose in the right direction." The car started to move off at a fair clip in the direction of the Phantom Quarter.

The setting changes from Corner Cafe to Medical Center


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
A woman in light gray pants sat across from Jesse. A light gray blazer sat over a white blouse, nearly sheer in this light. She crossed her legs, left over right and placed the leather satchel style briefcase she had been carrying on the seat beside her. "Mr. Allard?", she spoke with a familiar voice. Her scent would also be memorable for she had been wearing the same perfume when Jesse had encountered her on the street the night before.

"Do you remember me? We met briefly last night. My name is Chloë Moretz and I work for Mr. Davion.", she said and extended her hand. One would be inclined to ask how she knew his last name or even what he looked like as when she had seen him he had been a wolf. VINDEX had taken the day to do some research on those that had been involved in the attack. It was likely that they had been watching the medical center earlier that day when Jesse left to meet up with Baron.

She flashed a golden badge that was not a police badge. The words engraved into it surfaced described a Licensed Private Investigator, LPI. "I am here to investigate the attack on Ms. Re'Altarm and its possible connection with the increase in werewolf attacks over the last few months. First off, how is she doing?" Ms. Re'Altarm was a ghost and VINDEX had been unable to pull up much information concerning her history.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Hm? Mr. Davion?" he asked before realization dawned on him. "Oh! Yeah, that's me," he said as he wiped his hands off before returning Chloe's offered hand with his own.

"You can call me Jesse. And she's stable for now. Resting," he explained. "Doc says she might be ready for surgery tomorrow."

"I can tell you what she told me when she woke earlier," he offered. "And I'll check with Doc and see if he wants to let you in to see her if you want."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
She just spoke while motioning for him to relax where he was. "We can let her rest just a little longer Jesse. Tell me if you would, did you see anything of her attacker or remember any detail that you think important prior to leaving her side for help? I am more interested in personal accounts than those given second hand."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"I didn't see much," Jesse admitted. "It was already taking off by the time I reached her. I caught a glimpse at best. Either it heard or smelled me coming and ran, or it never intended to kill her in the first place."

He shook his head.

"It's hard to say. I probably should have followed it, but she was losing a lot of blood."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Chloë shook her head. "No. You did the right thing. Her life was more important." She did not go on to tell Jesse that his summation was most likely correct and that the attacker probably wanted her alive. The joint taskforce, VINDEX and the LCPD believed these attacks were done with the intent to spread Lycanthropy, not kill. Too many attacks had happened under similar circumstances and too many victims had survived. If the attacker had wanted her dead it would have been trivial for a werewolf. "We can talk to Ms. Re'Altarm now if she is well enough." Chloë grabbed her bag and stood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Sure, just let me check with the Doc," he said as he stood up.

Ten minutes later the pair had found their way to Re'Altarm's room, with stern instructions that Chloe could speak with her for ten minutes and no longer, and if Jesse felt the woman was becoming too distressed then they would cut things short.

He moved to the side of her bed and rested a hand on her shoulder. He realized he hadn't actually caught her name earlier, and he tried to rouse her as gently as possible with the light pressure on her uninjured shoulder.

"Hey there, there's someone here who wants to talk to you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
She slowly woke up, taking a deep ragged breath as she did. Dark rings had begun to form around her eyes and she seemed paler than she was before. She looked absolutely horrible and nearly felt the same, the 'fire' seemed harsher than it had before. But she still smiled at Jesse when she came to. "H-hey.." She croaked, her throat dry again.

"S-someone wants to talk to me..? Why..?" She murmured, seeming concerned, turning to look up at Chloë. She frowned and tried to scoot away from her. She was an illegal here, and cops weren't really her best friends since she stole sometimes to eat. This was a major concern of hers, and she looked hurt that Jesse might have turned her in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Chloë evaluated the girl's mental state as well as she could having just met her. "I am not here to hurt you Ms. Re'Altarm. I am here to help you and other people find a bad person. My name is Chloë. I am a private investigator and I work for Mr. Davion. He was one the men that helped Jesse get you to the medical center last night." She sat beside the bed opposite of Jesse so that she could see Re'Altarm's face as she responded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"It's alright," Jesse told her. "I'm going to leave you two to talk. If you need anything, I'll be right outside, alright?" he asked her. Once he was sure she was okay talking to Chloe he would head outside to give the two some privacy. The less people gawking over her at once the better probably. He needed to give Baron a call anyways and let him know about the VINDEX's involvement in things. While Chloe was otherwise occupied with the girl was a good as time as any.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Re'Altarm relaxed slightly at the mention of the other man. She hadn't caught his name specifically, but if this woman knew of the incident they were probably involved.. Somehow.

However, Re'Altarm's face fell as Jesse left her and she even pouted. Pouted! She had never done such a thing. "Come back soon, okay Jesse..?" She pleaded as he exited.

"I remember.. I guess Mr. Davion.. I didn't get his name though.." She said, her voice cracking part way through. She looked away from the woman, her expression growing dark at the memory. "W-what do you want..?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"I need you to tell me everything you can remember about the thing that hurt you last night. I need you tell me what you remember about last night. I know it may be hard for you now but if you tell me enough we may be able to catch it and make it stop hurting people." She was speaking to Re'Altarm as if she were a child now. Her experience lead her to believe that Re'Altarm's mental state was very similar to a child hurt and terrified of the things in the dark. "Can you do that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
She swallowed to try to get some moisture back in her throat. Her eyes were still dark as she began to recall the night before once again. Her words were barely above a whisper and came slow as she detailed the story. "I was digging in the Phantom Quarter..." She murmured. "Trying.. T-trying to find something worth selling.. S-see, I hadn't eaten in a while and I was desperate, otherwise I've never gone to that part of town before.. I didn't even see it before it jumped at me and pinned me down.." She began trembling, tears in her eyes. She tried blinking back the tears and began to look uncomfortable, looking this way and that as if looking for someone or something.

"That thing.. Was laughing and wouldn't let me go.." Her heart beat began to race again at the memory of the beast. She trembled more harshly. "H-he was big.. Black fur.." She swallowed hard. "And yellow eyes.." She said more quietly, looking on the verge of another panic attack.

"C-can we please talk about something else now..? W-what's taking J-Jesse so long.." She whispered. Her monitor began to beep quickly showing she was a bit distressed at the memory.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
She could press the girl but she went with her gut instead. It had been much the same as far as description of the attacker in the other three cases. One victim, a young man about the age of fourteen had said that the creature looked like a 'big sick dog' and was missing a lot of its fur. Another victim had stated that the werewolf was missing a lot of its teeth and had described its teeth as 'as yellow as its eyes'. Two of the reports stated that the attacker laughed at the victim before it bit them. Re'Altarm had been injured much more than the other three living victims. It was no surprise that she was shook up.

"That is good enough Ms. Re'Altarm but if you remember anything else that you think may help us catch the bad guy you will let us know right?" Answer or no, she would speak again after only a short pause. "I am sure Jesse will be right back. Of course we can talk about something else. How about the food. Is the food good here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
At the mention of food, her stomach growled as if to answer for her.. "I-I'm couldn't tell you.. I've b-been asleep most of the time.. A-and I don't know if they serve food to someone with no money.." She answered, her jaw clenching. That thought hadn't occurred to her before. How was she going to pay for this? Hospitals, doctors and medicine were expensive and she didn't even have a dime to her name. Tears did fall this time burdened with the fear of what would happen now that they would expect her to pay. The burning seemed to be eating away at her chest now and she winced.

She would have to sneak out somehow. She had to run away and leave this whole thing behind.

Including Jesse. That thought caused her more grief than not being able to pay the hospital. No, she'd find some way to pay the doctor back. Even if it took the rest of her life to do so. "I don't think.. The beast wanted to kill me.." She said out of the blue. "He could of done so easily.. The way he held me down, he could have easily bitten off my head and not thought twice.." She whispered, trembling again. "S-so.. Why did he want me to live..?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"I don't believe you need be worried about paying for your care while you remain here and recover. Mr. Davion has already agreed to pay for your treatment. He expects nothing save what help you can give in catching the thing that put you here." She motioned with her hands for the girl to relax.

"I would think that part of your care would be three square meals a day. I will pick you up something before I head back to the office. What would you like?" The promise of food and the choice of picking what to eat would surely save Chloë the difficult task of explaining Lycanthropy to the girl. She hoped it would.

Provided Re'Altarm did not press her with more questions and providing that the girl told her what she wanted to eat she would call Jesse back into the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Hey, doing alright?" Jesse asked as he re-entered.

He took a moment to check her vitals and to make sure everything was still looking fine. Her heart rate was more elevated than he would have liked, but she seemed otherwise alright.

"And she's right, you don't need to worry about that," Jesse said "We keep this place running through donations. We don't make it a habit to charge victims to get well," he reassured her. "And good news, Doc says you'll be ready for surgery tomorrow. We can get that arm taken care of.

He didn't make mention that it was primarily funded by the various wolf packs in the city. He didn't want to alarm the woman more than she no doubt already was; though, it was likely she at least suspected this wasn't exactly an ordinary hospital.

He checked his watch.

"We can get you something to eat now that you're up, but no food or water after 11:00, alright?" he told her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Re'Altarm Character Portrait: Jesse Allard Character Portrait: Chloë Moretz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Re'Altarm physically relaxed as soon as Jesse was in the room with her. "I-if you say so.. I just feel bad I can't do anything to repay anyone for the kindness you've shown.." She said quietly. "I'm sure there are other things you'd rather be doing than keeping someone like me company.." She said, seeming somewhat crestfallen.

Her stomach growled again at the mention of food. How long had it been since her last meal? "I.. If it isn't a problem.. I'd like something to e-eat.. Maybe an apple?"

She looked back to Chloë. "Do you have anymore questions for me..?"