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Christopher Sparks

Master Savior of The Epsilon Eridani Star System

0 · 759 views · located in Space Station Z

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Tristan_cross, as played by RolePlayGateway


We promise Salvation from Corruption by any means necessary.


Name: Christopher Sparks

Alias: The Devils Nightmare.

Age: 4,000 but looks no older then 25

Height: 5'6

Weight: 120lbs

Race: Immortal (ESPer/spiritual warrior Also known as a Kei fighter.)

Birthplace: Yellowstone

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Image

Other appearance traits: he's chest and arms are covered in tribal markings from Salvation, that tell his life's story up until he became Grand Savior.

Occupation: Master Savior of Salvation in the Epsilon Eridani system.


He really has none, he appears cold and emotionless, due to his intense training and meditation. Although, he can be compassionate when it matters most. He is pretty good at faking emotions if necessary.



Material - Titanium Alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, with a minimal Tensile strength of 130KSI

Weapon set 1 - Tactial Tomahawk and Combat Knife

Weapon set 2 - Katana

Weapon Set 3 - Armor Plated Gloves

Abilities Are as follows:

Dimensional Control - Also know as Extension, allows him to travel any form of distance in the blink of an eye. However, the shorting the distance the longer it takes, making battling with this rather pointless.

Transmission - Also know as Flash step, is a temporary increase in speed to allow him to move around a battle field. However, anyone trained in Martial Art's will find it somewhat easier to keep up with his movement's but reacting to them depends on their skill level.

Telekinesis - can move Objects with his mind, but not people.

Inhuman strength - Picture the strength of an ant in human form.

Psychological warfare - Able to deceive opponents into thinking he has no Weakness.

Attacks with Spiritual power (also know as Kei):

Tenzo Cannon - A release of Kei energy from the fist in the form of an invisible Cannon ball. This attack is a fast moving single target attack reaching speeds of 780mph.

Repel - Is exactly like the name suggest, it is an area attack designed to simply repel the attackers from Christopher. Causes minimal damage where applicable.

Spirit Seal - is less of an attack then a power restraint for Christopher, there are 4 of these placed on his spiritual power, as each one is release the Kei attacks he uses increase in power. Also those that can see Spiritual energy see a sky blue dragon circling his body, as if it was armor. (NOTE: these Seals were placed by Christopher for training purposes. The less power he can use the more creative he has to become in a fight.)

Heiozen - This is a Finishing attack designed to destroy every trace of a single opponent. Manifest in the form of a small white orb in the palm of his hand and can not be thrown.

Martial Arts Styles/Rank Per Style

T'ai chi ch'uan - Master

Wing Chun - Master

Aikido - Master

Kendo - Master

Muay Thai - Master

Chulukua Ryu - Master (Native American Fighting Style)


Christopher was the First Master Savior of Salvation, He became one before creating Salvation. After spending most of his life on his own in the wilderness of Epsilon, watch the Corruption consume his home planet, he finally decided to do something about it and started to meditate. After years of meditation and training, he found a way to confront the Corruption in his own heart, and did just that, gaining an immortal soul in the process. He founded Salvation in order to create more like him, and build an army to defeat corruption on Epsilon. He as spent the past 3,975 years trying to build Salvation, but the lack of recruits has made this difficult. Due to his Immortal soul, when his body is killed his soul simply moves to the closest unborn child with in the first 3 weeks of development and uses it as a new vessel, in short Reincarnation. Although the child grows up looking nothing like Christopher, at the age of 18 he gains ever memory of Chris up to, and including, his death before under goes a drastic appearance change to resemble Christopher.

So begins...

Christopher Sparks's Story


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Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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  1. Wrong setting/location

    by Absenthia

0.00 INK

Christopher Sparks slowly walked around looking at the land in front of him, surveying it, and examining it. "This, this is the place." he muttered to himself as he started to left, then right. He's mind wandering and imagining the future of the piece of land he was on, "This is where it will be. The home of Salvation." He's words were cold sounding but held a bit of warmth buried deep inside them.


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Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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  1. wrong setting/location

    by Absenthia

0.00 INK

"Patience, my friend." Christopher said, while closing his eyes and imagining the building, "In time you will see what I see, and with a little more training, perhaps you too will have the same feeling." He opened his eye and saw it, the future building to be build here, the 'Purehearts Casino,' four floored building with a Casino in the lobby and a hotel above, with a secret passage in the VIP section that leads to the Salvation base underground.

The setting changes from Epsilon Eridani to Kepler's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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0.25 INK

The silhouette of a man appeared in the distance of that bar as if he had been walking all the way there. His sleeveless undershirt being the only thing covering his top half. Long baggy jeans adorned his legs with seemingly heavy boots clasped on his feet. It wasn't until he entered the bar that the tattoos on his arms and chest were in clear view, and seemed to stand out in the crowd but appeared tribal to the point that no one would even second guess their meaning. His Ocean blue eyes seemed to lock onto Claire as he headed straight for her. "Miss, Angelique-Mcgregor, I presume?" he said inclining his head to her and offering his hand. "My name is Christopher Sparks. I'm the one that requested this meeting with you." He paused a moment for her reply


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Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"Angelique is fine, no need to tack on the McGregor." She answered, saying the last name with disgust. The McGregor family had never done anything for her other than cause misery, and it had loved company all those years ago. "Well Mr. Sparks it's a pleasure to finally meet you then." Claire said as she turned around from her seat at the bar. Meeting his gaze levelly, she was easily as tall as, if not taller than Christopher Sparks. It was this height paired with a intangible feeling of otherworldliness that tended to cause intimidation, not comfort with others. Taking his hand in her own, Claire took care not to use too much force with the handshake.

"What exactly can I do for you Mr. Sparks? It's not often someone requests a meeting outside of my offices." She said surveying him with unnaturally blue-green eyes, that for now masked her nature.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"Of course," he said taking in her height and seemed unaffected by it, "I'm a representative of an organization residing here in the Epsilon system, we intend on creating a utopia and would like you you consider joining up with us." although his voice seemed to carry hints of emotions his face and body displayed none what so ever. Christopher had read her dossier and knew more about her then she'd probably like. He had begun to wonder when she'd try to read his mind, being an ESPer, it would be easy to lead her astray or block her all together. "We are currently trying to establish a base of operations in this system as well." he continued, "So, having someone that knows this system would be a great help to us." he was of course, bending the truth, given they had planned to build a station to hide their prescience.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"That's very interesting Mr. Sparks." Claire remarked as she listened to the man. "You aren't the first, nor second organization to approach me." She added wondering when exactly the man would say what he actually meant. "I'm sure it would, and I'm assuming you know that your little organization will be settling into an Aschen territory, or do you even care about that?" Claire questioned. For now she would attempt to remain as innocuous as possible, in fact she'd even worn a neural suppression device disguised as a piece of jewelry; they tended to work better if they came in contact with the skin. With the recent unrest within the Aschen systems, she found it best not to have herself pegging any sort of detection devices, even if that meant suffering a constant low grade headache in the process.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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The device she was wearing did in fact block Christopher from reading her mind but his ability to speak to her through his telepathy was still possible, plus his ESP ability was drastically different from Psionic powers, so detecting him was virtually impossible by scanners designed to detect Psionic powers, as well as Psionic's trying to 'sense' his power. "The Aschen do not scare me." he said aloud before trying to implant his voice in her head, as they are one of our targets. and what better place to hide from them then their own backyard. what he said was true given his knowledge of her he knew she wouldn't run off and warn the Aschen, but none the less he withheld the full extend of the plan. a slight smirk appeared on his face for a brief moment then vanished, "I trust you understand what will happen soon." he said waiting for it to sink in that he was after the Aschen and the Empress.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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Claire frowned as she found a new voice beginning to speak inside of her head, and interrupting her thoughts. "Then you know this is about as far from the core of the empire you can get and still be in Aschen jurisdiction." She said slowly debating on throwing the intruder out of her mind, and returning what little privacy she might have left in her own head. 'OUT!' Claire had finally had enough of the invasion of her privacy. Christopher was soon violently thrown from her mind, and the neural suppression device sparked and hissed in complaint of it's own destruction. Looking down at the bracelet on her left wrist, Claire scowled, swearing softly before turning her attention to Christopher. "I understand full well what will happen, I've seen what will happen." She hissed dropping her own personal shields, protecting not her but Christopher from the onslaught of power that could easily be felt by anyone sensitive enough. "Things need to fall, yes.. but you must do it carefully." Claire added as she leveled her gaze on the man. Her eyes had hardened, and gone was any semblance of mild mannered friendliness; it it's place was something old and powerful, that bored right through leaving a person cold and shaken. "Next time I will recommend you be careful who's mind you decide to enter."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"You'll soon realize that I'm not so easily intimidated." Christopher said meeting her gaze, "As for who's mind I enter, that's a different story, I'm not in complete control over that, but you have my word I'll try to remind out of your mind. Although I find it easier to commune privately via telepathy." he paused and repositioned himself to be facing the bar, and intentionally spoke in her mind again, besides there's an Aschen agent in the bar, so you might want to be careful yourself. he wasn't trying to disrespect her just warn her without giving himself away either. He ordered a glass of whiskey from the tender and slowly sipped it waiting patiently for her reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"Then we've reached an impasse." She said bluntly, turning her attention back to her own drink. Sighing slightly, Claire withdrew back into herself, and made the half hearted attempt to regain control and center herself. In many ways she'd made every effort to seem baseline, albeit eccentric human upon returning to Yellowstone after her years of serving in the Aschen government and military. "Let me explain something to you Mr. Sparks, I do not communicate via telepathy, nor do I use certain things often. I have reasons to fly under the radar if you will, and I particularly don't care to find myself someone's lab rat again." She added downing the rest of her drink and ordering another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"I assure you, under the protection of Salvation, you'll never be used as a lab rat." he said downing his drink as well, "Perhaps you underestimate our power, or perhaps it's just mine, care for a demonstration?" he words was muffled to a point only Claire would hear him. He had every intention of killing the Aschen Agent, even without Claire wanting a demonstration of his power. He ordered another drink and contiuned, "Perhaps you'll see for yourself in time. However, I'd still like an answer, are you willing to fight once again, this time against the ones that tormented you for so many years?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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0.00 INK

Watching the ice swimming in her drink, more than likely brought in from a stray comet, filtered and refrozen by whatever means, Claire considered the offer. "I believe we have similar ideas of what needs to happen. But, I am old and weak, what could I offer your organization?" The last part had been a vague lie, she wasn't going to explain that her reasons were for lack of control and known mental instabilities. She had no desire to end up like her nephew or brother-in-law, but wanted to see something done about the Aschen's grabs at whatever they desired. "I care nothing for a demonstration, it's as you put it... risky."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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0.00 INK

Stared at his half empty glass as he nodded to her statement about it being risky, "your knowledge of Aerospace engineering would be useful to us, along with your knowledge of the Aschen military." he said before taking another swig finishing off his second glass, "besides you should sell yourself short, I know more about you from your dossier then you'd probably like." He knew chances were she'd get angry at that fact but it was a fact, her dossier was full of just about everything she had done in her life, after joining the Aschen military that is.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"If you're talking about that leaked dossier, then yes I could aid you with aerospace matters, but the military has changed." She explained blithely. "I haven't been to Langara in a very long time, nor will I allow any of Baqui's tech to be used by them... as if they would want something like that." Claire added with a slight shrug. "There are still things that are classified, things I can't even tell you. Besides I was much younger then, before the injury." She said sighing as she pulled out a cigarette, and lit it, taking a long draw before exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Listen, I'll help you, but I guarantee nothing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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Smirked a little as he he nodded and offered her his hand again "Pleasure doing business with you Miss, Angelique." He was sure her help would be very much accepted by the members of Salvation, as well as what little information she could give about the Aschen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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"You as well Mr.Sparks.." Claire said cautiously. She wasn't entirely sure what she was getting herself into, but hoped it was something vaguely worthwhile. "Since you know so much about me, I'm sure you know how to get in touch?" She questioned before finishing her drink and paying her tab.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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He nodded his head, "Of course, if you wish to get in touch with me there's a space station under construction in the heart of the Epsilon system." he said as he stood up paying his tab, "I'm sure you'll see plenty of it, as it is still under construction." he turned and headed for the door, "I look forward to working with you." as he seemingly vanished, as he teleported away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Angelique-McGregor Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks
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0.00 INK

"Fucking Esper..." She muttered offering over a matte black card to pay the bar tab. Claire could see she was definitely in over her head, and might just need to resume habits she'd abandoned years ago; that was if they didn't kill her first. As she crushed her cigarette to nothing in the ash tray, she mulled over the option to finally stick it to the Aschen. It was more tempting than anything she'd ever known, and as she started to consider things more seriously her taxi arrived to take her home.

The setting changes from Kepler's Bar to Space Station Z


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Captain John Malcolm
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
A Spirit class Corvette made it's final jump into the stations system. Soon the ship sent communication to the station. "Attetion Station Z this is the Captian John Malcolm of the TOC Corvette Starwind Requesting permission to dock and refuel." Said a female voice. John stood on the bridge with a smile on her face as she looked out the view-port. Maybe some R&R time could be squeezed in here if her crew actually behaved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Sparks Character Portrait: Captain John Malcolm
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"A visitor?" the voice of Christopher spoke to himself as he leaned forward on his chair, "Guess I'll have to meet them at the airlock." He then stood up and headed down to the Airlock where they would be arriving.

"This is Station Z tower control, you are clear to dock at Docking Bay 12, We hope you enjoy your stay with us." said tower control, as the Docking lights for bay 12 lite up and the outward bay doors opened.
