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Darth Feero

"To hate is to feel passion. To feel passion is to feel power."

0 · 504 views · located in Rings of Krath

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NeverEndingFlip


Darth Feero


Unknown to all but a select few.


"Darth Feero"


Early 60s




The Siths (The Dark Side)


Sith Lord


Darth Feero is a rather plain featured individual, despite what his name could lead people to imagine. Visible underneath the black cloak he opts to wear is a neatly trimmed, pepper-colored stubble of a beard below a thin mouth. Hidden underneath the clock are his light blue eyes that always held intrigue or analysis in them and his jet black hair. His cloak also hid a wiry frame of a person, slightly taller than the average person, but definitely lankier. His skin is white and smooth, clear of any notable marks or scars on them. Were it not for the black cloak and the red lightsaber on his hilt, he could easily pass for a nobleman or even a Jedi to those who don't have full control of the Force and can detect his dark tendencies.


Many relate his personality to how he moves...fluidly. Almost like a wraith floating from one place to the next, there's no pep in Darth Feero's step, but there is a grace to it. He moves as quietly as one would expect, many reports showing that he seems to just...appear in locations sometimes. He doesn't actually teleport, rather no one notices when he comes in. His voice is as quiet as his movements as few have ever heard him raise his voice. When he does talk, it's surprisingly full of what could only be described as nobility. If you could describe him in one word, it would be calm.

Equipment & Abilities

Darth Feero has only needed two lightsabers throughout his entire life: the one he used for training and the one he currently wields. His training lightsaber was actually the one he gave his only pupil, Sadr Stardasher, which ended up destroyed in combat. That is no concern for the cool and collected Darth Feero, whose lightsaber hilt is rather plain in design, yet has an increased strength in the blade due to incredible stability of the synthesized crystal. As a result, his lightsaber is arguably much stronger than a typical lightsaber should be.

While his skills in saber combat are proficient enough, it's in his Force Abilities that he excels. His major strength actually lie in the Core/Neutral abilities rather than the Dark abilities, but he's proficient in all abilities he possesses. Below is a list of his Force Abilities:

  • Telekinesis (Very Strong) {Neutral}
  • Mind Trick (Very Strong. Has even Mind Tricked some Jedi.) {Neutral}
  • Boosting Athleticism: Including Force Speed, Force Jump, and Force Sight. (Average) {Neutral}
  • Force Barrier (Strong) {Neutral}
  • Force Concealment (Strong) {Neutral}
  • Force Heal (Average) {Neutral}
  • Force Listening (Very Strong) {Neutral}
  • Telepathy (Strong) {Neutral}
  • Force Absorb (Very Strong) {Neutral}
  • Force Hibernation (Strong) {Neutral}
  • Midi-Chlorian Manipulation (Average) {Dark}
  • Force Grip (Strong) {Dark}
  • Force Drain (Very Strong) {Dark}
  • Force Slow (Strong) {Dark}
  • Force Corrupt (Strong) {Dark}
  • Force Lightning (Average) {Dark}



So begins...

Darth Feero's Story

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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#, as written by Awinita
The massive Super Star Dreadnought, The Emperors Fury, floated over the brackish water below as it moved through the serene area the commander of ther ship reported to the only real human resident. "We have arrived as ordered M'Lady"

"Good, scanners ?"

"Nothing appears"

heh, Droids relied on technology, Chiss too. No matter. Sony thought as she reached out with her senses and the Force. Finding a few levers within the Force she activated them, the sensors came alive with data, a hidden fortress that floated over the water, they were there. "Ready for my departure, I will take HK-55 with me"

"Yes m'lady, and the ship ?"

"Remain close, I may need to exfil quickly...." She stood to leave, stopping at the door as an afterthought she said "have the medical ward prepared as well, I or someone I return with may need medical aid"

"yes M'lady"

Sony then went and exited the ship by her personal shuttle, the J3 Ghost floated from the massive Harrower SSD and headed towards the great black fortress.

"Observation: The scenery is lovely to blow up, hopefully there are meatbags to destroy within. Query: Do you have anything you want me to kill master to improve your mood ?" HK-55 asked

Sony smiled and shook her head "We will find out when we get there. I may have to do this alone, cover me when I leave."

"Yes master"

Moments later and Sony, clad in dark blood red clothing, stepped from the ship, her doublebladed Vibrosword in hand ready for use, she felt a strong pull of the Force within the fortress, now it was time to explore. Sword ready she went deeper into the fortress

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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There was a presence...a strong presence...a familiar presence...

He didn't move from the center of the "room" he occupied, nor did he react when the presence began making it's way towards him. He kept his eyes shut and simply tracked the movement. He was well aware of what the outside of the fortress looked and looming like everything else in this ocean. It was almost like a ruins on the outside, the walls worn and weathered from the constant pounding of water during storms. Though there was a bit of technology that stood out on the outside. An Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport that looked much more tech-savvy than the surrounding landscape. Something physical that would tell the presence that someone was in this ruins.

As it drew closer, he began to discover more about this presence...a well-versed Force user of some kind, he gathered. It was lucky he had concealed his Force-capable side of himself, not to mention the fact that he was a master at it. Otherwise, this presence would know whom it was, she...was meeting. The element of surprise was a useful one to have when it came to potentially dangerous encounters. And he was processing more and more about this female Force user with every passing second...

And so he waited among the ruins...waited for the arrival of the woman he knew from long ago...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Sony was skilled in the Force, so skilled that she could conceal herself with it, become one, if so briefly, with the Force in such a manner that none saw her at all, heck, not even technology could sense her either. Doing just that Sony faded from all senses, vut she could still sense and hone in on the only other life form, at least living, mortal, not a droid, in the fortress.

Turning a corner, she expected a trap, but only saw an empty room. Vibroswordstaff drawn she stepped into it, She felt the other close, too close. The door never closed.

The room was empty. Execept for some technology on the far wall she was alone. And the sense and feeling of another extremely powerful force user was near as well. She could sense it with every fibre of her being.

A flick of her wrist and her doublebladed vibrosword was ready. It was now or never.

She dropped the Force Cloak, her Force signautre pretty much a few million jigawatts of energy blinding out everything else in the room,

Well, everything but the only other Force user there.

The same man she had her back exposed to as she searched through the datafiles as to who was there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

The man didn't even blink, so much as move, at the sudden appearance of the Force User in the room. He'd long since noticed the cloaking of her own Force abilities and had stopped searching. The Force always had a way to bring people together, no matter what they did about it. While Jedi and Sith were in control of it's power and energy, they could never control it's essence or purpose. Thus, it was a joint partnership between a Force User and the Force.

But he needed to talk.

"Finding what you're looking for?" he asked calmly after he watched her search for a few seconds. He remained stationary, his head lowered so as to hide his features underneath his own black cloak. The only visible part of him was the stubble of a beard on his chin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
One hand searched the files, the other simply angled the vibrosword towards Feero behind her to keep him at bay, the design of the Siths outfit alone left much to be desired and left a lot to the imagination in recent days, black and gold in color, the top left many Twi-like dancing girls to shame whereas the bottom was a full skirt, vbut it did nothing to restrict movement and only gave her better ability to distract her enemies

"perhaps I am, perhaps I am not. Or perhaps just I did" She turned her gaze towards him, her brilliant white hair had seen much dirt, and her eyes showed the dark side strong within her ; her eyeshadow made her look as if she were wearing a red mask of a sort around her eyes, and countless scars adorned her face and neck. But it was her amber eyes that glowed edged in yellow as she looked at him.

He did not fell familar, yet there was something about him that made him feel familar, "Who are you ?" She asked simply, her tone one of authority, after all she was second only to the Sith Emperor, her father, Vitiate. Which made her head of the Dark Council

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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Darth Feero raised his head slightly, not enough to give telling features about him, but enough for the woman to see the patient smile on his face. "Not your enemy, for one," He pointed towards the blade of the Vibrosword pointed directly at him. "Though I can understand how cautious one can be...especially when meeting a stranger."

He turned around and began walking towards the other end of the room, looking out the window that had a fantastic view of the sea the fortress resided in. "I am Darth Feero, one of the more notable Sith Lords. But you carry much more in your name than I do, Sonyjae." He pronounced the full name with no fail in pronunciation or hesitation in usage.

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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#, as written by Awinita
Sony was silent, her mind reeled at how perfect Feero had spoken her name. Nobody did that aside of her father or Darth Marr! And most of the time Marr called her Darth Nix or Darth Knox or some crap that made little sense since she took Darth Thanatons place on the Dark Council.

But it did not matter.


What mattered was this man spoke her name clearly, perfectly, like her own father did. that put her on a deeper edge as she never lowered or moved her blade. She simply stood there siolent. Watching him

Finalyl she spoke. "Outside of Zash, and Thanaton, and others on the Dark Council..... Cant say I've heard of you." Which was true, she never did learn that she had a brother, one far older. Yet here she was, a mere Arkanian offshoot, being head of the Dark Council in her fathers name.

"Then again Zash was a fool, and Thanaton, a coward" Sony said turning back to the data, HK chirped in her ear that he had a solid connection and was slicing the files, "Zash plotted against me, wanted my body to be her vessel, old fool. She's dead now. But Thanaton. There was a thorn in my side I had to clear on my own. It was not easy either." Finally the chirp came the files had been copied over. perfect

She turned back to Feero. "How do you know me ? Most sith stay away from the Dark Council, and most on the Dark Council fear my wrath when I decide to do shit." She still had her Vibrosword ready for use.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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And then came the dilemma. How does one tell another that they were related through the blood of the almighty Emperor? Brash people would come right out and say it, expecting the other to understand completely. Hesitant individuals tried to bead around the bush and break it in slowly. Satirist tried to incorporate it within a joke so that it wouldn't hit as hard.

But Darth Feero was none of those things. He had his own way of telling her.

"Oh, your wrath has it's own reputation, much further from you," he explained cryptically as he seemingly stared from under the shadow of the cowl. "After all, rumors and exaggerations tend to travel faster than the truth. But you are already too suspicious of me to let words explain. So, I will show you. Use the Force to sense discover who I am."

And with that, he let down his barrier. His Force Concealment dropped and his aura could be sensed easily by Sony, if her reputation as a mighty Sith Lord and as member of the Dark Council prevailed. It wouldn't take long for the young one to feel the feel the relation between them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
For a long moment Sony said nothing; time slowed to a halt and her father appeared into a dreamworld she once more walked in. "Ah yes" Valkorions words rang with a dark echo. "The first son I had with a woman not of Dromund Kaas, a generation before your mother on Taris" He said

"And you never told me I had any siblings aside from Arcann, Thexan, and Vaylin ?" Sony retorted with a grunt of brief anger as Valkorion brought up his hands

"I had every intention of my daughter Vaylin bring brought low and you taking the Eternal Throne. My focus had been on that alone. I had forgotten any other ouside influences to try and disuade you" Came the reply

"Why tell me this now ?" Sony asked giving her father a dark look

"Sooner or later the truth was to come about, it was best for you to find it on your own." He turned to regard Feero, standing there with his hood covering his face "This man, known only to other Sith within the Sith Empire, is Feero, he is your brother. through through my blood. But not your mother. Because I am your father by blood, as well as his father by blood, you are not half siblings in any manner, but true blooded siblings."

"Wont this put a spanner in the plan then for the Throne of Vaylin ?" Sony asked

"No" Valkorion shook his head and turned to her "The Eternal Throne is destined, for you, regardless of his bloodline or link to you as family, you are the one to inhereit the throne regardless"

"And if I choose not to trust him ?" Sony said thoughtfully

"That is for you to decide" Her father faded from view and she focused on Feero as time sped back up.

Sony smirked and sheathed her vibrosword on her back, "Hello..... Brother" She said, her amber red eyes glowed with dark fury and power as she spoke before she stepped closer to him, raising a hand towards his hood, "let us see your face...."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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Feero let Sony's hand grab hold of his cowl and pull it back, revealing his features to her. The peppered stubble of his beard was brought further into light and the man's smile was thin and light. His jet black hair was neat and trimmed on his head while his light blue eyes held their own distance against the power and fury sparked within his sister's. His skin was smooth and without any marks on it. But perhaps the most intriguing thing about him was that he didn't flinch...not when Sony moved towards him. Not when Sony touched him. Not when Sony stared at him, trying to instill fear within him. He was resistant to all of it.

"Hello Sister," he replied, tone steady as ever, "How is our father doing?" The question sounded general enough to be completely oblivious to the fact that she had just talked to her father in a dreamworld state. But his piercing gaze and unwavering poker face would likely keep Sony guessing about whether he really had known about the conversation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Sony stood inches from her brother after gently removing his hood. Taking in his smooth skin of his face, neatly trimmed beard and hair, her own long brilliant hair was in dire need of cleaning thanks to recent happenings and whereas his face was smooth skin without damage of any kind, her own skin was scarred heavily from constant battles, and also life as a Slave for several years. But what unnerved her slightly was how calm he was. Had he truly been expecting her ?

The sheer power held within her body was one that made even the Dark Council fear her. Hell, even Darth Thanaton feared her enough to duel her and lose dearly. And only Darth Marr had stood up for her, placing her in the post of where her father normally sat. Marr had seen her sheer skill and power. So he put her in her fathers chair, she'd be their link between her father and the Dark Council.

But things were different in the galaxy.

The Eternal Empire, her fathers greatest dream, with her at its head, was nearing complete total galactic domination, and now her father was within her body. And with her youngest sister, Vaylin, now commanding the Eternal Fleet, and the Empire with it. Well, Sony knew then she'd need all the allies she could get.

She smiled thinly at his question, it was a simple question too. How was Father ? Well, how could she tell him their father was dead ? Was it fully possible to do just that ? And now their father was inside her She felt a chuckle from her father over her brothers question. Saying simply "He sends his regards."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

For a moment, there was tension building silence between the two of them. Feero didn't react to Sony's small statement that also contained massive implications. He knew his father had died not too long ago. As to how and why, he never knew, but he had his theories. One of them was standing in front of him, and he would not be surprised if that held true. After all, the Sith worked and operated rather formally and typically didn't have a place for blood to triumph over power. The only excepting being, of course, that Sony was the next heir to the title of Emperor...but he had his theories on that subject as well.

"I'll skip the small talk," Feero said objectively, "I'm not after your position or your entitlement. I never have been. Our father wanted you to hold dominion over the Sith and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. But I do need help from one of the most formidable Jedi trackers in the galaxy and your qualifications fit the subject I had in mind quite nicely."

Feero made a passing glance over the document drive she had recently copied files over, "Unless, of course, you're busy..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Sony had a faint smile laying on her lips when her brother just went right to the chase, he didnt want her power, or what their father wanted for her. Instead he wanted her help in finding someone ? Well, he sure found the right person. One thing was for sure, he had no idea how close to the markhe was concerning just who took down their father. The first time, it was indeed a Jedi, a feline creature too, an alien had taken down their father, in his throne room. But it was her, Sonyjae herself, who had taken their fathers life on Zakuul. And it wasnt until she was woken from the Carbonite when he revealed who he was to her.

She held up the datacrard she had cpopied files onto. "This ? making me busy ? Once I get this to HK I am pretty much free for whatever." She smirked, "What do you need ? A Jedi hunted down ? A Wayward Apprentice trying for your space ? Or is it something more personal ?" Any one of those could be the correct guess, it was actual truth that she had no idea just what he wanted her to find, or rather, who.

Sony was placed at the head of the council, and Feero himself said it, he didnt want her power base or entitlekment, their father had that in mind her her and her alone. And it was up to her, as her father had said, to trust him or not. And she chose then to trust him. "I trust that you mean for me to find.... whatever it is you wish me to find, in one piece, alive, and you wont send others after me to ensure such happens ?" Most sith had other interesteds and wanted those interest intact

Time all but stopped as her fathers voice rang in her ears "He means his word, he seeks someone lost to him, and it is not you. yet he means to help you gain what you too has lost. you choose to trust him with your life ?" He asked her, at her mental word of yes, he simply nodded "Very well" time sped back up as he faded away.

She waited for his information of who she was to seek.

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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"Actually, all three of those options hold some levy of truth to them," Feero's own small, polite smile showed. "Years ago, I had a Sith apprentice of my own. I rescued him from the planet Nim Drovis from a slaver. I trained him in the ways of the Dark Side and eventually, I brought him back to enact revenge on the slaver who treated him complete his training and to turn him completely to the Dark Side. Unfortunately...this had catastrophic results. Long story short, it's five years later and I haven't a clue about his whereabouts. Not anymore. The latest report I have from him is a sighting over by the Gray Jedi Temple and that was two years ago. You may have seen a report or two detailing an individual known as 'The Lost Sith'."

"That is why I need your help, sister. I fear he is slowly turning over to the Jedi. If he does that, he will become a major threat to the Sith, a fate I know you will not want with your future plans being prepared. We must covert him back to our side. Or, if necessary...kill him." Feero tone remained constant, but Sony might've been able to catch a slight change in his that could've represented the ghost of sadness.

"I would like him alive if at all possible, however," he continued like normal. "I still believe the boy could be very useful to us. His skills are one of a kind. Especially in saber combat. They could even rival your skill in that regard, so be careful. Though his weakness is in the Force. His talents there are varied, but dismal overall. You will likely best him there."

"I do not need to send scouts to survey you as I believe your skills will be enough. Nor do I think you will try to cross me. I figure you want this boy in my possession as much as I do."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Sony took less then a minite to proccess just what her brother told her, then less then that to figure out exactly what thread the Lost Sith posed to her eventual conquest of the galaxy at the head of the Eternal Throne on Zakuul. She then took less than that to think up her reply, which was simple. "You're right."

Wait what ?

She stepped away from Feero in thought, thinknig aloud, "I have seen news reports on the HoloNet on Dromund Kaas, and also on various planets including Zakuul, Corellia, and Mimban. The lost Sith is a forminable fighter. Skill that matches my own as you said. that is true, for the holorecordings of him in battle prove his skill. They prove he could be a threat." She nodded then turning back to him, a hand cross over her chest, supporting her right elbow as she tapped her chin before waving a hand. "No, it will do both of us no good if he becomes a Jedi, or even thinks of such a thing. jhe would pose more of a threat to the galaxy overall than to any one sith."

She turned back to her brother, a calmer serene look to her face and tone, her amber eyes glowed brightly with the Force behind them. "I will capture him alive, I will take him to Zakuul and meet you here, At fathers palace" She gave her brother then a datacard, it had the location of the Dragon Palace, the home of Vaylin, and at one point, the home of their father.

Finally she smiled and said to him, "I trust you.... Brother, more than I trust myself, do not betray me"

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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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3.50 INK

Feero returned the expression as he bowed his head slightly, "You have my word."

As Sony left to finish her latest mission and start a new one, Feero lingered a moment longer, watching the sky beginning to darken as the sun set behind the gray clouds that covered...well, basically the entire planet. This planet thrived in shades of grey so much, it seemed to appear like a sketch in a sketchbook. The water was black. The fortress was black.

And Feero's soul was black.

"Sadr," he murmured, "You will come back to me."

The setting changes from The Great Black Water to Perseus Arm


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A lone vessel dropped out of Hyperspace near a desolate area of space, the mining zone as it was known had a ring of cities known as the Rings of Krath, it was there that Sony made her home. It wasnt Zakuul, but it'd do fine. The Fury Intercepter was home. and Sony was still without her nose.

What the hell punched me this time ?

She had stumbled into her ship, HK had lost their targets, she had no idea where they went, but she could track them. HK helped her to the medical ward where her Dashade healed her as best it could. But Sony still lost her nose for some time.

Finally she was home. Flxeing her hand she her fingers first spread out, then stiffened into a form as a globe of black and purple energy formed, The Dark Side had many healing abilies. This was just one. Dark Heal could only do so much. A random passerby was her target this time to drain life from.

Finally her holotable went off with a notice. Turning towards it the woman activated it and stepped back. Hetr nose rebuilt perfectly. "This is Empress Sonyjae." She said, using her offical title as Empress of the Eternal Throne. She wasnt expected the cloaked, and hooded form of who else, but her brother. "Hello Lord Feero... Miss me ?"


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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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The holographic projection summoned from the table was that of a man whose features remained submerged in a black coat. Only his nose peeked into the light where he stood on the other end. Despite being a semi-fuzzy holographic projection, his aura seemed to bleed over through the of calculative thought and unreadable emotion. Only...there was emotion. So faint and barely present, yet with enough conviction to lay out the tension in the tonality of his words. He spoke gravely and with purpose:

"Seeing as the greatest tracker in the Sith still hasn't caught my apprentice, I'd be honest to say you haven't quite earned the right to play coy to me, dear sister."

The deadpan voice had a tiny bite to it, signifying the weight of his words and what they meant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Sony smirked, since her brother towered over her on the holo tank she looked up at him. When they were truly the same hieght. "You need not worry of me being coy dear brother. The one we seek got away, and he had help from unknown means of skill and power matching or surpassing my own. But the tracker is placed" Her mind went back briefly to the brief moment she had broushed against Sadr's cloak, placing the tracking device in it before the Force Hound attacked.

"I lost track of the tracker upon it entering a system of Kazzei in the Inner Rim. Do you know of it ?" Kazzei as in, the Force Temple, the Jeid and Sith Archives both were housed there, and it was in the Inner Rim ? That didnt make much sense but it worked in some ways.

If Feero was trying to be mad or instilling fear towards her, it didnt work, with dear old dad living in her head, it took more than a upset Sith Lord to make her scared.


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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Darth Feero
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Darth Feero was already a step ahead, "Kazzei...the Force Temple...peculiar. It wouldn't be like him to go to such a place."

He looked directly at Sony, "What did you see when you fought against him? What kind of power was it?"