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The Directive Enforcement Department (DED) is one of the largest and most powerful branches of CONCORD, also known as the Varden.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Varden


Core Operations

The DED is the police force and paramilitary wing of CONCORD and is by far the strongest armed force in Ayenee or Eden that doesn’t pledge fealty to any one empire. The main responsibility of the DED is to track high-profile criminals and attack criminal facilities. Among the other responsibilities of the DED is aiding customs officials in patrolling areas where smuggling is rife.

Additional Operations

In addition, the DED takes care of all kinds of security issues regarding meetings and conferences between the empires, they lend ships for operations by the other branches of the CONCORD, and they often support local law enforcement in dealing with large-scale criminal activity or similar matters. DED ships are equipped with the latest surveillance technology and are considered a great support for customs patrols. The DED’s jurisdiction had been limited to space but in recent years they have been authorized to operate in stations and on planets.


They frequently operate outside empire space, wanting criminals to understand that there is nowhere safe from the long arm of the law. However, the power of DED, and in fact the whole of CONCORD, differs widely between the various empires, or even between different regions of any one empire, as local governments often oppose strong DED presence for one reason or another. The DED has yet to gain any significant foothold in the outer regions.

Bounty Hunter Operation

Bounty hunters, or ‘independent contractors’ as the DED euphemistically refers to them, are often used by the paramilitary arm of CONCORD when it is tracking and pursuing criminals. The DED also handles the licensing of bounty hunters for the empires, although some empires have been known to bypass the DED in special circumstances. Additionally, since the rise of the independent pilots, empire corporations routinely make use of them for so-called ‘kill missions.’


Magnificent to behold in peace and terrible to behold in war, the CONCORD vessels are a culmination of the combined technology of the five empires. They are used to police empire space and are slowly replacing the use of the racial vessels within CONCORD fleets.

All CONCORD ships are well balanced and use armor systems, aurora shield systems, and damage control systems. Point defense systems dot the outer hull of the ship at strategic locations and a deployable reactive nanite cloud can destroy or disable enemy projectile and missiles before they make contact with the ship’s shields.

CONCORD ships are powered through the use of multiple antimatter reactors supported by scrith lined naquadah fusion reactors feeding EDLNAC (Electric Double-Layer Nanite Assisted Capacitors) and SMESD (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Devices) for sustained operation. CONCORD ships use naquadah as a fuel source and water to maintain their life support systems but can also use Hydrogen, Helium, or Boron.

Drift, CONCORD Corvette

The Drift class corvette is CONCORD’s workhorse. This battle ship sized vessel has the maneuverability and versatility of an Ayen racial strategic cruiser. With the introduction of the drift drive it is perhaps the fastest vessel in the multiverse with exception to some prototypes not in main stream production by CONCORD and the Ayen racial navies. This is in reference to the ship’s maximum interstellar and intergalactic speed. They are still not as maneuverable as their frigate cousins as the ship’s advanced propulsion systems cannot completely overcome inertia and the vessel’s larger mass.

Other comparisons can be made in reference to the vessel. Its navigation and sensor suites are top of the line by CONCORD’s standards and exceed the capabilities of racial force recon ships. These ships make excellent reconnaissance vessels with the use of their cloaking systems and cynosural and covert cynosural field generation capability. They hold their own in both a logistical support role and as electronic warfare platforms.

The corvettes are equally comfortable at range or brawling, able to hold their own against their marauder class racial counterparts as far as destructive capability and with their stout and well-rounded defenses. They are also able to perform well in the same niche as the black-operations battleships as they come fit with a covert jump portal generator.

Their offensive abilities center around the use of direct energy phaser systems (PHASed Energy Rectification) and hybrid munitions (Blasters and Railguns) when using their main turret systems. They have a bomb launcher bay and the ability to deploy a myriad of devices using the launcher system. Like most ships of Ayenee and Eden they have a drone bay and the ability to deploy a number of drones for various purposes.

Their relatively small cargo bays do not allow for extended periods of deployment without support but can house a platoon sized element with supporting equipment while still supporting ship staff for a month without resupply.

Manufacturer: CONCORD
Platform: Drift
Model: Drift
Class: Corvette, Ayen Battleship
Cost: 14.4 Billion ISC

• Dimensions: 1552 M, 620.8 M, 776 M,
• Surface Area: Approximately 5299148.8 m^2
• Maximum Acceleration: 23,704 G
• FTL Range: 1.9 Trillion LY
• Engine Units: 50* Federation Navy M30 1MN Plasma Thrusters, 5*Federation Navy M27 100MN Plasma Engines, 10*Federation Navy M21 10MN Afterburners, 5*Federation Navy M13 Battleship Class Microwarpdrive Spools, Federation Navy M4 Battleship Class Micro Jump Drive, 2* Federation Navy M3 Battleship Class Warp Core, CONCORD M1 Battleship Class Drift Drive, Federation Navy M6 Battleship Class Jump Drive
• Reactor: 8*HOHI M12 Scrith Lined Naquadah Fusion Reactors (One reactor's peak output is 90.72 Exajoules/second.), 4 HOHI M6 Anti-Matter Reactors (One reactor's peak output after containment cost is 272.16 Exajoules/second.)
• Energy Storage: 16*Turifer Battleship Class M7 EDLNAC (One capacitor battery can store 3630.088 Exajoules and discharge/recharge 1000 Exajoules.), 8*Turifer Battleship Class M3 SMESD (One storage device can store 27210.6 Exajoules and discharge or recharge at 4000 Exajoules/second. SMESD can not discharge and recharge at the same time.)
• Drive Modes: Conventional Drive (269813.21 km/second) Warp Drive (8000AU/second or 0.126500059 light years/second), Drift Drive (12650005.9 light years/second), Micro Jump Drive (Instant on grid jump with line of sight.), Jump Drive (Unlimited/Instant)
• Defensive Systems:
- Shield: State Navy M4 Battleship Class Aurora Array (Max Total Area Capacity Energy Mitigation: 285 Teratons, 1192440 EJ Exajoules, or about 53.7822225 MT/m^2/s with decreasing value after resistance and field dispersion.), State Navy M4 Battleship Class Shield Booster (Max Shield Boost: 4000 Exajoules/second or 191204.59 Megatons/second.), State Navy M4 Adaptive Invulnerability Field (Resistance profile shift on command of five percent/second from 70/70/80/80 and up to 95 with a max shift of 15.), State Navy M4 Battleship Class 800 Injector (Max Shield Boost: 8000 Exajoules/second or 1912045.9 Megatons/second for ten seconds with a reload of ten seconds and thirty charge max per deployment.)
- Armor: Imperial Navy M4 10MM Reactive Plate, CONCORD 10MM Rearden Plate, CONCORD M3 3200MM AVUPDNCP (Adamant, Vibranium, Uru, Graphite Powder, Aggregated Diamondine Nanorod, Nanite, Composite Plate), Imperial Navy M7 10MM Nanite Hexagon Mesh, 10MM Adamant Inner Hull Plate, Imperial Navy M7 Battleship Class Armor Repairer (Max Repair: 1M by 1M/second for 10000 Exajoules/second.), Imperial Navy M7 Reactive Armor Hardner (Resistance profile shift on contact of five percent/second from 80/80/70/70 and up to 95 with a max shift of 15.), 10MM CONCORD CORE Uru Lay Rods
- Hull: State Navy M7 Damage Control, Imperial Navy Adamant/ADNR (Aggregated Diamondine Nanorod.) Reinforced Bulkheads
- Other: 50*Dominion Point Defense System, Reactive Nanite Cloud, Telikos Protocol
• Offensive:
Under Construction...
• Other Noteworthy Equipment: 2*Imperial Navy M7 Battleship Class Remote Armor Transfer, 2*Imperial Navy M8 Battleship Class Remote Power Transfer, 2*State Navy M7 Battleship Class Remote Shield Transfer, 4*CONCORD M4 Multispectral ECM, 4*CONCORD M4 Multispectral ECCM, 2* Federation Navy M9 Sensor Boosters, Federation Navy M10 Covert Jump Portal Generator, Federation Navy M13 Cynosural Field Generator, Federation Navy M10 Covert Cynosural Field Generator, CONCORD M1 Cynosural Signature Beacon, Imperial Navy M12 Heavy Capacitor Booster (Max Power Boost: 8000 Exajoules/second for ten seconds with a reload of ten seconds and thirty charge max per deployment.), 10* CONCORD M7 Multispectral Footprint Dampener, CONCORD M8 Covert Cloaking Device
• Crew: 102 Crew members with ships' officers included, 32 DUST Soldiers

So begins...

DED's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choi Character Portrait: Victor Bespalov Character Portrait: The Crimson Legion Character Portrait: DED
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#, as written by Varden
Ní bheidh mé a thabhairt suas
I will never surrender
Beidh muid saor in aisce ar an domhan agus spéir
We'll free the earth and sky
Scriosann mo chroí i luaithrigh
Crush my heart into embers
Agus beidh mé ag lasair
And I will reignite
Beidh mé lasair
I will reignite

The J-QOKQ flashed and a gate cloak was discarded. The single corvette started to perform an active system scan and deployed probes. Space itself seemed to vibrate as the ship performed the scan. Its shining hull turned back to the gate and sat close as it finished. It was unlikely that anyone in the Crimson Legion would know why the ship had come but any native could tell them that it had come because of the beacon sound and the incursion of the Kraed twenty years ago. This lone corvette had come because of the zero-one.

The CONCORD corvette is about the same size as a typical Ayen battleship. It is the most common CONCORD ship seen in high security space and it has the distinction of being one of the fastest ships in the multiverse. On incursion missions such as this not even pirates normally aligned against them are eager to aggress their ships.

The setting changes from New Cobalt Edge to Orion Spur


Characters Present

Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Lobos
"A pleasure as well. I'm Captain Jovis Korsican, and this is Agent Si Vern and Agent Logan Combs. Lastly, the man behind me is Jester." The Captain extended his hand, himself in the nondescript uniform of any other operator of the vessel. Identifying signatures were all displayed on the integrated neural implants of the general population on the ship, an implementation designed to prevent visible rankings from allowing target isolation. The Agents were clad in the signature armored coat of their branch, while Jester was dressed merely in formal casual attire.

"Apologies in advance if we showed up at an inconvenient time. Investigation, ironically was more of an excuse than serious inquiry." The man chuckled. "We've been stuck on that rock keeping a low profile for a while now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Varden
He waved off the apology. "We were already on edge and expecting far less friendly company before your arrival. There is no need to apologize. The cynosural field is like a Solari Pilater Day Parad. It can attract all kinds of unwanted attention." He shook Jovis's hand with a firm grip and looked about the area they were in after releasing his hand. "I am Admiral Aaric Arlan of CONCORD and the current pilot/captain of the Tiománaí. You have a fine ship here."

He assumed they would want to go elsewhere to discuss why CONCORD was there, matters of diplomacy, or of trade.

CONCORD had no choice but to display rank on their uniforms and on their equipment because of how many different organizations they had to deal with on a day to day basis in Ayenee and Eden.

Cynosural Field: A cynosural field, also known colloquially as a "cyno", is a cosmic anomaly that acts as a pseudo-gravity well. With the correct calibration information, jump drives and bridges can lock onto the field and create what resembles a portal to the destination anywhere in the universe for instantaneous travel.

Solari Pilater Day Parad: A loud event on a day of celebration dedicated to the Solari war hero, Pilater. It is strictly a Solari holiday and those that honor Pilater get very intoxicated in their revelry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Ikiros
Around a thousand kilometers from where the two ships were docked, the one being massive in size, a ship smaller than the smaller docked ship cruised through the void. Her super-luminal engines were shutdown for the time being, as the pilot had wanted to avoid risking damage to his ship had the cyno still been active. The tan-colored ship, only forty to fifty percent larger than any standard military assault spacecraft, slowed down to a crawl as it came close enough to gain visual contact with the much larger ships nearby.

Within the confines of the cockpit of the ship, the bounty hunter Tenna read over his instrument panels and vid-screens to determine whether or not the ships were hostile. He sighed, not recognizing either from his experience. Rather than trying to make a break for it, which would likely alert the others to his presence, he powered down what systems he could and turned on a stealth system he referred to as Chameleo.

As the system booted up, the ship's outer surface shimmered slightly before melting from sight, the starlight from behind him shining through. Tenna kept his attention on the monitors, his curiosity over the goings on nearby overwhelming his caution. He opened a Coms channel, allowing to scan for the frequency the other ships might be using for outbound transmissions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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The Cynosural field seemed to attract a bit more than an errant bounty hunter, or anyone else that came to investigate.

In the dead space where the Tiomanai and the Apophis were meeting, a single FTL jump flashed in at the very fringes of the grid as the Ayen would term it. The FTL jump presented a ship, no more than a few hundred meters in length, and coated in a dark colored hull.

The Reverence S Class Stealth Corvette is a state of the art Aschen reconnaissance vessel, equipped with an advanced sensor suite, Electronic Countermeasures, and ECW Systems. Virtually undetectable, these ships monitor communications, and act as an advance warning for the Imperial Fleet.

The vessel drifted for a few seconds, before it's Luminomagnetic plating shifted, and light began to bend around the vessel, causing it to slowly fade out of visuals, shifting into what could be described as sunlight shimmering on water, until the phase cloaking kicked on and the ship disappeared entirely from sensors.

"No doubt it was a Cyno, there's Varhegs somewhere in this sector." A lieutenant reported, as he turned to the ship's Commander. The Commander however turned and shook his head. "Run us dark and start monitoring communications. We're in dead space, so we'll need to open up wide-spectrum systems, and run a gravity scan of the area. If anything's out there, we'll be able to pick up on it's gravity well if it's cloaked." The Commander said, while the Aschen ship slipped silently through the void of space.

"Gravity scans might reveal our position, Commander." The XO protested. "We're also in what is claimed as TNG space, discretion is prudent." The XO Added, and the Commander nodded. "Gravity scans, we'll need to report our findings to SOLCOM so they can dispatch a fleet. If that's indeed a Cyno and there's Varhegs here, we'll have to signal the fleet, the Ordo Xenos was clear that anyone with Varden Affiliation is an enemy of the Empire, and must be purged."

The XO nodded.

"Emperor's wish, our command." He relented, before he keyed up the AI.

"Initiate gravity scans of the sector, report findings to the Commander. If you find anything, signal the fleet." The XO ordered.

"Acknowledged..." The AI Parroted back, and the lone Aschen stealth Corvette began gravity scans of the system, with maximum sensor ranges up to 50 SU. With the Gravity scanner, given that most ships had sufficient mass to have a discernible gravity field, the scanner was even capable of detecting the ship's own artificial gravity, and thus this particular form of scanning was difficult to hide from unless specific countermeasures were deployed

"Two signatures." The Lieutenant reported, turning to the Commander. "We have one cloaked signature, and confirmed visuals on the second... there's a... Gods damn look at the size of that thing.." The Lieutenant said, trying to pull a better look.

"That one looks like a UDW Configuration and the other...." The Lieutenant said.

"By the Lords..."

The Lieutenant's eyes went wide, and he turned to the Commander. "There's a Varheg ship there, docked with the UDW Ship."

The Commander nodded. "Log the visual data, the Ordo Xenos is going to want to know about this..."

While the ship was running through Phase, the transphase arrays allowed the ship to observe it's surroundings while out of phase, this 'periscope' of sorts would appear as a sensor anomaly, static and noise where there normally was none. A strange soupy series of electronic signals coming from nothingness. A grey pebble in a field of black pebbles. A proverbial needle in a haystack.

"Log those two ships, and work on finding the second signature." The Commander ordered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Lobos
Grinning crookedly, Korsican had to admire the man's credentials, pinging the Hound's implants. Nodding their heads, they ventured off elsewhere as the captain allowed Jester to lead the way to one of the ship's conference rooms nearest the bay. The Agents Vern and Combs excused themselves, also splitting from the group.

Once ensconced within the conference room, Jovis glanced about, using his implant to raise seats, adjusting the lighting, and opening a channel to Comms. A burst of signal carried a message to get a secure signal to the Vice Admiral Grieves on Terra, while he came to rest next to the conference table, leaving the Admiral his pick of seating. Jester flicked a hand over a sensitive panel, drawing out a holographic control unit, extruding a bulkhead seat and placing himself in it.

"We're working on establishing a channel to a local superior who has the authority to make some decisions above my paygrade, but we can begin as you please. What Jester and I can't answer, we'll let you know."

Jester nodded, finally speaking himself. His voice was oddly modulated, masking any form of accent and concealing personal nuances. "Precisely. And while it might be assumed such subjects are mostly anything of substance, while I bow to Captain Korsican in matters of naval importance," the man smiled slightly. "I outrank him politically. It's an unusual arrangement in our government, but simple enough, with familiarity."

Elsewhere, on the bridge, Sensor team was busy keeping an eye around, interfaced with one of the Apophis' six AI's. Sifting through terrabytes of data at speeds nearly incomprehensible to a standard human mind, anomalies were taken note of. Faint drifts of energy, some cosmic radiation, yet between the twelve man team and the dedicated cycles of the AI Minerva, they pored over each as would wolves scenting for a trail. And currently, a pair of the flagged signatures were attracting large amounts of attention.

>Looks like flare bleed.<
>Don't think so. Those particles are distorted, by if you apply a twist to them, the arrangement appears artificial. Minerva<
>Agreed. Percentages of artificial origin scale higher than unusual natural phenomenon. Concurrence: We have guests.<
>Start doing flash panes, EM spectrum. Might get lucky, find a hole in the coverage.<

Sensor began to trigger burst imaging pulses around the ship, starting with EM spectrum images. This turned the data image of the surrounding space into shades of color, representing baseline cosmic radiation, with "hotspots", indicating cleanly identified cosmic bodies. It was a relatively low tech version of hunting around, made high tech by the UDW's overlay of simulated hotspots of non-visible shading differences. The addition of these points used detection through a sudden cut off of the overlayed images signal for seconds at a time, adding more points of masking to the background with which to isolate a ship running dark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Varden
Aaric allowed himself to be escorted. When they came to the conference room he took a seat when others did. He had to remove the assault rifle from his back to take a proper seat. The weapon ended up leaning against his thigh as he sat, muzzle down. "I would think you have questions and the most pressing one should be what brings CONCORD to the Orion Spur. Peace brings us to the Milky Way. The nations of the planet Terra deserve to know who attacked the Great Seto Bridge. There is also the attack on Sullen Enterprise Confederation that must be investigated."

He motioned with his hands as he spoke. "If we did this ourselves then our findings would lack credibility. The recently passed council member, Warden John Rosenthal set events in motion before his death that would have the Invictus investigate the bridge bombing which we fear has roots deep in Ayenee. Our galaxy is far distant and to explore it without guide is to court death."

He would not ask why this huge vessel had remained on Terra for so long or if any government on Terra knew of it previously. The Union of Dark Worlds had always dealt with its neighbors with fairness from what CONCORD understood of them. They were not xenophobic like the Aschen and they were not imperialistic like the Taiyou. They were large enough to make a fair trading partner, unlike Terra. UCON and the Sullen Enterprise Confederation were the only other two that had been considered but SEC's internal political situation appeared to be shaky at best.

"We had actually wanted to meet with the UDW for quite some time now to discuss future trade arrangements that could benefit everyone involved, UDW, CONCORD, and the many multitudes of other organizations in Onyx. The universe is so big and so much of it is as of yet, unexplored. Even with each of our government's respective knowledge and technology there're still so many gaps in our quest for complete understanding."

ImageImageAround the CONCORD ship, what the Aschen called the Varheg ship were small drones. This Varheg name was based of the unit that came to liberate Terra from them initially, the Varden and the word hegemony. 'Varden' is the ancient word in their common language for the title of Warden which all members of CONCORD carry. The aforementioned drones were camera drones accompanied by a single APD.

While the current pilot of the ship was monitoring the local space she did not yet have cause for concern. The closer the Reverence S Class Stealth Corvette got the more likely it was that the Tiománaí pilot would dispatch its drones to investigate the anomaly. Unusual changes in direction and off ship communications initiated by the Aschen vessel would also raise suspicion further but if the Aschen vessel was careful and kept some distance, they would never be detected by the Tiománaí.

The setting changes from Orion Spur to New Cobalt Edge


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Crimson Legion Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Nick Succorso Character Portrait: Cobalt Edge Defense Fleet
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#, as written by Varden
The ship activated the gate and exited the system that Choi currently occupied.

Time: YC123
Region: Cobalt Edge
Constellation: 5ZAB-N
Security Level: -0.32
Sovereignty: The Crimson Legion

A few minutes later and the single CONCORD corvette came into the system where the Cobalt Edge Defense Fleet maintained their blockade. A moment later and the corvette was on the 9-7SRQ gate. On this gate there was a truly massive fleet. The tower had been set up. All different sizes of guns aimed at the gate, ready to destroy whatever came through it.

When the corvette came onto the grid with this fleet the space around it vibrated three times. The rumble would be felt throughout the system. The Cobalt Edge fleet parted their ranks as the shimmering space ship moved through. Information was exchanged in the form of video logs and combat recordings. Combat data from the battleships that had engaged the zero-one force were transmitted and reviewed. After a very brief time the corvette vanished into a sphere of lensed space, the gate flashed and released a bolt of searing light in the direction of a distant star. The Cobalt Edge Defense Fleet approuched the gate but did not jump through. CONCORD had entered 9-7SRQ, Zero-One occupied space.

The Cobalt fleet approached the gate now but did not jump through.

The setting changes from New Cobalt Edge to Orion Spur


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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#, as written by Ikiros
The Solitude continued to drift through space, the Chameleo system keeping it visually invisible. While not the most advanced of stealth systems, as it only partially reduced heat and magnetic signatures alongside radio and other EM spectrum gradients, he'd found that most species that were primarily sight-driven found it difficult to track once the system was running properly. The sub-luminal engines cut in, giving a small shift in direction, allowing the bow of the small ship to aim out towards empty space.

Inside, Tenna monitored what he could. His instruments were picking up odd readings, random noise in the background, but he didn't pay it much mind. What had his attention were two of the screens that served as his windows. Instead of the usual visual imagery of the space around him(Because they would act as a panoramic window when under normal use) with his HUD overlays, these two particular screens had been devoted to information.

On one, several lists were appearing and disappearing rapidly as the computer searched through a database of starships, their captains, who they belonged to, and whether they were still in service. It was only partially complete, and even as the mercenary looked back at it for a moment, he doubted it would pull up anything more useful than the alliance each ship came from.

The other screen, however, was showing a three dimensional model, still being formed as information came in. It was a depiction of the two docked ships, how they were coupled, and although it was simply essentially a model of the exterior of them, Tenna's eyes began to pick up on areas that looked suspiciously blank, or those that were more obvious weapon bays. If there was one thing he didn't want, it was for his ship to get shot.

"Damned I'd be if it hadn't been for UCON. I really oughtta make it up to them. Maybe once I pay off my own bounty." He chuckled softly, and as an afterthought he checked to make sure his com-line had been set to one-way. One expletive later and it was, but he was late. Although the signal might have become garbled on it's way through the Chameleo, it was an unmistakable radio transmission that left the Solitude in a sphere at the speed of light.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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The Reverence S Continued to run stealth, slowly and steadily approaching but keeping it's distance once it reached a certain spot. The Reverence S would in fact stop approaching once it was within roughly 10,000km away from the meeting ships.

It was silently gathering sensor readouts, until the advanced Sensor suit got a positive ping on the cloaked ship, and the Commander looked at it on the HUD.

"Doesn't look like anything remarkable. See if you can clean this up and cross reference it with known ship designs." He said, and the Lieutenant nodded.

Though the Solitude was running it's own cloaking, the Bloodraven was running a very sensitive suite of transphasic sensor systems. Picking up on the slightest emissions, as well as comparing slight proximity movements along with high-sensitivity wide-spectrum sensors.

"I need to find out what the UDW Is doing with those Varhegs." The Commander said, narrowing his eyes and watching the scope.

"We need to get someone aboard those ships, but I don't want to risk attracting too much attention." The Commander said, frowning.

"Signal the Fleet, tell them we'll need to bring Jacque aboard to board the enemy ship, and ascertain their intent." The Commander said.

"And then we're going completely dark for awhile." He added.

The AI Nodded, before a transphasic bitstream signal was broadcast back and towards Aschen Space. The Signal to prying eyes would appear little more than hash, or cosmic noise, the sequence lasted roughly two and a half seconds, before it disappeared entirely, and shortly after, the sensor anomalies and the noise that was previously there, also seemed to vanish entirely as the Transphasic arrays disengaged, and the Reverence S Slipped entirely out of phase. At this point it would be completely undetectable, and unable to interact with the realspace plane until it came back into phase.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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A slight smile crossed Jester's face, waving the thought away. "While we have questions of our our, custom dictates that the highest immediate ranking member present leads a conversation of such. Since it seems that decorum is not a current issue then, let's get down to business, shall we say?"

Korsican nodded slightly. "Given our own remote findings from passive overviews, plus our contingent in Volaria who perused over the Volarians take of the data, we'd already come to the conclusion, from our brief contact with a drone that identified as native, that some potential of conflicting sides were at play. Given that nothing more than advisement and perspective was asked, Director Issane chose to leave us out of things. We're still somewhat light on presence in these parts of the Milky Way."

Eyes sliding into focus on something that seemed to be before him, Jovis nodded minutely, glancing at Jester. "Connections are made, pending encryption. ETA eight minutes."

"Comms earning their pay today."

The cue in question came in the form of a burst of binary code, in Morse of all forms. A simple message, translated to "Con. Pend."

The Comm team tasked their AI cycles to preparing the encryption scheme, while collectively setting up the process of spinning up a TD transponder unit. While generating a fair amount of static signature, the transponder bounced the comm signal directly into tunnel space, where it was then either snared by a waiting TD receiver, or "captured" into realspace by a complex and expensive communications unit. Namely, a large suitcase sized device that attended the upper echelon staff and members of the UDW's various branches. While to some, the method might seem an almost paranoid means of security, the nation's forte was discretion and a cultural tendency towards playing behind the scenes was an often prevalent influence on many of their technologies and practices.

Only meters away, and yet isolated in concentration, Sensor was growing decidedly more animated, as filtering through the ether turned up fairly consistent signs of what appeared to be passive sensor sweeps. Echoes of ghosts, yet the combined power of human-AI conglomeration made sense of the meanings hidden in the cosmic energies.

>It's definitely synthetic. There's a patterning, and whatever and whoever it is, they've marked us.<
>Not exactly designed to be stealthy, but we knew that. General isolation of direction?<
A concurrence was met.
>Kick this origin zone over to fire control. If it's friendly or neutral, then we'll be fine. Hostile, it'll never have time to realize the fuck hit it. Anyone isolated signatures on that squeal?<
>Yeah, some small tramp freighter. Glows like a fucking hotspot to EM. Rookies and those optical camo fields.<
>Alright. Maintain watch.<


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ikiros
Tenna watched his monitors as the computer finished searching the database. It had only come up with a name for the larger ship, and an affiliation for the second one. He frowned, then looked over to the model render of the pair. Although there were several obvious weapon placements, the rest of the ship seemed utilitarian in design, almost like it was a refitted cargo ship, rather than a vessel of war. He shrugged. No matter what kinds of ships they were, they were making an awful amount of noise across the board. He smiled, tapping a few buttons before gripping the two control sticks.

"Alright, Solitude, we're gonna run hot-black. Give me full manual flight control, keep the inertial dampening system running high, and we're gonna see just how smart these guys can be." He'd known that he was letting himself shine about as bright as a city i most of the EM spectrum, and even though he held no animosity towards either ship, he felt like giving them a bit of fun. At least, giving their Ops departments some anyways.

He eased forward on the sticks, kicking his sub-luminals into life. twin jets of glowing ions appeared behind the ship, completely unaffected by the Chameleo system, moving him slowly. With the engines up and running, he counted to ten.


As he counted, his fingers began moving through muscle memory more than thought. He was doing something similar to how he would normally escape from a bounty hunter pursuing him.


Several decals flashed across his HUD, indicating various systems coming online or being turned off. Power was being diverted at a rapid rate, with the twin ion drives and the Chameleo shutting down entirely.


Different areas of the EM spectrum began to stop radiating from his ship. First heat, then gamma and x-ray were lost.


Ultraviolet and visual dropped off the map as well, leaving only a scrambled amount of static and microwave radiation as his signature in the void of space.

"Nine...Ten. Solitude, let's make 'em see ghosts."

As the last EM radiation locked down and the Solitude entered Slipspace, a small but powerful EMP comprised almost solely of microwave radiation rippled out from where he'd been. Although he could no longer see anything of where he'd been, he'd only drifted about a kilometer since entering Slipspace. He chuckled and let his super-luminal drive system move him as he began to steer. He began making tight orbits around the two ships, popping up every so often long enough to give them a burst of random radio noise(usually some interstellar broadcast snippet), before diving into Slipspace once more. Each time he came in and out, he'd only let the radio signature show, meaning that, for the most part, all that was there for EM devices to 'see' would be smears of radio.

Inside the Solitude, Tenna chuckled to himself. It had been some time since he'd messed with anyone like this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

The Reverence S Bloodraven continued to run in full phased stealth mode until it could re-position away from the UDW Vessels, and lose their target acquisition. But that had to eventually jump out of phase so they could receive their signal from the Imperial Fleet.

The Transphasic Array activated once more, this time in a much different part of the zone, activating just in time to receive a subspace reply from the Aschen Fleet.

"Signal acknowledged, sending response, ETA One half Centar."

The Simple Text Message from the Imperial Fleet signified their response, and given the proximity to Aschen holdings in Epsilon Eridani, and the TNG Demilitarized Zone, there would no doubt be an inevitable response from the Aschen Fleet. But the Empire had to mobilize a response, and so it would take time before anyone reached this particular sector of space.

And so the Command and the Staff of the Bloodraven watched in silence at the two mated ships, and the Commander made a face. "They're plotting something..." He said, bringing up an enhanced view through the Transphasic array.

"How long until the response fleet arrives?" He asked, and the Lieutenant frowned.

"Three Millicentons."

The Commander nodded. "Defense fleet?" And the AI Nodded in the affirmative. The Aschen Defense fleet was a fleet of sufficient strength to repel potential threats to the Empire. "Either Defense or Sacred Consecration." The Lieutenant replied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Vice Admiral Jenovan Grieves
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Engaging in minor conversation for a short while, Korsican stiffened slightly, glancing at the rear blank bulkhead, blinking twice. A holo-comm array subtly extruded and broadcast, generating a holo-panel on which the image a man, his face mostly wrapped in dark cloth but for his eyes. The flesh around them seemed distorted, twisted by flash burns and what appeared to be scars from a very, very brief exposure to vacuum, the dark lines of once ruptured veins and capillaries still visible. His voice was rasping, like that of a lifelong smoker. "A pleasure, Admiral Arlan. My name is Vice Admiral Jenovan Grieves. I've been informed you'd like to speak with us with the goals of establishing positive, profitable relations."

Jovis and Jester remained silent, allowing the much senior superior of theirs to direct the dialogue for a time. It was chance that Grieves remained on Terra, pending dialogue with the TNG for much the same purposes, yet quite appropriate for the subject content. He was a Vice Admiral more by choice than anything else, too useful in active service to relegate his talents to that of a paper pusher and distant strategist. Yet his experience was enough that his word was held of critical importance to many of the upper Admiralty, and his connections to several of the Council of Thirteen rendered him further a choice asset for the negotiations.

Sensor Operations growled in unison as suddenly flares of signatures began to ignite and scatter chaff across the spectrums, splitting their sum total into two simultaneous task forces running in tandem. The team assigned to the apparent tramp freighter quickly adjusted to isolate the ship's generated signatures, marking the effects and keeping a steady pace. The corrections they made were routed to team two, eliminating the static feed over their more focused work to relocate the second ghost signature.

>This little shit. What are they playing at?<
>Darwinism. Get S.O. to kick a flight of vampires out to kindly tell him to fuck off.<
>Sound plan.<

Meanwhile, the second team exchanged neural curses as they started through the spectrums again, playing with the interference data in idle hopes of seeing a skew brought on by the suspected second ship. At a reduced capacity, the team was still sifting through the enormous area with greater speed that single AI controlled sweeps were capable of. Deeming it necessary, a ping was sent to the Agency contingent on board, a simple request for telepathic sweeps. A scant few minutes after that, psionics securely in place of the powered Psycho-Amp spheres threaded into the ship's superstructure stretched their magnified minds, linking to form a conglomeration greater than the sum of its parts. After synchronizing, stabilizing the greater meld they formed, the new linked mind network cast its psychic silhouette into the dark void, an intangible, undetectable net of mental energy hunting for living minds. Reaching out to a decided maximum of 750,000 kilometers distant, the broad sweep of the space around it concurred with the continued electronic hunting of the elusive quarry.

Fire Control continued to maintain a slow, steady pan, slowly revolving bores tracking across. They ranged from the newly outdated Triumphant 500mm H.SHOCK heavy gauss cannons, to the looming, 500m bores of the menacing 3m Abyss MK I. Though considering outmoded, the 20km bulk of the Ouroboros-pattern Supercruiser still packed a massive amount of firepower that exceeded the immediate output of the new production lines, if at significantly slower rates.

Far stern and starboard, a bay cycled open, a small stream of, yet again, older fighters slipped free. Resembling the tip point of a trident, the snubfighters were the 7.5m long Mosquito. Where the newer version, the Dragoon, used a single, newer gravity drive for propulsion, the Mosquito used a pair in either "wing". Bearing ship-to-escort, relatively short ranged HESH missiles, their primary armament, quartet 2mm Hellbores were quite sufficient for bringing down even a corvette 20 times their size through massed volleys. Flickering quickly clear of their mammoth mothership, the 9 man squadron broke into three groups, adopting differing intercept vectors for the Solitude. Despite the larger ship's stealthing measures, the pilots were inexplicable homing on their target, via burst laser transmissions directed back and forth from the tasked sensor crew to the pilots, buckled into their cockpits, operating the fighters through a heuristic neural link to the vessel's more limited snubfighter AIs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Aaric was greeted by Vice Admiral Jenovan Grieves. While pleasantries were exchanged EGO chimed in his head. 'Commander Keagen of the Garrán and Captain Aenya of the Fórsa are reporting heightened Aschen activity in what the TNG calls Epsilon Eridani, the TNG demoralized zone." Aaric responded with a thought. 'That is to be expected with the cyno. Keep me posted.', he replied to the AI in his own head. To think CONCORD would have risked the Federation Titan without having eyes on the Aschen was foolish.

"It is indeed a pleasure. You are correct. We would like to establish worthwhile trade for the economic, social, and technological benefit of both of our nations with a goal towards long lasting peace and prosperity. I am given power to make most decisions in the pursuit of those goals.

Lieutenant Commander Ciara who was currently piloting the Tiománaí did not react to the antics of the Solitude. She was currently having EGO perform a directional scan of the local space with a broad system check running in the background to make sure the ship's systems were running at optimal efficiency. Shining plates and pinnacles of metal shifted silently in the void like disconnected scales repositioning in the darkness to catch glimmers of dim light from the very distant red dwarf.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ikiros
The Solitude dropped out of Slipspace and the computer automatically began setting the frequencies across the EM spectrum for broadcast. As each system came online, most notably the infrared and UV areas of the spectrum, a low-pitched klaxon alerted Tenna to the small wing of ships deploying from the aft end of the large ship. As his sensors automatically began to line up reticules over each ship, he tapped a few places on one of the screens, withholding his ship from firing. He opened up a comlink, directing the broadcast at the ships.

"This is Agent Karsok, Interstellar mercenary. I mean no harm, just a bit of fun. I'd prefer it if you didn't fire on me." He checked to make sure he was using the secondary comms system, which would be linked under the alias of Karsok, rather than his normal system, which would label him as Tenna.

As he spoke, he made sure that his weapon were primed, so that if things get more messy than he might like, he was prepared. He wasn't exactly comfortable with having to potentially engage such a ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

The Blood Raven continued to sit in silence, watching the exchange, and monitoring communications between the trio of ships. Logs were being taken while AI banks processed the information. At this time the Reverence S was running dark, no Datalink was being send back to the rest of the Aschen Empire, but rather it was collecting information.

The Commander checked the ship designs, and began to compare it to a data-bank of known vessels.

It wasn't long before the words 'Match' played across the screens. "Cb55,000".

The Commander made a face, but dismissed the screen and the AI's advisory before going back to the screens monitoring the two larger ships.

"We've recieved another transmission from Fleet Command. Admiral Hanley and the Esteem will be responding to this call, given the sensitive nature of the potential exchange, the Empire wants discretion. Monitor the situation until the Esteem arrives."

The Commander nodded.

"Send our reply to Fleet Command, Priority One code."

The AI's hologram nodded, before she vanished. The Aschen ship remained in darkness, watching, and waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
"Trade agreements are ideal to start relations on. I admit, my personal curiosity is perked, given the reports I've read about your drone that showed up at the Umbral's doorstep. For navigational technologies, your nation's seem significantly higher than most." Jenovan's voice carried rare admiration, then returned to business. "Is there a particular opening negotiation you wished to start on?"

The inbound flight of Mosquitoes painted the appearing vessel with their own targeting systems, but at a brief binary burst via their own whisker laser comms, withheld as the squadron leader rapidly communicated to the controllers aboard the Apophis with a rapid series of laser emissions. But a scant few seconds later, given the speed of communication while both parties were engaged in heuristic links, a broadcast on wide-band was emitted in response.

"Apology accepted. Please disengage your activities and quit this sector, with minimum theatrics, if you will. You're proximity, given your actions, is flagged as non-desirable." Crisp, professional tone was the extent of the squadron leader's communication. The wing arrayed itself in a loose, widely spaced v-formation, holding advancement.

On board the UDW supercruiser, the Sensor crews noted a foreign transmission, capturing the signal and relaying it to an analysis team for cryptography. Working in tandem with yet another of the vessel's mounted AIs, as the various other portions of the well organized staffing operated in the heightened state of alert they had thus far maintained, it was several standard minutes before the comm transmission was decrypted and the scheme logged, pending upload to the database of broken encryption schemes maintained within the Umbral Sector and updated through the update packets passed through routine TD data transfers throughout the entire spread of the UDW Naval Force.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Aaric nodded slowly as Jenovan spoke. What he had said was true. CONCORD had some of the most advanced propulsion and navigation technology in the multiverse. It was certainly possible that they had the fastest ships.

The ever warring regions of Ayenee and Eden had caused the nations to push technology forward to stay at the cutting edge so they could best each other. CONCORD had to push harder even than them to keep the peace. There was also the Kraed who had destroyed Dodixie, the previous trade capital for the Federation located in Sing Laison region. Every man, woman, and child that had occupied the system save two had been killed.

"Thank you for your praise. I am afraid to say that I know very little of the Umbral or of the UDW. I think the establishment of a secure trade route would be a good start. Would you be willing to exchange a team of engineers? This way we can have our people exchange ideas and discover through observation and communication instead of the studying of schematics?" The creation of a efficient and safe trade route to span so many light years could only be accomplished with a gate.

Ciara finished the directional scan. Nothing new was found to report. The ship system check was completed also and everything was operating within the designated parameters.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: DED Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Dark Rain
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ikiros
Tenna frowned at the order to leave the area. Space was a pretty big place, and although he was sure he'd be able to find someplace nice and cozy to wait things about before being approached by anyone, he figured there was only so much harm that could come to him here. He almost made a snappy remark in return, something that would have likely gotten him shot, when he noticed his computer was attempting to flag his attention. He tapped the screen, and then became highly confused. Something wasn't working properly, according to the ship, in the Slipspace around them.

"What in the...? Telemetry isn't s'posed to be reading that way. Not if this is just normal space. Anomaly's gone too, so couldn't be that but..." He shook his head, trying to figure it out. Unfortunately, him trying to think things through resulted in the Solitude sitting in space, silent.

The ship, it's sensors detecting the weapons trained on it still, backed up into Slipspace, both to better read the data, and to avoid appearing harmful. Although it hadn't taken much time, the Solitude's AI had grabbed the shape of the craft that had intercepted it. Just as Tenna was about to give up, a female, vaguely pleased voice surrounded him in the cockpit.

~{Tenna, telemetry shows the anomaly at a bearing of 240 degrees x-axis, 315 degrees y-axis, and 212 degrees z-axis. Anomaly appears to be transmitting no signals available on any spectrum I can read. Additionally, I have made three-dimensional models of the intercept craft and am prepared to allow the Chameleo to overdriven, in order to account for all emissions of such a craft if you wish to disguise the Solitude.}~

The mercenary smiled and chuckled. "No need. We'll stay here a little while longer. Monitor the anomaly as best you can, and if you spot any affiliation trademarks in whatever it is, let me know. We both know that neither of us want the Aschen or UCON breathing down our necks."