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Dead Foul Suffer

0 · 605 views · located in Nirn

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rougeshadow


Dragons, drakes, and all of the lizardesque beasties on the planet Gaia


Human form

True Form

Name: DilonBeinAus

Age: Immortal

Sex: Female (Assumed)

Race: Undead Dragon

Sexual Partner: None

Personality: She is a bitter, sorrowful creature caught in an ever present loop of pain and misery at her sentence. She loathes the Realm she calls her home and yearns for the skies of her home, when she comes to them, she is beyond blissful but then soon finds herself back into the Realm of which she is sentenced to serve: The Soul Cairn

Abilities: Her magics are beyond understanding as she has learned her spells from the Ideal Masters, able to summon legions of the Undead and various spells. But her most powerful abilities are from her Thu'um or Shouts. These have the power to bend the world around her to her will and make her all the stronger. These make her a fearsome foe or ally should you gain her favor

History: ((Will think on this, will come back to it later))

So begins...

Dilonbeinaud's Story

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The winds battered the Fierce Nord as he climbed up the mountainside towards the infamous Skyfall Crypts. An ancient Nordic burial ground nestled high in the Skyfall Mountains was told to hold riches beyond comprehension. It sported four different ruins but the one that held most interest was one that was full of Necromancers after a legendary artifact within the Crypt itself. This, obviously made the Dragonborn wonder what would cause such odd behaviour. He did not ask as it was his glorious duty to protect the people of the village down below

As he entered, he fought, heroically, through waves and waves of Necromancers until he came to a dead end with an obvious chain they didnt think to use the chain was beyond him and he reached out for the chain...

And so our story begins....

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg Folkvar, legendary swordsman, mercenary, and dragon slayer, had finally located the right crypt. The necromancers and their foul minions were no match for his Thu'um as scorched draugr clogged the passageways. When the stone door rumbled away, revealing the dark passage, Bjorg squinted his eyes at the damp darkness.

"Varg?" he glanced behind him. "Varg! Cemmer boy!" The Nord whistled.

The patter of paws echoed down the hall. A large hound with thick fur and sharp jutting canines leaped from the shadows with a femur clenched between his powerful jaws.

"There you are..." grunted the Nord while folding his arms across his chestplate. "Got yerself a souvenir, eh?"

Bjorg had found Varg out in the wild, injured from a bear fight. He nursed the wolf back to health and gained the beast's respect. They hardly left each others side.

"Now then... Let's get some light up." Bjorg said to himself as he ignited the lantern tied to his belt. The light chased away the immediate shadows. Cobwebs glistened in the flickering light. He tightened the grip on his enormous spiked mace and shield.

"Down into the bowels of Alduin..."

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The Chain was pulled and the stone moved away that sank down into the bowels of the dreaded crypt. Inside was a single room with a single hallways with a Dragon Claw made of sinew and blood resting on an Altar. The combination on the bottom was Bird, Wolf, Dragonfly.

The Inside of the Hallway was lined with Draugr, resting comfortably in their slumber as if not willing combat at the present time. However, a darker presence would find itself watching him...sensing him. It was a presence not in this Realm.

Thankfully their was not much for the Dragonborne to fight as he had already killed most of the heavy opposition before. He killed the the Treasure lay in wait at the end of the hallway

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg eyed the draugr along the walls as Varg growled heavily. The Nord made a motion for the wolf to be quiet, and it reluctantly obeyed.

He dropped into a crouch as he unslung his ebony bow. Bjorg knocked a single arrow and pulled back the string. His thumb hooked beneath his jaw as his sea blue eyes locked onto one of the sleeping undead. The arrow shot with a twang and hit the draugr's skull with a sickening thunk. It ignited in a burst of flame while a thunder clap echoed through the spirit realm. A fresh soul gem was filled.

The Nord took down each of the draugr before advancing a few steps. He stopped mid-stride, freezing into place.

"Too easy." he thought as he scanned the floor and ceiling. "Probably a trap of some sort, like a trip wire or pressure plate. I'd hate to get back to Lydia and get chewed out over a bunch of dart holes in my armor..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Their was indeed a Pressure Plate on the ground and several holes in the walls, indicating a trap of somekind on the floor, but other then that, It was an empty, now very empty hallway towards the Dragon Door at the end of the hallway.

The presence urged him onward, as if pining and praying he would continue onward towards the end of it. The wind blew gently from a hole in the side of the cavern that would send a chill up his spine

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg advanced, paying the draft no heed, and was careful to circumnavigate the pressure plate. He approached the door, wary of any more traps, with the dragon claw in hand. The claw was very different from others he found, the Nord noted. Something about this crypt made him uneasy.

"Let's see here... Eagle? No, hawk? Blast, I can never figure out what that thing is. Pretty sure that's a wolf. Then that critter." he glanced between the claw and the door before attempting to align the circles. Once they appeared to be in their proper order, he placed the claw in the key slot and jumped back. These things were always booby trapped.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The Door clicked, and clicked and clicked before finally, it went down, no booby trap was triggered as none was present. The scene inside however was quite...disturbing. Cages lined the ceilings with skeletons screaming eternal screams of horror and faced the Dovakhiin, arms reaching out as if begging for release from their torment. Below was a massive graveyard with nameless markers etched from Ancient Stone. In the center, was a Word Wall with only Three Symbols etched into it. A full word That spelt out Dilonbeinaus

Dead Foul Suffer

The area surrounding this word wall had no signs of activity and did not appear booby trapped in anyway shape or form. It was almost...peaceful

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg grimaced at the cages in their morbid conents. He had seen a lot of death - caused a lot of death - but most of it was the quick, honorable, and adrenaline laced death of battle. This was something different. This was torture.

"Sovengarde accept you, brothers..." he bowed his head and said a quick prayer to Arkay. Bjorg faced the ominous dragon wall. He scanned over the draconian characters, recalling from his few lessons and studies what each meant. Death Foul Suffer. The Nord frowned. What kind of foul magics were committed in this crypt? Whatever it was, it seemed to have decayed into time like the draugr.

Bjorg focused intently on the wall. His eyes drooped shut, but his ears opened. The Dragonborn listened for an echo - a Word of Power - hidden within the script. However, it was not with his ears that he listened, but with his heart and spirit - the spirit of a dragon.

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The Voice of the Shout shrieked at him the three words of power as the ground underneath him rumbled loudly with the skeletons beginning to scream and shriek in fear as if reenacting their final moments before the Dovakhiin

"SAVE US!! DONT LEAVE US!! PLEEEASE!!" Many of them said except for one in the back, a female looking skeleton that turned her head towards the Dovakhiin with a small, child sized skeletal hand "Mister...does Sovengarde call?" She said before becoming limp once more and the Dovakhiin vanished from the cave

The new scene was a strange macabre of the room before, with no roof and a purple sky that thundered and struck with lighting. The graves were there and so were the cages but no skeletons sat in them, only trapped souls that rested in the same positions as their skeletal counterparts with the little girl staring at him

"She is coming mister...if you win, will you send us to Sovengarde?" She asked as a monstrous roar filled the horrible sky and a skeletal dragon landed upon the Word Wall and stared down at him with hollow, blue eyes

The undead Dragon looked horribly decrepit as if recently dug up after a few hundred years. The scales slophed around, flies and maggots flew and crawled around it's rotting flesh as it leered down at the Dovakhiin

"Zu'ul fen al? Medore adva'al den tiil?" She said in a puzzled tone but then roared again "Yol Tor Shul!!" She Shouted and breathed a cone of fire at him before taking to the air once again

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg fell to his knee and grimaced as the voices cried into him. He stared in bewilderment at the skeletons, speechless at the words of the skeletal child. As he opened his mouth to speak, he was again silenced as the room changed. The beat of wings knocked his instincts into gear and he went into a dive-roll. He landed in a half crouch with his shield raised and mace held to the side. The mace resonated with a sinister - otherworldly - aura, as if it did not belong in that realm of existence. It radiated with a dark energy and almost glared at the dragon with an insatiable hunger.

"Well aren't you the gorgeous one..." he prodded sarcastically as he met the cone of flame with his shield. The fire smashed into the orcish armor, parting to the side from the magical enchantment that gripped the shield. "Your Voice is strong, but so is mine."

The Dovahkiin focused his gaze just in front of the dragon and inhaled deeply. "Fus.... Ro DAH!" his voice thundered with a deafening shockwave that tore through the air towards the undead dragon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The shockwave shot through the air as the Dovah was hit by the blast, roaring loudly as it wavered in the air a little but then righted itself and continued to fly. It's eye moved down to look at him as if trying to know him by his Thu'um

"This is the realm of the Dead...where the Dead shall remain Dovahkhiin" She shouted into the air and roared at him

As it's Thu'um thundered, she unleashed a terrible Shout across the the Dovakhiin would never have heard of as it cried out

"Diil Qoth Zaam!!" She Shouted, her Thu'um very very strong as several skeletons began to rise from the ground and hiss at him, the girl in the cage screaming as she pulled on the bars and pointed "Watch out mister!! Bonemen!!" She called out as two arrows sailed at the Dovakhiin

"Your Thu'um is Strong Dovakhiin...but Mine is Superior!!" She called as she swooped down low to take a breath in and bellowed out another breath of flame

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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"Well I'm not very dead, aren't I?" he retorted as he brought up his shield in time for two arrows to snap against the metal frame. Using his momentum, he brought the wicked mace down upon two skeletons - smashing them to pieces. As the dragon swooped down for another attack, Bjorg attempted to roll to the side, dodging the majority of the flame.

"We will see about that..." he replied, watching the dragon. "Can't use arrows. Damn things will just fly straight through! I will have to figure out a way to get her to come down here..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The Dragon roared loudly at the male and unleashed the same Shout once again as she laughed at the Nord below her "You think yourself so powerful may have our Voice, but none of our Power. You are...Joor" She said as she swooped down again low and proceeded to hover over him in a demeaning way and breathed in again, this time unleashing a breath of Ice at him and flapped her wings hard to create a gust of wind

"Surrender and your life will be spared, and you will serve me for all time Joor...What say you?" She said in a smug way, laughing and baring her rotting teeth at him

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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"Aye, I may by joor," he smirked, "but I am so much more within. I am dov, I am Ysmir, Dragon of the North! I am Dovahkiin - HEAR MY VOICE!"

"Strun... BAH QO!!!" his voice rumbled across the sky. The heavens echoed with the quaking of thunder and blinding lightning that scorched the air. Javelins of electricity screeched from the clouds into the earth, casting up rock, soil, and bone. Sheets of rain pummeled the ground like volleys of arrows. Several bolts of lightning thrust into the old bones of the undead dragon.

"Victory or Sovengarde!" he cried.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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The Dragon cried out loudly as it was struck by the lightning for massive amounts of damage, burning her flesh away to reveal the bones underneath until finally, she could not flap her wings any longer and fell to the ground. As she was about to shout, a bolt pierced her skull, killing her instantly and she disappeared into a purple cloud of unknown magic and disappeared. The spirits around them clapped wildly as they all vanished including the little girl

But the presence would not yield itself to would just wait a few more moments...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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"Well... That was easier than I thought." Bjorg reattached the mace to his belt and approached the spot where the dragon collapsed. "I didn't absorb the bitch's soul, so she's not permanently dead - probably see her again at some point. Now how do I get out of here...?"

Bjorg looked around the area. Where was he, anyway?

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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"You dont...unless you go through me. Not in a literal sense...but in a sense literal" Came the female's voice once more as she appeared once more on the Word Wall with her head bowed "Stay your blade...Qahnaarin. I merely wish to speak with you for a moment before I send you away from here" She said as she raised her head once again to look at him

"I have not been bested in combat in my entire existence...your skills are commendable with your exploits Dovahkiin..." She said as she tilted her head again "If you would not mind hearing my words, I would kindly ask a favor of you. From one Warrior to Another bound in Honor and Duty" She said

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg folded his arms across his chest and quirked his eyebrow. He was not sure if he could trust this dragon.Very few dragons could be trusted.

"I'm listening..." he replied.

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Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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0.25 INK

The Undead Dragon bowed her head once again and then spoke "Their was once a time I called Tamriel my home...but I was decieved by the Ideal Masters into unintended service for all Eternity. I wish for you to summon me there...through your Thu'um. I demand no answer...I demand no payment. My hope is that you will call me home, if you do, I promise to Teach you my Thu'um and fight along side you as your Grah-Zeymahzin, Your Ally" She said and looked him in the eye "Please...allow me a few brief moments of happiness through your call and I will forever be in your debt. Summon me when you feel the time is right" She said

Then the Dragonborne would feel himself disappear and in a nearby in with Varg sleeping at his feet and the new Shout in himself

The setting changes from The Skyfall Crypts to Exalted Mountains

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bjorg Folkvar Character Portrait: Dilonbeinaud
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Bjorg crouched on the ground. Perspiration and musk dripped from his faceplate as dark blood flowed across his armor. The Dragonborn's shield was held high, deflecting a barrage of arrows and ice bolts, while his daedric blade was still buried in the warm belly of a fallen goblin.

The Nord panted heavily as he glanced at the bodies strewn about him. He silently prayed to Talos. They pinned him down with arrows and crossbow bolts as they steadily closed the distance. Bjorg's strength was drained. His arm could barely move, let alone sever another head.

As the small army closed in around him, a single thought emerged in his battle-fogged mind. A scapegoat. Bjorg slowly collected himself and drew in a lungful of air.

"Dilon... bein AUD!" the Nord's thu'um thundered through the heavens, passing through space, time, and the realm of death into the Soul Cairn - calling forth his dark ally from beyond the grave.