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Echo Alpha


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Script


The Aschen Empire, a massive collection of semi-sovereign provinces that reigns over a great portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, paranoid, arrogant, and cruel, a once prosperous nation spirals into poverty, and self-destruction.



So begins...

Echo Alpha's Story


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Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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The windows overlooking the city bathed the room in sunlight. The white spartan room contrasted to the settings Echo was likely used to being accompanied by. There was the gentle hum of machinery, the beeping of computron terminals, and the everyday rustle of the city outside.

A television played in a drone in the corner, typical Aschen propaganda playing in the background. The tests hadn't begun quite yet, but while Echo was kept in this room, he was being observed, observed and closely watched by Dr. Plishkin, one of the leading authorities in Aschen experimental technologies and medicine.

The door would slide open to reveal a mad scientist looking fellow, goggles atop his head, and a white labcoat. "Ah! The Divine will has finally delivered you to my lab, How marvelous!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
It had been a rough few days for Echo. Plucked from the streets of Wing City as he was trying to find his bearings in a wide new world, the golem had been lured away to an entirely different one by the words of a woman named Kianna. When he had arrived, his welcome had not been a pleasant one. Imprisoned and enclosed, Echo was distraught at having already lost the freedom he had only recently gained.

He didn't understand. Why had these people taken him? He hadn't caused them harm, and he was not useful. What was their purpose?

The white room was not the worst place he had confined, but it was confinement nonetheless. Echo had sat unhappily, almost unmoving for his entire stay, watching the television intermittently but being only further confused by it. He did not know what half the things it mentioned were.

When Dr. Plishkin entered, the golem's eyes darted up to him, locking onto the new entity with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "Who are you? Where am I? Why have I been locked here?" he asked almost instantly as the doctor finished speaking, rising to his feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

Narim Plishkin looked around, and then he looked to Echo. "Who am I? Well! I'm a scientist! Isn't that marvelous! And we're going to have so much fun together, you and I!" He said, gesturing for the Golem to come towards him. "Come come, these quarters just will not do! So! I hear you're a construct made of Magic! I want to understand Magic! So! How does it work?" He said, inspecting the being over, poking and prodding everywhere. "Hmm... what are you?" He said, before he withdrew a Mana disruptor and he looked it over.

"Ahh, Mana disruptor, a tried and true Aschen technology! You! You will help fine tune it's potential!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo flinched away from Narim's touch, squirming at the examination. "I do not know how magic works... I am sorry." he replied, shaking his head. "All I know is that my creator used magic to form me. I do not know how, or why."

The golem looked at the device curiously, when Narim produced it, hesitantly reaching out a hand to touch it. "What is this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

Narim Plishkin looked to the device, before he handed it to the subject, holding a recorder to his lips. "Subject has been handed a Mana disruptor pistol, gauging subject's reaction and weapon analysis proficiency." He said, then he pocketed the recorder.

"So you're made of Magic?" He said, tilting his head. "I wonder how a device like this would interact with a being made of magic."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo held the disruptor pistol, frowning at it. "This is a gun that... fires a beam of particles and radiation. The particles interact with some magical energies and function to partially or completely negate them." he said finally.

He looked up, "Did you make this?" he asked curiously, "What do you mean by subject?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

Narim Plishkin shook his head. "I didn't make this, no." He said, gesturing to the weapon. "But you're going to help me make it better." He said, backing up a few steps. "Experiment number one." He said into his microphone. "Getting an energy readout on subject's magical output." He then pressed a button, and a scanner came down from the ceiling, and began to run over the form, analyzing it, then Plishkin nodded to the readout. "Marvelous... Marvelous..." He then went back over to a small tray of chemicals. "And now.. I have a serum that acts on subject's magical energies to cause pain, to use as a nonlethal incapacitating agent... but first... I want to test the Mana inhibition Collar Version two.. I pray this one won't kill a Magic based life form." He said, approaching Echo with the collar. "This might hurt a little." He said, clasping it around the golem's neck. But not turning it on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Alpha Character Portrait: Narim Plishkin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"To cause pain?" Echo asked, "What? Why do you want to cause me pain?" the young golem's eyes were wide, and he retreated backwards. He was not yet prepared to resist, however, and though he struggled a bit the collar was fastened on him without much trouble.

"This collar denies the wearer the ability to channel magical energy sources..." he said, shaking his head, "But I don't do that. I was formed with those energies but I do not rely upon them."

The setting changes from Caprica City to Tal'dor Anchorage

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

The Special Projects division, this was where Lunatea, or rather Selene the spy that infiltrated the Terran Militia had been kept, training supersoldiers for the Imperial Military.

She was standing and going over the data for the new addition to the Special Projects division. Lunatea was, despite her lithe appearance clad in a crisp and neatly pressed grey uniform of the Special Projects division.

She watched and she waited. "Subject number 817 should be here shortly." She said, stepping back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo was led into the room quietly and without ceremony. The white-haired youth fidgeted uncomfortably with the dull and formal uniform he’d been slipped into, wide eyes wandering around curiously. It had been six months, and the golem had largely come to accept his fate. Being poked, prodded, tested on – at least he felt important. Needed.

Of course, the brainwashing had a hand in that too. He might have been more inquisitive about this ‘Divine Shadow’ than reverent, but he’d picked up quickly enough that treating this unknown man with the utmost respect meant good things, and not doing so, meant bad things.

Echo looked up at Lunatea as he was led in, blinking at her.

“I worship his shadow,” he said softly, by rote, waiting to see what this woman had in store for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Lunatea nodded slightly. "I worship his Shadow." She said, giving him a crisp salute, starting from the chest and moving outwards. "Welcome to the Special Projects division, Here, beings of your ability and caliber will be trained in the use of firearms and special abilities alike, and assigned in the protection of ranking Imperial military personnel." She said, pacing back and fourth.

"Meritous service may even warrant inclusion into the Divine Will, and a chance to serve His Shadow directly."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"Protection?" Echo queried, tilting his head, "No more tests?"

The golem's eyes followed Lunatea as she paced, his expression remaining inquisitive. "What do I have to do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Lunatea turned to Echo. "Hone your skills and swear yourself to the Empire. Of course I think you've already done that." She said, tapping her chin. "You've been tested and you've been found to have exceptional capabilities." Lunatea explained.

She grasped a disruptor rifle and she handed it to the Golem, pointing to the target roughly 500 meters away.

"You know what to do."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo took the rifle, running his hand over it gently, ponderously. His mind whirred as it explored the weapon's inner workings and filled him with understanding. He turned lightly glowing eyes towards the target, pointing the rifle and firing. The shot was perfect, going straight through the bullseye. An impressive achievement for someone who'd never fired a weapon before.

"What does it mean?" he asked, looking back to her, "To swear myself to the Empire?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Lunatea smiled, impressed with the golem's ability to glean knowledge from objects that he handles. Lunatea nodded and then she reached out. The bulls-eye still smoldering from the perfect shot.

"You have potential." She said, having read the dossier and the tests, she held her hand out.

"Take my hand and tell me what you learn." Lunatea said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo noted the passing over of his question, but was used to such things by now. He did as asked, moving his hand up to touch against Lunatea's.

The technical details of just what the android was flowed into his mind as though he were downloading a blueprint. "You are an... android," he said, blinking up at the woman he now realised was as much a construct as he was, "Formed of a lot of materials. Your skin is... like skin, but artificial. Some of you is formed of strange cells that can alter their shape and composition, and make energy. Your mind is a computer."

He pulled his hand back, "I could go into more detail, but I don't understand all of the concepts. I just know what I can observe."

Echo experimentally shifted one hand to replicate the calx cells in Lunatea, peering at it curiously as it shifted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Lunatea smiled. "You are correct. Dr. Plishkin was correct in his analysis." She said, nodding. "I'm the second generation of my kind." She said, laying the rifle against the wall. "You would make an excellent spy." She said, visibly impressed.

"Can you read people too?" She asked.

"Or if we had you analyze alien technology, could you help us reverse engineer it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"I can read someone's biology," Echo said, "Not who they are, though. I don't understand much of ... people." The golem was slightly taken aback by how impressed Lunatea seemed. After all, he was imperfect. He'd been discarded because he wasn't good enough. Why did this seemingly powerful empire want him?

Perhaps his creator knew something about him that they, and he did not. He knew that he didn't always do things right. Complex replications were difficult, particularly innate powers. "I can tell what parts go into things, and how they work to the finest detail, but I don't know... why they work that way, what science is behind it."

His hand returned to normal as he spoke. Perhaps his creator had a specific purpose in mind that he had not fulfilled. Perhaps other than that, he was useful? He didn't know. But if that was the case, what was the purpose?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Lunatea nodded and then she picked up the disruptor rifle, before she placed it in his hands. "Replicate this weapon." She said, before she brought up a Light-Mass fabrication unit, which used specialized controls to allow the fabrication of entire devices out of light through the input of complex commands. "Replicate the weapon for us with this Light-Mass fabrication unit." She ordered, stepping back.

"You don't have to understand the science behind it, but the understanding will come with that in time."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo blinked down at the weapon and then up at the Light-Mass fabrication unit, before furrowing his brow. He reached out a hand to touch the fabrication unit, and slowly began to absorb what he could of how it worked.

It was several minutes before he moved again, intense focus clear on his face as he connected the dots of how the two devices worked and how he could use the one to replicate the other.

Finally, he went to work. He set down the disruptor rifle and went to work at the controls of the Light-Mass fabrication unit, inputting commands confidently and swiftly. With the systematic single-mindedness of a computer, he worked through the commands until the full design had been specified. Only then did he step back to observe the results.