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"Strike the weakest point with precision and power, and no matter the enemy, they will fall"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings, as played by (-(-_(-_-)_-)-)


A member of Deyja'Tugal, the "Heralds of the End", a specialized team of Orya Abr Sundavr who pride themselves on completing every mission assigned to them, no matter what. They specialize in spying and analyzing worlds for Du Istalri Nianya's Invasion.

Ekfricai, in Nianyan, is a mutation of Ekka Fricai, which means "I am Friend". This is neither Ekfricai's true name, nor is it his title. It is a phrase he has referred to as himself so often that it has been adapted as his name. Ekfricai is the oldest known Oryan in Istalri Nianya's military. Due to the legion warriors immortality, this may not seem an impressive feat, however most Oryans undergo a process of ascension that takes around 100 thousand years. The first 50 thousands are usually spent as Oryans, in either training or in the field. However, after that the Oryans begin to grow more and more powerful, until eventually they reach a point in their power where they grow to become Konugar, and are given a ship.

Ekfricai has been an Oryan for over six billion years, far longer than any other Oryan, longer than even some Konugar. This abnormality has been tied to his unique ability to imbue others around him with his energy. Ekfricai has the power to heal most any living creature, and has even shown the power to revive those who have died most recently. This gift has taken a toll on him, and it appears that it's use sacrifices his growth, preventing him from progressing in Ascension as others do. It's doubtful he cares much.

Ekfricai is a father figure, a caretaker, and a formidable opponent, even to the great warrior Ayanna herself, who recruited him for her four man team, Deyja Tugal, a couple centuries ago. With his ability to keep his teammates in the fight, Ekfricai is a powerful addition to the team.

With Molnish's help, Ekfricai may achieve a powerful Archon State, becoming the Archon of Wrath. In this state, Ekfricai becomes a powerful opponent, capable of tearing apart entire worlds by himself. This ace is kept in reserve for the most dire situations, or for when it becomes an absolute necessity for Deyja Tugal to succeed in a mission.

So begins...

Ekfricai's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The forces deployed from the spires showed no signs of slowing down. The crater now held almost three hundred warriors, while the rest were forming into ranks near the spires and preparing the march from there. In total nearly seven thousand warriors had been deployed to the city through the spires, and more continued to stream forth in an endless cascade of golden armor. The energy around the spires began to shift and form clouds above them, and from these clouds the ships came. Golden ships with red and orange bands adorning the hawk like forms of fighters, that passed through the Gatr field into the cities airspace and began an agressive sweep and scan of the city. Several dozen of those ships flew forth, like the ravens that gather before a battle to feast on the dead that shall cover the ground in the aftermath.

One vessel that passed through was different. Like a whale with wings, thirty meters in length it passed over the crater itself and from it's belly a light shone. Three warriors glad in garb all but identical to Ayanna's crashed at her side as she rose from her kneeling position. One had Metalic Blue hair and eyebrows, and his gear was styled after a monk of Tai chi, with metal gauntlets upon his hands. Another had bright ruby red hair, which appeared almost featherlike off of his head. His garment was styled like the robes of a priest, and he carried a bladed staff with a long cyrstal wand at one end, and a stout blade at the other. The third was dressed Identical to Ayanna, save his arms were bared to the shoulder, revealing the twisting runes and sigils tattooed into his flesh. His hair was oil black and formed short sharp spikes that were rigid and unyielding from his scalp. In each hand he carried an intricate Axe made of dark green and blue starsteel.

Each of these she addressed in her native tongue, "Drek'Thaleen, Molnish, Ekfricai, the foe before you is some form of aberation of extreme power, most likely an abyssal lord. Drek and Ekfricai, distract her while I dispatch of the two on the building over there, so that they cannot assist. By the time I'm done the Sun Spears will be ready. Molnish you prepare a mass power trap spell."
At that the one with red hair looked to her in surprise and replied "You intend to take the entire barrage upon us?
"I do" She answered him, lifting her long hand and a half blade and twirling it to lay at rest over one shoulder. "We resolve this, then move on the cities primary defenses and secure the area for the Rooks Impact. These are our orders, this is our mission."

With a flash of light from her eyes, and a halo of energy sheathing her body, Ayanna cried out a challenging roar, before leaping forward in an explosive maneuver that shattered the already broken ground she had stood on. She dashed straight at Emily, shifted her body trying to pass around her to launch herself out of the crater. If she could make it through, it would take only three strides to clear the crater, strikethe foot of the building where Kinoko and Hana took shelter, then leap up the side to come at a hover in front of Kinoko. The Warrior would then swing her blade, the edge flashing with a light that blinded any who might look upon it, and in a single circular slash she attempted to cut down both the Saiyan and Majin before they could be any further nuisance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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Emily seemed to be pleased at Renalus' decision, and returned to her usual posture of closed eyes and hands affixed in prayer. However, when others joined the fray on Ayanna's side, Emily awoke, spreading her arms to the side. "Ungrateful unknowingly live because I allow it."

As soon as Ayanna started to move in the slightest, Emily herself vanished from sight, her form dissolving into nothing quicker than you could snap. She was suddenly standing behind both Drek'Thaleen and Ekfricai, having moved with a speed nearly impossible to fathom. She spoke loudly and clearly. "My Acolytes, you will be called upon to fight momentarily. She who interfered earlier seeks your lives. Fight her as a team, but do not use the Amulets! I'll fight with you for now, but I cannot stay forever; if I began using more of my power, everyone here is at risk."

She smiled, and took up a fighting stance that had her stand pigeon toed, her thighs loosening and squeezing towards each other, as though she was attempting to hold something between them. As her knees bent forward slightly, her back remained straight as an arrow, and slightly held her hips forward. Coupling with the awkward appearing stance was her arm manipulations, holding one arm in front of her, bending its elbow and arranging it so that the back of her hand faced the two she was behind. Her other hand was tucked right behind her elbow, floating just inches from actually touching her arm.

"Now, try and hurt me. If your goal is to distract me, I will oblige of my own will."

The distorted voice was fully present, and this same voice rang loud to Lucifer and Renalus. "These beings seek to overcome this planet and those on it. I'd recommend you aid stopping such an action, lest I leave you to your fates."


Kinoko and Hana both gritted their teeth at Emily's warning, and then it happened; Ayanna was before them. Kinoko vanished from sight as well, rapidly moving to get a safe distance away in the air as she began powering up. Without her armor, she was lighter and tougher than before, and no doubt being almost killed was a massive boon to her. Hana was cut in half by the blade, but let out a battle cry and pulled herself together, fixing any remaining damage to her person, which included a complete undo of Ayanna's circular slash. "Kee hee hee! You'll need to do more to stop me!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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#, as written by Shpleem
Lucifer looked between the three different parties though his mismatched, battle damaged optics, the yellow lense over one was cracked and chipped, the other, for the moment was fully intact. With the humans retreating he had hoped that would be the end of it, that everyone would part ways and cease the conflict. Though the arrival of more of Ayanna's people proved that was not the case, and it was confirmed when they engaged Emily in combat.

He was glad the human soldiers were out of immediate danger but if this escalated any further it was only going to get worse, for everyone. He hesitated for a mechanical moment, mere microseconds before hefting his weapon and charging after Ayanna, she appeared to be the leader, if she could be made to see reason, this could stop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The marines escaped a mile away from the crater to five Thunderhawk transports. 20 marines each boarded each transport and took off back to the skies. "Marshal Renalus, I do not doubt your decision to withdraw but do you think that the enemy was playing a mind game with you?" The librarian asked as he turned to face the Marshal. "No, I believe she was actually being serious as much as I hate to admit. However we have new pressing matters, our "allies" that we have made an alliance with...its not normal to have ten ships orbiting the planet. Its too convenient...almost like they were planning something before the demon threat arrived. I will contact the battle barge and the Blood Ravens to keep an eye on them." Renalus spoke and the Librarian nodded, agreeing with the Marshals prediction.

"This is Marshal Renalus to The Remembrance Of Truth. This is an urgent matter, encode this vox channel." Renalus spoke and seconds later the transmition would be encrypted so no one could listen to their conversation unless they were hacked. "I want all crewman to keep an eye on those ships surrounding the planet. I fear that they may be trying something, contact the Blood Ravens and tell them the same, also tell them to request reinforcements from any Chapters or Guard regiments that are able to reinforce us. I am also prepared to return to the ship, ready all weapons and raise shields." Renalus spoke and cut off his vox.

The Thunderhawk Transports would return to space and dock on The Rememberance Of Truth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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The sorcerers near the spires had completed their work, and now near every spire was an obelisk covered in runes. The ground around the obelisk had turned dark, and smoke like vapors now came from its surface. More sorcerers came through the gatr fields, and they began grouping up in fours, channeling energy in between them, where lumps of starsteel started to form and take shape. The troops that had come through finished forming up and began marching throughout the city to secure a 100 kilometer area around the crater. They did not assault anyone however, unless they were attacked first, or those they encountered carried weapons. They would go forth confiscating weapons and commanding all they encountered to evacuate the area, as they canvassed the city, going building to building. Several archers climbed the buildings surfaces and formed sniper nests, while Fyrnskain were at the head of every marching column.

The large whale like vessel had been joined by several others, and all of which now erupted with a voice over loud speakers. "Evacuate the area now if you are able, otherwise remain your homes and await instruction. This area is soon to become a battlefield, and you need not lose your life to our war." The voice repeated over and over as it flew over the whole of wing city, warning all those found therein.

Meanwhile, in higher orbit, the energy for the weapons of the nine ships had grown enough that it could be seen on the surface of the planet. What appeared to be nine bright stars had collected above the atmosphere, and energy continued to grow as the ships prepared to fire their weapons.

In the crater, the legion forces present began forming a perimeter around Drek, Ekfricai, Emily, and Molnish. They deployed their barrier shields in a ring around the conflict, then formed up their shields raised to form a solid wall, an attempt to contain the fight. Molnish blinked at the sudden movement of Emily, then groaned as he lept back. "Ekfricai! I thought you promised we'd never have to face another dark god?" He said before beginning to channel energy into several spells. First a magic barrier formed over him, effectively cutting him off from being assaulted. Then, reams of energy wrapped around Drek and Ekfricai, enhancing their movements and strength. Finally, an arcane circle of power radiated out from his position, growing slowly but steadily larger as he chanted the spell.

Drek and Ekfricai both lept away from Emily when she appeared behind them, Drek rolling to his feet while pulling his axes, Ek flipping forward and twisting to land in a combat stance. Ekfricai responded to Molnish with "Come now, brother. I made that promise over a millennia ago, you simply cannot expect to hold me to it after so long". Drek growled in his throat "Non verbal communication only, and only whats essential. Our enemy is able to understand us. We hold an advantage, and we will make use of it."

Ekfricai and Molnish nodded, then Ekfricai leaped forward and began assaulting Emily with multiple styles of martial art, smoothly transitioning from one into another and then another. He began with a leg sweep, and would follow it up with a chop, flipping over his opponent to strike a rapid barrage at her opposite side. And while they traded blows Ekfricai would speak candidly "It is rather uncommon to encounter a dark god who uses martial arts in any form, I am pleasantly surprised to have such a foe to measure myself against."

Meanwhile Ayanna followed up her attack, after landing on the building, with an explosive charge towards Kinoko, striking fast and strong with her blade, first over then under, then at the sides, her blade rippling with light and leaving streaks in the air with every swing as she tried to cleave the Saiyan into pieces.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Renalanus Phorixx Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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As Ekfricai leaped forward, Emily moved her hands and arms behind her back as she lightly hovered off the ground, inches into the air. With the low sweep, her eyes returned to their blue color as her body bent into an arrow shape, letting her avoid the attack. When the chop followed the sweep, she then leaned to the side as his hand came down harmlessly beside her. When Ekfricai then flipped over her, she turned her own body, making sure she was always facing him. While keeping a mental note of Molnish and Drek's locations compared to her, she began subconsciously moving her body with great speed, avoiding or parrying each of Ekfricai's blows.

While Ekfricai and Emily were locked in a very speedy and skillful fight, likely a very enthralling show for the others around them, Emily gave him a response in her distorted voice. "It is part of the facade I uphold for the sake of those around me, though it is now clear to me that you are aware of my true nature. I will keep this form however, for the sake of playing fair; for your skill is commendable to even attempt a fight at the level of challenge you now face."

Emily's body did occasionally bend in inhuman angles during her spate of dodging and parrying, apparently a result of her not trying to hide the truth as much. She was mostly dodging for the time being though it seemed. She was apparently having fun. Of course, most of the fight would not be visible to untrained eyes that were close by.


Kinoko, interrupted in her powering up, seemed to put all her effort into evading each swing, but it was clear she was on the defensive for the time being. Seeing her plight, Hana came barreling in from behind Ayanna, attempting to flank her. With each of them on both sides of her, they'd begin fighting alongside each other, both launching various punch and kick attacks at Ayanna when openings were presented. They would double team her to their best capabilities. Ayanna would easily be able to tell that Hana was the slower of the two when it came to the speed of the attacks and parries the two utilized on her (though both still issued attacks at a very rapid pace to the point that normal onlookers wouldn't be able to see anything without special equipment).

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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Molnish continued chanting his spell, his staff levitating before him of it's own power, as his hands spread apart. Streams of energy whirled around him and the staff, shifting, curling, bending, weaving, and moving with his spell, musically chanted in a language known only to his kind. Every so often the energy would stream out and infuse Ekfricai and Drek'thaleen, empowering and maintaining their vigor, so they could perform their task.

Speaking of which, Ekfricai laughed aloud as he continued to rain thousands of different combinations upon his foe, being dodged, parried, and having generally no effect seemed only to add to his mirth. "Indeed dark one, we have met your kind before, and barely survived the event" He said congenially, as though he were speaking to a coworker "And though this may only be a mask you wear, it is a delightful mask and I enjoy the play you perform. At the very least it is not boring" He then back flipped twice as Drek, who had somehow conspired to position himself behind the monk, leaped over his war brother, axes raised to cleave Emily in twain.

The fight nearby between Ayanna and two disciples was likewise fraught with activity. Against one opponent Ayanna would have had no trouble at all, but facing two beings of power such as she was she found herself unable to effectively overpower them, being forced to instead trade blows. Still, the enhancement magic was holding strong, and it would last long enough for what she had planned.
In the middle of the bout she swung at Hana, but then shifted to strike with the pommel of her blade instead, in an attempt to surprise and stun her opponent. Whether she succeeded or not she would then try to withdraw a short distance to prepare for a new tactic.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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Emily had no trouble adapting to the new opponent, sliding to Drek's side in a swift evade of the axe swing. As she brought her arms to bear, she attempted to use her leverage, and his recovery time from the swing, to lock his arms aside and prevent him from doing anything in return, allowing her to slide a hand to his neck in a position that would allow her a clean kill.

As Ekfricai moved to stop her, covering for Drek, her body wobbled and spun in place, letting her use her legs to parry Ekfricai while keeping her hold on Drek. What she said next was a surprising comment.

"A poor choice of opening attack. Powerful moves should be saved for when your opponent is off-balance, otherwise, you leave yourself off-balance, and give them an opening to slay you. Try again."

Emily released her grasp on Drek, and prepared to let him attack again, apparently declining to kill. She stood in a position that allowed both Drek and Ekfricai to reach her as well, assuming her bizarre stance once more, ready to now engage both.

"Come at this form."


Hana was bashed in the face with the pommel, and immediately relented to grasp at the impact point. "Ack! Awwowowowow!" This made Kinoko stop, allowing Ayanna the space she intended to take to withdraw.

"Hana! You okay? She's good! But we need to finish her fast! She's probably going to try something!"

Kinoko and Hana both watched Ayanna carefully, with Hana pointing her tentacle towards Ayanna's direction, a sort of preparation tactic. "If she tries something funny, Kinoko, I'll bake us a pie!"

Kinoko grinned hearing that. "Sounds good. I'm kind of hungry anyways." She began charging her own energy again, as she held her hands in a ready stance. She wasn't sure what Ayanna had planned, but she was certain it'd be fierce.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
This whole situation was going to hell, and there seemed to be little he could do about it, but damned if he wouldn't try. So were the thoughts burning through Lucifer's artificial mind. Maybe, just maybe, if he could convince the woman her battle was meaningless, and that she was bringing more harm than good it would stop. If he could even get her to listen.

He watched the fight unfold as he raced towards it, seizing the opening created when Ayanna pulled back to strategize to position himself between both parties with arms out towards each of them.

"Enough, all of you, this fight has no meaning!" he announced, as best he could with a slightly damaged vocoder giving his speech some static. "Why are you even fighting each other? Have you stopped to consider that?" he demanded of the three of them. "And you," he turned his optics on Ayanna, "What purpose does this invasion serve? Why bring such hardship upon these people?" he asked, gesturing to the city below.

He wasn't in any sort of good shape, half his face missing, armor plating cracked or crushed. One of his horns broken off. "Why do you fight?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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Ekfricai, taken by surprise by Emily's maneuvers, assumed a ready stance as Drek pulled his axes out of the ground. Drek then glanced at Molnish, who was focused too strongly on his task to note anything. Ekfricai placed a hand on Drek's shoulder, then tilted his head. Drek nodded in return.

Drek attached his two axes together at the bottom of each handle, then spun the combination above his head, as it shifted from a pair of axes into a long and deadly scythe. Ekfricai slammed his fists together, energy crackling between them as a spell activated. Then, he jumped into the air and landed on the flat of Drek's scythe blade, which he used to throw Ekfricai above and over Emily. Drek followed this up by continuing his momentum and spin to leap towards Emily with a long swipe of his blade. Ekfricai, from his position in the air, would be able to counter Emily's movements with blasts launched from his fists. This tactic they attempted was meant to leave only retreat as an option for their opponent.


Ayanna scoffed at Lucifer, then placed her free hand on the ground. A ring of violet runes formed around her, and she then dashed towards Hannah, her blade poised in front to cut the Majin's head free. As she moved, she called out to the pink one. "Go ahead you slime ball, Try and turn me into candy, I dare you!"

The runes behind her shimmered and crackled with energy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Ayanna Shadowleaf
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Half an hour ago:

Dragging Steven her camera man practically the arm she pointed to the sky, "Steven, see this is why I dragged you here. More news." the at this point terrified camera man rightly commented, "Claire, why can't you act normal? Most people run from danger, but you immediately run towards it? I am scared for my family, and really I like living." of course he would never admit the true feelings in his heart, why he followed this insane brunette, but he was uneasy seeing all those ships, "Claire, my Dad served in the fight to protect Terra from Aschen, and I am one getting flashbacks right now..." Claire ignored him continued searching with her eyes for great spot, "We need to get higher Steven, follow me."

With that she ran quickly towards one of the buildings where people were leaving in mass and started for elevator on the ground floor. Immediately she pushed the call button and waited, "We won't go too close, just relax. I don't want to die either." that did nothing to calm Steven in this matter.

Finally the lift arrived and at once she pressed the top floor, as Steven placed Camera on the floor to rest his shoulder, "Claire, look you don't need to do this, you don't need to risk your life to get stories. I know you get a thrill from it." he nursed his aching shoulder as he continued, "I know no one reports this stuff, but why do you do it?"

Her shoulders sagged as she let out a long sigh, the only other sound the elevator music, "It's a promise I made to someone who mattered to me. I promised that I would always report the news, even if it was dangerous as people deserve to know the truth." Steven appeared embarassed and merely nodded, "Okay Claire, we'll do it your way."

The elevator stopped at final floor and as she dart out immediately heading for the roof, Steven once picked up the camera grunting with exertion before following briskly, "Claire, if you feel we must do this. I will."

Of course she did not hear as she flew up the stairs to the roof and exit to the outside followed by a fatigued Steven, waiting a bit for him to recover she gestured to point, took her microphone and once ready her announcement began:

Good evening Wing City this is Terracast Journalist Claire Wilder with a special report, as you know WPD have closed all roads to Wing City Business District and people are being evacuated out of all buildings. I am now here with official story, if you looked up you noticed the ships they are a new Race we have never seen, but we are still trying to work out exactly who they are or their intention. The Taiyou have been informed by TNG and claim to be ready to amass help if Terra in danger. Of course many you know Shintenchi is a Taiyou colony, but not affliated with their homeworld.

Continuing, this merely was beginning of story, an army of minotaurs have amassed and what appears to be well 'Tribbles' if that is the case let's hope they are dealt with. Previous reports show they are not to be underestimated. As you can see the ships are huge. We are hoping we can get a representative of Terra to speak for us, but with the chaos and fraud in Government any hope of that is unlikely. We shall keep you updated as the story progresses, but please don't ignore the police barricades and come into Business District.

There is also hopes to reach out to Mars Corp but nothing solid on that.

This is Claire Wilder for Terracast reporting whenever and wherever, we shall keep you updated by the hour.

Goodbye for now.

As she spoke the Steven made sure to thoroughly film the ships catching everything as well as the events below.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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0.00 INK

Above the skies of wing city, thousands of ship whose origin came from high orbit above Terra belonging to The Imperium Of Man rained down. Vulture Gunships, Sky Talons and Valkyrie Transports arrived en mass, dropping off entire squads of guardsman which assembled into battalions all armed with their las-gun and flak armor, elite soldier such as Kasrykin and Storm Troopers left these shuttles and assembled into elite squads all armed with hell-guns, grenades and carapace armor.

Following this, Vulture Gunships began to fly overhead searching for targets of opportunity while Sky Talons deployed Drop Sentinels, Cyclops Demolition Vehicles, Supply crates, sentry guns and some even deployed tanks to the surface. While the Imperial forces secured a foothold on the planet, a man dressed in a uniform teleported onto the surface. This man known as Ciaphas Cain, a Commisar, was surrounded by a group of 5 Kasrykin and one man named Gunner Ferik Jurgen accompanied him. "Well...I guess I can never escape urban warfare. Listen up guardsman, I want this perimeter secured and a command post established in one of these buildings. Once we have this area secured we will make sure to eliminate all foes that dare try to attack this planet. Now get to it Guardsman!" He yelled orders into his vox and his men began rushing to complete what he asked for. He then began to march forward to help clear the area of all hostiles.

However they did not arrive in the Buisness District of Wing City, They arrived in Sol Avenue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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When Lucifer stood between them and Ayanna, Kinoko gladly answered his question. "We're defending ourselves from a woman who is clearly hellbent on making sure we're deader than dead. While I enjoy fighting, this is getting beyond stupid."

Hana agreed while rubbing her face. "Yeah~! We just wanted to watch our mentor show us how to do some cool fighting stuff, but this woman won't let us!"

Ayanna's scoff tipped them off that something bad was happening, and as Ayanna dashed up to Hana, Hana's head was cleanly taken off by the blade, causing her body to freeze in place twitching as her head hovered beside it, a shocked expression left on the face. She was trying to keep her pain in check by biting her bottom lip, but she was still making sounds. Both parts would fall to the ground, the body landing, twitching intensely while her head landed beside it, with an expression of complete torture on it. Hana did let out several cries of pain though after hitting the floor; her arm was caught as well by the blade and had abandoned her body immediately prior to the rest of her falling to the ground.

This was all Kinoko needed, her own surprise running onto her face at seeing Hana get decapitated. "Hana!" Kinoko slowly turned her head to look away from Hana's predicament, and looked at Ayanna. "You monster! You sick fiend! No one does that to Hana without my say so! You aren't allowed to harm my best friend!"

She looked down at the floor again, seeing Hana's twitching form. Somewhere deep, she knew Hana was perfectly fine. She was a Majin. But the very act, that someone would stoop to that level, it angered her to point that pushed beyond her tolerance. In her anger, a powerful aura began radiating off of her as she started twitching her eyes, her body having occasional spasms. "That you... would do that... to her!"

The entire area would begin shaking with power, pieces of buildings and the floor floating into the air as she radiated intense power. Gradually, her hair began changing color, a bright yellow color now coloring her hair. The hairstyle also began lifting itself upward, as if swept up by wind. With an aura of energy surrounding her in a golden color, her eyes closed, only to reopen in a green color. Putting her arms to her side, she screamed in complete anger, as a powerful shockwave radiated through the area, the whole transforming process completed.

Kinoko returned to a neutral stance as she gave Ayanna quite a nasty glare. She didn't say anything yet, letting the power flow around her. The debris that had been lifted into the air fell back to the floor, and lightning occasionally crackled around Kinoko for short moments. The aura around her was a glowing golden color.

"Heartless tyrant! You just destroy because you feel like it! Chasing off the warrior I was dueling, damaging those robots who had no quarrel with you, and more! Even if they were attacking us, fighting should be fair and honorable, and you're anything but! You're even attempting to invade this planet! I have no care for the people who live here; Humans are beneath me! But they haven't done anything to warrant having their homes and lives destroyed for your own power grab! You have fought with skill, but we're done here!"

Kinoko pointed at Ayanna, and issued her final challenge, a decree that carried overwhelming finality to whomever heard it.


With a level of speed that not even Ayanna would be able to see, Kinoko rushed in front of the armored woman and attempted to force her fist as hard as she could into Ayanna's gut, trying to give the warrior no chance to react. The force behind this punch was far more significant than any blow Ayanna had taken so far, and would not be able to be stopped by Ayanna's armor or magic. The punch was designed simply to make Ayanna gag and heave, allowing Kinoko to drive home to a point her new and overwhelming power.

Whether or not the punch struck or was evaded, Kinoko's scowl intensified.


Emily hovered into the air again, inches off the ground, and began the process anew. As Drek and Ekfricai attacked her from two angles, she began bending in various ways, as well as spinning in place at times, evading each attack thrown by the two warriors. The only time she dropped her guard to be hit was when she heard Kinoko chewing out Ayanna, causing the entire place to shake.

Emily gracefully took the hits and retreated a short distance away from the two. Her form, though a big wound was in her body, healed itself almost immediately as new flesh filled out what was taken. "Impressive, but your leader's time is approaching it's end. My acolyte has been angered, thus, is unlocking power that trivializes even all of yours. I'll play for a bit longer before I'll need to leave."

Emily this time went on the attack, transforming as she dashed towards Drek and Ekfricai. Her new form changed with every attack launched; any punches, kicks, and energy blasts, were done as Ekfricai. She however made use of several quick swings of Drek's weapon, using his form to do so each time. Her attacks were fast enough that she split them between both Drek and Ekfricai, attempting to land any number of hits upon either as she took the offensive. Her fighting style remained unique, even when she transformed into either of the warriors.

In between each transformation, visible for only split seconds, Emily's form was that of a sphere of formless flesh with random eyes, mouths, and appendages hanging from it, comprising most of its body. She almost didn't notice the Human soldiers arriving to combat Ayanna's soldiers, but made a mental note of them anyways. "Terra's military force? Very much the slowest response time I've seen. But what to expect of mere mortals?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: Emily Kattelya Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth
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#, as written by Shpleem
The machine couldn't believe Ayanna's reaction to his attempt to bring peace, then again, the Dark Wings probably would have done something similar had he not mercilessly slaughtered every single one he encountered in the name of preserving humanity.

On Kinoko's transformation, Lucifer could read the energy output, at least in the aura and the way it was interacting with the environment around Kinoko. Though seeing the other being beheaded gave him pause. He'd seen her pull herself together before upon being split in half, so this did give him hope that she wasn't dead, but she did seem to be in great pain.

While Kinoko began her unrelenting assault on Ayanna he descended to examine Hana. With surprising gentleness for a machine he moved to pick up her severed head and gently place it near her body. He didn't say anything, his words had proven useless with this group, but at least a gesture of acceptance might help in some way. If Hana was watching him closely enough she'd be able to see he was slowly repairing himself, the crack in his right eye lense was shrinking and his armor was slowly rebuilding itself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Misonii Character Portrait: The Invictus
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#, as written by Saarai
Wing City often found itself the venue for the next big war, a victim of senseless violence and mayhem. The civilian populace always found themselves in danger of death, of losing those they held dearest to that violence and mayhem.

A dark figure shot out of the sky and came to crash into the street, debris exploding up into the air and then raining back down in chunks. When it began to clear there was a crater in the street, standing in it was a woman donning body armor colored deep orange over a black jumpsuit.

Holsters covered her body, a dozen handguns tucked into each. They glimmered in whatever light was nearby. Sometimes blinding those that found their attention focused on the pristine weapons instead of the piercing green eyes of the woman barely hidden beneath the gas mask that covered her face.

The armored woman was a harbinger of things to come. An omen. Simultaneously, she was a beacon of hope to the people of Wing City.

There would be no more senseless violence and mayhem as long as she was there. No more wars. No more loved ones to be buried in graveyards.

Several wormholes opened high up in the sky directly above the harbinger, each glowing and swirling with orange energy. Crackling with artificial lightning.

Dozens and dozens of small fighters and bombers flew from the wormholes, all of them flying in formation that clearly indicated that they were ready for a fight.

They were followed by one large ship. It was nearly a hundred kilometers in length, casting a large shadow over the city. And then came another. And another.

A dozen more of the ships came into view from wherever they were in the wormholes. Half flew further up into the sky, the others were content to eclipse the city until they were no longer needed.

Until the fighting that was causing so much damage to the city was no more.

The Invictus were back and they were not happy with what they were seeing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Misonii
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  1. Rulke you still need to edit this post regarding the tribbles.

    by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
As all this occurred, Hastur watched, having noticed the Dark Queen had opted to completely vanish, leaving him to watch the chaos. When the blast flew at him, he watched as it attempted to entrap him, but he merely gestured and immediately the shield shattered like glass. Below there was great deal of chaos, so much sabre rattling combined with ego who believed themselves superior. It was rather dull affair, but it was five times more enjoyable than anything else happening in the whole cosmic reality. Nonetheless the arrival of the Invictius seemed to interest him as he peered up, "Finally worthy pieces."

Below the tribbles had started at 100, one been murdered point blank, but they were now 500 tribbles on the ground and being they were carniverous they were attacking anyone nearby as well as eating through the building. Any matter living, material or otherwise was their target. Of course the attempts to kill them and stop them multiplying was doable, but getting them all that was the issue.

Hastur did not doubt for one second though Wing City could not be saved. In fact he somewhat could admire their reseilents despite everything the city goes through on a daily basis.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Misonii
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0.00 INK

Nine blindingly bright points of light in the sky indicated that it was now time. Ayanna, after being struck by Kinoko's sudden attack, not only lost all the breath in her lungs, but also coughed up a bit of blood. She stumbled back a bit before turning and leaping with all her remaining strength back to the crater and Molnish. She landed in a tumble as the Enhancement spell she had cast dwindled away.

Ekfricai and Drek had been expecting off kilter tactics, they were used to them being employed by the dark gods of the void. Even so, suddenly having to face yourself, and your battle brother, would rattle anyone. Ekfricai, more adept at a defensive stance than his brother, was able to whether the storm with relative ease. Drek however had trouble defending and ended up jumping backwards to land beside Molnish, just to avoid Emily's barrage. "You had better be ready now" he said as he looked up to the mage.

"Actually, I've just finished preparing" Molnish replied. Molnish hovered off the ground, runic sigils glowing and swirling around him in a dozen different circles. His hands were spread apart as he manipulated the streams of energy, which flowed all around him in many dizzying patterns. His staff floated above him, crackling with power. Ekfricai leaped back, holding his shoulder, which had taken a pretty nasty hit from when Emily had been assaulting him in Drek's form.

It was at this point that Ayanna landed beside them. Drek was the first to her side, "Hey, get up warmonger. This isn't done yet." He said in a visibly stressed tone. Ayanna pulled herself up shakily with his help, and looked over to where she had Left Kinoko. "This... Has gone on long enough."

At that moment the orange portals would have opened, and all three of them looked to the newly arriving ships. "My my, this is becoming quite the Gala." Ekfricai said, smiling brightly.
"Shut up." Drek returned at him.
"Molnish we are out of time, you need to cast the spell now. We have to get rid of the abyssal god and then clear this place so the Rook can fortify our position." Ayanna said between heavy breaths.
"Done. Lets begin."

Molnish raised his hands to the air and his staff raised as well. The first sign any would have of the event would be a crackling of energy. Then a massive arcane circle covered the whole of the district as it formed in the air. Above it another circle formed, and then another, and again another. These circles continued to form far into the sky, until it seemed the whole of the atmosphere had been turned into a great ring of runic sigils. At that moment the Rook class ships in high orbit fired their weapons, the concentrated power of nine dwarf stars was blasted through the Arcane circles, and each one the energy passed through changed the energy itself, from a white hot plasma of unbearable heat into raw magical power, which stormed down like thunder from heaven to strike the Staff above Molnish.
The six Paladins originally sent to reinforce Ayanna had shifted their weapons back into the forms of staves. They each raised these into the air, and the thunderous force that wasn't absorbed by Molnish's tool was taken by the Paladins, before it too was refocused into his staff.

Then Ayanna, Ekfricai, and Drek'Thaleen each raised their respective weapons into the air. The power then arced from Molnish's staff to each of their weapons, and using that as the focal point, the spell was cast. Each of the three began to crack and break, their skin erupting as the power flowed into their bodies. From the cracks in their form a pure white light shone through, flooding the area as though each of the three were a sun in and of themselves. A moment later and the spell was completed and three entirely new entities stood in their place.

Ayanna no longer looked as a woman, she no longer even looked alive. Where once had been the aggressive warrior wielding the long blade of blue, there stood what seemed to be a burning creature of blades and spikes and metal. In it's right hand was the long hand and a half sword of blue starsteel that rippled with iridescent light. It's left was empty. It's eyes , if thats what they were, burned with fury unquantifiable. It looked only at Emily.

Wings of silver light, pale and cold, unfolded to reveal the Ascended form of Drek'Thaleen. In his right hand he held his scythe, his left was empty. His body was covered in a cold and lifeless silver armor that shone pale with it's own light. Chains hung from his form, and the air was cold around him.

Ekfricai stepped forward, the earth cracking and rising into the air around him. A fire burned in his arms, and of those he now bore four. Molten light burnished his body that seemed earthen in it's strength. A ring hovered behind him, testamount to his ascension to a godstate. He smiled at emily, burning eyes without pupils giving the impression of merriment.

Thus were the three Warriors of Deyja'Tugal ascended to godhood, albeit Temporarily. Molnish called out to them, still hovering surrounded by arcane circles. "You do not have much time, I will sustain you as long as I can but you must put an end to the void lord while you can!"

The three ascended needed no further encouraging, as all three rushed forward to meet their foe.


An archer stationed on a nearby building was scanning the area as events unfolded when he spied upon a pair of humans atop an adjacent building. He called down to his brothers below, four of which immediatly detached and began their climb to the roof to apprehend the offenders.


The sorcerers, after channeling energy for so long, had finally completed their task. At last, twelve hulking Golems of Starsteel had been formed. They were all but impervious to physical assault, and magic would only be absorbed by the Starsteel. The ultimate siege weapons were now deployed, and just in time, towards the various fronts throughout the city. Joining them were whole contingents of Legion Warriors, complete with Fyrnskain Captains and Paladin support units. Where as before the forces were only forming a perimeter, now the invasion had begun in earnest.


And then, from high above in the orbit of Terra, a massive, 20 kilometer long ship shaped like an obelisk, began a descent towards the surface. The point of the obelisk shape was aimed for the business district, and the massive vessel fell with the slow assurity of night. Soon it would touch down, within no less than five minutes, and when it did the shockwave would outright destroy the nearest structures, and scatter dust and debris throughout the city. It drew inexorably closer to the surface...

Accompanying the craft were swarms of fighters and bombers, the majority of which directed themselves towards the Invictus fleet. No less than fourteen Knight class ships, each one five kilometers in length, ducked down from the upper atmosphere and began their approach to the Invictus fleet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Misonii
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0.00 INK

Hana, upon receiving help from Lucifer, began moving her arms, her face making expressions of effort being exerted. Slowly, but surely, her arms found her head, pulling it into her body as her severed arm joined it. Her body then dissolved into a mass of pink gelatin like material, thick as a putty, that began floating into the air. The mass reformed itself into Hana in short order, her body free of any prior wounding. She looked as though she hadn't even seen any combat.

"Kee hee hee! Thanks a bunch Mr. Robot Thing!"

She smirked and took off flying again, only this time to Emily's side, landing to the woman's left. "I'm back and better than ever! I've even invented a new game for us!" She beat her chest as she pumped herself up for another fight.


Kinoko would utilize Rapid Movement to appear at Emily's right side before one could even snap. Without her armor, she did look woefully under equipped, and rather exposed. However, her anger seemed to be fueling her; as she gritted her teeth, staring down Ayanna, her muscles seemed to grow, enhancing their size beyond what she was at before. Her glow was still prevalent, and she chuckled. "So you're back in one piece, Hana. Good! I'm angry, so let's get them!" Kinoko's feet began sinking into the floor with sheer power. "Mentor! Leave that one with the blue sword to me. She tried to kill Hana, ignoring all else to do so, and no one is allowed to even try and kill my friends without my permission! I WILL DESTROY HER!"

Emily scolded Kinoko at this point. "Kinoko! Calm down! They are at a level where I must take them seriously now. Stay calm and focused so you do not run into any of their attacks. We have only a few minutes left before I will take us back to safety so you can be rearmed to fight their reinforcements."

Hana was giggling uncontrollably as she focused herself, massive amounts of steam ejecting from her head, her arms, and her legs. Her power spiking a small amount. "I'll dump 'em all over! I think I know where their power is coming from, so I'll destroy it!"


Seeing the three now before herself and her acolytes, Emily herself smirked, her eyes becoming their black milky hue again. "My acolytes... I am going to use my true form, and thus, all of my power. The transformation can make inferior beings go mad, and it appears horrific to many. Equip the special earrings, those I said were blessed with the Unknown Trinity's power. They will protect you from anything I do. as long as I show no intention to harm you. It will shield your eyes and ears from what I truly look like, a form neither of you are ready to glance at. I will not allow it to harm bystanders if possible however, and will attempt to remain as appealing as possible. So no objections to what I say!"

Upon finishing this warning, and as Kinoko and Hana each equipped the small baubles they had, Emily's mouth began opening as though she was stretching it open to eat something. However, when it continued to open, and began pulling down to the floor, Emily's body began following suit with her hands and her legs also opening in this manner. As her whole body began transforming, it appeared as though she was turning herself inside out.

The process appeared gruesome, and her form began shrouding in a hazy mist that had the composition of blood and dissolving flesh in equal parts. Her form solidified to appear feminine, and she even retained the shapely and curvaceous form her avatar had initially. What ruined the sight was the fact that her body constantly shifted and moved; her body spawned several appendages at regular intervals that would travel across her body to varying distances before being absorbed once more into her form. Aside from her face having two featureless and empty eyes that occasionally glowed with yellow, her bosom, hips, arms, legs, and even back had extra pairs of eyes and mouths, with the side of her torso being one big mouth. Surrounding her at ground level, constant tentacle like growths of flesh served as a sort of ground based travel method. There were too many to accurately count. Her head was still capped by the same Mitre, but it soon dissolved into her as it was replaced by a weird symbol that could not be explained. Her size increased in height slightly, approaching seven feet easily, even if it was likely being suppressed in truth. Any further description was too gruesome and horrific to even be written or recorded, let alone even seen, but it was no lie to say her form was something that should not be seen, or even spoken of, but the end result was a revolting combination of an appealing feminine figure clashed with everything that was wrong and unholy to gaze upon.


Finishing the transformation, a swift process that took only seconds, the distorted voice spoke in full.

"You will regret challenging Reflek-She! You have officially forfeited your lives as all others before you have!"

Over her entire form, discharges of a putrid liquid substance would emerged from her as nearby debris and loose rubble began levitating around her. The putrid liquid would quiver as it solidified into fleshy masses that exploded into wisps of energy. Each wisp appeared as a tormented and lightly screeching head in the shape of various races; representing individuals whom were no doubt killed in trying to fight her themselves. The wisps' moaning and wailing began filling the area with an intense pressure and despair that could drive all but the most mentally solid insane if it was heard for too long. The cries were a sickening reflection of her capabilities and her demeanor. As the wisps wailed, they would return to her, only for more to emerge from her form, an endless cycle.


Hastur would find a voice contacting him, one belonging to Reflek-She, one delivered via telepathy in a language that only they two could use, for anyone else without the proper measures in place would be driven insane from hearing single words, let alone more. "Somehow, your presence reassures me; do what you will, here, Hastur, I will decline to interfere with you in any way, as I assume you no doubt will decline to interfere with me. Request the change in plans at anytime, for I am open to suggestions from a familiar face."


The attractive female figure, as alluring as she was reviling due to all the malformations and abnormalities, took a coy, perhaps girlish, pose as an arm and hand extended from her form, a taunt with a finger goading the three ascended beings to come at her and her acolytes. She then dissolved the hand back into her being, taking on no fighting stance in particular as the waves of appendages that grew out of her base alongside the tentacles crashed over each other over and over again in symbolic ways that weren't at all sane or normal.

The trio seemed ready to truly fight, awaiting their opposition to charge them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Hastur Character Portrait: Misonii
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Lucifer heaved a mechanical sigh of relief at Hana's recovery. However as he turned back to observe the crater, it was clear things were escalating even further. He knew he couldn't compete with any of the forces being unleashed below. He resigned himself to fleeing this conflict after another examination of the area.

It didn't take long for his mechanical eyes to spot the news crew atop one of the distant buildings. If anything he could at least get them out of danger. Thankfully his energy reserves were holding and so he took off, flying towards Clair and her cameraman. He didn't know about the soldiers also climbing the building towards them, though with his flight speed, it was likely he could get there before them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Misokai Character Portrait: Hastur
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  1. Scorpion01 if you had just waited a couple more minutes I would have posted to your original post, theres no need to further congest this scene T-T

    by TheOneWhoSeesAllThings
  2. Disregard this post; continue the fight in Wing City Proper.

    by Scorpion01
  3. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Scorpion01

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