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Elish Virunok

Head of Mezzadratian Military - Science Division with her brother

0 · 446 views · located in Rarize

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rulke


The Giant Sprawling Flying Continent of Mezzadrate a Grand Empire with Four Cities hanging over a planet, the origin of the great Continent been lost to the ages, but no one ventures off of it, on to the planet below.



So begins...

Elish Virunok's Story


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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#, as written by Rulke
Having been busy studying the incomprehensible schematics for the cities data, the woman was annoyed when there was a knock at her door. Groaning in frustration she spoke in a clipped tone, "Come in." a courier entered with information tube, sighing she shooed them away before playing it. The feed on her screen lit up as she watched the recording, "This is Curt Bavee second in command of the crew at Rarize Space Port. We have picked up two ships near to us and one has sent a contingent to scout. Do we uncloak or not?" well this was unexpected after most see the planet abandoned they rarely continue with any further investigation. Persistent certainly but a problem.

Deciding to cut out a middle man she opened a feed straight to Rarize, "Deactivate the cloak and patch me through to both ships. I wish to address this personally." the person on the other side nodded and immediately set about activating the measure so her voice could be heard clearly by both, "This is Elish Virunok, speaking on behalf of the Virunok Noble Family and Mezzadrate. We demand you reveal your intentions. Be warned any attempt to attack us will be met with resistance. If you comply with this, I shall meet you both at our spaceport. Remember, this is only a courtesy if you test my patience in any way. You will find Mezzadrate while small is very much prepared to fight back." ending her message she prepared the response.

The cloak meanwhile switched from that of invisible to a powerful shield, revealing a great sprawling floating continent, with powerful engines keeping it aloft. It was impressive to see, and it also appeared to have its own eco-system created allowing weather and atmosphere. Truly beautiful and yet nothing like this had been comprehended by human minds.


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok Character Portrait: Victor Ferreira
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The starfighters had been travelling at a steady yet quick pace in pursuit of this anomaly they spotted in the middle of space. "Sir." One called out on the comm to Wit Skura. "I don't see anything just yet." The pilot turned to look out one of the side windows of the fighter to his fellow pilots, wondering if they saw anything he didn't. As he was turning his head, he got a gut feeling that caused him to shudder. Like something wasn't right...

Just as this feeling came and passed, the cloak around the continent dissipated as the pilots of the starfighters now pulled up on their controllers, trying to avoid crashing into the shield (or worse yet, crashing into the continent below). Four of the six managed to narrowly avoid the shield, the other two were unfortunate - their reaction time was either two slow, or delayed due to shock as they pelted against the shield in a large explosion for each of them. Had their been no blast of hellish flame from the destroyed vessel, the men could have had a chance of survival out in the void, but alas...all that remained now was dust and screams echoing into nothing.

"Two and Fives? Two and Fives, answer me!" Nothing but dead air greeted Wit as he took in a deep breath. Two men dead on his watch already. Fuck...

As this happened, the intercom opened with a message from the continent below. Wit had the technician accept the incoming broadcast to see what was said. Once it was done, he sent his own message down and trying to keep his voice from shaking after the anger had hit him. "This is Wit Skura of The 6th Order. We are here on our Holy Galactic Quest to rid this here Multiverse of all alien humanoid lifeforms and return it to its former glory. Be aware that any hostile actions against us will be seen as an act of war against The 6th Order."

Being tapped on the shoulder by another technician, he looked to the report. Another ship was nearby, they hadn't determined if it was friendly or not and it hadn't taken any action. Though he wasn't prepared for combat of any sort, Wit let out a heavy sigh and opened up the communication again to the continent below. "I've said what I need to say officially...if this unknown vessel isn't one of your own, we can deal with it for you as an act of reassurance. We do not appreciate people getting in the way of our 'negotiations'."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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  1. Kreen helped me write the description for destruction of the ships.

    by Rulke

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Getting no response from the second ship, Elish sent out the command to the technicians to activate the weapon. The secret of Mezzadrate and conceived by her sibling and herself. They were twins, but the weapon was the shield of Mezzadrate, the cloak, the Generators could be modified to unleash targetted vibrations so powerful they tore apart any inorganic or organic matter. The frequency exceeding what a person could handle. Essentially sound was ripping it to pieces. And Elish had given them a warning, they had not listened or even addressed her. The 6th Order would soon see what Mezzadrate was capable of.

Generators spun up a pervasive hum in the underlayer as capacitors charged. Crescendo peaks as coolant systems sprung to life supporting loaded wires and transducers. What little dust lay upon vast networks of conduits between racks tore free. Vibrations dense enough to cavitate light from sheer vacuum poured into them. The stars balanced by careful minds scream at reality from heavy and strong emitters. Vibrations lens that starful light targeted toward the mystery fleet in fleeting sparks.

The invisible wave completely avoided the other ship but lasted mere seconds. Constant construction and deconstruction of vacuum stars emitted vibrations of its own. The pounding shed motes of armor in that first instant like the wave of dust the conduits shrugged off. In the next moment the whole of the metal surface roiled as a violent storm hurling rocks at a still pond. In the peak's moment swelling over target it fractures the whole along every seam. An earthquake in reality that left no two bolts together much less the grains of metal that composed it.

Fleeing bodies seeking shelter found none. Not even escape pods spared as the frequency tore apart anything within range. Skin threw free each cell like the ship's armor they labored under. Blood boiled out of them unable to contain itself. Soon even the blood fell to its components. Each cavitation star a tiny supernova scattering metal and steel alike.

If could be sound among such a destroying wave it would be clanging and clashing of metal as parts lost hold of one another. Containers of many things rent entirely by the vibrations which buckled and crippled each bolt in the core of the ship. Each peal of transient stars crushing or completely disincorporating what remained of the second ship. Nothing of them or their inhabitants were spared.

Once finished and the scans showed nothing there she sent patch through to the second ship, "As stated we are well prepared for anything. If you promise to respect our Sovereignty and bring no one but a small detachment of soldiers to protect your Ambassador you can land in our spaceport. If you try anything, be warned we have means to show you what we are capable of and what you witnessed is merely one." pausing she checked the monitor, "I shall inform our King guests should be expected and you have permission to land. Welcome to Mezzadrate and please don't be alarmed by our actions today. You shall learn when you come down why we are so aggressive. Also apologies for your airmen. Sadly to keep this place secret we must keep the cloak on." closing the intercom she immediately prepared an urgent message to send through the service tubes for the King.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

Admiral Wit gulped heavily as he saw the remains of the other ship flying through space. The 6th Order had contingency plans upon contingency plans, especially for situations like these...Receiving the transmission, Wit was quick to respond over the comm. "Very well, Mazzadrinians. We will be landing shortly." Once done on the comms he took a step back from the front console, looking down to the engineers on the vessel. Many of them were volunteers, some were drafted. Most did their work diligently and with little question as to the higher up's intents.

Walking down from the bridge as the ship began to land, Wit wiped a bit of sweat that had been forming over his brow and trailing down his face. His most trusted adviser, Mark Yancy, at his side. "Mark", Wit began as he drew heavy and nervous breaths. "Prime the ship for Plan 01A, 5 minutes."

Mark gave Wit a look for a moment, and raised an eyebrow. "Plan 01A? Are you positive?"

"Absolutely positive..." Wit replied, the cruiser touching down and landing. Once there, he gave a solute to Yancy. Wit would stall for the time while Plan 01A took effect. Having landed, the ship's door opened for its Admiral to come out and see those who would be willing to greet him at his ship. They just needed to bide their time for a few minutes before the plan went off.

The setting changes from Mezzadrate to Rarize


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
As the word was sent through to begin docking procedures, the engineers and specialist began to work in overdrive to prepare the arrival. Elish had informed though they have permission to land if anything happens to blow the ship up. Unlike the King, Elish did not trust these individuals, nor would she let them anywhere until she had vetted them. Weapon turrets were prepared and armed while the final orders were going through. Unlike her promise she had not informed the King of any arrival nor did she intend too. In fact, she had made her way from Ideoris to here as quickly as one could. Holding a tablet while standing firm she spoke through the intercom, "You are clear to land. Be warned any hostility and you shall never leave this place alive. There are about five hundred unique golems in this area controlled by each person in this area. Our turrets are trained on the landing spot. If you had any plans to do anything I suggest you stop them." pausing she went on, "You are to stay in Rarize only until I feel you are trustworthy enough to go elsewhere. Try walking or moving through the desert you will find it hostile and extremely dangerous. This is entirely isolated and there is no other ship port in Mezzadrate. If we are clear on all this. Then we can begin." with her announcement made she turned to one of the engineers.

"Plug this into the generator and use this code. It is a mini version of our shield. Not tested but it means if worse comes to worse if we have to detonate this place the explosion will be contained. That and it also shall act as a means to keep them in." he nodded as she thought to herself. After that demonstration, they are likely nervous and afraid. They are very likely to act extremely. It would be wise for me to consider this despite them being a guest.

Despite not being Military herself she still presented fantastic leadership and tactics. It would help if her brother would hurry up as they needed to both be prepared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

Admiral Wit raised an eyebrow as he was presented everything in front of him, as straight and clear as day. Wonderful. He took in a deep breath, pinging on his comm over text. 'Yancy. Prime the ship, but only activate it on my command.' He got a reply quickly, a simple 'Okay'.

With his hands behind his back, Wit stepped out alone from the docking ramp of his ship. His expression remained unchanging as he held his head high. There he waited, letting them go through their processes and awaiting an ambassador or diplomat of some sort to lead him away from his ship so he could begin diplomacy. It seemed things were going well...perhaps their contingency plan may not be as necessary?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Approaching the ship which had landed, she had two lesser family members with their Golems next to them, there were Reginald and Helga. The golems they had were human sized but as with most of Virunok Golems they appeared extremely formidable, more like Mechs in appearance, though completely controlled by those two. Her own was nearby, but as with her cunning, it was hidden in stealth, scanning frequencies to pick up any intermittent chatter between the person in charge and the ship. Completely hidden from most radar systems, Eluvian waited, watching while she approached the new disembarking leader.

Speaking firmly she gave a polite but definitely militaristic salute, "Elish Virunok, Head of the Virunok Noble Family, welcome to Mezzadrate - Empire of Wonder." placing her hand back at her side she nodded, "Firstly I apologize for what took place, but when you have certain aggressive nations constantly patrolling nearby systems we must be prepared. We hear much of Aschen people and how they usually react. Thus we need weapons to handle them." nodding she went on, "Until we know if you can be trusted you will not see any of the cities as we stated. As a show of good faith, we picked up your pilots bodies with our tracker beams. One of them may well live, the other is dead. If proceedings go well you can have both your men back, although the one still alive is in critical condition and we ask you to let our Doctors do what they need to do." gesturing to port around her she finished, "This is Rarize, the only Oasis within Vwertan Sands."

Taking a breath she turned back to face them, "Now before we go to a cooler more hospital room do you have any questions regarding anything? Or shall we move to better accommodation and perhaps arrange a meal for our guests?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

Wit saw the advantageous position he was in now, a grin on his face as he listened to what the woman had to say. Aggressive nations? Aschen? Last he had heard, the Aschen was still frazzled by the terror attack on Molecay not too long ago. Raising an eyebrow however at the mention of his pilots, he shook his head. "That was wholly unnecessary...they knew what they were getting themselves into."

Whether or not those of Mezzadrate figure out what the encrypted commlink was receiving and sending for messages, Wit pulled the comm out once more and lifted his gaze from the comm to her. "No questions. And I don't think any accommodations for us is necessary. I think I've done my job for the most part." He looked back down to the comm, typing in a quick Okay and sending it to Yancy.

Within the ship, the button was ready to be activated, and once he received the okay signal from Wit, Yancy pressed down on the button. They only had a few seconds now as the ship was priming and ready to self destruct, alarms began blaring upon the cruiser now as the coolant in the engines were cut off and pressure began to rupture the reactors of the ship.

Wit let out a small chuckle as he stared the woman down, knowing full well what would come of this. "You pose a threat to us, The 6th Order...and this 'Mezzadrate' shall be wiped off the galactic map - here, and now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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  1. EMPs actually speed up the process of self destruction (the way it's going on here). The second half of the post beyond the EMP might need to be disregarded due to this.

    by ColeMaibara

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Smirking, she laughed, "Apparently our example was ignored." she pulled out a tablet device and typed in commands, "As of now you are our prisoner. Mezzadrate won't be destroyed but any hope you had of ever seeing our cities is gone. The shield is activated and you will find your ship blowing up will do little" nodding she turned to her relatives, Reginald, Helga, please arrest this man and anyone part of First Order. We were aware of what could happen and know everyone we served valiantly."

Just as the ship core was overheating ready to explode, something unheard of occurred. For a long time, the mysteries of the Floating Continent had eluded even the smartest group of scientists. So when a voice spoke out to every intercom in the continent, it was horrifying to the citizens and shock to the Government, "This is the Continent and Ship -- Mezzadrate, created by a race long forgotten and sworn to the protection of Zumer. For a long time, you have monitored and viewed, studied even. We saw no reason to intervene, nor provide any of the hidden qualities of Mezzadrate." A powerful massive EMP released from entire continent knocking all but the Proto-Ecology Hardware out. Being the ship that was in Mezzadrate was set to blow up, the EMP would likely send it offline or even fry it circuitry.

Elish blinked, looking rather nonplussed, "Track that signal, I want it stopped!"

tThe voice appeared to laugh, "Elish Virunok --- despite your relative intelligence you have shown your lack of foresight and knowledge. Captain Wit, your attempts to destroy something you little can comprehend are frankly laughable." the voice was coming through ever channel despite the massive EMP having done irreplaceable damage, "Now there is no threat. It is time you know why Mezzadrate was created. It is time you know some of the secrets. Mezzadrate was created by Synthetic Race who names are no longer in our records. The Zumer the race your ostracise and attacked were the caretakers. The purpose of this experiment was to see how a race provided all these opportunities would evolve. You were created by the Zumer. When we learned how bloodthirsty you were, we closed off many of the hidden wonders of this Continent. You have long wondered how the continent is both synthetic and yet natural, yet never questioned if this thing could float is it even solely a continent."


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

A nuclear core powering a starship. When disconnected from the coolant, it was heating up and pressure was bringing it closer and closer to exploding in a controlled detonation. Everything had been going according to plan until the super-massive EMP struck the ship, said EMP coming from the continent.

Perhaps this was Mezzadrate's first time dealing with the coolant being cut off however everything 'controlled' about this detonation was taken straight from their hands and flipped upside down. This had gone from a controlled detonation to a massive explosion - one that is much worse than what would have originally taken place. Everything had been sped up by that simple EMP disrupting all of the technology, said explosion wasn't of technological origin. In fact, the technology in place on the ship was what was keeping everything from blowing up so fast.

Within an instant, the reactor of the ship failed as all previous restraints keeping the explosion contained were halted, and the nuclear hellfire began to engulf the ship and expand from its origin.

Tick, tick, tick, BOOM


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
This may have occurred if The Intelligence had not considered certain parameters, although not aware of these changes, the many advanced complex systems operated to respond at such a rate, that even when EMP was known to have failed a second counter-measure was employed this time. Although done so very fast before the Ship could fully detonate, a powerful barrier was completed erected around the ship so quickly and with little comprehension of what was occurring by anyone, before monitoring tensile strength noting it would contain the explosion.

Although it quickly realised that though explosion would be contained radiation would not be. Although the Intelligence was trying to keep the many wonders of Mezzadrate secret, it still had a duty. Mezzadrate must always survive at all costs, even if the experiment failed and certain capabilities of the Continent were revealed. The original creators had used technology far surpassing that of anything citizens of Mezzadrate could comprehend. Such technologies would be unwise to reveal, but the duty to secrecy and that of the oath were in conflict to the Mega A.I.

With the speed that would baffle most, it appeared to quickly create a localised vortex within the shielded ship/bomb. It would quickly engulf the ship and drag it through. The explosion though still as tremendous shook the whole of Mezzadrate hard. Although by all accounts the threat was over.

Now where this vortex would send it, was entirely uncertain. The only likely outcome was somewhere far away from Mezzadrate.

Whatever the case with the explosion being pulled into the vortex, while the shield contained and protected Rarize.

Once all the irradiated matter was sucked through, the vortex would shut off and the shield would deactivate.

This happened so fast, that the people below barely had time to comprehend what was happening. In fact, The Intelligence reacted to changed information so fast, it was impressive on its own.

Although contained, the explosion still rocked the entire Continent, nothing was harmed by the action. In fact, the Intelligence EMP had done far more harm to Mezzadrate. Although Elish was getting alerts all over the continent, she would need to return to Ideoris and deal with this.

Helga and Reginald's Golem were now next to Wit, staring down weapons primed, [b]"The knowledge in Mezzadrate is far more complicated for you to comprehend. I suggest the 6th Order leave now. Or the weapons on this continent, the actual weapons will destroy all. And be warned you try to fight us you will learn that now I am active, this Intelligence will protect this Continent even if those are not worthy of it. Your attempts are stopped."

Once the voice stopped, she stared for a few seconds, before shrugging momentarily nonplussed, "Appears once your business is done, Captain. We have a lot more to learn... I think..." there was no doubt she was just as confused... Though quickly she scowled at what remained of 6th Order, "GET HIM OUT OF MY SIGHT."

Absolutely livid, she went on, "Helga, Reginald, put him the darkest coldest dungeon we have. I never want to see him again." with that she head back to the nearest ship to take her back to Ideoris.

Despite her anger being tangible, she had forgotten her Golem and as she turned away, it leapt down, breaking it stealth, before attempting to grab Captain Wit. If it succeeded it would ask in firm yet robotic tone, "Eluvian suggests for his crimes, he must be executed.", Elish turned back staring at him, "No, Eluvian as much as that man actions are reprehensible. We are not the aggressors and never were. Take him to darkest dungeon."