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The Multiverse


It seems much like an in hospital wasteland if it was not for the great floating continent of Mezzadrate.

Mezzadrate is a huge continent with four major cities and five towns, the continent biggest city is Zumillion which houses the legendary Proto Ecology Lab and much of the world's populace and scientists the capital is Zurallix.

The continent is a strange amalgamation of both Renassiance style architecture and futuristic or modern buildings, for the Nobles people often suggest are stuck in the past and insist on no technology except what they allow, whereas the cities are great sprawling metropolises where the main focus is either industrial or scientific. There are other avenues but science is the main career choice by most.

An enigma in itself the Continent origin is entirely unknown lost to the ages.

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The Continent of Mezzadrate which floats above the planet surface, the continent is the only source of life on the planet and many theorise that the very air below the continent is toxic.


Mezzadrate is a part of Mezz.

5 Places in Mezzadrate:

8 Characters Here

Victor Ferreira [2] Admiral of Naval Group #33 of Attican Productivities
Damien Mercuxio [2] Head of the 5th noble family in Mezzadrate.
Yozakura [1] cousin of Luna
Fernia [0] Female, kept to herself, calm and serene.
RT3X (Artex) [0] A mysterious droid with various devices and equipment. He has been programmed complexly to do business transactions too dangerous to be done by actual people.
Lunaria Exules [0] She's a socially awkward archer who is scared of feelings... o.o

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Character Portrait: Mjr. General Had-Medeen
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Mjr. General Had-Medeen stood resolute with his arms behind his back. “The First Galactic War is over, sir, and the Aschen have the victory they intended -- but there is a price they will have to pay for it, one they will not recover from.” Had-Medeen replied, the ocular nodes of the mask darkening as the lighting of the bridge darkened. Nearby the General holograms began to active and swirl in the air. “We are broken but we are not beaten. Many of us have accepted defeat, not all of us have accepted it as final.” Had-Medeen slowly let his hands fall in front of him as the topic reached farther.

“These people here with me now are part of the 85th Star Fleet, the only Star Fleet vessels currently in this sector of space. Generally, a Star Fleet is larger than six ships. The war begun in this area of space, and so it will again sir.” Had-Medeen remarked as he turned to an interface on the bridge.

“Granted landing clearance we can continue these delegations in person, communicating across great distances gives the Aschen a benefit they do not need."


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Character Portrait: King Josiah Liwave of The 21st Noble House
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#, as written by Rulke
The King would nod and turn off the cloak heading towards the capital, he would reply in communication, "Please only send one ship down to Zumillion and the other shall land in Rarize, I shall send coordinates for you." with that he would indicate towards officer and have them patch through information and landing codes, that would only work once, just to be on the safe side.


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Mjr. General Had-Medeen stepped onto the deck of the lone Erodex class Gunship that was fixed into the bulwark of the Paradox’s enormous berth. As the vessel slowed to dispatch it’s only shuttle to the surface, Had-Medeen was joined again by Colonel Akamar and Captain Artis. “We’re ready to go ma’am, coordinates locked to rock.” The Commander of the gunship replied, joining them in the bridge of the ship.

“We’ll keep this quick and formal, and get back to the rest of the fleet before the Aschen notice they’re missing a commanding General.” Had-Medeen replied to the other officers, exchanging salutes with them as the vessel departed the Paradox and landed on the enormous continent below.


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Deep within space, one of the newest Admirals, Wit Skura found himself on his first mission. He stood on the command deck of his ship and staring at the multitude of stars surrounding his ship as he contemplated what he was about to do. The Grand Admiral who ordered him to do this, Leonard, had given him a tough one, especially as a newbie.

Take the battleship he was on and find a minor nation, and bring it to its knees. If he couldn't destroy it, he was to enact Plan B instead. Letting out a deep sigh, Wit gave a nod to the technicians. "We're entering into the planet's atmosphere soon. Men, prepare to jump. Ready your weapons in case of an immediate counterattack." The gunners manned their stations while the men working on the shields set them online.


And just like that, Admiral Wit's ship disappeared from its current position and within a few more seconds it entered into the atmosphere of the planet. "Order a scan of lifeforms on the planet." He shouted out and crossing his arms. The display came up on a hologram, there were none that they could detect on the planet, however lifeforms were being detected above the planet as opposed to on it itself. This is was very confusing, and indicated some sort of anomaly, one much smaller than the 7.5 km battleship. Wit gave the order to scramble the starfighters to investigate these lifeforms. Little did they know there was more to this than they were seeing.

And with that, they would await the diagnostics from the starfighters.


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Victor Ferreira
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Theme: The Monarch-Ending Pledge

It's been a long time coming
I was here a decade ago
They were in the throes
Of change like nobody knows

I saw the king
He stepped up to his little throne
The nobles tossed
And were tossed their little bones

It's like a
Powder keg waiting to explode

You should still feel my resounding echo
I took shape of one of the king's beloved foes
And then the game the started
Here come some long awaited woes


Now here we stand
On the precipice
In the days before
The monarch-ending pledge

We're on the edge
Of the precipice
In the days before
The monarch-ending pledge

It's not a sin
To hate the crown
Now the nobles sign to take him down

We're on the edge
Of the monarch ending pledge

On the edge


I hope the roads don't run red
With blood 'cept for his

But if they do
I'm sure that it's worth some people
Getting hurt for that crown

As we've remolded their minds
And stoked the fire of the town
Now the powder keg will pop
Because of our golden liars
And their golden talk

And soon that crown
Will adorn a new ruler's head
For the last one was taken down
Down with a monarch-ending pledge

And now we're on the edge
Of a new beginning
Of the dawn
Of their ending.

Note: The following note is a copy/paste of the video’s description; please read it: “I wrote and recorded this while sick. I can't sing as well as I could before I was struck my illness. I'm lucky I didn't start hacking. That's why I'm asking you not to judge too harshly. I also didn't memorize the song because I recorded right after I wrote it (I do that sometimes), so that's why I kept looking to that reflection.”

Chatter between the vessels Naval Group #33 about their months-long mission to gain control of the Royal Empire of Mezzadrate with their interspatial primary communications grid was frequent. Encrypted messages were looped through a dimension, and then to its target, it made communications almost immediate and gave a modicum of protection against opponents who would listen or read in, and glean fact from something they should have never had access to. That protection and encryption often didn’t apply for those in the chain of command, as the chatter was being listened to by the commanders and chief councilors of Naval Group #33, and their almond-skinned Admiral, Victor Ferreira. It was standard for commanders, their chief councilors, and the head officer of naval vessels to learn how their crew felt, and though telepathy and empathy were traits imbued in many officers, Admiral Ferreira liked to use an A.I. to scan and detect anything that might prove interesting. Used to scan for threats to Attican Productivities, the A.I. was used by Ferreira so he could see or hear how others felt in wording alongside their thoughts.

An experienced naval officer, Admiral Ferreira knew that people didn’t always say what they felt, and that thoughts sometimes came out differently in writing or speech, and that extra facet to look at this from was why he did this. In the left corner of the second hardlight projected interface was the video message he and his officers were looking at; one of the young ensigns seemed to be worried about returning home to his young wife. Before this video message was played, another crew member had written his third letter to his mother, another letter to his brother, and more to the rest of his closest friends and family - one letter per day, per person, though he admitted he might not be able to manage it.

”The crew is obviously worried about missing their families. It isn’t just the young officers, either. I know this is normal among ships on long missions, but because the rotation of some ships and officers was postponed, I feel as though this should be more seriously addressed. If we had time to let their families board, it would be better, but the ” Councillor Iris Bennet spoke first in her light English accent as she was the councillor of aboard Admiral Ferreira’s ship. Most of the other councillors and their commanders chipped in. It was nearly unanimous that something be done about it.

”You, the other councillors, and the chief medical officers shall figure something out while the mission goes on. Captain Amai, your frigate may now depart from the group to begin the mission.” The Admiral said.

The A.P.S.S. Drunk Monkey under Captain Amai Mikazuki (surname is Amai, first name is Mikazuki) was a marvelous example of Attican technology; the 325 meter long Drunk Monkey was armed to the teeth with weapons, scientific equipment, and the latest technological and superhuman designs of Attican Productivities. An enhanced model Wolverine-class heavy frigate, it had a crew complement of only 82 thanks to automation and drones, and another complement of 4 large drones, and nearly a hundred much, much smaller ones used for multiple purposes, such as investigation, mining, repairs, and sentry work. Sleek like other Attican vessels, it didn’t appear to have any viewing ports (mostly to increase the strength of its hull) and was gorgeous with its dark, dark blue surface, lighter blue accents along the edges, and the ‘flag’ of its company on the left of the vessel. At the center of the ship where most large ‘masts’ would be was a simple point, and the Drunk Monkey, which seemed to be slightly bent in some areas, was one of the prides of Attican design. Using a double-hulled design, a shield generator for each side of the vessel, and the plentiful technologies of Attican Productivities enhanced models, it was seen as superior to the tactical versions of the frigate class sold to customers.

Hidden using dimensional crossover, the Admiral’s hypercarrier and the rest of the 65-ship Naval Group #33, a part of White Fleet 6, were just outside of the star system that Cleo Wright had been in about a decade ago. Ferreira was told that Cleo Wright had been to Mezzadrate as admirals had access to that data, but he wasn’t told that she blended in because of her abilities, instead being told they used cosmetic surgery and DNA mimicry to make her fit in; most everyone knew that Cleo Wright had some sort of magical ability, but she didn’t want them to know the full extent of it yet. Using dimensional crossover as part of their approach stealth technology, the ships were nearly undetectable, being ‘removed’ from this area of space, moved to an artificially created dimension that harmoniously resonated with the dimension the vessel’s originated from, yet allowed to watch events unfold, and use their scanning technology because of this harmonious resonating, and the Drunk Monkey that made a short-ranged jump was no exception. Entering outer orbit around the planet Mezz immediately after exiting its jump, the vessel would take scans of the area, taking note of another vessel of unknown origins that had sent out starfighters. Not knowing the location of the invisible, moving continent of Mezzadrate, the captain and her crew would be patient for the starfighters and their mother ship to leave, or for them to find the continent so that the noble family Malfuseus could have their minds placed under the control of Cleo Wright’s company.


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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#, as written by Rulke
Having been busy studying the incomprehensible schematics for the cities data, the woman was annoyed when there was a knock at her door. Groaning in frustration she spoke in a clipped tone, "Come in." a courier entered with information tube, sighing she shooed them away before playing it. The feed on her screen lit up as she watched the recording, "This is Curt Bavee second in command of the crew at Rarize Space Port. We have picked up two ships near to us and one has sent a contingent to scout. Do we uncloak or not?" well this was unexpected after most see the planet abandoned they rarely continue with any further investigation. Persistent certainly but a problem.

Deciding to cut out a middle man she opened a feed straight to Rarize, "Deactivate the cloak and patch me through to both ships. I wish to address this personally." the person on the other side nodded and immediately set about activating the measure so her voice could be heard clearly by both, "This is Elish Virunok, speaking on behalf of the Virunok Noble Family and Mezzadrate. We demand you reveal your intentions. Be warned any attempt to attack us will be met with resistance. If you comply with this, I shall meet you both at our spaceport. Remember, this is only a courtesy if you test my patience in any way. You will find Mezzadrate while small is very much prepared to fight back." ending her message she prepared the response.

The cloak meanwhile switched from that of invisible to a powerful shield, revealing a great sprawling floating continent, with powerful engines keeping it aloft. It was impressive to see, and it also appeared to have its own eco-system created allowing weather and atmosphere. Truly beautiful and yet nothing like this had been comprehended by human minds.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok Character Portrait: Victor Ferreira
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The starfighters had been travelling at a steady yet quick pace in pursuit of this anomaly they spotted in the middle of space. "Sir." One called out on the comm to Wit Skura. "I don't see anything just yet." The pilot turned to look out one of the side windows of the fighter to his fellow pilots, wondering if they saw anything he didn't. As he was turning his head, he got a gut feeling that caused him to shudder. Like something wasn't right...

Just as this feeling came and passed, the cloak around the continent dissipated as the pilots of the starfighters now pulled up on their controllers, trying to avoid crashing into the shield (or worse yet, crashing into the continent below). Four of the six managed to narrowly avoid the shield, the other two were unfortunate - their reaction time was either two slow, or delayed due to shock as they pelted against the shield in a large explosion for each of them. Had their been no blast of hellish flame from the destroyed vessel, the men could have had a chance of survival out in the void, but alas...all that remained now was dust and screams echoing into nothing.

"Two and Fives? Two and Fives, answer me!" Nothing but dead air greeted Wit as he took in a deep breath. Two men dead on his watch already. Fuck...

As this happened, the intercom opened with a message from the continent below. Wit had the technician accept the incoming broadcast to see what was said. Once it was done, he sent his own message down and trying to keep his voice from shaking after the anger had hit him. "This is Wit Skura of The 6th Order. We are here on our Holy Galactic Quest to rid this here Multiverse of all alien humanoid lifeforms and return it to its former glory. Be aware that any hostile actions against us will be seen as an act of war against The 6th Order."

Being tapped on the shoulder by another technician, he looked to the report. Another ship was nearby, they hadn't determined if it was friendly or not and it hadn't taken any action. Though he wasn't prepared for combat of any sort, Wit let out a heavy sigh and opened up the communication again to the continent below. "I've said what I need to say officially...if this unknown vessel isn't one of your own, we can deal with it for you as an act of reassurance. We do not appreciate people getting in the way of our 'negotiations'."


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Character Portrait: The 6th Order Character Portrait: Elish Virunok
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  1. Kreen helped me write the description for destruction of the ships.

    by Rulke

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Getting no response from the second ship, Elish sent out the command to the technicians to activate the weapon. The secret of Mezzadrate and conceived by her sibling and herself. They were twins, but the weapon was the shield of Mezzadrate, the cloak, the Generators could be modified to unleash targetted vibrations so powerful they tore apart any inorganic or organic matter. The frequency exceeding what a person could handle. Essentially sound was ripping it to pieces. And Elish had given them a warning, they had not listened or even addressed her. The 6th Order would soon see what Mezzadrate was capable of.

Generators spun up a pervasive hum in the underlayer as capacitors charged. Crescendo peaks as coolant systems sprung to life supporting loaded wires and transducers. What little dust lay upon vast networks of conduits between racks tore free. Vibrations dense enough to cavitate light from sheer vacuum poured into them. The stars balanced by careful minds scream at reality from heavy and strong emitters. Vibrations lens that starful light targeted toward the mystery fleet in fleeting sparks.

The invisible wave completely avoided the other ship but lasted mere seconds. Constant construction and deconstruction of vacuum stars emitted vibrations of its own. The pounding shed motes of armor in that first instant like the wave of dust the conduits shrugged off. In the next moment the whole of the metal surface roiled as a violent storm hurling rocks at a still pond. In the peak's moment swelling over target it fractures the whole along every seam. An earthquake in reality that left no two bolts together much less the grains of metal that composed it.

Fleeing bodies seeking shelter found none. Not even escape pods spared as the frequency tore apart anything within range. Skin threw free each cell like the ship's armor they labored under. Blood boiled out of them unable to contain itself. Soon even the blood fell to its components. Each cavitation star a tiny supernova scattering metal and steel alike.

If could be sound among such a destroying wave it would be clanging and clashing of metal as parts lost hold of one another. Containers of many things rent entirely by the vibrations which buckled and crippled each bolt in the core of the ship. Each peal of transient stars crushing or completely disincorporating what remained of the second ship. Nothing of them or their inhabitants were spared.

Once finished and the scans showed nothing there she sent patch through to the second ship, "As stated we are well prepared for anything. If you promise to respect our Sovereignty and bring no one but a small detachment of soldiers to protect your Ambassador you can land in our spaceport. If you try anything, be warned we have means to show you what we are capable of and what you witnessed is merely one." pausing she checked the monitor, "I shall inform our King guests should be expected and you have permission to land. Welcome to Mezzadrate and please don't be alarmed by our actions today. You shall learn when you come down why we are so aggressive. Also apologies for your airmen. Sadly to keep this place secret we must keep the cloak on." closing the intercom she immediately prepared an urgent message to send through the service tubes for the King.


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Admiral Wit gulped heavily as he saw the remains of the other ship flying through space. The 6th Order had contingency plans upon contingency plans, especially for situations like these...Receiving the transmission, Wit was quick to respond over the comm. "Very well, Mazzadrinians. We will be landing shortly." Once done on the comms he took a step back from the front console, looking down to the engineers on the vessel. Many of them were volunteers, some were drafted. Most did their work diligently and with little question as to the higher up's intents.

Walking down from the bridge as the ship began to land, Wit wiped a bit of sweat that had been forming over his brow and trailing down his face. His most trusted adviser, Mark Yancy, at his side. "Mark", Wit began as he drew heavy and nervous breaths. "Prime the ship for Plan 01A, 5 minutes."

Mark gave Wit a look for a moment, and raised an eyebrow. "Plan 01A? Are you positive?"

"Absolutely positive..." Wit replied, the cruiser touching down and landing. Once there, he gave a solute to Yancy. Wit would stall for the time while Plan 01A took effect. Having landed, the ship's door opened for its Admiral to come out and see those who would be willing to greet him at his ship. They just needed to bide their time for a few minutes before the plan went off.


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#, as written by Awinita
Not many things could survive hyperspace without he right kind of hull, but that is what the Viper series of probe droids were designed for, mapping hyperlanes, finding new planets, the works

Most of the type the probotes found barren worlds, gas giants, or even dead ships in the uncharted reaches of space. But this was different. As it came in contact of the Mezzadrate system the single droid bain began making numbers, elemental variations, climate breathablity, the works.

It came across the ruins of a vessel or two before going right for the continet itself, slamming into a small hilly somewhat wooded area and leaving a brief hole the probot lifted off the ground on its repularlift generator, a disorted garbeled gibberish echoed from it as it moved through the wooded landscape mapping everything of its track, telemtry, and geolocation in the galaxy.

It came upon a guardhouse, floating a half meter off the ground, the squidlike metal thing whislted and beeped at the sole occupant of the lodging. "//You = ask question// VP2096 = on what planet ?"

The man briefly confused somehow understood the probot and said simply "you are on a wonderful continet of Mezzadrate."

The Droid spun its head confused briefly as it contemplated this news. So uit had arrived. Finally modulating its voice to speak basic, though heavily computerised, the droid said simply "//To you = thank you. You = answer good, Me = second question. Nearest population center = Where from here ?" A map dish floated from its top, taking in the local radar frequencies as the droid made its query. And once the man replied the droid thanked him and floated off. Clearly curious about where it landed

Meteor materializes from the void.
Meteor vanishes into nothingness, but you get the feeling they are heading somewhere else.